Ozzy: *teared up and buried his face in Talic's chest after Thrax left*
Talic: *wraps his arms around him and holds him close* There there little one.. I know.. I know...
Ozzy; *sobs*
Talic: *lets him cry, rocking him gently from side to side* Shhh shhh...
Ozzy; Want daddy.
Talic; *gently* I know little one.. *strokes his hair* He'll be home tonight.
Ozzy; 8hiccupped slightly8
Talic: *rubs his back, holding him close*
Ozzy; 8slips his thumb into his mouth8
Talic: *kisses him on top of the head and holds him*
NS: 8comes over and snugglesup, worried*
Ozzy; 8sucked his thumb heavily8
NS: *nuzzlesup to him and coos a little*
Ozzy; 8looks down at her8
NS: *nuzzles again* Don't cry ozzy.
Ozzy; 8round his thumb8 Me troubwe.
Talic: *gently* Trouble? No little one...
Ozzy; 8sucked on his thumb as he snuggled into Talic's shoulder8
Talic: *kisses him on the forehead adn rocks him, drawing his wings around both of them*
Talic: *gently to Ozzy* You are not trouble little fledgling... you are loved...
Ozzy; 8sobbeed8
Talic; *kindly*You are loved little one.... worry not... *strokes hish air*
NS: *snuggles up to Ozzy*
Ozzy; *sucked his thumb8
Talic: *kisses him on the forehead and rocks them*
Ozzy; 8looked up at him*
Talic: *smiles gently to him, not making him go back to sleep but cuddling him freely*
Ozzy; *felt really foolish, feeling as though he'll be in his uncle arms all day*
Talic: *is probably willing to do that if ozzy wants to*
Ozzy; 8tried to move out of his uncle's arms8
Talic: *sets him on the couch* Want a blanket?
Ozzy; 8nodded8
NS: *before Talic can get up* I'll get it! *hurries upstairs*
Talic: no running little star. *amused*
Ozzy; 8let his head, flop against the couch8
NS: *comes downstairs with a blanket and tries her best to tuck ozzy in*
Ozzy; 8didn't look her in the eye8
NS: *climbs up and cuddles him* You'll get better big brother.
Ozzy; 8nods8 Nothing but baby. 8curled up8
NS: 8cuddles him*
Talic: *lets out a low growl and begins to look at a swirling mist forming at the corner of the room*
Ozzy; *started trembling in fear8
Talic: *bares his fangs and spreads his wings out and holds an arm up*
NS: *whimpers and hides her face in ozzy's chest*
*the mist begins to form a figure, it glows somewaht as the magic surrounds the figure and a portal opens, closing rapidly behind the figure as he steps through and observes his surroundings, the moment he comes into view talic's growls stop abruptly*
Ozzy; 8looked up8
Kain: *looks toward Talic, not noticing the cell or the little girl as of yet* Talic...
Talic; 8lowered his arm and smiled8
NS: *looks slowly up at Kain then at ozzy and crawls under the blanket with him, hiding*
Kain: 8approches the younger vampire andp ulls him intohis arms* come here childe...
Talic; 8smiles and hugs him back*
Kain: Pillars we all thought you had been lost... What is this place?
Talic; You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
NS: 8clings to ozzy's shirt, completely hidden under the blanket adn trembling*
Ozzy; 8cuddles under the blanket, shaking8
Kain: *presses Talic's head to his shoulder and lightly, though sadly, bruishes his wings with the back of his claws and then looks to the tremblingb undle of blankets on the couch* What's this?
Talic; 8smiled, sitting on the couch and stroked the bundle8
Kain: *takes a corner of the blanket and pulls it aside, revealing the frightened cell and girl*
Ozzy; 8whimpered when he saw him and tried to back away8
Kain: What manner of creature are you?
Ozzy; 8started to tear up in fear8
Talic; 8took Ozzy into his arms and cradled him gently8
NS: *clings to Talic's leg, also frightened of this newcomer*
Talic; 8strokes her hair8
Kain: Talic? Care to explain?
Talic; 8smiles and began explaining all that's been goung on since he's been away8
Kain: I see... *looks to the two children cradled in his arms* now tell me again what they are? The girl at least looks human but she doesnt' smell it.
Talic; She's actually a unicorn grandsire.
Kain: I see... and the boy?
Talic; A white blood cel if you can believe it.
Kain: I'll believe almost anything lately...
Talic; Her name is Northstar and his is Osmosis or Ozzy as he's commonly known.
Kain: Quite a clan you've formed... are they both yours? *recalls that when Talic was a fledgling he liked dto play with human children often and when the vampire matured he continued to spend time with them, often caring for homeless children*
Talic; Oh no, my god-daughter and my nephew,
Kain: And where are their parents?
