
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 157-Coming to Terms

 Olivia was bringing some of her toys to play with Nikki and Amy as she saw Eddie.

Edison: *realized they were bk at the hotel n mumbled* Can u put me dwn now~?

Paul: *was with the kids, still on babysitting duty as he saw them* Ah, hey, welcome bk *has learnt abt Edison frm the other kids*

John would smile and put him down.

Bree would run to Olivia "House now?!"

Olivia nodded and Timidly waved at Eddie. She had to try and detatch herself

Edison: *nods at Olivia n went to his room where Julius n Klepta originally put him, walking past Ozzie n Thrax*

Ozzie: Heya, welcome home

Thrax would smile at his older brother not saying a word as he carried a bunch of plastic toys they rented from the toy shop

Edison; *nodded at them n entered his room, closing it*

Ozzie: Wow. Ur dad reli got thru to him

John chuckled "Spanked him was more like it"

Ozzie: Hey, Dad. Yeah, I got ur msg abt tht, I didnt think it would actually work

John chuckled "Yeah it worked alright. And he just stole my room" he chuckled

Ozzie: Ahaha, Jules n Klep were the one who put him there wen we first discovered him. I'll go order u another room, Dad

"Nah. Its okay. I'll prolly go back to the hospital"

Ozzie: U sure? I dont think they're gonna let u stay at the hospital for tht long period of time

"I'm allowed. The Nurses think its best cause if he stresses out they know i can calm him down"

Ozzie: Alright. U want us to help u pack?

"I got stuff in a duffle at the hospital. Its alright Just came to drop off Eddie"

Olivia would bring all the kids to Eddies door and open it with a key and all squeal running in.

Edison: *grumbled, he wanted to be alone actually, bt he couldnt reli kick them out* U knw its not polite to barge in like this

Olivia would smile "but we all have something for you!" They all came in a line one by one giving him pictures that say like 'welcome"

Edison: *noticed tht all those pictures were all hand-drawn. They were all drawings of themselves holding up a different present each n scrawly writing at the bottom tht says 'Welcome' n Paul holding out a male bracelet for him, handmade too. He accepted all of them, muttering* Thanks...

Paul: We're all happy for u to be here finally with us

Olivia nodded "Thats all sorry but you didn't get your Card so here!" gives him his room card key and smiles and giggles as they all left to Pauls room to play.

Edison: *took the card n blinked as they all left, sighed n lay dwn to bed to take a nap, it was a reli long day, n his butt was still quite sore*


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