Harry: *outside in the courtyard sitting on a stone wall* *pulls out a cigarette and lights it with his wand*
Snape: *walks out to the courtyard to get some fresh air after a long day's work in the lab. Got a whiff of cigarette and sees Harry smoking* Potter! You know better than to do that
Harry: *takes a long drag, blows a smoke ring* Do I now?
Snape: I don't suppose you do *with a flick of a wand, disintegrated the cigarette* Especially when it's in the school grounds. 55 points
Harry: Take 100 points for all I care, Snape. Its not going to stop me. *pulls out another cigarette and lights it up*
Snape: *stomps towards him and takes the cigarette right from his mouth, snapping them in two* Not under my watch you won't. What is with you, Potter? Do you have a death wish?
Harry: Maybe. *shrugs*
Snape: Well, if you wish to depart to the afterlife so much, do it outside the school, but while you're here, you will not behave in such foolish childishness
Harry: *laughs* Who the fuck are you to talk about being childish?
Snape: Obviously to you. Always prancing about looking like "Woe is me, I'm the Boy Who Lived, I feel so pressurized and grand" and all that what not. And don't get me started on those 'nightly games' you seem to enjoy playing with the seniors of the school in the middle of the night
Harry: Oh I see. So I'm not allowed to do that, but you get to tell me how I'm apparently exactly like my father.
Snape: Well, if you're going to behave like him, I'm nowhere further from the truth now, aren't I? Don't think for a minute that I don't hear you doing those atrocious things your hormones lead you to with those seniors in the prefects' bathroom, the spare lab room, behind the corridors, just to name a few
Harry: You don't know a damn thing about me, Snape. Not one damn fucking thing.
Snape: Oh? Well, enlighten me then. If I'm so ignorant, why don't you shed a light on why you're acting like a whore all over the place?
Harry: *glares* Leave me the fuck alone! *leaves*
Snape: *watches as Harry leaves before leaving at the opposite direction, massaging his temples*
Harry: Fucking shit. He doesn't know a damn thing about me! *storming off to the quidditch pitch*
Ron: *practicing his goal keeping skills with Ginny, then spots Harry* Hey, Har!
Harry: ... *walks over to him* Ron, we need to talk.
Ron: Um, yeah, sure *makes a time-out sign to Ginny* Take five, Ginny
Harry: ....Ron I um..
Ron: Wassup, Har? You look trouble *sniffed* And you smell like you had a fag
Harry: That's because I did.
Ron: OK...So wassup? Something you want to tell me?
Harry: *steels himself* I'm done. I want nothing more to do with you or your family, Weasley.
Ron: *shocked* W-What?? What are you talking about, Har?
Harry: Don't call me that. We're not friends anymore, Weasley. Not with you or with any of your family.
Ron: H-Harry, what have I done? What have my family done to you to deserve this? C'mon. You're just fibbing, right? Ha ha, very funny
Harry: ....*turns away so that Ron won't see his tears* Its not a joke, Weasley. Goodbye. Forever. *walks off*
Ron: *runs after him and catches his shoulder* Hey, Har! If you're not gonna be frank with me, I will not accept this!
Harry: *shoves him off and glares down at him* I am being frank with you Weasley. I was only friends with you because I didn't know any better.
Ron: *cringes back* Y-You don't mean that...
Harry: Yes, Weasley. I do.
Ron: But...But we had so much fun together! You said you'd rather be in at The Burrow than your godforsaken home in the Muggle world! You said you liked us! You said we're the family you never had! You...
Harry: *crying silently and not looking at him* And now I know better. Don't talk to me anymore and stay away from me. You, your family, and Granger. Pass the message onto her because I can't stand to look at her. *walks off*
Ron: Harry! *calls after him but was ignored. Threw his broom onto the ground frustratedly*
Harry: *heads to the Room of Requirement to cry*
Snape: *was walking past the area and heard a muffled cry, but don't know where it came from. Look left and right for the source and it came from behind the wall*
Harry: *sobbing*
Snape: *at a risk of making a fool of himself, he spoke to the wall* Who's there?
Harry: GO AWAY!
Snape: *cringes, recognizing Harry's voice* That you, Potter?
Hine says:
Harry: *whimpers* I said go away!!
Snape: Not until you tell me how did you end up behind the wall
Harry: Its the Room of Fucking Requirement! Now leave me alone!!
Snape: *frowned, not liking to be challenged. He has heard of a room like this but never thought it would actually be here. Tried his luck at walking around it, thinking of seeing Harry*
Harry: *looks up terrified as a door appears*
Snape: *sees the door and opens it, seeing Harry in there with his red sodden eyes* There you are, Potter
Harry: Go. Away!!!
Snape: Now who's being childish? *folds his arms across his chest*
Harry: Leave me alone. Please.
Snape: *comes close to Harry* You don't look like you want to be alone. Now what seems to be the problem?
Harry: *burries his face in his knees* You shouldn't be talking to me like this, Snape...
