
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 312-Spin the Bottle (Round 1)

8a week has passed, Illust was OK to walk ard aftr tht difficult labour she had, n now all of them r gathered in the lounge room just chilling aftr a day of planning n training8

Klepta: Phew...!! Wat a long day..! This is the best time to enjoy some burgers, pizza n beer

Illust: 8chuckles8 Well, more for u then. I'm nursing so I can only hving non-alcoholic drinks 8was carrying Alexis in her arms as he nursed8

Julius: He is just adorable, n huge! Its a wonder u pushed him out n are still alive

Ozzy: Man, it reli reminds me of Ozma wen she was a baby

Thrax would plop down with a Soda not wanting to Drink "Yeah she was big, but how are you feeling though sister?"

Leilani would plop in Kelpta lap taking a Burger that she and the girls prepared before hand as she took a bit first before giving Klepta one.

Dex would kiss their babys head "Yeah but hes such a good boy"

Amber giggled "Well were so close, we can get through this soon"

Klepta: Yup we are definitely close. Before I was kinda terrified, bt now I can't wait to kick ass 8takes a bite frm Lei's burger8

Edison: I still hv to triangulate her position first. Tho u guys lemme knw wen we're 100% ready n I can find her location n bring the fight to her n her clan

Illust: Makes me curious as to how big her clan reli is. She's breeding pure viruses at top speed. I fear she might hv more than wat we can handle

Takako: Hora! 8joins the group8 Sunimasen~ Sorry I'm late, Yuya-chan needed a diaper change. Reli big boo-boo

Julius: No worries. We just gotten started on chillin'

Ozzy: Pizza, Dee?

Lei would eat and feed Klepta cause she loved sharing with her mate. "Yeah her location is gonna be hard, but honestly from what I remember Big Mama loves humans who had drugs and are addicted, I mean super addicted on the street willing to do anything for the drug kind of people."

Dieter would smile "I voudl love zome" he mentions as he takes a couple slices sitting down "So now dat were all here, mostly. What is really gonna be our places to do? Whos taking who out?"

Julius: Well, its a no-brainer tht either Pops or Thrax would take on Big Mama. We'll just hv to take out the rest as we go. Maybe Grandpa Krazer n the other old timers would wanna take out their own old timers tht joined Big Mama

Klepta: I couldn't care less who I kill, as long as I kick some virus butt

Ozzy: I would prolly be with the less stronger guys to do recon n rescue. Frank knws how many cell they've kidnapped n tortured n made to breed viruses or do their bidding or be turned into viruses

Thrax sighs "what are we going to do about the spawns shes created? Are we going to send the kids in?" he shivered thinking that thought.

Amber bit her lip "I don't know though, some of them are still young and... would they be able to handle?"

Illust: I'm sure they'll pull thru, they've been training reli hard, n we've done all we can. Besides u've seen their powers. They can hold their own

Klepta: Might need to work on some moves n whatnot, bt I think they're just abt as ready as they'll ever be. We need all the help we can get at this point

Edison: We'll just need to send out some recon once we located Big Mama to spy n see who are we dealing with before we go for the march

"Who though? We can't send any of our Kids in and Probably Big Mama knows who we have" Amber mentioned

Dieter would bite his lip "we might have to send one of the Teens, she doesn't know all of them so they could say they are tired or something

Dex would look at Illust worried "Were not sending ours right?"

Illust: 8shook her head8 Of course not. They got their twins to worry about. They'll hv to stay bk as surveillance with whoever needs to stay bk

Edison: No, we don't exactly hv to send ppl there for recon. I can always program spy bug devices to do the work. Bree n I hv been working on that for a while

Klepta: That'll prolly be the best

Sniper: 8came in last with Snipes, hand in hand as usual out of habit8 Hey guys. Did we miss anything?

"Not much" Thrax mentions "We were planning ways to spy on Big mama, Eddie just suggested hee and Bree send out one of their robots"

Majah would come in after washing his hands and joins Eddie "Bree says the bug is almost done, she made it solar and liquid power so it can never stop running no matter where it dies."

Julius: That's cool 8finished his bottle of drink n looked at the empty bottle for a while8 Hey guys, remember wen we were kids we used to play Spin the Bottle?

Klepta: N forces us to tell the whole truth n nothing bt the truth abt ourselves? 8rolled his eyes8 How can we forget?

Thrax groans "Hated that came, especially when the parents over heard the game. We got in so much trouble" he mumbles

Julius: Well our parents r not ard anymore, so wanna give it a shot? 8was already setting the bottle dwn to get started8

Ozzy: I'm game if ur game, babe

Edison: 8shrugged8 Wat the heck, if I can hear ur dirty little secrets, it'll be worth me telling it

Illust: Ooh This is so exciting I totally wanna play!

