Faira: *takes a long drink frm the water fountain at the corridor* Phew, wat a tiring day. The boss is reli demanding on those poses
Thilius: I'll go get Damien frm Tania
Faira: Thanks THili
Leon: *is making his newest design..is wearing a very loose shirt*
Faira: Hey Leon *looks left and right cautiously before approaching, speaks in a low tone* How's the baby doing?
Leon: Getting really fiesty
Faira: I think it's a girl. I feel it in my guts
Boss: How are you two doing today?
Faira: Very good, boss, although I have to say you're being a slave driver today
Boss: Dont' worry. I've ordered pizza today for everyone :)
Thilius: *comes in with Damien* Just as long as one of them is hot and spicy
Boss: You bet :)
Faira: How's Little Eli hanging on?
Leon: HE's doing great :) Getting a crib and all
Thilius: He must be reli excited for the baby girl eh?
Faira: You think it's gonna be a girl too?
Thilius: Call it intuition
Leon: Yea...*To Faira and Thilius, Leon's belly is the size of a basketball*
Faira: I called Little Eli already. From tomorrow onwards you'll be bunking at our plc
Leon: Why?
Thilius: Well for starters, you're due n u need all the help u can get wen the birth begins, and we need to watch ovr u just in case u have it early
Faira: I had mine abt 2 weeks earlier than the due date, so its a touch and go situation, i'm afraid
Leon: Well, that makes sense...
Boss: Pizza's here!! *gets all 8 boxes ready*
Thilius: Alright! Pizza time!
Leon: Alright! *starts eating*
Tania: Woah, Leon. *seeing Leon eating* How is it you can eat so much and stay in shape?
Susan (model): Yeah, I envy you, Leon
Faira &Thilius: *grins knowingly at the reason why*
Leon: WEll, I do work out a lot every day. *pats his stomach, which appears flat to the mortals*
Thilius: *thinks: Riiiight...*
Boss: Well, gotta say, gotta stay fit to look great
Susan: Even Faira and Thilius also eats as much n nvr gets fat. How do you guys do it?
Thilius: Comes with the genes
Faira: *thinks: Actually we can nvr get fat. We're angel n demon after all...*
Leon: *thinks: That's true. Explains why I've eaten 23 bowls of ramen*
*after having pizza for dinner, Faira n Thilius helped Leon packed his necessities to bunk in at their home*
Leon: *Gets the last of his clothes and cds with him*
Eli: You take care now, ok, my lion *kisses his forehead*
Leon: I will *kisses Elijah, leaving him a small box on the counter after he leaves*
Thilius: I'll come pick you wen the birth starts. Don't worry, he's in good hands
Eli: Thanks, guys, more to you, girlfriend
Faira: I'm not a woman, remember? ^_^
Leon: Yea hon
Eli: I'm just so used to calling u. It's a habit. I hope u dun mind
Faira: It's fine. C'mon, let's go
*after everyone left, notices the small box n opens it; it's a golden ring with a blue sapphire in it*
Eli: *gasps, takes the ring n puts it on, couldn't help crying tears of joy* Oh, my lion *kisses the ring* I love you so much...
Leon: Hm? *feels something in his pocket and pulls it out*
*everyone reaches the angel-demon couple home*
THilius: Wassat?
Leon: IT's a...*opens the box* OMG
Faira: What? What? *peeks to see*
Thilius: Well I'll be darned
*inside is a ring made of white gold and has a red ruby on top*
Faira: Aww...Isn't that sweet...?
Leon: *puts the ring on his finger* It's beautiful...and he knows I love rubies
Faira: I'm so happy for you guys
Thilius: Ditto here
Leon: Thanks...Ooof. *pulls his shirt up, seeing various thumps*
Faira: Well, first thing's first, I need to help you with energy regulations
Leon: Energy regulations?
Faira: When I was at the later mths of my pregnancy, remember Thili saying something abt me being missing? Well, I ran away bcoz I knw I was getting too dangerous to be ard Thili, bt while I was still having a sane mind, I've tried energy regulations to keep myself at bay. It's almost like what the Chinese would do to regulate chi, only you have to be careful to use only your own energy instead of involving the baby's energy. There are a few times I almost did that and almost cause a miscarriage
Leon: I think I can manage that
Faira: Energy regulations is so that it would try to kill off the destructive energy as much as possible when you give birth. I learnt it myself actually, and if I hadn't did that, I think the building would've already collapsed on us
Leon: Ooh okay. *stomach growls* Aw cmon I just ate
Faira: Being in ur condition, it's almost normal *goes to the kitchen and grabbed a tin of peanut butter cookies* Here, you can finish this. Later we'll do the energy regulation
Leon: Thanks. *starts wolfing down the cookies*
Damien: *crawls to Leon, looking up at him with puppy eyes* Kuki?
Leon: Hey! *picks him up* oof
Damien: Nya~! X3 *kicks his legs in the midair happily*
Leon: Who's been good? ^^ hehe
Damien: Nyu~! X3
Thilius: Bath time, Damien. C'mere to Daddy
Damien: Dada! *wings sprout out n flies to his dad*
*they head off to bathe8
Faira: All done eating? Shall we get started?
Leon: Sure. Let's get unpacked first
Faira: *helps Leon to bring his stuff to the guest room n unpack*
*There are various kinds of clothes...and the CDs...they range from Pink Floyd to Korn*
Faira: You sure have an interesting stash here
Leon: Thanks. I listen to music alot, especially rock
Faira: *chuckles* And I had expected you to be listening to hymns or something all day long, not that I'm saying I am
Leon: Naw, they put me to sleep
Faira: *chuckles* And I had expected you to be listening to hymns or something all day long, not that I'm saying I am
Leon: Naw, they put me to sleep
Faira: :)) I enjoy a hymn or two, but classicals are still my favourite, and a bit of the songs from the 70s n 80s
Leon: Well that's good. :) I love the 70s and 80s. *stomach growls*
Faira: Hungry again?
Leon: I can't help it >.<> Faira: Stop. We have guests, sweetheart :">
Leon: It's okay. I don't mind ^^
*everyone starts eating*
Faira: *not very used to spicy stuff, have to keep a glass of cold water beside
*Leon is wolfing down his food, a normal trait for him*
Thilius: Whoa O_o
Faira: *chuckles at the sight* Faira: Have you guys come up with a name for the baby yet?
Leon: Well, if it's a boy...I wanna name it Vergil. If it's a girl, I wanna name is Trisha
Faira: That sounds reli sweet, but I'm betting my money on Trisha
Thilius: Ditto here
Faira: It's been so long since we had any fellow friends eating with us. And when I said fellow friends I meant of our kind
Leon: Well...yea...*finishes* I don't know much of my real home...*nods to Heaven* What is it like? And what is my dad like?
Faira: I don't see him very often during those days, but he definitely has a reputation of being one of the most powerful and trustworthy archangels among his team. Helped out in a lot of miracles and had been alongside Metatron sometimes to spread the Word of Prophecy to the gifted mortals. He would also occasionally accompany other angels to collect souls bcoz along the way to Heaven, the demons would try to grab them to drag them dwn, so Michael had to fight them off
Leon: Wow. My dad fought for souls?
Faira: Well, that's what I heard anyway. I met him once or twice wen we go greet and welcome new souls, so I guess that part is true. He's what we lower angels like to call The Sword Wielder, coz he's got that reli cool sword with him
Leon: :)
Faira: Heaven's reli beautiful. It's always nice and bright, and the night never gets too dark for us, almost like a sunset light atmosphere. You will hear beautiful singing all day long and you can watch the mortal world below either through the Lake of Worlds or if you just peel the clouds beneath your feet just a little bit. I miss that plc sometimes, but I guess it's impossible to go bk now...
Leon: Just curious...would I be allowed in if I could visit?
Faira: *hesitate for a moment, then shakes his head*
Leon: Damn it :(
Faira: Sorry, but you being half human, you cannot even withstand the world of Heavens. The atmosphere itself is too powerful for you. The human part of you would just collapse
Leon: So Im stuck on earth *shrugs* Oh well, I got elijah, that's all that matters
Faira: True :)
Leon: OOof
Faira: You alright?
Leon: It just kicked a field goal
Damien: Nyu~? *looks curiously at Leon's belly*
Thilius: It might play soccer or football one day
Faira: *giggles* Probably *done eating and starts cleaning up*
Leon: Ooof
Damien: Nyu~ *pats Leon's belly with both his tiny hands*
Leon: Do you feel 'em?
Damien: Nyu~! X3 *nods hard*
Leon: hehe
Faira: Time for your milk, Damien *brings in the baby bottle of milk*
Damien: Nyu~! *flies to him and starts sucking the bottle*
Thilius: *smiles at the sweet sight, he helps Leon to the living room*
Faira: So, Leon, I was wondering. If you're a half-breed, what sort of powers do you have?
Leon: Well, I do have telekinesis. As you saw earlier. I can influence thoughts into others
Faira: Reli? Anything else?
Leon: Hmm...I can create fire and lightning
Faira: I could do that too, although Thili scores better in the fire department. Any combat skills like your father?
Leon: Im a good swordsman and marksman
Faira: Just like Michael. He could even cut off the wings off a fly with his eyes closed :)
Thilius: Definitely
Leon: What else can Angels do?
Faira: It depends on what job the Lord gives us. Some become guardian angels to children, some become the Muses, some become archangels, and some become Creators, like me *sees Damien falling asleep in his arms, the bottle empty* Good to see u have a hearty appetite, my little angel. Time for bed for you, little one
Leon: Archangels, then
Faira: *puts Damien in his crib* Well, for starters, archangels are usually given a special weapon that is suitable and compatible for their nature. If you're into short range attacks or defense, you're usually given a sword, a rod or other heavy duty objects. But if your into long range or offense, you're given weapons like bow and arrow, whip and the like. If you're powers are magical then you're usually given armour to protect urself while u excute ur magical powers
Leon: That's how I was a natural in archery
Faira: I heard Michael is fairly good in marksmanship, but he still rules better with the sword *clapped his hand* Alright, energy regulation time
Leon: *Sighs heavily* Okay. But Im gonna be better this time
Faira: Good, let's try to last a little longer this time, say... 10 minutes?
Leon: Okay :)
Thilius: *goes to watch a film*
*Faira and Thilius gets on with the energy regulation, repeating what they did before*
Faira: Remember. Concentrate, but don't get carried away. Your baby's life is at stake here
Leon: *starts concentrates harder than before*
Faira: *can feel that Leon was going over the limit of concentration* No, Leon, stop, not too much. Just take it easy
Leon: *tries to ease down*
Faira: Good, keep it that way. You have 5 more minutes
Leon: *unknowingly...he starts to levitate everything in the house*
Faira: *shocked* Stop, Leon, stop now!
Leon: *opens his eyes* huh
*everything that levitated starts crashing dwn to the ground, including Damien's crib*
Damien: *shocked awake* WAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~!!!!!! :((
Leon: >< Awww man
Faira: It's OK, it's not entirely your fault. Thili, help me put Damien back to sleep pls
Thilius: Im on it. *goes to calm down Damien*
Faira: *sighs in relief* That was close
Leon: W-what happened
Faira: You're still concentrating too much. You may have averted frm dragging your baby's energy, but you let that amt of excess energy out on other things, thus the stuff levitated. Be thankful you didn't levitate the house. I almost did once
Leon: That's it...I was doing it half way
Faira: Pretty much, so nxt time, try not to overdo it. I knw ur determined and ur serious abt things, bt things must have their limits
Leon: But...I wasn't giving it all. I was doing it half way of my power
Faira: *serious face* Leon.
Leon: Honest!! *isn't lying*
Faira: *still looking serious* No, Leon, don't misunderstand. I knw you are giving it all you got, but you're too determined that you almost harmed your child. That level of levitation is proof that you are exerting too much. I don't care if you used 10% of your power but do you realize the danger you'll put ur baby in if u had used 100%?
Leon: O_o What?! How can...tha...*starts to feel dizzy*
Faira: *quickly catches Leon* You're tired, Leon. This is proof of ur over-exertion. Rest now. *lays Leon in bed, pulls the covers over Leon's body*
Leon: *Sleeps peacefully*
Faira: *sighs, then goes to the baby room* Is Damien OK?
Thilius: Yes, he's asleep again
Faira: Good *kisses Damien's forehead* That was a close one
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp
Friday, October 30, 2009
Love of the Damned (Part 5)
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Love of the Damned
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Love of the Damned (Part 4)
*the group drove all the way to Neo Bistro, where Eli is waiting at a corner seat, sees the grp n waves at them* Over here, everyone!
Leon: *heads over to Eli and kisses on the forehead* HEy you
Eli: *gives Leon a bear hug* Oh my lion, I'm so happy for us *sees Faira* Hey girlfriend! *hugs Faira*
Faira: Hey Little Eli *hugs back*
Thilius: *just stands there, watching*
Eli: *notices Thilius* Hey there, big boy, don't be a stranger *hugs Thilius as well* And how's little Damien doing? You're a good boy aren't u? Yes you are *baby talks with Damien*
Faira: ^^;
Thilius: Oy -_-;
Leon: *sits down* Hon?
Eli: Yes, my lion?
Leon: It just moved
Eli: Reli? :) *makes sure to do it under the table as he puts his hand on his stomach* Yes, it can feel it
Faira: Aww, isn't that just teh sweetest thing?
Leon: *a hard kick is felt from Leon's belly*
Eli: :) Our kid knws his Daddy's here
Thilius: I wonder what it's gonna be like
Faira: Definitely as handsome as the parents, no doubt abt it
Eli: Aww, girl, u give me too much credit
Leon: I hope so ^^
*their food arrives. everyone started eating*
Leon: *Starts eating his ravioli*
Thilius: *eats his meal*
Faira: *eats his lasagna while feeding some to Damien*
Leon: This is very good! :)
Faira: Same goes with me. But trust me, once ur pregnant, everything tastes good
Eli: So, girlfriend, I bet Thilius was there all the time during the delivery eh? He must've given you hell, eh, Thilius?
Thilius: Well...you can say that
Faira: Pretty much ^^;
Eli: So what hospital did you go to give birth? I'd like a good recommendation for my lion here
Faira: Actually we...we had it at home. Home birth
Thilius: Yea.
Eli: Oh? Which midwife did u employ?
Faira: Well...Thili was the midwife, sorta. It was a sudden birth. We didn't have time to do anything
Thilius: Yea, it was really quick too
Faira: You can say I almost...brought the house dwn
Eli: Dang, girl! Didn't knw ur so tough
Leon: *thinks: I know what he means*
Faira: Ah ha ha... ^_^;;
Leon: I bet, oof
Eli: U ok, lion?
Leon: The baby's making a fuss
Faira: Sorry I can't introduce u to any hospitals or midwives, Eli, bt if u dun mind, I could be of help if the birth happens, besides *lowers his voice* I highly doubt any hospital would want to accept a pregnant MAN into their wards
Eli: *realization hits* You...You got a point there
Leon: That's true...Faira...can I tell him...about you two
Thilius: I think I know what he means
Faira: Yeah, sure, go ahead
Leon: *uses his abilities so the rest of the restaurant can't hear them* Eli, you said you believed in angels and demons right?