Talic; 8sighed and explained what happened to them8
Kain: *nods* I See...
Talic; But at least they have Thrax now to take care of them.
Kain: I would be interested to meet this Thrax... *looks to Ozzy*
Ozzy; 8cuddles into Talic shaking8
Kain: have no fear young one.... Those whom are family to talic are family to me.
Ozzy; 8started crying into Talic's chest8
Talic; 8gently began rocking him8
Kain: Melchiah was similarly timid as a fledgling...Talic, do you recall when Raziel first introduced you to me?
Talic; 8chuckled8 I remember.
Kain: You'd have soiled yourself were you able... Though I fear i have no sweets with me that will be friendly to him as I had when you were young.
Talic; 8gently rocks ozzy8 I doubt he'll want to take them.
Ozzy; 8started sucking his thumb again8
Kain: Indeed... here.. let me take him
Talic; 8took ozzy's thumb out and slipped the pacifier in before gently handing him over8
Kain: *takes the cell gently into his arms and cradles him in a manner similar to talic* there there young one.
Ozzy; 8squirmed in his arms and reached for Talic8 Uncy Tawic.
Kain: Shhhh... Shhh... *places him to his shoulder and begins to pat his back* come now child... do you really think that he would hand you to someone who would harm you?
Ozzy; 8kept struggling, weakly hitting him8
Kain: *allows it but also cuddles him wishing him to get the message that he is in no danger from him*
Talic; I'm afraid his mind's in a daze at mintue.
Kain: That much seems obvious... *starts to purr to him then sings, the same song talic likes to sing to him to calm him and in the same language, apparently he is where the younger vampire learned it from*
Ozzy; 8trembled in fear, his head feeling light8
Kain: *simply cnotinues the singing, patting the boy's back as he rocks him* *as stern as his normal voice is... he has a very soft adn gentle singing voice8
Ozzy; 8looked up at him with wide eyes8
Kain: *looks at him and smiles though doesn't show his fangs*
Talic; Took us all sometime to trust each other Thrax and I would have killed each other if Northstar didn't show us.
Kain: I see. * hands Ozzy back over to Talic gently* How long have you known them?
Talic; 8cradled ozzy8 Thrax and Ozzy I've only known a few months, Northstar her whole life.
Kain: Oh really? *chuckles* She's quite clingy to you.
Talic; 8stroked her hair8 I'm rather protective of her.
NS: *sniffles softly and nuzzles Talic's side, this is pretty average behavior for her when meeting strange adults*
Talic; It's okay you two, this is my grandsire.
NS: *pops her thumb intoh er mouth and looks up at him*
Talic; He may look scary but he has a good heart.
NS: *looks up at Kain timidly*
Talic; 8stroked her hair8
NS: *rubs her eyes a little*
Talic: *reaches over and gently removes the girls' thumb from her mouth* Your teeth will grow in crooked*
NS: *sniff* Why come everybody has to do that?
Talic; You're going to ruin your teeth little star.
NS: *pops her thumb in her mouth again anyway*
Kain: *moves to gently remove her thumb again and quirks an eyebrow when the child scratches at him agressively, she has no claws, but she tries anyway*
Talic; *sternly* Northstar, that wasn't nice.
NS: *looks at the floor and continues to suck her thumb*
Talic; 8removes her thumb8 Now appologise to him.
NS: *turns away and puts her thumb back in her mouth*
Talic; Northstar.
NS: ... *says nothing and continues to suck her thumb looking away and essentially sulking*
Talic; 8narrowed his eyes then rurned back to Kain8 I'm sorry she's not normally like this.
Kain: *amused8 She's gone from being afraid to agressive...
Kain: She seems to have picked up a few traits from her godfather... *when Talic was a fledgling he had been similarly rude to Vorador when introduced to him... Kain's own reaction was to take him aside and give him a sound spanking, after which he appologized contritely to the elder*
NS: *peers at Kain*
Talic; 8cradled ozzy8 Do you have something to say young lady/
NS: ... *shakes her head*
Talic; 8sighed handing Ozzy to Kain and took Northstar into the next room8
Kain: *cradles the cell in hsi arms and pats his back*
NS: Nuh uh! *pulls back*
Talic; 8brought her into the next room and pulled her over his lap8
NS: Nooo uncle Talic! Don't spank me! I"msorry!
Talic; You have to learn your manners young lady. 8he gave her a few swats8
NS: Oww! I"m sorry! *Starts to cry immediately*
Talic; 8gives her a few more, leaving a sting then stands her up8
NS: *rubs both her bottom and her eyes, crying hard*
Talic; Now are you going to watch your manners young lady/
NS: *nods, still crying* U-uh h-h-huh...
