The Fallen RP Refugee Camp
Thursday, January 22, 2015
The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 40
Ragor: *heads off to his appointment, the Viking catching his reflection in the glass, trying to suck in his gut, but sighs* Dammit
Hiccup: 8had just came out frm examination n walked towards him8 Hey, cuz. U look troubled
Ragor; It's this thing *points to his stomach* I worked out hard and I can't get rid of it
Hiccup: Its usually pregnancy gut. Its a little hard to get rid of. Either tht or ur pregnant again. Hv u been doing it with Poison these days?
Ragor: So much I can't sit down. And no, Im not. I tested multiple times. I heard it's a new doc that's examining today.
Hiccup: Yup, she just chked me. N well... 8blushed, a little shy to say it8
Ragor: Aw cmon, she was good, wasn't she?
Hiccup: Wat? No, tht's not wat I meant! 8blushed8 Umm... She just chked me, I'm...I'm pregnant again
Ragor: No way! You just had the kids!
Hiccup: Technically its been a few mths since I had the kids, bt yeah, Toothless is being a frickin' horndog, n he actually asked nicely, so... 8blushed hard8
Ragor: Okay, now hearing you say this is making me nervous
Hiccup; 8shrugged8 It might be nothing, bt u'll nvr knw. Good luck on ur physical. I'm off to tell Toothless the good news
Ragor: *heads on in, knocking on the door* Hello?
Lil: Come in 8was dressed in a tight leather one piece dress underneath her doctor's white jacket8
Ragor: I'm here for my appointment. The name is Ragor Ravenous
Lil: Ragor Ravenous... 8chk the list8 Ah yes, ur physical. Alright, step right in n lets get started
Ragor: *strips down to his skivvies, as usual, taking a deep breath. He hasn't lost his muscle tone at all, it's just he's getting a bit of a belly going on*
Lil: Well, looks like someone let themselves go 8did her examination, her cleavage revealing once in a while whenevr she bends dwn*
Ragor: Well, I do have a big appetite and um...*took deep breathes*
Lil: Let's just hope tht appetite doesnt ruin ur health 8sees him perplexed8 U OK there, buddy?
Ragor: Oh yes, Im fine...*is actually getting a big hard on atm, feeling her hands rub along his big body*
Lil: Well everything seems to be in order. Lets chk on ur opening dwn there to see if its healed properly. Off with the skivvies
Ragor: Okay. *took off his boxers and giving her a full view of his nude body. Boy, he bulked up!*
Lil: 8admired quietly at how much he bulked up, then noticed his boner8 Hmm, someone is thinking naughty thoughts there. Missing ur donor already? 8gestured him to lie dwn on the examination table8
Ragor: Im hoping im not pregnant too.
Lil: Lemme just chk 8spread his legs n looked8 Hmm, well, ur opening didnt reopen, still intact with a small scar there. I'd say its just fat, not preggers. Bt if u want, I can do a pregnancy test
Ragor: It's okay. Ive done a couple tests before and they all came out negative. So, Im good. *Gets his stomach measured, takes a big gulp*
Lil: Well, u nvr knw with those pregnancy test thing. Maybe Baymax can help me. Baymax, could u come here pls
Baymax: 8appears8 Yes, Dr Mask, how may I be of service?
Lil: Can u help me scan Ragor here to see if he's pregnant, just to be sure while I measure his belly?
Baymax: Of course 8scans him8
Ragor: My measurement from last time said I was 39 inches. What's it up to now, doc
Lil: 8chks8 Well its abt shy of 45 inches now. Wat's the diagnosis, Baymax?
Baymax: I detect no life forms. Ragor is not pregnant, bt his body mass has increased since the last examination, His body hasnt seem to be able to burn off calories as quick as he did before he was pregnant
Ragor: Well, plus I have been working out as well ^^;; I've trying to bulk up too
Baymax: Yes, it seems ur muscles mass hv increased as well, so ur gut body mass shouldn't be a problem
Ragor: And how is my health, Baymax?
Baymax: Health is at optimum level. In fact ur body mass contains enough to sustain another pregnancy if u wish
Ragor: no no, Im good with the kids I have right now. Plus, I think this is the reason why Poison's been going at me like a rabbit. *Sighs* Only if he can turn into a human
Lil: Why? Aren't u getting it good with him? Any woman would kill to hv that size of a dong inside them
Ragor: Oh I am. He's been wishing it too. That way, he could be with me. And that 's what women say about me shows off
Lil: Well I think maybe someone frm the magic department can help u. Don't we hv a Whisperer couple here? Maybe they can help
Baymax: Yes. Aaron n Judith. They're both Whisperers. They may hv the adequate help u need
Ragor: I can understand him, but I can see where you're going. I'll go and see. Also, I wanna donate some seed, too.
Lil: Tht's good, contributing to society. Would u like to do it now?
Baymax: I can provide u with stimulant videos
Ragor: Oh yes please. It'll be an honor to help those in need. And what kind you got, Baymax?
Baymax: Wat kind do u prefer? I hv heterosexual porn, homosexual porn both male n female, polygamous porn, fetish porn, n I can evn dwnload other types of movies tht r not in my database if u require
Lil: Here u go, a sample cup. Just do ur business here 8gestured him to the bed behind the curtains8 I'll be out of ur hair
Ragor: *the burly Viking took a bit to think it over* How about porn for someone of my type :)
Baymax: My scanners indicate tht u hv a preference for men n dragons, as well as fat fetish. I do not hv dragons, bt I can recommend homosexual porn. Will tht do?
RAgor: Well, actually I go both ways, but yes...I would like one please. *sits himself down comfortably, spreading his legs and getting himself ready*
Baymax: U go both ways? Tht is not in my database before. I shall add it. N I will search for a suitable video for u 8accessed his database n showed him a video of a threesome, three men n a woman, n showed the video on his display belly, fitting headphones ovr Ragor's ears so as not to alert outside8
Ragor: Oh, that's really nice. *Starts to stroke himself off slowly* Reminds me of when hiccup and I messed around with Akari and Toriko while our dragons were away
Baymax: 8nodded as he let him continue watching, standing still8
8the video started off with the woman doing a bit of foreplay of mistress n slave, then things got heated as the slave "overthrew" the mistress n they were soon all ovr her, evn double penetrating her as she ended up becoming their "slave"8
Ragor: Hmmmm *tries to get hard, but having no luck whatsoever* Drag, nothing
Baymax: Is the video not to ur satisfactory?
Ragor: It's nice and all, but it's not getting me on at all. *Sighs heavily* I know the equipment downstairs is working fine, btu this video isnt' getting me off
Lil: *peeks in8 U done?
Baymax: Ragor has yet to reach orgasm. Apparently the video does not suit his tastes
Ragor: I need something that suits me...someone of my personality, fetishes and all. Well....Do you have any....gainer related stuff?
Lil: Not sure. Baymax, search the database for any of Ragor's request
Baymax: Yes, Dr Mask 8searches8
Ragor: Can I use the scale really quick, doc?
Lil: Sure go ahead
Ragor: *steps onto it, wondering how heavy he is from his constant eating and his working out at the gym* O_O Wow
Lil: How much is it?
Ragor: This bad boy has hit 325 *flexes his very well defined biceps, making Lil blush a bit*
Lil: 8did blush a bit as she came forward8 U knw, if u need a different kind of help to get off, I'll be glad to be of service *showed her cleavage to him underneath her tight dress8
Ragor: O////O Oh by the gods....
Lil: Well? Would u like my help?
Ragor: S-sure!
Lil: Baymax, give us a little privacy
Baymax: I will stand guard at the door 8waddles to the entrance n locked it8
Ragor: fav spot getting rubbed helps as well....
Lil: Which is here? *gently rubs his belly8
Ragor: *moans a bit* y-yes
Lil: 8licked her lips as she undid Ragor's pants, revealing his dick8 Hmm... Looks pretty impressive despite being flaccid
Ragor: Well....PEople have said I'm a stud ^^;; *started to get harder the more his stomach was getting rubbed, almost leaking pre
Lil: Heh, well they're not too far fetched 8slowly licked n sucked the tip of his cock, her hands kept rubbing his belly*
Ragor: Damn doc, you're pretty good with your hands *Closed his eyes, moaning loudly as he was at full attention*
Lil: Well I hv my share of sexcapades wen I was younger 8used her boobs this time to massage his length as she continued giving him head*
Ragor: I'll be honest with this....I never had full sex with a woman ^^;;;
Lil: Reli? Not evn one? How far hv u gone with a woman?
Ragor: Uh....*blushes*
Lil: I take it not much huh? Well, too bad I need to take a sample of ur seed, or I would gladly assist u, provided ur donor is OK with it 8kept rubbing his cock with her tits8
Ragor: well, he's right outside the window if you talk to him. Poison!!!!
Poison: 8poked his head thru the window; he was waiting for him to be done8 Yes? Everything alright? 8still has the translator device Hiccup invented ard his neck*
Ragor: Yeah, everything is fine. *goes up to him and rubs the dragon on the nose* The doctor's helping me donate, even though I never did it with a woman before
Poison: Well r u all done?
Lil: Not quite, if he keeps his head in the game, he just might, bt someone is being distracted 8flicked Ragor's belly a little*
Ragor: Eeep!! *grabs the cup and finally blows his load inside*
Lil: Wow, tht reli did it 8chuckles as she collected the rest n capped it8 Well, I think we hv enough here to father 5 generations. U can clean up n go, n u got a clean bill of health. Lay off on the love-making, will u? U dont wanna knock ur breeder too soon aftr his last birth
Poison: Sorry. Can't help it. He's too sexy these days. He's giving off pheremones like crazy
Ragor: *playfully bops him on the nose* You're lucky Im not pregnant like Hiccup
Poison: Hiccup is pregnant again? Well why don't follow him n hv our own extra babies? I don't mind 8teased as he nuzzled his gut8
Ragor: *bops him again* No I'm trying to work out and work on my weight gain
Poison: 8chuckles8 Alright, alright I get it. Wanna grab a snack? I fancy some baked fish right now
Ragor: Oh, guess what? :) I'm 325 lbs now. and sure, Im starving. Thanks again doc
Poison: Wow tht's impressive. Thanks doc
Lil: No worries. Happy to help
Baymax: 8unlocks the door to let Ragor leave while the dragon went round the building n accompanied him8
Ragor: Thanks again, Baymax. :) I am satisfied
Baymax: 8nodded n deactivated in his kit8
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10:50 AM
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The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 39
Leon: *knocks on the door* hey Fai? Someone wants to talk to ya
Fai: 8munched on his sandwich8 Oh? Who is it?
Tora: *peeked on in* hello ^^ *wiggled his ears*
Fai: 8looks up8 Hi, u must be Tora. I heard abt u frm Dr Watson wen he was still working here. Ur boyfriend Jinbei had a premature birth, right?
Tora: yes he did. He and the baby are doing great. Leon here says im gonna have mine in about half an hour
Fai: OK. So wat can I do u for?
Tora: I heard you were having problems
Fai: With wat exactly?
Tora: well, controlling mood swings
Fai: Oh, tht... 8looked away sadly8 Yeah, I dunno why I can't seem to control myself. I end up saying some reli hurtful things
Tora: wanna know how i kept them in check? It's pretty simple. All you think on positive memories
Fai: 8frowned at him8 U think I've nvr tried tht? Its not as simple as u put it
Tora: *caught on Fai's scent and tried to pinpoint what he is* Your scent...reminds me of spring after the first rain
Fai: Wow, u can smell tht? 8chuckles8 Tht's pretty impressive
Tora: *taps his own nose* sharp senses. Your husband smells like spicy cinnamon
Fai: Heh, neat gift u got there. Tho I always tell Thilius tht God works in mysterious ways
Tora: Wow, he really does exist? *Has been agnostic his entire life*
Fai: Of course He does, n as long as u believe in Him, He always will
Thilius: Don't kid urself, honey. He kicked us out. He's not worth remembering 8had come in to chk on them n couldn't help butting in8
Tora: That's the thing with me. The way I saw things. Religion has gotten a lot of people killed over the differences of beliefs
Fai: True, bt still, it's good to keep things in perspective, n now u knw tht He exist, there should be no doubt in ur mind...
Thilius: Spare the religious talk, Fai. U served him since the dawn of time n this is wat he repay u: banishment
Fai: 8growled, his mood swing kicking in n threw an ash tray at Thilius' head8 Oh, shut the fuck up, hellspawn
Tora: Hey hey hey, easy there
Leon: *caught the ash tray* You gotta be careful, you know. Cmon, Thilius
Fai: Ur not helping either, tiger. If ur don't wanna support my beliefs too then don't shove ur beliefs at me. Get the hell out! 8pushed Tora, making him hit the wall8
Tora: Ow!!
Leon: Faira, calm down, he didn't say that at all
Fai: None of ur business, Leon! Get lost! Leave me alone! 8sends out another impact tht cause both Leon n Tora to hit the wall again, causing Tora's water to break*
Jinbei: T-TORA!!
Tora: Great. What timing for the baby to come now
Leon: *gathers his strength and helps Tora up to his feet*
Fai: 8was hyperventilating as he held his head, trying to calm dwn as the ground rumbled8
Jinbei: I got u, Tora-chan. I got u 8led him to the birthing ward8
Thilius: *goes to his husband and comforts him* Hey hey, Im here
Fai: 8started bawling in Thilius' arms8
Jinbei: Breathe, Tora. Ur gonna be OK 8held his hand, massaging his bk*
Tora: It's okay...I got this *looked like he's got it under control, despite it hurting like a bitch at the moment*
Thilius: *gives a kiss on the forehead*
Lil: 8comes in with the tools8 Alright, lets get to work. Hi, I'm the new doctor btw, I'm taking ovr Dr Watson's position frm now on
Jinbei: We don't mind, as long as u help Tora-chan
Tora: *Took deep breathes, taking it easy*
Lil: 8chks him8 Just a few more mins, ur dilation is good
Jinbei: 8was at awe at how calm Tora was n wat a mess he himself was8
Tora: Thanks doc. *takes another deep breath* Just let me know when to start the show
Jinbei: How r u doing this, Tora-chan? Doesn't it hurt like hell?
Tora: It does, yes, but Im doing my best to ignore it
Jinbei: 8stroke his bk to ease him8
Lil: 8chk him again8 Ur good now. Wen u feel the contraction u can start pushing
Tora: *starts to push as hard as he could* Oowowowowoowow
Thilius: Are you okay now?
Fai: 8takes a deep breath8 I...I guess so... I dunno why I'm like this... Is this wat happens with an angel pregnancy?
Lil: Take it easy, push slowly. Ur doing good
Jinbei: I'm right here, Tora-chan 8held his hand firm8
Thilius: I don't know, Fai. *helps him up to his feet slowly*
Tora: I feel the baby moving down!! *pushes slowly as he was told*
Jinbei: 8massaged his bk8
Lil: I see it crowning. Ur doing very well. Breathe thru ur nxt contraction. Don't want u to tear
Tora: *takes a deep breath, trying to concentrate the best he can*
[5:21:06 PM] BlackGargie IllusionEvenstar: Lil: Vry good, keep breathing, let ur body push ur baby out on its own for a bit
Jinbei: 8massaged his belly to help him along8
Tora: *lays back, slowing down his breathing*
Lil: 8helped to ease the baby's head out until it popped out8 There we go, u can continue pushing nwo
Tora: *gripped onto the sheets and gave another big push for the baby*
Lil: Very good. Ur doing very good
Jinbei: Almost there, Tora-chan
Lil: Gimme one last push, lad
Tora: AAAAH!!!!! gives one more
Lil: 8catches the baby8 There we go! It's a boy!
Jinbei: Oh Tora-chan, we got a boy~!
Tora: A..A boy :D *starts to tear up* Lemme see him, please
Lil: Just a moment 8cuts the cord n wraps him up* Here you go 8passes him the baby8
Tora: Hey there ^-^
Jinbei: He's beautiful. I think we should call him Makoto, in the memory of ur dad. What do u think, Tora-chan?
Tora: ^^ I was thinking that. How do you like that, little fella?
8the baby cooed8
Jinbei: I guess he agrees. Lemme go get his sister. They should finally meet 8left to get her8
Lil: 8helped to clean the baby n Tora up before leaving8 Congratulations
Tora: Thanks doc :)
Ragor: I thought I heard screaming.