Eli: Yes, I do. They are the core beings that both carries n ruins the Lord's work. Why? I mean you're a half angel yourself, what's not to believe?
Leon: Well, you have a demon and angel with us
Eli: *looks ard excitedly* Where? Where?
Faira: You're looking at us right now
Eli: :|
Thilius: Im a demon. Faira is an angel
Eli: Yeah right, pull another one
Faira: *whispers an enchantment so that no one can see as he transforms into his true form*
Thilius: *does the same*
Leon: See?
Eli: :O
Faira: Damien, would u like to show Uncle Eli ur magic trick?
Damien: Nya~! *screws up his face in concentration before a pair of black wings sprout out frm his bk*
Leon: :)
Eli: *leans bk in shock* D...Damn...
Thilius: What's the matter?
Eli: Nothing...It's just...overwhelming to see a pure angel and demon...Damn, girl, I didn't knw that ur...Leon was right all along abt u being a man...
Faira: Technically I'm both. I have double gender. Only Thili is a pure man. Demons usually is purely male or purely female, bt we angels are both
Leon: Same with me :)
Faira: But the sad thing is, for us, we can only impregnate and be impregnated by mortals. We could never procreate. Thili and I have been childless ever since we've been together for 20 yrs
Leon: Whoa, that long?
Thilius: *looks to Leon* Btw, I did research on your mother...she was killed in 1938, but the books say you're her great-grandson...
Leon: That's a cover up
Faira: Eh? Jada Samson is...?
Leon: She really is my mother...and the paper said I went missing
Faira: I guess it's understandable. You're a half-breed after all. It'll be weird if someone knew you never age when ur supposed to
Leon: So, I changed my hair color and went to a different place every 10 years
Faira: We just change our surnames every time we move to a new plc. My surname Faira Essex is frm the last town we came frm. Thilius' surname is Broadway, frm our old home 5 yrs ago
Leon: :)
Thilius: oh the memories. :)
Eli: So...if you guys can't procreate, how did you get pregnant?
Faira: I had a little help frm a very old friend of mine when I was still serving the Lord. She was my junior of sort n had always looked up to me. She...well...sort of stole some essence frm the Cradle of Life and fed it to me in hopes that I would have a child with Thili, evn though she didn't like Thili that much. The sin she committed was too great. She didn't even get the mercy of being cast dwn as a Fallen. She was...destroyed out of existence
Leon: For all this time...for these years, I have helped the Lord with certain tasks...and...and...
Eli: That must be harsh. To think that He had always been very forgiving to us mortals
Faira: We angels are expected to be perfect in everyway n never behave as a mortal does. To prove Him otherwise is unforgivable. Look what happened to Lucifer
Leon: he's harsher to his own people. Well, here's a thing to the Lord he must know: Everything is never perfect. Even though he tries his best. I can understand it. That's why he'd leave me here on Earth
Eli: I guess you can say we mortals are, well, sorta lucky
Faira: Pretty much *reverts back to his mortal form* As I was saying, it's not easy to be pregnant at our condition. For me, I almost became a Fallen because of Thili's demonic essence in me when I was pregnant. When I said I almost brought the house dwn giving birth, I meant it literally
Thilius: You can say it was like a scene from the Exorcist
Eli: :)) Now that's creepy
*they all head to Leon's place afterwards, the walls of his house have movie posters of MGM movies like Singing in the Rain, The Wizard of Oz, etc*
Faira: Wow. I see u love movies
Leon: I love 'em, especially musicals ^^ I've seen 'em all...Singing in the Rain, The Sound of Music...
Damien: *was so interested he sprout his wings out of impulse and flew out of Faira's arms to go to the posters*
Faira: Damien, behave
Eli: Now that is reli reli cute :x
Thilius: that's our boy. *sees Sweeney Todd posters from the broadway to the 2007 film* I take it you're a fan?
Leon: Big time. :)
Damien: *flew too fast n banged against a DVD rack, toppling it all dwn, Fell onto the carpet floor* :((
Leon: It's okay. *snaps his fingers all the DVDs reset themselves*
Eli: *picks Damien up* Aww, did Damien have a boo-boo? *kisses Damien's banged forehead* There, all better
Faira: You make a good father, Little Eli
Eli: Ya think? :D
Leon: *places his hand on Damien's head, healing it*
Damien: Nyu~ *feels all better n flies onto Leon's shoulders*
Leon: AWww ^^
Faira: He reli likes you, Leon
Thilius: Looks like he does.
Leon: *heads over to Eli and kisses on the forehead* HEy you
Eli: *gives Leon a bear hug* Oh my lion, I'm so happy for us *sees Faira* Hey girlfriend! *hugs Faira*
Faira: Hey Little Eli *hugs back*
Thilius: *just stands there, watching*
Eli: *notices Thilius* Hey there, big boy, don't be a stranger *hugs Thilius as well* And how's little Damien doing? You're a good boy aren't u? Yes you are *baby talks with Damien*
Faira: ^^;
Thilius: Oy -_-;
Leon: *sits down* Hon?
Eli: Yes, my lion?
Leon: It just moved
Eli: Reli? :) *makes sure to do it under the table as he puts his hand on his stomach* Yes, it can feel it
Faira: Aww, isn't that just teh sweetest thing?
Leon: *a hard kick is felt from Leon's belly*
Eli: :) Our kid knws his Daddy's here
Thilius: I wonder what it's gonna be like
Faira: Definitely as handsome as the parents, no doubt abt it
Eli: Aww, girl, u give me too much credit
Leon: I hope so ^^
*their food arrives. everyone started eating*
Leon: *Starts eating his ravioli*
Thilius: *eats his meal*
Faira: *eats his lasagna while feeding some to Damien*
Leon: This is very good! :)
Faira: Same goes with me. But trust me, once ur pregnant, everything tastes good
Eli: So, girlfriend, I bet Thilius was there all the time during the delivery eh? He must've given you hell, eh, Thilius?
Thilius: Well...you can say that
Faira: Pretty much ^^;
Eli: So what hospital did you go to give birth? I'd like a good recommendation for my lion here
Faira: Actually we...we had it at home. Home birth
Thilius: Yea.
Eli: Oh? Which midwife did u employ?
Faira: Well...Thili was the midwife, sorta. It was a sudden birth. We didn't have time to do anything
Thilius: Yea, it was really quick too
Faira: You can say I almost...brought the house dwn
Eli: Dang, girl! Didn't knw ur so tough
Leon: *thinks: I know what he means*
Faira: Ah ha ha... ^_^;;
Leon: I bet, oof
Eli: U ok, lion?
Leon: The baby's making a fuss
Faira: Sorry I can't introduce u to any hospitals or midwives, Eli, bt if u dun mind, I could be of help if the birth happens, besides *lowers his voice* I highly doubt any hospital would want to accept a pregnant MAN into their wards
Eli: *realization hits* You...You got a point there
Leon: That's true...Faira...can I tell him...about you two
Thilius: I think I know what he means
Faira: Yeah, sure, go ahead
Leon: *uses his abilities so the rest of the restaurant can't hear them* Eli, you said you believed in angels and demons right?
Eli: Yes, I do. They are the core beings that both carries n ruins the Lord's work. Why? I mean you're a half angel yourself, what's not to believe?
Leon: Well, you have a demon and angel with us
Eli: *looks ard excitedly* Where? Where?
Faira: You're looking at us right now
Eli: :|
Thilius: Im a demon. Faira is an angel
Eli: Yeah right, pull another one
Faira: *whispers an enchantment so that no one can see as he transforms into his true form*
Thilius: *does the same*
Leon: See?
Eli: :O
Faira: Damien, would u like to show Uncle Eli ur magic trick?
Damien: Nya~! *screws up his face in concentration before a pair of black wings sprout out frm his bk*
Leon: :)
Eli: *leans bk in shock* D...Damn...
Thilius: What's the matter?
Eli: Nothing...It's just...overwhelming to see a pure angel and demon...Damn, girl, I didn't knw that ur...Leon was right all along abt u being a man...
Faira: Technically I'm both. I have double gender. Only Thili is a pure man. Demons usually is purely male or purely female, bt we angels are both
Leon: Same with me :)
Faira: But the sad thing is, for us, we can only impregnate and be impregnated by mortals. We could never procreate. Thili and I have been childless ever since we've been together for 20 yrs
Leon: Whoa, that long?
Thilius: *looks to Leon* Btw, I did research on your mother...she was killed in 1938, but the books say you're her great-grandson...
Leon: That's a cover up
Faira: Eh? Jada Samson is...?
Leon: She really is my mother...and the paper said I went missing
Faira: I guess it's understandable. You're a half-breed after all. It'll be weird if someone knew you never age when ur supposed to
Leon: So, I changed my hair color and went to a different place every 10 years
Faira: We just change our surnames every time we move to a new plc. My surname Faira Essex is frm the last town we came frm. Thilius' surname is Broadway, frm our old home 5 yrs ago
Leon: :)
Thilius: oh the memories. :)
Eli: So...if you guys can't procreate, how did you get pregnant?
Faira: I had a little help frm a very old friend of mine when I was still serving the Lord. She was my junior of sort n had always looked up to me. She...well...sort of stole some essence frm the Cradle of Life and fed it to me in hopes that I would have a child with Thili, evn though she didn't like Thili that much. The sin she committed was too great. She didn't even get the mercy of being cast dwn as a Fallen. She was...destroyed out of existence
Leon: For all this time...for these years, I have helped the Lord with certain tasks...and...and...
Eli: That must be harsh. To think that He had always been very forgiving to us mortals
Faira: We angels are expected to be perfect in everyway n never behave as a mortal does. To prove Him otherwise is unforgivable. Look what happened to Lucifer
Leon: he's harsher to his own people. Well, here's a thing to the Lord he must know: Everything is never perfect. Even though he tries his best. I can understand it. That's why he'd leave me here on Earth
Eli: I guess you can say we mortals are, well, sorta lucky
Faira: Pretty much *reverts back to his mortal form* As I was saying, it's not easy to be pregnant at our condition. For me, I almost became a Fallen because of Thili's demonic essence in me when I was pregnant. When I said I almost brought the house dwn giving birth, I meant it literally
Thilius: You can say it was like a scene from the Exorcist
Eli: :)) Now that's creepy
*they all head to Leon's place afterwards, the walls of his house have movie posters of MGM movies like Singing in the Rain, The Wizard of Oz, etc*
Faira: Wow. I see u love movies
Leon: I love 'em, especially musicals ^^ I've seen 'em all...Singing in the Rain, The Sound of Music...
Damien: *was so interested he sprout his wings out of impulse and flew out of Faira's arms to go to the posters*
Faira: Damien, behave
Eli: Now that is reli reli cute :x
Thilius: that's our boy. *sees Sweeney Todd posters from the broadway to the 2007 film* I take it you're a fan?
Leon: Big time. :)
Damien: *flew too fast n banged against a DVD rack, toppling it all dwn, Fell onto the carpet floor* :((
Leon: It's okay. *snaps his fingers all the DVDs reset themselves*
Eli: *picks Damien up* Aww, did Damien have a boo-boo? *kisses Damien's banged forehead* There, all better
Faira: You make a good father, Little Eli
Eli: Ya think? :D
Leon: *places his hand on Damien's head, healing it*
Damien: Nyu~ *feels all better n flies onto Leon's shoulders*
Leon: AWww ^^
Faira: He reli likes you, Leon
Thilius: Looks like he does.
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Love of the Damned
Love of the Damned (Part 3)
Faira: *just came out of the showers with a nicely cleaned Damien as well* Time to get nice and dry, Damien~!
Damien: Nya~! :x
Thilus: *is smoking, looking at the rainy weather outside*
Faira: *feels a premonition, quickly dries up and find Thilius* Thili, I think someone's gonna come visit
Thilius: Better not be an exorcist
Faira: No, I think it's someone we knw *hears the doorbell ring*
Leon: *is smoking while waiting for the door to open*
Faira: *opens the door* Hello, Leon. We've been expecting you
Leon: Thanks *snaps his fingers, the cigarette disappearing* as he walks in8 Don't worry, I'm not here to kill Thilius...I have no intention...
Faira: *feels something going on inside Leon, bt decides to keep silent* Come in, do have a seat. I'll make some tea
Thilius: Hey there, half-breed
Leon: *Sees little Damien in his playpen* well, hello there :)
Damien: Nyu~! X3
Faira: *comes out with the tea* Isn't he just teh cutest thing?
Leon: He does. *smiles for the first time. and takes a cup of tea* I'm here for help
Thilius: Ah, first you wanna kill me, then u wanna kiss me.
Faira: Thili, don't be rude!
Leon: You may not believe this...but...*unbuttons his shirt and revealing his slightly bulging waistline* Im a carrier
Faira: *gasp n blushes at the sight*
Thili: Dang, who the devil knocked u up, pal?
Leon: My boyfriend, Elijah Davis
Faira: Little Eli? My Japanese tuition classmate?
Leon: Aye, the very same
Thili: Huh? That dude who's been after ur tail since u joined that stupid class n keeps calling u "Hey, girlfriend!" That kid?
Faira: He still thinks I'm a girl huh?
Leon: Yea, he doesn't believe me
Thilius: Fuck. And I thought trying to beat those girls away frm him with a stick when we did nude modelling at that art college was tough
Leon: *blushes* I had to do that too
Thilius: So why would you need our help for? I thought u hated us
Leon: I did. Until I saw him...*nods to Damien*
Damien: *peers frm his playpen*
Leon: Seeing him...I...had something cleanse or something
Faira: He maybe half a demon, bt he's my little angel. I love him n my Thilius more than anything in the world. If you had decided to kill Thili I dunno wat I'd do
Thili: You don't want to cross him, believe me. When he's pissed, he'd be better off a demon than an angel
Leon: For a creation angel, I can see that
Faira: *grins sheepishly*
Thili: I'm afraid we can't help much. It's tough as it is for us to hide Fai's pregnancy. You do realize mortals think male pregnancies are an abomination, don't u?
Leon: That's the thing with mine...mortals can't see mine, only Eli and you three can
Faira: Well, I guess being half does have its perks. But you have to consider other complications as well
Leon: Like what? *drinks his tea*
Thili: For starters, when Fai was pregnant with Damien, certain...essence frm my demonic nature seeped thru Fai. He almost became a Fallen because of that. His mood swings were terrible, he was almost always pissed all the time and he was very evil for a moment
Leon: What do you mean? Eli's a mortal
Faira: Yes, but still the burden of having child, plus together with your human hormones n possible mood swings clashing together with ur angel blood sometimes may sometimes make you insane. I ran off n went missing for the next half of my pregnancy, creating mishap in my almost Fallen form n did things worse than wat Thili did wen he's in demon form
Thilius: I found him in an abandoned warehouse after mths of searching. He was close to birth n the pain was making him emit a lot of destructive energy. No mortal hospital can withstand that. I had to help him deliver Damien myself
Leon: I wanna know...why are you two mortals?
Thili: Technically we're not mortals. We're outcasts. Wandering spirits as you may, taking human form so that we can live a sort of stable life
Faira: We can revert back n forth frm mortal to true form as we wish it, bt most of the time, we live as mortals in the mortal world
Leon: Sounds better than living up or down there
Thilius: We were cast out because we loved each other. Stupid Dark Lord didn't like it
Leon: Nor did the almighty one
Thilius: The Dark Lord didn't like the idea of me falling in love, or have emotions for the matter of fact, with ppl, n well, Big Guy up there didn't like my lovely angel to love a demon. What's the point of Him saying 'love thy neighour as u love thyself' if we...
