about 30 minute later the gang came into the hospital
Ozzy: Hey, girl! Thank Frank ur OK. Where's the baby girl?
Illust: Right there. Not too loud, she's sleeping
Holly smacked her lips in her sleep as she was dreaming of drinking milk
Thrax purred "shes purdy like you Illust"
Leilani would walk to the incubator "so small, but soo Beautiful"
*Jet&Jazz were a little nervous n worried as to why they cant hold their sister n why their sister was in there*
Olivia looked at her pressing her face at the glass glad grandpa was near "so why she gotta be dere?"
Ozzy: She's born a little early than she should, sweetie. She has to be there to be able to grow properly
Miracle: Aww, so we can't hold her yet?
Olivia frowned "Mir, shell break if we do" she looked worried at Holly
Ozzy: Dont worry, she'll pull thru. She's a tough little sucker *smiled* Just like her mother
Illust: *smiled sadly*
Dex felt her pain and kissed her cheek
Olivia opened her mouth and began to sing to the baby
Miracle: *joined in her singing, harmoniously lulling her*
Holly yawned in her sleep enjoying the music
THrax held Ozzy smiling
Ozzy: *smiled too, watching his twins trying their best to soothe the baby*
Holly looked comforted
Dex grabbed his boys to show them their new sister
Jet: *looks in* She's so pretty, bt so small~
Jazz nods "she looks like mommy, like a lot"
Jet: Wat's her name, Daddy?
Dex smiled "Holly, Holly Angelica Venom"
Jet: Vry beautiful name, Daddy. I love it
Illust: *smiled* Thanks, ur so sweet
Jazz nodded "Terrific"
Bree wiggled her arms towards her moma
Spryman: *was carrying her* Oh, u wanna be wiht ur Mom? *passes her to him*
Dakara: Aww, u miss Mommy? *carries her*
Bree giggled "baby" she thought nuzzling his chest "momma baby!"
Dakara: *blushed* H...How did u knw...?
Klepta: Woah! Pops, ur knocked up again?
Leilina chuckled "congrats"
Bree points to her nose area and giggled "Olivia and Mir showed me the diffrence scents"
Holly "Momma..." in her mind
Julius: Woah, u do realize tht u hv a tendency to get knocked up wen someone's just gave birth
Illust: *heard Holly n turned to her* Hey princess *caressing the incubator*
Amber would nudge Jules "Hon thats rude!" she pouted
Holly blinked hearing her momma "mommy?" she turned her head to her
Julius: I was just being honest
Dakara: *laughs humorously* He's right, now tht he mentions it
Illust: Hey, sweetie. Ur grandpa is here to help u let me hear u *smiled* Dont move too much, princess. Ur not strong yet
Holly yawned "but i can turn my head to look at you?" she wanted to see her
Illust: Of course u can, sweetie. Dex, c'mere with the twins, our princess wants to see us
Dex moved over to sit by Illusts feet with the boys
Holly giggled in her head "daddy is red"
Illust: Haha, yeah, Daddy is a muscle cell, tht's why. N look, these r u brothers Jet n Jazz
Jet: *waved at her* Hi~
Jazz giggled waving "hewoo"
Holly smiled "Hewoo brothers, am holly"
Jet: We knw, we look so forward to meet u~
Holly giggled then her eyes shifted around looking at everyone else curiously and one by one they were introducing themselves to little holly
Ozzy: *waved at Holly* Hi, I'm ur aunty, sorta, n here's ur cousins *show her Olivia n Miracle*
Miracle: Hi, hi~
Olivia giggled and waved "Hello"
Holly smiled "you sang to me"
Miracle: *grins* Yup, we did. Hope it made u feel better
Holly giggled "yes thank you"
Thrax smiled "Im your uncle, im kinda a Virus"
Holly rolled her eyes "im a germ! and a Venom1"
Leilina picked up Nikkita and walked to the glass
Nikkita: *waved* Hi~ I'm Nikkita, ur direct cousin
Klepta: Hey, virus uncle here too~ Klepta is the name
Holly blinked "YOur a smart ass" talking about Klepta
Leilani was shaking so hard holding in her laughter "I-im Leilina im a Virus as well and carring your next cousin"
Klepta: *pouts n raised a brow* Hn, just as snappy as her mother
Julius: *waves* Hey, I'm Uncle Julius n this is ur Aunty Amber, n ur cousin Amethyst aka Amy
Amber smiled at her
Amy pressed her face to the glass making a funny face
Holly laughed in her mind
Illust: *points* Tht one sitting dwn there is ur gramps Dakara n John, n ur aunty Brianna aka Bree
Bree giggled "baby!" points to the incubator and her moms belly
Illust: *giggled* Yes, n ur nxt uncle/aunt in there too
Ozzy: U got a vry big family, sweetheart
Spryman: Hey, dont forget me too~
Leilani chuckled "well stop hiding and get your ass over here Boy"
Holly looked at Paul and blushed heavly
Spryman: *smiled dwn at her* Hey, my name is Paul. Ur adopted cousin, bt ur cousin all the same
Holly stared at him "Pretty"
Spryman: *blushed a little* W-Wat...?
Illust: *chuckles* Looks like our princess has a crush on him
*the twins Snipes n Sniper came close to the incubator n waved quietly at her, hand in hand*
Holly saw them but was staring at Paul
Illust: *gestures to the twins* This is Snipes n Sniper. They're ur gramps' old acquaintance, bt they're officially family now
Spryman: *got a little shy n went behind his mother*
Leilina would rub his head "aww your shy from a baby?"
Sniper would blush slightly
Spryman: *pouts, refusing to answer tht*
Snipes: *smiled dwn at Holly n had one hand on his belly to tell her she'll be expecting another addition too*
Holly giggled "Boy"
Snipes: *blushed* W...Wat...?
Holly sniffed the air "boy"
Olivia nodded "shes right, thats a boy in there"
Snipes: *blushed evn harder*
Julius: Nice~ She's learnt Olivia's skill too, tho I'm surprised she can smell thru the incubator
Holly giggled "Actually i can see the baby" her eyes slightly glittered
Illust: Ehh? Tht's interesting
Holly giggled "Mommys gonna be fine, mommy can give me another sister or brother"
Dex blushed
Illust: *blushed* Wait ovr there, little princess. One step at a time. Time for ur diaper change, n ur going bk to sleep, u need ur rest *does her thing*
Holly yawned "nyuu sleeeeee zzzz"
Illust: *finished cleaning her rump n changing the new diaper, then patted her butt gently, humming her to sleep*
Holly was fast asleep
Illust: *feels a little tired too n yawned*
Dex kissed her cheek "sleep my love"
Illust: *nods n climbed bk in bed, dozing off slowly*
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 130-Meeting the New Princess
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 129-An Early Surprise
John held Dakara stroking his hair "poor dex i hope everythings okay"
Dakara; I'll go chk on him n see *gets up n peeks into the room* Hey, Dex? Evrything alright? How's the baby?
Dex would sigh "Shes alive but in an incubator, its my fault this happened"
Dakara: Why would u say tht?
"I kinda roughed sexed her from what the Dr said"
Dakara: Oh dear. Dont blame urself. These things happen. Just think of the bright side, tht ur baby survived. So wat's her name?
"Holly" he held illusts hand rubbing his thumb across her hand
John walked over and rubbed his back
Dakara: A vry nice name. Still, this is a good day. Congratulations
Dex smiled "thanks..."
Dakara: *smiled bk, then felt a little off, putting his hand on his mouth, cringing*
John looked at him "Daki?"
Dakara: I...I'm OK, I just need to sit dwn *sat dwn on the ward couch*
John went to him and sat on his knees "whats wrong?"
Dakara: I dunno. Feel a little... *his words were interrupted wen a nurse came in with IV drips for Illust*
Nurse: *connects the IV drips to Illust, then took one look at Dakara n smiled* Morning sickness getting to u, luv? We hv some sour drops for u if u want
Johns jaw dropped "w-what"
Dakara: *his eyes widened too*
Nurse: Oh, u didnt knw? Sorry, bt I thought u knew. I can tell frm one glance
John fainted suddenly
Dakara: Ack! Jonnie!
Nurse: Oh boy, they always do tht *gives John some smelling salts
John woke up "IM A DAD AGAIN!"
Dakara: *blushed n starts to cry happy tears* Its a bit sooner than we expected, Bree will be so happy
John pulled Dakara down on the ground with a big make out session on the hospital floor
Nurse; Oh my *blushed n walked out*
Dakara: Nnnhh~!! *tries to push him away* Nnhh~ *feels a little sick*
John held him over the trash can rubbing his back smiling kissing his cheek
Dakara: *dry heaved a few times, spitting out bile n saliva* Ugh, great, the "best" part
Illust: *had slowly awaken frm the commotion* Nnhh...?
John got up and ran to get him some juice, to have something in his stomach
Dex smiled "Hey sweetie, how u feeling?"
Illust: *winced* A little sore...Nnnhh...W...Where's Holly...? Where's our princess...?
Dex points the the incubator over to the left of her "shes right there sleeping"
Illust: *turns to see the incubator n caressed the glass* I wish I could hold her *looks a little sad*
Dex kisses her "well its about feeding time, you didnt nurse her, you fainted"
Illust: *nods n took her out gently, afraid tht she would break or something, keeping the tubes on her n undid her shirt to feed her*
Holly latched quickly and gripped her top a she nursed hungrly
Illust: *smiled* Well, at least she's got a good appetite *sees Dakara laying on the couch recovering frm morning sickness* Hey, Dakara. U OK?
John sighed "we have another one" rubbing Dakis belly
Holly was sucking so hard her cheeks sunk in
Illust: *it stung a little n pried her mouth a little to loosen her up* Easy, princess, easy...Ur hurting mommy
Hollys eyes saying "sorry mommy" as she began to nurse properly and gripped mommas finger as if she didnt want to let it go
Illust: *smiled n let her nurse some more* I'm so glad she's OK. I was so worried. N congrats, Dakara, John! Tht was pretty quick, u guys *laughs*
John blushed "it was unplanned but we are very happy"
Dakara: *smiled n nodded*
Illust: Tht is amazing. Congrats to u guys. Ooh~ John, u dawg~ *teased him*
John blushed "Hey now" his ears were red too even though hes orange
Dex chuckled
Illust: *noticed Holly finished feeding n burped her*
Holly did a good size burp
Illust: *kissed her forehead n puts her bk into the incubator* I think the gang should come ovr. Jet n Jazz might wanna see their sister
John nodded poppoing out his cell calling everyone in
Dakara; I'll go chk on him n see *gets up n peeks into the room* Hey, Dex? Evrything alright? How's the baby?
Dex would sigh "Shes alive but in an incubator, its my fault this happened"
Dakara: Why would u say tht?
"I kinda roughed sexed her from what the Dr said"
Dakara: Oh dear. Dont blame urself. These things happen. Just think of the bright side, tht ur baby survived. So wat's her name?
"Holly" he held illusts hand rubbing his thumb across her hand
John walked over and rubbed his back
Dakara: A vry nice name. Still, this is a good day. Congratulations
Dex smiled "thanks..."
Dakara: *smiled bk, then felt a little off, putting his hand on his mouth, cringing*
John looked at him "Daki?"
Dakara: I...I'm OK, I just need to sit dwn *sat dwn on the ward couch*
John went to him and sat on his knees "whats wrong?"
Dakara: I dunno. Feel a little... *his words were interrupted wen a nurse came in with IV drips for Illust*
Nurse: *connects the IV drips to Illust, then took one look at Dakara n smiled* Morning sickness getting to u, luv? We hv some sour drops for u if u want
Johns jaw dropped "w-what"
Dakara: *his eyes widened too*
Nurse: Oh, u didnt knw? Sorry, bt I thought u knew. I can tell frm one glance
John fainted suddenly
Dakara: Ack! Jonnie!
Nurse: Oh boy, they always do tht *gives John some smelling salts
John woke up "IM A DAD AGAIN!"
Dakara: *blushed n starts to cry happy tears* Its a bit sooner than we expected, Bree will be so happy
John pulled Dakara down on the ground with a big make out session on the hospital floor
Nurse; Oh my *blushed n walked out*
Dakara: Nnnhh~!! *tries to push him away* Nnhh~ *feels a little sick*
John held him over the trash can rubbing his back smiling kissing his cheek
Dakara: *dry heaved a few times, spitting out bile n saliva* Ugh, great, the "best" part
Illust: *had slowly awaken frm the commotion* Nnhh...?
John got up and ran to get him some juice, to have something in his stomach
Dex smiled "Hey sweetie, how u feeling?"
Illust: *winced* A little sore...Nnnhh...W...Where's Holly...? Where's our princess...?
Dex points the the incubator over to the left of her "shes right there sleeping"
Illust: *turns to see the incubator n caressed the glass* I wish I could hold her *looks a little sad*
Dex kisses her "well its about feeding time, you didnt nurse her, you fainted"
Illust: *nods n took her out gently, afraid tht she would break or something, keeping the tubes on her n undid her shirt to feed her*
Holly latched quickly and gripped her top a she nursed hungrly
Illust: *smiled* Well, at least she's got a good appetite *sees Dakara laying on the couch recovering frm morning sickness* Hey, Dakara. U OK?
John sighed "we have another one" rubbing Dakis belly
Holly was sucking so hard her cheeks sunk in
Illust: *it stung a little n pried her mouth a little to loosen her up* Easy, princess, easy...Ur hurting mommy
Hollys eyes saying "sorry mommy" as she began to nurse properly and gripped mommas finger as if she didnt want to let it go
Illust: *smiled n let her nurse some more* I'm so glad she's OK. I was so worried. N congrats, Dakara, John! Tht was pretty quick, u guys *laughs*
John blushed "it was unplanned but we are very happy"
Dakara: *smiled n nodded*
Illust: Tht is amazing. Congrats to u guys. Ooh~ John, u dawg~ *teased him*
John blushed "Hey now" his ears were red too even though hes orange
Dex chuckled
Illust: *noticed Holly finished feeding n burped her*
Holly did a good size burp
Illust: *kissed her forehead n puts her bk into the incubator* I think the gang should come ovr. Jet n Jazz might wanna see their sister
John nodded poppoing out his cell calling everyone in
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 128-Mr Stork Came Early
*the group spent their long honeymoon together in bird city, enjoying each other's company immensely, n Spryman ended up in charge of babysitting the kids n sleeping wtih them throughout the honeymoon. Tho soon the fun was ovr n it was time to get moving to a different city*
Leilina would streatch "that was wonderful" her baby bump looked exposed
Klepta: Mmhh *wrapped his arms ard her n caressed her baby bump* Nice n round, n ur looking sexy as evr
Leilina blushed pinching his cheek "dont teas me"
Klepta; *chuckles* I'm not. U reli look sexy *kissed her cheek*
Leilani would smile and purr
Illust: *was packing up the last few bits to prepare to get ready to leave the city*
Dex smiled "need help?"
Illust: Naw, its OK, I'm good. U done packing ur stuff?
Dex nodded "yes" holding up the duffle bag and kissed her shoulder
Illust: *chuckles then felt a bit of a twinge of pain inside her, wincing a little*
Dex blinked "Love"
Illust: *whimpered* S-Something...Something's wrong... *sees herself bleeding btwn her legs* Oh...Oh Frank...!!
Dex yelped and swooped her up "HELP!" he screamed runnignd own the steps and out side "DOCTOR DOCTOR!"
John heard Dex yelled as he was packing the car
Dakara; *hears him too n came out* Wat's wrong, Dex?
Dex was running "Illust bleeding!" he began running fracticly down the street
John gasped and chased him "dex DEX!"
Dakara: Hold up, Dex! Lets haul a cab to get her to the hospital! *hauls one dwn to stop before Dex*
Illust: *whimpered n sobbed, bleeding evn more*
Dex hopped in along with John and Dakara as they rush to the hospital, Dex was stroking her hair he taken off his shirt to place between her legs "shh shh its okay"
Dakara; Take it easy, Illust, just breathe
Illust: *tries to, bt whimpers as another shot of pain hit*
Dex felt the pain and whimpered as he felt his insides turn as he began to cry for her
*they reached to the nearest hospital n enters the emergency center*
Dex was running in and pushing her through the crowd into the emergancy room who instantly took her in
Illust: *whimpered* M...My baby...My baby...!!
Doctor: *chked her* Looks like ur baby is gonna come super early. Ur gonna hv to push
Illust: W-Wha...? N-No, no, pls...!
Dex looks at her "hon you gotta, please jsut do it, the baby will die if you dont"
Illust: *sobs n started pushing*
Doc: Tht's good, keep it up, its coming out fast
Illust: *pushed a little bit n shook her head again, doesnt want to do this, worried tht the baby might be dead*
Dex would kiss her head feeling her pain crying holding her hand "i know your scared hon but we gotta, she may be suffocating please push her out"
Illust: *sobs n slowly pushed dwn as hard as she could*
Doc: Almost there, just one more push, gently now
Illust: *does so, pushed dwn until the baby slid out of her*
Doc: *catches the baby* There ya go, its a girl. I need a resuscitator here! *calls out to his assistant*
The assistant ran in "yes sir?"
Doc: We got a premature birth. Resuscitator, now! N bring in the incubator! *massaged the baby's bk to try n get her to breathe*
The nurses bring the incubator quickly
The little baby was breathing but crying was hard for her as she tried to push it out but something was stuck
Doc: *sees tht her airway was clogged with amniotic fluid n the cord was slightly ard her neck, n he quickly removed it n pump out the fluid frm her throat* C'mon, sweetie. U can do it. Breathe, breathe *pumped n clapped her bk more*
The baby coughed then began to cry, it was powerful but slightly soft but enough to tell that she was okay*
Illust: *burst into tears of relief* Ooh...Oh, my baby...My little princess... *wants to reach for her*
Doc: Sorry, ma'am. She needs to be incubated right now. U can only take her out for feeding *cleans the baby n wraps her up, then puts her inside the incubator n connects a breathing tube n some others on her*
Illust: *sobs* Oh Frank...Its my fault...Oh Frank...
Dex would kiss her head "No no its not, dont cry Illust please?"
The Nurse came back with some papers "so Miss, what will you name your new daughter?" she tried to keep a happy smile
Illust: *sobs a little, tries to calm dwn, then whimpered* Holly. I wanna name her Holly
The nurse wrote it down "holly, Wonderful. Middle names?"
Dex looked at her wondering if he could
Illust: *nods, burying her face on his chest, still crying*
Dex rubbed her back "Angelica"
The nurse smield and wrote it down, "so Holly Angelica Venom"
Illust: *had cried herself to sleep in Dex's arms*
Doc: *chked Illust's vitals* She's lost a bit of blood, bt nothing too serious. Try to keep her in bedrest for at least a week, dont let her move ard too much *cleaned Illust up n wheeled her to a ward room*
Dex followed not letting go of her hand, he hated feeling everything she felt cause he felt he wanted to die, but he tried to send positive thoughts to his new wife
Doc: *settled her in, then gestured Dex to talk somewhere private*
Dex followed him
Doc: Were u two recently engaged in vigorous sexual intercourse?
Dex blink "well i didnt think it was that Vigorus"
Doc: Well, unfortunately it did, just a little. I think tht's wat caused the premature birth. U cant hv too much vigorous sex wen ur wife is still in early stages of pregnancy
Dex frowned "im sorry" he felt bad
Doc: Its alright. It happens sometimes. Its not entirely ur fault. Wat's important is tht ur child is alive, tht counts *patted his shoulder n left*
Dex went to Illust sighing
Leilina would streatch "that was wonderful" her baby bump looked exposed
Klepta: Mmhh *wrapped his arms ard her n caressed her baby bump* Nice n round, n ur looking sexy as evr
Leilina blushed pinching his cheek "dont teas me"
Klepta; *chuckles* I'm not. U reli look sexy *kissed her cheek*
Leilani would smile and purr
Illust: *was packing up the last few bits to prepare to get ready to leave the city*
Dex smiled "need help?"
Illust: Naw, its OK, I'm good. U done packing ur stuff?
Dex nodded "yes" holding up the duffle bag and kissed her shoulder
Illust: *chuckles then felt a bit of a twinge of pain inside her, wincing a little*
Dex blinked "Love"
Illust: *whimpered* S-Something...Something's wrong... *sees herself bleeding btwn her legs* Oh...Oh Frank...!!