Jinbei: 8returned with Rei* Hey, Ragor. Ur just in time. Tora just gave birth, hence the screaming
Tora: A little boy ^_^
Ragor: Awww, hey little guy!
Jinbei: N here's the sister. Meet Rei n Makoto
Ragor: *turns around, smiling* So adorable. they are twins! Well, look like it
Jinbei: Haha, well technically Rei is born a few mths early coz she's premature, so she's the big sister
Tora: *looks at them* Well, we can almost say it lol
Jinbei: 8smiled n kissed Tora8 U did reli great, Tora-chan. Good work. I'm so proud of u
Tora: Thanks Jin *kissed back* Ragor, what are you doing here anyway?
Ragor: Oh, I'm getting my physical atm. Need to know everything is in check and healthy
Jinbei: Bt didnt u already give birth? Why do u still need to do physical?
Ragor: Akari's orders
Jinbei: 8shrugs8 Oh well 8puts Rei in her crib, then takes Makoto8 U rest now, Tora-chan. I'll watch ovr them. U had a long day
Tora: Thanks. *goes and naps away*
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10:39 AM
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The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 38
8meanwhile Jinbei was nursing Rei, her condition getting better n she can finally be out of the incubator8
Tora: *was in bed by him, feeling contractions for the past few days, so he rather be safe than sorry*
Jinbei: 8puts her in the crib nxt to his bed, glad tht he could finally hold her n see her without a glass wall separating them, then turns to Tora8 U OK, Tora-chan?
Tora: I'm fine ^_^ Just some contractions every now and then.
Jinbei: U want me to get something for u to drink? Something to munch on?
Tora: Oh yes please. ^^ A couple burgers would be good
Jinbei: 8chuckles8 There's my same old Tora-chan. I'll be right bk 8goes dwn to the hospital cafeteria to order the food8
Ragor: Oh Hey Jin! :)
Jinbei: 8surprised8 Hey, Ragor. Doing ur rounds here in the hospital?
Ragor: Sure am. And of course, catching some grub :) *patpats his stomach with pride*
Jinbei: 8chuckles8 Just leave some for the other guests. They need to eat too 8got his order8 Alright, cya ard. Keep up the good work
Ragor: Where you heading?
Jinbei: I'm actually ordering for Tora. He's been feeling contractions lately so he's admitted with me in the same room, just in case
Ragor: Smart guy! munches on a burger :) Wish I could have thought of it, but it came out of nowhere when I went into labor
Jinbei: Different ppl, different pregnancies, I suppose, n u sometimes can't predict things. Cya then. Dont wanna keep Tora waiting 8waved goodbye n returned to the room8 Hey, Tora-chan. Sorry for the wait. I chat a bit with Ragor just now
Tora: Aww and you didn't bring him *snickers* Haven't spoken to him in a while. we were supposed to go out and do some gaming
Jinbei: He's busy doing his rounds. N once u give birth, u'll hv plenty of time to do it 8gives him the food8 Here u go
Tora: Thanks Jin *quickly devours his burgers as he was starving*
Jinbei: Slowly now, Tora-chan. Don't want u to choke or anything
Tora: I'm fine Jin. *finished the batch of burgers he had* BBBURRP! Oh excuse me
Jinbei: Shh, careful. Rei is sleeping 8caressed Tora's belly8 How is it hanging so far?
Tora: *sighs* It's still the same
Jinbei: Just don't worry abt it. I'm right here with u. We'll weather this out
Leon: *knocks on the door* Excus me, am I interrupting?
Jinbei: 8looks up8 Hey, not reli. How can I help u?
Leon: Hey, I'm Leon. I'm one of staff members here. *He had light blue hair and eyes, looking like a young man of 23-24, quite tall. And he also had a very big bump for a stomach*
Jinbei: Wow, ur working evn in ur condition? Tht is some dedication 8lets him in8
Leon: Thanks. And yes I do. I've been here since early years of the mansion and then, well. I thought it was time to have one of my own with my husband
Jinbei: Nice. So ur here to examine Tora or something?
Leon: I've been sent to check on him, yes
Tora: I've been doing good. Still the same on the contractions though
Jinbei: Is he going to labour anytime soon or something?
Leon: *spreads Tora's legs and checks on his progress* It may be a matter of time before that happens
Jinbei: Oh wow, hear tht, Tora-chan? Our baby girl's sibling is coming soon~
Tora: I know ^^ ooof Oh man, he's getting feisty in there.
Leon: Same with my baby :)
Jinbei: Should I arrange someone to look aftr Rei before he goes into labour?
Leon: Don't worry, my friend Thilius is already on it
Jinbei: Thilius? That's an interesting name
Thilius: Someone call me? 8enters, showing his tall model man built, with very tan skin, long flowing black hair tied in a pony tail n orange eyes8
Leon: How's the baby doing?
Tora: *sniffs the air, catching the scent of both of 'em. Thilius having a fiery scent and Leon having a sweet, calming scent*
Thilius: OK, bt Fai's mood swings r getting worse. I swear at one point he threatened to divorce me
Jinbei: 8smelled it too, looked at Tora knowingly8
Tora: is this his first time as well?
Leon: Yes it is, it looks like nothing is getting to him though
Thilius: 8rolled his eyes8 Don't even get me started. 8sees Rei8 So is this the baby I'll be babysitting while u get ready for labour?
Tora: That's right. That's it. I need to work around. I heard it'll help. Can you take me to this Fai? Maybe I can help
Leon: are you sure about that?
Tora: Yes I am
Jinbei: Tora, no, ur going to be in labour soon
Thilius: Trust me, u don't wanna mess with him. Last week he gave me a black eye coz he didn't wanna share his chips with me
Tora: Don't, please.
Leon: *closed his eyes and saw what will happen* It's okay, Tora has about half an hour before it happens
Thilius: 8sighed8 Alright, u asked for it. Don't say I didnt warn ur nosy ass 8led him to the lounge where Fai was hving his lunch8
Jinbei: 8followed just in case8
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10:30 AM
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The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 37
8soon, a few mth went by, n the first sign of snow showed n evryone started to go into the Xmas mood8
Akari: *steps onto the scale*
Toriko: 8enters to take a shower8 Wats the verdict?
Akari: 300 lbs. how are the kids ^^
Toriko: Good. Out like a light after getting such a big lunch frm u 8teased Akari's nipples8 Odd, I thought u would lose weight frm nursing
Akari: I can't help it. My appetite is kicking in
Toriko: Putting in more than u can lose, eh? 8chuckles8 Its normal. I read somewhere saying tht u tend to be hungry easier wen ur nursing, bt at least with u eating, ur providing our twins with amazing meals
Akari: I know *checks* wow, they're almost back to normal
Toriko: Wat's bk to normal? 8sees with him8
Akari: my chest ^^ good thing I fed them via bottle
Toriko: Too bad tho. I rather enjoy seeing u nursing them traditionally rather than pumping ur milk out for them to feed
Akari: I didn't pump them out.
Toriko: U mean u've been giving them formula?
Akari: yep. I found out they were shrinking early. So Doraemon got me some formula
Toriko: Oh. I was hoping u would feed them ur milk. I heard it'll ensure our babies' health better 8pouted a bit8
Akari/ he said it was cause the little ones inherited our appetites that i shrunk early
Toriko: 8laughed8 Tht's our babies alright. Did u see outside? Its snowing right now
Akari: yes I did!
Toriko: I bet a lot of them r outside playing snowball fights right now
Akari: *looks* really
*there is knocking on the door*
Toriko: Huh, I wonder who could be visiting at this time 8goes out only in his towel n answered the door8
Aaron: hey Toriko ^^ happy Christmas
Toriko: Ah my fav customer! Merry Xmas. Sorry I just got out of the shower. Come in, come in
Aaron: *walked in, cradling his bulge*
Akari: hey, congrats!
Toriko: Wow! Looks like ur little "science project" succeeded! How far along are u?
Aaron: four months
Toriko: Nice. Any idea whether it would be a girl or boy?
Aaron: dunno yet. My appointment is tomorrow
Toriko: 8looked abt8 U alone? Where's ur fiance?
Aaron: she went to get dinner. She's coming over soon
Akari: sounds like a swell idea
Toriko: 8looked out the window n grinned8 I see some of our breeders r having fun with the new security recruit 8seeing them having a snowball fight with Rocket n Groot8
Akari: those two have really surpassed expectations
Toriko: At least they're fitting, n security has gotten better
Aaron: no doubt to that Ragor. He seems very brave
Toriko: He gave birth to 4 eggs n soldiered on one week aftr the birth to secure our safety. I'd say he's more than brave
Jude: 8knocked the door8 Hey, hey. Is my fiance in there?
Akari: Hey Judy. Yes he is. He's right here
Aaron: Hey hon :)
Jude: 8comes in n kissed Aaron8 Hey sweetie 8kissed his belly8 Hey my little pumpkin
Toriko: Hey, Jude.heard u grabbed dinner
Akari: ^_^ We just put our little ones to sleep. Wanna see 'em really quick?
Aaron: Sure thing
Jude: Of course 8followed behind Akari8
8the babies were all tuckered out, curled in their little crib sleeping like nobody's business8
Jude: Awww... They are adorable...
Akari: thanks ^_^ they've been little angels lately
Jude: For now, I bet
Toriko: Hey, don't jinx it 8punched her shoulder lightly8
Aaron: hurry...the baby just started moving
Jude: Reli? 8puts her hand on Aaron's belly8 Aww... They know mommy n daddy are here
Toriko: I heard Dr Lil has been prescribing u lactation pills
Jude: Yup, she asked me to start taking them during Aaron's final trimester so that I can help him with nursing
Akari: Cmon, sit here :) *pulls up a comfy chair*
Aaron: *sits down and pulls up his shirt*
Jude: 8knelt dwn n listened into his belly8 Hey there, lil pumpkin. Can't wait to see u soon~
Akari: *wiggles his ears, hearing a strong heartbeat from the child and smiling* It's strong. growing pretty well
Jude: Wow, u can hear tht frm here?
Toriko: Tht's my lovely Akari 8wrapped his arm ard Akari n pecked his cheek8
Akari: I have the best hearing. Toriko's got the best nose
Toriko: Not to brag, bt definitely true
Jude: 8chuckles8 I don't doubt u
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10:22 AM
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The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 36
*The day has finally come and Aaron and Jude are ready for the appointment, Aaron, once again told to strip to his boxers, after taking the juice*
Jude: 8was told to strip to her undies too8
Lil: Alright, both of u lie dwn on the operation table nxt to each other
Jude: 8does so, giving Aaron's hand a squeeze8
Aaron: *grips onto her hand, smiling back at her*
Lil: Alright. I'll hv to extract some of ur eggs frm u, Jude
Jude: I thought I'm infertile, Why do u need my eggs?
Lil: Its so tht I can splice the DNA to allow ur child to hv ur DNA as well, since ur gonna be the child's mother, then I'll insert it together with another donor's DNA n then implant them into Aaron, then all three of ur DNA will combine to form the child
Aaron: I cannot wait :D
Jude: Will it reli work?
Lil: We'll just hv to keep our fingers crossed. Would u like to knw the other donor's identity?
Aaron: *sighs* Go ahead, doc
Lil: It's Sirius Black. A Peace-Keeper. He's already passed on, bt he left behind some of his seed before he left so he could contribute to society
Jude: Ooh, I think I've heard of him, he has always crossed paths with my father 8chuckles8
Aaron: Oh man, this is a huge honor :) We'll hope to make him proud
Lil: If I'm not mistaken he was a donor to Severus Snape. He's one of the staff working at the Biology dept at YAOI High. Sired a daughter named Star. Looks like his legacy is going ard
Jude: Of course. N I heard Blacks r a well-known aristocrat. It definitely is an honour
Aaron: okay, I'm ready *takes another deep breath*
Jude: Same 8lay dwn8
Lil: 8takes out a syringe8 Take a deep breath. I am going to take ur eggs now 8sticks the syringe into Jude gently n started extracting8
Jude: 8hissed as she took a breath8
Aaron: how many times have you done this
Lil: To be honest, this is my first attempt on a hetero couple. I usually do this for male couples, especially those who would rather do this than go thru the traditional ritual
Jude: Why would they wanna do tht?
Lil: Usually those who ask don't want to hv sex with each other bcoz they hv already fallen in love with someone else n don't want to feel like they're cheating on their lover
Aaron; wow. That's kind of Surprising
Lil: 8shrugged8 U get all different kinds of ppl somehow 8removed the syringe8 All done 8injects it into a petri dish n placed it into a sort of microwave device, then takes Sirius' seed n puts it in another petri dish8 Ur turn, Aaron. Ur gonna need to gimme ur seed 8passes him a cup8 Feel free to help him out, Ms Light. I'll give u some privacy 8leaves the room8
Aaron: well, wanna stroke me off or shall I do it myself
Jude: I got something better 8lifted her shirt n undid her bra, revealing her big jugs, then proceed to give him a boob-job, licking the tip of his cock as she rubbed her boobs on her fiance's cock8
Aaron: oh yeah baby. Give me more! >///<
Jude: 8lowered her head to suck the head while she kept rubbing8
Aaron: I'm about to...gah! Hurry!
Jude: 8grabs the cup nearby n jerks Aaron off, holding the cup close to the head8
Aaron: *moans as he finally lets out a big load*
Jude: 8catches the load in the cup8 Wow, tht is reli a lot 8giggled as she licked the come tht got on her hand8
Aaron: we are done, doc!!
Lil: 8comes in n takes it frm Jude8 Alright thanks 8takes the petri dish tht contains Jude's eggs frm the microwave device, then inject it into the petri dish containing Sirius' seed n added in Aaron's seed, then mixed it a bit8 Almost done. Lie bk dwn, pls
Jude: 8sat nxt to Aaron8
Aaron: *does so and takes a deep breath*
Lil: 8fits them all inside a enema syringe8 It would be better insert it thru u anally, since we cannot be sure tht the Uterus Fruit solution has fully had its effect on u yet 8spreads Aaron's legs n lubed up his ass a bit before inserted the syringe inside n injected the seed8
Jude: 8held his hand throughout the process8
Aaron: *took her hand and smiled* it's okay. I'm used to this *winces* kind of thing
Jude: I knw, I just wanna give u my support
Lil: Alright. All done. Just stay there for at least 10 mins before u can move ard. Wen u start feeling the symptoms of pregnancy, come to me n I will do a test to confirm it
Jude: Thanks, doc
Aaron: is it really that quick of a Process
Lil: Yup, the Uterus Fruit is pretty potent so far, n this is basically indirect sex 8chuckles8 Alright, I need to do my rounds now. Take care 8leaves the office8
Jude: Well tht was interesting. Still u better lie dwn longer than wat she asked, just in case
Aaron: Hope I don't get bored. *hears knocking on the door after he pulled his boxers up* cmon in!
Harry: Hey, Aaron! Jude! I thought I heard ur here!
Jude; Hey Har, u heard right. How's it going?
Harry: Good, good, just recovered frm birth actually
Aaron: you're a breeder too? Good to see ya!
Harry: Haha yeah thanks
Jude: U got a boy or a girl?
Harry: Both. A boy and a girl, oh n Ron is pregnant too
Jude: Reli? Wow, amazing. Who's the donor?
Harry: Not sure if u might knw the family. Draco Malfoy
Aaron: Draco?! His family used to work for her father
Jude: Oh my, the Malfoys huh? We're no stranger in dealing under the table with them
Harry: I heard they still do. So wat r u guys doing here?
Jude: We're trying for a baby
Harry: Umm... Can't u guys just do it at home? 8doesnt knw Jude is infertile8
Aaron: uh, Harry, there is a reason she and I are here
Harry: 8blinked8 Wat? U mean...Ur a donor? Bt...
Jude: 8sighed n told him evrything8 ....So yeah, tht's why we're here
Aaron: we're waiting for it to kick in
Harry: Ah okies then. Sorry to hear abt tht
Jude: 8shrugged8 I try not to beat myself up too much abt it
Aaron: Besides, I willing volunteered for this :)
Harry: Well as long as u guys get a healthy baby, doesnt matter how it was conceived, right?
