The Fallen RP Refugee Camp
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Never Thought in Frank: Scene 140-Family Chowdown
The rest of the morning went well as they all had decided to go out to one of those cook your own places.
*the kids were awake now n were famished, n were all hoppity n giggedy at the table they were in. It was a steamboat/grill restaurant where u cook ur own food to eat n they all wanted to try their luck on it*
Julius: Easy, Amy. Dont want to get urself burnt
Ozzie: *settles the kids in their highchairs*
Klepta: *lets Nikkita sit beside Paul while he n the other men made their orders*
Amber would pull Amys hand away from the hot griddle as she flipped the meat over smilling adding teryaki sauce onto it
Nikki cuddled into her half brothers lap smiling
Ozzie: *totally forgot tht he was still in morning sickness phase n he felt nauseous just looking at the food n had to keep his hand on his mouth before he starts hurling all ovr the plc*
Thrax moved him away from the food and gave him a bucket "easy love. I thought this might happen" he had a small table on the side with just some lemon soda for him
Ozzie: Spit, I was looking forward to eat teriyaki. Havent had any in forevr *pouts at the lemon soda*
"Ill bring you some in small bites so your body dosent see a huge slab and you can eat it in tid-bits baby" he smiles at him. "Zee-Zee needs to make sure that he doesnt over do it okay?" he was very worried for his mate.
Amber continued to maket he Teriyaki steaks as Olivia was playing with a spoon heating it till it bent back like a supposed Psycic would
Ozzie: OK *glad tht Thrax worried for him n nuzzles him* Thaz dont hv to worry, Zee-Zee will be careful
Miracle: *giggled at the bent spoon, then freezes it until it cracked n broke, n giggled some more*
Jazz: *laughed humorously*
Jet was a little nervous on the steam boat. He hugged his transformer counterpart plush. He brings it with him most of the time.
Olivia would giggle "Oopsie" their language skills were more and more profound.
John didn't come he was with Dakara sleep in the chair after watching a movie
Klepta; *helped Lei cook n gave her most of the portion, since she's eating for two now* Here ya go, my little flower
Twins: *cooked n ate simulatenously in synch, sitting close shoulder to shoulder so tht they can use both hands*
Leilani giggled happily as she ate a few bites while Nikki was eating apple sauce
Olivia watched them blinking in confusion
Paul: *laughs* Ur supposed to dip meat with the apple sauce, Nikki *demonstrated it for her, n fed her a small piece with the apple sauce*
Miracle: *noticed* Wat's up, sis?
Julius: *minced up some meat n fish frm the steamboat for Amy to eat*
Nikki opened her mouth and ate the meat chewing happily "sorry." she poked the little bits Paul cut for her and dipped them into the sauce and ate it
"Its if we starve the. Look they're both woofing down food" she points to Snipes and Sniper.
Amy was spooning them into her mouth giglging "Fank you daddy"
Miracle: *sees Snipes eating with gusto, while Sniper seemed to hv sympathy pains too as he wolfed just as much as his mate/brother* Well, Snipes is pregnant
Jazz: *tries to pick up a meatball bt kept dropping it, n getting the soup splashed evrywhere, some of them pricking on Jet*
Jet yelped then he leaned over with his spoon and scooped it up for his brother and held it up to him "AH!"
Olivia nodded "I guess so but its like... they're both pregnate"
Julius: *chuckles* Its called sympathy pains, kids. Some fathers would feel psychologically for their pregnant mates. N since they're twins, evn more so. Aint it right, Thrax?
Jazz: Sowwie, bro~ Daddy~ Help~
Thrax chuckled "Thats right bro" He fed some of the meat to Ozzie as he ate some grilled veggies in teryaki sauce.
Dex smiles and helps by cutting each meatball into small bites for Jazz "there you go." he smiles petting their heads
Jazz: Tank u, Daddy~ *ate his meatballs happily, sharing some with his brother*
Ozzie: *opened his mouth to be fed, enjoying the attention, tho he tries to keep his mind off the nausea*
Klepta: U OK there, doll? U want some more lemon soda?
Ozzie: Naw, I'm good. Dont wanna get too bloated. I might just hurl again
Jet would smile happily shareing with his brother
Thrax would then rub his stomach and giving him moments to drink to calm himself down
Leilani would roll her eyes knowing that nickname was for him alone as she pinched Kleptas hip chuckling.
osmosis jones
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