Dex yelped and swooped her up "HELP!" he screamed runnignd own the steps and out side "DOCTOR DOCTOR!"
John heard Dex yelled as he was packing the car
Dakara; *hears him too n came out* Wat's wrong, Dex?
Dex was running "Illust bleeding!" he began running fracticly down the street
John gasped and chased him "dex DEX!"
Dakara: Hold up, Dex! Lets haul a cab to get her to the hospital! *hauls one dwn to stop before Dex*
Illust: *whimpered n sobbed, bleeding evn more*
Dex hopped in along with John and Dakara as they rush to the hospital, Dex was stroking her hair he taken off his shirt to place between her legs "shh shh its okay"
Dakara; Take it easy, Illust, just breathe
Illust: *tries to, bt whimpers as another shot of pain hit*
Dex felt the pain and whimpered as he felt his insides turn as he began to cry for her
*they reached to the nearest hospital n enters the emergency center*
Dex was running in and pushing her through the crowd into the emergancy room who instantly took her in
Illust: *whimpered* M...My baby...My baby...!!
Doctor: *chked her* Looks like ur baby is gonna come super early. Ur gonna hv to push
Illust: W-Wha...? N-No, no, pls...!
Dex looks at her "hon you gotta, please jsut do it, the baby will die if you dont"
Illust: *sobs n started pushing*
Doc: Tht's good, keep it up, its coming out fast
Illust: *pushed a little bit n shook her head again, doesnt want to do this, worried tht the baby might be dead*
Dex would kiss her head feeling her pain crying holding her hand "i know your scared hon but we gotta, she may be suffocating please push her out"
Illust: *sobs n slowly pushed dwn as hard as she could*
Doc: Almost there, just one more push, gently now
Illust: *does so, pushed dwn until the baby slid out of her*
Doc: *catches the baby* There ya go, its a girl. I need a resuscitator here! *calls out to his assistant*
The assistant ran in "yes sir?"
Doc: We got a premature birth. Resuscitator, now! N bring in the incubator! *massaged the baby's bk to try n get her to breathe*
The nurses bring the incubator quickly
The little baby was breathing but crying was hard for her as she tried to push it out but something was stuck
Doc: *sees tht her airway was clogged with amniotic fluid n the cord was slightly ard her neck, n he quickly removed it n pump out the fluid frm her throat* C'mon, sweetie. U can do it. Breathe, breathe *pumped n clapped her bk more*
The baby coughed then began to cry, it was powerful but slightly soft but enough to tell that she was okay*
Illust: *burst into tears of relief* Ooh...Oh, my baby...My little princess... *wants to reach for her*
Doc: Sorry, ma'am. She needs to be incubated right now. U can only take her out for feeding *cleans the baby n wraps her up, then puts her inside the incubator n connects a breathing tube n some others on her*
Illust: *sobs* Oh Frank...Its my fault...Oh Frank...
Dex would kiss her head "No no its not, dont cry Illust please?"
The Nurse came back with some papers "so Miss, what will you name your new daughter?" she tried to keep a happy smile
Illust: *sobs a little, tries to calm dwn, then whimpered* Holly. I wanna name her Holly
The nurse wrote it down "holly, Wonderful. Middle names?"
Dex looked at her wondering if he could
Illust: *nods, burying her face on his chest, still crying*
Dex rubbed her back "Angelica"
The nurse smield and wrote it down, "so Holly Angelica Venom"
Illust: *had cried herself to sleep in Dex's arms*
Doc: *chked Illust's vitals* She's lost a bit of blood, bt nothing too serious. Try to keep her in bedrest for at least a week, dont let her move ard too much *cleaned Illust up n wheeled her to a ward room*
Dex followed not letting go of her hand, he hated feeling everything she felt cause he felt he wanted to die, but he tried to send positive thoughts to his new wife
Doc: *settled her in, then gestured Dex to talk somewhere private*
Dex followed him
Doc: Were u two recently engaged in vigorous sexual intercourse?
Dex blink "well i didnt think it was that Vigorus"
Doc: Well, unfortunately it did, just a little. I think tht's wat caused the premature birth. U cant hv too much vigorous sex wen ur wife is still in early stages of pregnancy
Dex frowned "im sorry" he felt bad
Doc: Its alright. It happens sometimes. Its not entirely ur fault. Wat's important is tht ur child is alive, tht counts *patted his shoulder n left*
Dex went to Illust sighing
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 127-Kiddies Night
Olivia tugged on Pauls hair looking at him
Spryman: Ouch~ Wat is it? If its going bk to ur folks, not tonight. Tonight we kids stick together in one room
Olivia giggled "Nyuu Wub joo! (No, love you!)"
Spryman: *laughs* Love u too, sweetie. Alright, guys, time for bath. U all stay here while I'll fill the tub n we can all squeeze in together *goes to the bathroom to draw the bath, which was huge, like a mini-swimming pool*
The girls were already helping each other take off their clothes along witht he boys
Spryman: *helped Bree, who's still a baby, to take off her clothes* Alright, evryone, climb into the tub. Be careful now, dont slip
Everyone giggling climbing into the tub
Bree smiled at Paul
Spryman: *carried Bree n lowered himself into the tub* Someone get the bubble bath bottle n squeeze it into the tub
Amy would lean over getting it and squeezed a hand full into the tub :BUBBLES!"
Spryman: *laughs* Yup, bubbles. Now evryone mix the bath together to make bubbles!
Everyone began to splash and wiggle making bubbles
Olivia was humming a happy song
Miracle: *went under the tub n came out with bubbles on his head, making a monster growl* Rarr~
Jet: *giggled at him*
Jazz would draw a mustace upon his face
Bree would make a mohawk on paul
Spryman: *laughs* Ahaha~! *made a pair of kitty ears on Bree*
Bree would giggle and put a clow nose on paul
Jet&Miracle: *tries to scare each other with their Jaws n sea monsters tactics*
Olivia would hum the jaws toon
Miracle: *comes out as sea monster* Mwarraarr~
Jet: *comes out as Jaws* Rarrhhghh~ *uses his arms to mimic jaws snapping*
Spryman: *laughed at their antics*
Jazz yelped and squealed with giggled
Olivia would pounce her brother giggling
Spryman: *laughs* Alright, times to properly clean up. Come one by one for me to wash ur hair
Oliva came first cause her hair was the longest so far
Spryman: *washed her hair thoroughly with shampoo, then rinses it* There, done, nxt~
Amy: *came ovr nxt to be washed*
Spryman: *worked on hers*
Bree came next
Spryman: *clean hers*
*the boys came nxt, starting with Miracle, then Jet*
Olivia would be wading in the water happly
Spryman: *finished the others* C'mon, Jazz. Ur the last one
Jazz crawled to paul and sat upon his lap
Spryman: *washed his hair, then rinsed it* There, all done. Alright, kids, time to pull the plug n get rinsed now. Its way past ur bedtime *turns on the showerhead*
All the babies yawned "nyuu sweepy!: they complained
Spryman: Oh yes u r, come on *unplugged the tub n rinsed the bubble bath soap off all the kids, then wrapped them up in towels* Off to get dressed n beddy-bye *carries them all in his arms to the bed*
They all whined not wanting to go to bed but they were yawning
Spryman: Not gonna work on me, kiddos *wiped them dwn till they're dried n dressed them one by one, he then grabbed a few extra mattresses n pillows n lay them in bed, n made bottles of milk for them to drink while humming them all to sleep*
They drank the milk looking more and more sleepy and one by one whey they finished they fell asleep
Spryman: *smiled n removed all the milk bottles frm their mouths, replacing it with pacifiers n tucked them in before climbing into bed with Nikkitta who's sleeping with him coz they're sibs*
Nikkita would be snoring
Spryman: Ouch~ Wat is it? If its going bk to ur folks, not tonight. Tonight we kids stick together in one room
Olivia giggled "Nyuu Wub joo! (No, love you!)"
Spryman: *laughs* Love u too, sweetie. Alright, guys, time for bath. U all stay here while I'll fill the tub n we can all squeeze in together *goes to the bathroom to draw the bath, which was huge, like a mini-swimming pool*
The girls were already helping each other take off their clothes along witht he boys
Spryman: *helped Bree, who's still a baby, to take off her clothes* Alright, evryone, climb into the tub. Be careful now, dont slip
Everyone giggling climbing into the tub
Bree smiled at Paul
Spryman: *carried Bree n lowered himself into the tub* Someone get the bubble bath bottle n squeeze it into the tub
Amy would lean over getting it and squeezed a hand full into the tub :BUBBLES!"
Spryman: *laughs* Yup, bubbles. Now evryone mix the bath together to make bubbles!
Everyone began to splash and wiggle making bubbles
Olivia was humming a happy song
Miracle: *went under the tub n came out with bubbles on his head, making a monster growl* Rarr~
Jet: *giggled at him*
Jazz would draw a mustace upon his face
Bree would make a mohawk on paul
Spryman: *laughs* Ahaha~! *made a pair of kitty ears on Bree*
Bree would giggle and put a clow nose on paul
Jet&Miracle: *tries to scare each other with their Jaws n sea monsters tactics*
Olivia would hum the jaws toon
Miracle: *comes out as sea monster* Mwarraarr~
Jet: *comes out as Jaws* Rarrhhghh~ *uses his arms to mimic jaws snapping*
Spryman: *laughed at their antics*
Jazz yelped and squealed with giggled
Olivia would pounce her brother giggling
Spryman: *laughs* Alright, times to properly clean up. Come one by one for me to wash ur hair
Oliva came first cause her hair was the longest so far
Spryman: *washed her hair thoroughly with shampoo, then rinses it* There, done, nxt~
Amy: *came ovr nxt to be washed*
Spryman: *worked on hers*
Bree came next
Spryman: *clean hers*
*the boys came nxt, starting with Miracle, then Jet*
Olivia would be wading in the water happly
Spryman: *finished the others* C'mon, Jazz. Ur the last one
Jazz crawled to paul and sat upon his lap
Spryman: *washed his hair, then rinsed it* There, all done. Alright, kids, time to pull the plug n get rinsed now. Its way past ur bedtime *turns on the showerhead*
All the babies yawned "nyuu sweepy!: they complained
Spryman: Oh yes u r, come on *unplugged the tub n rinsed the bubble bath soap off all the kids, then wrapped them up in towels* Off to get dressed n beddy-bye *carries them all in his arms to the bed*
They all whined not wanting to go to bed but they were yawning
Spryman: Not gonna work on me, kiddos *wiped them dwn till they're dried n dressed them one by one, he then grabbed a few extra mattresses n pillows n lay them in bed, n made bottles of milk for them to drink while humming them all to sleep*
They drank the milk looking more and more sleepy and one by one whey they finished they fell asleep
Spryman: *smiled n removed all the milk bottles frm their mouths, replacing it with pacifiers n tucked them in before climbing into bed with Nikkitta who's sleeping with him coz they're sibs*
Nikkita would be snoring
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 126-Mind-Blowing Night as Husband and Wife
Leilani giggled as she kissed her new husband
Klepta: *kissed her bk as he ran his hands along Lei's baby bump*
Lei smiled happly as was hard rubbing agenst him
Klepta; Mmmhh, getting horny, arent we?
Leilina pured "only for you" rubbing his ass
Klepta: I'd like to get a little bit more kinky with u first *whips out a dildo he was hiding under his shirt, licking it till it was wet, then stuffed it into Lei's ass, then took out another one slightly smaller n thinner, then pushed it into Lei's pussy, before entering his cock into the pussy as well, giving her triple penetration, turning on the toys n started fucking her in her dress*
She yelped and whines "ooh ooh fuck fuck!!" she moaned
Klepta: Ooh yes, didnt think I had it with me, eh? I'm gonna make u come like crazy tonight *fucking her deeper n deeper until he found her G-spot*
She moaned "ahh ahh love!!" she arched "ooh fuck babe yes!" she began to jerk herself off moaning
Klepta; *kept hitting tht spot, ravishing it like there's no tomorrow, groaning n growling with pleasure*
Leilani would arch and gripp his Dreds with one hand her other working herself "ooh ooh fuck fuck!! Oh babe your cock your cgonna!!!" she arches cumming from all three places, he cock pussy and ass
Klepta: *groaned at the tightening bt held bk his orgasms, fucking her evn harder to try n get her to come again*
Leilina gasped "AHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" she was so sensitvie and came again
Klepta: Ooh yeah, I bet u wanna come again thru ur cock, eh? Come ovr here n get me, make me come frm ur cock
Leilani would smirk and pounce him and thrust into his ass
Klepta: Aagghh!! F-Fuck~!! So big...!! Ooh yes...!!
Leilani layed down and thrusted upinto him "you like that my love?"
Klepta: Ooh yes, like tht, my little flower, yess!! Make me come frm ur cock *bobbed up n dwn along her cock*
Leilani moaned thrusting deeper and deeper
Klepta: Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna COME!!! *came long n hard, squirting all ovr Lei's dress n baby bump*
Leilani moaned cumming deep into Klepta
Klepta: *kissed her bk as he ran his hands along Lei's baby bump*
Lei smiled happly as was hard rubbing agenst him
Klepta; Mmmhh, getting horny, arent we?
Leilina pured "only for you" rubbing his ass
Klepta: I'd like to get a little bit more kinky with u first *whips out a dildo he was hiding under his shirt, licking it till it was wet, then stuffed it into Lei's ass, then took out another one slightly smaller n thinner, then pushed it into Lei's pussy, before entering his cock into the pussy as well, giving her triple penetration, turning on the toys n started fucking her in her dress*
She yelped and whines "ooh ooh fuck fuck!!" she moaned
Klepta: Ooh yes, didnt think I had it with me, eh? I'm gonna make u come like crazy tonight *fucking her deeper n deeper until he found her G-spot*
She moaned "ahh ahh love!!" she arched "ooh fuck babe yes!" she began to jerk herself off moaning
Klepta; *kept hitting tht spot, ravishing it like there's no tomorrow, groaning n growling with pleasure*
Leilani would arch and gripp his Dreds with one hand her other working herself "ooh ooh fuck fuck!! Oh babe your cock your cgonna!!!" she arches cumming from all three places, he cock pussy and ass
Klepta: *groaned at the tightening bt held bk his orgasms, fucking her evn harder to try n get her to come again*
Leilina gasped "AHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" she was so sensitvie and came again
Klepta: Ooh yeah, I bet u wanna come again thru ur cock, eh? Come ovr here n get me, make me come frm ur cock
Leilani would smirk and pounce him and thrust into his ass
Klepta: Aagghh!! F-Fuck~!! So big...!! Ooh yes...!!
Leilani layed down and thrusted upinto him "you like that my love?"
Klepta: Ooh yes, like tht, my little flower, yess!! Make me come frm ur cock *bobbed up n dwn along her cock*
Leilani moaned thrusting deeper and deeper
Klepta: Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna COME!!! *came long n hard, squirting all ovr Lei's dress n baby bump*
Leilani moaned cumming deep into Klepta
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 125-Tender Night as Husband and Wife
Amber would stroke Julius cheek with her claw
Julius: *purred at his stroke* I reli like ur dress. It brings out ur eyes n hair
She blushed "I look like the Rabies Virus insted of the Ebola
Julius: Naw, u look just like urself, only much much more beautiful. Its a shame I'm gonna stain this pretty dress *crawls underneath the big skirt n started nuzzling her undies, flicking his tongue against the clit behind the fabric*
Amber yelped "J-Jules!" she blushed and shivered
Julius: *holding onto her hips, keeping her standing there as he tore her undies dwn n started licking n sucking at her clit, still remain hidden right under the skirt*
Amber whined and gripped his horns through her dress "ahh ahh Jules!"
Julius: *groans at the grip bt continued to blow her, sticking his tongue reli deep into her pussy, flicking against her G-spot*
Amber arched moaning petting his horns "ahh ahh oooh fuck!"
Julius: *flicking more, suckling at her clit, making her come*
Amber would squeal cumming hard
Julius: *drank her dwn to the last drop, then quickly pushed her dwn the bed n quickly pushed his dick inside her wet pussy*
Amber yelped and moaned "ahhh ahhh ahhh!!"
Julius: Nnhh!! Yes, yes, yes!! Oh fuck, so damn tight! Cant believe u can be so tight evn aftr hving Amy~! Fuck~ *thrusts in, pounding into her like he hadnt fucked in mths*
Amber screamed "only for you!!!"
Julius: Ooh yeah, yes, yes, yes, will u hv my babies again?? *hits the G-spot mercilessly*
Amber squealing "y-yes!! OOH FRANK YES!"
Julius: Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!!! FUCK!!! *comes hard into her, filling her till ovrflowing*
Amber whines arching upward
Julius: *pants n kissed her deeply* Mmmhh....Ur so good~
Amber purred happly
Julius: *purred at his stroke* I reli like ur dress. It brings out ur eyes n hair
She blushed "I look like the Rabies Virus insted of the Ebola
Julius: Naw, u look just like urself, only much much more beautiful. Its a shame I'm gonna stain this pretty dress *crawls underneath the big skirt n started nuzzling her undies, flicking his tongue against the clit behind the fabric*
Amber yelped "J-Jules!" she blushed and shivered
Julius: *holding onto her hips, keeping her standing there as he tore her undies dwn n started licking n sucking at her clit, still remain hidden right under the skirt*
Amber whined and gripped his horns through her dress "ahh ahh Jules!"
Julius: *groans at the grip bt continued to blow her, sticking his tongue reli deep into her pussy, flicking against her G-spot*
Amber arched moaning petting his horns "ahh ahh oooh fuck!"
Julius: *flicking more, suckling at her clit, making her come*
Amber would squeal cumming hard
Julius: *drank her dwn to the last drop, then quickly pushed her dwn the bed n quickly pushed his dick inside her wet pussy*
Amber yelped and moaned "ahhh ahhh ahhh!!"
Julius: Nnhh!! Yes, yes, yes!! Oh fuck, so damn tight! Cant believe u can be so tight evn aftr hving Amy~! Fuck~ *thrusts in, pounding into her like he hadnt fucked in mths*
Amber screamed "only for you!!!"
Julius: Ooh yeah, yes, yes, yes, will u hv my babies again?? *hits the G-spot mercilessly*
Amber squealing "y-yes!! OOH FRANK YES!"
Julius: Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!!! FUCK!!! *comes hard into her, filling her till ovrflowing*
Amber whines arching upward
Julius: *pants n kissed her deeply* Mmmhh....Ur so good~
Amber purred happly
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 124-Sweet Night as Husband and Wife
Sniper smirked looking at his brother "even tho i dressed you, you still look fucken hawt"
Snipes: *blushed hard* Dont be crude. I'm not hot. I still feel girly
Sniper would lift his brothers chin up "then why do you turn me on so bad?"
Snipes: *blushed evn harder, averting his eyes* I...I dunno...Coz ur a horny bug?
Sniper would kiss him deeply and holding him close
Snipes: *kissed him bk, his baby bump rubbing gently against Sniper's middle*
Sniper would go down and kiss his baby bump "mmmm, my lovely child"
Snipes: *smiled, blushing n gave himself a sort of motherly glow as he looked dwn at Sniper, looking almost too beautiful for Sniper to resist*
Sniper blushed and growled and lifted him "thats it!" he put him on the bed keeping their touching over him "you you... Helga! You just turn me on" he kissed him rubbing his brothers tiny swelled chest
Snipes: *moaned* Nnoo! The....The dress...!! Mmhnn...
Sniper opened the dress and began to suck at the perked nipples as another hand began to rub Snipes cock
Snipes: *moaned a pitch higher at tht, his hips thrusts along the rubbing, being pregnant seemed to hv made him much more sensitive*
Sniper smirked and sucked harder removing his twins underwear exposing his cock and slowly began jerking him off
Snipes: *his sensitivity made him lose it quickly, barely lasting a few jerks, screaming his orgasm, squirting all ovr Sniper's face*
"My My little brother, your very sensitive today arent you?" he pulled out his own cock smiling
and also licking the cum of his face
Snipes: *pants n covered his face with embarrassment* Shut up~
Sniper would go down and began licking his now mates ass hole~
Snipes: *gasped at the licks, his body twitched n spasmed, letting out whines of true pleasure*
When he was wet he began to slowly push inside his wife
Snipes: *screamed as he came a little bit frm him entering n it made him feel evn more embarrassed*
Sniper smirks as he thrusts into his brother holding his hand kissing him "i love you"
Snipes: I...Ahhnn...I love u too...Mmmhh...Nnnhh...So good...!! *clenching evrytime he hit his spot*
Sniper would thrust deeper "ahh god, that time when we were druged, god we lost each others virginitys didnt we?"