Talic; 8miled8 Good girl. 8he lifts her up and brings her back to the lounge8
NS: *continues crying into his shoulder as he brings her back into the lounge, her arms wrapped around the vampire's neck tightly*
Talic; 8sits on the couch cradling her8
NS: *sniffles, her head still firmly burried in his chest* S-sorr-ry... *continues to sob softly into his chest, it had not been a severe spanking by far, but it doesn't take much with her*
Talic; 8rubbed her back gently8
NS: *looks up slowly at her godfather, the tears still flowing* M'sorry....
Talic; I'm not the one you should appologise to.
NS: *looks very timidly over at the other vampire, whom is old enough to hold the title of patriarch*
Ozzy; 8looked over at her8
NS: *quietly* M's-sorry...
Kain: *cradles Ozzy gently to his chest and leans over, gently wiping a tear from the still-crying child's cheek* You are young little one... This was simply a naughty lapse in behavior... You are forgiven. I'm not angry.
Talic; 8smiled cuddling her*
NS: 8sniffles and rubs her eyes a little, admittedly flinching slightly when the back fo Kain'shand touches her cheek then relaxes a little when the warm voice tells her that she is forgiven*
Talic; See he'd never harm you.
NS: *sniff*
Kain: *wipes her eyes gently*
Talic; 8smiles at them then his ears twitch as ozzy starts whimpering8
Kain: *looks to Ozzy* What is it young one?
Ozzy; 8looks up at him8
Kain: *gently pats him on the back*
Ozzy; 8softly8 Hungwy.
Talic: *leans forward and gives ozzy a kiss on the forehead8 I'll be right back little one. *hands NS tenderly to his grandsire whom cradles her as well and heads into the kitchen*
Ozzy; 8curls up feeling really embarassed8
Kain: *gently pats the cell on the back* There there now... I must admit it's been a long time since I've had children in my arms...
Ozzy; 8looks up8 Really/
Kain: *nods* Indeed... I'm glad I havn't forgotten how to be gentle with them. *leans back, smiling fondly* I still remember when Talic was a fledgling...
Ozzy; 8tilted his head8
Kain: The day Raziel brought him to me he was only a week old... His claws had only just formed... He was so timid... *chuckling* He burst into tears the moment I approched him... I had a bit of candy with me and offered him a bit... a bit of sucking on that and a few minutes in my lap and he was fast asleep.
Ozzy; Oh.
Kain: Would you believe he was, in fact, a very timid fledgling?
Ozzy; Uncy Talic afraid/
Kain: 8nods* aye... though I think turel and zephon frightened him more than I did. He took well to his toy sthough.
Talic; 8came back in8 You're not going to tell him that are you/
Kain: *laughs softly* Come talic... You were an adorable fledgling... alwasy latching onto the neck of whomever was holding you... *to Ozzy * Oh he loved to be held too. whoever he was with at the time "can I get in your lap?"
Talic; 8sighed and rolled his eyes and sat in front of ozzy8
Kain: *chuckles softly and strokes the cell's hair8 You are also adorable... heh... janos would adore you...
Ozzy; Janos/
Kain: My sire... *though it had technically been his elder brother that raised him as Janso was a little too dead to do it at the time* A very ancient... and very wise vampire... humans always feared him yet he is nothing like the sarafan made him out to be.
Ozzy; 8tilted his head8
Talic; I think we'll leave the clan history for another, please allow me to feed ozzy.
Kain: *hands the little cell over to his grandchilde and chuckles*I could very much see him fawning over little Osmosis there... Nothing makes him melt faster than a child.
Talic; 8chuckled, tying a bib on ozzy and begins feding him some mashed fruit8
Ozzy; 8happily eats it8
Kain: is his stomache unable to take solid foods at the moment? I noticed the boy seems weaker than he should be.. is he ill?
Talic; 8sighed8 Some of his co-workers pulled a cruel prank on him that resulted in this. 8he continues feeding his nephew8
NS: *is sucking her thumb again and hasnt' said a word since being placed in Kain's lap*
Kain: I see... *voice soft* ~And you havn't killed them yet? You must not know who it was.~
Taic: ~They will be dealt with but not by me.~
Kain: ~By thrax I assume?~ *gently removes Ns' thumb from her mouth, the girl whines a bit though doesn't put it back in her mouth, too distracted by being asleep*
Talic; ~No but by Ozzy's supporters and friends.~ 8he let ozzy finish before wiping his mouth then slipped a bottle into his mouth8
Ozzy; 8suckled happily8
Kain; *nods* ~I see... ~*pats the girl's back w hom lets out a quiet coco and chuckles softly* ~He's adorable Talic..~
Talic; 8smiled8 ~They both are.~ 8he lifts ozzy to his shoulder then pats his back and he let's out a small belch8
Ozzy; 8blushes8
Kain: 8chuckles* cute.