Jude: The end justifies the means, I suppose
Aaron: naw ^_^ Since now most of the population of males carry the babies now
Harry: 8chuckles8 True tht. Well, I'm just here to see how u guys doing, bt looks like ur doing a-OK
Jude: Thanks for visiting. Maybe if we're free we can go visit u n ur babies
Harry: Sure. Cya 8leaves8
Aaron: Hey Doc! Can we get up yet!!
Jude: She went off to do her rounds, remember? 8looked at the time8 Well, I think u've laid dwn long enough. It should be alright
Aaron: *gets up and stretches* I'm starving now. I haven't eaten breakfast XP
Jude: 8chuckles8 Come, lets go eat at the institute cafeteria. I heard the head chef there is amazing
Aaron: Let's do that!
Toriko: 8laughed frm the kitchen8 Nice one, Ragor 8sees Aaron n Jude coming in8 Ah, fresh blood! Wat would u like to order?
Jude: Surprise me
Aaron: Do you have...let's see...honey barbeque chicken with white rice?
Toriko: Absolutely! I can whip up anything. Hv a seat. My Minions will serve u shortly 8went to cook8
Aaron: hey Jude, check him out
Ragor: Here you go, kids *feeds them some chicken*
8Ragor's little hatchlings chomped at the chickens happily8
Jude: Wow, r those...dragons?
Aaron: And he just called them way....
Ragor: Hm? *looked up* You two must be new here
Jude: Haha, yeah, u can say tht. If u don't mind me asking, did u just call those dragons ur "kids"?
Ragor: Oh, that's because they are ^_^ They hatched a couple weeks ago
Aaron: A human and dragon relationship....interesting
Ragor: These are Venom, Kelas, Talluah and Elas
Jude: Wow, it is interesting. Didnt think dragons n humans can be a donor-breeder relationship 8bent dwn to pat the dragons8 Hey there little cuties
8the hatchlings purred happily at Jude's pat8
Aaron: *pets them* Very interesting dragons :) Monstrous Nightmares, right?
Ragor: That's right. You know your dragons well
Aaron: ^_^ I studied them in school
Jude: Tho some of the dragons we study differ frm these. Heard of Norwegian Ridgebacks?
Ragor: I think so. My cousin and I are currently dragon trainers, of sorts
Jude: Wow, nice. I take it ur cousin is also a breeder for his dragon?\
Ragor: Right on the mark. *rubbed his full stomach*
Aaron: Looking prosperous there
Jude: 8chuckles8 Looks like it 8sees Minions coming with their order8 Oh here they are 8sees wat Toriko surprised her with8 Ooh, cha soba, sashimi n tempura! How did he knw I love Japanese food?
Ragor: Toriko has a talent for knowing what someone likes based on their looks and personality
Jude: Tht is impressive. N ur food looks delicious too, hon
8the hatchlings were salivating at both their dishes8
Ragor: Cmon kids, you just ate. Now go find your daddy and play with him :) papa's gotta work soon
8the hatchlings whined in protest, not wanting their papa to go n nipped onto the hem of his shirt, dangling on him like christmas lights8
Jude; Aww, tht is just adorable
Ragor: Aw cmon kids, See this? *shows a little camera on his jacket* You can see me through here ^^
Aaron: such an interesting sight
8the hatchlings shook their heads in protest, still biting onto his shirt like fish on bait8
Jude: Maybe u should bring them along to work. I'm sure ur colleagues wouldnt mind
Ragor: Last time I did, they nearly burned a room
Jude: Maybe they'll be good this time? They seem to reli wanna hang ard with u, no pun intended 8giggled8
Ragor: Is that what you want kids? Promise?
*the hatchlings nodded excitedly8
Ragor: Okay, behave. and no breathing fire
*the hatchlings let him go n circled round his feet happily8
Jude: Just adorable 8ate her food8 Mmmm!! Delicious~!
Aaron: yes it is. This is the best!
Jude: 8calls out8 Compliments to the chef!
Toriko: 8gave them a thumbs up n went bk to work8
Jude: 8was told to strip to her undies too8
Lil: Alright, both of u lie dwn on the operation table nxt to each other
Jude: 8does so, giving Aaron's hand a squeeze8
Aaron: *grips onto her hand, smiling back at her*
Lil: Alright. I'll hv to extract some of ur eggs frm u, Jude
Jude: I thought I'm infertile, Why do u need my eggs?
Lil: Its so tht I can splice the DNA to allow ur child to hv ur DNA as well, since ur gonna be the child's mother, then I'll insert it together with another donor's DNA n then implant them into Aaron, then all three of ur DNA will combine to form the child
Aaron: I cannot wait :D
Jude: Will it reli work?
Lil: We'll just hv to keep our fingers crossed. Would u like to knw the other donor's identity?
Aaron: *sighs* Go ahead, doc
Lil: It's Sirius Black. A Peace-Keeper. He's already passed on, bt he left behind some of his seed before he left so he could contribute to society
Jude: Ooh, I think I've heard of him, he has always crossed paths with my father 8chuckles8
Aaron: Oh man, this is a huge honor :) We'll hope to make him proud
Lil: If I'm not mistaken he was a donor to Severus Snape. He's one of the staff working at the Biology dept at YAOI High. Sired a daughter named Star. Looks like his legacy is going ard
Jude: Of course. N I heard Blacks r a well-known aristocrat. It definitely is an honour
Aaron: okay, I'm ready *takes another deep breath*
Jude: Same 8lay dwn8
Lil: 8takes out a syringe8 Take a deep breath. I am going to take ur eggs now 8sticks the syringe into Jude gently n started extracting8
Jude: 8hissed as she took a breath8
Aaron: how many times have you done this
Lil: To be honest, this is my first attempt on a hetero couple. I usually do this for male couples, especially those who would rather do this than go thru the traditional ritual
Jude: Why would they wanna do tht?
Lil: Usually those who ask don't want to hv sex with each other bcoz they hv already fallen in love with someone else n don't want to feel like they're cheating on their lover
Aaron; wow. That's kind of Surprising
Lil: 8shrugged8 U get all different kinds of ppl somehow 8removed the syringe8 All done 8injects it into a petri dish n placed it into a sort of microwave device, then takes Sirius' seed n puts it in another petri dish8 Ur turn, Aaron. Ur gonna need to gimme ur seed 8passes him a cup8 Feel free to help him out, Ms Light. I'll give u some privacy 8leaves the room8
Aaron: well, wanna stroke me off or shall I do it myself
Jude: I got something better 8lifted her shirt n undid her bra, revealing her big jugs, then proceed to give him a boob-job, licking the tip of his cock as she rubbed her boobs on her fiance's cock8
Aaron: oh yeah baby. Give me more! >///<
Jude: 8lowered her head to suck the head while she kept rubbing8
Aaron: I'm about to...gah! Hurry!
Jude: 8grabs the cup nearby n jerks Aaron off, holding the cup close to the head8
Aaron: *moans as he finally lets out a big load*
Jude: 8catches the load in the cup8 Wow, tht is reli a lot 8giggled as she licked the come tht got on her hand8
Aaron: we are done, doc!!
Lil: 8comes in n takes it frm Jude8 Alright thanks 8takes the petri dish tht contains Jude's eggs frm the microwave device, then inject it into the petri dish containing Sirius' seed n added in Aaron's seed, then mixed it a bit8 Almost done. Lie bk dwn, pls
Jude: 8sat nxt to Aaron8
Aaron: *does so and takes a deep breath*
Lil: 8fits them all inside a enema syringe8 It would be better insert it thru u anally, since we cannot be sure tht the Uterus Fruit solution has fully had its effect on u yet 8spreads Aaron's legs n lubed up his ass a bit before inserted the syringe inside n injected the seed8
Jude: 8held his hand throughout the process8
Aaron: *took her hand and smiled* it's okay. I'm used to this *winces* kind of thing
Jude: I knw, I just wanna give u my support
Lil: Alright. All done. Just stay there for at least 10 mins before u can move ard. Wen u start feeling the symptoms of pregnancy, come to me n I will do a test to confirm it
Jude: Thanks, doc
Aaron: is it really that quick of a Process
Lil: Yup, the Uterus Fruit is pretty potent so far, n this is basically indirect sex 8chuckles8 Alright, I need to do my rounds now. Take care 8leaves the office8
Jude: Well tht was interesting. Still u better lie dwn longer than wat she asked, just in case
Aaron: Hope I don't get bored. *hears knocking on the door after he pulled his boxers up* cmon in!
Harry: Hey, Aaron! Jude! I thought I heard ur here!
Jude; Hey Har, u heard right. How's it going?
Harry: Good, good, just recovered frm birth actually
Aaron: you're a breeder too? Good to see ya!
Harry: Haha yeah thanks
Jude: U got a boy or a girl?
Harry: Both. A boy and a girl, oh n Ron is pregnant too
Jude: Reli? Wow, amazing. Who's the donor?
Harry: Not sure if u might knw the family. Draco Malfoy
Aaron: Draco?! His family used to work for her father
Jude: Oh my, the Malfoys huh? We're no stranger in dealing under the table with them
Harry: I heard they still do. So wat r u guys doing here?
Jude: We're trying for a baby
Harry: Umm... Can't u guys just do it at home? 8doesnt knw Jude is infertile8
Aaron: uh, Harry, there is a reason she and I are here
Harry: 8blinked8 Wat? U mean...Ur a donor? Bt...
Jude: 8sighed n told him evrything8 ....So yeah, tht's why we're here
Aaron: we're waiting for it to kick in
Harry: Ah okies then. Sorry to hear abt tht
Jude: 8shrugged8 I try not to beat myself up too much abt it
Aaron: Besides, I willing volunteered for this :)
Harry: Well as long as u guys get a healthy baby, doesnt matter how it was conceived, right?
Jude: The end justifies the means, I suppose
Aaron: naw ^_^ Since now most of the population of males carry the babies now
Harry: 8chuckles8 True tht. Well, I'm just here to see how u guys doing, bt looks like ur doing a-OK
Jude: Thanks for visiting. Maybe if we're free we can go visit u n ur babies
Harry: Sure. Cya 8leaves8
Aaron: Hey Doc! Can we get up yet!!
Jude: She went off to do her rounds, remember? 8looked at the time8 Well, I think u've laid dwn long enough. It should be alright
Aaron: *gets up and stretches* I'm starving now. I haven't eaten breakfast XP
Jude: 8chuckles8 Come, lets go eat at the institute cafeteria. I heard the head chef there is amazing
Aaron: Let's do that!
Toriko: 8laughed frm the kitchen8 Nice one, Ragor 8sees Aaron n Jude coming in8 Ah, fresh blood! Wat would u like to order?
Jude: Surprise me
Aaron: Do you have...let's see...honey barbeque chicken with white rice?
Toriko: Absolutely! I can whip up anything. Hv a seat. My Minions will serve u shortly 8went to cook8
Aaron: hey Jude, check him out
Ragor: Here you go, kids *feeds them some chicken*
8Ragor's little hatchlings chomped at the chickens happily8
Jude: Wow, r those...dragons?
Aaron: And he just called them way....
Ragor: Hm? *looked up* You two must be new here
Jude: Haha, yeah, u can say tht. If u don't mind me asking, did u just call those dragons ur "kids"?
Ragor: Oh, that's because they are ^_^ They hatched a couple weeks ago
Aaron: A human and dragon relationship....interesting
Ragor: These are Venom, Kelas, Talluah and Elas
Jude: Wow, it is interesting. Didnt think dragons n humans can be a donor-breeder relationship 8bent dwn to pat the dragons8 Hey there little cuties
8the hatchlings purred happily at Jude's pat8
Aaron: *pets them* Very interesting dragons :) Monstrous Nightmares, right?
Ragor: That's right. You know your dragons well
Aaron: ^_^ I studied them in school
Jude: Tho some of the dragons we study differ frm these. Heard of Norwegian Ridgebacks?
Ragor: I think so. My cousin and I are currently dragon trainers, of sorts
Jude: Wow, nice. I take it ur cousin is also a breeder for his dragon?\
Ragor: Right on the mark. *rubbed his full stomach*
Aaron: Looking prosperous there
Jude: 8chuckles8 Looks like it 8sees Minions coming with their order8 Oh here they are 8sees wat Toriko surprised her with8 Ooh, cha soba, sashimi n tempura! How did he knw I love Japanese food?
Ragor: Toriko has a talent for knowing what someone likes based on their looks and personality
Jude: Tht is impressive. N ur food looks delicious too, hon
8the hatchlings were salivating at both their dishes8
Ragor: Cmon kids, you just ate. Now go find your daddy and play with him :) papa's gotta work soon
8the hatchlings whined in protest, not wanting their papa to go n nipped onto the hem of his shirt, dangling on him like christmas lights8
Jude; Aww, tht is just adorable
Ragor: Aw cmon kids, See this? *shows a little camera on his jacket* You can see me through here ^^
Aaron: such an interesting sight
8the hatchlings shook their heads in protest, still biting onto his shirt like fish on bait8
Jude: Maybe u should bring them along to work. I'm sure ur colleagues wouldnt mind
Ragor: Last time I did, they nearly burned a room
Jude: Maybe they'll be good this time? They seem to reli wanna hang ard with u, no pun intended 8giggled8
Ragor: Is that what you want kids? Promise?
*the hatchlings nodded excitedly8
Ragor: Okay, behave. and no breathing fire
*the hatchlings let him go n circled round his feet happily8
Jude: Just adorable 8ate her food8 Mmmm!! Delicious~!
Aaron: yes it is. This is the best!
Jude: 8calls out8 Compliments to the chef!
Toriko: 8gave them a thumbs up n went bk to work8
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10:14 AM
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The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 35
*meanwhile, with the security*
Ragor: How did you two enjoy your shift?
Rocket: I gotta say, this is quite an impressive establishment
Groot: I am Groot (Very satisfied. N the air here is quite clean, unlike our last pit stop)
Rocket: OH yeah, let's not remember that. Would you like to see our ship?
Ragor: Really? Sure!
Groot: 8nodded n led Ragor to show him their ship8
Ragor: Whoa O_O
Rocket: Not much, but all of our equipment is in here
Ragor: Very impressive
Groot: 8shiwed him the music player Starlord installed for them n pressed PLAY to play the tape inside8
Ragor: whoa, is that a cassette player? looks it over I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid
Rocket: Yeah, that's what Quil calls it. Something personal to him when he was taken from here
Groot: 8hummed woodenly as he swayed a bit to the music8
Ragor: Come and Get your Love by Red Bone. 1974 I used to listen to this all the time with my folks
Rocket: What happened to them?
Ragor: The plague got them.
Groot: I am Groot? (Ur parents r both women?) 8had learnt beforehand abt the plague that affects only women8
Ragor: Well, my mom died first, and then my dad got sick something incurable
Groot: I am Groot... (Sorry for ur loss...)
Ragor: Thanks Groot. It's okay. I've been taken in by my relatives
Groot: 8smiles n patted his head8
8meanwhile, Illust was reviewing some paperwork with Akari, who is nursing the twins thru a makeshift baby sling while using the PC at the same time8
Illust: 8giggled8 U look adorable like tht, ottoto-chan
Akari: Aw cmon don't have to say it like that. *Blushes a bit* Isn't there a fellow coming in soon with his girlfriend? *checks through the paperwork* He's volunteering to carry a child for her
Illust: Sorry if I sounded teasing, bt u reli do look adorable like tht. N yeah, I'm looking into their file right now. Poor girl is infertile due to the Plague n barely survived it wen it struck, so we're helping them anyway we can
Akari: *checks the file* Aaron Smithson
Illust: Yeah, n the girlfriend is Judith Light. They're engaged to be married wen the plague hit, n she is apparently the daughter of the big mafia mob boss Tom Riddle aka Voldemort. Wow tht is some Romeo n Juliet love affair right there
Akari: And it says he literally had to fight for her hand, resulting in a permanent scar on his neck
Illust: Huh, says here they r both Whisperer-Born, Aaron being half-blood. No wonder he got his work cut out for him. Voldemort is known for being a purist
Akari: So what finally took him to convince her father?
