
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Never Thought in Frank: Scene 319-Family Trouble in Paradise

Holly: 8just got a text frm Jazz telling her their current location wen she heard her parents talking rather heatedly8

Illust: Not my fault u drove ur boys away! I tried to make them stay bt they've made up their minds! They got ur stubbornness obviously!

Dex would growl "Well if they had told me about their relationship earlier maybe none of this would've happened!" he was in face with his wife

Illust: Well if u didnt hv such a temper n being such a stick up ur ass, maybe they just might! U spanked them wen they were younger just bcoz they made a mess in the kitchen, n u didnt evn bother to investigate first to find out they were just making breakfast for me during Mother's Day! Its no wonder they're terrified of u!

Dex would growl "Well they didn't TELL me they were planning it first! My parents taught me to ASK before I did anything!"

Illust: It was meant to be a surprise! U don't ASK someone if they want a surprise! U just do it! For a smartass cold pill, u sure ain't too bright to hv common sense! Its UR fault they left!

"W-well what if they burnt themselves Love!" he started to cry "Then our babies.... would've gotten hurt"

Illust: 8sees him cry n couldn't help feeling sorry for him, came towards him n hugged him8 I knw, bt it doesn't justify beating them up till they were sore n giving them time-out for wanting to do something good. They weren't doing anything wrong n u punished them for it. I knw u mean well bt a reprimand would've been enough. I hate to say this bt u terrify them, hun. I wanted to tell u time n time again abt ur teaching methods bt u always ignore me. It's no wonder they don't confide to u

"I-it justs, that's how my dad punished me and I promised myself I wouldn't be like him and now look at me. They're gone, my boys are gone" he began to cry on his loves shoulders breaking down

Illust: Shh... It's OK, wats done is done. N they're not gone. They're just laying low for a while. They're giving u space so u can process all this, so tht u can reflect. We can go find them wen ur ready to accept them. Just take ur time n let them take their time to get their life together

"I-I just... I wasn't prepared for this and" he feels so bad... he starts getting his depression like he was in middle school for being a nerd as he starts clawing himself

Illust: Dex 8grabbed his hand8 Dex, stop. Don't do tht. I need u. We need u to get it together. Don't do this to urself. I'll help u thru this, OK?

Holly: 8heard everything frm her room n sighed as she continued to babysit her little sibling8

Dex wanted to claw himself more as he whimpered looking at his love, he was shaking

Illust: Don't make me declaw u 8glared at him until he stopped, then slowly burst into tears as well as she hugged Dex close, sobbing in his arms8

He yelps and then holds her nuzzling her hair

Illust: 8sobs8 They'll come bk to us... I knw they will... I knw they will... 8sobs in his arms, burying her face on his chest as she sobs8


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