Faira: Thili, stop it. It's over now. We've talked abt this
Thilius: *huffed n picks up Damien to go to the balcony for some air*
Leon: *Sighs* Sounds you two had as tough as me
Faira: You an outcast too?
Leon: You can say that...Im an orphan
Faira: I knw Michael. He's more or less having a little bit of attachments to humans, bt I didn't think I'd see his son here in front of me. Makes me wonder who else he impregnated during his escapades to the mortal world
Leon: My mother is the only one
Faira: Then he must've loved her very much at one point
Leon: He did...:)
Faira: What made him leave?
Leon: He had to return to his duties
Faira: I guess that's understandable. He is an archangel after all. Btw, u said ur mother was killed by a devil. Wat actually happened?
Leon: It was Halloween..I came home...
Faira: Mmhmm?
Leon: When I came, she was smiling at me and I went to her, then a flame appeared
Thilius: *comes in, leaning against the wall to listen with Damien in his arms*
Leon: Out of this flame, a black demon appeared with a blade in his hand...and then...he took the knife...and...and...*starts to tear up*
Faira: *reaches over to hug him* It's alright, it's alright. You don't have to explain anymore
Thilius: Sounds definitely like the work of Exodar to me
Leon: Exodar??
Thilius: One of my many acquaintance before I was an outcast. Blood thirsty little bastard he is, and practically the darling of the Dark Lord. I caught them fucking each other senseless once. Sick prats, both of them
Faira: Thili, watch your language in front of Damien
Leon: Really? Jeez...
Thilius: Exodar loves nothing more than to have a taste of blood in his hands. If he were to bathe in blood, that'll probably be his heaven. His killings and choices of victims are random, n he kills out of whim n whenever he feels like it. He's the reason that sometimes there are unexplained deaths occur in the newspapers
Leon: I wanna know why he killed my mother
Thilius: There's no explaining his actions. He just loves to kill. That's all it is to it
Leon: Lord Almighty...he just kills....sorry I judged you so harshly, Thilius
Thilius: I have my share of spreading sin around, which includes making ppl jump buildings and slash their wrists. I pretty have blood on my hands as well. I don't blame you
Faira: He's making up for past mistakes as he goes, with a bit of my help. He's reli trying. Only when the situation is dire, he'll have to excise the necessary evils
Leon: *rubs his belly* I hope...I don't...lose my baby
Faira: We'll help you as much as we can. It's to return the favour for sparing Thili's life. So, has Little Eli know yet?
Leon: Yes...he's in shock
Faira: I suppose it's a normal reaction. Mortals are not known to take news out of the norm that easily. Does he knw ur a halfie?
Leon: Yes, actually. He's a Christian
Faira: Hmm... That'll be a little tough
Thilius: Want me to whack a little sense in him?
Leon: No need. He was smiling when I left *his cell rings. He answers it* Hello?
Damien: Baba?
Thilius: Yes, Damien, the Baba of his kid is calling
Eli: *other line* Hey, Leon, my lion
Leon: H-how are you?
Eli: I'm fine, Leon, a little shocked off my brain, but fine. Listen, I've been thinking abt the baby wen u gave me the test just now
Leon: Yes? and?
Eli: Well, to be honest I was a little terrified, like I've done something terrible, and that I should split before it gets worse, but...after I think abt it calmly, I guess what's done is done. You're my beloved lion n ur carrying my baby. No matter wat happens I would nvr abandon either of u so...
Leon: That's good. Thank you honey... :) Oh! I got someone who wants to talk. *puts the cell on the table, turning on Speakphone* Faira's here
Faira: Yo, Little Eli! Congratulations!
Eli: Yo, girlfriend! Wassup! So ur the one my lion wanted to visit!
Damien: Baba!!
Eli: Issat little Damien?? :x Hello there little buggy~!
Damien: Baba! Baba!
Thilius: Hey, I'm the Daddy here, remember? *holds Damien possessively*
Faira: *giggles*
Eli: That you, Thilius? Guys, u should totally come over. I plan to celebrate this joyous occasion with my lion. How's that, Leon?
Leon: That sounds good. *blushes at the mention of his nickname*
Damien: Yay!
Eli: Then let's go. I'm gonna be at Neo Bistro making reservations. That means u n ur hubby n Damien must come, girlfriend!
Faira: We will, don't worry
Eli: C ya at Neo, my lion. Kiss kiss, love *hangs up*
Leon: Sounds like a...*before he can talk, he feels a sharp pain in his stomach*
Faira: *notices* Are you alright, Leon?
Leon: My stomach....*Feels his abdomen expand slightly*
Damien: baba?
Faira: *feels his belly* Looks like you're having a bit of a growth spurt going on there
Leon: *the spurt stops* W...*remembers* How far along did you go?
Faira: *thinks* Abt 5, 6 mths. Giving birth was the most painful part tho. Not only ur body emits destructive energy, it stabs thru you like knifes cutting ur flesh. Ur belly won't be the only one hurting during the birth, i can tell u that ^^;
Eli: How far am I?
Thilius: *tilts his head to look* You're abt one mth along, equivalent to a 4mth
Leon: O_O What??
Faira: It's quite normal, since the pregnancy is only gonna last 5, 6 mths
Leon: Oof... *snaps his fingers and gets into more comfortable clothes* Man, Im gonna need bigger clothes soon
Faira: That's a pretty convenient power you got there
Leon: Thanks.
Thilus: Just don't show it off, k?
Damien: :D
Faira: We prefer to train ourselves to dress the old fashion way. Attracts less attention *picks Damien up to dress him in a cow attire*
Leon: *untightens his belt a bit*
Faira: *undid the belt in a split second n pulls it off the pants* You don't need that where ur belly is heading
Leon: Well, true
Thilius: Ppl in the office calls him Quicksilver sometimes. He moves so fast they barely see him
Leon: Really? That's cool :)
Faira: *done dressing up* Everyone all set to go?
Thilius: Yup
Leon: Yep. Im ready. *gets his coat on*
Faira: Let's go then
Thilius: Use my car. It's spacier
Leon: Okay. *gets into the backseat*
Damien: Nya~! :x
Thilus: *is smoking, looking at the rainy weather outside*
Faira: *feels a premonition, quickly dries up and find Thilius* Thili, I think someone's gonna come visit
Thilius: Better not be an exorcist
Faira: No, I think it's someone we knw *hears the doorbell ring*
Leon: *is smoking while waiting for the door to open*
Faira: *opens the door* Hello, Leon. We've been expecting you
Leon: Thanks *snaps his fingers, the cigarette disappearing* as he walks in8 Don't worry, I'm not here to kill Thilius...I have no intention...
Faira: *feels something going on inside Leon, bt decides to keep silent* Come in, do have a seat. I'll make some tea
Thilius: Hey there, half-breed
Leon: *Sees little Damien in his playpen* well, hello there :)
Damien: Nyu~! X3
Faira: *comes out with the tea* Isn't he just teh cutest thing?
Leon: He does. *smiles for the first time. and takes a cup of tea* I'm here for help
Thilius: Ah, first you wanna kill me, then u wanna kiss me.
Faira: Thili, don't be rude!
Leon: You may not believe this...but...*unbuttons his shirt and revealing his slightly bulging waistline* Im a carrier
Faira: *gasp n blushes at the sight*
Thili: Dang, who the devil knocked u up, pal?
Leon: My boyfriend, Elijah Davis
Faira: Little Eli? My Japanese tuition classmate?
Leon: Aye, the very same
Thili: Huh? That dude who's been after ur tail since u joined that stupid class n keeps calling u "Hey, girlfriend!" That kid?
Faira: He still thinks I'm a girl huh?
Leon: Yea, he doesn't believe me
Thilius: Fuck. And I thought trying to beat those girls away frm him with a stick when we did nude modelling at that art college was tough
Leon: *blushes* I had to do that too
Thilius: So why would you need our help for? I thought u hated us
Leon: I did. Until I saw him...*nods to Damien*
Damien: *peers frm his playpen*
Leon: Seeing him...I...had something cleanse or something
Faira: He maybe half a demon, bt he's my little angel. I love him n my Thilius more than anything in the world. If you had decided to kill Thili I dunno wat I'd do
Thili: You don't want to cross him, believe me. When he's pissed, he'd be better off a demon than an angel
Leon: For a creation angel, I can see that
Faira: *grins sheepishly*
Thili: I'm afraid we can't help much. It's tough as it is for us to hide Fai's pregnancy. You do realize mortals think male pregnancies are an abomination, don't u?
Leon: That's the thing with mine...mortals can't see mine, only Eli and you three can
Faira: Well, I guess being half does have its perks. But you have to consider other complications as well
Leon: Like what? *drinks his tea*
Thili: For starters, when Fai was pregnant with Damien, certain...essence frm my demonic nature seeped thru Fai. He almost became a Fallen because of that. His mood swings were terrible, he was almost always pissed all the time and he was very evil for a moment
Leon: What do you mean? Eli's a mortal
Faira: Yes, but still the burden of having child, plus together with your human hormones n possible mood swings clashing together with ur angel blood sometimes may sometimes make you insane. I ran off n went missing for the next half of my pregnancy, creating mishap in my almost Fallen form n did things worse than wat Thili did wen he's in demon form
Thilius: I found him in an abandoned warehouse after mths of searching. He was close to birth n the pain was making him emit a lot of destructive energy. No mortal hospital can withstand that. I had to help him deliver Damien myself
Leon: I wanna know...why are you two mortals?
Thili: Technically we're not mortals. We're outcasts. Wandering spirits as you may, taking human form so that we can live a sort of stable life
Faira: We can revert back n forth frm mortal to true form as we wish it, bt most of the time, we live as mortals in the mortal world
Leon: Sounds better than living up or down there
Thilius: We were cast out because we loved each other. Stupid Dark Lord didn't like it
Leon: Nor did the almighty one
Thilius: The Dark Lord didn't like the idea of me falling in love, or have emotions for the matter of fact, with ppl, n well, Big Guy up there didn't like my lovely angel to love a demon. What's the point of Him saying 'love thy neighour as u love thyself' if we...
Faira: Thili, stop it. It's over now. We've talked abt this
Thilius: *huffed n picks up Damien to go to the balcony for some air*
Leon: *Sighs* Sounds you two had as tough as me
Faira: You an outcast too?
Leon: You can say that...Im an orphan
Faira: I knw Michael. He's more or less having a little bit of attachments to humans, bt I didn't think I'd see his son here in front of me. Makes me wonder who else he impregnated during his escapades to the mortal world
Leon: My mother is the only one
Faira: Then he must've loved her very much at one point
Leon: He did...:)
Faira: What made him leave?
Leon: He had to return to his duties
Faira: I guess that's understandable. He is an archangel after all. Btw, u said ur mother was killed by a devil. Wat actually happened?
Leon: It was Halloween..I came home...
Faira: Mmhmm?
Leon: When I came, she was smiling at me and I went to her, then a flame appeared
Thilius: *comes in, leaning against the wall to listen with Damien in his arms*
Leon: Out of this flame, a black demon appeared with a blade in his hand...and then...he took the knife...and...and...*starts to tear up*
Faira: *reaches over to hug him* It's alright, it's alright. You don't have to explain anymore
Thilius: Sounds definitely like the work of Exodar to me
Leon: Exodar??
Thilius: One of my many acquaintance before I was an outcast. Blood thirsty little bastard he is, and practically the darling of the Dark Lord. I caught them fucking each other senseless once. Sick prats, both of them
Faira: Thili, watch your language in front of Damien
Leon: Really? Jeez...
Thilius: Exodar loves nothing more than to have a taste of blood in his hands. If he were to bathe in blood, that'll probably be his heaven. His killings and choices of victims are random, n he kills out of whim n whenever he feels like it. He's the reason that sometimes there are unexplained deaths occur in the newspapers
Leon: I wanna know why he killed my mother
Thilius: There's no explaining his actions. He just loves to kill. That's all it is to it
Leon: Lord Almighty...he just kills....sorry I judged you so harshly, Thilius
Thilius: I have my share of spreading sin around, which includes making ppl jump buildings and slash their wrists. I pretty have blood on my hands as well. I don't blame you
Faira: He's making up for past mistakes as he goes, with a bit of my help. He's reli trying. Only when the situation is dire, he'll have to excise the necessary evils
Leon: *rubs his belly* I hope...I don't...lose my baby
Faira: We'll help you as much as we can. It's to return the favour for sparing Thili's life. So, has Little Eli know yet?
Leon: Yes...he's in shock
Faira: I suppose it's a normal reaction. Mortals are not known to take news out of the norm that easily. Does he knw ur a halfie?
Leon: Yes, actually. He's a Christian
Faira: Hmm... That'll be a little tough
Thilius: Want me to whack a little sense in him?
Leon: No need. He was smiling when I left *his cell rings. He answers it* Hello?
Damien: Baba?
Thilius: Yes, Damien, the Baba of his kid is calling
Eli: *other line* Hey, Leon, my lion
Leon: H-how are you?
Eli: I'm fine, Leon, a little shocked off my brain, but fine. Listen, I've been thinking abt the baby wen u gave me the test just now
Leon: Yes? and?
Eli: Well, to be honest I was a little terrified, like I've done something terrible, and that I should split before it gets worse, but...after I think abt it calmly, I guess what's done is done. You're my beloved lion n ur carrying my baby. No matter wat happens I would nvr abandon either of u so...
Leon: That's good. Thank you honey... :) Oh! I got someone who wants to talk. *puts the cell on the table, turning on Speakphone* Faira's here
Faira: Yo, Little Eli! Congratulations!
Eli: Yo, girlfriend! Wassup! So ur the one my lion wanted to visit!
Damien: Baba!!
Eli: Issat little Damien?? :x Hello there little buggy~!
Damien: Baba! Baba!
Thilius: Hey, I'm the Daddy here, remember? *holds Damien possessively*
Faira: *giggles*
Eli: That you, Thilius? Guys, u should totally come over. I plan to celebrate this joyous occasion with my lion. How's that, Leon?
Leon: That sounds good. *blushes at the mention of his nickname*
Damien: Yay!
Eli: Then let's go. I'm gonna be at Neo Bistro making reservations. That means u n ur hubby n Damien must come, girlfriend!
Faira: We will, don't worry
Eli: C ya at Neo, my lion. Kiss kiss, love *hangs up*
Leon: Sounds like a...*before he can talk, he feels a sharp pain in his stomach*
Faira: *notices* Are you alright, Leon?
Leon: My stomach....*Feels his abdomen expand slightly*
Damien: baba?
Faira: *feels his belly* Looks like you're having a bit of a growth spurt going on there
Leon: *the spurt stops* W...*remembers* How far along did you go?
Faira: *thinks* Abt 5, 6 mths. Giving birth was the most painful part tho. Not only ur body emits destructive energy, it stabs thru you like knifes cutting ur flesh. Ur belly won't be the only one hurting during the birth, i can tell u that ^^;
Eli: How far am I?
Thilius: *tilts his head to look* You're abt one mth along, equivalent to a 4mth
Leon: O_O What??