Everyone moved the tables and gathered around the bottle. "lets do this" Lei was pumped up for this wondering who would get what

Julius: Alright, the rules r simple. I spin the bottle n wherevr the bottle points at, tht person has to tell something abt themselves, regardless if its now, bk then or the future. N it must be the whole truth n nothing bt the truth. No white lies or excuses or roundabts. U must come clean

Ozzy: Sounds simple enough

Illust: Bring it on

Julius: Alright. Here I go 8spun the bottle8

Leilani waited to watch it land on Amber

Amber would blush and play with her blond hair "I'm part Rabies"

Klepta: Ehh? I thought u were pure Ebola

Julius: Wow, no wonder u got blonde hair, honey

Amber slaped Julius gently "You knew! I told you the first time we met!" she felt hurt he forgot and starts spinning the bottle

Julius: Ouch! I'm sorry. I was too mesmerized by ur beauty to remember 8leans in to kiss Amber's cheek as an apology8

Ozzy: 8watched it land on him8 Oh boy... 8blushed, a little hesitant8

Thrax would nudge him "Go on" wondering which one he was going to tell

Ozzy: 8blushed reli hard n looked dwn, muttering8 I... I wasn't a virgin...As in...before I met Thrax, I was already no longer a virgin... N I don't mean bcoz I dated Leah...

Illust: Oooh...!! I've spied on u for ages, n I didn't knw tht one! Pray tell, pray tell, who was the lucky bastard tht deflowered u??

Thrax would blink and growl a bit

Lei blinked "Seriously who was it!"

Ozzy: 8blushed evn harder8 It...It was this guy I reli admired wen I was still a rookie in the force. His name was Kiaran, n he taught me evrything he knew. Then we were fooling ard in the showers n one thing led to another... 8blushed, then looked dwn sadly8 Bt I screwed up, as usual, on a case, n he took the bullet for me, literally. I watched him die in my arms n I...

Thrax would wince feeling bad he growled and held his love "shh, kid we have we'll name the boy after him okay?"

Ozzy: 8chuckles8 Maybe as a middle name. Don't wanna break the O name cycle 8spun the bottle this time8

This time it landed on Deiter. He blushes and Clears his throat "Honestly, i'm sorry love but when your mom took over you were very sexy thinking it was some sort of Trigger for your Viral hunger but I never had sex with you then cause I thought you might rip my dick off"

Takako: 8blushed hard n smacked Deiter's shoulder in embarrassment8 DEE-CHAN~~!!

Klepta: Ooh ur in the dog house now, Dee! Pun intended LOL

Dieter would chuckle and kiss her hard and spins the bottle

8the bottle spun n spun n pointed at Lei8

Illust: Aha! Ur turn, sis! 8was rocking Alexis who had finally finished nursing n snoozing peacefully in her arms despite the noise8

Lei would think for a moment "I was happy that Illust broke me from my old self or I would've been Big Mommas slave if she kept going"

Illust: Aww, thanks, sis

Klepta: N ur better for it 8gave Lei a spiderman kiss8 Bcoz if it weren't for her, we would nvr hv met

She purrs happily as she uses her tail to spin the bottle wondering who its gonna land this time.

8the bottle spun n spun for a while n pointed at Edison8

Edison: 8widened his eyes a little, then sighed n finally told them the truth abt his first child wen he was under Big Mama8 I had a child before Majah. It was with Big Mama, she did an experiment on me and... 8told them the rest tht he had told Majah8

Amber puts her hands over her mouth "Oh Eddie baby"

Thrax would go over to Him and hug him tightly "I'm sorry bro"

Lei rubs his hand "you don't need to worry anymore. You have your Garden and Galaxies right?" she smiles

Edison: 8tried to act strong by holding his tears bk8 Yeah... Tht's true... I hv an almost perfect family, n a mate tht loves me. I can't ask for more 8smiled as he spun the bottle8

This time it landed on Snipes "Woah my turn. Well, I never knew we could separate. Like ever but I gotta thank Bree for that"

Klepta: Hey tht doesn't count. U hv to tell something abt urself, not abt how u feel

Julius: Yeah, yeah, spill!

Snipes blushes "uhh how we just learned to separate recently?"

Julius: Well, there's gotta be something u both did tht is either interesting or embarrassing

Sniper: 8blushed8 Well... There was one... 8his mouth was quickly covered by Snipes8

Snipes would blush madly unsure if they should share that one.

Ozzy: Ooh, now I'm intrigued. Wat is it?

