
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, April 29, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 60)

Ozzy: *comes in that evening maybe a lil pouty, he was late that morning so the chief chewed him out*

Thrax: *looks up from his book* What's wrong with you, angel?

Ozzy: I'm alright.. just got in a lil trouble..

Thrax: Oh?

Ozzy: *hands Thrax a couple pieces of paper, both of which have 'I will be on time for work' scrawled on them front and back*

Thrax: *sighs* Ozzy you've really got to be more punctual with your time keeping.

Ozzy: *softly* I know... *rubs the back of his head*

Thrax: *crosses his legs* Hopefully that's the only trouble you'll have. *raises his brow at Ozzy*

Ozzy: *hands him a folded up note*

Thrax: *takes the note* -Frank I don't need this. *begins reading it*

*the note mentions the tardiness, which occurred twice today, once this morning and once this afternoon coming home from lunch. it also mentions an incident while out on patrol in which Ozzy was ordered to hang back, he argued however he did obey*

Thrax: *massages his eyes* Like I said you have to better your time keeping, Ozzy and you have to make sure to follow orders from your superiors. Got it?

Ozzy: *nods, eyes averted* I got it...

Thrax: *nods smiling* Good boy.

Ozzy: *remembering what happened last time he brought a note home from work* Am I getting a spanking?

Thrax: *clasps his hands together* Not this time but if hear anything about endangering your life or the lives of others I won't hold back.

Ozzy: *nods, relieved* I understand.. I’m sorry.

Thrax: I know, baby. I know.

Ozzy: *goes to him and hugs him*

Thrax: *sits Ozzy on his lap and holds him close*

Ozzy: *nuzzles him, eyes closing*

Thrax: *lays back on the couch, cradling Ozzy close*

Ozzy: *lets out a content sigh and snuggles*

Thrax: *strokes Ozzy's hair, kisses his forehead* My sweet baby boy.

Ozzy: *smiles and kisses his father on the cheek* Hey that reminds me.. where's little bit?

Thrax: Her name's Northstar and she's asleep in the guestroom at the minute.

Ozzy: Wore her out today huh? *chuckles then gets serious* How's that big ol bruise on her shoulder?

Thrax: It's starting to fade and clear up thankfully.

Ozzy: *nods* That's good. She seem to be feeling better?

Thrax: Yes, she's opening up a bit more as well.

Ozzy: that's good to hear. No more biting huh?

Thrax: No, we talked for a little bit.

Ozzy: So how old is she?

Thrax: *looks down at him* I haven't really asked her that but seems to be half your age at the most.

Ozzy: Are we keeping her?

Thrax: We'll see but she's a person not a pet Ozzy.

Ozzy: *nods, blushing*)

Thrax: It's her choice Ozzy but she really wants to get home.

Ozzy: *nods* she's a sweet kid... Wonder where her parents were when she was grabbed though.

Thrax: *sighs* I found out her mother is dead and she lives with her father but he treats her cruelly.

Ozzy: *frowns as he hears that, distinctly remembering his own mother's cruelty* We can't let him have her back.

Thrax: *nods* I know but what can we do?

Ozzy: Keep her.

Thrax: It's her choice Ozzy, we can't force her if she doesn't want to.

Ozzy: *nods* I know... but we can tell her she has a home here if she wants it right

Thrax: *nods* Right. *strokes Ozzy's cheek* Just hope you don't start getting jealous of her.

Ozzy: *chuckles* Nah. She could be the baby sister.

Thrax: *chuckles* Maybe but no teasing her or else.

Ozzy: *chuckles* Yeah I know.

Thrax: *nuzzles Ozzy's nose* You really are worth the trouble.