Snipes: Y-Yeah...Nnnhh...I nvr knew it felt good being bottom...Ahhnn...
Sniper would thrust deeper and deeper "i-im gonna come love!"
Snipes: Y-Yes, yes, I'm gonna come too, aahhnn...!! Pls...!!
Sniper kept thrusting and thrusting then moaned pulling out pushing agents his cock grabbing both and jerking them both fast as they both came together "AHHH!"
Snipes: *screamed as well as he came too, mixing both their seeds together, panting*
Sniper smiled and kissed him
Snipes: *blushed hard* Dont be crude. I'm not hot. I still feel girly
Sniper would lift his brothers chin up "then why do you turn me on so bad?"
Snipes: *blushed evn harder, averting his eyes* I...I dunno...Coz ur a horny bug?
Sniper would kiss him deeply and holding him close
Snipes: *kissed him bk, his baby bump rubbing gently against Sniper's middle*
Sniper would go down and kiss his baby bump "mmmm, my lovely child"
Snipes: *smiled, blushing n gave himself a sort of motherly glow as he looked dwn at Sniper, looking almost too beautiful for Sniper to resist*
Sniper blushed and growled and lifted him "thats it!" he put him on the bed keeping their touching over him "you you... Helga! You just turn me on" he kissed him rubbing his brothers tiny swelled chest
Snipes: *moaned* Nnoo! The....The dress...!! Mmhnn...
Sniper opened the dress and began to suck at the perked nipples as another hand began to rub Snipes cock
Snipes: *moaned a pitch higher at tht, his hips thrusts along the rubbing, being pregnant seemed to hv made him much more sensitive*
Sniper smirked and sucked harder removing his twins underwear exposing his cock and slowly began jerking him off
Snipes: *his sensitivity made him lose it quickly, barely lasting a few jerks, screaming his orgasm, squirting all ovr Sniper's face*
"My My little brother, your very sensitive today arent you?" he pulled out his own cock smiling
and also licking the cum of his face
Snipes: *pants n covered his face with embarrassment* Shut up~
Sniper would go down and began licking his now mates ass hole~
Snipes: *gasped at the licks, his body twitched n spasmed, letting out whines of true pleasure*
When he was wet he began to slowly push inside his wife
Snipes: *screamed as he came a little bit frm him entering n it made him feel evn more embarrassed*
Sniper smirks as he thrusts into his brother holding his hand kissing him "i love you"
Snipes: I...Ahhnn...I love u too...Mmmhh...Nnnhh...So good...!! *clenching evrytime he hit his spot*
Sniper would thrust deeper "ahh god, that time when we were druged, god we lost each others virginitys didnt we?"
Snipes: Y-Yeah...Nnnhh...I nvr knew it felt good being bottom...Ahhnn...
Sniper would thrust deeper and deeper "i-im gonna come love!"
Snipes: Y-Yes, yes, I'm gonna come too, aahhnn...!! Pls...!!
Sniper kept thrusting and thrusting then moaned pulling out pushing agents his cock grabbing both and jerking them both fast as they both came together "AHHH!"
Snipes: *screamed as well as he came too, mixing both their seeds together, panting*
Sniper smiled and kissed him
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 123-Long-Awaited Night as Husband and Wife
John was jerking Dakara underneath his dress
Dakara: *moaned n groaned* W-Wait...!! At least lemme get outta this dress~ *blushed hard*
John purred "Nah you look to lovely in it to remove it" he pulled down his lovers dress "finally your mine, and not the fucken retarted bitch's"
Dakara: *blushed n held him* Yes, finally we're together as a real couple now. I still owe it to Brianna for being so sporting to let me hv u
"and im also glad she accepted you too" he kissed him deeper and slowly pushed into his new wife"
Dakara: *gasped at the entry* Ooh...J-Jonnie...So big~!!
John would thrust deeper and deeper "ooh yes Daki, god your ass i love it, its always tight for me"
Dakara: Nnnhh...Yeah...So good, ur cock is driving me crazy...!! *pants as he felt the cock hit his prostate*
John smirked thrusting deeper and deeper
Dakara: *screamed at the hit to his spot n let out more n more groans n moans of pleasure, drooling into a ball of lust*
John would thrust harder and harder "ooh i love you i love you i fucken love you! i hope we kill that bitch" he said moaning
Dakara: *whined* L-Lets not talk abt her...Fuck me...Fuck me till I cant remember my name...!! AAAHHNN!!
John began fucking him like no tomorrow
Dakara: *moaned n groaned* W-Wait...!! At least lemme get outta this dress~ *blushed hard*
John purred "Nah you look to lovely in it to remove it" he pulled down his lovers dress "finally your mine, and not the fucken retarted bitch's"
Dakara: *blushed n held him* Yes, finally we're together as a real couple now. I still owe it to Brianna for being so sporting to let me hv u
"and im also glad she accepted you too" he kissed him deeper and slowly pushed into his new wife"
Dakara: *gasped at the entry* Ooh...J-Jonnie...So big~!!
John would thrust deeper and deeper "ooh yes Daki, god your ass i love it, its always tight for me"
Dakara: Nnnhh...Yeah...So good, ur cock is driving me crazy...!! *pants as he felt the cock hit his prostate*
John smirked thrusting deeper and deeper
Dakara: *screamed at the hit to his spot n let out more n more groans n moans of pleasure, drooling into a ball of lust*
John would thrust harder and harder "ooh i love you i love you i fucken love you! i hope we kill that bitch" he said moaning
Dakara: *whined* L-Lets not talk abt her...Fuck me...Fuck me till I cant remember my name...!! AAAHHNN!!
John began fucking him like no tomorrow
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 122-Kinky Night as Husband and Wife
*meanwhile, Illust was getting ready to strip off her wedding clothes for their first night as married couple*
Dex would grab her and purred rubbing her baby bump "keep it on a little while longer?
Illust: *blushed at his rubbing* Hnn? Getting kinky, r we? *grins*
Dex was rubbed her hips next "oh yess i am" he purred
Illust: *giggled* Then come n get me, big boy *raised her skirt just a little to reveal tht she didnt evn wear an underwear throughtou the whole wedding ceremony*
Dex purred opening his pants not wearing any underwhere and thrusted into her half way
Illust: *gasped at the entry* Ooh~! Fuck, I'm surprised u didnt let ur dick get caught in the fly
Dex smirked "im that good" he began to thrust into her
Illust: *moaned* Show off *wraps her legs ard him to bring him deeper inside*
Dex woud thrust slowly into her not to harm the baby
Illust; Ooh, fuck, so good... *kissed him* I cant believe we're married now *giggled*
Dex purred "good" he kept thrusting deeper and deeper
Illust: *felt her G-spot hit n she clenched evrytime he did*
Dex would purr "ooh baby soo good to me!" he panted "god you are so Beautiful"
Illust: I love u, I love u so much~ *kissed him hard n deep as she let loose her first orgasm*
Dex pulled out and cam all over her dress
Illust: *panted as he saw him come all ovr the dress* Aww, wat a shame...I love this dress~
Dex went down and began to lick it up "it will wash off" he purred
Illust: Hah, ur disgusting, u knw tht? *took his cheeks n kissed him anyway, tasting the come*
Dex kisses her back purring "Ive been gay and now im bi, dont hate" he chuckled
Illust: Gay? Bi? *no idea abt his orientation or tht thing they did to celebrate the kids' birth*
"Remeber i had a crush on ozzy, then you took my virginity" o///o
Illust: Ah, yes *chuckles* Now I remember *kissed him* I still love u ~muah~
Dex would smile and kiss her back
Dex would grab her and purred rubbing her baby bump "keep it on a little while longer?
Illust: *blushed at his rubbing* Hnn? Getting kinky, r we? *grins*
Dex was rubbed her hips next "oh yess i am" he purred
Illust: *giggled* Then come n get me, big boy *raised her skirt just a little to reveal tht she didnt evn wear an underwear throughtou the whole wedding ceremony*
Dex purred opening his pants not wearing any underwhere and thrusted into her half way
Illust: *gasped at the entry* Ooh~! Fuck, I'm surprised u didnt let ur dick get caught in the fly
Dex smirked "im that good" he began to thrust into her
Illust: *moaned* Show off *wraps her legs ard him to bring him deeper inside*
Dex woud thrust slowly into her not to harm the baby
Illust; Ooh, fuck, so good... *kissed him* I cant believe we're married now *giggled*
Dex purred "good" he kept thrusting deeper and deeper
Illust: *felt her G-spot hit n she clenched evrytime he did*
Dex would purr "ooh baby soo good to me!" he panted "god you are so Beautiful"
Illust: I love u, I love u so much~ *kissed him hard n deep as she let loose her first orgasm*
Dex pulled out and cam all over her dress
Illust: *panted as he saw him come all ovr the dress* Aww, wat a shame...I love this dress~
Dex went down and began to lick it up "it will wash off" he purred
Illust: Hah, ur disgusting, u knw tht? *took his cheeks n kissed him anyway, tasting the come*
Dex kisses her back purring "Ive been gay and now im bi, dont hate" he chuckled
Illust: Gay? Bi? *no idea abt his orientation or tht thing they did to celebrate the kids' birth*
"Remeber i had a crush on ozzy, then you took my virginity" o///o
Illust: Ah, yes *chuckles* Now I remember *kissed him* I still love u ~muah~
Dex would smile and kiss her back
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 121-First Night as Husband and Wife
Thrax purred and would swoop ozzy up into his arms taking the stairs up to their room and opened the door and layed him upon the bed after closing it
Ozzy: Ahh, ahh, wait! L-L-Lemme at least get outta this dress!
Thrax would kiss his throat "i wanna fuck you in it"
Ozzy: W-W-Wat? U cant be serious! *blushed hard*
Thrax would rub his crotch purring and kissing down his mate "dosent it seem Kinky?"
Ozzy: *whimpered as he gripped him a little* Y-Yeah, bt...u dont wanna ruin the dress, do u?
Thrax purred "that would mean memories" he would lift up the skirt and go down underneath the fluffy of the dress pulling down his underwear and takes Ozs cock into his mouth and began to suck
Ozzy: *gasped as he bucked, feeling the warmth of Thrax's mouth ard his cock* Ahhmm~ Thaz~!!
Thrax would purr and suck getting his lover hard
Ozzy: *moaned out loud, trying to grip at Thrax's dreads, bt the fluffy skirt was in the way* Thaz...M...More...More...!!
Thrax would suck harder and harder bobbing his head up and down his now Wifes Shaft
Ozzy: *gasped as he was going to come soon* Oh Frank, oh Frank, oh Frank~!! I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come~!! *lost it n came into Thrax's mouth*
Thrax gulped it down and did one last lick cleaning him up, then lifted Ozzys legs up exposing his ass to him sitting up on the bed " such a beautiful view, its been 4 months love, ready to bring back our Ozzex?" he began to lick Ozzys hole
Ozzy: *had tried not to think abt it, bt he reli wanted to, bt he was not going to get his hopes up too high, so he just nodded n let Thrax lick his hole, whimpering n whining in pleasure*
Thrax would stick his tounge inside wetting the insides of his Wife making him slick and wet, then slowly standing up, he pulled out his ridged cock holding it in hand he slowly pushed inside his mate
Ozzy: *gasped at the feeling of Thrax's ridged cock entering him. Its been forever since he last felt it inside him. His ass just clenched hungrily at him, bringing it in deeper*
Thrax yelped and groaned as he then layed down lifting ozzy ontop of him then dropped him on all his 9 inches inside him
Ozzy: OH FUCK!! *groaned out loud as the whole cock was inside him* Yes, yes, pls, fuck me, fuck me like ur life depends on it~ Pls~!! Gimme ur cock
Thrax would use his viral strength then suddenly began to fuck ozzy like a mad man on steroid
Ozzy: *was turning into a ball of lust as his ass n his spot was ravaged mercilessly, n just let loose scream aftr scream*
Thrax purred louder and louder fucking his wife hard and deep balls slapping at Ozzys ass, he undid the top of the dress and leaned over and began to suck at the membrane nipples that were caved inward pulling the little bud out
Ozzy: *was a drooling mess, his ass clenched hard at evry hit his cock hit his spot, n wen Thrax started sucking his nipples he lost it again n came hard, staining the both of them*
Thrax groaned feeling him tighten and thrusted deep and held there as he came, he wanted to make sure that his seed would bring back their little Ozzex back
Ozzy: *felt himself being filled to the brim, he also hoped to hv his baby bk, bt he doesnt want to end up disappointed, so he was keeping his expectation not too high, bt right now, he felt so loved n so happy to hv Thrax inside him again, hugging him tight, crying with pleasure n joy*
Thrax held him and kissed him as he stripped the wedding dress off and his tux as they cuddled in bed, holding him close to him not to let him go
Ozzy: *buried his face on Thrax's chest, calming dwn frm his high n frm his crying* I love u, Thaz...I love u so much...
Thrax would kiss Oz softly "anything for my lovely Wife, and to bring our baby back" he kissed ozzys belly
Ozzy: *whimpered n cried harder, he didnt want to get his hopes up, n it hurts*
Thrax would hold Ozzy close and strokes his hair softly kissing his head
Ozzy: Wat...Wat if it doesnt work...? Wat if Ozzex...doesnt come bk...? *sniffles*
"it will work hon, we waited 3 and a half months, your fully healed and i promise he will come back, well even ask Olivia and Miracle"
Ozzy: *nods n hugged him tight* More...I want more...I dont wanna think abt this, just gimme more, fill me up until I;m bursting with ur seed...
Thrax did what he was told and made love to Ozzy till they passed out
Ozzy: Ahh, ahh, wait! L-L-Lemme at least get outta this dress!
Thrax would kiss his throat "i wanna fuck you in it"
Ozzy: W-W-Wat? U cant be serious! *blushed hard*
Thrax would rub his crotch purring and kissing down his mate "dosent it seem Kinky?"
Ozzy: *whimpered as he gripped him a little* Y-Yeah, bt...u dont wanna ruin the dress, do u?
Thrax purred "that would mean memories" he would lift up the skirt and go down underneath the fluffy of the dress pulling down his underwear and takes Ozs cock into his mouth and began to suck
Ozzy: *gasped as he bucked, feeling the warmth of Thrax's mouth ard his cock* Ahhmm~ Thaz~!!
Thrax would purr and suck getting his lover hard
Ozzy: *moaned out loud, trying to grip at Thrax's dreads, bt the fluffy skirt was in the way* Thaz...M...More...More...!!
Thrax would suck harder and harder bobbing his head up and down his now Wifes Shaft
Ozzy: *gasped as he was going to come soon* Oh Frank, oh Frank, oh Frank~!! I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come~!! *lost it n came into Thrax's mouth*
Thrax gulped it down and did one last lick cleaning him up, then lifted Ozzys legs up exposing his ass to him sitting up on the bed " such a beautiful view, its been 4 months love, ready to bring back our Ozzex?" he began to lick Ozzys hole
Ozzy: *had tried not to think abt it, bt he reli wanted to, bt he was not going to get his hopes up too high, so he just nodded n let Thrax lick his hole, whimpering n whining in pleasure*
Thrax would stick his tounge inside wetting the insides of his Wife making him slick and wet, then slowly standing up, he pulled out his ridged cock holding it in hand he slowly pushed inside his mate
Ozzy: *gasped at the feeling of Thrax's ridged cock entering him. Its been forever since he last felt it inside him. His ass just clenched hungrily at him, bringing it in deeper*
Thrax yelped and groaned as he then layed down lifting ozzy ontop of him then dropped him on all his 9 inches inside him
Ozzy: OH FUCK!! *groaned out loud as the whole cock was inside him* Yes, yes, pls, fuck me, fuck me like ur life depends on it~ Pls~!! Gimme ur cock
Thrax would use his viral strength then suddenly began to fuck ozzy like a mad man on steroid
Ozzy: *was turning into a ball of lust as his ass n his spot was ravaged mercilessly, n just let loose scream aftr scream*
Thrax purred louder and louder fucking his wife hard and deep balls slapping at Ozzys ass, he undid the top of the dress and leaned over and began to suck at the membrane nipples that were caved inward pulling the little bud out
Ozzy: *was a drooling mess, his ass clenched hard at evry hit his cock hit his spot, n wen Thrax started sucking his nipples he lost it again n came hard, staining the both of them*
Thrax groaned feeling him tighten and thrusted deep and held there as he came, he wanted to make sure that his seed would bring back their little Ozzex back
Ozzy: *felt himself being filled to the brim, he also hoped to hv his baby bk, bt he doesnt want to end up disappointed, so he was keeping his expectation not too high, bt right now, he felt so loved n so happy to hv Thrax inside him again, hugging him tight, crying with pleasure n joy*
Thrax held him and kissed him as he stripped the wedding dress off and his tux as they cuddled in bed, holding him close to him not to let him go
Ozzy: *buried his face on Thrax's chest, calming dwn frm his high n frm his crying* I love u, Thaz...I love u so much...
Thrax would kiss Oz softly "anything for my lovely Wife, and to bring our baby back" he kissed ozzys belly
Ozzy: *whimpered n cried harder, he didnt want to get his hopes up, n it hurts*
Thrax would hold Ozzy close and strokes his hair softly kissing his head
Ozzy: Wat...Wat if it doesnt work...? Wat if Ozzex...doesnt come bk...? *sniffles*
"it will work hon, we waited 3 and a half months, your fully healed and i promise he will come back, well even ask Olivia and Miracle"
Ozzy: *nods n hugged him tight* More...I want more...I dont wanna think abt this, just gimme more, fill me up until I;m bursting with ur seed...
Thrax did what he was told and made love to Ozzy till they passed out
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10:40 AM
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 120-Here Comes The Bride~
*as the grooms waited at the altar, they all turn to look at their brides to see wat they were dressed*
Illust: *came out dressed in this n the dress seemed almost like it couldnt evn hold her bursting boobs*

Ozzy: *came out dressed in this n he was blushing like heck, still thinking he should've worn a white suit instead*

Amy was wearing this

Dakara: *came out dressed in this bt in blue colour, just as he wanted it to be*

While Leilani wore this

Sniper saw everyone was beautiful
Thraxs jaw dropped seeing ozzy
Klepta: *sees Lei, n could've sworn his pants felt extra tight*
Julius: *swallowed as he just stared at Amber in her dress as she joined the troop of girls to the altar*
John was flustered so badly his entire face was red
Dex stared at Illust in awe, he was the most composed out of them
All the kids were all sitting on the steps giggling, the girls to one side the boys to the other
Miracle: Mama is so pretty, bt why doesnt he look happy?
Jazz: He's not unhappy, he's just shy
Jet nodded "Imagen if you wore a dress Mir"
Olivia smiled "they all look soo amazing dont ya think bree, amy?"
Bree nodded along with Amy as they dreamed about wearing a pretty princess dress
Nikkita: Mommy looks soooo pretty. Wen I grow up, I wanna wear like tht too
Miracle: *blushed at Jet's comment* No way in hell am I gonna wear a dress!
Jazz: U say tht, bt who knws? *giggled*
Jet smiled "I bet you would look at pretty as yer mom, and well streatch yer hair make it all long and purdy" he giggled more
Olivia smiled as she grinned her little fangs showing
Miracle: I'm a boy! I dont wanna look like a girl! *blushed hard*
*the brides were all gathered at the altar*
Wedding Officiator: Is evryone here present n accounted for? Good, we're gathered here today to witness the mass union of these lovely brides n these handsome grooms
Ozzy: *couldnt stop blushing n looking dwn, he felt ridiculous*
Thrax lifted his head up "don't look down love" he smiled
Ozzy: Bt...Bt I look so...girly...I was supposed to wear a white tux n all...
"So what? You look amazing and it matches, You look beautiful Zee-Zee...."
