
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Haunting Romance-A Trick R' Treat RP (Chp6)

Sam: *Took her to the park* *looked at Illust as he walked into the candy shop*

Illust: *noticed him looking n blushed*

Sam: ^^ Go ahead, pick out what you want

Illust: *looked a the candy n saw the jawbreaker tht Sam gave her during Halloween n chose tht*

Sam: I see you liked that

Illust: U gave me tht, so I'm gonna like jawbreakers frm now on *giggled*

Sam: *looked for his favorite chocolate and lollipops* *gets all the candy he wants and looks for Illust*

Illust: *was asking help frm the sales assistant to help her get the candy on the top shelf, bt didnt notice, due to her innocence, tht the assistant was taking advantage of her, touching her here n there*

Sam: *hisses at him and jumped him*

Illust: *gasp* Sam!! Wht r u doing?!

*the sales assistant quickly made a run for it, dropping Illust*

Sam: He was molesting you!

Illust: Molesting me? He was only carrying me up to get what I cant reach!

Sam: Don't let him fool you. *pays for the candy and heads out with her* You gotta be more careful

Illust: *pouts* OK

Sam: I'll help you next time ^^ okay?

Illust: *nods* OK *kissed his cheek*

Sam: *blushed bright red*

Illust: *giggled at the blush* Wow, u look so red, like the jawbreaker u gave me

Sam: I am? *looks in the window

Illust: Yes u r. Look, its pretty red *giggled*

Illust: Shall we go home?

Sam: Let's hope everyone is appropriate

Illust: I doubt it, bt lets go home anyways *take his hand*

Sam: *took hers too and walked home


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