Ozzy: *starts to finally feel it and tries to ignore*
Sapphire: *chuckles8 uh oh.
Thrax; 8smiled, gently handing Northstar to Sapphire and went over to ozzy8
Ozzy:* looks up at his daddy then blushes knowing that he knows*
Thrax; 8scoops him upand carries him to the bathroom8
Ozzy: Sorry daddy...
Thrax; 8lays him on the changing table8 No need to be sorry baby. 8changes him into a dry diaper8
Ozzy: *reaches for him*
Thrax; 8lifts him up and cuddles him then heads back to the living room8
Ozzy: *yawns a little*
Thrax; 8sat next to his wife8
Sapphire: *wraps her arm aroundh im and smiles* *softlky* naptime little one.
Thrax; 8chuckled8
Ozzy: Nuhuh... not sleepies...
Thrax; Oh. . .yes you are.
Ozzy: Nuh uh....
Thrax; 8tickled him then saw the others putting their 'babies' down for their naps, some of the kids protesting8
NS: *shifts slightly in her sleep and slips her thumb into her mouth*
Angela; 8reaches for ozzy8
ozzy: *reaches back* I wanna go playmama.
Eliza; You both need a nap.
Sapphire; *shakes her head* It's naptime honey. Go nite nite. *strokes his cheek*
Eliza; You to Angela.
Angela; 8struggled reaching for ozzy8
Ozzy: *whines a little* mamaaaaaaa.. daddyyy I wanna plaaaay.
Angela; Ozzy! 8reached in her mother's arms8
Ozzy: *reaches back* Pleeeease?
Thrax; 8looked at his mate8
Sapphire: warningly* Osmosis...
Eliza; 8bounced her daughter8
Ozzy: But...
Thrax; Osmosis.
Ozzy: I wanna play...
Thrax; 8swatted his tigh8 No osmosis.
Ozzy: *whines again* Yes...
Angela; 8reached for him, whimpering8
Ozzy: Daddy pleeeease?
Thrax; No Osmosis.
Ozzy:*looksup, defiant*Yes!
Thrax; 8sighed8
Ozzy: *starts trying to get down*
Thrax; Osmosis enough.
Ozzy: I wanna go play.
Thrax; 8growls then lays ozzy over his lap8
Sapphire: Thrax. *gestures to the other tired and sleeping children* maybe you'd best take him upstairs to spank him.
Thrax; 8nods then carries ozzy upstairs8
Ozzy: *knowign he's going to be spanked, starts to squirm more8 no no daddy no! Daddy no spank!
Thrax; 8sat on the bed and auled ozzy over lap* You had this coming osmosis. 8gave ozzy's rump a hard swat8
Ozzy No daddy no!
Thrax; 8gave a few hard swats8
Ozzy: Owww.... daddy! daddy! Daddy stop!
Thrax; You deserve this. 8delivers a few more.8
Ozzy: *bursts into tears* I be good daddy!
Thrax; 8gives a few more to ozzy's tender rump8
Ozzy: *cries into Thrax's leg* daaad-d-d-dyyy!*sobs intoh his leg8
Thrax; 8made sure the last one left some sting8 That's it.
Ozzy: *continues to bawl acrossy his lap* I sowy daddy!
Thrax; 8left hinm up and held him8
ozzy: *cries freely intoh is chest*
Thrax; Ssshhh-sshh, it's over now baby.
Ozzy: *sobs intoh is chest, clinging to him* Sowy daddy! I sowy!
Thrax; Are you going to behave/
Ozzy: *sniffling * Yes daddy...
Thrax; Good boy.
Ozzy"M'sorwy... *needs to be told he's forgiven*
Thrax; You're forgiven baby.
Ozzy: *continues to sob into his chest, clinging to him*
Thrax; 8rocks him gently8
Ozzy: *sobs into his chest, clinging tightly to him*
Thrax; 8rubbed his back then looked up as Eliza came into the room8
Ozzy: *sniffles and slowly looks up as he hears someone coming into th eroom*
Eliza; 8smiles at him as she sits next to Thrax, cradling her daughter8
Ozzy: 8sniffles burying his face in Thrax's chest again*
Angela; 8reached out and stroked his face8
Ozzy: *sniffles and looks up slowly at Angela*
Angela; No be sad.
Ozzy: *sniffling* Gotta pankin'...
Angela; 8frowned8
Ozzy: 8sniffles* Daddy panked... *sniffs*
Angela; *stroked his cheek*
Ozzy: *sniffles softly then reaches for her again* come cuddle too?
Eliza: 8ste her daughter in Thrax's lap, leeting Angela cuddle him*
Ozzy: *cuddles with Angela and thrax, sniffling softly*
Thrax: *cradles both children close*
Eliza; *smiled then quietly left them alone*
Ozzy: *closes his eyes and sniffles, seeming finallky ready to settle down for that nap like a good boy*
Thrax; *smiled and gently lay both children on the bed8
Angela; 8cuddled against ozzy*
Ozzy: 8cuddlse back, sucking his thumb*
Thrax; *tucked both children in and quietly slipped out of the room*
Ozzy: *fals asleep*
Angela; *soon fallows*
NS: *is still fast asleep in Sapphire' sarms*
Thrax; *smiled at his wife8
Sapphire: *looks up at thrax as he comes down and smiles*
NS: *sucks her thumb, cuddled warmly in her sleep*
Thrax; 8smiles warmly at his mate8
NS: *has a few tears lingering on her eyes that wern't there when Thrax went upstairs with ozzy*
Thrax; What happened to her my love,
Sapphire: *softly* She won't let me put her down. I tried to tuck her in but she started to cry and clung to me.
Thrax; Poor thing.
Sapphire: *softly* She's insecure still I think... *rocks her gently*
Thrax; 8nods and sits next to her8
Sapphire: How is Ozzy?
Thrax; Fast asleep now with Angela.
Sapphire: *chuckling softly* Is he still clueless?
Thrax; *sniggered* Seems so.
Sapphire: *chuckles softly* HOney will you take her for a moment. I need to use the lavatory.
Thrax; 8nods, taking the sleeping girl into his arms8
NS: *snuggles into Thrax's chest8
Sapphire: *smiles and heads to the bathroom*
NS: *snuggles into THrax's chest*
Thrax; 8cradled her close8
NS: *snuggles in her sleep, instingtively pressing her head over Thrax's heart*
Thrax; 8strokes her hair8
NS: *nuzzles hish and in her sleep*
Thrax; 8smiled softly8
NS: *murmurs softly in her sleep, twitching*
Thrax; 8lightly patted her side8
NS: *lets out a giggle*
Thrax; 8chuckled8
NS: *nuzzles into his chest again, still asleep*
Thrax; 8kept his ears pricked for ozzy8
Ozzy: *makes an occasional sound in his sleep but otherwise sleeps on having cried himself out*
Angela; 8curled up against him8
Ozzy: *purrs softly*
Thrax; 8smiled as he heard ozzy's purr8
NS: *snuggles up under THrac's chin, listening to his heartbeat*
Thrax; 8nuzzled her8
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