Snape: And why not, pray tell? You clearly needed someone to talk to, no matter how much of a sob story it is
Harry: Because anyone who gets close to me dies.
Snape: I'm close to you. I don't see an anvil ready to fall on me
Harry: *glare* My parents, Cedric, Sirius. They all died!!!
Snape: Yes. They died. Tragic. But do you truly believe it is all your fault?
Harry: Of course it is. I'm the fucking Boy Who Lived! They died because of me, and so will you, Snape.
Snape: Mmhmm *nodded nonchalantly* And had it ever occured to you that maybe they died because they choose to do so, not because of you?
Harry: They wouldn't have had to make that choice if I had not been involved. And Cedric never got to make a choice.
Snape: True. But you didn't kill them. Voldemort did. They didn't die by your hands. They died by the Dark Lord's hands. There is no blood on your conscience, Harry. They did it because they loved you, not because they loved the Boy who Lived. And Diggory, well, he's just at the wrong place at the wrong time. You have nothing to do with it
Harry: You don't fucking get it, Snape.
Snape: Really now? And which part didn't I get? Seems more like YOU don't get it
Harry: Just go away.
Snape: No. Not until you get it into your thick skull that you're just like everyone else, a normal regular wizard boy, not some so-called special golden goose that wallows in self-pity
Harry: *looks up at him* ...you really believe that?
Snape: Why do you think I never treat you like everyone else treats you? Like some special VIP that should be under pecking orders?
Harry: *tiny smile* Thank you..
Snape: Now cease those tears and act your age. Dinner is almost ready at the Great Hall...and 10 points for using the school's private facility without permission *smirks and leaves the room*
Harry: *gets up and leaves the RoR and heads to the great hall*
*everyone was in the Great Hall having dinner. Ron and Hermione sees Harry coming and looked away, remembering what he said this afternoon*
Harry: *goes to the end of the table, avoiding everyone*
Snape: *takes a seat and got started on dinner, but stole a glance at Harry occasionally*
Harry: *picking at his food*
Snape: *sighs* *thinks: He's still not out of it yet, I suppose
Harry: *mumbling to himself, before getting up and leaving the great hall*
Hermione: *sees him leaving, mutters to Ron for a while n follows after him* Harry!
Harry: Go away!
Hermione: I'm not here to convince to do anything. I just want to pass you something *holds out a bundle*
Harry: ..what is it.
Hermione: Ron said since you no longer wanted to associate yourself with us, he thought he'd reciprocate. These are some of the things you gave him when we were still friends. He wants you to take them back. You can do whatever you want with them. Ron says and does careless things when he's angry, and I'm sure you are too. I don't believe one bit that you truly want to severe ties with me. When you come to your senses, know that we'll be there for you *shoves the bundle into his hands and walk off*
Harry: *flinch* Granger, I'm only going to say this once. I want you out of my life.
Hermione: *not looking at him, bt waved casually as she walked further away*
Harry: *leaves*
Harry: *heads to Snape's rooms and knocks on the door*
Snape: *surprised, wondering who could it be at this time* Enter
Harry: *walks in, looking at him with a determined look on his face*
Snape: Potter, what are you doing here? You are way past curfew. Go away before I send you to Headmaster Dumbledore
Harry: Fuck me.
Snape: *taken aback* What did you say?
Harry: I want you to fuck me, Professor.
Snape: Are you serious? Why me? You got lots of upper years who'd jump to the chance
Harry: *shakes his head* Please, sir.
Snape: *gets up and walks to him* You realize that a student fraternizing with a professor in school is a serious offense
Harry: Do you really care?
Snape: Not particularly. In fact *carries Harry bridal style* I'd like to see you getting into more trouble behaving like this. Might knock some sense in your masochistic head
Harry: *smirks*
*moments later*
Harry: *panting*
Snape: *trembles as his tremors subsides* Satisfied?
Harry: Very. *smirks* See you tomorrow, Professor. *licks his lips and gets up*
Snape: You better not be late for Potions like last time
Harry: Mm. *limps away back to his dorm*
Snape: *lies on bed with his arms propping his head, admitting to himself that it wasn't so bad after all*
Harry: *walks into the potions classroom*
Snape: *enters the classroom a few minutes later and sees Harry* I see you decided to join us in time for once, Mister Potter
Harry: *frown* If you don't want me here, Snape, then just kick me out.
Snape: I wouldn't dream of letting you off so easily, Potter. Now, let's begin our class *proceeded in teaching, as if it was the most normal thing to do*
Harry: *blinks but sits down*
Snape: *writes dwn the assignment of the day on the blackboard* You have the next hour to create this potion. Hand it to me at the end of the class
Harry: *starts working*
Snape: *a few moments later, goes around inspecting the work, sees Harry's work and whispered only enough for him to hear* Stir counter-clockwise twice *walks off*
Harry: *nods seemingly to himself, starts stirring*
Hermione: *notices from the corner of her eyes something sort of going on between Snape and Harry, but tries to ignore it*
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