Illust: According to the interview transcripts, it was because of the plague. Wen she found out she was infertile after surviving the plague, he promptly disowned her. He didn't want defects in his family. Blessing in disguise, I guess
Akari: So, that's how they made it here
Illust: They'll be coming in late tonight. They're just settling in their new home now tht they're officially together
Aaron: *gets everything finally unpacked in their new home using his magic* There we go
Jude: 8puts the last of the home decors with her magic too8 Same here. Aaron, r u sure u wanna do this? I mean, u knw we could always adopt. YAOI High has plenty of children ready to be adopted out since there r quite a number of the donors who don't want to keep their child
Aaron: It sounds nice and all, but I rather have a child that's related to us both. I am sure
Jude: 8rubbed her neck8 I feel so useless... I can't believe I survived the plague only to come out barren... I failed as a wife n a woman... I wanted to give u children... 8sniffles8
Aaron: Hey, don't pout *hugs her closely, gives her a kiss on the forehead* Only one thing has come out of this got you away from your father and with me :)
Jude: 8chuckled sadly8 Yeah, I'm glad. I guess its sort of a blessing in disguise. 8fingered the scar on his neck8 I'm reli sorry for wat he did to u. He almost killed u wen u came to say u wanna court me n ask for his blessing
Aaron: I know, but I would have given my life for you, Judith. No matter what
Jude: 8smiled n hugged him8 Thank u. Thanks for loving me wen my family is at its worst. Thanks for still loving a defect like me...
Aaron: ^^ You're not a defect, you're perfect. *checks his time* Oh jeez, we should get going!
Jude: 8sees the time too8 Yeah, we better report in quick! 8wore her coat n held Aaron's hand as they took a cab to The OC Mansion8
8Minions were waiting at the entrance, holding a signage bearing *Mr and Mrs Smithson*8
Aaron: Yep, that's us. Wow, these guys are all over the place
Jude: I knw. N they look kinda adorable
Minion1: Basobaso! 8gestured them to follow8
Jude: I think he wants us to follow them
Aaron: *follows the minion into the clinic, taking a deep breath*
Illust: 8was there, along with Baymax n a female doctor8 Hi. U must be Jude n Aaron. Welcome to OC Mansion
Jude: Hi, yes. N u must be the dean. N is this the famous Dr Watson?
Illust: Sorry. We had to let Watson go. Him working double shifts at YAOI High n here is taking a toll on his family. This is Dr. Lil Mask
Lil: Hello 8shook hands with them8
Aaron: Here there, Doc :)
Jude: 8shook her hand too8 Hello
Lil: Alright, if u pls undress, I'd like to get started with the physical exams
Aaron: *took off his shirts and his pants, folding them up nicely, down to his boxers. He had a really fit figure, scars in a few places as well*
Lil: 8did all the necessary exams like height, weight, heartbeat, throat, bloodwork8 Alright, pls lay dwn on the bed n lemme chk ur internals
Aaron: *laid down on the table, taking a deep breath*
Lil: 8using her wand, she did a scan on his internals8 Hmm... Looks good. U will need to take a liquid form of the Uterus Fruit before I can make the implantation, bt so far, ur internals r pretty intact n healthy for the coming implantation
Jude: How soon will u do it?
Lil: 8waved the scan away with her wand8 I'll hv to prepare the concoction first, bt we can proceed with the implantation sometime ard this weekend. Would tht be alright with u?
Aaron: Yes, that will do. :)
Lil: Good. Now just need u to fill in some small paperwork n u two will officially be donor n breeder for our institute 8passes them the paperwork8
Jude; 8filled in her paperwork8
Aaron: *fills in his paperwork slowly*
Lil: All done?}
Jude: Yup, mine's done 8passed to her8
Aaron: Here ya go :) All signed and sealed
Lil: Good. Well, we'll see u this weekend then
Illust: Dont be a stranger now
Jude: 8chuckles8 We won't 8left with Aaron hand in hand8
Ragor: How did you two enjoy your shift?
Rocket: I gotta say, this is quite an impressive establishment
Groot: I am Groot (Very satisfied. N the air here is quite clean, unlike our last pit stop)
Rocket: OH yeah, let's not remember that. Would you like to see our ship?
Ragor: Really? Sure!
Groot: 8nodded n led Ragor to show him their ship8
Ragor: Whoa O_O
Rocket: Not much, but all of our equipment is in here
Ragor: Very impressive
Groot: 8shiwed him the music player Starlord installed for them n pressed PLAY to play the tape inside8
Ragor: whoa, is that a cassette player? looks it over I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid
Rocket: Yeah, that's what Quil calls it. Something personal to him when he was taken from here
Groot: 8hummed woodenly as he swayed a bit to the music8
Ragor: Come and Get your Love by Red Bone. 1974 I used to listen to this all the time with my folks
Rocket: What happened to them?
Ragor: The plague got them.
Groot: I am Groot? (Ur parents r both women?) 8had learnt beforehand abt the plague that affects only women8
Ragor: Well, my mom died first, and then my dad got sick something incurable
Groot: I am Groot... (Sorry for ur loss...)
Ragor: Thanks Groot. It's okay. I've been taken in by my relatives
Groot: 8smiles n patted his head8
8meanwhile, Illust was reviewing some paperwork with Akari, who is nursing the twins thru a makeshift baby sling while using the PC at the same time8
Illust: 8giggled8 U look adorable like tht, ottoto-chan
Akari: Aw cmon don't have to say it like that. *Blushes a bit* Isn't there a fellow coming in soon with his girlfriend? *checks through the paperwork* He's volunteering to carry a child for her
Illust: Sorry if I sounded teasing, bt u reli do look adorable like tht. N yeah, I'm looking into their file right now. Poor girl is infertile due to the Plague n barely survived it wen it struck, so we're helping them anyway we can
Akari: *checks the file* Aaron Smithson
Illust: Yeah, n the girlfriend is Judith Light. They're engaged to be married wen the plague hit, n she is apparently the daughter of the big mafia mob boss Tom Riddle aka Voldemort. Wow tht is some Romeo n Juliet love affair right there
Akari: And it says he literally had to fight for her hand, resulting in a permanent scar on his neck
Illust: Huh, says here they r both Whisperer-Born, Aaron being half-blood. No wonder he got his work cut out for him. Voldemort is known for being a purist
Akari: So what finally took him to convince her father?
Illust: According to the interview transcripts, it was because of the plague. Wen she found out she was infertile after surviving the plague, he promptly disowned her. He didn't want defects in his family. Blessing in disguise, I guess
Akari: So, that's how they made it here
Illust: They'll be coming in late tonight. They're just settling in their new home now tht they're officially together
Aaron: *gets everything finally unpacked in their new home using his magic* There we go
Jude: 8puts the last of the home decors with her magic too8 Same here. Aaron, r u sure u wanna do this? I mean, u knw we could always adopt. YAOI High has plenty of children ready to be adopted out since there r quite a number of the donors who don't want to keep their child
Aaron: It sounds nice and all, but I rather have a child that's related to us both. I am sure
Jude: 8rubbed her neck8 I feel so useless... I can't believe I survived the plague only to come out barren... I failed as a wife n a woman... I wanted to give u children... 8sniffles8
Aaron: Hey, don't pout *hugs her closely, gives her a kiss on the forehead* Only one thing has come out of this got you away from your father and with me :)
Jude: 8chuckled sadly8 Yeah, I'm glad. I guess its sort of a blessing in disguise. 8fingered the scar on his neck8 I'm reli sorry for wat he did to u. He almost killed u wen u came to say u wanna court me n ask for his blessing
Aaron: I know, but I would have given my life for you, Judith. No matter what
Jude: 8smiled n hugged him8 Thank u. Thanks for loving me wen my family is at its worst. Thanks for still loving a defect like me...
Aaron: ^^ You're not a defect, you're perfect. *checks his time* Oh jeez, we should get going!
Jude: 8sees the time too8 Yeah, we better report in quick! 8wore her coat n held Aaron's hand as they took a cab to The OC Mansion8
8Minions were waiting at the entrance, holding a signage bearing *Mr and Mrs Smithson*8
Aaron: Yep, that's us. Wow, these guys are all over the place
Jude: I knw. N they look kinda adorable
Minion1: Basobaso! 8gestured them to follow8
Jude: I think he wants us to follow them
Aaron: *follows the minion into the clinic, taking a deep breath*
Illust: 8was there, along with Baymax n a female doctor8 Hi. U must be Jude n Aaron. Welcome to OC Mansion
Jude: Hi, yes. N u must be the dean. N is this the famous Dr Watson?
Illust: Sorry. We had to let Watson go. Him working double shifts at YAOI High n here is taking a toll on his family. This is Dr. Lil Mask
Lil: Hello 8shook hands with them8
Aaron: Here there, Doc :)
Jude: 8shook her hand too8 Hello
Lil: Alright, if u pls undress, I'd like to get started with the physical exams
Aaron: *took off his shirts and his pants, folding them up nicely, down to his boxers. He had a really fit figure, scars in a few places as well*
Lil: 8did all the necessary exams like height, weight, heartbeat, throat, bloodwork8 Alright, pls lay dwn on the bed n lemme chk ur internals
Aaron: *laid down on the table, taking a deep breath*
Lil: 8using her wand, she did a scan on his internals8 Hmm... Looks good. U will need to take a liquid form of the Uterus Fruit before I can make the implantation, bt so far, ur internals r pretty intact n healthy for the coming implantation
Jude: How soon will u do it?
Lil: 8waved the scan away with her wand8 I'll hv to prepare the concoction first, bt we can proceed with the implantation sometime ard this weekend. Would tht be alright with u?
Aaron: Yes, that will do. :)
Lil: Good. Now just need u to fill in some small paperwork n u two will officially be donor n breeder for our institute 8passes them the paperwork8
Jude; 8filled in her paperwork8
Aaron: *fills in his paperwork slowly*
Lil: All done?}
Jude: Yup, mine's done 8passed to her8
Aaron: Here ya go :) All signed and sealed
Lil: Good. Well, we'll see u this weekend then
Illust: Dont be a stranger now
Jude: 8chuckles8 We won't 8left with Aaron hand in hand8
The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 34
8the nxt day, Jinbei slowly woke up, his eyes opening slowly, then he felt as if he was empty n got up shocked, seeing his stomach flat8
Jinbei: Wha...? Baby...? Wh-Where...?? Where's my baby...?! 8didnt notice the incubator nxt to him8
Tora: she's doing fine. ^^
Jinbei: 8hears Tora n turns to him8 Wh-Where...? 8was still in a daze8
Tora: you're in the ward. You were bleeding out
Jinbei: Ooh... 8finally turns to notice the incubator n their little girl inside8 Is that...our...
Tora: our little girl
Jinbei: 8slowly gets up n made his way to the incubator8 Ooh...She...She's so small... Is she gonna be OK?
Tora: yes she will be. She has a couple months
Jinbei: I'm so sorry... Its all my fault... I shouldn't hv just made an outburst like tht. I could've killed our little girl...
Tora: no, it's not. Blame your boss
Jinbei: 8sighed8 I knw, bt still I could've controlled myself. I should've. Instead I just... 8hugs Tora, crying tears of relief8 I'm so so sorry, Tora... Its all my fault our little girl...
Tora: she's 100% healthy :) see, she's awake
Jinbei: 8turns to see the baby girl whimpering, her head turned sideways n her mouth making a sort of munching movement, as if looking for a nipple to suckle8
Tora: just to take easy with her ^^ she's still delicate
Jinbei: 8nodded n gently took her out, careful not to let the tubes come off, then undid his shirt as instinct told him to, before letting her suckle on his nipple8
Tora: I haven't thought of a name for her yet. I was waiting for you
Jinbei: Oh, well... 8thought about it8 I wanna name her Rei. It's Japanese for "lovely" coz she looks so beautiful to me
Tora: Rei it is. ^^ suits her very well
Jinbei: 8finished nursing her n burped her before putting her bk into the incubator8 How long does she hv to be inside here again?
Tora: A couple more months, from what I've been told
Jinbei: Wow, tht would be on ur due date then
Tora: Sure will be *rubbed his stomach, feeling the little one in him kicking around
Jinbei: 8chuckles8 Looks like our little baby there can't wait to meet their sibling
Tora: ^^ *hugs onto him tightly*
Jinbei: 8hugged him bk8 Hey...Ur hugging me tighter than usual. Wats tht for?
Tora: I'm just happy that you and our little girl are so much better lol
Jinbei: Yeah. Sorry I scared ya
Tora: Let's hope it doesn't happen again
Jinbei: I'm sure it won't. U r strong, nothing will happen to u or our baby
Tora: ^^ Together
Jinbei: Wha...? Baby...? Wh-Where...?? Where's my baby...?! 8didnt notice the incubator nxt to him8
Tora: she's doing fine. ^^
Jinbei: 8hears Tora n turns to him8 Wh-Where...? 8was still in a daze8
Tora: you're in the ward. You were bleeding out
Jinbei: Ooh... 8finally turns to notice the incubator n their little girl inside8 Is that...our...
Tora: our little girl
Jinbei: 8slowly gets up n made his way to the incubator8 Ooh...She...She's so small... Is she gonna be OK?
Tora: yes she will be. She has a couple months
Jinbei: I'm so sorry... Its all my fault... I shouldn't hv just made an outburst like tht. I could've killed our little girl...
Tora: no, it's not. Blame your boss
Jinbei: 8sighed8 I knw, bt still I could've controlled myself. I should've. Instead I just... 8hugs Tora, crying tears of relief8 I'm so so sorry, Tora... Its all my fault our little girl...
Tora: she's 100% healthy :) see, she's awake
Jinbei: 8turns to see the baby girl whimpering, her head turned sideways n her mouth making a sort of munching movement, as if looking for a nipple to suckle8
Tora: just to take easy with her ^^ she's still delicate
Jinbei: 8nodded n gently took her out, careful not to let the tubes come off, then undid his shirt as instinct told him to, before letting her suckle on his nipple8
Tora: I haven't thought of a name for her yet. I was waiting for you
Jinbei: Oh, well... 8thought about it8 I wanna name her Rei. It's Japanese for "lovely" coz she looks so beautiful to me
Tora: Rei it is. ^^ suits her very well
Jinbei: 8finished nursing her n burped her before putting her bk into the incubator8 How long does she hv to be inside here again?
Tora: A couple more months, from what I've been told
Jinbei: Wow, tht would be on ur due date then
Tora: Sure will be *rubbed his stomach, feeling the little one in him kicking around
Jinbei: 8chuckles8 Looks like our little baby there can't wait to meet their sibling
Tora: ^^ *hugs onto him tightly*
Jinbei: 8hugged him bk8 Hey...Ur hugging me tighter than usual. Wats tht for?
Tora: I'm just happy that you and our little girl are so much better lol
Jinbei: Yeah. Sorry I scared ya
Tora: Let's hope it doesn't happen again
Jinbei: I'm sure it won't. U r strong, nothing will happen to u or our baby
Tora: ^^ Together
The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 33
8soon they were in the ICU division, n the staff there quickly settled Jinbei in to his room aftr taking care of the necessary treatments, while their baby was in another ward for premature babies8
Illust: Go be by Jinbei's side. Bt take it easy, OK? We dont want u to go into labour too. Akari, stay with him, OK? I'll go with Watson to chk on the baby 8leaves with Baymax who went to help Watson8
Tora: *goes to the room that Jinbei was taken do and takes a seat by his side, hoping he will be better soon, along with their baby*
Akari: sat right by him for support
Illust: 8monitors the progress as Watson n Baymax along with a few staff got busy into saving the baby girl8
8aftr almost an hour n a half, the baby was stable, tho stuck with plenty of tubes n breathing apparatus n only in her diapers. Her colour has regained, n she's showing features of a liger8
Baymax: 8wheeled the incubator she was in to Jinbei's room8 Here is ur baby girl, Tora. She's 3 mths early frm her due date, bt she is stable. U r only allowed to take her out for feeding. She must remain inside until she is full term
Tora: I understand *knelt down and looked at her* Hey little one :) Aren't you the cutest thing I have ever seen. ^_^ I'm gonna wait till daddy wakes up and we'll name you together
8the baby cooed in her sleep8
Illust: 8enters as Baymax left8 Evrything alright?