The other brides whooped at Oz
Illust: *giggled n spanked Oz's ass for good measure*
WO: *cleared his throat aftr giving his blessing* Now, shall we make our vows? Do u, Illumina Hypothermia, take Dex Methaphedamine as ur lawful wedded mate?
Illust: U bet I do
WO: Do u, Dex Methamphedamine, take Illumina Hypothermia as ur lawful wedded mate?
Dex smirked "hell yeah" he held Illuminas hands in his
WO: Do u, Leilani Peni, take Klepta Roja as ur lawful wedded mate?
Leilani purred "I do" she flushed looking down
WO: N do u, Klepta Roja, take Leilani Peni as ur lawful wedded mate?
Klepta: Hellz yes I will!
WO: Do u, Amber Flannery, take Julius Roja as ur lawful wedded mate?
Amber blushed and nodded "i do" she fiddled with her bouquet
WO: N do u, Julius Roja, take Amber Flannery as ur lawful wedded mate
Julius: U betcha *grins widely*
WO: Do u, Osmosis Jones, take Thrax Roja to be ur lawful wedded mate?
Ozzy: I...I do... *said timidly*
WO: N do u, Thrax Roja, take Osmosis Jones as ur lawful wedded mate?
Thrax smiled "i do at the speed of light"
WO: *chuckles* Do u, Dakara Roja, take John Jones as ur lawful wedded mate?
Dakara: Yes, finally *smiled, meaning it, since its been forevr*
WO: N do u, John Jones, take Dakara Roja to be ur lawful wedded mate?
John smiled "Hell yes! I need him in my life"
WO: *turns to the twins* Since ur a special case, I'll need a different vow for this. Do u, Snipes Textra, relinquish ur blood rights as siblings to enter a new union as mates?
Snipes: *blushed n nods* Yes, I do
WO: N do u, Sniper Textra, relinquish ur blood rights as siblings to enter a new union as mates?
Sniper nods "yes" he smiled
WO: Pls hold out both ur right hands
Twins: *does so*
WO: *took out wat looked like a letter opener n stabbed their palms gently until it drew blood, then took out his chalice n wash it with champagne-coloured water* This is to bless ur union n wash away all ur blood relation ties
Olivia smiled brightly glad that the twins are finally happy
WO: I now pronounce u all husbands n wives. U may kiss the brides
Klepta: *didnt waste time to do a dip on Lei n kissed her*
Lei kissed back deeply hugging his neck
Thrax lifted the veil and pulled ozzy close and leaned down to kiss him
Sniper would lift the veil and pick him up with the baby bump and kiss him deeply
John would just kiss Daki hard underneath his veil
Ozzy: *kissed him bk, wrapping his arms ard him*
Dakara: *kissed John bk just as hard, thrilled tht finally, aftr so many yrs of being apart n thinking he was dead, they were finally together*
Snipes: *kissed him bk too, holding him*
Illust: *was the one who had the initiative as she wrapped her arms ard Dex's waist n kissed him first*
Julius: *unveiled Amber n kissed her tenderly, like she was glass*
Dex would kiss her back picking her up into his arms
Amber would kiss him a little harder seeing that he thinks she will break she showed the initiative that she wasnt
*all the kids giggled n clapped their hands, whooping at them*
Olivia walked to Miriacle and took his hand and smiled to him telling him she wanted to sing for them
Miracle: *nods n sang out for them*
Nikkita: *didnt join the singing, bt did do a little jig*
*the rest of the kids joined in, tailing behind them singing n dancing as the brides n grooms left the altar n out of the chapel*
They were greeted by the town with petals and sparkles as there was a large Limo out front for them
Ozzy: Wow, is tht part of the package deal too?
Illust: So I've heard. This is the city of weddings aftr all
Julius: Lets get in then. I heard the package includes staying at the honeymoon suite at one of their finest hotels
John nodded "i did some reasearch and it seems that not only we get a suite but we get a full weekend stay and free buffet every morning or night time"
Dakara: Wow, tht would be awesome
Klepta: Wat r we waiting for, lets go! *ushered evryone into the limo*
Everyone and the kids hopped into the Limo as they drove down the street towards their most Luxiourious hotel
*once they got off the limo as they reached their destination, they were impressed at the amazing size of it*
Olivia would press her face to the window "we gonna be top ot the world!" she thought
John laughed and patted his Granddaughters head
Ozzy: *chuckles as he carried one of the twins* Well, this will be our temp home for now, shall we chk in to our rooms? Cant wait to get outta this dress
Illust: Lets! *went to the reception to chk in for evryone before handing ovr their room keys to each couple*
Thrax smirked "dont worry us grooms should help you out very nicely out of that dress
Olivia saw the look in their eyes as they went to Paul giggling "pool Pool!" olivia said aloud
Spryman: *noticed* Ah yes, we'll go hv fun trying the facilities here. I'm sure our mommies n daddies need alone time. Adios~! *gathered all the kids before the parents could protest n ran for the hills*
Illust: *came out dressed in this n the dress seemed almost like it couldnt evn hold her bursting boobs*

Ozzy: *came out dressed in this n he was blushing like heck, still thinking he should've worn a white suit instead*

Amy was wearing this

Dakara: *came out dressed in this bt in blue colour, just as he wanted it to be*
While Leilani wore this

Sniper saw everyone was beautiful
Thraxs jaw dropped seeing ozzy
Klepta: *sees Lei, n could've sworn his pants felt extra tight*
Julius: *swallowed as he just stared at Amber in her dress as she joined the troop of girls to the altar*
John was flustered so badly his entire face was red
Dex stared at Illust in awe, he was the most composed out of them
All the kids were all sitting on the steps giggling, the girls to one side the boys to the other
Miracle: Mama is so pretty, bt why doesnt he look happy?
Jazz: He's not unhappy, he's just shy
Jet nodded "Imagen if you wore a dress Mir"
Olivia smiled "they all look soo amazing dont ya think bree, amy?"
Bree nodded along with Amy as they dreamed about wearing a pretty princess dress
Nikkita: Mommy looks soooo pretty. Wen I grow up, I wanna wear like tht too
Miracle: *blushed at Jet's comment* No way in hell am I gonna wear a dress!
Jazz: U say tht, bt who knws? *giggled*
Jet smiled "I bet you would look at pretty as yer mom, and well streatch yer hair make it all long and purdy" he giggled more
Olivia smiled as she grinned her little fangs showing
Miracle: I'm a boy! I dont wanna look like a girl! *blushed hard*
*the brides were all gathered at the altar*
Wedding Officiator: Is evryone here present n accounted for? Good, we're gathered here today to witness the mass union of these lovely brides n these handsome grooms
Ozzy: *couldnt stop blushing n looking dwn, he felt ridiculous*
Thrax lifted his head up "don't look down love" he smiled
Ozzy: Bt...Bt I look so...girly...I was supposed to wear a white tux n all...
"So what? You look amazing and it matches, You look beautiful Zee-Zee...."
The other brides whooped at Oz
Illust: *giggled n spanked Oz's ass for good measure*
WO: *cleared his throat aftr giving his blessing* Now, shall we make our vows? Do u, Illumina Hypothermia, take Dex Methaphedamine as ur lawful wedded mate?
Illust: U bet I do
WO: Do u, Dex Methamphedamine, take Illumina Hypothermia as ur lawful wedded mate?
Dex smirked "hell yeah" he held Illuminas hands in his
WO: Do u, Leilani Peni, take Klepta Roja as ur lawful wedded mate?
Leilani purred "I do" she flushed looking down
WO: N do u, Klepta Roja, take Leilani Peni as ur lawful wedded mate?
Klepta: Hellz yes I will!
WO: Do u, Amber Flannery, take Julius Roja as ur lawful wedded mate?
Amber blushed and nodded "i do" she fiddled with her bouquet
WO: N do u, Julius Roja, take Amber Flannery as ur lawful wedded mate
Julius: U betcha *grins widely*
WO: Do u, Osmosis Jones, take Thrax Roja to be ur lawful wedded mate?
Ozzy: I...I do... *said timidly*
WO: N do u, Thrax Roja, take Osmosis Jones as ur lawful wedded mate?
Thrax smiled "i do at the speed of light"
WO: *chuckles* Do u, Dakara Roja, take John Jones as ur lawful wedded mate?
Dakara: Yes, finally *smiled, meaning it, since its been forevr*
WO: N do u, John Jones, take Dakara Roja to be ur lawful wedded mate?
John smiled "Hell yes! I need him in my life"
WO: *turns to the twins* Since ur a special case, I'll need a different vow for this. Do u, Snipes Textra, relinquish ur blood rights as siblings to enter a new union as mates?
Snipes: *blushed n nods* Yes, I do
WO: N do u, Sniper Textra, relinquish ur blood rights as siblings to enter a new union as mates?
Sniper nods "yes" he smiled
WO: Pls hold out both ur right hands
Twins: *does so*
WO: *took out wat looked like a letter opener n stabbed their palms gently until it drew blood, then took out his chalice n wash it with champagne-coloured water* This is to bless ur union n wash away all ur blood relation ties
Olivia smiled brightly glad that the twins are finally happy
WO: I now pronounce u all husbands n wives. U may kiss the brides
Klepta: *didnt waste time to do a dip on Lei n kissed her*
Lei kissed back deeply hugging his neck
Thrax lifted the veil and pulled ozzy close and leaned down to kiss him
Sniper would lift the veil and pick him up with the baby bump and kiss him deeply
John would just kiss Daki hard underneath his veil
Ozzy: *kissed him bk, wrapping his arms ard him*
Dakara: *kissed John bk just as hard, thrilled tht finally, aftr so many yrs of being apart n thinking he was dead, they were finally together*
Snipes: *kissed him bk too, holding him*
Illust: *was the one who had the initiative as she wrapped her arms ard Dex's waist n kissed him first*
Julius: *unveiled Amber n kissed her tenderly, like she was glass*
Dex would kiss her back picking her up into his arms
Amber would kiss him a little harder seeing that he thinks she will break she showed the initiative that she wasnt
*all the kids giggled n clapped their hands, whooping at them*
Olivia walked to Miriacle and took his hand and smiled to him telling him she wanted to sing for them
Miracle: *nods n sang out for them*
Nikkita: *didnt join the singing, bt did do a little jig*
*the rest of the kids joined in, tailing behind them singing n dancing as the brides n grooms left the altar n out of the chapel*
They were greeted by the town with petals and sparkles as there was a large Limo out front for them
Ozzy: Wow, is tht part of the package deal too?
Illust: So I've heard. This is the city of weddings aftr all
Julius: Lets get in then. I heard the package includes staying at the honeymoon suite at one of their finest hotels
John nodded "i did some reasearch and it seems that not only we get a suite but we get a full weekend stay and free buffet every morning or night time"
Dakara: Wow, tht would be awesome
Klepta: Wat r we waiting for, lets go! *ushered evryone into the limo*
Everyone and the kids hopped into the Limo as they drove down the street towards their most Luxiourious hotel
*once they got off the limo as they reached their destination, they were impressed at the amazing size of it*
Olivia would press her face to the window "we gonna be top ot the world!" she thought
John laughed and patted his Granddaughters head
Ozzy: *chuckles as he carried one of the twins* Well, this will be our temp home for now, shall we chk in to our rooms? Cant wait to get outta this dress
Illust: Lets! *went to the reception to chk in for evryone before handing ovr their room keys to each couple*
Thrax smirked "dont worry us grooms should help you out very nicely out of that dress
Olivia saw the look in their eyes as they went to Paul giggling "pool Pool!" olivia said aloud
Spryman: *noticed* Ah yes, we'll go hv fun trying the facilities here. I'm sure our mommies n daddies need alone time. Adios~! *gathered all the kids before the parents could protest n ran for the hills*
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10:38 AM
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 119-Wedding Bells A'Ringing
Leilani played with her dress "i feel so frilly" >//<
Amy giggled fixing Leis hair "you look beautiful"
Olivia giggled wearing a small dress
Illust: Yeah, u look wonderful, seriously. At least u dont look fat, like I do *fixes her viel*
Lei scoffed "your baby bump aint that big! Snipes where are you hon?" they had finally got him a wedding dress also
Amy also got Ozzy out of hiding "come on your getting married too get out here!"
Illust: Silly, Snipes is with Sniper, remember? They cant separate. They're dressing each other up
Dakara: Oi, tht throws the 'seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck' out of the window
Ozzy: *blushed hard n was embarrassed being the one wearing the dress. He had hoped for a white tux or something bt no~ the girls had to get him a dress*
Lei giggled "awwwww soooo cuuutee!!!"
Amber smiled "but lookit you daddy sex little thang" she winked
Ozzy: Dont tease me~ *covered his face* At least Dakara looks better than me in a dress! I look horrible~!
Dakara: Oh, c'mon, ur much cuter than me, especially wen u get a shave like tht
Illust: I wonder how the grooms r doing
*speak of the devil, the grooms (minus the twins) were helping each other get ready*
Klepta: This is so not fair~! Why does the twins get to change each other n not us?! *fixing his tie n his hair*
Julius: Tht's coz they cant separate. They'll die if they separate, remember?
Thrax would be undoing his dreads and brushing them and pulling it back, something new for the wedding "Hes right Klepta if we seperate them theyll faint"
Dex was grumbling as he tried to put on a bowtie
Julius: Oh, ur hopeless, Dex *helps him with the bowtie* U'd think a proper guy who is raised as a prissy pill would knw this kind of high class moves
Klepta: *laughs as he braid his hair*
Dex growled "im so use to ties now these bows" he flushed
Thrax helped Klepta
John had shaved and was putting on a light calone
Klepta: I wonder how our brides look like, I mean, I've seen the dress, bt I wonder how would they look on it
Julius: Me too. I am so looking forward to fucking Amber in her wedding dress, haha~
Thrax and John purred at the though of their mates being fucked in their wedding dressed
Dex blushed "damn Jules why you gotta say that?!"
Julius: At least I'm honest, unlike u *stuck his tongue out*
Escort: *knocked on the door* Excuse me, the officiator is ready for u. Time to wait at the altar
The boys would head out to the altar
Sniper blushed seeing his twin in a dress, it suite him so well "w-wow Snipes, y-you look a-amazing"
Snipes: *was wearing this n he was blushing as hell* R...Reli? I...I dont look fat?

"Not even close, you look beautiful" blushed "i-i cant belive they convinced us to m-marry" his ears were pink
Snipes: I knw...Aftr 250 yrs, I nvr thought we'd...be this...R...R u regretting it? *looks up at him with a bit of tears*
Sniper would hold his face smiling "never, in our life will i ever regret tying the knot with you, and to have a family to support and care for us"
Snipes: Sniper... *want to kiss him bt pushed him away* Save it for the ceremony. We're going in first, n the girls r following behind us *hears the wedding march* C'mon
Illust: We're right behind u~!
Leilani and Amber were there happly with them as they began to follow behind the twins
Amy giggled fixing Leis hair "you look beautiful"
Olivia giggled wearing a small dress
Illust: Yeah, u look wonderful, seriously. At least u dont look fat, like I do *fixes her viel*
Lei scoffed "your baby bump aint that big! Snipes where are you hon?" they had finally got him a wedding dress also
Amy also got Ozzy out of hiding "come on your getting married too get out here!"
Illust: Silly, Snipes is with Sniper, remember? They cant separate. They're dressing each other up
Dakara: Oi, tht throws the 'seeing the bride before the wedding is bad luck' out of the window
Ozzy: *blushed hard n was embarrassed being the one wearing the dress. He had hoped for a white tux or something bt no~ the girls had to get him a dress*
Lei giggled "awwwww soooo cuuutee!!!"
Amber smiled "but lookit you daddy sex little thang" she winked
Ozzy: Dont tease me~ *covered his face* At least Dakara looks better than me in a dress! I look horrible~!
Dakara: Oh, c'mon, ur much cuter than me, especially wen u get a shave like tht
Illust: I wonder how the grooms r doing
*speak of the devil, the grooms (minus the twins) were helping each other get ready*
Klepta: This is so not fair~! Why does the twins get to change each other n not us?! *fixing his tie n his hair*
Julius: Tht's coz they cant separate. They'll die if they separate, remember?
Thrax would be undoing his dreads and brushing them and pulling it back, something new for the wedding "Hes right Klepta if we seperate them theyll faint"
Dex was grumbling as he tried to put on a bowtie
Julius: Oh, ur hopeless, Dex *helps him with the bowtie* U'd think a proper guy who is raised as a prissy pill would knw this kind of high class moves
Klepta: *laughs as he braid his hair*
Dex growled "im so use to ties now these bows" he flushed
Thrax helped Klepta
John had shaved and was putting on a light calone
Klepta: I wonder how our brides look like, I mean, I've seen the dress, bt I wonder how would they look on it
Julius: Me too. I am so looking forward to fucking Amber in her wedding dress, haha~
Thrax and John purred at the though of their mates being fucked in their wedding dressed
Dex blushed "damn Jules why you gotta say that?!"
Julius: At least I'm honest, unlike u *stuck his tongue out*
Escort: *knocked on the door* Excuse me, the officiator is ready for u. Time to wait at the altar
The boys would head out to the altar
Sniper blushed seeing his twin in a dress, it suite him so well "w-wow Snipes, y-you look a-amazing"
Snipes: *was wearing this n he was blushing as hell* R...Reli? I...I dont look fat?

"Not even close, you look beautiful" blushed "i-i cant belive they convinced us to m-marry" his ears were pink
Snipes: I knw...Aftr 250 yrs, I nvr thought we'd...be this...R...R u regretting it? *looks up at him with a bit of tears*
Sniper would hold his face smiling "never, in our life will i ever regret tying the knot with you, and to have a family to support and care for us"
Snipes: Sniper... *want to kiss him bt pushed him away* Save it for the ceremony. We're going in first, n the girls r following behind us *hears the wedding march* C'mon
Illust: We're right behind u~!
Leilani and Amber were there happly with them as they began to follow behind the twins
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 118-Rendezvous Point
Olivia looked at her twin "its kinda boring in here, dont they have kiddy rides?"
Miracle: I dunno *climbs up at the window to see all the adults came to meet up where the rendezvous is* Bt I see Mama n Papa coming bk
Nikkita: Reli? Lemme see, lemme see~
Amy would lift Nikkita up to see
Bree would suck upon her thumb "finally"
Everyone walked towards the childcare with big smiles upon their faces
Miracle: Mama~ *totters to Oz*
Ozzy: Oh hey, sweetie *picks him n Olivia up* U miss me, sweetie? Did u hv fun?
Miracle: *wanted to reply bt Dakara was not with them* Nyu~?
Nikkita: *looks abt* Where r ur parents, Bree?
Bree looked around confused
John was grunting as he threw darts trying to win the huge teddy for Dakara
Julius: *picks up Bree* We'll just hv to go find them
Dakara: R u sure u wanna do this? Its OK, I dont reli need it
John was trying to get it "dammit its like they wont pop!" John would get irritated and sent a shock into the last dart he had in his hand and threw it. All the balloons exploded but all had dust or flour that exploded everywhere cause the other was cheating
Dakara: Woah! *looks at the vendor* Looks like ur gonna hv to cough it up, buddy
Vendor: *looks a little terrified at the two viruses glaring at him*
John plucked the bear from the shelf "Good luck buddy for the others who tried" gave it to Daki and smiled "here you go love"
Dakara: *takes the teddy bear n smiled* Thank u, Jonnie *plucked another teddy bear off the counter* Another one for Bree. She'll love it
Amy yanked Dakaras hair "where were you?"
Dakara: Ouch! *turns to see Amber with Amy n Julius with Bree* Hey, guys. Did u hv fun?
Julius: Yup, we did, bt looks like u had too much fun *passed Bree to Dakara*
Bree pouted "Mommy bad!"
Dakara; I'm sorry, ur daddy wanted to win mommy something so bad. Here, I got u something *takes the teddy bear he plucked frm the counter n gave her* Forgive Mommy?
Bree squealed happly and snuggled the teddy "your forgiven"
Thrax laughed aloud
Ozzie: *chuckles, then realized* Hey, the twins hv not rendezvous with us, where r they?