Faira: It's quite normal, since the pregnancy is only gonna last 5, 6 mths
Leon: Oof... *snaps his fingers and gets into more comfortable clothes* Man, Im gonna need bigger clothes soon
Faira: That's a pretty convenient power you got there
Leon: Thanks.
Thilus: Just don't show it off, k?
Damien: :D
Faira: We prefer to train ourselves to dress the old fashion way. Attracts less attention *picks Damien up to dress him in a cow attire*
Leon: *untightens his belt a bit*
Faira: *undid the belt in a split second n pulls it off the pants* You don't need that where ur belly is heading
Leon: Well, true
Thilius: Ppl in the office calls him Quicksilver sometimes. He moves so fast they barely see him
Leon: Really? That's cool :)
Faira: *done dressing up* Everyone all set to go?
Thilius: Yup
Leon: Yep. Im ready. *gets his coat on*
Faira: Let's go then
Thilius: Use my car. It's spacier
Leon: Okay. *gets into the backseat*
Love of the Damned
Love of the Damned (Part 2)
*At his mansion, Leon hangs up his coat and looks over the designs he's made since he was 14*
Leon: *sighs heavily*
Elijah: Something bothering you, Leon?
Leon: No...Nothing Eli. Just a hard day at work
Elijah: *puts hands on Leon's shoulder* Leon, my lion, I knw u. U always sigh wen something is wrong. U can tell me
Leon: It's just someone at work
Elijah: Reli? Did he bully you or something?
Leon: No, just the way he looked
Eli: Ur avoiding the question, Leon
Leon: No, I said "No"
Eli: *sighs n lets go of Leon* Alright, if u say so *walks off to the dining room* Dinner's ready
Leon: What is it, tonight? Im hungry
Eli: We're having fish and chips, mash potatoes and corn soup tonight, luv
Leon: You know I don't like corn. *goes and sits down at the table*
Eli: Being picky eater is not good for health, even if u ARE a half-angel
Leon: Because Im allergic
Eli: *surprised as he help him take away his soup* I didn't knw u could have allergies
Leon: I am half human
Eli: *grins apologetically* True. I still have last night's chicken soup, if u want i can heat it up for u
Leon: Sure :) *starts digging in*
Eli: *goes to heat up the chicken soup n gives it to Leon* Guess wat?
Leon: What? :)
Eli: I met an old tuition fren today. We used to go tuition 5 yrs ago to take Japanese language. I swear I was shocked. She hadn't changed a bit at all. And the more shocking thing is she's already married n had a kid!
Leon: Really? :) That's cool
Eli: Seriously, that Faira, she should've called n invited me to her wedding... (he thinks Faira is a girl)
Leon: *stops....* Faira?
Eli: Yeah, my old tuition friend Faira Essex. I can't believe she's already got a kid. U should've seen him, that little Damien, dressed in that tiger outfit. He is just soooooooo cute :x And her husband is just teh sweetest person...
Leon: Hate to say this, Eli...but Faira Essex is a man
Eli: Eh? A man? Ur kidding right?
Leon: No. cause he works where I work
Eli: Eh~? :O Well... I do admit I've never seen Faira in a skirt before, bt reli a man?? Then how did she, i mean he, have a kid to begin with?
Leon: *shrugs*
Eli: Then, he has to be a she. No man can get pregnant. Even if he adopted the kid, the kid looks too much like the husband to be adopted. She's gotta be a she underneath that exterior
Leon: *thinks: Not really...angels have both sexes.*
Eli: You said she works with u. As what? We didn't talk much that day coz I was in a hurry
Leon: He's a model. Along with his husband
Eli: Reli? With a beautiful body like that, I wouldn't be surprised :) She's the darling of the class after all. Everybody loves her, bt she always rejected any suitors. Now I see why (Eli insists to refer Faira as a 'she')
Leon: *Sighs heavily, looking at pregnancy test stick* Eli?
Eli: Yes? *sipping his drink*
Leon: *slides the stick to him*
Eli: *sees the stick, notices the positive sign n literally sprays out his drink* Wh...What is that...?
Leon: I took it this morning...I've been feeling ill for a while. *finishes his food* I'll leave you to think. Im gonna go visit someone
Eli: *takes the stick n stares at it in awe, finding it hard to sink it in his mind*
Leon: I am half angel
Eli: Yeah, I knw that but...dang...I...I'm sorry, I need to think abt this *gets up* Who ur gonna visit?
Leon: A Friend. *heads out and drives to visit Thilus and Faira*
Leon: *sighs heavily*
Elijah: Something bothering you, Leon?
Leon: No...Nothing Eli. Just a hard day at work
Elijah: *puts hands on Leon's shoulder* Leon, my lion, I knw u. U always sigh wen something is wrong. U can tell me
Leon: It's just someone at work
Elijah: Reli? Did he bully you or something?
Leon: No, just the way he looked
Eli: Ur avoiding the question, Leon
Leon: No, I said "No"
Eli: *sighs n lets go of Leon* Alright, if u say so *walks off to the dining room* Dinner's ready
Leon: What is it, tonight? Im hungry
Eli: We're having fish and chips, mash potatoes and corn soup tonight, luv
Leon: You know I don't like corn. *goes and sits down at the table*
Eli: Being picky eater is not good for health, even if u ARE a half-angel
Leon: Because Im allergic
Eli: *surprised as he help him take away his soup* I didn't knw u could have allergies
Leon: I am half human
Eli: *grins apologetically* True. I still have last night's chicken soup, if u want i can heat it up for u
Leon: Sure :) *starts digging in*
Eli: *goes to heat up the chicken soup n gives it to Leon* Guess wat?
Leon: What? :)
Eli: I met an old tuition fren today. We used to go tuition 5 yrs ago to take Japanese language. I swear I was shocked. She hadn't changed a bit at all. And the more shocking thing is she's already married n had a kid!
Leon: Really? :) That's cool
Eli: Seriously, that Faira, she should've called n invited me to her wedding... (he thinks Faira is a girl)
Leon: *stops....* Faira?
Eli: Yeah, my old tuition friend Faira Essex. I can't believe she's already got a kid. U should've seen him, that little Damien, dressed in that tiger outfit. He is just soooooooo cute :x And her husband is just teh sweetest person...
Leon: Hate to say this, Eli...but Faira Essex is a man
Eli: Eh? A man? Ur kidding right?
Leon: No. cause he works where I work
Eli: Eh~? :O Well... I do admit I've never seen Faira in a skirt before, bt reli a man?? Then how did she, i mean he, have a kid to begin with?
Leon: *shrugs*
Eli: Then, he has to be a she. No man can get pregnant. Even if he adopted the kid, the kid looks too much like the husband to be adopted. She's gotta be a she underneath that exterior
Leon: *thinks: Not really...angels have both sexes.*
Eli: You said she works with u. As what? We didn't talk much that day coz I was in a hurry
Leon: He's a model. Along with his husband
Eli: Reli? With a beautiful body like that, I wouldn't be surprised :) She's the darling of the class after all. Everybody loves her, bt she always rejected any suitors. Now I see why (Eli insists to refer Faira as a 'she')
Leon: *Sighs heavily, looking at pregnancy test stick* Eli?
Eli: Yes? *sipping his drink*
Leon: *slides the stick to him*
Eli: *sees the stick, notices the positive sign n literally sprays out his drink* Wh...What is that...?
Leon: I took it this morning...I've been feeling ill for a while. *finishes his food* I'll leave you to think. Im gonna go visit someone
Eli: *takes the stick n stares at it in awe, finding it hard to sink it in his mind*
Leon: I am half angel
Eli: Yeah, I knw that but...dang...I...I'm sorry, I need to think abt this *gets up* Who ur gonna visit?
Leon: A Friend. *heads out and drives to visit Thilus and Faira*
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Love of the Damned
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Love of the Damned (Part 1)
Boss: Excuse me everyone
Thilius: What does the old geezer want this time?
Faira: Thili, be nice
Boss: We have a new employee here. His name is Leon and he's gonna work here as a designer
*A young man of 20 walks into the room, he's got silver hair and blue eyes like the skies of heaven. he stands by the boss*
Leon: Hello everyone
Boss: *hands out some examples of Leon's designs to everyone* Now look at these carefully and ask Leon of you have any questions
Thilius: *looks thru the designs nonchalantly*
Faira: They look nice
Leon: *Goes to his new space, which is by Thilius and Faira*
Thilius: *scoff* Same shit different style, that's what it is
*Leon looks to Thilius, flashing his blue eyes, which only Faira catch*
Faira: *catches the flash of blue in his eyes, feels that Leon was not what he seemed to be*
Leon: Well, I do my best...I've been wanting this job since my mother died.
Faira: Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that
Thilius: Hm *has seen enough death to be immune to it*
Leon: You might of heard of her...Jada Samson *is sketching out on his art pad*
Thilius: *raises his eyebrows* You mean THE Jada Samson who was one of the top designers of the field and revolutionized autumn wear?
Leon: That's the one. I'm her son *in a matter seconds, he's come out with a completely new design which catches the eyes of everyone in the room*
Faira: Oh my, you're the son of a legend! *sees the design* That looks heavenly!
*everyone closes in to see the design*
Thilius: It's pretty good, I have to admit
Person 1: That's amazing
Person 2: I know! He came out with it in an instant
Leon: *justs look at Thilus* *Thinks: Just you wait...I know who you are....devil....*
*Pretty soon, the day comes to an end. Leon starts to pack up his stuff*
Faira: *approaches Leon alone* Hey, Leon. How'd u like ur first day at work?
Leon: It's decent. I just gotta get the materials for the designs. *as he walks past him, he whispers to the angel* You cannot keep him safe for long....Faira...*walks off*
Faira: *surprised to be found, spins round quickly* You're not reli human are you, Leon? You're a halfie
Leon: *stops when he reaches the door* Yes..I am a half-breed.*turns to him, his eyes glowing* Son of the archangel, Michael...What you are doing is wrong...he is a servant of those unholy...those who influence sin on man...
Faira: I won't lie, he may create temptations at times, bt I am there to anchor him. I only allow him an amount of sin whenever situation requires it. You have to admit, Leon, that there are sometimes where ppl need to have the necessary evil to survive
Leon: *just scoffs at the angel's words* It's people like him that killed my mother
Faira: You cannot generalize things based on one person. Besides, he's an outcast now. We're both outcasts. We don't belong to neither heaven nor hell. We're wandering spirits, technically
Leon: One of 'em came from the fire and killed her in front of me! I don't care what you two are. An angel and a devil can never be together.
Faira: Yes, we can. We...
Tania: Hey, there's the little Mommy!
Damien: Mama! Mama!
Leon: Hm? *looks at the two children walk to Faira*
Faira: Hey, Damien. *takes the baby frm Tania* Thanks for babysitting, Tania
Leon: *thinks: What's going on here?*
Tania: Anytime, Fai! Gotta go! I got a date *walks off*
Faira: Has my little Damien been a good boy?
Damien: Nya~! X3
Leon: What's the deal here, angel?
Faira: This *shows Damien to Leon* is proof that angels and demons can be together. Meet my son, Damien. Say hi to Uncle Leon, Damien
Damien: :D
Leon: Uncle? Don't make me laugh *leaves out the door*
Thilus: *head to Faira* He's truly a half-breed, isn't he?
Faira: Yeah. Michael the arch-angel is his father. I've known Michael to be occasionally attached to mankind, bt I didn't think he'd sire a child here
Thilus: We got to be careful with him.
Faira: He holds a grudge on ur kind, Thili. One of urs killed his mother
Thilius: That's taboo...a devil isn't suppose to kill a human
Faira: I knw. Devils are supposed to tempt, then nudges a human to make the final decision without actually having part of it. Who could the person be that killed Jada?
Thilus: I can think of only one person
Faira: Who?
Thilus: Exodar
Damien: Eh? *listening into his parents' conversation bt dun understand much*
Love of the Damned
Love of the Damned
This is one of our longest-running RP based on my OCs Thilius the demon and Faira the angel that I have created out of a whim, and Kita's OCs Leon and his lover (which is my OC again as well) Eli he created to join in into the realm.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Le Petit Lover - A Lovers RP (Part 3)
*Months pass by, Kita is nearing his birth date*
Illust: Look, Uncle Kal bought this for us this morning when I went out buying groceries with him. *shows him a baby shirt that has a sign called 'King for A Day' on it*
Kita: Who is that for? ^^ that's is cute
Illust: For my baby. Uncle Nakh says I'm having a boy Oh, and Uncle Kal bought you this too *shows a 'Queen for A Day' shirt*
Kita: Awww.. ^^ *takes it and looks at it*
Illust: They even helped me choose diapers and milk bottles for us
Kita: That's good...oof
Illust: You OK, Kita-chan?
Kita: *Takes a heavy breath* Yes, Im fine ^^
Illust: *gives him a 'No, you're not OK' look*
Kita: *sighs* Im due any day now, Illust.
Illust: Reli? Can I see you give birth or do I have to wait outside when it happens?
Kita: If you really want to
Illust: *nods head eagerly*
*Kita heads to get a glass...he starts to fill it up with water, and suddenly drops it, clutching his belly*
Illust: *hears the crash and quickly runs to him* Kita-chan?!
Kita: *water starts trickling from between his legs*
Illust: *never seen a water broke before* Are you peeing, Kita-chan? You have a stomach-ache? You wanna go toilet?
Kita: No...my water broke...the baby's coming
Illust: O_O I'll get Uncle Nakh *runs to the balcony to call Nakh* Uncle Nakh!!
Nakh: *pokes out* Yes?
Illust: Kita-chan's...He's having the baby!
Nakh: Alright, you take him where he can lie dwn. I'm coming *rushes in to get his tools*
Illust: Come, Kita-chan. Uncle Nakh is coming. * helps him up to the bedroom*
Kita: *starts doing his lamaze breathing*
Nakh: *goes ard the house taking his things*
Kita: *breathes harder* ooow
Kalana: *comes in with towels*
Nakh: You sure you don't wanna stay home to watch the kids, cherry?
Kalana: They're sleeping. And I am worried for a dear friend
Nakh: Alright. Come on, let's go
Illust: *copies Kita's breathing while holding his hand*
Kita: Ow...*still has his clothing on*
Kalana: *assists on getting his friend's pants and boxers off*
Nakh: *feels Kita up* it's not fully dilated yet. I think you'll have to wait a while. Just keep breathing
Kita: *keeps on breathing*
Kalana: You can do it
Nakh: Illust-chan, try to help Kita walk ard a bit. Maybe it'll help the baby go down easier
Kita: OK * helps Kita up* Come on, Kita-chan, I got you
Kita: *as he stands on his legs, he screams* AAAHHHH!!
Illust: *panics* Are you OK?
Nakh: Was that a contraction?
Kita: No...my leg
Nakh: Why? What's wrong?
Kita: it feels like something stabbing it
Nakh: Let me chk *chks his leg* Oh my, seems we've got a piece of glass wedged onto ur foot. Guess that rules out walking. Cherry, pass me the tweezers
Kalana: *gives him the tweezers*
Nakh: Now this gonna sting a little. Just hang on *uses the tweezers to pull off the glass on his foot*
Kita: AAAHHHH!!!