Tora: ^_^ She's doing great. She's so beautiful
Akari: *looks over here* :) Yes she is
Illust: Yeah, evn with all the tubes n stuff, she's the most beautiful thing I've evr seen 8rubs her belly8 I hope my baby would be as beautiful
Tora: Same here *rubs his own belly, feeling the baby kicking*
Illust: 8can see the slight bump wen the baby kicked Tora8 Looks like ur baby is trying to assure u it will, n can't wait to meet its sister 8chuckles8
Tora: *lets a big yawn*
Illust: U better rest. I'll arrange for someone to ready a resting room for u. Baymax will keep u updated on Jinbei
Tora: thanks *heads back to his room to sleep
Undercover Romance-Chp11
*the days continued on as Harry n Severus carried on their lovers facade. Watever info Harry dug up was secretly relayed to Kingsley, n he found tht ppl r quite willing to disclose thing if u stroke their ego n dressed right for the occasion*
Harry: *was now hving tea with the Lestranges n was getting rather good intel while Severus was elsewhere with the Malfoys*
Rodolphus was a good friend so he didn't worry about Harry being with them. Bellatrix was nuts, but that was besides the point. This way Harry could get more info from diffrence people.
Harry: Oh Bellatrix, u are such a hoot. Ur telling me tht u actually got past Gringotts with all tht money by just using a dose of Polyjuice Potion? Were u not caught?
"I am a natural born actor." She said, throwing his curly brown hair back.
Harry: *laughs* Wow, I'll say. Well, I better be off soon. My shift at the library is up. Anyone seen Sev?
"I believe Lucius took." Rodolphus said. "Check the green drawing room."
Harry: Thanks, Rodolphus *made his way to the green drawing room*
Lucius: *was talking to Severus abt his plans for the future once Draco is officially wed to Voldemort*
"And do you think he will give you that money, just because you ask?" Severus asked, raising a brow. "I doubt he would just give it away, even if his wife is your son."
Lucius: Come now, u hv little faith. Lord Voldemort n I r old friends even before I got married. He will help him out n I'll make sure Draco will make sure of it. Cissy did teach him well abt the art of persuasion. N besides its for the Dark Lord's benefit as well, he would be crazy not to fund me
Harry: *found them* Hello, Sev. *nodded curtly* Lucius
"Kiaran." Severus greated him back. "Are you ready to go?"
Harry: *nodded* Yes, my nxt shift is abt to begin
Lucius: Aww, so soon? Evryone is hving a jolly time while ur here. Why not play hookie for once n continue hanging out with us
Harry: Sorry, bt I still hv bills to pay. It was nice of ur sister in law to invite us for tea tho
"Yes. I better be getting him back." Severus nodded to his old friend. He turned and put his arm around the boy as,if protecting him against the other man.
Lucius: Well drop by anytime. The missus n I would LOVE to hv u here again
Harry: *just nodded wordlessly n left* Phew tht was close...again
"I would not leave you with him." He said, his arm righting around Harry. "How was Bella and Rodolphus?"
Harry: Rodolphus was alright. He's mostly quiet while Bella was a riot, bragging abt her criminal activities like it was the gossip of the day. Gave me a lot of Intel tho, at least we knw now who is behind some of the crimes we couldn't solve
"Yes. She had cowed him. Rodolphus was never like that until she married him. He does anything she says. He is so in love with her. Unfortunately she is sleeping with the Dark Lord. He either does not know it or just over looks it."
Harry: Oi vey. Gonna add that to list of Voldemort's affiliates. Tell me, how did u end up being in this Death Eater clan anyway? U don't look like a person who would indulge in criminal activity
"I never fit in anywhere else. Lily and I were friends but her friends didn't like me. I had to fit in somewhere. Believe it or not I actually looked up to by some of the deatheaters. That is why I did it to begin with."
Harry: I see. I guess I understand wen u want to find a plc u want to belong bt end up in the plc u least expected. Hv u ever thought of getting out, even before Draco go engaged?
"Once before." He shrugged. "But I never took her advice. I thought this was where I belonged."
Harry: Her? *thought for a bit before it clicked* Oh. OK, I get it. Did u evr kept in touch with my mother, even aftr Hogwarts?
"For a while. After you was born she didn't have anytime to write me."
Harry: At least u kept in touch with her *passes by a drug store* Oh can we stop by here for a second? My Muggle neighbor asked me to help her get her migraine prescriptions before I get home
Severus nodded opening the door for him. He was still a gentleman, even if they were not really dating.
Harry: *nodded in thanks as he entered. He brought the receipt to the cashier n waited for him to fill the prescription*
"Harry? Harry Potter?"
Harry: *turned to the voice n saw tht it was the Dursleys, n the owner of the voice was Dudley*
Severus also turned. He doubted that anyone from his world would be in here but he still looked around. Then he recognized Petunia.
Petunia: *sees Severus n sneered* Ugh! N here is the freak Snivellus. Wat r u doing here in our part of town?
Harry: I'm just here to buy meds. I don't want any trouble
"Hello Petunia. My day was going just fine until I saw you and your bulbous of a husband."
Petunia: *turned up her nose at them like they were the stench of the day* Hmph, to each their own, I suppose. At least my husband is not a freak like u. Honestly they should just segregate ppl the likes of u n keep u out of all us upstanding folk. Walking abt like u own the plc n all
Harry: *ignored her comment like he always did wen he was younger, praying tht the pharmacist would just hurry up with the meds*
"As much as you know. Like always. There are more of us than you think." Severus said. He would never back down from the likes of her and her family.
Dudley: Is he ur BOYFRIEND, Potter? I always knew u were a queer! Didnt think u go for queer freaks evn
Petunia: Now, now, u mustn't be rude to ur cousin, Duddykins, evn if it is true. Altho courtesy is wasted on both of them
Vernon: Wats all the commotion here? *sees Harry n Severus* Ah, I see. Freak of the day, as usual
Severus raised a brow at the even lager man. Shaking his head he turned back to the counter, putting his body between Harry and his family. "It should not be much longer."
Dudley: Hah! I was right! Potter IS a queer!
Vernon: Hmph, no surprise there. I wouldnt evn be surprised tht he's letting this old bat screw him for money. He's always been such a slut, arent u, boy?
Harry: *doesnt reply, bt doesnt look at him either*
Vernon: Should've known ur job as the freak police wouldnt pay u as much, tht u hv to sell ur body to other freaks. I should've broken ur wand n sent u to tht reform school for real wen I had the chance
Harry: *grabbed the meds tht finally came, hastily paid without taking the change n speed-walked out of the drug store*
Severus couldn't stand it and pushed the fat man with his hand. "Say anything else and I will put a curse on you. Go on, I dare you. I am not the type of man to mess with Dursley. In my line of work killing you would just can a minute of my time and I would never think of you again. I have killed worst men than you without a second thought." Leaving that in his wake he hurried out after Harry. The boy was extremely fast.
*the Dursleys were a little taken aback by his threat, bt as soon as he left, they just scoffed n went on their merry way*
Harry: *had slowed dwn his speed walk until he was a few blocks away frm the drug store, n he was visibly shaking, his face red as he tries to hold bk his outburst*
"Potter...why didn't you ever tell anyone that they were like that?"
Harry: *pause for a moment before he spoke in a quiet low voice* Do u think tht I hv nvr tried...? Time n time again I hv reached out to the social workers tht sent me to them aftr my parents' death, both Muggle AND magical. The magical social workers didnt want to deal with me without creating a scandal n conflict btwn Muggles n wizards, n the Muggle social workers were all fooled by my aunt n uncle's caring bt distraught parent image, claiming tht I was an emo who practice self-harm to gain attention *turns to Severus as his tears finally fell freely dwn his cheeks as he shouted* THEY DON'T EVEN BELIEVE ME WHEN I TOLD THEM UNCLE VERNON RAPED ME!! HOW CAN I CONVINCE ANYONE ELSE OTHERWISE?!
Severus wanted to say he would have believed him, had he gotten that potions job so long ago. But he didn't know if he had. "Well I believe you now, Harry. I am sorry you had such a hard childhood."
Harry: Well, its too late for anyone to believe me now. Uncle Vernon is right; I AM a slut. I'm nvr reli good for anything. All these successes I've got as an Auror are just the surface, its a fucking farce. The Ministry would soon use me as bait as any brothel would use me as meat. I dont hv anyone to truly share it with. Not evn my so-called friends *looked away n wiped his tears hastily as he turned to continue his way*
"I highly doubt that." He said, stopping the boy with his hand. "No child of Lily's is worthless. You are not defined by what happened in the past. I thought you were just a young child and,this would never work. But you know how to blend in and get a job done. You talk about a world that would be better off with out evil in it."
Harry: *looked at him bitterly* I am defined by wat happens in the past. U hv no idea how tht feels like *he looked like he needed to spill his guts abt all this, as if seen the Dursleys hv pulled a trigger, bt out in the open where ppl might see them, possibly Voldemort's acquaintances, it was clear they needed to go somewhere private*
Severus brought them to a secluded alley n used a bubble spell so they won't be heard for good measure "I do. Partially. My father was verbally, mental, and physically abusive. He made not have raped me but he hated me for the same reason that they hate you. Because I can do magic and he couldn't."
Harry: Well try being the golden child of the famous Lily Evans n James Potter n expected to excel in evrything ur parents hv evr aced in their lifetime. Try being forced into playing Quidditch evn tho u prefer to be the spectator rather than a player n often being compared to ur parents wen u fuck up. Then get bk home to ur Muggle family n be reminded ovr n ovr again tht its ur fault ur parents died n u deserve evrything tht has been done to u, including being raped starting at the age of 6, n bcoz ur not allowed to use magic outside of school, u can't fight bk n they KNOW it
"I can't try. I was never a golden boy. I was the opposite. And I am sorry for everything that happen to you in the past. No one deserves that, but it is in the past. I know you don't want to believe it but if you don't start stop blaming everyone else then you are not going to move on. Yes everything happened to you but you raised above it. Look at what you are doing? You are going to bring down the biggest mod boss ever."
Harry: *knew wat Severus said was right, bt it still hurt* I'm not worthy of my family name. I'm not worthy of ur best friend's plc as her son. I'm not... *started sobbing as he buried his face in his hands. He wanted to tell him tht he thought of death almost everyday bcoz of his dual life, tht he rose above it to prove to the Dursleys that he was beyond them, tht he was worth more than wat they branded him as, bt instead he ran like a coward, letting them walk all over him like he was 5 yrs old again, n it hurt so bad tht whatever he was doing now would mean nothing to anyone once he's dead*
Severus sighed and pulled the boy into his arms. "You are better than them. They will always be muggle and not worth you time of day, but you will always be a great wizard Harry."
Harry: *felt the warmth of Severus' arms n sobbed against his chest, letting it all out, pouring out his emotions to him as they both just stood there, the younger man in the older man's arms, to the outside world, they looked like convincing lovebirds*
Severus held him close. Harry needed to know that someone out there cared for him, even if they were not really dating. Harry was his best friend's son and they should be close.
Harry: *cried enough n pulled away, sniffling a little as he smiled wryly* Thanks for listening to my troubles, Severus, even if it wasn't ur problem to begin with
"Even if you don't think so I do. You are my best friend's son. I should have known you better growing up. And I should have protected you."
Harry: *his heart aches a little wen he was considered a "best friend's son" like he was an obligation, he didn't knw why, bt he shook it off* U didn't knw anyways. Don't blame urself. Come, walk me home?
"But I should have." He said, putting his arm around the boy like it was natural. "I will walk you home. And curse anyone that comes too close."
Harry: *giggled* Such a gentleman *the duo walked along the road bk to Harry's home that way in comfortable silence*
Harry: *was now hving tea with the Lestranges n was getting rather good intel while Severus was elsewhere with the Malfoys*
Rodolphus was a good friend so he didn't worry about Harry being with them. Bellatrix was nuts, but that was besides the point. This way Harry could get more info from diffrence people.
Harry: Oh Bellatrix, u are such a hoot. Ur telling me tht u actually got past Gringotts with all tht money by just using a dose of Polyjuice Potion? Were u not caught?
"I am a natural born actor." She said, throwing his curly brown hair back.
Harry: *laughs* Wow, I'll say. Well, I better be off soon. My shift at the library is up. Anyone seen Sev?
"I believe Lucius took." Rodolphus said. "Check the green drawing room."
Harry: Thanks, Rodolphus *made his way to the green drawing room*
Lucius: *was talking to Severus abt his plans for the future once Draco is officially wed to Voldemort*
"And do you think he will give you that money, just because you ask?" Severus asked, raising a brow. "I doubt he would just give it away, even if his wife is your son."
Lucius: Come now, u hv little faith. Lord Voldemort n I r old friends even before I got married. He will help him out n I'll make sure Draco will make sure of it. Cissy did teach him well abt the art of persuasion. N besides its for the Dark Lord's benefit as well, he would be crazy not to fund me
Harry: *found them* Hello, Sev. *nodded curtly* Lucius
"Kiaran." Severus greated him back. "Are you ready to go?"
Harry: *nodded* Yes, my nxt shift is abt to begin
Lucius: Aww, so soon? Evryone is hving a jolly time while ur here. Why not play hookie for once n continue hanging out with us
Harry: Sorry, bt I still hv bills to pay. It was nice of ur sister in law to invite us for tea tho
"Yes. I better be getting him back." Severus nodded to his old friend. He turned and put his arm around the boy as,if protecting him against the other man.
Lucius: Well drop by anytime. The missus n I would LOVE to hv u here again
Harry: *just nodded wordlessly n left* Phew tht was close...again
"I would not leave you with him." He said, his arm righting around Harry. "How was Bella and Rodolphus?"
Harry: Rodolphus was alright. He's mostly quiet while Bella was a riot, bragging abt her criminal activities like it was the gossip of the day. Gave me a lot of Intel tho, at least we knw now who is behind some of the crimes we couldn't solve
"Yes. She had cowed him. Rodolphus was never like that until she married him. He does anything she says. He is so in love with her. Unfortunately she is sleeping with the Dark Lord. He either does not know it or just over looks it."
Harry: Oi vey. Gonna add that to list of Voldemort's affiliates. Tell me, how did u end up being in this Death Eater clan anyway? U don't look like a person who would indulge in criminal activity
"I never fit in anywhere else. Lily and I were friends but her friends didn't like me. I had to fit in somewhere. Believe it or not I actually looked up to by some of the deatheaters. That is why I did it to begin with."
Harry: I see. I guess I understand wen u want to find a plc u want to belong bt end up in the plc u least expected. Hv u ever thought of getting out, even before Draco go engaged?
"Once before." He shrugged. "But I never took her advice. I thought this was where I belonged."
Harry: Her? *thought for a bit before it clicked* Oh. OK, I get it. Did u evr kept in touch with my mother, even aftr Hogwarts?
"For a while. After you was born she didn't have anytime to write me."
Harry: At least u kept in touch with her *passes by a drug store* Oh can we stop by here for a second? My Muggle neighbor asked me to help her get her migraine prescriptions before I get home
Severus nodded opening the door for him. He was still a gentleman, even if they were not really dating.
Harry: *nodded in thanks as he entered. He brought the receipt to the cashier n waited for him to fill the prescription*
"Harry? Harry Potter?"
Harry: *turned to the voice n saw tht it was the Dursleys, n the owner of the voice was Dudley*
Severus also turned. He doubted that anyone from his world would be in here but he still looked around. Then he recognized Petunia.
Petunia: *sees Severus n sneered* Ugh! N here is the freak Snivellus. Wat r u doing here in our part of town?
Harry: I'm just here to buy meds. I don't want any trouble
"Hello Petunia. My day was going just fine until I saw you and your bulbous of a husband."
Petunia: *turned up her nose at them like they were the stench of the day* Hmph, to each their own, I suppose. At least my husband is not a freak like u. Honestly they should just segregate ppl the likes of u n keep u out of all us upstanding folk. Walking abt like u own the plc n all
Harry: *ignored her comment like he always did wen he was younger, praying tht the pharmacist would just hurry up with the meds*
"As much as you know. Like always. There are more of us than you think." Severus said. He would never back down from the likes of her and her family.
Dudley: Is he ur BOYFRIEND, Potter? I always knew u were a queer! Didnt think u go for queer freaks evn
Petunia: Now, now, u mustn't be rude to ur cousin, Duddykins, evn if it is true. Altho courtesy is wasted on both of them
Vernon: Wats all the commotion here? *sees Harry n Severus* Ah, I see. Freak of the day, as usual
Severus raised a brow at the even lager man. Shaking his head he turned back to the counter, putting his body between Harry and his family. "It should not be much longer."
Dudley: Hah! I was right! Potter IS a queer!
Vernon: Hmph, no surprise there. I wouldnt evn be surprised tht he's letting this old bat screw him for money. He's always been such a slut, arent u, boy?
