
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp34)

8a soft whumpering could be heard from the monitor8

Sapphire: *heads upstiairs to chekco n the kids*

Angela; 8was squirming in her sleep8

Sapphire: *picking her up gently* shhhh... Want your mummy little one

Angela; 8whimpered, seeming to be having a nightmare8

Sapphire: *pats her back gently and carries her down to her mother* shhh.. it's ok... mummy's coming.

Eliza; 8looked up8

Sapphire: *soflty* SHe's having a nightmare I think

Eliza; Oh no. . . not again.

Sapphire: *gently hands her to her mother* what happened?

Eliza; 8rocks her daughter gently8 She never had thebest life.

Sapphire: was she absued once?

Eliza; Left to fend for herself.

Saphire: poor little one... THank goodness she has a mummy now. 8pats he rback gently9

Eliza; 8smiles, nuzzling her daughter8

Sapphire: *smiles and looks over at her own daughter, warmly cuddled up with Thrax and clinging even in her sleep*

Angela; 8nuzzled her mother's chest8

Eliza; 8opened her blouse and let her daughter feed8

Sapphire: *smiles softly* She's at such a sweet age.

Eliza; 8smiled8 And I wish to give her the best.

Sapphire: *smiles and pats th eyoungster's back

Angela; 8cooed as she finished8

Sapphire: 8smiles* All better now. *chuckles softly*

NS: *nuzzles into Thrax's chest, fast asleep*

Eliza; 8smiled as Angela cuddled into her chest8

NS: *sleeping lightlky this time*

Thrax; 8patted her side8

NS: *stirrs and cuddes in her sleep*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: 8snuggles, having a decent nap this time*

Eliza; 8smiles8

Sapphire: *softly* She's had it pretty harsh too..

Eliza; They all have.

Sapphire: You should see the marks on he rback...

Eliza; 8shivered8

Sapphire: *smiles* all safe now

Thrax; 8nods8

NS: *sleeps for a good long while*

Ozzy: *starts to cry a little

Sapphire: *heads upstiars to get ozzy and change his wet diaper*

Thrax; 8chuckles8

Sapphire: * caries Ozzy downstairs, still half asleep and suckin hsi thumb*

Eliza; 8smiles at the scene8

Sapphire: *rocks him gently, patting his back as she's sure ozzy's bottom is still a little sore from bein spanked*

Thrax; 8smiled at his mate and son8

Ozzy: *snuggles into sapphires chest, purring softly as he's rocked8

Thrax; 8his smile grew as he heard his son purr8

Sapphire: *smiels as well stil rocking him8

Thrax; 8wraps his arm round his mate8

Ozzy: *sleeps peacefully in ihs mother's arms, smiling softly*

Thrax; 8chuckled8

Ozzy: *seemst obe having a nice dream*

Sapphire *chuckles* He didn't even wake up when I changed him..

Thrax; 8smiles8 He's in a deep sleep with his dream.

Sapphire: 8smile sand nods, rocking him* He's so precious...

Thrax; 8nodded as hr cradledNorthstar8

NS: *still a little insescure clings to Thrax in her sleep, though she now seems more frightened of the outside world than of her new father and seeks protection from whatever looms in her dreams by burying her face in his chest*

Thrax; 8wraps his coat round her8

NS: *snuggles close as she feels the warm coat wrap around her*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

Sapphire: *sfotly* poor little one.

Thrax; She's gone through alot.

Sapphire: *nods* we all hav.

Eliza; But at least things are getting better.

Sapphire: *nods in aagreement, rocking Ozzy in her arms*

Thrax; *sat closer with his mate*

Sapphire: *smileas and leans over to Kiss thrax*

Thrax; 8kissed her back, tenderly*

NS: *starts to stirr and looks up, still wrapped in Thrx's coat*

Thrax; *breaks the kiss then smiles at her8

Sapphire: *smiles softly, leaning lightly on her husband*

NS: 8looks at the two of them and then rests her head on thrax's chest again, eyes closing*

Thrax; *chuckles*

NS: *snuggles up close, cuddling* *lets out a soft thrumming noise

Thrax; 8nuzzles her then strokes Ozzy's cheek*

NS: *nuzzles back*

Ozzy: *presses his head against THrax's hand*

Thrax; Wonder when he'll figure it out/

Sapphire: Hm?

Thrax; About Angela.

Sapphire: *chuckles* Eventually... Maybe.. Though I"m afraid shemay have to bean him in the head or something.

Thrax; *sniggers8 Well she's the type with alot of paitentce.

Sapphire: *chuckles* Indeed... She's also adorable. *peers over at said sleeping young virus*

Thrax; If this goes on and ozzy relises the true, she could be our new daughter-in-law.

Sapphire: *nods* It's possible.. *chuckles* That's a long time coming though.

Thrax; 8nods8 We'll see in time. 8chuckled softly8


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