
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp31)

NS: *wakes up somewhat with a s;tart and looks up at her teary eyed*

Sapphire; 8cuddled her8

NS: *softly* I miss her...

Sapphire; Who sweetie/

NS: Mama...

Sapphire; 8frowns slightly8

Ozzy: Where is she

NS: *quietly* She died when I was little...

8the youngesters look up at her sadly8

NS: *sniffles softly into Sapphire's chest*

Sapphire; 8cuddles her8

NS: *nuzzles intoh er chest, breifly lifting her eyes to look over at Thrax.

Thrax; 8smiled softly to her8

NS: *rubs her eyes*

Sapphire pats her back8

NS: *nuzzles into her shoulder*

Angela; 8crawls over to ozzy8

Ozzy: *smiles at angela*

Angela; 8smiles back, trying her best not to blush8

Ozzy: *offers one of his toys*

Angela; 8accepts, blushing8 Thank you.

Ozzy: *smiles, playing hapily*

8the adults chuckle as they watch their children play8

NS: *watches as well, content for the moment to stay in Sapphire's arms*

Ozzy: *smiles playing with the other kids*

*there's a knock on the back door*

8it starles the kids and the adults gather them into their arms8

NS: *looks over at the back door, clinging to sapphire a little*

Thrax; *handed ozzy to Sapphire and went to check it out8

*there's no one there but there's a box sitting at the doorstep... and a note from Drix*

Thrax; 8brought the box in and looked at the note8

Note: Here I hope this helps. I'm sorry.

Thrax; 8set the note down thn looked in the box8

*it contains food and some toys and things for the little ones*

Thrax; 8smiled and chuckled8

NS: *softly* M.. miss? *looks up at Sapphire*

Sapphire; Yes sweetie/

NS: I... have to go... *blushes*

Sapphire; 8brings her to the bathroom8

NS: *just barely makes it though has some trouble standing*

Sapphire; 8waits for her8

NS: 8goes to the door after washing her hands and opens it*

Sapphire; 8smiled at her8

NS: *smiles back a little8 Th... thank you...

Sapphire; 8stroked her hair8

NS: *leans on her*

Sapphire; 8leads her back to the group where the young ones are being changed8

NS: *leans on her*

Sapphire; 8holds her close8

NS: *soflty*m... miss sapphire?

Sapphire; Hmmm/

NS: *softly* C... can I call you... mum?

Sapphire; 8smiled, tears forming in her eyes8 Yes.

NS: *hugs her.. tightly* 8sniffs soflty*

Sapphire; 8kisses her forehead8

NS: *cuddles up closer to her and closes her eyes*

Sapphire; 8sat down with her on her lap as Thrax; 8finished diapering ozzy then sat with them8

NS: *rests her head on sapphire's shoulder*

Ozzy: *smiles and leans agaisnt his father*

Thrax; 8lightly patted his butt8

Ozzy: *smiles* Daddy where di dthe box ocme from?

Thrax; From Drix baby.

Ozzy: What was in it?

Thrax; Food, supplies and toys for you guys. 8tickled his chin8

Ozzy: *smiles* Told ya drix was a good guy

Thrax; 8nods8

Ozzy: *snuggles with him* can I get back down and play?

Thrax; 8smiled and set him with the other 'children'8

Ozzy: *smiles and goes to play with the others*

8they all smiled at him8

Antonio; 8crawled over to him8 Who was outside/

Ozzy: Drix.

Antomio; Drix/

Ozzy: 8onds* Yeah.... he brought us some things.

Antonio; Who he/

Ozzy: 8softly* he's my friend...It's a long story..

Antonio; 8tilted his head8

Ozzy; 8soflty* he wonn't hurt us.

Antonio; 8nodded8

Ozzy: *smiles* want to play?

Antonio; 8nodded8 Uh huh.

Ozzy: *smiles, happily playing with him*

Antonio; 8giggled8

Ozzy: 8glomps him*

Thrax; 8chuckles at the scene8

Ozzy: *wrestles playfully*

Antonio; 8pins him8

ozzy: *growls playfully*

8some of the other boys join in8

Ozzy: *laughs and starts to wiggle away*

Duke; 8started tickling him8

Ozzy: *laughs and starts to wiggle away*

Jak-el; 8pounced on him8

Ozzy: Rar! *turns and glomp shim back*

Jak-el; 8laughed8

NS: *wakes andlooks over at them, chuckling softly*

Antonio; 8giggled but start squirming uncomfortable8

Ozzy: You ok?