Sniper had run to them holding snipes "sorry we got lost" they panted slightly
Illust: Oh, u dont need to run, we can find u! U realize Snipes is pregnant, right? U cant let him run like tht
Twins: Sorry *tries to catch their breath*
Sniper would pick up Snipes "there"
Snipes: *blushed n hid his face on Sniper's shoulder*
Illust: Looks like ur more n more independent now
Twins: No, we're not *in denial, both of them blushing*
leilani would laugh "come on being independent isnt bad it means your slowly becomeing family"
Ozzy: *grins at them* C'mon, lets go bk to the hotel. I'm starved
Leilani nodded
Olivia was in Thraxs arm and tugging his locks giggling
Thrax chuckled
*the gang soon made their way bk to the hotel to hv a hearty buffet dinner*
Miracle: I dunno *climbs up at the window to see all the adults came to meet up where the rendezvous is* Bt I see Mama n Papa coming bk
Nikkita: Reli? Lemme see, lemme see~
Amy would lift Nikkita up to see
Bree would suck upon her thumb "finally"
Everyone walked towards the childcare with big smiles upon their faces
Miracle: Mama~ *totters to Oz*
Ozzy: Oh hey, sweetie *picks him n Olivia up* U miss me, sweetie? Did u hv fun?
Miracle: *wanted to reply bt Dakara was not with them* Nyu~?
Nikkita: *looks abt* Where r ur parents, Bree?
Bree looked around confused
John was grunting as he threw darts trying to win the huge teddy for Dakara
Julius: *picks up Bree* We'll just hv to go find them
Dakara: R u sure u wanna do this? Its OK, I dont reli need it
John was trying to get it "dammit its like they wont pop!" John would get irritated and sent a shock into the last dart he had in his hand and threw it. All the balloons exploded but all had dust or flour that exploded everywhere cause the other was cheating
Dakara: Woah! *looks at the vendor* Looks like ur gonna hv to cough it up, buddy
Vendor: *looks a little terrified at the two viruses glaring at him*
John plucked the bear from the shelf "Good luck buddy for the others who tried" gave it to Daki and smiled "here you go love"
Dakara: *takes the teddy bear n smiled* Thank u, Jonnie *plucked another teddy bear off the counter* Another one for Bree. She'll love it
Amy yanked Dakaras hair "where were you?"
Dakara: Ouch! *turns to see Amber with Amy n Julius with Bree* Hey, guys. Did u hv fun?
Julius: Yup, we did, bt looks like u had too much fun *passed Bree to Dakara*
Bree pouted "Mommy bad!"
Dakara; I'm sorry, ur daddy wanted to win mommy something so bad. Here, I got u something *takes the teddy bear he plucked frm the counter n gave her* Forgive Mommy?
Bree squealed happly and snuggled the teddy "your forgiven"
Thrax laughed aloud
Ozzie: *chuckles, then realized* Hey, the twins hv not rendezvous with us, where r they?
Sniper had run to them holding snipes "sorry we got lost" they panted slightly
Illust: Oh, u dont need to run, we can find u! U realize Snipes is pregnant, right? U cant let him run like tht
Twins: Sorry *tries to catch their breath*
Sniper would pick up Snipes "there"
Snipes: *blushed n hid his face on Sniper's shoulder*
Illust: Looks like ur more n more independent now
Twins: No, we're not *in denial, both of them blushing*
leilani would laugh "come on being independent isnt bad it means your slowly becomeing family"
Ozzy: *grins at them* C'mon, lets go bk to the hotel. I'm starved
Leilani nodded
Olivia was in Thraxs arm and tugging his locks giggling
Thrax chuckled
*the gang soon made their way bk to the hotel to hv a hearty buffet dinner*
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 117-Love Fountain Ride
Julius: *was at the Love Fountain Ride, teasing splashing a bit of water at Amber*
Amber giggled and splashed back but it was big getting his shirt wet "oh dear!" she teased "you have to take that off"
Julius: Haha, yeah I should *took it off to reveal his well-built torso n muscles, catching quite a number of ladies' attention*
Ambers face heated up with Jelousy and sat upon his lap and took out his braid letting his hair fall
Julius: Woah! Wat the...? Wat r u doing there?
Amber would play with his hair
Julius: *grins* Hmm~? Someone's being bitten by the jealousy bug, I see
"Your mine"
Julius: I knw tht, u seem to make it reli clear *grins*
Amber would hold up siscors "you said you wanted to cut your hair?"
Julius: Wait, wat, here? U cant do it here, evn if u want to. There's such things as barber shops
Amber grabbed his hair and snipped a small bit off
Julius: Woah! Careful with tht. Wat r u doing?
She giggled kidding and took him to a beauty shop that was in the Park and sits him down "I want you to cut his hair short please"
Barber: How short?
Julius: Until abt shoulder-length
Barber: Such a shame to cut such long hair. Do I hv permission to make wigs out of it aftr its cut?
Julius: Knock urself out
Amber sat down and watched happly
Barber: *snipped away, combing n cutting, strand upon strand fell onto the floor n soon, in abt half an hour, it was done* There ya go. Whaddaya think?
Julius; *looked at the mirror to see his shoulder-length here n nodded in satisfaction* Looks good, I like it
Amber blushed "w-wow..."
Julius: *turns to her* How do I look?
"y-you l-look s-sexy and hot" she played with her blond hair
Julius: *smiled* N so r u *cupped her cheeks* No matter how many girls or guys look at me, I will only look bk to u. Ur my fiance, soon to be my wife. I love u *kissed her
Amber hugged his neck kissing back purring "I feel like im on top of the world with you Jules"
Julius: N I u too *chuckles as he carried her out of the barber shop to rendezvous with the rest of the team*
Amber giggled and splashed back but it was big getting his shirt wet "oh dear!" she teased "you have to take that off"
Julius: Haha, yeah I should *took it off to reveal his well-built torso n muscles, catching quite a number of ladies' attention*
Ambers face heated up with Jelousy and sat upon his lap and took out his braid letting his hair fall
Julius: Woah! Wat the...? Wat r u doing there?
Amber would play with his hair
Julius: *grins* Hmm~? Someone's being bitten by the jealousy bug, I see
"Your mine"
Julius: I knw tht, u seem to make it reli clear *grins*
Amber would hold up siscors "you said you wanted to cut your hair?"
Julius: Wait, wat, here? U cant do it here, evn if u want to. There's such things as barber shops
Amber grabbed his hair and snipped a small bit off
Julius: Woah! Careful with tht. Wat r u doing?
She giggled kidding and took him to a beauty shop that was in the Park and sits him down "I want you to cut his hair short please"
Barber: How short?
Julius: Until abt shoulder-length
Barber: Such a shame to cut such long hair. Do I hv permission to make wigs out of it aftr its cut?
Julius: Knock urself out
Amber sat down and watched happly
Barber: *snipped away, combing n cutting, strand upon strand fell onto the floor n soon, in abt half an hour, it was done* There ya go. Whaddaya think?
Julius; *looked at the mirror to see his shoulder-length here n nodded in satisfaction* Looks good, I like it
Amber blushed "w-wow..."
Julius: *turns to her* How do I look?
"y-you l-look s-sexy and hot" she played with her blond hair
Julius: *smiled* N so r u *cupped her cheeks* No matter how many girls or guys look at me, I will only look bk to u. Ur my fiance, soon to be my wife. I love u *kissed her
Amber hugged his neck kissing back purring "I feel like im on top of the world with you Jules"
Julius: N I u too *chuckles as he carried her out of the barber shop to rendezvous with the rest of the team*
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 116-Carousel Ride
Illust: *at the carousel, she picked a lion ride n climbed onto it*
Dex chuckled at hopped on a puma behind her
*the ride soon started n evryone, including Dex n Illust, were soon cheering happily as the carousel went round n round*
Illust: Wee~! I havent ridden a carousel since my mom passed away n I moved into Lei's family
Dex chuckled "well its great to be a kid again" he chuckled as they went around
*the carousel speed increased a little n the wind made Illust's skirt fly up, showing her lingerie undies underneath at Dex*
Illust: Oops!
Dex blushed a deep red and slapped his hand to his nose to cover the bleeding
Illust: *noticed him n giggled* See something u like, sweetums?
Dex blushed all hard "of course"
Illust: *giggled* U horny toad, cant get ur eyes odd me, can u?
Dex licked his lips "i fell in love with you so hard, i swear my suite was going to break from the pressure"
Illust: Aww, isnt tht sweet? Bt why me? I've curious for a while. Why of all ppl, me? U knw I'm a germ, n shouldnt be with someone like me, wat with who u r
Dex chuckled "I always had a thing for wild ones, but god, when i met you, i swear if my heart was alive it wouldve jumped right out of me and ran around the world hoping from one person to another screaming at the top of its lungs 'IVE MET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD' he saw the ride stopped and got up picking her up into his arms smiling
Illust: *giggled* My knight in shining armour, my hopeless romantic *leans in to kiss him*
Dex chuckled and kisses her back holding he her up by her waist smiling at her then kisses her stomach "if we have a little girl, what should we name her?"
Illust: Hmm...I'm thinking either Jewel, or maybe more specific, Ruby, to match ur red part of the suit colour
Dex blushed a deep deep red "I like that" he then smiled taking her to carrige and sat her down and payed the guy to go around the park
Dex chuckled at hopped on a puma behind her
*the ride soon started n evryone, including Dex n Illust, were soon cheering happily as the carousel went round n round*
Illust: Wee~! I havent ridden a carousel since my mom passed away n I moved into Lei's family
Dex chuckled "well its great to be a kid again" he chuckled as they went around
*the carousel speed increased a little n the wind made Illust's skirt fly up, showing her lingerie undies underneath at Dex*
Illust: Oops!
Dex blushed a deep red and slapped his hand to his nose to cover the bleeding
Illust: *noticed him n giggled* See something u like, sweetums?
Dex blushed all hard "of course"
Illust: *giggled* U horny toad, cant get ur eyes odd me, can u?
Dex licked his lips "i fell in love with you so hard, i swear my suite was going to break from the pressure"
Illust: Aww, isnt tht sweet? Bt why me? I've curious for a while. Why of all ppl, me? U knw I'm a germ, n shouldnt be with someone like me, wat with who u r
Dex chuckled "I always had a thing for wild ones, but god, when i met you, i swear if my heart was alive it wouldve jumped right out of me and ran around the world hoping from one person to another screaming at the top of its lungs 'IVE MET THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD' he saw the ride stopped and got up picking her up into his arms smiling
Illust: *giggled* My knight in shining armour, my hopeless romantic *leans in to kiss him*
Dex chuckled and kisses her back holding he her up by her waist smiling at her then kisses her stomach "if we have a little girl, what should we name her?"
Illust: Hmm...I'm thinking either Jewel, or maybe more specific, Ruby, to match ur red part of the suit colour
Dex blushed a deep deep red "I like that" he then smiled taking her to carrige and sat her down and payed the guy to go around the park
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 115-Tunnel of Love
Leilani would hold Kleptas arm as they wait for the tunnel of love
Klepta: *wen it was their turn, he hopped onto the ride tht was the shape of a swan n entered the tunnel with her, making out with her*
Lei kisses back growling with pleasure "mmn baby"
Klepta: *continued making out with her, his hand sliding under her skirt n into her undies to play with her clit*
She gasps and whines gripping his shirt "ooh babe"
Klepta: *sees tht there is a small corner within the tunnel they can maneuver the ride into n turned it to tht corner before he started rubbing her clit harder, lifting her shirt n sucking her tits*
~she gasped trying not to be loud cause if she was she would be heard~
Klepta: *couldnt care less whether they were heard or not, this was a love theme park, n wat they were doing is a form of love. He pressed his fingers against the clit n rubbed evn harder, flicking his tongue at the nipples as he sucked*
she gasps as she was slowly getting harder and harder from her cock poking under her thin skirt "ahh klepta!"
Klepta: Mmmhh, my wild flower *kissed her deeply as he used both hands, one for the clit n one for the cock n stroke n rub them hard, wanting her to come*
she moaned into hsi mouth and couldnt help it, she was sensitive thanks to her pregnacy and horny as she suddenly cums from her cock and pussy
Klepta: *made her let loose evry last drop, stroking n rubbing until she was spent, deep kiss as he sucked at her tongue*
She kisses back groaning trying to keep awake
Klepta: *chuckles* Ur not gonna leave me hanging now, do u, wild flower? *took himself out n slipped into her, thrusting quickly into her G-spot*
Lei gasped loudly and gripped the ride edge and arched "ahh ahh ooh fuck! Klepta! AHH BABY!"
Klepta: Yeah~ Mmmhh~ So tight~ How can u still be so tight~? Ooh yessss *kept fucking her, hitting tht spot mercilessly, spreading her legs for more access*
She whined and wailed loudly looking at him with pure bliss "Babe im gonna cum!"
Klepta: Yeah, u do tht, wild flower, keep coming. I'm not done with u yet *turned her ard, maneuver her to all fours n fucked her doggy style, hitting the spot evn harder*
She screamed loudly as she cums both ends, from her cock as it plused and her pussy which clenched him tightly
Klepta: Ooh fuck, fuck, fuck...!! Fuck, ur gonna make me come!! *pulls out n sandwiched it btwn his thighs n thrust until he came too*
Leilani panted and pulled him down and growled happly and kissed him "you tiger"
Klepta: *chuckles n kissed her bk* U made me one *cleaned their seats n maneuvered the ride to continue dwn the tunnel of love*
Klepta: *wen it was their turn, he hopped onto the ride tht was the shape of a swan n entered the tunnel with her, making out with her*
Lei kisses back growling with pleasure "mmn baby"
Klepta: *continued making out with her, his hand sliding under her skirt n into her undies to play with her clit*
She gasps and whines gripping his shirt "ooh babe"
Klepta: *sees tht there is a small corner within the tunnel they can maneuver the ride into n turned it to tht corner before he started rubbing her clit harder, lifting her shirt n sucking her tits*
~she gasped trying not to be loud cause if she was she would be heard~
Klepta: *couldnt care less whether they were heard or not, this was a love theme park, n wat they were doing is a form of love. He pressed his fingers against the clit n rubbed evn harder, flicking his tongue at the nipples as he sucked*
she gasps as she was slowly getting harder and harder from her cock poking under her thin skirt "ahh klepta!"
Klepta: Mmmhh, my wild flower *kissed her deeply as he used both hands, one for the clit n one for the cock n stroke n rub them hard, wanting her to come*
she moaned into hsi mouth and couldnt help it, she was sensitive thanks to her pregnacy and horny as she suddenly cums from her cock and pussy
Klepta: *made her let loose evry last drop, stroking n rubbing until she was spent, deep kiss as he sucked at her tongue*
She kisses back groaning trying to keep awake
Klepta: *chuckles* Ur not gonna leave me hanging now, do u, wild flower? *took himself out n slipped into her, thrusting quickly into her G-spot*
Lei gasped loudly and gripped the ride edge and arched "ahh ahh ooh fuck! Klepta! AHH BABY!"
Klepta: Yeah~ Mmmhh~ So tight~ How can u still be so tight~? Ooh yessss *kept fucking her, hitting tht spot mercilessly, spreading her legs for more access*
She whined and wailed loudly looking at him with pure bliss "Babe im gonna cum!"
Klepta: Yeah, u do tht, wild flower, keep coming. I'm not done with u yet *turned her ard, maneuver her to all fours n fucked her doggy style, hitting the spot evn harder*
She screamed loudly as she cums both ends, from her cock as it plused and her pussy which clenched him tightly
Klepta: Ooh fuck, fuck, fuck...!! Fuck, ur gonna make me come!! *pulls out n sandwiched it btwn his thighs n thrust until he came too*
Leilani panted and pulled him down and growled happly and kissed him "you tiger"
Klepta: *chuckles n kissed her bk* U made me one *cleaned their seats n maneuvered the ride to continue dwn the tunnel of love*
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 114-Roller Coaster Ride
*meanwhile, Oz n Thrax were still waiting for their turn, n Oz was a little embarrassed at their public affections evn tho the by-standers just grinned n minded their own business*
Ozzy: Th...Thaz~ *pushed him a little to stop him frm his peppering kisses* We're in public~
Thrax chuckled "but i want to spoil you my zee-zee"
Ozzy: *pouts* I'm not a little kid anymore~ Hmph :I
Thrax kisses him deeply insted "hows that for adult jones?"
Ozzy: *was flustered at the kiss, then blushed evn harder n shoved him* Horny toad
Thrax smiled "but i only wish to kiss you love" they began to move again
Ozzy: Ur gonna make my lips swollen frm all the kissing *sees the line moving n was able to get the last seats in the middle*
Thrax pulled ozzy close smiling to hiffm as they beagn to go up, when they did they saw the twins walk off
Ozzy: *sees them* Oh, look, its the twins. I think they came frm the Ferris Wheel
Thrax nodded "that mustve been nice for them huh love?"
Ozzy: Yeah, Snipes got a nice glow n Sniper seems happier *hears the whistle for the roller coaster to start n put on the safety belt n harness* Here we go~
Thrax held onto the bar smirking "ready?"
Ozzy: *nods, a little nervous tho*
*the roller coaster soon started moving, going up the slope slowly*
Thrax whooped
Ozzy: Th...Thaz~ *pushed him a little to stop him frm his peppering kisses* We're in public~
Thrax chuckled "but i want to spoil you my zee-zee"
Ozzy: *pouts* I'm not a little kid anymore~ Hmph :I
Thrax kisses him deeply insted "hows that for adult jones?"
Ozzy: *was flustered at the kiss, then blushed evn harder n shoved him* Horny toad
Thrax smiled "but i only wish to kiss you love" they began to move again
Ozzy: Ur gonna make my lips swollen frm all the kissing *sees the line moving n was able to get the last seats in the middle*
Thrax pulled ozzy close smiling to hiffm as they beagn to go up, when they did they saw the twins walk off
Ozzy: *sees them* Oh, look, its the twins. I think they came frm the Ferris Wheel
Thrax nodded "that mustve been nice for them huh love?"
Ozzy: Yeah, Snipes got a nice glow n Sniper seems happier *hears the whistle for the roller coaster to start n put on the safety belt n harness* Here we go~
Thrax held onto the bar smirking "ready?"
Ozzy: *nods, a little nervous tho*
*the roller coaster soon started moving, going up the slope slowly*
Thrax whooped
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 113-Ferris Wheel Ride
Snipes: *glad to get cotton candy n dragged him to the Love Ferris Wheel ride*
Sniper would smiled as he was pulled, he let but still touched him to have his twin hug his arm instead more looking like a couple
Snipes: *got to the ticket booth, n as usual spoke simultaneously with his brother to ask for 2 tickets before they got onto the bunk n rode the Ferris Wheel with him*
Sniper smiled "man this is diffrent huh?"
Snipes: *nods, chewing at the cotton candy, looking at the scenic view*
"so what do you think if we stayed?" placing his hand upon snipes belly
Snipes: I dunno. I'd like to stay, bt u knw we dont belong with them. We belong in the petri dish
"but they care so much.. especially olivia"
Snipes: *chuckles* Yeah, Olivia. I wonder why she takes such a shine on us
Sniper holds him "i think cause she wants us to be happy, she nearly killed herself for us"
Snipes: *sighed, now he felt bad for upsetting the little girl wen she just wanted to please them*
Sniper lifted his twins head and kisses him without the heat
Snipes: *blushed at the kiss n responded bk, hugging him close, still kissing wen the Ferris Wheel came to the routine stop with them at the top of the wheel*
Sniper whispered "i want to stay"
Snipes: *blinked n whispered bk* R...R u sure...?
"I'm postivie, Dakara has been good to us, and look weve been mean cruel and ignorant but look they still accept us"
Snipes: I dunno...Big Momma might find out n knws tht I'm pregnant n go aftr us... *was unsure*
"It would make us all strong also, i love you so much and i'm so glad were having a baby"
Snipes: I'm glad too, evn tho its a little early...Well, not reli early, we're 250 yrs old...bt still... *blushed*
Sniper would kiss him deeper holding his face as the ride glitched for a little while longer
Sniper would smiled as he was pulled, he let but still touched him to have his twin hug his arm instead more looking like a couple
Snipes: *got to the ticket booth, n as usual spoke simultaneously with his brother to ask for 2 tickets before they got onto the bunk n rode the Ferris Wheel with him*
Sniper smiled "man this is diffrent huh?"