Harry: *doesnt reply, bt doesnt look at him either*
Vernon: Should've known ur job as the freak police wouldnt pay u as much, tht u hv to sell ur body to other freaks. I should've broken ur wand n sent u to tht reform school for real wen I had the chance
Harry: *grabbed the meds tht finally came, hastily paid without taking the change n speed-walked out of the drug store*
Severus couldn't stand it and pushed the fat man with his hand. "Say anything else and I will put a curse on you. Go on, I dare you. I am not the type of man to mess with Dursley. In my line of work killing you would just can a minute of my time and I would never think of you again. I have killed worst men than you without a second thought." Leaving that in his wake he hurried out after Harry. The boy was extremely fast.
*the Dursleys were a little taken aback by his threat, bt as soon as he left, they just scoffed n went on their merry way*
Harry: *had slowed dwn his speed walk until he was a few blocks away frm the drug store, n he was visibly shaking, his face red as he tries to hold bk his outburst*
"Potter...why didn't you ever tell anyone that they were like that?"
Harry: *pause for a moment before he spoke in a quiet low voice* Do u think tht I hv nvr tried...? Time n time again I hv reached out to the social workers tht sent me to them aftr my parents' death, both Muggle AND magical. The magical social workers didnt want to deal with me without creating a scandal n conflict btwn Muggles n wizards, n the Muggle social workers were all fooled by my aunt n uncle's caring bt distraught parent image, claiming tht I was an emo who practice self-harm to gain attention *turns to Severus as his tears finally fell freely dwn his cheeks as he shouted* THEY DON'T EVEN BELIEVE ME WHEN I TOLD THEM UNCLE VERNON RAPED ME!! HOW CAN I CONVINCE ANYONE ELSE OTHERWISE?!
Severus wanted to say he would have believed him, had he gotten that potions job so long ago. But he didn't know if he had. "Well I believe you now, Harry. I am sorry you had such a hard childhood."
Harry: Well, its too late for anyone to believe me now. Uncle Vernon is right; I AM a slut. I'm nvr reli good for anything. All these successes I've got as an Auror are just the surface, its a fucking farce. The Ministry would soon use me as bait as any brothel would use me as meat. I dont hv anyone to truly share it with. Not evn my so-called friends *looked away n wiped his tears hastily as he turned to continue his way*
"I highly doubt that." He said, stopping the boy with his hand. "No child of Lily's is worthless. You are not defined by what happened in the past. I thought you were just a young child and,this would never work. But you know how to blend in and get a job done. You talk about a world that would be better off with out evil in it."
Harry: *looked at him bitterly* I am defined by wat happens in the past. U hv no idea how tht feels like *he looked like he needed to spill his guts abt all this, as if seen the Dursleys hv pulled a trigger, bt out in the open where ppl might see them, possibly Voldemort's acquaintances, it was clear they needed to go somewhere private*
Severus brought them to a secluded alley n used a bubble spell so they won't be heard for good measure "I do. Partially. My father was verbally, mental, and physically abusive. He made not have raped me but he hated me for the same reason that they hate you. Because I can do magic and he couldn't."
Harry: Well try being the golden child of the famous Lily Evans n James Potter n expected to excel in evrything ur parents hv evr aced in their lifetime. Try being forced into playing Quidditch evn tho u prefer to be the spectator rather than a player n often being compared to ur parents wen u fuck up. Then get bk home to ur Muggle family n be reminded ovr n ovr again tht its ur fault ur parents died n u deserve evrything tht has been done to u, including being raped starting at the age of 6, n bcoz ur not allowed to use magic outside of school, u can't fight bk n they KNOW it
"I can't try. I was never a golden boy. I was the opposite. And I am sorry for everything that happen to you in the past. No one deserves that, but it is in the past. I know you don't want to believe it but if you don't start stop blaming everyone else then you are not going to move on. Yes everything happened to you but you raised above it. Look at what you are doing? You are going to bring down the biggest mod boss ever."
Harry: *knew wat Severus said was right, bt it still hurt* I'm not worthy of my family name. I'm not worthy of ur best friend's plc as her son. I'm not... *started sobbing as he buried his face in his hands. He wanted to tell him tht he thought of death almost everyday bcoz of his dual life, tht he rose above it to prove to the Dursleys that he was beyond them, tht he was worth more than wat they branded him as, bt instead he ran like a coward, letting them walk all over him like he was 5 yrs old again, n it hurt so bad tht whatever he was doing now would mean nothing to anyone once he's dead*
Severus sighed and pulled the boy into his arms. "You are better than them. They will always be muggle and not worth you time of day, but you will always be a great wizard Harry."
Harry: *felt the warmth of Severus' arms n sobbed against his chest, letting it all out, pouring out his emotions to him as they both just stood there, the younger man in the older man's arms, to the outside world, they looked like convincing lovebirds*
Severus held him close. Harry needed to know that someone out there cared for him, even if they were not really dating. Harry was his best friend's son and they should be close.
Harry: *cried enough n pulled away, sniffling a little as he smiled wryly* Thanks for listening to my troubles, Severus, even if it wasn't ur problem to begin with
"Even if you don't think so I do. You are my best friend's son. I should have known you better growing up. And I should have protected you."
Harry: *his heart aches a little wen he was considered a "best friend's son" like he was an obligation, he didn't knw why, bt he shook it off* U didn't knw anyways. Don't blame urself. Come, walk me home?
"But I should have." He said, putting his arm around the boy like it was natural. "I will walk you home. And curse anyone that comes too close."
Harry: *giggled* Such a gentleman *the duo walked along the road bk to Harry's home that way in comfortable silence*
Undercover Romance-Chp10
*aftr the party has completely dispersed, Remus attend to Draco as he settled in for the night*
"Please don't let Crabbe nor Goyle neat me again." He begged of Remus. "I had to deal with them in school enough as my roommates."
Remus: I understand, Young...I mean, Draco. I can tell u reli don't like them. Unfortunately it was ur father's direct request, I couldn't say no. Bt I'll try to make up an excuse nxt time *helps him remove his robes*
"Please do. A pair of stumps would make better conversation partners."
Remus: *chuckles* So, wat will be ur attire for the night? *helped him to open his closet*
"The dark blue ones." He said, pointing the ones that his uncle Severus gave him on his last birthday.
Remus: *nods n takes it out* It looks quite fetching. The colour suits u *helped Draco to undress*
"I like it too. Everyone always thinks I need need more and more green."
"I am tired of green."
Remus: *chuckles* Well, u ARE in Slytherin, so they assume tht it would be the right colour for u. I heard most Slytherins adopt tht colour the moment they are being sorted to tht house *helped him to dress in the night clothes*
"I didn't mind the color once upon a time. But by third year I was sick of. Blue has always been my favorite color."
Remus: U probably fit in with Ravenclaw then. They hv the nicest blue *his fingers ghosted along Draco's skin as he helped him get dressed, bt try not to think of it anything more than tht*
Draco shivered as they did. He didn't really think of what the fingers affected him so. "I am not that smart."
Remus: Sure u are. I heard ur one of the smartest boys in all of Hogwarts. One of the reasons why ur father arranged u to be with Lord Voldemort *helped him put on his pants, his hands somehow ghosted ard his crotch* U'd fit in in Ravenclaw easy. I think u belong there rather than Slytherin. Slytherin does not suit u, to be honest
Draco swallowed hard, and tried to keep calm. "I got threw my classes because of who my father is, not on my own merit."
Remus: U give urself too little credit. *chuckles* Maybe u were born into the wrong family. If u were born into my status, I'm sure u would be able to do whatever u want, n by ur own merit *one of his hand somehow ended up cupping Draco's cheek, lingering there, feeling the younger boy's soft skin on his slightly calloused one*
"I would probably like that better." He smiled up at him. "Then I could choose what I wanted to do and who I could marry."
Remus: *smiled bk at him* Any man would be lucky to hv u as their bride *his thumb rubbed gently along Draco's cheekbone*
Draco rolled his eyes and stepped back. "You just saying that so I don't run away." He said, sitting on his large bed.
Remus: No, no, I don't mean that. True, lord Voldemort is lucky to hv u, bt if u want my honest opinion, ur wasted on him. He doesn't deserve u. U deserve much better *picks up the dress gown he undressed frm Draco on the floor*
Draco smiled again. "Thank you, that means a lot. If I didn't have to marry him I would be out there like the rest of my class mates getting ready to apprentice. "
"How Goyle got an apprenticeship to a head member in the wizinagomot is beyond me. I know his father is rich but please he I'd an idiot."
Remus: All the more tht money talks better than brains, I suppose. If u were to apply for apprenticeship, wat do u plan to take?
"Either to be a herbalist or a medi-wizard. They sound the best to me. And my OWLs and NEWTs were really good in herbology, potions, and charms."
Remus: I think u would be a wonderful herbalist or medi-wizard. It suits u. Well, I better bring ur clothes to the laundry girls now. Do u need me to tuck u in or get u anything before I leave?
Draco grave a laugh. "I am 17, not 7. Besides no one but Dobby has ever tucked me in."
Remus: I am curious as to how tht elf is doing aftr u freed him, bt at least he's far away frm ur family now *smiled n leaned in to kiss Draco's forehead again like before* I shall take my leave now. Goodnight, Draco
"He is good." He did not tell Remus that the elf was working at the school. The headmaster was really go to him. "Good night, Lupin"
Remus: *left the room, bt not before touching his lip tht had kissed Draco's forehead, wondering wat exactly possessed him to do tht so daringly, before he shook his head n left to bring the laundry*
Draco laid down turning off the lights with a command and laid on his side.
"Please don't let Crabbe nor Goyle neat me again." He begged of Remus. "I had to deal with them in school enough as my roommates."
Remus: I understand, Young...I mean, Draco. I can tell u reli don't like them. Unfortunately it was ur father's direct request, I couldn't say no. Bt I'll try to make up an excuse nxt time *helps him remove his robes*
"Please do. A pair of stumps would make better conversation partners."
Remus: *chuckles* So, wat will be ur attire for the night? *helped him to open his closet*
"The dark blue ones." He said, pointing the ones that his uncle Severus gave him on his last birthday.
Remus: *nods n takes it out* It looks quite fetching. The colour suits u *helped Draco to undress*
"I like it too. Everyone always thinks I need need more and more green."
"I am tired of green."
Remus: *chuckles* Well, u ARE in Slytherin, so they assume tht it would be the right colour for u. I heard most Slytherins adopt tht colour the moment they are being sorted to tht house *helped him to dress in the night clothes*
"I didn't mind the color once upon a time. But by third year I was sick of. Blue has always been my favorite color."
Remus: U probably fit in with Ravenclaw then. They hv the nicest blue *his fingers ghosted along Draco's skin as he helped him get dressed, bt try not to think of it anything more than tht*
Draco shivered as they did. He didn't really think of what the fingers affected him so. "I am not that smart."
Remus: Sure u are. I heard ur one of the smartest boys in all of Hogwarts. One of the reasons why ur father arranged u to be with Lord Voldemort *helped him put on his pants, his hands somehow ghosted ard his crotch* U'd fit in in Ravenclaw easy. I think u belong there rather than Slytherin. Slytherin does not suit u, to be honest
Draco swallowed hard, and tried to keep calm. "I got threw my classes because of who my father is, not on my own merit."
Remus: U give urself too little credit. *chuckles* Maybe u were born into the wrong family. If u were born into my status, I'm sure u would be able to do whatever u want, n by ur own merit *one of his hand somehow ended up cupping Draco's cheek, lingering there, feeling the younger boy's soft skin on his slightly calloused one*
"I would probably like that better." He smiled up at him. "Then I could choose what I wanted to do and who I could marry."
Remus: *smiled bk at him* Any man would be lucky to hv u as their bride *his thumb rubbed gently along Draco's cheekbone*
Draco rolled his eyes and stepped back. "You just saying that so I don't run away." He said, sitting on his large bed.
Remus: No, no, I don't mean that. True, lord Voldemort is lucky to hv u, bt if u want my honest opinion, ur wasted on him. He doesn't deserve u. U deserve much better *picks up the dress gown he undressed frm Draco on the floor*
Draco smiled again. "Thank you, that means a lot. If I didn't have to marry him I would be out there like the rest of my class mates getting ready to apprentice. "
"How Goyle got an apprenticeship to a head member in the wizinagomot is beyond me. I know his father is rich but please he I'd an idiot."
Remus: All the more tht money talks better than brains, I suppose. If u were to apply for apprenticeship, wat do u plan to take?
"Either to be a herbalist or a medi-wizard. They sound the best to me. And my OWLs and NEWTs were really good in herbology, potions, and charms."
Remus: I think u would be a wonderful herbalist or medi-wizard. It suits u. Well, I better bring ur clothes to the laundry girls now. Do u need me to tuck u in or get u anything before I leave?
Draco grave a laugh. "I am 17, not 7. Besides no one but Dobby has ever tucked me in."
Remus: I am curious as to how tht elf is doing aftr u freed him, bt at least he's far away frm ur family now *smiled n leaned in to kiss Draco's forehead again like before* I shall take my leave now. Goodnight, Draco
"He is good." He did not tell Remus that the elf was working at the school. The headmaster was really go to him. "Good night, Lupin"
Remus: *left the room, bt not before touching his lip tht had kissed Draco's forehead, wondering wat exactly possessed him to do tht so daringly, before he shook his head n left to bring the laundry*
Draco laid down turning off the lights with a command and laid on his side.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Undercover Romance-Chp9
Severus opened up the door for them. "You can either leave now or come in and leave from inside."
Harry: I think I'll choose the second option. U may never knw abt spies ard here *enters the house with him*
Severus took his outer cloak off and hung it up. "I hope that this is worth it." He said. He was meaning everything about what Lucius had said and what the Dark Lord and others called him.
Harry: Wat? U mean before? Ur not blaming me now, r u?
"No, Potter. I would never blame you. What I am speaking of is you putting yourself out there and then getting all this attention. I hope it is worth it in the end."
Harry: Oh well, it's OK. It's part of my job. I'm used to it. N I've been called worse anyways. 8chuckles sadly8 Thanks for the concern tho. I appreciate it
"I still don't like when anyone calls you those names. That is not who you are, but I can only gently correct it."
Harry: Don't worry abt me. I can hold my own wen it comes to name-calling. N again, thanks for helping me out with Lucius. I knw u warned me abt him, bt I thought if I got close to him, I might learn something. Guess I underestimated him
"Don't underestimate him again. But I am glad I got there. If not just to help you out, but to spoil his plans."
Harry: *smiles n leans his head against Severus' shoulder* Thanks. U hv no idea how much that means to me, u stepping in *lingered for a while before pulling away* So, till the next time we meet?
"I suppose so, Mr. Potter." He nodded.
Harry: *hesitated a little before he leans up to gently peck at Severus' cheek, mostly due to gratitude for saving him frm Lucius before went to the fireplc n Floo-ed himself home*
Severus was suprised with Harry kissed him on the cheek. He looked after until the flames had completely died down.
Harry: I think I'll choose the second option. U may never knw abt spies ard here *enters the house with him*
Severus took his outer cloak off and hung it up. "I hope that this is worth it." He said. He was meaning everything about what Lucius had said and what the Dark Lord and others called him.
Harry: Wat? U mean before? Ur not blaming me now, r u?
"No, Potter. I would never blame you. What I am speaking of is you putting yourself out there and then getting all this attention. I hope it is worth it in the end."
Harry: Oh well, it's OK. It's part of my job. I'm used to it. N I've been called worse anyways. 8chuckles sadly8 Thanks for the concern tho. I appreciate it
"I still don't like when anyone calls you those names. That is not who you are, but I can only gently correct it."
Harry: Don't worry abt me. I can hold my own wen it comes to name-calling. N again, thanks for helping me out with Lucius. I knw u warned me abt him, bt I thought if I got close to him, I might learn something. Guess I underestimated him
"Don't underestimate him again. But I am glad I got there. If not just to help you out, but to spoil his plans."
Harry: *smiles n leans his head against Severus' shoulder* Thanks. U hv no idea how much that means to me, u stepping in *lingered for a while before pulling away* So, till the next time we meet?
"I suppose so, Mr. Potter." He nodded.