Carlos; 8came over and scooped his son up8 C'mon big guy. 8he carried his son out8

NS: *looks over at Thrax* *clings to Sapphire a little* *nuzzles sapphire al ittle, watching Thrax closely*

Carlos; 8soon returned with Antonio and set him down with the others8

NS: *looks over at Thrax and clings to sapphire a little as she watches him*

Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: *flinches a slight bit then looks up at him timidly*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: *hesitates a moment then timidly reaches up to him* Hold me?

Thrax; 8took her into his arms and cuddled her8

NS: *wraps her arms around his shoulders, still timidly, seeming to be trying to decide something*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *rests her head on his chest, trembling a little... she's frightened.. but trying*

Antonio; 8crawled over to the others, blushing bright red8

Ozzy: *doesn't mind it and welcomes him right back into the play*

Antonio; 8smiled and played with them8

Ozzy: *rolls a ball to him*

NS: *trembles in Thrax's arms, she's afraid of him still but trying very hard not to be*

Thrax; 8patted her back, gently8

NS: *softly* Daddy...

Thrax; Yes angel/

NS: *looks up at thrax as she feels his hands on her back* I... is it alright?

Thrax; What is ok?#

NS: *sofltly* That I called you daddy...

Thrax; 8smiles and kisses her forehead8 Of course sweetie.

NS: *softly* Please dont' hurt me...

Thrax; We'll never hurt you honey. 8kisses her forehead8

NS: *sniffs soflty and clings to him* Promise?

Thrax; 8holds her tight8 Promise8

NS: *sniffs softly and hgs him* though nto as tight with one arm, her shoulder hurts*

Thrax; 8kisses the top of her head8

NS: *nuzzles a little*

Sapphire; 8stroked her hair8

NS: *softly* my shoulder hurts...

Sapphire; It'll heal up honey.

NS: 8sniffles softly and nods, nuzzling *

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *leans on him a little watching the childrenplay*

Angela; 8was looking over at ozzy with a dreamy look8

NS: *chuckles softly seeing the crush but not speaking*

Thrax; 8smirked at his wife8

Sapphire: *smirks back*

NS: *nuzzles THrax a little not trembling so bad now*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

NS: *flinches a little but soon relaxes, letting him gently stroke her hair*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

NS: *rubs her stomache a little as she watches*

8the children giggle as they play8

NS: *rests her head on his shoulder, rather wanting to join them*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her8

NS: *nuzzles back, resting against him, hungry still but not complaining*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *rests her head on his shoulder, sniffling a little*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

NS: *nuzzles against his hand al ittle8

Thrax; 8kisses her forehead8

NS: *hugs him around the shoulders*

Thrax; 8smiles, cuddling her8

NS: *soflty* I'm.. still tired..

Thrax; 8rubs her back8 Rest now, little star.

NS: *softly* L... little star? *though unaware of it she instantly relaxes and stops trembling alltogether when Thrax calls her that*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

NS: *restsh er head against his shoulder, looking up at him*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her8

NS: *closes her eyes at the nuzzle and snuggles into his chest*

Thrax; 7cuddles her close8

NS: *takes a deep breath and lets out a slow sigh as she finally slips back into sleep*

Thrax; 8smiled down at her8

Ozzy: *can be heard laughing with the other kids*

Thrax; 8chuckled and looked up8

NS: *murmurs softly in her sleep as she cuddles Thrax*

Thrax; 8smiled down at her8

Ozzy: *trades playing with toys with some of the other kids, not even noticing his diaper starting to feel wet*

Angela; 8blushes everything she sees him8

Ozzy: *offers her one of his tosy*

Angela; 8blushes as she accepts it8

Thrax; Think he'll ever figure it out.

Sapphire: *chuckles* Eventually

Thrax; 8silently laughs8

Sapphire: *chuckles softly* is she asleep again?

Thrax; Out like a light.

Sapphire: *chuckles softly*I wonder if it's possible for us to change ehr to a degree..

Thrax; 8shrugged8

Sapphire: Would you want to?

Thrax; Hard to say my love.

Sapphier: *nods and smiles*


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