*They arrive at Mucus Bay within a couple of hours*
Thrax: Here we are Ozzy. *gets out of the car and begins to take out the stuff*
Ozzy: *gives him a hand taking stuff out of the car*
Thrax: Thank you. *carries most of it to an area just a few meters from the pier and sets it up*
Ozzy: *lays out the blanket and gives him a hand with stuff*
Thrax: *sets up a parasol and deck chairs, laying the picnic basket down before whispering to Ozzy* Now remember don't cause any trouble Ozzy. *sits down on one of the chairs picking up a book*
Ozzy: *smiles* Understood. Hey I'm gonna grab an ice cream cone? Want one?
Thrax: *turns to him* Just a small one, thanks. *sets his sunglasses on top of his head turning back to his book*
Ozzy: Alright, *grabs his wallet* Got a favourite flavour?
Thrax: Just plain dairy's fine with me.
Ozzy: Ok cool. *smiles and heads to the dude pushing the ice cream cart, getting plain for Thrax and some chocolate for himself, behind him he hears a little boy crying and smiles gently when he sees that he dropped his ice cream so he gives the boy his own cone* Here ya go lil guy. *smiles and rubs his head and takes Thrax his ice cream*
Thrax: *smiles at the scene* That was very sweet of you Ozzy.
Ozzy: Yeah well... *hands Thrax his ice-cream and smiles, sitting in the next chair*
Thrax: *sets the book eating the ice-cream in two bites* Quite refreshing that. *takes out bottled water to drink*
Ozzy: *chuckles, having something to drink himself* Yeesh did you eat that or inhale it?
Thrax: *glares at him* My eating habits are not funny. *takes another drink*
Ozzy: *chuckles* I didn't say it was funny.
Thrax: *rolls his eyes*
Ozzy: Oh c'mon it's cute!
Thrax: *snorts picking his book back up and goes back to reading*
Ozzy: whatcha reading?
Thrax: Midsummer's Night Dream.
Ozzy: oooh cool. That's a good one. *Thrax had read it to him before*
Thrax: One of many classics. *smirks*
Ozzy: You pretty much only read the classics don't cha?
Thrax: *chuckles* They've always been a good read to each generation.
Ozzy: I never really took much time to read... I don't think I ever really did really... *shrugs, having pretty much buried himself in work even though he gets in trouble there a lot*
Thrax: *places his hand on Ozzy's shoulder* At least you're able to acknowledge them now.
Ozzy: *nods a little and smiles* I never really read much when I was a kid.
Thrax: *strokes his face whispering* You'll be able to hear them now baby. *smiles and quickly draws back clearing his throat*
Ozzy: *nods and smiles* Hey you wanna play some volleyball?
Thrax: *shakes his head* You go ahead. I'd rather read.
Ozzy: Aww c'mon you can read at home. Let's go for a game huh?
Thrax: *glares at him* Ozzy, me and ball games don't mix. I put too much strength in a spike or a kick without realising. *turns back to his reading*
Ozzy: Well then just don't spike the ball.
Thrax: *sighs, continuing his reading*
Ozzy: Aww c'mon.
Thrax: *turns to him* Just go on a head Ozzy. *his eyes flash red for a second*
Ozzy: *sighs a bit and leans back in the chair, disappointed but taking the warning. he doubts Thrax would spank him publicly and didn't mean to raise his ire anyway* Sorry...
Thrax: *sighs, taking a drink* Ozzy you've got to know that different people have different interest and mine is reading.
Ozzy: Yeah I know... I was just kinda hoping we'd get to tumble around or something while we were out here.
Thrax: *looks at him* Nothing's stopping you.
Ozzy: I'm kinda waiting till you get in the mood for it. *chuckles*
Thrax: *crooks his brow* Then you'll have a long wait. *brings out an apple and takes a bite out of it*
Ozzy: Why can't we both do something?
Thrax: *tosses the apple core in the trash* Like what?
Ozzy: Well like a game of volleyball... maybe we could go in the lake.. y'know... that kinda thing. Shoot I brought a Frisbee.
Thrax: *places a bookmark in his page and closes the book* A swim in the lake sounds okay. *removes his shirt and sandals*
Ozzy: *smiles* great! *kicks off his sandals already having been shirtless*
Thrax: *chuckles as he heads into the lake*
Ozzy: *starting to run* race you!
Thrax: *chuckles but keeps his pace*
Ozzy: Oh c'mon don'tcha wanna race? *laughs*
Thrax: *laughs lightly as he slips into the water*
Ozzy: *chuckles, already in and playfully splashes him when he come sin at last*
Thrax: Hey. *shakes his dreads loose then drives underwater just swimming around*
Ozzy: *smiles, swimming as well*
Thrax: *comes back up and simply lies on his back floating with the flow*
Ozzy: *chuckles* yeesh too bad they don't make waterproof books. you look comfy.
Thrax: *chuckles* Just allowing the water to wash over your body can really relax you.