Illust: Shh, shh, I'm here, it's OK
Nakh: There. got them all out now. Cherry pass me the gauze, torniquet and the antiseptic
Kalana: *goes through Nakh's bag and hands him the three items he required*
Nakh: Thanks, luv *dabs antiseptic to the wound and puts gauze on it and wrap it up with the torniquet* There, all done
Kita: *breathes easier* Thanks
Nakh: Alright, since u can't walk ard, we might wanna make u kneel and continue the breathing. Ur... *feels Kita* still not fully dilated yet
Kita: How come?
Nakh: Well, this is your first birth. Your body is still adjust to it. Don't worry. It's very common. Once you kneel, it'll dilate easier
*Kita slowly kneels up, breathing harder*
Nakh: Can you feel something coming down?
Kita: A little. Ooow >.< style="font-style: italic;">*a few months passed*
Illust: *feels a craving and tries to reach for the cookie jar up on the fridge, standing on a stool, her belly looks almost like she swallowed a soccer ball*
Kita: *gets her the cookies* There ya go
Illust: Thanks *starts munching on the cookies* Where's Ada?
Kita: She's in her playpen
Illust: I feel fat... *pout*
Kita: Hehe, it's okay. You'll get use to it
Illust: I dun wanna look like a big, fat-butt lady after giving birth; you won't like me if i become ugly
Kita: Aw cmon...that's not true. look at me
Illust: True. Umm... I just went to have a checkup with Uncle Nakh and well...
Kita: What?
Illust: Promise me you won't freak out or faint
Kita: I won't ^^
Illust: Uncle Nakh just diagnosed that...well... we're having two baby boys
Kita: T-two?! YAHOO!!
Illust: Wha...What? That doesn't upset you? I mean, I'm having twins. Wouldn't that be a handful to you?
Kita: Not really. It's a trait from my clan
Illust: I'm...I'm scared...Kita-chan...
Kita: *hugs her close* S'ok
Illust: I'm afraid something might happen like you wen you had Ada
Kita: Well, that was because your dad wanted to talk
Illust: I know, but...what if it happens to me and...and I don't come bk...
Kita: Don't worry...I can tell you will do great
Illust: OK, I trust you. Oof!
Kita: What is it?
Illust: Taka just kicked me, or is it Daka? I dunno. Their kicks are almost the same. Sorry I named them without asking. They just...remind me of my stepbrothers Taka and Daka when I was with #10
Kita: Those are their names?
Illust: *nods*
Kita: *places a hand on her belly, and feels* one is here...*rubs the far left* And the other is here...*rubs the far right*
Illust: Mmh! He kicked again. I think it to the right
Kita: *felt it* Wow
Illust: Then that one's gotta be Daka. Daka was always the strongest of the brothers
Kita: ^^
Illust: Oh, i almost forgot. Look wat I got for Ada *takes out a big lion plushie out of her shopping bag*
Kita: Aw that's adorable!! She'll love it
Illust: Look, Uncle Kal bought this for us this morning when I went out buying groceries with him. *shows him a baby shirt that has a sign called 'King for A Day' on it*
Kita: Who is that for? ^^ that's is cute
Illust: For my baby. Uncle Nakh says I'm having a boy Oh, and Uncle Kal bought you this too *shows a 'Queen for A Day' shirt*
Kita: Awww.. ^^ *takes it and looks at it*
Illust: They even helped me choose diapers and milk bottles for us
Kita: That's good...oof
Illust: You OK, Kita-chan?
Kita: *Takes a heavy breath* Yes, Im fine ^^
Illust: *gives him a 'No, you're not OK' look*
Kita: *sighs* Im due any day now, Illust.
Illust: Reli? Can I see you give birth or do I have to wait outside when it happens?
Kita: If you really want to
Illust: *nods head eagerly*
*Kita heads to get a glass...he starts to fill it up with water, and suddenly drops it, clutching his belly*
Illust: *hears the crash and quickly runs to him* Kita-chan?!
Kita: *water starts trickling from between his legs*
Illust: *never seen a water broke before* Are you peeing, Kita-chan? You have a stomach-ache? You wanna go toilet?
Kita: No...my water broke...the baby's coming
Illust: O_O I'll get Uncle Nakh *runs to the balcony to call Nakh* Uncle Nakh!!
Nakh: *pokes out* Yes?
Illust: Kita-chan's...He's having the baby!
Nakh: Alright, you take him where he can lie dwn. I'm coming *rushes in to get his tools*
Illust: Come, Kita-chan. Uncle Nakh is coming. * helps him up to the bedroom*
Kita: *starts doing his lamaze breathing*
Nakh: *goes ard the house taking his things*
Kita: *breathes harder* ooow
Kalana: *comes in with towels*
Nakh: You sure you don't wanna stay home to watch the kids, cherry?
Kalana: They're sleeping. And I am worried for a dear friend
Nakh: Alright. Come on, let's go
Illust: *copies Kita's breathing while holding his hand*
Kita: Ow...*still has his clothing on*
Kalana: *assists on getting his friend's pants and boxers off*
Nakh: *feels Kita up* it's not fully dilated yet. I think you'll have to wait a while. Just keep breathing
Kita: *keeps on breathing*
Kalana: You can do it
Nakh: Illust-chan, try to help Kita walk ard a bit. Maybe it'll help the baby go down easier
Kita: OK * helps Kita up* Come on, Kita-chan, I got you
Kita: *as he stands on his legs, he screams* AAAHHHH!!
Illust: *panics* Are you OK?
Nakh: Was that a contraction?
Kita: No...my leg
Nakh: Why? What's wrong?
Kita: it feels like something stabbing it
Nakh: Let me chk *chks his leg* Oh my, seems we've got a piece of glass wedged onto ur foot. Guess that rules out walking. Cherry, pass me the tweezers
Kalana: *gives him the tweezers*
Nakh: Now this gonna sting a little. Just hang on *uses the tweezers to pull off the glass on his foot*
Kita: AAAHHHH!!!
Illust: Shh, shh, I'm here, it's OK
Nakh: There. got them all out now. Cherry pass me the gauze, torniquet and the antiseptic
Kalana: *goes through Nakh's bag and hands him the three items he required*
Nakh: Thanks, luv *dabs antiseptic to the wound and puts gauze on it and wrap it up with the torniquet* There, all done
Kita: *breathes easier* Thanks
Nakh: Alright, since u can't walk ard, we might wanna make u kneel and continue the breathing. Ur... *feels Kita* still not fully dilated yet
Kita: How come?
Nakh: Well, this is your first birth. Your body is still adjust to it. Don't worry. It's very common. Once you kneel, it'll dilate easier
*Kita slowly kneels up, breathing harder*
Nakh: Can you feel something coming down?
Kita: A little. Ooow >.< style="font-style: italic;">*a few months passed*
Illust: *feels a craving and tries to reach for the cookie jar up on the fridge, standing on a stool, her belly looks almost like she swallowed a soccer ball*
Kita: *gets her the cookies* There ya go
Illust: Thanks *starts munching on the cookies* Where's Ada?
Kita: She's in her playpen
Illust: I feel fat... *pout*
Kita: Hehe, it's okay. You'll get use to it
Illust: I dun wanna look like a big, fat-butt lady after giving birth; you won't like me if i become ugly
Kita: Aw cmon...that's not true. look at me
Illust: True. Umm... I just went to have a checkup with Uncle Nakh and well...
Kita: What?
Illust: Promise me you won't freak out or faint
Kita: I won't ^^
Illust: Uncle Nakh just diagnosed that...well... we're having two baby boys
Kita: T-two?! YAHOO!!
Illust: Wha...What? That doesn't upset you? I mean, I'm having twins. Wouldn't that be a handful to you?
Kita: Not really. It's a trait from my clan
Illust: I'm...I'm scared...Kita-chan...
Kita: *hugs her close* S'ok
Illust: I'm afraid something might happen like you wen you had Ada
Kita: Well, that was because your dad wanted to talk
Illust: I know, but...what if it happens to me and...and I don't come bk...
Kita: Don't worry...I can tell you will do great
Illust: OK, I trust you. Oof!
Kita: What is it?
Illust: Taka just kicked me, or is it Daka? I dunno. Their kicks are almost the same. Sorry I named them without asking. They just...remind me of my stepbrothers Taka and Daka when I was with #10
Kita: Those are their names?
Illust: *nods*
Kita: *places a hand on her belly, and feels* one is here...*rubs the far left* And the other is here...*rubs the far right*
Illust: Mmh! He kicked again. I think it to the right
Kita: *felt it* Wow
Illust: Then that one's gotta be Daka. Daka was always the strongest of the brothers
Kita: ^^
Illust: Oh, i almost forgot. Look wat I got for Ada *takes out a big lion plushie out of her shopping bag*
Kita: Aw that's adorable!! She'll love it
Monday, October 26, 2009
Le Petit Lover - A Lovers RP (Part 2)
*Kita is in bed, looking at his grown stepdaughter* Hey hon
Illust: Hi, Kita-chan
Kita: *sighs heavily, already asked her if she was willing to have sex with him* Are you ready?\
Illust: *nods* I guess...
Kita: *takes the blankets off, revealing his full figure to Illust-chan
Illust: *blushes*
Kita: *Takes off Illust-chan's lower clothing and licks her a bit*
Illust: Aah... *shivers at Kita's tongue touching him*
Kita: *licks two fingers and slides 'em between her opening*
Illust: *winces a little at the touch, bt tries to relax*
Kita: *lays her on her side and raises on of her legs, he goes behind and slowly slides his cock into her*
Illust: *lets out a cry when she feels Kita entering him* Kita-chan...
Kita: *winces* A-are you okay?
Illust: You...won't hurt me too bad, right...?
Kita: I won't...*goes in and out slowly8
Illust: Then...I'm ok *starts moaning as she feels Kita moving in and out of her*
Kita: *Starts thrusting slowly, due to his small, bulging middle* OOoh man, you're so tight
Illust: Do you...want me to ride you? I can do it? Dada #13 showed me how...
Kita: If you want to..*pulls out and lays on his back*
Illust: *climbs up him and aligned his cock with her opening, then slowly pushes dwn*
Kita: *moans loudly* oooh fuck
Illust: *starts moving up and down, going deeper each time*
Kita: OOoh Illust *grabs her hips and moves with her*
Illust: Kita-chan *moves a little faster, aiming for her G-spot*
Kita: *winces and moans lightly, feeling her canal closing around his dicl*
Illust: *breathing getting erratic as she keeps bouncing on him* Is it good for you, Kita-chan?
Kita: OOh yes...how about you? *goes with the rhythm she and him are building*
Illust: Yes, feels so good... *goes faster*
Kita: I'm...I'm getting close!
Illust: You...You want me to pull out... *going to cum as well*
Kita: No....*howls loudly as he cums his first load into Illust-chan's womb*
Illust: *screams in ecstasy as she came as well*
Kita: AAAH!! *keeps cumming
Illust: *feels her womb being filled up with Kita's seed*
*After 5 minutes of non-stop cumming...Kita is exhausted
Illust: *ended up with a small bulge in her middle, falls off Kita and lay by his side* You cum so much, Kita-chan
Kita: I know....I use to pleasure myself when I Was younger
Illust: You made me so full *feels the excess leaking out of her pussy*
Kita: I know...*kisses her*
*A couple months later*
Illust: *was just getting the laundry done when she feels a cramp in her middle* Oow... *drops the laundry*
Kita: *Kita has gotten bigger, his belly reaching it's 4th month* What is it? *Goes to her*
Illust: I...I think I got a tummyache...
Kita: YOu didn't even have dinner yet...*calls Nakh*
Nakh: *leaps onto the balcony frm his side* You rang?
Kita: Illust has a problem
Nakh: *walks to her to examine her, then grins knowingly at Kita* Well, well, Kita, you dawg~! You've been busy, haven't you?
Kita: Well, we both had sex a few months ago
Nakh: Well, I guess it's true that pregnant ppl have strong libido coz you just knocked your darling stepdaughter up
Kita: I-I what?!
Nakh: Read my lips *exaggerate his lip movements* You. Knocked. Illust-chan. Up
Kita: I know that...Im just...in shock
Nakh: You should be. She's almost two and half months pregnant now. I'm surprised you didn't smell it out
Kita: I can't smell pregnancies.
Illust: I thought I'm supposed to puke and get all sick when I'm pregnant
Nakh: True. But for succubus, when they get pregnant, they usually get stomach cramps. Different species, diffrent way of getting knocked up
Kita: You're different, probably
Illust: Oh, OK...
Kita: Wolves don't get sick...we just get hungrier.
Nakh: Getting sick and puking is more of a human trait. You're more succubus dominant, thus the stomach cramps
Kita: Oof
Nakh: Baby playing soccer again?
Kita: It just did and still is...*pulls his shirt up
Illust: *looks at Kita's bulge, wondering whether that would happen to her soon*
Kita: *rubs his belly* Hehe
Illust: Is...my baby going to be a boy or a girl?
Nakh: It's too early to tell. Maybe when you're a bit more like Kita's size
Illust: That's what I wanna ask. Can you check
Nakh: Yeah sure, why not. Hang on *goes bk to his apartment to get his stuff then comes bk* Let's see...
Kita: *takes his top off*
Nakh: *chks with his gadget. Takes a tube out that is connected to something that looks like a portable TV and pressed it against Kita's belly. an ultrasound came out on screen that looks red in colour*
Kita: Whoa
Nakh: See the colour? It means that you have a baby girl. If it came out blue, it means you're having a boy
Kita: A girl? Awww
Illust: *kept quiet for a while, then said* I'm scared
Kita: Of what?
Illust: Of being a mommy. I'm scared I'm not a good mommy
Kita: Hey, I can help ^^
Illust: My...mommy died having me. I'm scared that I'll...
Kita: Hey...You won't. I won't let it happen
Nakh: I'm here too. I'm a doctor, and I'll look after your health as well. You have my word
Illust: Thanks, Nakh-san
Kita: ^^ *huggles* You'll do great, Illust
*months later*
*Illust-chan waddles ard with a 5 mth belly*
Illust: I feel fat, Kita-chan
Kita: You're not the only one. *rubs his 7 month belly*
Illust: Will I be this fat after the baby give birth?
Kita: Nope. It'll be all gone
Kita: W...Will it hurt? Giving birth?
Kita: It will...but I take a potion that numbs the pain
Illust: Reli? That's good. Kita-chan, can i tell u a secret?
Kita: Yes, go ahead, Illust-chan
Illust: Now that I remember it...I think I was pregnant before...
Kita: What?
Illust: I dunno... I remember being sick for a while...then Dada #13 started beating me up for no reason...and then I was bleeding down there reli badly and he seemed...happy Does that mean something? *she doesn't understand the concept of miscarriage*
Kita: He...was trying to hurt the baby
Illust: but...i never had the baby. nothing came out. maybe i was just imagining. maybe it wasn't pregnancy after all, just the ordinary period problem *chuckles*
Kita: *starts crying, remembering what #13 was like when he fought him*
Illust: Kita-chan? What's wrong? You OK?
Kita: No...nothing, Im fine.
Illust: Kita-chan. U can tell me anything
Kita: The baby...he was killing it
Illust: *shocked* What?
Kita: that is why he was hurting you. He was killing the baby inside you
Illust: *breaks into tears* What...?