Snipes: *nods, chewing at the cotton candy, looking at the scenic view*
"so what do you think if we stayed?" placing his hand upon snipes belly
Snipes: I dunno. I'd like to stay, bt u knw we dont belong with them. We belong in the petri dish
"but they care so much.. especially olivia"
Snipes: *chuckles* Yeah, Olivia. I wonder why she takes such a shine on us
Sniper holds him "i think cause she wants us to be happy, she nearly killed herself for us"
Snipes: *sighed, now he felt bad for upsetting the little girl wen she just wanted to please them*
Sniper lifted his twins head and kisses him without the heat
Snipes: *blushed at the kiss n responded bk, hugging him close, still kissing wen the Ferris Wheel came to the routine stop with them at the top of the wheel*
Sniper whispered "i want to stay"
Snipes: *blinked n whispered bk* R...R u sure...?
"I'm postivie, Dakara has been good to us, and look weve been mean cruel and ignorant but look they still accept us"
Snipes: I dunno...Big Momma might find out n knws tht I'm pregnant n go aftr us... *was unsure*
"It would make us all strong also, i love you so much and i'm so glad were having a baby"
Snipes: I'm glad too, evn tho its a little early...Well, not reli early, we're 250 yrs old...bt still... *blushed*
Sniper would kiss him deeper holding his face as the ride glitched for a little while longer
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 112-Love A-Bloomin'
*the gang made their way to the love theme park where evrything was reli romance-related n a lot of heart-shaped themes abt*
Illust: Wow, talk abt hearts a-bloomin'
Leilani laughed "what are we to do with the kids?"
Olivia sucked her thumb sitting in snipes arms looking around
Julius: *looks abt* Oh look, there's a nursery there. We can put the kids there
Illust: Good idea. Looks like the nannies r lovely n there's a bunch of things to play with for them
Thrax saw olivia cling to the twins and got her "come on olive time to let adults play you watch your family now ya hear, Miracle? your the oldest"
Olivia nodded sucking her thumb as she and the babies were taken to the nursury
*all the babies were handed to the nannies n soon went off to chk out the rides*
Leilani held onto Kleptas arm purring
Sniper looked at snipes blushing a deep red
Thrax held Ozzys hand and kissed it a few times
Amber clung to Julius pulling him around
Dex would lift Illust into his arms smirking
Klepta: *purred bk as they tried the Tunnel of Love ride*
Snipes: *blushed bk as well, then saw the Love Ferris Wheel n pointed there*
Ozzy: *giggled at the kiss, then pulled him to take the Love Roller Coaster*
Julius: *laughs at Amber's clinginess as he took her to the Love Fountain Ride*
Illust: *giggled, pointing at the carousel, wanting to ride tht*
Leilani made out with him the entire time
Thrax saw the line was long so he peppered Oz with kisses
Amber would smile as they would get wet as she laughed
Dex took her to the Carousel smiling
Sniper smiled and took Snipes to the cotton candy machine
Illust: Wow, talk abt hearts a-bloomin'
Leilani laughed "what are we to do with the kids?"
Olivia sucked her thumb sitting in snipes arms looking around
Julius: *looks abt* Oh look, there's a nursery there. We can put the kids there
Illust: Good idea. Looks like the nannies r lovely n there's a bunch of things to play with for them
Thrax saw olivia cling to the twins and got her "come on olive time to let adults play you watch your family now ya hear, Miracle? your the oldest"
Olivia nodded sucking her thumb as she and the babies were taken to the nursury
*all the babies were handed to the nannies n soon went off to chk out the rides*
Leilani held onto Kleptas arm purring
Sniper looked at snipes blushing a deep red
Thrax held Ozzys hand and kissed it a few times
Amber clung to Julius pulling him around
Dex would lift Illust into his arms smirking
Klepta: *purred bk as they tried the Tunnel of Love ride*
Snipes: *blushed bk as well, then saw the Love Ferris Wheel n pointed there*
Ozzy: *giggled at the kiss, then pulled him to take the Love Roller Coaster*
Julius: *laughs at Amber's clinginess as he took her to the Love Fountain Ride*
Illust: *giggled, pointing at the carousel, wanting to ride tht*
Leilani made out with him the entire time
Thrax saw the line was long so he peppered Oz with kisses
Amber would smile as they would get wet as she laughed
Dex took her to the Carousel smiling
Sniper smiled and took Snipes to the cotton candy machine
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 111-Making Peace
Amber and Leilani pounced the boys when they got downstairs and took them into the bathroom, stripped them naked and dressing them and keeping the two touching at all times, they laughed as they ran off
Twins: *was utterly confused as they tried to focus their minds on wat's going on n chked themselves on the mirror*
They looked relaly nice and it matched their dreds and skin color, Olivia woke up hearing the commosion and squeaked
Twins: *comes out in their new clothes n turned to Lei* Wat is this?
Leilani smiled "new clothes, cause i bet youve been using the same thing for however old you boys are" he smiled "and think of it as 'were sorry' gift"
Olivia looked at the twins "you look good" she saw her momma "mah-mah!" she leaned towards him
Thrax smiled and handed olivia to Zee-zee
Ozzie: Hey sweetie *takes Olivia in his arms* U been a good girl?
Twins: *looked at their new clothes n both smiled a little, with a glow on Snipes' face* Thanks
Olivia sucked her thumb and fell asleep again
Thrax kisses ozzy out of nowhere
Leilani smiled "welcome to the family" she ran off laughing thinking they would be mad and hid behind Klepta playfully
Ozzie: *kissed him bk* Mmhh, wat was tht for?
Twins: *blinked at her words, then just smiled a little, not rebuking anything*
Klepta: So u guys got all the clothes n stuff ready? We were just abt to head out to make a venue booking
Leilani then went to Snipes and whispered "we got you a dress too" she giggled
Thrax purred "i just love you so much thats all"
Twins: *both of them blushed, bt with their own reasons*
Ozzie: I love u too
Illust; Yup, we've got our wedding dress ordered n we got clothes for the kids. I hope u guys hv ur wedding clothes ordered too
Dex smirked "i got mine"
Thrax nodded "i hope my Love will ike it" he nuzzled purring into his cheek
John looked down still and nodded he stayed away for a while
Twins: *looks at John for a while then went to him n hugged him in a manner showing tht they forgive him*
John sobbed and hugged them back "im so sorry" he kissed their forehead "To be honest i dont want you both to leave, you are such wonderful boys"
Twins: *nods* Its OK. We hv not decided to stay permanently with ur family, bt we will not abandon u. We r keeping our word tht we would help get rid of Big Momma once n for all
John sighed "alright, but if you go we wish you a happy life"
Twins: *smiled slightly bigger as they nodded*
Illust: Awesome! Its settled then. So how's abt a small celebration for the new addition in the baby brood for the twins?
Leilani smiled "lets all go someplace like a theme park or something"
Olivia looked up at the twins holding her arms out to them
Twins: *looked dwn at her, sighed a little n carried her*
Klepta: I read in the brochure where there is a love theme park nearby. We can go there
Olivia smiled and nuzzled them
Leilani smiled "Lets go tiger" but bumps him
Twins: *was utterly confused as they tried to focus their minds on wat's going on n chked themselves on the mirror*
They looked relaly nice and it matched their dreds and skin color, Olivia woke up hearing the commosion and squeaked
Twins: *comes out in their new clothes n turned to Lei* Wat is this?
Leilani smiled "new clothes, cause i bet youve been using the same thing for however old you boys are" he smiled "and think of it as 'were sorry' gift"
Olivia looked at the twins "you look good" she saw her momma "mah-mah!" she leaned towards him
Thrax smiled and handed olivia to Zee-zee
Ozzie: Hey sweetie *takes Olivia in his arms* U been a good girl?
Twins: *looked at their new clothes n both smiled a little, with a glow on Snipes' face* Thanks
Olivia sucked her thumb and fell asleep again
Thrax kisses ozzy out of nowhere
Leilani smiled "welcome to the family" she ran off laughing thinking they would be mad and hid behind Klepta playfully
Ozzie: *kissed him bk* Mmhh, wat was tht for?
Twins: *blinked at her words, then just smiled a little, not rebuking anything*
Klepta: So u guys got all the clothes n stuff ready? We were just abt to head out to make a venue booking
Leilani then went to Snipes and whispered "we got you a dress too" she giggled
Thrax purred "i just love you so much thats all"
Twins: *both of them blushed, bt with their own reasons*
Ozzie: I love u too
Illust; Yup, we've got our wedding dress ordered n we got clothes for the kids. I hope u guys hv ur wedding clothes ordered too
Dex smirked "i got mine"
Thrax nodded "i hope my Love will ike it" he nuzzled purring into his cheek
John looked down still and nodded he stayed away for a while
Twins: *looks at John for a while then went to him n hugged him in a manner showing tht they forgive him*
John sobbed and hugged them back "im so sorry" he kissed their forehead "To be honest i dont want you both to leave, you are such wonderful boys"
Twins: *nods* Its OK. We hv not decided to stay permanently with ur family, bt we will not abandon u. We r keeping our word tht we would help get rid of Big Momma once n for all
John sighed "alright, but if you go we wish you a happy life"
Twins: *smiled slightly bigger as they nodded*
Illust: Awesome! Its settled then. So how's abt a small celebration for the new addition in the baby brood for the twins?
Leilani smiled "lets all go someplace like a theme park or something"
Olivia looked up at the twins holding her arms out to them
Twins: *looked dwn at her, sighed a little n carried her*
Klepta: I read in the brochure where there is a love theme park nearby. We can go there
Olivia smiled and nuzzled them
Leilani smiled "Lets go tiger" but bumps him
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 110-Coming in Terms
*meanwhile, Julius got a pack of ice for John's face*
Julius: Now would u mind telling us wat the Frank just happened there?
John looked down "youll hate me for it"
Klepta: Well no surprise, since I already hate u for knocking up Pops. Wat else can u do to piss us off? Right, Thrax? Dex?
Thrax and Dex nodded glaring down at him
John whimpered slightly his tail between his legs "i-im the c-ause of the t-twins bunny f-fucking and b-baby"
Klepta: *groans* Gee, why am I not fucking surprised?
Julius: John! Is tht how u repay them for showing up to fight for us against Big Momma??
"i-i olivia i just"
Olivia had stayed behind and looked angry at her grandfather and bit his arm
John yelped
Thrax growled then saw his daughter and tried to get her of "Olive enough!" he said sternly
Julius: Olive, let go of Gramps. U wanted the twins to be pregnant, now u got ur wish *smacked her bottom lightly to make her let go*
Olivia yelped and glared at her uncle and got down running to the twins room
Twins: *they had the door locked*
Olivia knocked on the door gently
Twins: *doesnt answer the door*
Olivia kept knocking until a maid sees her thinking that they were her parents and let her into the room
Twins: *sees her enter n one of them picked her up with TK, threatening to drop her* This is all ur fault, u cursed us. If it werent for ur tripe, Dakara's mate wouldnt do this to us *sounded pissed due mostly to Snipes' hormones tht affected Sniper as well*
Olivia looked at them she couldnt speak as she tried to say sorry forcing herslef to speak "am awee am aowee am awoee!!" she sobbed, she didnt mean too she thought "i dont deserve to live, i killed my baby brother i made the twins unhappy" she curled up and sobbed "am awoee!"
Twins: *Sniper's mind cleared a little n spoke in Snipes' mind to calm dwn, then Snipes broke into tears again as he dropped Olivia gently bk on the carpet*
Olivia was put down and she went to the balcony "am awoee" she would slip through the bars and look down 4 stories
Twins: *sees wat she was trying to do n TK-ed her bk inside, then hugged her close* We're sorry too...Its the hormones, its affecting us. Ur not entirely to blame...We're sorry... *sobs as they rubbed her bk, rocking her*
Olivia gripped their shirts and cried loudly as she kept saying she was sorry she just wanted them happy
Twins: Shh... *continued rocking her* Its OK...Its OK... *hears a knock on their door n a voice calling out tht sounded like Thrax* Come in, its not locked
Thrax walked in worried about his daughter and sees her in their arms "is everything alright?"
Olivia sniffed and hicced, she hasnt shut up she felt so guilty as she then fell asleep
Twins: She came here to apologize. We reacted a little...harsh n she couldnt stop blaming herself. We're good now *TK-ed her to Thrax's arms*
Thrax held his daughter close "Well the girls are back they have a gift for you both, so come downstairs" He helpd them on their feet
Twins: *nodded n followed him quietly*
Julius: Now would u mind telling us wat the Frank just happened there?
John looked down "youll hate me for it"
Klepta: Well no surprise, since I already hate u for knocking up Pops. Wat else can u do to piss us off? Right, Thrax? Dex?
Thrax and Dex nodded glaring down at him
John whimpered slightly his tail between his legs "i-im the c-ause of the t-twins bunny f-fucking and b-baby"
Klepta: *groans* Gee, why am I not fucking surprised?
Julius: John! Is tht how u repay them for showing up to fight for us against Big Momma??
"i-i olivia i just"
Olivia had stayed behind and looked angry at her grandfather and bit his arm
John yelped
Thrax growled then saw his daughter and tried to get her of "Olive enough!" he said sternly
Julius: Olive, let go of Gramps. U wanted the twins to be pregnant, now u got ur wish *smacked her bottom lightly to make her let go*
Olivia yelped and glared at her uncle and got down running to the twins room
Twins: *they had the door locked*
Olivia knocked on the door gently
Twins: *doesnt answer the door*
Olivia kept knocking until a maid sees her thinking that they were her parents and let her into the room
Twins: *sees her enter n one of them picked her up with TK, threatening to drop her* This is all ur fault, u cursed us. If it werent for ur tripe, Dakara's mate wouldnt do this to us *sounded pissed due mostly to Snipes' hormones tht affected Sniper as well*
Olivia looked at them she couldnt speak as she tried to say sorry forcing herslef to speak "am awee am aowee am awoee!!" she sobbed, she didnt mean too she thought "i dont deserve to live, i killed my baby brother i made the twins unhappy" she curled up and sobbed "am awoee!"
Twins: *Sniper's mind cleared a little n spoke in Snipes' mind to calm dwn, then Snipes broke into tears again as he dropped Olivia gently bk on the carpet*
Olivia was put down and she went to the balcony "am awoee" she would slip through the bars and look down 4 stories
Twins: *sees wat she was trying to do n TK-ed her bk inside, then hugged her close* We're sorry too...Its the hormones, its affecting us. Ur not entirely to blame...We're sorry... *sobs as they rubbed her bk, rocking her*
Olivia gripped their shirts and cried loudly as she kept saying she was sorry she just wanted them happy
Twins: Shh... *continued rocking her* Its OK...Its OK... *hears a knock on their door n a voice calling out tht sounded like Thrax* Come in, its not locked
Thrax walked in worried about his daughter and sees her in their arms "is everything alright?"
Olivia sniffed and hicced, she hasnt shut up she felt so guilty as she then fell asleep
Twins: She came here to apologize. We reacted a little...harsh n she couldnt stop blaming herself. We're good now *TK-ed her to Thrax's arms*
Thrax held his daughter close "Well the girls are back they have a gift for you both, so come downstairs" He helpd them on their feet
Twins: *nodded n followed him quietly*
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 109-Justifications and Mood-Swings
Dakara: J...Jonnie... *knew wat Lei was pissed abt* L...Lei...Jonnie didnt mean to...
Leilani growled "you knew too?" her pupils turned into slits "YOUR A BUNCH OF ASS HOLES, THEY ARE SCARED AS FUCK! THEY ARENT WHAT IS MENT TO HAPPEN WITH THEM!"
Dakara: Well, Jonnie made me promise, bt...Its...Its not like we knew it would turn out this way. Evryone seems to be expectant of them hving a child, evn the kids want it to, so we thought it would make u guys happy. Some thanks ur giving
Illust: Dad, its not tht we dont appreciate it. Yes, we do think of it, bt we didnt want it to be tht soon. U knw Big Momma is on our tail. The last thing they need is to worry abt a child wen they're supposed to be battlign it out with her
Leilani winced and looked down "i didnt want them to have kids, i wanted to make them feel at home" her pregancy was making her go wild as she squated down and burst into tears
Dakara: I'm sorry, I reli am sorry *hugged her, trying to make her feel better*
Illust: *sighed* Now not only we r on the run, the twins will hv to be on the run too. If Big Momma catches wind tht they're expecting a child, she would not waste time to destroy them
Ozzy: Dad... *sighed* I dont want to rub it in bt how could u be so brash?
Dakara: *started sobbing; he felt reli bad now*
Leilani leaned on Dakara and hugged him back nuzzling him
Amber sighed and picked them up off the ground "well then lets make the best of it, lets get a gift for the twins to help cope, and for one, i think we all can take big momma if we all try, even if we have the twins on the side, i bet by the time bigmomma gets close to us the kids will be old enough"
Illust: Well, lets just hope. C'mon, lets go do our bridal shopping n look on the bright side, aye?
Ozzy: Yeah, no point dwelling wat's already happened
Leilani held Dakaras hand smiling "sorry i pounced like that, this pregnacy is making me into a bitch" T^T
Amber laughed "oh come on lei it aint so bad" she smiled
Illust: At least ur not puking all ovr the plc, ugh, I still need meds to keep my morning sickness dwn
Ozzy: *laughs* They should call it all day sickness if u ask me
Illust: Amen to tht
Leilani smiled as they all went shopping
Amber found a really cute matching male clothes set for the twins, it was a white dress shirt, one red vest the other black with tight black jeans and boots
Illust: *got a nice blue tux for Jet n a black tux for Jazz, n got dwn to ordering tht dress she finally decided on*
Dakara: *was helping Oz to decide on his wedding clothes, n also helping the kids to decide on their clothes as well*
Everyone had shopping bags as Leilani was hugging ozz "come on lets go eat at a cafe or something"
Ozzy: Yeah, sure. I reli need to sit dwn
Illust: Ugh so do I. My feet r killing me
Leilani growled "you knew too?" her pupils turned into slits "YOUR A BUNCH OF ASS HOLES, THEY ARE SCARED AS FUCK! THEY ARENT WHAT IS MENT TO HAPPEN WITH THEM!"
Dakara: Well, Jonnie made me promise, bt...Its...Its not like we knew it would turn out this way. Evryone seems to be expectant of them hving a child, evn the kids want it to, so we thought it would make u guys happy. Some thanks ur giving
Illust: Dad, its not tht we dont appreciate it. Yes, we do think of it, bt we didnt want it to be tht soon. U knw Big Momma is on our tail. The last thing they need is to worry abt a child wen they're supposed to be battlign it out with her
Leilani winced and looked down "i didnt want them to have kids, i wanted to make them feel at home" her pregancy was making her go wild as she squated down and burst into tears
Dakara: I'm sorry, I reli am sorry *hugged her, trying to make her feel better*
Illust: *sighed* Now not only we r on the run, the twins will hv to be on the run too. If Big Momma catches wind tht they're expecting a child, she would not waste time to destroy them
Ozzy: Dad... *sighed* I dont want to rub it in bt how could u be so brash?
Dakara: *started sobbing; he felt reli bad now*
Leilani leaned on Dakara and hugged him back nuzzling him
Amber sighed and picked them up off the ground "well then lets make the best of it, lets get a gift for the twins to help cope, and for one, i think we all can take big momma if we all try, even if we have the twins on the side, i bet by the time bigmomma gets close to us the kids will be old enough"
Illust: Well, lets just hope. C'mon, lets go do our bridal shopping n look on the bright side, aye?