Julius: Come, come now, u knw the rules. U gotta spill evrything or pay the penalty

Klepta: Wat penalty? U nvr said any penalty

Julius: Well, u nvr asked. If u don't tell, we r gonna give u a tickle attack, n we won't stop till u tell

Sniper: 8pulls Snipes' hand off8 OK, OK, I'll talk! No tickling 8is vry ticklish n doesnt reli like being tickled8 We...We fell in love with the same guy before...And...And it was a cell...

Snipes would blush and sigh "He was a Hormone\ cell, not one of those crazy guys but a regular joe....he was... really sweet and kind"

Ozzy: Oh my Frank, u guys went for a hormone cell? Those guys r like train wrecks! We wouldn't evn associate with them unless we need them for puberty or tht time of the mth in female cities

Illust: I find it hard to believe hormone cells can be nice n sweet. They literally can hv sex with ppl in public regardless the situation

Sniper: He was too! He actually went thru the trouble of courting us evn tho his bros said otherwise. We...We were this close to marrying him, in fact

Klepta: Wow, tht serious huh? Wat happened?

Snipes would look down "The bodys immunity took him down. They were strict with every Hormone to be in place.... when he died we went on a rampage"

Takako: Kowai so... (poor u) 8reached to hug the twins8

Ozzy: Man, now I feel bad. I guess there reli is an odd one out in evry group

Snipes pets her back and then uses his Telekinesis to spin the bottle

8the bottle soon spun to Illust8

Illust: Ooh, my turn, huh? Hmm... Well its a no brainer tht I've got tons of sexcapades during my adventures before I met Lei. Hmm...Oh, this one's good: I've slept with an Anthrax virus

Julius: N tht's news because...?

Illust: A bio-engineered Anthrax virus, u knw, the one tht terrorists hv been using for a while bk then.

Klepta: Woah! They r more contagious than regular Anthrax viruses, they can evn infect us viruses! How the heck did u survive tht??

Lei blinked "Dude sis, seriously how did you even?"

Dex would look a little horrified "Okay love not funny"

Illust: 8blinked8 No, I'm serious. Not kidding. I slept with the dude. He just seemed to hv dropped by in the city I was in n we sorta hooked up. He did leave me with a nasty case of the sniffles n I was a walking time bomb wherevr city I went, indirectly killing the city. Yeah, basically he infected me

Ozzy: Then how did u manage to survive?

Illust: Not easy. I had to go on a blood cleanse. I landed in a cancer patient city n met the cancerous cell who started the cancer in the city. He offered to take away the infection via sticking all his cancerous tentacles into me n suck my infectious blood out. Almost nearly killed me with the cleanse, bt I survived. Bt he left me tons of scars, thus the tribal tattoo to cover them up 8pointed at all her tattoos8

Lei frowned "No wonder... damn sis. I bet that body didn't survive long though" she swayed her tail a bit jealous her sister got some good virus "whos next?"

Illust: Alright, my turn to spin the bottle~ 8spun the bottle n it pointed at Thrax8

Thrax would shiver at this and blush "My first Masturbation was to Ozzy when I was 13..."

Ozzy: 8blushed hard8 W-Wha...??

Klepta: How did u manage, wen ur still under Big Mama?

"Mom wasn't home at that time. My hormones were raging and I had a thought of him suddenly older and this ripe ass dancing at a club and I just went..."

Ozzy: 8blushed8 W-Well...Ur imagination wasn't too far off... 8scratched his chin awkwardly8

Edison: Dont tell me u actually was in a dance club before!

Ozzy: I was getting by! I was poor! School fees in high school don't come cheap, u knw! I had to earn SOME kind of money~

Thrax would pull Ozzy into his lap to hide the growing boner but knowing Ozzy would at least be able to hide it as he spins the bottle.

Ozzy: 8his eyes widened as he could feel the boner bt kept quiet abt it8

8the bottle soon pointed at Takako8

Takako: Ehhhhh? Boku? (me) Sa... 8thought abt it for a while8 Ah, anno.... 8blushed hard as she looked away, pouting a bit cutely8 Anno...I...secretly gave Dee-chan blowjobs n drank him all up in the middle of the night...during high school time... He was a heavy sleeper so... 8covered her face8 Ahhh...!! Hasukashi...!!

Dieter would look at her shocked "w-what vhen vas zis?" he looks at her blushing trying to remember this "What year and w-why?"

