NS: *rests her head on sapphire's shoulder as Sapphire strokes her hair* 8looks over at eliza while they talk*
Eliza; 8smiles softly at her8
NS: *timidly* Hi..
Sapphire: It's ok little one.. Auntie Eliza won't hurt you.
Eliza; 8strokes NS's cheek8
NS: 8nods al ittle and lays her hea don her shoulder*
Sapphire: *strokes her cheek* I wonder if itwould help her any if I tried to get her to nurse...
Eliza; 8cocked her brow8
Sapphire: Well she is my child as well too..
Eliza; You can try sister.
Sapphire: *sighs softly* They both need to eat.. *strokes her hair*
Eliza; You've got plenty to spare8
Sapphire: *nods* that I do... more than enough for two children.
Eliza; 8nods as Thrax comes bck in8
Thrax; 8gave Sapphire the medchine8
Sapphire: Alright littl eone. *measures the dosage* Open up.
NS: *looksu pat her*
Thrax; It'll help sweetie.
NS: *opens her mouth a little
Sapphire: *puts th emedicine in her mouth*
NS: *pulls a face but swallows it*
Thrax; Good girl.
NS: Uchy.. *rubsh er eyes a little8
Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8
NS: *nuzzles his hand a little*
Sapphire: Want to get the taste out of your mouth little one
NS: *nods*
Thrax; Water, juice or milk/
Sapphire: *softly* I've had a thought love
Thrax; 8cocked a brow8
Sapphire: I have more than enough to spare... I Think I should nurse her too.
Thrax: :s
Sapphire: They both need to be fed and it will help strengthen her immune system hopefully.
Thrax; 8sighs then nods8
Sapphire: Thrax you're in on this decison too
Thrax; Will she even go for it is my question.
Sapphire: She might.
Thrax; Give it a try.
Sapphire: *opens her blouse and strokes NS' cheek*
NS: *looks up at her*
Sapphire; 8stroked her cheek8
NS: 8looks at her breast as she opens her blouse and looks up questioningly ather*
Sapphire; It's ok sweetie.
NS: *looks at her breast then up at her again, she's actually at an age where she would begin to once more need her mother's milk, she is not yet fully mature though humans would think so looking at her, of course her biological mother has not been alive for some time*
Sapphire; 8nuzzles her8
NS: 8looks unsure8
Sapphire; Go ahead sweetie.
NS: *rubsher eyes a little , looking up aganthen at Thrax*
Thrax; It'll help angel.
NS: *sniffs a little and looks again at Sapphire's breast*
Ozzy: *looks up at her* it's ok... it means mama loves you.
Sapphire; But if you feel unsure.
NS: *lays her head down again*
Sapphire; 8began rebuttoning her blouse8
NS: *before she does, timidly nuzzles into her chest and begins to nurse*
Sapphire; 8smiles8 Good girl.
NS: 8looks up at her timidly though the fact that she's nursing means she has come to mentally fully consider her her mother*
Thrax; 8strokes her hair8
NS: *nurses only a little bit but seems to be very much soothed when shes tops*
Ozzy: 8crawls up into her lap, wanting to nurse stoo*
Sapphire; 8opened her blouse abit more8
Ozzy: *smiles and nurses happily, cuddling with them b oth*
Sapphire; 8pats their backs8
NS: *closes her eyes, feeling very tired* *softly* S-sleepy mama... why'm I so sleepy?
Sapphire; 8chuckles8 My milk's warm honey.
NS: 8nuzzles into her chest*
Ozzy: 8continues to nurse, one hand lightly clutching her blouse*
NS: *closes her eyes, not bothering to fight sleep*
Ozzy; *finishes nursing and yawns, snuggling*
Sapphire; 8smiles doWn at him8
NS: 8nuzzles as well, not bothering to figh tsleep*
Sapphire; 8pats her side8
NS: *nuzzles into her chest, falling asleep*
Ozzy: *also goes to sleep, letting out a quiet coo*
Thrax; 8smiles softly8
Sapphire: *chuckles* That's our babies...
Thrax; 8chuckled as well, kissing her8
Sapphire *kisses him back, smiling* They're out like lights... we should tuck them in.
Eliza; We all should. 8saw her own daughter curled up asleep8
Sapphire: 8nods* Thrax love can you take one of them?
Thrax; 8nods, taking ozzy8
Sapphire: *stands, cradling NS*
8the others carry their children to the nursery and bedroom8
Ozzy: *yawns al ittle, snuggling into his chest*
Sapphire: *lays NS down on the bed8
Thrax; 8lays Ozzy beside her8
NS: *snuggles instingtively to Ozzy as he's lain next to her*
Ozzy: 8cuddles back, still asleep and sucking his thumb*
Thrax; 8smiles, tucking them in8
Sapphire: *kisses their foreheads* Sweet dreams little ones.
Thrax; 8led his mate out8
Sapphire: They're so sweet. *smiles*
Thrax; 8smiles8 They are.
Sapphire; *kisses him, smiling*
Thrax; 8kisses her back8
Sapphire: They both had dry bottoms when we put them down... *Chuckles8 How much do you want to bet that it wont' sta y that way.
Thrax; 8smirks8
Sapphire: *sighs softly* I'm worried though Thrax.
Thrax; Oh. . .
Sapphire: What if her condition doesn't improve.
Thrax; 8bit his lip8
Sapphire: What will we do?
Thrax; That's the question.
Sapphire*sighs softly and looks up at him*
Thrax; holds her close8
Sapphire *wraps her amsa round him holdingh im back*
Thrax; 8kisses her softly8
Sapphire: *kisses him back* come on love... let's get ready to bed down too.
Thrax; Let's.
Sapphire: *kisses him on the cheek an dndos*
Thrax; 8led her back downstairs8
Sapphire; *gets erady for bed* *streatches a bit, yawning*
8everyone gets comfortable the best they could9
Sappyire: 8lays next to THrax*
Thrax; 8holds her close8
Sapphire: 8closes her eyes* Goodnight ove. *kisses him*
Thrax; 8kisses her back8 Goodnight my love.
Sapphire: *smiles* goodnight*
Thrax; 8held her close and closed his eyes8
Sapphire: *cuddles up to him closing her eyes*
8the night was peaceful with a couple of the women getting up to nurse their children8
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