
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Monday, October 19, 2009

Potions & Flirtations - Harry/Blaise RP

Blaise: *watching Harry during potions*

Harry: *measuring his ingredients and putting them in the cauldron, concentrated on the subject*

Blaise: *passes Harry a note*

Harry: *takes the note and reads it under the table*

Note: Hey gorgeous. Wanna go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?

Harry: *blushes and smiles a little, quickly pockets the note and writes a new one to pass it to Blaise*

Snape: *stands in front of Harry's cauldron, looking down at him* Mr. Potter. Can you explain to me what is wrong with your potion?

Harry: *shocked, quickly hides his note* Um...Um...Err... No sir, nothing's wrong

Snape: *leans in to examine it, sneers* I disagree.

Harry: *looks confused*

Snape: Could it be that it is a dark brown with it is supposed to appear golden? Or perhaps it is that you have missed the 2 minute time when only then you could have added the remaining ingredients to thicken it? If you're note-writing is far more important than your potions, hand it here. *holds out his hand*

Harry: *wanted to resist but knows it's futile, sighs and hands the half-written note to him*

Blaise: *watching with interest*

Note: If you would agree to buy me drinks an... (the note stops there before Snape interrupted)

Snape: *takes it* This potion is unacceptable. Bottle a sample of the product and clean out your cauldron. For the remainder of the period you are to work on a write up of your sources of error. If they are inconsistent to the actual results, you will have failed this assignment. Don't jeopordize your grades furthermore. *moves on to next cauldrons*

Harry: *sighs, then glares at Blaise and gives him the "It's all your fault" look*

Blaise: *blows him a kiss*

Snape: *swats him on the head with his notes* Focus, Zabini.

Blaise: I can assure you that I am, Professor. *smirks and winks at Harry* Very focussed indeed...

Snape: *eyes narrow, moves down rows*


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