Talic; 8cradled ozzy8 You did well ozzy. 8stroked his hair8
ozzy; 8cooed softly and snuggled against Talic, sucking his thumb8
Talic; 8removed it then slipped a pacifier between his lips8
Ozzy; 8sucked on it gently8
Kain: a pacifier?
Talic: Don't want to ruin his tetth besides- *he taps the side of his head*
Kain: 8nods* It comforts him. *leans over and pats the boy's back, the girl in his lap still cooing and sucking her thumb*
Ozzy; *starts to drift off*
Talic: *stood up* Excuse me for a minute. *he headed upstairs*
Kain: 8nods and allows the younger vampire to take care of the cell, patting the back of the child in his arms as he gently removes the girl's thumb, letting her have his knuckle when the sleeping child looks for something to suck on as he has many fledglings before her*
Talic; *tucks Ozzy into bed, making sure he can't fall off the bed before leaving the room, clutching the monitor*
Kain: 8casts a glance to the monitor* what's that thing?
Talic: *sits down* It's called a baby moninitor, now a days humans or in this cause Thrax uses these to know if something is wrong with their child.
Kain: What does it do if there is?
Talic: Simply if the child starts crying and the parent or carer is in another room they're able to tell if the child's srying.
Kain: *nods, vampires have a similar method though it involves telepathy and a link to one's own childe, it's partially how he found talic* I see... Clever device
Talic; It is. *he sets it down while Ozzy's soft breathing can be heard*
Kain: *notices something and pulls down the abck of NS' shirt a little then frowns as he notes the scars on her back* Who would take a lash to one so small?
Talic; 8softly8 Her real father.#
Kain: *a snarl on his face* What?
Talic; After her mother was killed, He completely lost his mind.
Kain: *nods and pats the girl's back*Well she is fortunate now isn't she?
Talic: Yes has filled a void that was created in their hearts long ago.
Kain: *nods* This thrax.. is he your lover?
Talic; *burst out laughing* No I think of him as my brother besides he's spoken for.
Kain: *chuckles* Ahhh. I see.
Talic; Though when he gets home be careful we almost killed each other when we met.
Kain: I'll try not to attack him... But if he attacks me I promise not to fight him... *chuckles* I'll just put him over my knee...
Talic; He's just protective of Ozzy and Northstar like any real father.
Kain: *nods* Undestandable.. though as anyone could see... the child has come to no harm at my hands.
Talic; *nods* I find it hard to believe he use to be enemies with Ozzy some time back.
Kain: really? The child seems well loved by him now.
Talic; 8grinned sheepishly* Actually Ozzy's a young adult.
Kain: 8smirks* He's a child so far as I'm concerned.
Talic; 8nods8 All three of them really need one another, to help each other.
They've all gone through bad times.
Kain: that much is obvious... *voice softening* As have we mmy childe....
Talic; 8nods and sighs8
8a soft crying came from the monitor8
Kain: It seems that the other little one needs you.
Talic; 8nods and smiles as he gets up and heads out of the room8
NS: 8starts to stirra nd looks slowly up at the vampire that is holding her*
Kain: Well hello there little one. 8stroked her hair8
NS: *looks up at him and timidly reaches up with one hand to touch the 'horns' on his head* *pops her thumb into her mouth, looking at hiM*
Kain; 8took it out8
NS: *puts it back in*
Kain; 8chuckled and removed it again8
NS: *pops it back in, a glint in her eyes as she makes a game of it*
Kain; Now you don't want to ruin your teeth young one.
NS: *giggles*
Kain; 8stroked her hair8
NS: *flinches a little but not as much and reaches up to touch his 'crown'*
Kain; 8smiled at her8
NS: 8softly* Are you really uncle Talic's grandpa?
Kain; Well it's as grandsire in our kind.
NS: *looks into his face, not seeming so scared anymore*
Kain; 8smiles softly at her8
NS: *softly* mommy knew uncle talic when she was a little girl...
Kain;; Oh really/
NS: *nods* uh huh
Kain: I bet she loved his company.
NS: *nods* Uh huh... *softly* He took care of me when I was a little baby....
Kain; 8smiles8 He really cares for you.
NS: *nods* Uh huh.. *looks at the clock*
8it's 12 pm8
NS: 8scks her thumb again* I miss daddy...
Kain: I'm sure you're father well be back soon.
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