Takako: Kuuu...!! Yada, hasukashii...!! 8covered her face evn more, blushing like hell8

Illust: Now, now, u already told us, might as well get it ovr with

Takako: It...It was way bk during...ur first yr in Kōkō (high school). I...I was also just finishing Chūgakkō (middle school) n was...was reading abt...abt ferachio (fellatio) in th-those hentai manga n I thought I'd experiment... Then one thing led to another n...n I've been doing it evry week for...for 2 mths... Yaaa....!!! Mitte ja nai...!! (dont look at me)

Illust: OMG, Amber is right, u are such a closet pervert! 8laughed8

Amber would grin "What else have you done to your Mate that you haven't told us Girly" she grinned cheeky.

Dieter blushes madly "I-I was wondering why i'd have those dreams... gods I thought I was the pervert, wait no wonder you know how to please me when we make love! you minx!"

Takako: Kuu...! Hasukashii...! 8continues to cover her face, not wanting to talk anymore8

Illust: C'mon now 8poked at her8 Anything else u havent told us tht u've done to Dee~?

Takako: Yaa...! Dameda...! (stop) U said I can only tell one~!

"Just spin the bottle love" he kisses her neck "Tonight im going to make sweet lovings to you" he purrs "With whatever you want too"

Takako: 8blushed hard at the thought n spun the bottle, which ended up to Majah8

Majah would lean back "Well I know most of you know this but i'm a Rabies shot made by humans.... my mother was a cell and I watched my parents die before my eyes"

Edison: 8knew abt this n held Majah's hand8

Klepta: Woah, u...u too? 8had watched his own dad died as well by Rabies shot hands, thus his grudge ovr Rabies shots in the first plc8

"Uh Klepta you tried to kill me" Majah would roll his eyes "I guess were so use to being close like at the hip we forgot we had bones against each other"

Klepta: 8raised a brow8 Wat does tht suppose to mean? N FYI, I apologized n I havent tried to kill u since, hv I? I'd say we're evn. I was trying to be nice 8frowned as he crossed his arms8

Edison: Klepta, don't... 8shot him a warning glare8

Majah laughs "Ai I know bro. But I consider you family now and I thank you for protect me and stuff since I have such a gift to help instead of to kill"

Klepta: Well... for wat its worth, u make my little bro happy, so I can't fault u there 8grins as he punched Majah's shoulder playfully8 Now who's next?

Majah would twist the bottle as it lands on Julius

Julius: Oh, my turn, huh? Well, let's see... 8thought for a moment8 I used to be in a aneroxic/bulimic city, n I was affected by the city n I ended up becoming aneroxic n bulimic for almost a yr

Amber would frown "Oh dear.... how did you get out of that?" she strokes his cheek worried

Julius: My dad. Big Mama was the one who sent me to this city, n it was my first day as an independent virus to infect my first city. Didn't go too well. My dad had to come n get me coz I was too weak to leave the city. Big Mama wanted to put me out of my misery, bt Dad insisted he could cure me. N he did. He started off slow, with soft foods, n worked our way there

Klepta: Man, tht was rough. How come I nvr saw wat happened to u?

Julius: U were with ur dad in ur first city, remember? N wat happened to ur dad, u were completely shut in ur room with grief

Klepta: Oh yeah...

Lei would wrap her tail around Kleptas waist "Come on we got Dex left so lets just make it point him!" she grins

Julius: 8laughed8 Oh yeah, totally 8points the bottle at Dex8

Dex would grumble and blushes "I use to have a major crush on Osmoisis"

Ozzy: 8blushed n giggled8 I knw tht

Illust: 8laughed8 I knw tht too

Klepta: I definitely didn't knw tht! Wen did tht happen? 8nudged him deviously8

Dex would blush madly

Thax chuckled

"I-it was when I was still working as a Pill. When I first came to frank I thought he was annoying but when we were attacked by Thrax he held my hand for a moment and... that's when it sparked"

Ozzy: Wait, the part where we were fighting Thrax at the Zit wen I grabbed ur hand to dodge Thrax's attack? Tht time?

"No that time in the car... we were about to jump into the uvila thingy?"

Ozzy: Wait, tht wasn't Thrax. Tht was the time wen u first came into Frank wen we called u in for a cold incident tht turned out to be a damn nasty Spanish flu or something. He was trying to escape n we used the uvula to chase... 8remembered the hand-hold8 Oh, tht one... 8blushed8

Dex coughed and spun the bottle with his tail for a second round blushing and hid in Illust shoulder

Julius: 8stopped the bottle8 Hold up, I need to go to the loo for a bit

Klepta: Imma gonna stretch my legs n go hv a smoke

Illust: I'll tuck Alex in, wait here, OK, Dex?

8everyone separated to get their things done or just drink n ate while waiting for Round 2 to start8


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