Ozzy: Yeah, no point dwelling wat's already happened
Leilani held Dakaras hand smiling "sorry i pounced like that, this pregnacy is making me into a bitch" T^T
Amber laughed "oh come on lei it aint so bad" she smiled
Illust: At least ur not puking all ovr the plc, ugh, I still need meds to keep my morning sickness dwn
Ozzy: *laughs* They should call it all day sickness if u ask me
Illust: Amen to tht
Leilani smiled as they all went shopping
Amber found a really cute matching male clothes set for the twins, it was a white dress shirt, one red vest the other black with tight black jeans and boots
Illust: *got a nice blue tux for Jet n a black tux for Jazz, n got dwn to ordering tht dress she finally decided on*
Dakara: *was helping Oz to decide on his wedding clothes, n also helping the kids to decide on their clothes as well*
Everyone had shopping bags as Leilani was hugging ozz "come on lets go eat at a cafe or something"
Ozzy: Yeah, sure. I reli need to sit dwn
Illust: Ugh so do I. My feet r killing me
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10:33 AM
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 108-Commotion at Breakfast
*the next day, everyone woke up refreshed n were at the hotel restaurant having a hearty breakfast buffet*
Illust: *only got herself some oatmeal n orange juice as she couldn't really stomach food at the moment*
Dex had waffles and strawberries with whipped cream and got the twins some soft fruit
Amber was having some crab she saw, and some fresh Kiwis along with something soft for Amy
Leilani was kinda packing a lot of random food since she was pregnant she let Paul choose for Nikkita
Olivia looked at the food wondering what she should get
Ozzie: U cant eat hard solids yet, sweetie, so here's something soft for u *got her some pancakes n fruits, while he got himself a nice helping of American breakfast*
Klepta: *was a meat lover, so his food was packed with all things poultry*
Julius: *got a little bit of everything, but mostly bread produce*
Dakara: *started off with a fruit salad first, he's a slow eater n likes to savour food one by one*
Twins: *were the last to join them, looking a little flushed as they maintained their holding hands*
John chuckled "sounds like last night was a blast for you both" he got his plate of food "come come eat" he nudged the twins forward
Twins: *flustered at that n made their way to the buffet table, getting random things to eat*
Dakara: *hid a grin at seeing a number of hickies on Snipes' body*
Olivia smiled at the twins as she slid from her mother and toddled to them and tugged their shirt "Morning" she said thanks to grandpa being close
Twins: *looks down* Morning *making their way to the table*
Olivia blinked was surprised they said it so nicely she went back to her mother and ate some mushed up bananas oz made while she said hello
*the rest of the family joined the table n ate heartily*
Dakara: So what's the agenda for today?
Illust: Bridal shopping of course
Leilani was sucking on a shrimp "yeah we gotta get all our little things"
Olivia finished and toddled to the twins smiling
Miracle: *finished his too n toddled over*
Twins: *just ate, ignoring them*
Miracle: *tugged at their pants* Up!
Olivia giggled and helped her brother upon their laps looking up at then then blinked and sniffed snipes belly "baby"
Twins: *blushed hard* Not funny, kid
Olivia shook her head and pointed to Snipes belly "baby! Your pregnant"
Twins: *Snipes blushed harder than Sniper, then Snipes, out of reflex suddenly let go of Sniper to want to run away, bt the connection break soon made both twins black out*
Dakara: Oh spit! Jonnie, do something!
John was fast and caught Snipes quickly and then sniper before they toppled out the chair and connected their hands quickly
Olivia squeaked, she was only being honest, she began to wail in fear and distress
Ozzie: *carries her* Its OK, its OK, its not ur fault. They're just a little shocked, is all
Twins: *slowly regained consciousness n somehow the twins did something they usually don't do: they behaved separately; Snipes started sobbing hard n Sniper was consoling him n holding him close*
Olivia would sob harder hating herself
Leilani sighed "alright alright" she walked to the twins and picked up snipes like a child "Illust other one, we taking them upstairs"
Illust: *nods n took Sniper, keeping their hands connected*
Twins: *despite Dakara saying tht they were older than evn Amber compared, they were surprisingly small n light, like a teenager as they were carried to their room*
Dakara: *sighed n glared at John, whispering* Nice going, Jonnie
John winced mouthing "i didnt know"
Leilani sat down after putting the twins down "Boys whats wrong, tell me and my sister please?"
Twins: *Sniper waited till Snipes calmed dwn before they both told them wat happened since the trailer van till now*
Leilani blinked and glared immensly seeing that John was always taking the food to them "oooh hes soo gonna get it"
Illust: Wat? U think someone made them hv sex?
Twins: *blinked in confusion*'
"Illust, they were drugged by John!"
Illust: Woah, seriously? Tht's a little extreme. Why would he wanna do tht?
Twins: To force us to procreate, to keep us grounded, or maybe evn to make the little ones happy. U all seem to be vry intent to want us to hv children. U made him do it
Leilani rolled her eyes "the only think i wanted was to baby you two, you've been away from socialization too long, look at us, we love you as our brothers now! But Frank i dont know what the Fuck John was thinking, i am going to strangle him" she growled then sighed "But on the plus side, your both going to have a sweet little bundle of joy" she laughed " me and Illust are also pregnant and now you are part of the group, if your too scare, we can have the baby removed, and you can go home, you dont need to stay cause Dakara asked, you can go home to your little dish while we run from her, we dont need anything if you dont want to do it, but you both are special. Please dont forget it." Leilani kissed their foreheads
Twins: *kept quiet n looked dwn, a bit unsure* Give us time to think
Illust: *nods* Alright. Think carefully now. Its ur choice *patted their heads* We'll be bk from our shopping later, OK? No pressure *gestured Lei to leave them alone*
Leilani followed her sister out, she grabbed Dakara amber and oz out of the group along with the kids to take them out shopping
Klepta: *noticed that Lei wasn't looking too good mood n turned to either one of the men* Alright, did someone do something completely stupid that pissed my wild flower off?
Julius: Don't look at me. I just got here *which is true, since he went to get a second helping*
LEilani stopped before leaving and punched John hard into the wall and stormed off
John gasped and slid down the wall onto his ass rubbing his face "owww s-shit"
Klepta: Whoa! Dude! Wat the heck?
Illust: *only got herself some oatmeal n orange juice as she couldn't really stomach food at the moment*
Dex had waffles and strawberries with whipped cream and got the twins some soft fruit
Amber was having some crab she saw, and some fresh Kiwis along with something soft for Amy
Leilani was kinda packing a lot of random food since she was pregnant she let Paul choose for Nikkita
Olivia looked at the food wondering what she should get
Ozzie: U cant eat hard solids yet, sweetie, so here's something soft for u *got her some pancakes n fruits, while he got himself a nice helping of American breakfast*
Klepta: *was a meat lover, so his food was packed with all things poultry*
Julius: *got a little bit of everything, but mostly bread produce*
Dakara: *started off with a fruit salad first, he's a slow eater n likes to savour food one by one*
Twins: *were the last to join them, looking a little flushed as they maintained their holding hands*
John chuckled "sounds like last night was a blast for you both" he got his plate of food "come come eat" he nudged the twins forward
Twins: *flustered at that n made their way to the buffet table, getting random things to eat*
Dakara: *hid a grin at seeing a number of hickies on Snipes' body*
Olivia smiled at the twins as she slid from her mother and toddled to them and tugged their shirt "Morning" she said thanks to grandpa being close
Twins: *looks down* Morning *making their way to the table*
Olivia blinked was surprised they said it so nicely she went back to her mother and ate some mushed up bananas oz made while she said hello
*the rest of the family joined the table n ate heartily*
Dakara: So what's the agenda for today?
Illust: Bridal shopping of course
Leilani was sucking on a shrimp "yeah we gotta get all our little things"
Olivia finished and toddled to the twins smiling
Miracle: *finished his too n toddled over*
Twins: *just ate, ignoring them*
Miracle: *tugged at their pants* Up!
Olivia giggled and helped her brother upon their laps looking up at then then blinked and sniffed snipes belly "baby"
Twins: *blushed hard* Not funny, kid
Olivia shook her head and pointed to Snipes belly "baby! Your pregnant"
Twins: *Snipes blushed harder than Sniper, then Snipes, out of reflex suddenly let go of Sniper to want to run away, bt the connection break soon made both twins black out*
Dakara: Oh spit! Jonnie, do something!
John was fast and caught Snipes quickly and then sniper before they toppled out the chair and connected their hands quickly
Olivia squeaked, she was only being honest, she began to wail in fear and distress
Ozzie: *carries her* Its OK, its OK, its not ur fault. They're just a little shocked, is all
Twins: *slowly regained consciousness n somehow the twins did something they usually don't do: they behaved separately; Snipes started sobbing hard n Sniper was consoling him n holding him close*
Olivia would sob harder hating herself
Leilani sighed "alright alright" she walked to the twins and picked up snipes like a child "Illust other one, we taking them upstairs"
Illust: *nods n took Sniper, keeping their hands connected*
Twins: *despite Dakara saying tht they were older than evn Amber compared, they were surprisingly small n light, like a teenager as they were carried to their room*
Dakara: *sighed n glared at John, whispering* Nice going, Jonnie
John winced mouthing "i didnt know"
Leilani sat down after putting the twins down "Boys whats wrong, tell me and my sister please?"
Twins: *Sniper waited till Snipes calmed dwn before they both told them wat happened since the trailer van till now*
Leilani blinked and glared immensly seeing that John was always taking the food to them "oooh hes soo gonna get it"
Illust: Wat? U think someone made them hv sex?
Twins: *blinked in confusion*'
"Illust, they were drugged by John!"
Illust: Woah, seriously? Tht's a little extreme. Why would he wanna do tht?
Twins: To force us to procreate, to keep us grounded, or maybe evn to make the little ones happy. U all seem to be vry intent to want us to hv children. U made him do it
Leilani rolled her eyes "the only think i wanted was to baby you two, you've been away from socialization too long, look at us, we love you as our brothers now! But Frank i dont know what the Fuck John was thinking, i am going to strangle him" she growled then sighed "But on the plus side, your both going to have a sweet little bundle of joy" she laughed " me and Illust are also pregnant and now you are part of the group, if your too scare, we can have the baby removed, and you can go home, you dont need to stay cause Dakara asked, you can go home to your little dish while we run from her, we dont need anything if you dont want to do it, but you both are special. Please dont forget it." Leilani kissed their foreheads
Twins: *kept quiet n looked dwn, a bit unsure* Give us time to think
Illust: *nods* Alright. Think carefully now. Its ur choice *patted their heads* We'll be bk from our shopping later, OK? No pressure *gestured Lei to leave them alone*
Leilani followed her sister out, she grabbed Dakara amber and oz out of the group along with the kids to take them out shopping
Klepta: *noticed that Lei wasn't looking too good mood n turned to either one of the men* Alright, did someone do something completely stupid that pissed my wild flower off?
Julius: Don't look at me. I just got here *which is true, since he went to get a second helping*
LEilani stopped before leaving and punched John hard into the wall and stormed off
John gasped and slid down the wall onto his ass rubbing his face "owww s-shit"
Klepta: Whoa! Dude! Wat the heck?
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 107-Midnight Romp
Amber was breast feeding amy to help her fall asleep
Julius: *was laying in bed, waiting for Amber to return* Do u think I need to hv my hair cut?
Amber blinked "i dont think so, i love your hair, but if its too much you can cut it" she smiled
Julius: It is a little long, n ppl often mistake me as a girl with this hair coz of my slender body *sweat*
"But its so sexy on you"
Julius: Maybe I'll just trim. Wat do u think of me as shoulder-length?
She blushed thinking about it "w-wow"
Julius: Heh, shoulder-length it is then. I'll hv it cut the day before our wedding. Which reminds me, wen we hv the time, we all hv to go bridal clothes shopping
She giggled "im all good, i found a wedding dress and ordered it" she stuck her toung out to him as she burped amy
Amy burped and yawned
Julius: U sure r fast, bt u need to help the others choose too. U guys need to suit each other during the wedding *sees Amy* Aww, does Daddy's little princess hv her fill already?
Amy purred sleeply
Amber giggled "why do i need to match everyone when im only going to be with you?"
Julius: Yeah, well, not reli match per se, bt we're hving a group wedding, means us all together married at the same spot. U knw wat I mean
Amber put amy on the seperate bed and crawled under the sheets and went to his pants and pulled down the pj pants and began to suck his cock
Julius: *hissed* A...Amber...Amy might...Mmmhh...
Amber would suck harder and slowly bob her head upon his soft shaft feeling it harden in her mouth
Julius: *pants as he gripped at the sheets, biting his lip to supress his moans*
Amber saw through the sheet watching her lovers face go into pure bliss as her fingers rubs his balls as she sucked ahrder and harder
Julius: *saw her too as her face poked out frm under the sheets, the way she sucked was such a turn on, he couldnt take it anymore n made her let go, then pushed her dwn, tore off her panties underneath her nightie n slammed his cock into her already wet pussy*
Amber gasped and shivered as she just breathed not to wake her daughter
Julius: *kissed her to help her muffle her voice as he started pounding into her, getting closer n closer to her G-spot*
Amber moaned softly into his mouth and gripped his hair as she began to tighten around him looking in pure bliss
Julius: *groaned at her walls tighten ard his cock as he pounded in deeper, finally finding the G-spot n slamming it mercilessly*
SHe gasped and squeaked cumming covering her mouth
Julius: *groaned as she came, soaking his dick, n a few more thrusts later he followed, filling her up*
She shivered and panted
Julius: Mmmhh...Ur amazing *kissed her deeply*
Amber smiled and kisses back purring "lets sleep now hun"
Julius: *purred n cuddled against her, his dick still inside her tho*
Amber blushed but nuzzled close as they fall asleep that way
Julius: *was laying in bed, waiting for Amber to return* Do u think I need to hv my hair cut?
Amber blinked "i dont think so, i love your hair, but if its too much you can cut it" she smiled
Julius: It is a little long, n ppl often mistake me as a girl with this hair coz of my slender body *sweat*
"But its so sexy on you"
Julius: Maybe I'll just trim. Wat do u think of me as shoulder-length?
She blushed thinking about it "w-wow"
Julius: Heh, shoulder-length it is then. I'll hv it cut the day before our wedding. Which reminds me, wen we hv the time, we all hv to go bridal clothes shopping
She giggled "im all good, i found a wedding dress and ordered it" she stuck her toung out to him as she burped amy
Amy burped and yawned
Julius: U sure r fast, bt u need to help the others choose too. U guys need to suit each other during the wedding *sees Amy* Aww, does Daddy's little princess hv her fill already?
Amy purred sleeply
Amber giggled "why do i need to match everyone when im only going to be with you?"
Julius: Yeah, well, not reli match per se, bt we're hving a group wedding, means us all together married at the same spot. U knw wat I mean
Amber put amy on the seperate bed and crawled under the sheets and went to his pants and pulled down the pj pants and began to suck his cock
Julius: *hissed* A...Amber...Amy might...Mmmhh...
Amber would suck harder and slowly bob her head upon his soft shaft feeling it harden in her mouth
Julius: *pants as he gripped at the sheets, biting his lip to supress his moans*
Amber saw through the sheet watching her lovers face go into pure bliss as her fingers rubs his balls as she sucked ahrder and harder
Julius: *saw her too as her face poked out frm under the sheets, the way she sucked was such a turn on, he couldnt take it anymore n made her let go, then pushed her dwn, tore off her panties underneath her nightie n slammed his cock into her already wet pussy*
Amber gasped and shivered as she just breathed not to wake her daughter
Julius: *kissed her to help her muffle her voice as he started pounding into her, getting closer n closer to her G-spot*
Amber moaned softly into his mouth and gripped his hair as she began to tighten around him looking in pure bliss
Julius: *groaned at her walls tighten ard his cock as he pounded in deeper, finally finding the G-spot n slamming it mercilessly*
SHe gasped and squeaked cumming covering her mouth
Julius: *groaned as she came, soaking his dick, n a few more thrusts later he followed, filling her up*
She shivered and panted
Julius: Mmmhh...Ur amazing *kissed her deeply*
Amber smiled and kisses back purring "lets sleep now hun"
Julius: *purred n cuddled against her, his dick still inside her tho*
Amber blushed but nuzzled close as they fall asleep that way
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 106-All Day Sickness
Illust: *meanwhile was still up n in the bathroom, puking up a storm*
Dex was with her rubbing her back "do you want me to get u some meds love to help calm it down so you can sleep?" he said worried
Illust: I... *cough cough* I'm OK... *cough cough* Its not *cough* the first time I'm pregnant... *cough* *vomited again* BLERGH~!!
Jazz: *woke up frm their mother's vomiting n crawled to the bathroom, worried* Mama...?
Jet woke up too and crawled over
Dex sighed and went to his medical kit "mommas sick boys watch out okay?"
Jazz: *nods*
Illust: *hurled some more into the toilet bowl*
Dex would bring back pregnacy meds to calm down her stomach
Jet got close to Jazz "Poor mommy all for our little sister"
Jazz: Yeah. Wait, how can we be sure its a sister? Its not evn fully formed yet. It could be a brother, for all we knw
"I want a sister tho, dont you?"
Jazz: Well, yeah, I do. It'll be so exciting to hv a sister to spoil
"Yes and we can nuzzle her and hold her and share our toys!"
Jazz: Yeah, n we hug her n kiss her n all tht
Illust: *takes the meds n tries to breath thru her nausea, waiting for the effect to kick in*
Dex would rub her back and kisses her back and shoulders
Illust: *the meds kicked in n she sighed in relief, leaning against Dex*
Jazz: Poor Momma *sighed seeing their mother so sick*
Dex picked her up "come on love bed now" he smiles kissing her
Jet noded
Illust: *curled against Dex, cant reli walk frm all the puking*
Jazz: *crawled aftr their father*
Dex carried her bridal style to the bed and layed her down nd layed next to her
Jet followed his brother yawning
Jazz: *yawned too, then tried to climb bk up the bed the way they came bt keep losing his footing* Baba~
Dex chuckled seeing his boys, he leaned over and picked them up placing them on the bed too
Jazz: *curled against Illust, yawned n dozed off*
Illust: *smiled at Jazz n patted his bottom, dozing off too*
Jet would cuddle close and fall asleep
dex held his family as he slept
Dex was with her rubbing her back "do you want me to get u some meds love to help calm it down so you can sleep?" he said worried
Illust: I... *cough cough* I'm OK... *cough cough* Its not *cough* the first time I'm pregnant... *cough* *vomited again* BLERGH~!!
Jazz: *woke up frm their mother's vomiting n crawled to the bathroom, worried* Mama...?
Jet woke up too and crawled over
Dex sighed and went to his medical kit "mommas sick boys watch out okay?"
Jazz: *nods*
Illust: *hurled some more into the toilet bowl*
Dex would bring back pregnacy meds to calm down her stomach
Jet got close to Jazz "Poor mommy all for our little sister"
Jazz: Yeah. Wait, how can we be sure its a sister? Its not evn fully formed yet. It could be a brother, for all we knw
"I want a sister tho, dont you?"
Jazz: Well, yeah, I do. It'll be so exciting to hv a sister to spoil
"Yes and we can nuzzle her and hold her and share our toys!"
Jazz: Yeah, n we hug her n kiss her n all tht
Illust: *takes the meds n tries to breath thru her nausea, waiting for the effect to kick in*
Dex would rub her back and kisses her back and shoulders
Illust: *the meds kicked in n she sighed in relief, leaning against Dex*
Jazz: Poor Momma *sighed seeing their mother so sick*
Dex picked her up "come on love bed now" he smiles kissing her
Jet noded
Illust: *curled against Dex, cant reli walk frm all the puking*
Jazz: *crawled aftr their father*
Dex carried her bridal style to the bed and layed her down nd layed next to her
Jet followed his brother yawning
Jazz: *yawned too, then tried to climb bk up the bed the way they came bt keep losing his footing* Baba~
Dex chuckled seeing his boys, he leaned over and picked them up placing them on the bed too
Jazz: *curled against Illust, yawned n dozed off*
Illust: *smiled at Jazz n patted his bottom, dozing off too*
Jet would cuddle close and fall asleep
dex held his family as he slept
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 105-A Touch of Colic
Klepta: *was up trying to help Nikkita sleep. She was getting colic n was keeping the couple up* Shh...shh...shh...Its OK, it'll pass
Nikkita: *bawling her head off; the colic was making her reli uncomfortable*
Leilani was trying everything to calm down Nikki "shh shh baby" she tried to burp her patting her back alot
Nikkita: *still crying, n getting louder n more persistent*
Klepta: Ah, poor sweetie, colic getting at u, isnt it? Its OK, its OK, shh...It'll wear off soon, dont worry
Leilani took her to the balcony and rocked her softly, she then began to sing something shes really shy to do but she hoped it would distract her baby, she began to sing
Nikkita: *listens to the song, distracting herself frm her discomfort, slowly quiet dwn, bt still whimpering n sobbing*
Klepta: *listens to Lei sing n smiled quietly, he didnt think she'd sound tht beautiful*
Leilani rocked her "shh shh i know baby" puts her tail into her babys mouth "suck on that, if you get uncomfortable you can bite mommy"
Nikkita: *sucked on the tail n slowly calmed dwn, still making fussy noises, bt not so bad now as she slowly falls asleep*
Leilani smiled and lets her suck on her tail all night as she walked in and realized she sung out loud to Klepta and looked away shyly
Klepta: Wat? U sound beautiful *caressed her face* Nothing to feel shy abt
Leilani blushed "t-thank you" she kissed him and yawned "lets try and sleep, i hope that it will pass soon, if not ill take her to drix and see if there may be any remedies to help"
Klepta: I heard colic is just tht, u cant reli get rid of it, it rides out by itself *climbs in bed with her*
"I know that hun but we can always try and help it in any way for her" she kisses Nikkis head while she sucked upon her tail and got close to Klepta
Klepta: Yeah I gotcha *yawned n cuddled against his family, dozing off*
Nikkita woke up and was squished uncomfortably between her parents, she crawled out sleeply and crawled to the other bed and slipped under pauls pj shirt and cuddled close to his chest
Spryman: *stirred a little to see her* Hey, sweetie. Cant sleep?