Kita: *doesn't want to go into more detail...turning away from here, sniffling*
Illust: *begins to remember a bit more details of that memory and breaks into tears, crying and running out of the house*
Kita: Illust-chan! *heads after her
Illust: *runs into the jungle at the back of the apartment they were staying, going deeper n deeper into the darkness*
Kita: Illust-chan!!
Illust: *starts going hysterical* Someone! Someone kill me please! *screams and cries*
Kita: *manages to grab her* Calm down!! Nakh!
Illust: *screams n cries, struggling*
Nakh: *hears him n rushes to him* What's wrong, Kita?
Kita: It's Illust-chan. She won't calm down!
Illust: Kill me~!! Someone kill me~!!! I wanna be with my baby~!!!
Nakh: *runs to her and whispers a Sleeping Draught into her ear to calm her dwn*
Kita: Whew...*picks her up* Thanks *Sighs heavily* It's my fault
Nakh: Why? What's wrong with her? *carries Illust ovr his shoulder* Why did she act like that? She's lucky those wild animals didn't hear her and come gobbling her up
Kita: I told her what happened when she was pregnant with 13's baby
Nakh: She was pregnant before? How come she never told anyone?
Kita: She blocked it out
Nakh: Oh boy *reaches Kita's home and puts her in bed* Now you look after her well and wen she wakes up, give her a glass of warm milk. That should help her ease up after the sleeping spell wears off
Kita: I wish I didn't say what I said earlier
Nakh: I agree, but sometimes, she has to know to face her fears and her ghosts of the past. Keeping it locked like that in her mind is not good for her subconscious mind or her mental health, not to mention the baby
Kita: Yea I know...*kisses her forehead*
Nakh: Alright. I'll leave you two alone. I got twins to take care of *jumps across to his side of the apartment*
Kita: *gets the milk ready for her
Illust: *slowly stirs and stretches, rubbing the sleep off her eyes*
Kita: Hey
Illust: *sees Kita for a second, then turns ard, not wanting to face him*
Kita: Hey, it's okay
Illust: I couldn't save my baby. I couldn't even keep it alive. It barely had a chance... I killed my baby...
Kita: No you didn't...13 killed your baby...not you...*hugs her close* We'll do it right
Illust: *cries in Kita's arms*
Kita: Shh...Im here, Illust-chan
Illust: Will I reli be a good mother, Kita-chan?
Kita: You will
Illust: Are you sure I won't end up... *wanted to say 'killing the baby' but it was stuck on her throat*
Kita: No you won't..*he knew what she was gonna say*
Illust: I wanna give you a baby boy. I wanna let you have an heir
Kita: It doesn't matter what you give me...as long as it is healthy ^^
Illust: *sees the milk, was a little hungry* Can I have peanut butter and jelly sandwich too?
Kita: Sure. *already has it on a plate and hands it to her*
Illust: *munches the sandwich quickly* You make the best sandwiches ever*
Illust: Hi, Kita-chan
Kita: *sighs heavily, already asked her if she was willing to have sex with him* Are you ready?\
Illust: *nods* I guess...
Kita: *takes the blankets off, revealing his full figure to Illust-chan
Illust: *blushes*
Kita: *Takes off Illust-chan's lower clothing and licks her a bit*
Illust: Aah... *shivers at Kita's tongue touching him*
Kita: *licks two fingers and slides 'em between her opening*
Illust: *winces a little at the touch, bt tries to relax*
Kita: *lays her on her side and raises on of her legs, he goes behind and slowly slides his cock into her*
Illust: *lets out a cry when she feels Kita entering him* Kita-chan...
Kita: *winces* A-are you okay?
Illust: You...won't hurt me too bad, right...?
Kita: I won't...*goes in and out slowly8
Illust: Then...I'm ok *starts moaning as she feels Kita moving in and out of her*
Kita: *Starts thrusting slowly, due to his small, bulging middle* OOoh man, you're so tight
Illust: Do you...want me to ride you? I can do it? Dada #13 showed me how...
Kita: If you want to..*pulls out and lays on his back*
Illust: *climbs up him and aligned his cock with her opening, then slowly pushes dwn*
Kita: *moans loudly* oooh fuck
Illust: *starts moving up and down, going deeper each time*
Kita: OOoh Illust *grabs her hips and moves with her*
Illust: Kita-chan *moves a little faster, aiming for her G-spot*
Kita: *winces and moans lightly, feeling her canal closing around his dicl*
Illust: *breathing getting erratic as she keeps bouncing on him* Is it good for you, Kita-chan?
Kita: OOh yes...how about you? *goes with the rhythm she and him are building*
Illust: Yes, feels so good... *goes faster*
Kita: I'm...I'm getting close!
Illust: You...You want me to pull out... *going to cum as well*
Kita: No....*howls loudly as he cums his first load into Illust-chan's womb*
Illust: *screams in ecstasy as she came as well*
Kita: AAAH!! *keeps cumming
Illust: *feels her womb being filled up with Kita's seed*
*After 5 minutes of non-stop cumming...Kita is exhausted
Illust: *ended up with a small bulge in her middle, falls off Kita and lay by his side* You cum so much, Kita-chan
Kita: I know....I use to pleasure myself when I Was younger
Illust: You made me so full *feels the excess leaking out of her pussy*
Kita: I know...*kisses her*
*A couple months later*
Illust: *was just getting the laundry done when she feels a cramp in her middle* Oow... *drops the laundry*
Kita: *Kita has gotten bigger, his belly reaching it's 4th month* What is it? *Goes to her*
Illust: I...I think I got a tummyache...
Kita: YOu didn't even have dinner yet...*calls Nakh*
Nakh: *leaps onto the balcony frm his side* You rang?
Kita: Illust has a problem
Nakh: *walks to her to examine her, then grins knowingly at Kita* Well, well, Kita, you dawg~! You've been busy, haven't you?
Kita: Well, we both had sex a few months ago
Nakh: Well, I guess it's true that pregnant ppl have strong libido coz you just knocked your darling stepdaughter up
Kita: I-I what?!
Nakh: Read my lips *exaggerate his lip movements* You. Knocked. Illust-chan. Up
Kita: I know that...Im just...in shock
Nakh: You should be. She's almost two and half months pregnant now. I'm surprised you didn't smell it out
Kita: I can't smell pregnancies.
Illust: I thought I'm supposed to puke and get all sick when I'm pregnant
Nakh: True. But for succubus, when they get pregnant, they usually get stomach cramps. Different species, diffrent way of getting knocked up
Kita: You're different, probably
Illust: Oh, OK...
Kita: Wolves don't get sick...we just get hungrier.
Nakh: Getting sick and puking is more of a human trait. You're more succubus dominant, thus the stomach cramps
Kita: Oof
Nakh: Baby playing soccer again?
Kita: It just did and still is...*pulls his shirt up
Illust: *looks at Kita's bulge, wondering whether that would happen to her soon*
Kita: *rubs his belly* Hehe
Illust: Is...my baby going to be a boy or a girl?
Nakh: It's too early to tell. Maybe when you're a bit more like Kita's size
Illust: That's what I wanna ask. Can you check
Nakh: Yeah sure, why not. Hang on *goes bk to his apartment to get his stuff then comes bk* Let's see...
Kita: *takes his top off*
Nakh: *chks with his gadget. Takes a tube out that is connected to something that looks like a portable TV and pressed it against Kita's belly. an ultrasound came out on screen that looks red in colour*
Kita: Whoa
Nakh: See the colour? It means that you have a baby girl. If it came out blue, it means you're having a boy
Kita: A girl? Awww
Illust: *kept quiet for a while, then said* I'm scared
Kita: Of what?
Illust: Of being a mommy. I'm scared I'm not a good mommy
Kita: Hey, I can help ^^
Illust: My...mommy died having me. I'm scared that I'll...
Kita: Hey...You won't. I won't let it happen
Nakh: I'm here too. I'm a doctor, and I'll look after your health as well. You have my word
Illust: Thanks, Nakh-san
Kita: ^^ *huggles* You'll do great, Illust
*months later*
*Illust-chan waddles ard with a 5 mth belly*
Illust: I feel fat, Kita-chan
Kita: You're not the only one. *rubs his 7 month belly*
Illust: Will I be this fat after the baby give birth?
Kita: Nope. It'll be all gone
Kita: W...Will it hurt? Giving birth?
Kita: It will...but I take a potion that numbs the pain
Illust: Reli? That's good. Kita-chan, can i tell u a secret?
Kita: Yes, go ahead, Illust-chan
Illust: Now that I remember it...I think I was pregnant before...
Kita: What?
Illust: I dunno... I remember being sick for a while...then Dada #13 started beating me up for no reason...and then I was bleeding down there reli badly and he seemed...happy Does that mean something? *she doesn't understand the concept of miscarriage*
Kita: He...was trying to hurt the baby
Illust: but...i never had the baby. nothing came out. maybe i was just imagining. maybe it wasn't pregnancy after all, just the ordinary period problem *chuckles*
Kita: *starts crying, remembering what #13 was like when he fought him*
Illust: Kita-chan? What's wrong? You OK?
Kita: No...nothing, Im fine.
Illust: Kita-chan. U can tell me anything
Kita: The baby...he was killing it
Illust: *shocked* What?
Kita: that is why he was hurting you. He was killing the baby inside you
Illust: *breaks into tears* What...?
Kita: *doesn't want to go into more detail...turning away from here, sniffling*
Illust: *begins to remember a bit more details of that memory and breaks into tears, crying and running out of the house*
Kita: Illust-chan! *heads after her
Illust: *runs into the jungle at the back of the apartment they were staying, going deeper n deeper into the darkness*
Kita: Illust-chan!!
Illust: *starts going hysterical* Someone! Someone kill me please! *screams and cries*
Kita: *manages to grab her* Calm down!! Nakh!
Illust: *screams n cries, struggling*
Nakh: *hears him n rushes to him* What's wrong, Kita?
Kita: It's Illust-chan. She won't calm down!
Illust: Kill me~!! Someone kill me~!!! I wanna be with my baby~!!!
Nakh: *runs to her and whispers a Sleeping Draught into her ear to calm her dwn*
Kita: Whew...*picks her up* Thanks *Sighs heavily* It's my fault
Nakh: Why? What's wrong with her? *carries Illust ovr his shoulder* Why did she act like that? She's lucky those wild animals didn't hear her and come gobbling her up
Kita: I told her what happened when she was pregnant with 13's baby
Nakh: She was pregnant before? How come she never told anyone?
Kita: She blocked it out
Nakh: Oh boy *reaches Kita's home and puts her in bed* Now you look after her well and wen she wakes up, give her a glass of warm milk. That should help her ease up after the sleeping spell wears off
Kita: I wish I didn't say what I said earlier
Nakh: I agree, but sometimes, she has to know to face her fears and her ghosts of the past. Keeping it locked like that in her mind is not good for her subconscious mind or her mental health, not to mention the baby
Kita: Yea I know...*kisses her forehead*
Nakh: Alright. I'll leave you two alone. I got twins to take care of *jumps across to his side of the apartment*
Kita: *gets the milk ready for her
Illust: *slowly stirs and stretches, rubbing the sleep off her eyes*
Kita: Hey
Illust: *sees Kita for a second, then turns ard, not wanting to face him*
Kita: Hey, it's okay
Illust: I couldn't save my baby. I couldn't even keep it alive. It barely had a chance... I killed my baby...
Kita: No you didn't...13 killed your baby...not you...*hugs her close* We'll do it right
Illust: *cries in Kita's arms*
Kita: Shh...Im here, Illust-chan
Illust: Will I reli be a good mother, Kita-chan?
Kita: You will
Illust: Are you sure I won't end up... *wanted to say 'killing the baby' but it was stuck on her throat*
Kita: No you won't..*he knew what she was gonna say*
Illust: I wanna give you a baby boy. I wanna let you have an heir
Kita: It doesn't matter what you give me...as long as it is healthy ^^
Illust: *sees the milk, was a little hungry* Can I have peanut butter and jelly sandwich too?
Kita: Sure. *already has it on a plate and hands it to her*
Illust: *munches the sandwich quickly* You make the best sandwiches ever*
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12:33 AM
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Le Petit Lover - A Lovers RP (Part 1)

Nakh: Yeah, I knw, bt after chking him, turns out that a union between elf and human kinda speeds up the pregnancy a little, n since Kal's a herm, it's a little more faster than usual. So I predict it might be tonight
Kitakaze: Just bring him down. Feel anything, Illust?
Illust: *smiles* I feel it kick! *giggle* It's so cute!
Kitakaze: ^^ Hehe *his tail wags*'
*later that night, Nakh comes with a close to due Kal*
Nakh: Sorry to bother u
Kal: ^^ It's okay
Nakh: How's the baby doing? How far are the contractions now?
Kal: *breathes* about 6 minutes apart
Nakh: Kita said that he and Illust-chan can help with the birth, so they thought it'll be alright to do it at their plc. issit alright with u?
Kal: Yes please...*breathes*
Nakh: *picks Kal up n goes to Kita's house, knocks on the door*
Illust: I'll get it *opens the door* Hey, Nakh. Hey, Kal
Kitakaze: :) Hey guys
Kal: HEy
Nakh: Hey guys. Mind if i borrow the guest room?