Ozzy: Yeah I used to do that in the tub when I took a bath. *it had been the only place his mother did not bother him*
Thrax: *straightens himself up, whispering to Ozzy* Maybe we could do that later, baby. *gives Ozzy gentle nuzzle*
Ozzy: *smiles and nods* I’d like that.
Thrax: *chuckles and swims back to shore to dry off.
Ozzy: *heads back with him*
Thrax: *dries off his skin and opens up the picnic basket* Help yourself Ozzy there’s plenty. *takes a bite out of a sandwich and takes a drink of water*
Ozzy: *has a sandwich* we should go camping sometime. I've got some vacation time coming up.
Thrax: *takes another drink* Know anywhere scenic?
Ozzy: oh yeah. *smiles* There's this great spot behind the eye... oh and there are plenty of good places in the ear canal caverns....and the lower abdomen's got some good places.
Thrax: I think the eye area sounds okay to me. *finishes off his amount of food*
Ozzy: Yeah it's really great up there.
Thrax: *smiles* Sounds nice. Just tell me when your take time off so I can tell my supervisor about it.
Ozzy: *smiles* sure no problem
Thrax: *stretches his body, laying back and picks his book back up continuing to read*
Ozzy: *chuckles softly*
Thrax: *smiles softly to him*
Ozzy: *opens a soda and starts to drink.*
Thrax: *smirks* I'd take it easy on the soda if I were you. *chuckles*
Ozzy: Yeah I know I know... makes me hyper
Thrax: *thinks* -That's not what I mean.- *smirks*
Ozzy: *chuckles, wishing Thrax was on the sand, he wants to see how long he could cover him from the feet up in sand before Thrax noticed*
Thrax: *finishes the book, laying his head back against the chair slipping his sunglasses on.*
Ozzy: good book?
Thrax: *looks over the sunglasses* One of the best.
Ozzy: *eventually* ready to go home?
Thrax: *gets to his feet, arching his back* Might as well. *begins to pack up*
Ozzy: Had a nice time.
Thrax: *nods* And you?
Ozzy: Yeah. *smiles*
Thrax: *lifts the stuff over his shoulders* Let's head home. *walks in the direction of the car*
Ozzy: *gives him a hand carrying stuff again*
Thrax: *loads the stuff in and climbs into the driver, starting the engine.*
Ozzy: *gets in the passenger seat, forgetting to put on his seatbelt*
Thrax: *notices this* For Frank's sake Ozzy. *straps his belt on* Remember your safety rules. *fixes his own on*
Ozzy: oops... It's no big deal... I forget it sometimes.
Thrax: *sighs shaking his head* Surprised you haven't got into a crash yet. *steps on the gas accelerator and they take off for home*
Ozzy: Heh who says I haven't?
Thrax: *gives him a thought-as-much look and in a while they're home*
Ozzy: Heh...
Thrax: *rolls his eyes getting out of the car and begins unpacking their stuff*
Ozzy: *gets the umbrella* what's the big deal... Everyone forgets their seatbelt sometimes... and I've never been in an accident without one.
Thrax: *carries their gear inside* That maybe true sometimes but in time they regret it. *sets the gear down and goes into the bathroom to run the water*
Ozzy: I wear em at work.
Thrax: Good. *adds bubble-bath to the water, checking the heat* Just a few more minutes. *puts the stuff away and his clothes in the laundry basket*
Ozzy: *watches him as he leaves to put them away* Hmm... not enough bubble bath... *adds some more and grins* Yeah...
Thrax: *comes back with a few towels wearing a black bathrobe* Ozzy, what in the name of Frank are you doing?
Ozzy: gah... aww nothing... *while the tub practically froths up from too much bubble-bath*
Thrax: *rushes over and turns off the water* Phew. *turns to Ozzy with his hands on his hips*
Ozzy: Whaat?
Thrax: What are you trying to? Cover the place in soap?
Ozzy: No just add more bubbles to the bath.
Thrax: *sighs, beginning to undress Ozzy* Next you want to do something like that ask me
Ozzy: aww... alright...
Thrax: *removes his bathrobe* C'mon now into the tub. *lifts up Ozzy and steps into the bath*
Ozzy: *reaches to turn on the water again, wanting more bubbles*
Thrax: *pulls him back* Ozzy, that's enough. *gently rinses water on him*
Ozzy: Awww but I want more bubbles!