Ozzy: *smiles warmly and hugs him tightly*

Thrax: *hugs Ozzy back* I'll have to check on Northstar, haven't heard a peep out of her all day. *gets to his feet and heads to the guestroom*

*she can't be seen immediately however there is a moving lump in the middle of the bed under the covers

Thrax: *smiles, moving over to the bed and sits down at the side of the moving form* *gently lays his hand on the wrapped up form*

*she's apparently startled because the wrapped lump jumps about a mile*

Thrax: *chuckles lightly* Relax it's just me, Northstar. Didn't mean to startle you.

Northstar: *backs out of the covers ending up falling on her butt on the floor by the bed* ow!

Thrax: *kneels beside her* Are you alright?

Northstar: *rubs her bottom a little* Uh huh.

Thrax: lifts her to her feet* I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, young spirit.

Northstar: It's ok. *stands with his help*

Thrax: *smiles* Are you hungry?

Northstar: *nods* uh huh

Thrax: *thinks* How do you feel about pizza for dinner?

Northstar: What kinda pizza? *looks up at him, rubbing her sleepy eyes*

Thrax: *smiles* It's your choice, young spirit. *leads her to the kitchen*

Northstar: *sucks her thumb on the way to the kitchen*

THrax: Ozzy, pizza okay for dinner okay.

Northstar: *nods* ah huh.

Thrax: What kind would you like, young spirit?

Northstar: Cheese.

Thrax: *smiles* Okay. *calls out to Ozzy* Ozzy what about you?

Ozzy: Pizza’s fine dad.

Thrax: *smiles* Any toppings.

Ozzy: Sure sausage and peppers

Thrax: *nods, grabbing an apron and begins cooking*

Thrax: Ozzy could you set the table, please?

Ozzy: Sure. *starts to set it like always and stares at the young one when she starts to try to help*

Thrax: *looks at the two through the corner of his eye and smiles, placing the pizzas in the oven* *places the finished food on the table for the two and a salad for himself before sitting down* Eat up everyone. *takes a bite of his own*

Ozzy: *chomps on his pizza*

Northstar: *picks any bits of sausage off hers and takes a bite, looking at her plate as some of the cheese falls onto her plate*

Thrax: *smiles at the two, continuing with his food* *sets his cutlery down after finishing, wiping his mouth*

Northstar: *eats her pizza, save for the little bit of sausage that was on it*

Ozzy: Ya nee some protein there kid.

Northstar: *tilts her head*

Ozzy: *points to the sausages*

Thrax: Ozzy leave her be, if she doesn't like it or if it's not part of her normal diet we won't force her. *takes a drink of water*

Ozzy: But doesn't she need to finish?

Thrax: You can take what she leaves, Ozzy. *takes another gulp of water*

Ozzy: *looks at him*

Northstar: *munches quietly on the crust of her pizza*

Thrax: *looks towards Ozzy* Don't like the idea of eating scraps do you, little one. *smirks*

Ozzy: nooot really.

Thrax: *shakes his head* Waste not want not. *turns to Northstar* I'll take the sausage if you don't want it.

Northstar: *nods and pushes it over to him*

Ozzy: Why won't you eat it?

Northstar: Cause I don't want to be stupid...

Ozzy: Huh?

Thrax: *eats the leftovers and looks at her* What do you mean, young spirit?

Northstar: Well one time in school my teacher made me eat my meat and she wouldn't let me have anything else till I finished it so I ate it cause I was hungry and then later I had to come home cause I was sick and daddy told me it was because I was stupid and ate meat.

Thrax: *sets the cutlery down, wiping his mouth* Your not stupid, young spirit. I think the reason you were sick is because that meat was probably spoilt.

Northstar: The school wouldn't give us kids spoiled food would they?

Thrax: Some would. How do you think I got into some of my victims.

Northstar: Oh... I never got sick from school food before.

Ozzy: You ever get sick from the meat your parents cooked?

Northstar: they never made it

Thrax: *gathers up the dishes* You can't force someone to follow certain diets and from what you said about your parents never serving you meat could explain why you were sick. *begins washing the dishes*

Northstar: Did you eat meat a lot when you were a little boy?