Illust: *shakes her head*
Kitakaze: Go ahead :) We got the stuff ready
Nakh: Thanks *brings Kal to the guest room*
Illust: *watch in interest at Kal's big belly*
Kal: Oooof >.< *rubs his belly* Illust: Does it hurt? Kal: A little Illust: *strokes Kal's belly, wondering what's going on inside there* Nakh: I'm a little worried. He expecting twins after all. I'm scared somethign may go bad Kal: *A thump is felt* Nakh: What if something goes wrong. It'll be my fault. I'm scared, Kita... Kitakaze: It's okay. *checks on Kal* Illust: Is he gonna give birth soon, Kita-chan? Kitakaze: Pretty soon :) Nakh: *looks like he's gonna bite his nails off* Kal: *breathes heavily* Illust: *massages Kal's belly* Nakh: *quickly goes to Kal's side n hold his hand* I'm here, baby, I'm here for you Kal: Oooh yes.. Thanks, Illust-chan Kitakaze (aka Kita): hehe :) Kal: Thanks, hon Illust: :) Kal: OOf Illust: *jerked back, a little shocked n scared that she did something wrong* Kal: OOoh, it kicked Nakh: It looks like the contractions are getting closer to each other. He should be birthing anytime soon. How far is he dilated? Kita: *checks* About 7 cm Nakh: I...I want to do the delivery. I want to catch the babies with my own hands. Is...Is it alright with u, Kal, my cherry? Kal: Sure, my love ^^ Nakh: *switch plc with Kita, feels Kal again* OK, cherry, ur fully dilated now. U have to start pushing Kita: Cmon Kal Kal: *grunts as he pushes* Illust: *holds onto Kalana's hand, giving support as she watches a birth for the first time* Nakh: You can do it, Cherry Kal: AAAAH!!! * Kita: Cmon! Nakh: Almost there, almost there Illust: You can do it, Kal Kal: *screams as he gives another push* Nakh: It's coming, it's coming. One more push, Cherry Kal: *pushes heavily* Nakh: *catches the baby* I got it! It's a boy Illust: *widened her eyes in awe at the crying baby* Kita: *sees the baby boy* :) Nakh: *cuts the cord, wraps the baby up n passes the baby to Kal* Isn't he beautiful? Illust: Wow, he's so cute~ Kita: hehe Wow, he sure is Nakh: It's time to push the other one out, Cherry. Illust-chan, help him hold the baby Illust: *a little wary, but reach over to take the baby off Kal's hands* Kal: *takes deep breaths* Nakh: Push whenever u feel a contraction, love Kal: *Does so* Illust: *holding the baby while watching the birth* Nakh: You can do it, Cherry Kal: GGRRRR!!! Illust: *shrinks back a little in fear, feeling a little bit of sympathy pains* Kita: Cmon Kal! Nakh: Push, Cherry. Push, push harder Kal: *does as he is told* Nakh: Almost there, love, almost there. Just a bit more Illust: You can do it, Kal! Kal: GAAAH!! *Gives one more push* Nakh: *catches the baby* It's a girl! Kita: :) All right! Illust: Yayy! :D Kal: *Holds the babies* Illust: Congrats, Kal, Nakh :) Kal: Thanks :) Illust: What are you gonna name them? Nakh: You decide, Cherry Kal: Good question Nakh: You carried them to term n gave birth to them, you can decide Kal: I'll think on it Nakh: Kita and I will clean the babies, you rest up, Cherry *kisses Kal on the forehead* I love you so much, Cherry Kita: *waddles out with Nakh* Illust: *pulls up the blanket over Kal n stay by his side while he slept* *thinks to herself* Someday I will have Kita-chan's baby. I will Kita: ^^ Nakh: *cleaning the baby boy* What's that grin, Kita? Kita: I haven't told Illust-chan the news yet Nakh: What news? Kita: The baby Im having...is hers Nakh: Eh? But how did you manage? Last time I chked, Illust-chan doesn't have the cock Kita: It's a succubus thing. All I had to do was kiss her Nakh: Damn, Kita. How're you ever gonna kiss her normally if it gets you knocked up all the time then? Kita: Well, it'll work only if I'm in heat Nakh: Ah, now that's different then. I see it'll be due soon. 3 more mths? Kita: 4 Nakh: I can't tell without certain equipment, bt any idea how many are in there? Kita: It's only one Nakh: I can tell frm the smell *sniffs again* it's gonna bound to have wings just like hers Kita: Half wolf, 1/4 succbus, 1/4 human, eh? Nakh: Something like that *finish cleaning the twins n wrap them up in blankets* There, all done. You don't mind we bunk at ur guest room for the night? We'll get out of ur way as soon as it's morning Kita: Sure thing, bud :) Illust: *watches Kal sleep. Notices that he seemed to have some sort of glow on him, making him looking very beautiful* *thinks* Is this how ppl look like after giving birth? Hmm... *a week later on...*
Kita: Ooof...*cooks dinner*
Illust: *smells dinner n goes to kitchen* Need help, Kita-chan?
Kita: Oh yes please...:)
Illust: *starts helping ard the kitchen, cooking whatever Kita's cooking*
Kita: *moans a bit, feeling the baby grow a bit*
Illust: You OK, Kita-chan? *goes to him to feel his belly*
Kita: Im fine.
Illust: I think you should sit down. Let me finish the cooking
Kita: Okay...thanks Illust-chan. *sits down*
Illust: *finishes up whatever's left n set the table* Kita-chan...
Kita: Yes?
Illust: Can I...Can I have your baby next time?
Kita: Sure :)
Illust: We nvr had...sex before, have we?
Kita: We...almost did
Illust: I'm sorry I'm always holding out on you
Kita: It's okay
Illust: Why are u so nice to me? After what I've become... What I've been used for... *pops a dumpling in her mouth*
Kita: Because...you remind me of myself almost...and I love you
Illust: I'm just a little kid. Who could love a dirty little kid?
Kita: i would. and it wasn't your fault'
Illust: *blushes btwn her tears*
Kita: *kisses her*
Illuts: *kisses back shyly* *her hand was on his round belly, n feels a kick* :)
Kita: Oof, did you feel that/
Illust: *nods gleefully*
Kita: *pulls up his shirt*
Illust: *leans over to listen to the baby*
Kita: *A few thumps are seen*
Illust: :D
Kita: whoia
Illust: It's a boy. I'm sure it's a boy
Kita: Me too
Illust: I wanna name it Luka
Kita: Luka?
Illust: That's my Dada no #1 name :D
Kita: :) Was he nice?
Illust: Dun remember him much. He's alright. He feeds me and looks after me for a while. Then he told me he can't take care of me anymore n gave me to #2
Kita: #2?
Illust: Dada no #2. Dunno, I still like Dada #1 best, coz he's my real Dada :)
Kita: he..he was?
Illust: *nods with a cheerful smile*
Kita: You have a picture?
Illust: That's why I want our baby to be name Luka, dun care if its a boy or girl. Umm.... *thinks reli hard, then looks into her duffel bag* Here. Dada #1 said my Mommy took it with him before he left her n got her pregnant with me
Kita: *Looks at the picture*
Illust: Mommy n Dada #1 are pretty together, aren't they?
Kita: Very :) ooof
Illust: Luka kicked again?
Kita: Big time *the thump is seen...big time*
Illust: *pats the tummy* Now, Luka, you be a good baby and don't hurt ur Dada, OK? Or else Dada won't feed you my special dumplings
Kita: *Eats a dumpling*
Illust: Is it nice? My cooking OK?
Kita: IT's amazing!!
Illust: :D THanks
Kita: hehe 'BURRP! Excuse me *covers mouth*
Illust: LOL
Kita: Sorry
Illust: It's OK *kisses Kita's cheek*
Kita: *blushes bright red*
Illust: :D
Kita: *with each bun, he feels his belly get bigger*
Illust: *pout* Don't eat too much. You'll get fat
Kita: BURRRP!! S'ok
Illust: *hugs Kita* I love you, Kita-chan
Kita: I love you too *hugs her*
Kita: *Kita is now 8 months pregnant*
Illust: *knitting a couple of baby clothes for the upcoming Luka*
Kita: *Due to being a wolf, Kita's belly is huge like a beachball*
Illust: Wat u think of this, Kita-chan *holds up a completed baby coat she finished knitting*
Kita: *looks up* Whoa :)
Illust: I'm sure Luka would like this *brandish the coat at Kita's belly* Won't you, baby Luka?
Kita: *the baby kicks*
Nakh: Yo, guys! *at the verandah again*
Kita: Oh hey Nakh! :)
Nakh: How's the baby doing, Kita?
Kita: *shows off his belly*
Nakh: *checks him* Hmm, doing absolutely fine I see. Well, frm what I can tell, the baby is definitely a boy Nakh: And frm wat my equipment tells me, looks like your pup is gonna be a winged wolf
Kita: can we double check?
Nakh: Sure *takes out something that looks like a small rod n touches one tip on the stomach for abt 3 min. he then took the rod n fit it into a slot of a machine that looks like a portable tv n shows the ultrasound pic of the baby*
Kita: O_O wowsers
Nakh: See? *points at each feature* Wings, tail, a bit of the tip of a sharp ear, his little 'cuckoo' right there. It's a male winged wolf alright
Kita: alright! *looks at his belly, movement being felt throughout his belly
Illust: *looks at the ultrasound* Is that Luka?
Nakh: Oh? You have a name for it already? Yeah, this is Luka, and it's a boy
Illust: :D
Kita: ooof
Illust: Nakh: Fiesty little thing, isn't he?
Kita: I know,
Nakh: Takes after the Daddy I suppose. You are a fiesty one yourself
Kita: Nakh!! :">
Nakh: It's true. How many ppl have u brought home before u met Illust-chan? And how many nights you kept US awake with that crazy libido of yours? :-w
Kita: Um...uh....*is blushing redder than blood*
Illust: *giggles*
Nakh: LOL
Kita: Im not that horny
Nakh: Uh-huh /:) not right now in this condition, ur not
Kita: *Growls at him*
Nakh: Alright, I won't tease u anymore. Anyways, Kal asked me to give u this. It's for the baby *brandishes a seashell attached to a chain* It's for good luck
Kita: Thanks Nakh. How's Kalana
Nakh: He's fine. The twins kept us awake most of the time, bt that's parenthood. We enjoyed every minute of it
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12:32 AM
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Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cute RP
This is an RP we did based on my OC Illust-chan I created originally for the Fooverse in dA and his OC Kita, which is the same name he uses for his own pen-name.
Heh. Interesting.
Heh. Interesting.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Life & Death - A Shinigami RP (Part 2)
*2 months later....*
Yami: how are ya feeling Akari?
Akari: Like I'm going to pop
Yami: sure do look like it
Akari: *is nearing his due-date*
Yami: I'm so glad Karou saved the life of our baby
Akari: Yea... *winces*
Yami: take it easy sweetheart *kisses him*
Hajime: *out of nowhere, sitting at the window* I think Kaoru-sama should've stuck to the rules *pout*
Akari: I wish Kaoru was here...*winces again*
Yami: we may see her again you need your rest
Akari: *sees Hajime* O_O EEP!
Yami: *notices him too* woah! god how do they do that
Akari: I dunno...can a guy give birth in peace?
Hajime: I wish I could. But I'm staying here to keep Kaoru-sama out. She's been leaving the castle too often. Yami-sama is getting a little pissed
Akari: Well let her in...now...*his eyes flash blue*
Hajime: I don't take orders from mortals *pout*
Akari: *throws a kunai knife at Hajime, making it go by his face* That's "demon" to you
Hajime: *dodges it with a jerk of the head* You can still die. You're still mortal...Itai, itai, itai~!!!
Kaoru: *appears out of nowhere pulling at Hajime's ear*
Akari: Kaoru! *feels his water break*
Hajime: Ka-Ka-Kaoru-sama~! How did you...
Kaoru: Go home *picks Hajime by the collar n throws him into the portal*
Yami: get him Kaoru, let her in please she spared this life *turns to Akari* relax and breathe
Hajime: NUUUUUUUUUUUUU~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!! KAORU-SAMA.... *disappears into the portal*
Akari: *starts to breathe in and out*
Kaoru: *sits beside Akari with her knees close to her chest n watched in interest*
Akari: oooh, I feel it coming!
Kaoru: *eyes widened, but doesn't move frm her spot*
Yami: that's it Akari I'm here for it when ya feel some sharp pains I want you to push*
Akari: *breathes sharply and looks at Kaoru, seeing her reaction* What?
Kaoru: *shakes her head n continues to watch wide-eyed*
Akari: S'ok...what's wrong?
Yami: she's never seen a birth before
Kaoru: I saw a bird lay eggs before *looks away a little* And a cat give birth
Yami: well this a little different you can do it Akari ^_^
Akari: And you never seen a male give birth?
Kaoru: I... *blushes* ...never seen a mortal give birth...
Akari: WEll...*pushes*....males aren't dominantly the ones who have babies
Yami: *is by his side holding his hand*
Kaoru: *just sits in her position (legs against her chest) n watches*
Akari: AAAH!!!! *tears stream down his face*
Kaoru: *flinches*
Yami: *winces having symphathy pains for him* relax and take a breather
Akari: *does so* It hurts so much
Kaoru: *reaches out to stroke the big belly, looking fascinated*
Yami: I know it hurts hon but it will be over soon *looks over at Kaoru and smiles*
Akari: *moans as he feels the head of the baby descend down his canal
Kaoru: *draws circles near the belly button unconsciously, not exactly sure what she's doing*
Akari: *starts to feel the pain less and continus pushing*
Yami: that's it hon your are doing fine *changes the rag on his forehead*
Akari: *gives one final push*
Midwife: *catches the baby* I got her!
Kaoru: *sees the midwife cutting the cord n thumping the baby's back to breathe*
Yami: *sighs a relief hoping the baby is gonna be just fine*
Midwife: *smiles as soon as the baby wails* She's just fine now, Akari-sama, Yami-sama. Ten fingers, ten toes, powerful lungs *passes the baby to Akari*
Akari: *takes the baby girl from the midwife* Look at her. hon
Yami: *scoots closer to Akari and looks at her newborn daughter* she's gorgeous
Akari: Yes she is. Come look, Kaoru
Kaoru: *tears fall unconsciously and uncontrollably out of her eyes without her realizing it*
Yami: *looks up at Kaoru* emotional isn't *then kisses Akari and the baby*
Akari: ^^
Kaoru: What...? *feels the tears only when some of them drip onto her hands* Wh...What's this...?
Yami: you are crying, you've never cried before?
Akari: Crying is a reaction to sadness or happiness
Kaoru: *touches the tears and feels them. looks at the baby girl and felt something clenched in her heart. gets up and rushes away*
Yami: Kaoru! *watches her rush away*
Akari: Kaoru!
Kaoru: *sits on top of a random tree, holding her mouth, trying to suppress the sobs coming out* *thinks* What's wrong? What's happening to me? What is this feeling...? This feeling of...emptiness...?
Yami: did ya see the look on her face Akari so looked so lonely
Akari: It did...and felt...abused
Yami: *rolls over in her sleep ya can hear her snoring*
Akari: *opens the window, looking around for any sign of life*
Kaoru: *sitting outside on the tree, looking straight at Akari*
Akari: Who is out therE? *he gets a fixture on the source of the life he senses by* Kaoru
Kaoru: *sits there quietly, waiting for Akari to actually see her and greet her*
Akari: Kaoru! *finally sees her* Over here!
Kaoru: *nods and leaps into the room through the window*
Akari: Long time no see
Kaoru: *nods then steals a look at the sleeping Yami, points at her bulging middle*
Akari: We're expecting ^^ for the 6th time
Kaoru: *smiles ever so slightly, then stares at her bulge quietly, fascinated by it*
Yami: *mumbles* I'm cold *reaches for the blankets and covers herself up*
Akari: *kisses his wife* Hon
Kaoru: *watches that display of affection with a small tint of pink on her cheeks*
Yami: *wakes up from the kiss and sleeply yawns and answers him* yes
Akari: We have an old friend here
Yami: I know I can feel her eyes on us
Akari: ^^ *lets Kaoru see her
Kaoru: Hi *greets Yami*
Yami: *sits up* Hi Kaoru *smiles at her*
Kamui: *the 3rd child of Yami and Akari walks into the room, holding his tiger*
Kaoru: *looks at the child nonchalantly*
Akari: Hey Kammy!
Kamui: *climbs onto the bed* Hey mommy! Hey Daddy! *sees Kaoru* Who's the lady?
Yami: *holds her son* it's a old friend of mine and your fathers
Kamui: *hugs onto his tiger tightly*
Akari: Say hi to Kaoru, Kamui
Kamui: H-hi
Kaoru: *nods curtly, her hand unconsciously reaching over to caress her middle*
Yami: he's *looks up at Kaoru* you can feel if ya like too
Kamui: Hehe ^^
Akari: *goes under the bed and pulls out the photo album*
Kaoru: *looks up questioningly at the album he's holding*
Akari: It's an album of all the events that's happened to us since you've been gone
Kaoru: *peers to the album to chk out the pictures*
Yami: take a look we need to catch up
Kamui: *looks at one where he sees his daddy huge* That's when Dad was carrying Tsuki!