Thrax: You've used up half the bottle, besides soapy water makes it difficult for me to wash your hair. *taps Ozzy's nose*
Ozzy: Aww who needs to wash their hair? *chuckles*
Thrax: *smirks* We do. I need to get that mucus out. *lathers up some shampoo and massages it into Ozzy's scalp*
Ozzy: *chuckles and scoops up some bubbles, putting them on Thrax's head*
Thrax: *cocks a brow* Very funny. *brushes the soap away and applies the shampoo to his own.*
Ozzy: *adds some more bubbles to his head*
Thrax: Alright Ozzy that's enough. *brushes the soap away again and rinses Ozzy's and his own hair out*
Ozzy: *dabs some on his nose*
Thrax: *snorts wiping it away* Ozzy behave. *holds Ozzy to his bare chest, gently rubbing the soap into his skin*
Ozzy: *chuckles, feeling playful still, moves Thrax's dreads over his shoulders*
Thrax: *shakes his dreads loose, smirking evilly* Feelin' playful are you? *gently tickles Ozzy's stomach*
Ozzy: *lets out a laugh tickling back*
Thrax: Oh no you don't. *tickles Ozzy round the sides*
Ozzy: *laughs but continues to try and tickle him back*
Thrax: *lifts Ozzy into his arms, cradling him to his chest* Alright that's enough, angel. *nuzzles Ozzy gently*
Ozzy: Aww I still wanna play. *nuzzles back*
Thrax: *chuckles* After we get dressed. *stands up with Ozzy in his arms, pulling on his bathrobe and wrapping Ozzy in a towel*
Ozzy: *blows a raspberry playfully*
Thrax: *chuckles, blowing a raspberry into Ozzy's stomach then walks into the bedroom*
Ozzy: *takes the towel off once they're in there*
Thrax: *sets Ozzy on the bed and searches for some loose fitting clothes for them*
Ozzy: *looks over at the clock* Yeesh eight thirty already?
Thrax: *looks up at the clock* Looks like we were in the bath longer than we thought. *slips on a loose shirt and baggy jeans before dressing Ozzy in a baggy shirt and sweats*
Ozzy: I guess so..
Thrax: *stretches his body as he lays next to Ozzy* Still have some time left in the day, angel.
Ozzy: *smiles* Yeah a little.
Thrax: *leans on his arm looking at Ozzy* Any suggestions, baby.
Ozzy: Hmmmm... well...
Thrax: *raises his brow slightly* Yes?
Ozzy: *grins* Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellll....
Thrax: *glares* Ozzy.
Ozzy: *grins* whaaaat? *chuckles* Aww I’m just playing around. Wanna grab a snack?
Thrax: *sits up smiling* Okay but no junk food for you, young man. *ruffles Ozzy's hair*
Ozzy: I'll just have a couple hundred oatmeal cream pies.
Thrax: *lifts him up nuzzling him* Very funny. *heads down to the kitchen*
Ozzy: *chuckles and moves to grab a slice of cake though*
Thrax: *grabs his hand* Ozzy I said no junk food. *lifts the cake and puts it in the fridge then takes out a salad and fruit cup.* Here we go.
Ozzy: A fruit cup? Oh come on... Don't we have some pudding in there? *opens the fridge*
Thrax: *pulls him back, kicking the fridge door shut* Ozzy it's too late for sweets and I don't want you up all night, hyper on sugar. *sits Ozzy at the table*
Ozzy: I'm hyper anyway.
Thrax: *sets the fruit cup in front of Ozzy* Maybe but I don't need you anymore energetic. *takes a bite of his salad*
Ozzy: Awww.. *eats the fruit cup*
Thrax: *smiles* Good boy. *finishes his salad and gathers up the dishes to wash them*
Ozzy: *heads to the fridge again and pours himself some kool aid*
Thrax: *snatches the glass and bottle away* Ozzy I said no. *his voice gives a hint of warning*
Ozzy: oh come on I'm thirsty! *pouts*
Thrax: *empties out the glass and rinses it* Either drink milk or water but no soda. *places the bottle back in the fridge*
Ozzy: I wasn't getting soda I was getting kool aid... *reaches for it again*
Thrax: *blocks his way* Osmosis I warning you. *gives his thigh a warning slap*
Ozzy: ouch! *rubs his thigh* Ok ok... Don't spank me.... *reaches for the water jug*
Thrax: *sighs, rubbing his forehead as he grabs some water for himself*
Ozzy: *pours himself some water and then hands the jug to Thrax and drinks a glass*
Thrax: *drinks his down in two swallows then washes the glasses at puts them away*
Ozzy: *gets himself one more glass of water*Ok done.
Thrax: Alright. *looks at the clock* Now it bedtime for us. *ushers Ozzy out of the kitchen*
Ozzy: Aww but it's early...
Thrax: *lifts Ozzy up, rubbing his nose* How 'bout I read to you sweetie? Your choice.
Ozzy: Alright how bout... *picks a book from the shelf* This one? *holds up Phantom of the Opera*
Thrax: Of course sweetie. *takes the book, lifting Ozzy into his arms as the go to the bedroom*
Ozzy: *leans against him and listen*
Thrax: *finishes the book in a couple of hours* Well, what did you think sweetie?
Ozzy: *sleeeeeping*
Thrax: *smiles, setting the book down pulling the covers round them* Goodnight angel. *kisses Ozzy's forehead and turns out the light settling down to sleep*
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