Harry: *hesitated a little before he leans up to gently peck at Severus' cheek, mostly due to gratitude for saving him frm Lucius before went to the fireplc n Floo-ed himself home*
Severus was suprised with Harry kissed him on the cheek. He looked after until the flames had completely died down.
Undercover Romance-Chp8
*meanwhile Voldemort was grilling the 411 on Severus abt Harry/Kia*
Voldemort: C'mon, Severus. Tell us the truth. I don't think u are able to find a catch like tht in a library. Surely u found him at a brothel? *laughed along with the other guys*
"No, my Lord. He works in a library." His face was his normal one, but he really had insisted on them going home by now. "You know I would never be in brothels."
Voldemort: True, u wouldn't set foot there even with a 10-feet pole. Bt he is too cute to be a librarian. All librarians I see r old fogeys n decrepit spinsters, not a handsome fellow like that
Fenrir: Maybe he moonlights at a brothel *guffawed n LOL-ed*
"At once all those older people were young." Severus gave Fenrir a look of bordom, edging on disgust.
Voldemort: Oh aren't u the sunny disposition? Goes to show that they don't know how to take good care of themselves. Look at me, I'm borderline 50 n I still look amazing
Fenrir: U look no older than 28 at most, milord
Harry: *showed up in time n held Severus's arm* Wat hv I missed, my dear?
"They must focus on their books more then looks, my Lord." When Harry joined them, he smiled and not having to be here much longer. "Not much. Everyone thinks your just can be a librarian. That you are too good looking for that."
Harry: Oh well I'm flattered. Everyone told me I should be a medi-wizard or a Muggle model or be at least a product spokesperson icon or mascot for their products both muggle n magical, bt sadly Hogwarts hv beaten them all off n kept me hostage in their library. Apparently I'm too beautiful to be shared for the world n Hogwarts wants to keep me for themselves *laughed along with the men at his silly joke* I believe we hv to go, dear. I hv a late night shift at Hogwarts I simply cannot miss
"Yes." He nodded. "My Lord." He nodded. "I will see you soon and hope you feel happy now being engaged."
Voldemort: That's a shame. I would love to get to knw u more. Oh well, there will be plenty of times, now that we knw this old bat here is finally hitched. See u soon, Sev old boy
Harry: *walked away with Severus* Wow, for a high class bastard he sure is crass
"Just figuring that out?" He asked as they walked away. "They kept asking if I had found you in a brothel."
Harry: *chuckles* Them n every other man who sees me in the street... *bit his lip, remembering something Uncle Vernon had called him* ...Anyway that went more or less well, despite the setback
"It was a disgusting display of power." He said as they exited the house and then walked towards the gate.
Harry: So...shall I go home with u just for image sake, or shall we part ways here now?
"Image. I also want to talk with you."
Harry: *nodded as he followed Severus' lead* So...wat do u want to talk abt?
"You asked me why I was doing this." He said. "Have you figured out why I am betraying everything that I know?"
Harry: More or less. U did it for ur godson Draco. U don't approve the marriage n defecting is the only way u can get him out of the marriage, by having Voldemort arrested n executed
"Yes. I understand thar I might have to go to jail when everything is said an done, but that I'd the small price to pay to make sure Draco is safe and happy for once in his life."
Harry: I'm sure they will be able to cut u a deal. Reduced sentence or even jail-free pass altogether. U are going to put away the most dangerous criminal in the whole tri-state area after all. They can afford to cut u loose. I can vouch for u
"For my crimes I am fine will being put away." He said, letting his mask fall a bit but then it was back up. "It is Draco that I worry about. His own parents would throw him under the bus if they had the chance."
Harry: Don't worry. With Kingsley in office, he would not let that happen. And I would never let that happen. I'll take him in if I have to, n vouch for him. I promise u, as an Auror...n maybe his friend if it comes to that
"Thank you." He nodded to the boy. "That does mean a lot."
Harry: *smiled bk at him, a genuine smile this time as he unconsciously held Severus' arm a bit closer, all the way till they were at his home*
Voldemort: C'mon, Severus. Tell us the truth. I don't think u are able to find a catch like tht in a library. Surely u found him at a brothel? *laughed along with the other guys*
"No, my Lord. He works in a library." His face was his normal one, but he really had insisted on them going home by now. "You know I would never be in brothels."
Voldemort: True, u wouldn't set foot there even with a 10-feet pole. Bt he is too cute to be a librarian. All librarians I see r old fogeys n decrepit spinsters, not a handsome fellow like that
Fenrir: Maybe he moonlights at a brothel *guffawed n LOL-ed*
"At once all those older people were young." Severus gave Fenrir a look of bordom, edging on disgust.
Voldemort: Oh aren't u the sunny disposition? Goes to show that they don't know how to take good care of themselves. Look at me, I'm borderline 50 n I still look amazing
Fenrir: U look no older than 28 at most, milord
Harry: *showed up in time n held Severus's arm* Wat hv I missed, my dear?
"They must focus on their books more then looks, my Lord." When Harry joined them, he smiled and not having to be here much longer. "Not much. Everyone thinks your just can be a librarian. That you are too good looking for that."
Harry: Oh well I'm flattered. Everyone told me I should be a medi-wizard or a Muggle model or be at least a product spokesperson icon or mascot for their products both muggle n magical, bt sadly Hogwarts hv beaten them all off n kept me hostage in their library. Apparently I'm too beautiful to be shared for the world n Hogwarts wants to keep me for themselves *laughed along with the men at his silly joke* I believe we hv to go, dear. I hv a late night shift at Hogwarts I simply cannot miss
"Yes." He nodded. "My Lord." He nodded. "I will see you soon and hope you feel happy now being engaged."
Voldemort: That's a shame. I would love to get to knw u more. Oh well, there will be plenty of times, now that we knw this old bat here is finally hitched. See u soon, Sev old boy
Harry: *walked away with Severus* Wow, for a high class bastard he sure is crass
"Just figuring that out?" He asked as they walked away. "They kept asking if I had found you in a brothel."
Harry: *chuckles* Them n every other man who sees me in the street... *bit his lip, remembering something Uncle Vernon had called him* ...Anyway that went more or less well, despite the setback
"It was a disgusting display of power." He said as they exited the house and then walked towards the gate.
Harry: So...shall I go home with u just for image sake, or shall we part ways here now?
"Image. I also want to talk with you."
Harry: *nodded as he followed Severus' lead* So...wat do u want to talk abt?
"You asked me why I was doing this." He said. "Have you figured out why I am betraying everything that I know?"
Harry: More or less. U did it for ur godson Draco. U don't approve the marriage n defecting is the only way u can get him out of the marriage, by having Voldemort arrested n executed
"Yes. I understand thar I might have to go to jail when everything is said an done, but that I'd the small price to pay to make sure Draco is safe and happy for once in his life."
Harry: I'm sure they will be able to cut u a deal. Reduced sentence or even jail-free pass altogether. U are going to put away the most dangerous criminal in the whole tri-state area after all. They can afford to cut u loose. I can vouch for u
"For my crimes I am fine will being put away." He said, letting his mask fall a bit but then it was back up. "It is Draco that I worry about. His own parents would throw him under the bus if they had the chance."
Harry: Don't worry. With Kingsley in office, he would not let that happen. And I would never let that happen. I'll take him in if I have to, n vouch for him. I promise u, as an Auror...n maybe his friend if it comes to that
"Thank you." He nodded to the boy. "That does mean a lot."
Harry: *smiled bk at him, a genuine smile this time as he unconsciously held Severus' arm a bit closer, all the way till they were at his home*
Undercover Romance-Chp7
Severus on the other hand was still fuming in his seat, though no one could tell. His mask was set firmly inplace.
Harry: *looked up at him n could tell frm the miniscule twitch in his eye tht he was not exactly happy with wat Voldemort just did to his godson, bt he kept his ground*
Remus: *returned to the table with Draco in hand n helped him to his seat, nodding in respect before returning to his table with the help*
Draco had his own mask firmly in place. He nodded to Remus and then didn't give him a second glance as he sat back down. His stomach was still not one hundred percent settled, but it was better.
The party continued and pretty sure dinner was over. This gave people the chance to mingle and for more people to suck up to Voldimort. It also gave Severus a chance to talk to Draco. He wanted to do it alone, but then there was the boy that he had to deal with.
Harry: *was mingling, keeping his facade on as he chatted with the ppl abt, then he noticed Severus looked at him as if he needed time alone. He gently gave him a nod, giving him the green light to leave him be, assuring him with his eyes tht he can hold his own*
He hated to leave the boy alone, but Harry was trained. He could handle himself it was Draco that needed him more right now
Harry: *watched him nod n leave before striking up a conversation with Fenrir nxt*
Severus made sure that one one was around then walked Draco to a sitting room. "Draco, are you alright?"
Draco: I'm fine, Uncle. Why wouldn't I be? I'm going to marry a wealthy, powerful man n will want for nothing, just like u agreed with everyone else during dinner *looked dwn grudgingly*
"I did not like that display of power. That was all that was done up there. I could care less about him, I care about you, Draco. You are my main consern right now."
Draco: Then why didn't u protest against this wedding in the first plc. Father may not like u bt he at least respects ur opinion.
"I did. I told your father that you were too young to be married. That is should be a while before, I even suggested a longer engagment. But your father wants to get back into the good graces of the Dark Lord." He wanted so badly to tell his godson that he had a plan to end this, but he didnt want Draco to be hurt in anyway. "I wanted to tell him that you should not marry the Dark Lord, but since your birth he has not really listened to me. We use to be friends."
Draco: *sighed* So it's true then. Ever since u took Aunt Lily's side wen Father n her got into a fight, he has been holding that grudge on u ever since, didn't he?
"He was one of my good friends, but she was my best friend. And you father was wrong, so yes, I took up for her and lost his friendship. At least I did not lose you."
Draco: *smiled sadly* Yeah, I suppose ur right. At least ur here now, so at least there is someone familiar here that I can stand. How about you introduce me to ur new lover?
*meanwhile Harry managed to get out of his long-winded conversation with Fenrir n was just people-watching at a corner*
"Yes. I would like you to meet him."
Lucius was getting bored with the conversations. They were not moving anywhere, but Severus' new lover looked more interesting. He walked up to the boy. "Hello ther. I do not believe we have been introduced. My name is Lucius Malfoy.
Harry: *turned to him n put his game face on* Hello. Yes, how rude of me. My name is Kiaran Featherworth, Hogwarts librarian
"Librarian? I do love books. I have quite a collection in my own library, if you would love to see it."
Harry: *was a bit hesitant to go with him alone, bt the temptation to gather more information abt the Malfoys won out* Why, it would be rude of me to refuse. I'd be delighted to see ur library at ur convenience
Lucius and smiled, he put his arm out for the other to take. "Shall we?"
Harry: *put on his trained smile n followed him*
The library was not far away, but no one would like being there. He opened the door for the boy. "Just a few more book shelves and it will put Hogwarts to shame." Lucius smiled at his fabulous library. Most of the books in here had not even been read. They were collector items.
Harry: *looked ard, impressed at the collection* Wow~! This is amazing~! Merlin's beard, is that the limited edition of Shawn Prodigus' Hidden Monsters series?? And all of Gilderoy Lockhart's volumes? How did u get all those? *contrary to most ppl's assumptions, Harry is actually quite a bit of a bookworm wen it comes to books abt magical creatures n adventure escapades*
"I know people. " He smiled, knowing he had hook in the boy. "Anything that I want I can get." He ran a hand over the boy’s arm. "Anything."
Harry: *his breath hitched a bit wen he felt his touch, he backed away a little as he pretended to look at the time* I think I should be going. Severus might be looking for me
"Oh, Severus is just talking with Draco. That boy can tell his sob story to anyone." Lucius tipped the boy's head back. "We have all the time in the world."
Harry: *started seizing up at Lucius' touches. He may hv had intimate touches before during his time dating, bt none as intimate as this. N his one night stand didnt count, coz he was drunk n he was not conscious of wat he was doing. Now tht he was sober, memories of Uncle Vernon flooded his head as he tried to bk away again* P-Pls... We shouldn't... Severus would be here any moment... *didnt knw why, bt he needed to get away, evn if it means returning to his fake lover who prolly couldnt care less abt his wellbeing*
"Don't worry about him." He smiled. "I am much better than him, in everything." He said, pulling the boy in closer for a kiss.
Just then Severus was talking Draco back to the party when he looked in to see Harry being pressed against the a shelf. "Go on back, Draco." He told his godson before he went in. "Lucius!"
Harry: *struggled wen Lucius was abt to press his lips to his own, his hand trying to reach for his wand n was abt to use a Killing Curse on him wen he heard Severus' voice. Against his better judgement, he ran towards Severus, hiding behind the older man*
"Kai, don't worry. We don't have to say here much longer." Severus said, giving Lucius the evil eye. "Don't you have someone else to mollest?" With that he turned and ushered Harry out.
Harry: *kept up a strong front as he was ushered out together with Severus, evn tho his face was slightly pale n he was almost visibly shaking* Th-Thanks, Severus. I almost... *shook his head* Nvr mind
"Now you see why I said to stay by me and away from Lucius." He said, putting his arm around the boy.
Harry: *nodded n leaned against Severus, surprisingly at ease with the older man's touches evn tho he almost just got molested* I'll keep tht in mind. Thanks again
"Don't worry. I would not have let him hurt you. You are valuable to everything I want to accomplish."
Harry: *didnt knw why, bt those word hurt him a little, bt he took a deep breath n put on his game face bk again* Of course. If u havent stopped me, I would've done something stupid n given away our cover. So, who r we buttering up to nxt?
"I think we can go, if you choose. Unless you want to talk to anyone else?"
Harry: Maybe I can mingle a little with Draco, get to knw him a little n see wat he knws abt Voldemort
"That sounds fine. I can talk to the Dark Lord while you are at it."
Harry: *nodded* Introduce us? *his hand held onto Severus' arm*
"Yes." He took the boy to find Draco. "Draco, this is my lover, Kiaran Feathersworth."
Harry: *approached him* We just met earlier on at the lounge. Hello again. Kiaran Featherworth, Hogwarts librarian
"I need to talk to the Dark Lord." Severus said, bowing and leaving.
"Yes, I want to talk with you. I never have known my uncle to have any lovers."
Harry: Reli? He is actually quite approachable once u get him to speak more than 2 words to u *using his well-trained EQ to guess wat kind of character Severus might be, n his initial conclusion right now is tht Severis may be an introvert*
"It is not that." Draco smiled. "He doesn't bring anyone around really. Not for a long time. I have memories or him coming around with a red headed woman but that is it."
Harry: Redhead? *thought of Lily bt didn't admit tht it was his mother* Oh reli? I was under the impression that he prefers men
"He does. Aunt Lily was his best friend. I never thought he would bring anyone." He smiled. "But I am glad. He needs to be happy. At least one of us should be."
Harry: One of us? Don't take this the wrong way. while I knw ur marriage is arranged, bt aren't u happy tht u will hv a husband tht provides?
Draco looked at him. "No I am not happy. At all."
Harry: Oh? Care to share? I promise I won't tell anyone *trying not to sound too inquisitive bt wanting to knw more info abt his target*
"I don't want to marry him for one. He is too old for me and for two I can't stand the fact that I have to do everything he wants. And I hate that I have no say in it. "
Harry: Oh dear. I can only imagine wat that's like. Wat makes him so entitled? Wat exactly does he do for a living that everyone seems to be sucking up to him? *acts ignorant*
Draco was not going to give that up. He knew the consiquinces. "He is very powerful and my partners want to be be in his good graces."
Harry: *could tell tht he was letting his guard up* Oh, tht powerful, huh? Sorry, I work mostly indoors, so I don't go out much or read things outside of books. So wat does...
Remus: *approached nxt to Draco* Is this gentleman bothering u, Young Master?
"No, Lupin. We were just talking." Draco smiled up at the man. "My bodyguard until my wedding." He explained to Kiaran.
Harry: Ah, hello, Lupin. Kiaran Featherworth *reaches up to shake his hand*
Remus: *shake it* Pleasure to meet u. I'm sorry to hv to call u away, Young Master. Bt ur father requests u to entertain Master Crabbe n Goyle n their Young Masters
Draco sighed. "Dumb and Dumber." He stood up. "It was nice to meet you, Kiaran." He said, smiling. "I hope to see more of you."