Akari: I remember that. *tells Kaoru* Yami's mother, Haji, is too old now to have kids. So, if she wants to have one, I'm the surrogate
Kaoru: *quietly caresses her own middle, which has a quite an inconspicuous bulge probably 1/5 the size of Yami's
Kamui: You okay, Kaoru-san?
Kaoru: *nods*
Yami: are you expecting to Kaoru-chan
Kaoru: *blushes then nods* 2 months
Kamui: *feels the young shinigami's middle*
Kaoru: *blushes and shrinks bk, afraid that the boy would hurt it*
Kamui: Huh
Yami: it's ok Kaoru he won't hurt your baby
Kaoru: *still skeptical bt doesn't run off anymore*
Akari: *looks through another page of him carrying Tsuki* oh look at this one. *shows the picture of Yami drawing on his stomach as he sleeps*
Yami: the best thing i've done and he erases by taking a bath almost cired
Akari: Cause you used a permanant marker!
Kaoru: *chuckles*
Hajime: KAORU-SAMA~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaoru: *rolls her eyes and sighs*
Akari: You again?!
Hajime: Kaoru-sama~!!! What are you doing here?! Shinigami-sama is looking for you~!!! Oh, hey there, mortals -_-
Akari: Mortals!? *goes up to Majime, furiated* I'll have you know! I've lived on this realm for over 8 centuries!
Hajime: >_> Mmhmm. Still mortal. *ignores Akari after that as he fret over Kaoru* Kaoru-sama~!!! You are with child!!! You shouldn't be out here!! Shinigami-sama is worried abt you~!!!
Kaoru: *sighs* I'm fine
Yami: she's only been with us *fighting the urge to slap him senseless*
Kamui: Leave her alone! *goes to Majime and kicks him in the ankle*
Yami: Kamui! *gets up and grabs her son*
Kamui: he was being mean to Ms. Kaoru!
Hajime: *growls at Kamui, wanting to scold him when Kaoru picked him up by the collar* Ah! Kaoru-sama~! What are you doing?! Put me down~!
Kaoru: Go home, Hajime *opens a portal and throws him inside*
Hajime: NOOOOOOOOOO..... *voice trails off as the portal closes*
Akari: Good one, Kaoru
Yami: nicely handled
Kaoru: *shrugs with a small smile*
Yami: I'm sure he'll be back once he figures out which way is up
Akari: It might take him a while *his stomach growls*
Kaoru: *using her powers to open the portal made her nauseous. Her hand flew straight to her mouth, trying to hold in the bile*
Kamui: *runs to her with a vial* This'll help. Daddy made it
Kaoru: Arigato *takes the vial and drinks it. Soon felt a little better*
Yami: I know that feeling *looks over at Akari* yes lets feed that stomach of yours
Kamui: oh yea! *tells Kaoru* My daddy has been named the best eater in the kingdom!
Akari: ^///^
Kaoru: *smiles* Can I join? *asks quietly*
Yami: you sure can I wouldn't leave a friend out
Akari: *leads them downstairs*
Kaoru: *follows after them*
Kamui: *follows right behind him*
Akari: *his stomach growls again*
Kaoru: *chuckles*
Akari: *he's gotten a little pudgy on his stomach since he last met Kaoru, due to him being busy as a father*
Yami: yes we will get your fed
Kamui: Ms. Kaoru:
Kaoru: *turns to him*
Kamui: How long have you known mommy and daddy?
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11:21 AM
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Enma Kaoru
Life & Death - A Shinigami RP (Part 1)

Akari: *senses someone nearby* Hm? *he opens the window*
Yami: what is it? *looks over at the window*
Kaoru: *steps back a little, quite shocked to be found*
Akari: Someone is watching us...and it's a friendly presence. Whoever it is! Cmon in !
Yami: Akari you look like ya scared whoever it is
Kaoru: *narrows her eyes a little before jumping off the window n running away into the fields*
Akari: Im trying not to be
Yami: I know that but she just took off and ran away
Akari: Aww... I wanted to see her. *sits down, rubbing his stomach*
Akari: *gets dressed and carefully heads downstairs and out the door*
Yami: I'm sure we will meet her again *she gets up following her husband*
Akari: *gets his sword onto his back* Im gonna go look
Yami: becareful ya hear me *gives him and hug kiss* I'll stay here and look after Kazuki
Akari: Okay. *heads out into the fields where he saw the girl*
Kaoru: *walks beside the stream, thinking of what she just saw*
Akari: *silently walks through the fields, he looks side to side till he looks foward, seeing the young woman. He silently walks to her*
Kaoru: *felt a presence and lets out a killing aura, making things surrounding him die in a split second*
Akari: *notices this aura...but sends back one, letting her know he's a carrier." I am not here to hurt you. I just want to see you.
Kaoru: *looks warily at Akari, not sure whether to trust him or not*
Akari: *lays his sword on the ground, groaning as he sits down, one hand on the ground, the other on his belly*
Kaoru: *walks slowly forward n stares at his belly*
Yami: *is the in palace playing with her son hoping Akari is all right*
Akari: Ooof... *pulls his shirt, seeing a kick on his belly*
Kaoru: *looks very, very long before whispering* It's a girl
Akari: Huh? What did you say?
Kaoru: *speaks a little louder* It's a girl, your child
Akari: H-how'd you know? *he had an ultrasound just yesterday* *remembers from the aura he saw earlier* You're from the underworld, aren't you
Kaoru: *considers a long time before nodding hesitantly*
Akari: Wow...oh, excuse my rudeness...I'm Prince Akari...
Kaoru: *quietly nods n gets up walk towards another direction*
Akari: *grabs her hand* no wait...please...Why don't you come with me?
Kaoru: *just stares at Akari*
Akari: Please...my wife and I felt a presence last night while we were mating...and we're just wondering...was that you?
Yami: *breathes out a long sigh looking out at the window of the palace and her three year old son is looking up at her*
Akari: *comes back with the young girl behind him*
Kaoru: *quietly follows behind Akari, sees the three yr old boy sitting on Yami's lap n smile for a split second*
Akari: *leads her all the way up* Im back hon
Yami: welcome home *looks behind Akari at the young woman* hello there
Akari: This is my wife Yami...*pats kazuki's head* and this is our son, Kazuki
Yami: *nods at the girl* not much of a talker but that's all right
Akari: What is your name? *asks the young girl*
Kaoru: *looks sideways at a different direction then speaks quietly* Someone's gonna die today
Akari: Huh?
Yami: *looks at her confused*
Akari: oh that's right, you're a reaper.
Kaoru: Someones gonna die today. Here. In this palace.
Akari: Who? Who's gonna die?
Yami: can you tell me who?
Akari: *notices the girl looking at him* O_O What...wha...no...of what?
Akari: O_O No
Kaoru: *eyes at Akari's belly n said no further*
Akari: No...you're saying I die in child birth??
Kaoru: *shakes her head*
Yami: ya mean the baby inside him don't you
Kaoru: *looks straight at Yami's eyes, telling her answer thru her eye expression*
Akari: No...*Starts to tear up*
Yami: *is good at reading body language and looks down at the floor*
Kaoru: Someone will ambush you. He will kill you. But you will survive. The girl won't
Akari: I'll...I'll keep that in mind
Kaoru: *whispers* I'm sorry
Yami: never heard in all history that a death reaper would give warning
Akari: Can we prevent this?
Kaoru: *shakes her head*
Akari: I'm not gonna let her die!!
Yami: *starts to cry* there has to be away to stop this
Kaoru: *shakes her head again*
Akari: Im not letting a baby that Yami and I created die.
Kaoru: I'm sorry
Kazuki: *is looking up at them not sure what is going on*
Akari: You see this little boy? *points to kazuki * He wants a sibling. I rather die than the baby
Kaoru: *looks quietly at Kazuki* I...
Hajime: KAORU-SAMA~!!! *glomps Kaoru*
Akari: O_O What the?!
Yami: *is staring at the sight* woah!
Hajime: Kaoru-sama! There you are! Yami-sama is looking everywhere in the All-Seeing Globe for you
Kaoru: *pushes Hajime off quietly*
Akari: W-who are you and how did you get past the guards?
Hajime: *notices the slightly sad aura of the couple* You didn't tell them, did you?
Kaoru: *looks away*
Akari: She did...and Im not letting our newborn baby die
Yami: tell us what
Hajime: How many times Yami-sama has told you, never to tell someone other than the person itself their death? You never listen, do you?
Akari: *cradles his belly, with the baby kicking inside his womb*
Yami: ah ha it's taboo
Hajime: Sorry for the intrusion. Hajime Kuro *bows* one of Kaoru-sama's bodyguard. As for your guards, I never went past them. I got through here using an invisible portal.
Akari: *just backs away from the two reapers, angered*
Hajime: I was sent to bring Kaoru-sama home. Her father is very worried abt her right now. Sa, ikimasho, Kaoru-sama *takes Kaoru's wrist*
Akari: *turns away, not wanting to do a thing after learning what is to come*
Yami: *is watching in stunned silence she's never seen such a sight in her life*
Kaoru: *before leaving* I'm sorry *disappears into the invisible portal*
Yami: *tries to reach out of her but she disapears before it's to late*
Akari: Who needs her...*walks out*
Yami: *picks up Kazuki and paces around the room, she heard once from her father in Reaper tells about someone's death that normally has a soft spot for the victum*
Akari: *gets his sword on him*
Yami: *turns around and notices Akari*
Akari: *just goes to his room and locks it*
Yami: our baby is fated to die, why us
Kazuki: mommy it's ok it will all work out
Akari: Im not letting her die...no one will take her away...*is slowly starting to lose his mind*
Yami: we better stay near your father, who knows what he will do
Kazuki: *just follows his mother*
Akari: *locks the windows and closes the curtains*
Hajime: *on the way to the underworld, lectures Kaoru on running off wen she wasn't supposed to n breaking taboo, yadda yadda wen he realized Kaoru disappeared again* Kaoru-sama? KAORU-SAMA~! Nya~! Why do you always do that?! *doubles back*
Akari: *is breaking down into tears, feeling powerless*
Yami: *akari knocking on the door*
Akari: *draws out his sword*
Yami: it's me Yami
Akari: stay away! *is really paranoid now*
Yami: oh would ya stop being like this please, I know the death of our new life is upsetting but it's not good if ya lose yourself in the process
Akari: *puts the sword away. unlocking the door*
Yami: *opens the door and goes to him with Kazuki following behind her*
Akari: I wish she never came here... Im not letting it happen
Yami: I understand, I don't want you hurt or our child to die we will think of something
Akari: I know... >.> *is relaxing at night, looking at the window*
Yami: *is sitting in there with him holding onto Kazuki*
Royal Secretary: *knocks the door* Sunimasen, Yami-sama, Akari-sama.
Akari: Come in
Yami: *goes and opens the door for the Secretary8
Royal Sec.: Forgive me, Yami-sama. Your father requires your presence at his chambers. He wants to speak to you in private about something
Yami: *gets up* ok I'll gonna go see daddy I'll be back soon *calmly walks out the door*
Akari: Okay. *pats Kazuki *
Royal Sec.: *watches Yami leaves before entering the room quietly and locking the door, then brandishes his dagger*
Akari: *has his sword under the sheets*
Yami: *goes up the stairs to her father's chambers, something to her doesn't feel right*
Akari: *slowly reaches for it*
Royal Sec: *reaches towards Akari in a split second n have the dagger at his jugular* I wouldn't do that if i were you, Akari-sama
Akari: Im not scared...I was warned by you being here...*already has a dagger against the attacker's back*
Royal Sec: Always the valiant courageous man, aren't we then? Don't u evn want to knw why I'm rebelling?
Akari: Is is because Im the only non-kitsune in this kingdom?
Yami: *reaches for the top of the steps and knocks at her father door* you called for me Kurai, father?
Kurai: *looks to her* Yami? What are you doing here?
Royal Sec: Not particularly. I wouldn't care if you're the purest kitsune in the whole world. I'm rebelling for the fact that you are with MY Yami-sama
Akari: What?
Royal Sec: I've watch Yami-sama since she was born. I practically grew up with her. She used to have me in her eyes. She used to say I'm the greatest teacher in the world. She used to love the stuff I taught her. Now all she wants is you! Filthy little boy who only knew her for a few years! What does she see in you so much, eh, boy?
Akari: Hey! She's known me since I was baby 800 years ago! She saw someone who was kind, really brave, and who openly expressed his love for her
Royal Sec: So? That doesn't give you the right to steal her away from me. She known me longer than you were, she should be with me! Now die, you monster! *raises his dagger and aimed for his belly*
Kaoru: *appears out of nowhere n lets the dagger stab her chest*
Akari: What?! Kaoru!!
Royal Sec: Wat the...?
Akari: YAMI!!!
Kaoru: *looks at the offending dagger on her chest like it was nothing. Takes the assassin's hand with a tight grip and pulls it out of her, dagger and all*
Royal Sec: *shudders in Kaoru's grip* Who...Who the fuck are you??
Yami: *is about to open the door to her fathers room when she hear's Akari yell*
Akari: *Grabs the sword and pins the assassin, his blade to his neck, he chains him up with his telekinesis*
Kaoru: *stares quietly at the assassin*
Akari: *looks to her* Why?
Kaoru: *doesn't say anything. Takes Akari's hand that held the sword and forces it into the assassin's hollow of the throat, killing him instantly*
Akari: What are you doing?! I didn't want to kill him!?
Yami: *rushes down the steps she's fearing for the worse*
Kaoru: *lets go of Akari's hand, hand penetrates into the assassin's chest n takes out a glowing globe, looks at it for a while n makes her way to the window to leave*
Akari: *thinks: She's taking the life of the assassin's instead of the baby's...that's how it'll work!*
Kaoru: *seeing that Akari gets the idea, turns n faces him* A life for a life. Your daughter will live
Hajime: KAORU-SAMA~!!! *glomps Kaoru again out of nowhere*
Akari: Thank you, Kaoru O_O
Yami: *gets down the steps and opens the door and gasps seeing the royal sec. dead on the floor wondering what just happend*
Akari: He was the assassin. *points to the royal sec. on the floor*
Hajime: *tears n boogers covered his face* PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME AGAIN~!!! YAMI-SAMA WILL HAVE MY HEAD FOR THIS~!!!
Kaoru: *just quietly pets the bawling Hajime's head*
Yami: *walks past the dead body on the floor and goes to Akari*
Akari: She took the assassin's life instead.
Hajime: *sees the wound on Kaoru's chest and bawls again* KAORU-SAMA~!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUUUUUUUUUU~!!!!
Kaoru: I'm OK
Yami: oh thanks god so our baby will live right?
Akari: *places her hand on his belly*
Hajime: No, you're not OK~!!! Look at you! You're bleeding!!! What is it with your soft-heartedness anyways~?? WAAAAAAAA~~~~!!!!!! YAMI-SAMA WILL KILL ME AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR THIS~!!!
Kaoru: I'm OK. Let's go home.
Akari: Thank you, Kaoru *goes to her and hugs her*
Kaoru: *doesn't return the hug tho, but lets Akari hug her*
Yami: thank you so much *bows at Karou*
Kaoru: *nods*
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10:59 AM
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Enma Kaoru