
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp39)

NS: 8that morning begins to stirr*

8everyone was still asleep8

NS: *whimpers softly, nuzzling agaisnt her foste rparents*

Thrax; 8slowly opens his eyes8

NS: *has her legs crossed a bit*

Thrax; Bathroom/

NS: *nods shakily*

Thrax; 8gently picked her up and carried her to the bathroom8

*on the way feels very much warm*

Thrax; 8looked down at her8

NS: face is flushed but from more than embarassment*

Thrax; 8sighed and turned on the warm water8

NS: *looks up at him*

Thrax; 8set her down and undressed her8

NS: *bluehes but doesn't fight him on it*

Thrax; 8tossed her clothes in the laundry then set her in the bath8

NS: *feels very warm to the touch and it looks as if the infection in her shoulder has gotten no better*

Thrax; 8swallowed8

NS: *looks up at him helplessly*

Thrax; 8gently bathed her8

NS: *leans on him a bit and lets him, not feeling at all well*

Thrax; 8lifted her out and wrapped her in a fluffy towel8

NS: *curls up in it , shivering*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *softly* C-cold...

Thrax; 8wrapped his coat round her8

NS: *clings to him, shivering*

Thrax; 8closes her close8

*the wound on he rshoulder is much redder than it used to be and the infection seems worse*

Thrax; 8carries her downstairs8

Sapphire: *is up* * looks over , having just changed the still sleeping ozzy and frowns in concern* Whats' wrong?

Thrax; Her wound is badly infecyed.

Sapphire: *frowns and walks over to look* What should we do?

Thrax; Try and nurse her back to health.

Sapphire: What made the wound in the first place?

Thrax; That's the question.

NS *soflty* a...arrow..

Thrax; 8looked at her8 What/

NS: An... an arrow...

Thrax; What kind/

NS: Wood...

Thrax; 8nods8 We should get it sterilised.

NS: *sofltky* I took it out...

Sapphire: By yourself?

NS: Had to...Too late... infection's set in already..

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Sapphire: How did you get it out yourself little one?

NS: *voice still soft* Leaneda gains tsomething and forced it through.. then pulled it out...

Thrax; 8wince8

NS: *softly* I had to... noone else around...

Thrax; 8sat next to his wife8

Sapphire: Why didn't you tell us little one?

NS: 8looks down.

Thrax; Sweetie/

NS: *soflty* Afraid...

Thrax; 8kissed her cheek softly8

NS: *starts to cry suddenlyI

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: I'msorry.... I'm sorry...

Sapphire: *confused8 Sorry for what little one?

NS: S-sorry I didn't tell... don't spank me please!

Thrax; We won't honey.

NS: W.. won't? *sniffles*

Sapphire; Of course not.. *gently* You've done nothing wrong.

Thrax; She's right.

NS: *sniffs soflty, looking toward the other 's in the room*

8the all smiled at her sweetly8

NS: 8rubs her eyes a little*

Thrax; 8rubs her back8

NS: *leans on him, not trembling so much now*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her8

NS: 8nuzzles back ands tarts to drift to sleep, still wrapped warmly in the towel, not seemign to care that other htan that she's still naked from th ebath*

Thrax; 8smiles softly and carries her upstairs to dress her8

NS: *sleeps on the way*

Thrax; 8selects clean pjs and dresses her before carrying her back downstairs8

NS: *snuggles into the pillow*

Thrax; 8smiles softly8

Sapphire: We should get some first aid suppliies today... see what we can do for that shoulder

Thrax; 8nodded8

Sapphire: Perhaps one of us should go ou twhile the kids are down for a nap*

Thrax; Go ahead my love.

Sapphire: *nods and kisses himon the cheek before heading out*

8the other females fallow her8

Aoura; We're running low on food and supplies for the kids.

Sapphire: *nods* We'll make sure to get plenty of what we need.

Eliza; Hopefully.

Sapphire: *nods with a slight sigh*

Titania; C'mon we must hurry.

Sapphire: *goes hurry*

8the women head off8


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