Nikki shook her head as she pointed to the small space between her parents which got closer where she was, she then burped and blushed covering her mouth
Spryman: *chuckles* Haha, I was wondering why u were crying like hell just now *cuddles her* Lets go bk to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day ahead
Nikki then yawned now comfortable that she was able to burp and nuzzled him till she fell asleep upon his chest under his jammie shirt
Nikkita: *bawling her head off; the colic was making her reli uncomfortable*
Leilani was trying everything to calm down Nikki "shh shh baby" she tried to burp her patting her back alot
Nikkita: *still crying, n getting louder n more persistent*
Klepta: Ah, poor sweetie, colic getting at u, isnt it? Its OK, its OK, shh...It'll wear off soon, dont worry
Leilani took her to the balcony and rocked her softly, she then began to sing something shes really shy to do but she hoped it would distract her baby, she began to sing
Nikkita: *listens to the song, distracting herself frm her discomfort, slowly quiet dwn, bt still whimpering n sobbing*
Klepta: *listens to Lei sing n smiled quietly, he didnt think she'd sound tht beautiful*
Leilani rocked her "shh shh i know baby" puts her tail into her babys mouth "suck on that, if you get uncomfortable you can bite mommy"
Nikkita: *sucked on the tail n slowly calmed dwn, still making fussy noises, bt not so bad now as she slowly falls asleep*
Leilani smiled and lets her suck on her tail all night as she walked in and realized she sung out loud to Klepta and looked away shyly
Klepta: Wat? U sound beautiful *caressed her face* Nothing to feel shy abt
Leilani blushed "t-thank you" she kissed him and yawned "lets try and sleep, i hope that it will pass soon, if not ill take her to drix and see if there may be any remedies to help"
Klepta: I heard colic is just tht, u cant reli get rid of it, it rides out by itself *climbs in bed with her*
"I know that hun but we can always try and help it in any way for her" she kisses Nikkis head while she sucked upon her tail and got close to Klepta
Klepta: Yeah I gotcha *yawned n cuddled against his family, dozing off*
Nikkita woke up and was squished uncomfortably between her parents, she crawled out sleeply and crawled to the other bed and slipped under pauls pj shirt and cuddled close to his chest
Spryman: *stirred a little to see her* Hey, sweetie. Cant sleep?
Nikki shook her head as she pointed to the small space between her parents which got closer where she was, she then burped and blushed covering her mouth
Spryman: *chuckles* Haha, I was wondering why u were crying like hell just now *cuddles her* Lets go bk to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day ahead
Nikki then yawned now comfortable that she was able to burp and nuzzled him till she fell asleep upon his chest under his jammie shirt
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 104-Midnight View
Olivia couldnt sleep cause of the banging of Sniper and Snipes next door on the other side of the twins, she cralwed to the patio and went outside looking at the busy streets
Ozzy: *couldnt sleep either n joined Olivia there at the patio* Careful, sweetie, or else u'll fall off *carries her so she could be safe n see the streets too* I dont wanna lose u either
Olivia leaned on him wishing she could speak to her mother, and sighed as she sad "mama..."
Ozzy: *smiled* Be patient, sweetie. Once u get all ur teeth Mommy wont be able to shut u up *chuckles*
Miracle: *also woke up n tottered to Oz, tugging his pants* Up
Ozzie: *carries him* Cant sleep too?
Miracle: *shook his head n pointed at the direction of the twins' room*
Ozzie: Yeah, I hear ya, sweetie
Olivia sighed talking to Mir "this isnt fair, we can talk to the others but not our mother unless we have gramps around" Leans on ozzy "mama..."
Miracle: It cant be helped. We dont hv enough teeth yet. N we cant fully rely on Gramps all the time. We're just gonna hv to live with it
Olivia pouted and looked out into the streets "I hope the twins give us a new cousin" she giggled
Miracle: I hope so too, bt the twins r technically not related to us either
"Nor is Jet and Jazz"
Miracle: Yeah, bt they're not reli part of the actual family. They're Gramps' old acquaintance. Tht's the difference
"I want them to be family tho.. They are good boys they deserve a family not just shit they have to do for humans, us virus;s are free"
Miracle: Well, tht'll be ultimately up to them. We cant force them to join our family. U saw how stubborn they are
"I know, i just hope.. and try" Olivia yawned slightly as she found it comfortable in her mothers arms "mmmn lets go sleep mir, theyve stopped"
Miracle: *listened* Yeah, sounds like it
Ozzy: *noticed them yawning n turned to hear them quiet dwn* Hah, finally. Come on, u two. Bedtime *brings them to the bed n puts them btwn him n Thrax, who was snoozing away throughout the session*
Olivia nuzzled up to her twin holding his hand, it helped her alot if she was holding her twins hand so she dosent dream of poor ozzex again
Ozzy: *couldnt sleep either n joined Olivia there at the patio* Careful, sweetie, or else u'll fall off *carries her so she could be safe n see the streets too* I dont wanna lose u either
Olivia leaned on him wishing she could speak to her mother, and sighed as she sad "mama..."
Ozzy: *smiled* Be patient, sweetie. Once u get all ur teeth Mommy wont be able to shut u up *chuckles*
Miracle: *also woke up n tottered to Oz, tugging his pants* Up
Ozzie: *carries him* Cant sleep too?
Miracle: *shook his head n pointed at the direction of the twins' room*
Ozzie: Yeah, I hear ya, sweetie
Olivia sighed talking to Mir "this isnt fair, we can talk to the others but not our mother unless we have gramps around" Leans on ozzy "mama..."
Miracle: It cant be helped. We dont hv enough teeth yet. N we cant fully rely on Gramps all the time. We're just gonna hv to live with it
Olivia pouted and looked out into the streets "I hope the twins give us a new cousin" she giggled
Miracle: I hope so too, bt the twins r technically not related to us either
"Nor is Jet and Jazz"
Miracle: Yeah, bt they're not reli part of the actual family. They're Gramps' old acquaintance. Tht's the difference
"I want them to be family tho.. They are good boys they deserve a family not just shit they have to do for humans, us virus;s are free"
Miracle: Well, tht'll be ultimately up to them. We cant force them to join our family. U saw how stubborn they are
"I know, i just hope.. and try" Olivia yawned slightly as she found it comfortable in her mothers arms "mmmn lets go sleep mir, theyve stopped"
Miracle: *listened* Yeah, sounds like it
Ozzy: *noticed them yawning n turned to hear them quiet dwn* Hah, finally. Come on, u two. Bedtime *brings them to the bed n puts them btwn him n Thrax, who was snoozing away throughout the session*
Olivia nuzzled up to her twin holding his hand, it helped her alot if she was holding her twins hand so she dosent dream of poor ozzex again
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 103-Listening In
Dakara: *was in the room nxt to theirs n could hear their tiny muffled sounds* Oh boy, they're at it like rabbits *was breastfeeding Bree*
Bree would suckle happly purring ignoring the thumping
John smirked "See? What i tell ya?"
Dakara: Well, they're reli at it. I thought they'd hv more self-control than tht. They've always been so serious
John chuckled "im that good"
Dakara: *pinched his nose* Dont be full of urself, silly bunny
John yelped and blushed "im not a bunny" he pouted
Dakara; Oh? As I recall u do fuck like one *tucks Bree in once she was done with her milk n burped*
John smirks and pounces him "well you take it like a little bunny" rubs his hips
Dakara: Nuh-uh~ Not in front of Bree~ *pouts*
"shes fast asleep unless you squeal" gose down to his pants and began sucking at his shaft
Dakara: *gasped n covered his mouth as he was being given head*
John would suck and nip and lick at Dakis sweet shaft
Dakara: *his bk arched, covering his mouth as hard as he could*
John deep throated him purring
Dakara: *moaned in his mouth, whining as he felt himself getting close*
John would suck and suck harder and harder
Dakara: *his moan pitches went higher n higher until he lost himself, coming into John's mouth*
John pulled off and leaned over and gulped the load down
Dakara: *pants hard then pouts n flick John's forehead* Horny toad
John smiled and kisses him deeply holding his face
Bree would suckle happly purring ignoring the thumping
John smirked "See? What i tell ya?"
Dakara: Well, they're reli at it. I thought they'd hv more self-control than tht. They've always been so serious
John chuckled "im that good"
Dakara: *pinched his nose* Dont be full of urself, silly bunny
John yelped and blushed "im not a bunny" he pouted
Dakara; Oh? As I recall u do fuck like one *tucks Bree in once she was done with her milk n burped*
John smirks and pounces him "well you take it like a little bunny" rubs his hips
Dakara: Nuh-uh~ Not in front of Bree~ *pouts*
"shes fast asleep unless you squeal" gose down to his pants and began sucking at his shaft
Dakara: *gasped n covered his mouth as he was being given head*
John would suck and nip and lick at Dakis sweet shaft
Dakara: *his bk arched, covering his mouth as hard as he could*
John deep throated him purring
Dakara: *moaned in his mouth, whining as he felt himself getting close*
John would suck and suck harder and harder
Dakara: *his moan pitches went higher n higher until he lost himself, coming into John's mouth*
John pulled off and leaned over and gulped the load down
Dakara: *pants hard then pouts n flick John's forehead* Horny toad
John smiled and kisses him deeply holding his face
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osmosis jones
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 102-Incestual Desires
While in the seprate room Sniper was panting one hand gripping his brothers, his free hand upon his forehead groaning in the uncomfortable heat
Snipes: *was also gripping his brother's hand bk, panting as well, tossing n turning a little in the heat*
Sniper sat up groaning "Dammit" he looked at his brother tossy and genty shook him with his other hand "Snipes?"
Snipes: *slowly turns to him* W...Wat...? *his eyes was glazed n his lips were suddenly looking vry kissable to him, n the sweat made his skin glistened*
Sniper blinked blushing "a-are y-you" he leand closer "you" he gently pushed his lips to his brothers
Snipes: *started a little bt somehow his brain was telling him to shut up n go with it, kissing him bk gently*
Sniper began to get a little more intamite, still touching skin to skin with his brother he let go of his hand taking his face into his palms and kissing him deeper, heat making his head spin
Snipes: *was also pretty much into it too as his hands reached to caress his brother's ass, trying to undress him, the heat was making them feel so tight n constricting
Sniper would pull off his brothers shirt kissing down his body to his nipples, he heard they feel nice so began to lick and suck at them
Snipes: *gasped as he arched his bk against the suckling. He n his brother had learnt abt the basics of sex, bt he nvr thought it would actually feel this good as he managed to undo his brother's pants, copping a feel at his manhood*
Sniper gasped and whined softly and then went into a 69 position and pulled out his brothers cock, he began to suck him off slowly
Snipes: *almost hungrily took his bros' cock too, swallowing him whole like it was the most delicious thing n sucked n licked hard, massaging his balls*
Sniper whimpered and copied his brother then pulled off and lifted his legs spreading his brothers ass open and began to lick at the puckered hole
Snipes: *gasped, his head thrown bk as he gripped at his brother's dreads, his bk arched at evry lick*
Sniper purred sticking his tounge inside and began to lick and swirl around inside his little brother, when he was wet enough he positioned himself and slowly pushed in
Snipes: *was scared at first, bt wen he pushed in, evry fear or pain went out the window, all he wanted was to be fucked, to be fucked as hard as his brother could give him, just as he had fantasied in his mind wenevr the only time he was able to think alone was wen his brother falls asleep first*
Sniper gasped at the tight walls, he shivered as it sent jolts of first time feelings up his spine, his face was euforic it was amazing to him, when he got all the way to the hilt his body began to suddenly jam himself in and out of his brother gripping his hips with his claws into his brothers skin as they slapped agenst each other with a loud wet sicky slap
Snipes: *was usually quiet like his brother bt wen he started fucking him, he let loose scream aftr scream, something he had not made in a long time, the voice turning his brother on till no end. He wrapped his arms n legs ard him to bring him evn closer, as if they couldnt be close enough, tightening his ass ard the cock greedily*
Sniper stole his brothers mouth moaning into his screams, his tounge licked within his mouth as he pounded harder and harder "S-snipes" he groaned, he was so close, so soon, it was his first time for this sort of thing but by the cells it felt amazing, what ever gave them the heat feaver was angry but glad, I was going to give his brother his baby " ahh ahh!" he moaned more as he then suddenly hit his brothers prostate dead on and began ramming it panting like a dog
Snipes: *kissed him bk hungrily, screaming n moaning into his mouth, his ass thrusts upwards to meet his brother's jabs. His body, n mind, was begging to be impregnated. He didnt care if it would happen, only tht he want his brother's seed inside him, filling him up to the brim*
"SNIPE!" he squealed as he cums the biggest load in the history of them being together, he filled his brother beyond and even leaked out it was so much, he panted heavly holding his brother tightly close to him, he didnt want to pull out, not just yet
Snipes: *wasnt abt to let his brother go either, holding him tight, panting like a dog, whining as he felt the cum leaking out. He didnt want to waste a drop, he wanted to keep them all in, bt it was too much for his body to hold* Sniper...Sniper... *pants* More...more...I want more...Pls gimme more...
Sniper would lay down and have his brother on him smirking "if you want it, get it yourself" he was still hard as a rock twitching within his brother
Snipes: *pouts as he started moving, bobbing up n dwn the cock like it was the most precious thing in the world, mixing n scooping out the cum tht was already inside him, making a sticky mess out of the both of them as he let out moans n groans of pleasure*
Sniper moaned and thrusted deep into his brother gasping loudly
Snipes: Nnaahhh!! Sniper!! Sniper!! Oh Vira (their name for a viral god), SNIPER!! *screamed out loud as he kept bobbing deeper n deeper, hitting his prostate harder n harder with his brother's cock*
SNiper gasped and moanted thrusting deeper and deeper into his brother and sat up to suck his nipples
Snipes: *whined at his suckles, kept going, getting closer to his own climax*
Thrusts deeper and deepr sucking harder till it was almost red
Snipes: *screamed out wen he finally lost it, coming hard, squirting evrywhere on his brother's chest n stomach, his ass clenching hard frm his orgasm*
He groaned cumming agian deep into his brother over filling him once again
*before they knew it, the twins had been going off doing it almost all night, with short breaks in btwn, screaming n moaning themselves hoarse n messing themselves up beyond compare*
Snipes: *was also gripping his brother's hand bk, panting as well, tossing n turning a little in the heat*
Sniper sat up groaning "Dammit" he looked at his brother tossy and genty shook him with his other hand "Snipes?"
Snipes: *slowly turns to him* W...Wat...? *his eyes was glazed n his lips were suddenly looking vry kissable to him, n the sweat made his skin glistened*
Sniper blinked blushing "a-are y-you" he leand closer "you" he gently pushed his lips to his brothers
Snipes: *started a little bt somehow his brain was telling him to shut up n go with it, kissing him bk gently*
Sniper began to get a little more intamite, still touching skin to skin with his brother he let go of his hand taking his face into his palms and kissing him deeper, heat making his head spin
Snipes: *was also pretty much into it too as his hands reached to caress his brother's ass, trying to undress him, the heat was making them feel so tight n constricting
Sniper would pull off his brothers shirt kissing down his body to his nipples, he heard they feel nice so began to lick and suck at them
Snipes: *gasped as he arched his bk against the suckling. He n his brother had learnt abt the basics of sex, bt he nvr thought it would actually feel this good as he managed to undo his brother's pants, copping a feel at his manhood*
Sniper gasped and whined softly and then went into a 69 position and pulled out his brothers cock, he began to suck him off slowly
Snipes: *almost hungrily took his bros' cock too, swallowing him whole like it was the most delicious thing n sucked n licked hard, massaging his balls*
Sniper whimpered and copied his brother then pulled off and lifted his legs spreading his brothers ass open and began to lick at the puckered hole
Snipes: *gasped, his head thrown bk as he gripped at his brother's dreads, his bk arched at evry lick*
Sniper purred sticking his tounge inside and began to lick and swirl around inside his little brother, when he was wet enough he positioned himself and slowly pushed in
Snipes: *was scared at first, bt wen he pushed in, evry fear or pain went out the window, all he wanted was to be fucked, to be fucked as hard as his brother could give him, just as he had fantasied in his mind wenevr the only time he was able to think alone was wen his brother falls asleep first*
Sniper gasped at the tight walls, he shivered as it sent jolts of first time feelings up his spine, his face was euforic it was amazing to him, when he got all the way to the hilt his body began to suddenly jam himself in and out of his brother gripping his hips with his claws into his brothers skin as they slapped agenst each other with a loud wet sicky slap
Snipes: *was usually quiet like his brother bt wen he started fucking him, he let loose scream aftr scream, something he had not made in a long time, the voice turning his brother on till no end. He wrapped his arms n legs ard him to bring him evn closer, as if they couldnt be close enough, tightening his ass ard the cock greedily*
Sniper stole his brothers mouth moaning into his screams, his tounge licked within his mouth as he pounded harder and harder "S-snipes" he groaned, he was so close, so soon, it was his first time for this sort of thing but by the cells it felt amazing, what ever gave them the heat feaver was angry but glad, I was going to give his brother his baby " ahh ahh!" he moaned more as he then suddenly hit his brothers prostate dead on and began ramming it panting like a dog
Snipes: *kissed him bk hungrily, screaming n moaning into his mouth, his ass thrusts upwards to meet his brother's jabs. His body, n mind, was begging to be impregnated. He didnt care if it would happen, only tht he want his brother's seed inside him, filling him up to the brim*
"SNIPE!" he squealed as he cums the biggest load in the history of them being together, he filled his brother beyond and even leaked out it was so much, he panted heavly holding his brother tightly close to him, he didnt want to pull out, not just yet
Snipes: *wasnt abt to let his brother go either, holding him tight, panting like a dog, whining as he felt the cum leaking out. He didnt want to waste a drop, he wanted to keep them all in, bt it was too much for his body to hold* Sniper...Sniper... *pants* More...more...I want more...Pls gimme more...
Sniper would lay down and have his brother on him smirking "if you want it, get it yourself" he was still hard as a rock twitching within his brother
Snipes: *pouts as he started moving, bobbing up n dwn the cock like it was the most precious thing in the world, mixing n scooping out the cum tht was already inside him, making a sticky mess out of the both of them as he let out moans n groans of pleasure*
Sniper moaned and thrusted deep into his brother gasping loudly
Snipes: Nnaahhh!! Sniper!! Sniper!! Oh Vira (their name for a viral god), SNIPER!! *screamed out loud as he kept bobbing deeper n deeper, hitting his prostate harder n harder with his brother's cock*
SNiper gasped and moanted thrusting deeper and deeper into his brother and sat up to suck his nipples
Snipes: *whined at his suckles, kept going, getting closer to his own climax*
Thrusts deeper and deepr sucking harder till it was almost red
Snipes: *screamed out wen he finally lost it, coming hard, squirting evrywhere on his brother's chest n stomach, his ass clenching hard frm his orgasm*
He groaned cumming agian deep into his brother over filling him once again
*before they knew it, the twins had been going off doing it almost all night, with short breaks in btwn, screaming n moaning themselves hoarse n messing themselves up beyond compare*
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10:17 AM
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osmosis jones