
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp48)

NS: *cuddles Thrax in her sleep, leting out a soft whimper and it soon becomes apparent from the wet spot on Thrax's leg that a diaper probably isn't a bad idea*

Thrax; 8sighs then carries her into the nursery8

NS: *remains asleep as she's carried8

Thrax; 8lay her on the table and began cleaning her up8

NS: *shifts a little,s tarting to wake up*

Thrax; 8finishes her up8

NS: 8shifts a little waking* mm

Thrax; 8lifts her into his ar,s8

NS: *looks up at him then down at the diaper she's wearing then up at him again, confused*

Thrax; Can't let you have anymore accidents can we/

NS: *sfotly* A... a diaper?

Thrax; 8nods8 Trust me I'm not fond of the tdea either.

NS: *looks up at him again*

Thrax; 8pats her back then carries her downstairs8

NS: *softly* What's it for

Thrax; It's protection in case of accidents.

NS: *blushes a little* ... *opens her mouth and for a moment seems to protest but then looks up into his eyes, as gentle, loving and protective as they are golden and then rests her head on his shoulder, voice soft as she speaks agian* Yes daddy...

Thrax; 8smiles soft;y and kisses her forehead8

NS: *closes her eyes a little*

Thrax; 8sits back down beside his wife8

NS: *closes her eyes*

Sapphire: *chuckles softly* all better?

Thrax; 8nods8

Sapphire: *smiles soflty*

NS: *blushes a little, wondering if any of the other grownups or kids knows she's wearing a diaper*

Thrax; 8patted her back8

Sappire: *gently pats her arm*

NS: *looks over toward Aoura* *rests her head on Thrax's shoulder*

Thrax; 8pats her back9

NS: *lookso ver toward Aoura*

8she had her nose in a book8

NS: 8clsoes her eyes and rests on thrax again*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *rests on him, not sleepy nut not feeling liked oing much else other than cuddle either.

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Ozzy: *offers one fo htis toys to her*

Thrax; I don't think she'll be able to play baby.

Ozzy: *frowns a little*

Thrax; She's not well at the minute.

Ozzy: But you and mama can make her better right?

Thrax; Of course baby. 8ruffles his hair8

NS: *looks over at the other viral children, her head resting on Thrax's shoulder, she's qutie weak at th emoment and doesn't want to stray from her foster parents*


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