Thrax: Mother gave me a proper diet growing up including meat, fish, veg, fruit, everything I needed.

Northstar: mommy and daddy never gave me meat.

Ozzy: That why you're such a lil thing?

Thrax: Ozzy! Hold your tongue. *sets the dishes away and sits down* What she lacks in height she makes up for in skill.

Ozzy: With what?

Northstar: *climbs up on the table*

Thrax: *looks towards her, smiling*

Northstar: *sits on the edge and hangs her feet over the side*

Thrax: *lifts her chin* I can tell. With a lot of potential you can achieve much more than you think.

Northstar: *shrugs a little*

Thrax: *pulls her onto his lap and holds her close*

Northstar: *looks up at him, her thumb popping into her mouth again*

Ozzy: *gently removes it* Hey there... you'll mess up your teeth.

Thrax: *raises his brow at him* You do it all the time when you're curled up with me, *smirks* my baby boy.

Ozzy: *blushes* awww but my teeth are done growing....

Northstar: *looking up at Ozzy* You do?

Ozzy: *changing the subject* Hey wanna read a book?

Thrax: *grins and whispers to Northstar* Yes he does. My mother even took a few photos of him doing it when he's asleep.

Ozzy: You're not gonna show her that are you?

Thrax: *smirks* Maybe.

Ozzy: *groans*

Thrax: Hey you know you have no right to tease her while you've done a few childish things yourself, sweetie.

Ozzy: *blushes* Yeah I know.

Thrax: *chuckles, giving Northstar a small nuzzle*

Northstar: *nuzzles back a little and makes a little coo, it's a very timid sound, slightly similar to the ones white blood cells make*

Thrax: *gently strokes her hair and strangely feels as though he's holding the daughter he never had*

Northstar: *continues to suck her thumb*

Thrax: *purrs softly to her, rubbing her back*

Northstar: *looks up at Ozzy too*

Thrax: *looks towards Ozzy with a cocked brow* Anything wrong angel?

Ozzy: Nah... It's fine. *rubs her hair*

Thrax: *lightly chuckles, getting to his feet and carries Northstar to the living room*

Ozzy: *follows them and grabs one of the books*

Thrax: *places Northstar on the couch, sitting down next to her* Which did you choose Ozzy?

Ozzy: *hands him the book, the wind in the willows*

Thrax: *takes the book and begins reading*

Northstar: *listens to the story*

Thrax: *finishes reading the story and closes the book* Well what do you both think?

Northstar: there's stuff in it that wasn't in the movie.

Thrax: *crosses his legs* Well movies have a tendency to leave out a few things when they're based on books.

Northstar: *softly* I used to have the book but I never did read it.

Thrax: *strokes her hair* You probably never got the chance to read it.

Northstar: Daddy said I shouldn't read things written by humans.

Thrax: *rolls his eyes and lifts her chin* Your father is nothing but a fool. *looks up at the clock* C'mon you two time for bed.

Northstar: *rubs her eyes a little bit and yawns*

Thrax: *lifts her into his arms* Ozzy you to. *carries Northstar to the guestroom*

Ozzy: Aww... I'm not tired.

Northstar: Me nit her. *rubbing her eyes*

Thrax: *chuckles* I beg to differ, young spirit. *lays her down on the bed, stroking her hair*

Northstar: *yawns big*

Thrax: *begins humming a lullaby to her to help her relax*

Northstar: *yawns again*

Thrax: *continues humming the tune , stroking her hair* *kisses her forehead* Rest, young spirit.

Northstar: *yawns again and starts to fall asleep*

Thrax: *smiles, pulling the covers round her face, kissing her forehead again* *lays on the bed next to her, softly purring*

Ozzy: .. *looks from the doorway and feels a pang of jealousy, wanting him to cuddle him like that*

Thrax: *doesn't notice him as he has already fallen asleep holding Northstar in his arms*

Ozzy: ... *shuffles his feet a little and retires to bed, no longer so worried about insisting that he's not sleepy*


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