
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Monday, July 11, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 167)

Thrax; 8awoke the next morning and did his rountines, keeping his ears alert8

Ozzy: *starts to stirr,f eeling better han last night*

Thrax; 8sets the table then heads upstairs8

Ozzy: *goes downstairs, woozy but better*

Thrax; 8smiled8 Hey baby.

Ozzy: Hey daddy> 8hugs him*

Thrax; 8hugs him back8 Ho are you feeling/

Ozzy: better. *nuzzlesh im a little* That was scary yesterday though.

Thrax; It was. 8nuzzles him8 Head down for breakfast, you must be hungry.

Ozzy: nods and heads downstairs*

Thrax; 8goes to Northstar's room8

NS: *still sound asleep*

Thrax; 8sits on the bed and strokes her face8

NS: 8stirrs*

Thrax; 8kissed her forehead8

NS: 8sits up and rubsh er eyes*

Thrax; *smiled morning honey.

NS: *gets into his lap*

Thrax: *holds her close, stroking her hair*

NS: *nuzzles into hsi chest*

Thrax: You hungry sweetie?

NS: *nods8 Uh huh

Thrax: *lifts her up and carries her downstairs to the kitchen*

NS: *snuggles him contently*

Thrax; 8sets her at the table and sorts her breakfast8

Ozzy: *is a bit slow this morning but up to going to work*

Thrax; 8looked at him with worry then headed upstairs8

Ozzy: *has breakfast and goes upstairs to get dressed*

Thrax; 8hands him an emergancy and an envelope8 Give that to the chief ozzy.

Ozzy: *takes the envolope* What's that for?

Thrax; Just a personal message.

Ozzy: *nods and puts it in his jacket and then widens his eyes at the time* Oh crap I'm late!

Thrax; Hurry ozzy.

Ozzy: *hurries to work*

Thrax; 8returned to the kitchen and collapsed in the chair8

Ozzy: *heads to work, trying to be as not late as possible but ends up being late, swallowing hard as he does not want to be spanked at work again*

Chief; Not again Jones. 8massages his forehead8

ozzy: *swallows* I'm sorry cheif... I'm really sorry!

Chief; 8sighed8 I'll let it slide this time because I'm not in the mood at the minute but don't let it happen again.

Ozzy: *Lets out a relieved breath* Thanks cheif... *starts to go but then remembers* Dad wanted me to give you this... *hadns him the envolope*

Chief; 8took the envelope and read the note then nodded8 Alright Jones get to work.

Ozzy: *gets to work*

*Things were as slow as ever, some of the force decided to take long vacations8

Ozzy: *had wanted to stop for coffee on the way but as he had no time he pours a mug from the pot at work*

*The roughes saw the oppurtunity and one slipped something into Ozzy's mug when no one was looking8

Ozzy: *happened to be up and away from his desk at the time to get some papers from a coworker and returns to his desk, sipping his coffee, none the wiser abotu the tampering*

*The tricksters secretly smirked, things were going their way8

Ozzy: *continues his workday though at one point after lunch he seems to be feeling under the weather*

Drix; 8notices8 Ozzy/

Ozzy: *is pale*

Drix; 8rushes up to him8 Ozzy what's wrong/ 8he concerned cries alert the others8

Ozzy: Hm? I"m ok... *only not*

Drix; Ozzy don't lie to me.

Ozzy: M'gonna get a drink...

Drix; 8looked on in worry as did their co-workers minus the tricksters8

Ozzy: *stands though the muscle relaxers are kicking in big time and he's pretty shakey*

Anna; Jones maybe it's best if you head home.

Ozzy: The cheif's already pissed at me for being late.. Ic an't leave early.

Roger: Heh... I'll see abotu that... *heads to the cheif's office*

Chief; 8looked up at him as he entered8

Roger: *going up to his desk* Jones needs to go home.

Chief; He isn't feeling well/

Roger: He's pale and shakey. And he won't come in here himself to ask to go home because he says you're pissed at him already for being late.

Chief; That's true but 8holds up the note8 his father said if he becomes sick to send him straight home.

Roger: *nods* Want me to send him into your office?

Chief; No just tell Drix to take him home.

Roger: *nods and heads back over to Drix and ozzy and looks to the pill* Cheif says take hiim home drix. *looks at Ozzy sternly* and YOU get some rest.

Drix; 8nodded and began leading ozzy out not noticing the tricksters were glaring at them8

Ozzy: *deffinately looks worse for wear*


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