Harry: *smiled bk, a genuine smile this time* Likewise, Draco *got up to look for Severus*
Harry: *looked up at him n could tell frm the miniscule twitch in his eye tht he was not exactly happy with wat Voldemort just did to his godson, bt he kept his ground*
Remus: *returned to the table with Draco in hand n helped him to his seat, nodding in respect before returning to his table with the help*
Draco had his own mask firmly in place. He nodded to Remus and then didn't give him a second glance as he sat back down. His stomach was still not one hundred percent settled, but it was better.
The party continued and pretty sure dinner was over. This gave people the chance to mingle and for more people to suck up to Voldimort. It also gave Severus a chance to talk to Draco. He wanted to do it alone, but then there was the boy that he had to deal with.
Harry: *was mingling, keeping his facade on as he chatted with the ppl abt, then he noticed Severus looked at him as if he needed time alone. He gently gave him a nod, giving him the green light to leave him be, assuring him with his eyes tht he can hold his own*
He hated to leave the boy alone, but Harry was trained. He could handle himself it was Draco that needed him more right now
Harry: *watched him nod n leave before striking up a conversation with Fenrir nxt*
Severus made sure that one one was around then walked Draco to a sitting room. "Draco, are you alright?"
Draco: I'm fine, Uncle. Why wouldn't I be? I'm going to marry a wealthy, powerful man n will want for nothing, just like u agreed with everyone else during dinner *looked dwn grudgingly*
"I did not like that display of power. That was all that was done up there. I could care less about him, I care about you, Draco. You are my main consern right now."
Draco: Then why didn't u protest against this wedding in the first plc. Father may not like u bt he at least respects ur opinion.
"I did. I told your father that you were too young to be married. That is should be a while before, I even suggested a longer engagment. But your father wants to get back into the good graces of the Dark Lord." He wanted so badly to tell his godson that he had a plan to end this, but he didnt want Draco to be hurt in anyway. "I wanted to tell him that you should not marry the Dark Lord, but since your birth he has not really listened to me. We use to be friends."
Draco: *sighed* So it's true then. Ever since u took Aunt Lily's side wen Father n her got into a fight, he has been holding that grudge on u ever since, didn't he?
"He was one of my good friends, but she was my best friend. And you father was wrong, so yes, I took up for her and lost his friendship. At least I did not lose you."
Draco: *smiled sadly* Yeah, I suppose ur right. At least ur here now, so at least there is someone familiar here that I can stand. How about you introduce me to ur new lover?
*meanwhile Harry managed to get out of his long-winded conversation with Fenrir n was just people-watching at a corner*
"Yes. I would like you to meet him."
Lucius was getting bored with the conversations. They were not moving anywhere, but Severus' new lover looked more interesting. He walked up to the boy. "Hello ther. I do not believe we have been introduced. My name is Lucius Malfoy.
Harry: *turned to him n put his game face on* Hello. Yes, how rude of me. My name is Kiaran Featherworth, Hogwarts librarian
"Librarian? I do love books. I have quite a collection in my own library, if you would love to see it."
Harry: *was a bit hesitant to go with him alone, bt the temptation to gather more information abt the Malfoys won out* Why, it would be rude of me to refuse. I'd be delighted to see ur library at ur convenience
Lucius and smiled, he put his arm out for the other to take. "Shall we?"
Harry: *put on his trained smile n followed him*
The library was not far away, but no one would like being there. He opened the door for the boy. "Just a few more book shelves and it will put Hogwarts to shame." Lucius smiled at his fabulous library. Most of the books in here had not even been read. They were collector items.
Harry: *looked ard, impressed at the collection* Wow~! This is amazing~! Merlin's beard, is that the limited edition of Shawn Prodigus' Hidden Monsters series?? And all of Gilderoy Lockhart's volumes? How did u get all those? *contrary to most ppl's assumptions, Harry is actually quite a bit of a bookworm wen it comes to books abt magical creatures n adventure escapades*
"I know people. " He smiled, knowing he had hook in the boy. "Anything that I want I can get." He ran a hand over the boy’s arm. "Anything."
Harry: *his breath hitched a bit wen he felt his touch, he backed away a little as he pretended to look at the time* I think I should be going. Severus might be looking for me
"Oh, Severus is just talking with Draco. That boy can tell his sob story to anyone." Lucius tipped the boy's head back. "We have all the time in the world."
Harry: *started seizing up at Lucius' touches. He may hv had intimate touches before during his time dating, bt none as intimate as this. N his one night stand didnt count, coz he was drunk n he was not conscious of wat he was doing. Now tht he was sober, memories of Uncle Vernon flooded his head as he tried to bk away again* P-Pls... We shouldn't... Severus would be here any moment... *didnt knw why, bt he needed to get away, evn if it means returning to his fake lover who prolly couldnt care less abt his wellbeing*
"Don't worry about him." He smiled. "I am much better than him, in everything." He said, pulling the boy in closer for a kiss.
Just then Severus was talking Draco back to the party when he looked in to see Harry being pressed against the a shelf. "Go on back, Draco." He told his godson before he went in. "Lucius!"
Harry: *struggled wen Lucius was abt to press his lips to his own, his hand trying to reach for his wand n was abt to use a Killing Curse on him wen he heard Severus' voice. Against his better judgement, he ran towards Severus, hiding behind the older man*
"Kai, don't worry. We don't have to say here much longer." Severus said, giving Lucius the evil eye. "Don't you have someone else to mollest?" With that he turned and ushered Harry out.
Harry: *kept up a strong front as he was ushered out together with Severus, evn tho his face was slightly pale n he was almost visibly shaking* Th-Thanks, Severus. I almost... *shook his head* Nvr mind
"Now you see why I said to stay by me and away from Lucius." He said, putting his arm around the boy.
Harry: *nodded n leaned against Severus, surprisingly at ease with the older man's touches evn tho he almost just got molested* I'll keep tht in mind. Thanks again
"Don't worry. I would not have let him hurt you. You are valuable to everything I want to accomplish."
Harry: *didnt knw why, bt those word hurt him a little, bt he took a deep breath n put on his game face bk again* Of course. If u havent stopped me, I would've done something stupid n given away our cover. So, who r we buttering up to nxt?
"I think we can go, if you choose. Unless you want to talk to anyone else?"
Harry: Maybe I can mingle a little with Draco, get to knw him a little n see wat he knws abt Voldemort
"That sounds fine. I can talk to the Dark Lord while you are at it."
Harry: *nodded* Introduce us? *his hand held onto Severus' arm*
"Yes." He took the boy to find Draco. "Draco, this is my lover, Kiaran Feathersworth."
Harry: *approached him* We just met earlier on at the lounge. Hello again. Kiaran Featherworth, Hogwarts librarian
"I need to talk to the Dark Lord." Severus said, bowing and leaving.
"Yes, I want to talk with you. I never have known my uncle to have any lovers."
Harry: Reli? He is actually quite approachable once u get him to speak more than 2 words to u *using his well-trained EQ to guess wat kind of character Severus might be, n his initial conclusion right now is tht Severis may be an introvert*
"It is not that." Draco smiled. "He doesn't bring anyone around really. Not for a long time. I have memories or him coming around with a red headed woman but that is it."
Harry: Redhead? *thought of Lily bt didn't admit tht it was his mother* Oh reli? I was under the impression that he prefers men
"He does. Aunt Lily was his best friend. I never thought he would bring anyone." He smiled. "But I am glad. He needs to be happy. At least one of us should be."
Harry: One of us? Don't take this the wrong way. while I knw ur marriage is arranged, bt aren't u happy tht u will hv a husband tht provides?
Draco looked at him. "No I am not happy. At all."
Harry: Oh? Care to share? I promise I won't tell anyone *trying not to sound too inquisitive bt wanting to knw more info abt his target*
"I don't want to marry him for one. He is too old for me and for two I can't stand the fact that I have to do everything he wants. And I hate that I have no say in it. "
Harry: Oh dear. I can only imagine wat that's like. Wat makes him so entitled? Wat exactly does he do for a living that everyone seems to be sucking up to him? *acts ignorant*
Draco was not going to give that up. He knew the consiquinces. "He is very powerful and my partners want to be be in his good graces."
Harry: *could tell tht he was letting his guard up* Oh, tht powerful, huh? Sorry, I work mostly indoors, so I don't go out much or read things outside of books. So wat does...
Remus: *approached nxt to Draco* Is this gentleman bothering u, Young Master?
"No, Lupin. We were just talking." Draco smiled up at the man. "My bodyguard until my wedding." He explained to Kiaran.
Harry: Ah, hello, Lupin. Kiaran Featherworth *reaches up to shake his hand*
Remus: *shake it* Pleasure to meet u. I'm sorry to hv to call u away, Young Master. Bt ur father requests u to entertain Master Crabbe n Goyle n their Young Masters
Draco sighed. "Dumb and Dumber." He stood up. "It was nice to meet you, Kiaran." He said, smiling. "I hope to see more of you."
Harry: *smiled bk, a genuine smile this time* Likewise, Draco *got up to look for Severus*
Undercover Romance-Chp6
Draco moved his way into the house, knowing it since childhood. Finally coming to a bathroom he closed the door before going to the toilet and vomiting. So this,was how,it was going to be? He was going be be raped of everything from his first kiss to his first time and he was just expected to endure it.
Remus: *followed his scent n located him, then waited for a few moments to give him some time before knocking* Young Master, r u alright? May I come in?
Draco wiped his mouth with his hand and flushed the toilet. "Do whatever the fuck you want. Your going to report it back to my future husband anyway."
Remus: *enters the bathroom n stood a small distance away frm Draco* R u alright, Young Master? U look unwell
"Yes I am fucking unwell." Draco growled at him. "How would you like your first kiss to be in front of all those pricks cheering like that? I don't even get a fucking say." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "And I know it is your fucking job to make sure that I stay clean for him. You are only protecting me so as soon as I am married I can have his filthy child inside me. No one fucking cares about what I want!"
Remus: That's not true. I'm also not exactly being ur guardian at my own free will. Lord Voldemort ordered me to be more than just ur guardian. He wants me to be his "fixer", to "eliminate the competition". N no one cares either about how I feel abt this bcoz I am not a killer. Not by choice. I don't want to be a killer anymore than u don't want to be Lord Voldemort's wife. N I do care about u
"How can you care about me?" He asked, going over to the sink to get a look at himself. He couldn't go back in with red eyes. "All everyone sees when they look at me is a porcelain doll. To be put on a shelf and taken care of because I can fucking do it on my own."
Remus: I do care abt u. I hv been watching u growing up even tho u think me invisible. Lord Voldemort was not the only one who employs my services. Ur father does too, n I observed u wen I am under ur father's hire. Remember the elf Dobby ur father treated cruelly often? I saw u go to the backyard secretly n gave him ur share of bread wen u were only 5 yrs old. N u were the one who secretly freed him by giving him ur sweater wen ur father wasn't looking n lied to him saying Dobby was killed while running his errand. I knw wat u reli are, n I care tht side of u
Draco paused. Slowly he turned to look at the werewolf. "You...saw...why didn't you tell me father? I am sure that would jave netted you a larger pay day."
Remus: Unlike most hired help, I'm not the kind who would just look out for Number 1. I knw how it feels to be oppressed, n I'm not abt to rat ppl out. N besides, wat good would it do for my conscience if I rat u out? U would get into trouble bcoz of me. I don't want tht. I dunno why, bt I want to protect this side of u, n if it means hiding it frm the world, n frm ur father, so be it *smiled kindly at him*
Draco bit his lip. "No one, other than my Uncle, knows how I am." Why would this man care so much about protecting the kind side of him.
Remus: *smiled as he pat his head* It'll be our little secret then. *then leans dwn to kiss Draco on the forehead comfortingly* Come. Let's get u freshened up n bk to the party before they decide to send ur father up here
"I wish I didn't have to go back. I don't think I can stand being there any longer." He turned around and splashed cold water on his face.
Remus: I knw. I don't feel like going bk there either, bt it has to be done. Don't worry, Young Master. Just knw I'll be right with u, n if u need assurance u can secretly give my hand a squeeze. I'll make sure u can at least pull thru
"Please. Don't call me Young Master. Call me Draco. It is the only thing that I have left that is mine."
Remus: Of course, bt only in private *held out his arm* Shall we?
Draco smiled and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. He then took his arm.
Remus: *followed his scent n located him, then waited for a few moments to give him some time before knocking* Young Master, r u alright? May I come in?
Draco wiped his mouth with his hand and flushed the toilet. "Do whatever the fuck you want. Your going to report it back to my future husband anyway."
Remus: *enters the bathroom n stood a small distance away frm Draco* R u alright, Young Master? U look unwell
"Yes I am fucking unwell." Draco growled at him. "How would you like your first kiss to be in front of all those pricks cheering like that? I don't even get a fucking say." Tears started to well up in his eyes. "And I know it is your fucking job to make sure that I stay clean for him. You are only protecting me so as soon as I am married I can have his filthy child inside me. No one fucking cares about what I want!"
Remus: That's not true. I'm also not exactly being ur guardian at my own free will. Lord Voldemort ordered me to be more than just ur guardian. He wants me to be his "fixer", to "eliminate the competition". N no one cares either about how I feel abt this bcoz I am not a killer. Not by choice. I don't want to be a killer anymore than u don't want to be Lord Voldemort's wife. N I do care about u
"How can you care about me?" He asked, going over to the sink to get a look at himself. He couldn't go back in with red eyes. "All everyone sees when they look at me is a porcelain doll. To be put on a shelf and taken care of because I can fucking do it on my own."
Remus: I do care abt u. I hv been watching u growing up even tho u think me invisible. Lord Voldemort was not the only one who employs my services. Ur father does too, n I observed u wen I am under ur father's hire. Remember the elf Dobby ur father treated cruelly often? I saw u go to the backyard secretly n gave him ur share of bread wen u were only 5 yrs old. N u were the one who secretly freed him by giving him ur sweater wen ur father wasn't looking n lied to him saying Dobby was killed while running his errand. I knw wat u reli are, n I care tht side of u
Draco paused. Slowly he turned to look at the werewolf. "You...saw...why didn't you tell me father? I am sure that would jave netted you a larger pay day."
Remus: Unlike most hired help, I'm not the kind who would just look out for Number 1. I knw how it feels to be oppressed, n I'm not abt to rat ppl out. N besides, wat good would it do for my conscience if I rat u out? U would get into trouble bcoz of me. I don't want tht. I dunno why, bt I want to protect this side of u, n if it means hiding it frm the world, n frm ur father, so be it *smiled kindly at him*
Draco bit his lip. "No one, other than my Uncle, knows how I am." Why would this man care so much about protecting the kind side of him.
Remus: *smiled as he pat his head* It'll be our little secret then. *then leans dwn to kiss Draco on the forehead comfortingly* Come. Let's get u freshened up n bk to the party before they decide to send ur father up here
"I wish I didn't have to go back. I don't think I can stand being there any longer." He turned around and splashed cold water on his face.
Remus: I knw. I don't feel like going bk there either, bt it has to be done. Don't worry, Young Master. Just knw I'll be right with u, n if u need assurance u can secretly give my hand a squeeze. I'll make sure u can at least pull thru
"Please. Don't call me Young Master. Call me Draco. It is the only thing that I have left that is mine."
Remus: Of course, bt only in private *held out his arm* Shall we?
Draco smiled and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. He then took his arm.
Undercover Romance-Chp5
Remus: *was keeping his eyes peeled for anyone who might pose a competition for Voldemort's affection, n gave death glares to anyone who dares to evn cast a second glance at Draco tht was not congratulatory*
"Must you act like that. This is meant to be my engagemet party." Draco asked of the werewolf, that was suppose to be protecting him how." I know you are to protect me but no one is going to do anything here." But when he show his godfather his eyes lit up.
Remus: *turned to the direction he was looking at n saw Severus. He knew who he is, so he just nodded in respect, tho he was just as surprised as most ppl wen he saw Severus coming in with this young boy holding his arm, muttering to himself* Huh, didn't expect him to hv a thing for young boys
Draco was up out of his seat. "Uncle Severus." Draco knew how he was suppose to act in front of people. Like he was better then them or bored or something like that. But underneath he really was a sweet boy.
"Draco, you look wonderful." Severus saw, showing a slight smile as the boy hugged him. "I am glad you came. There will be at least one sane person in his room besides me. And how is this young thing. I thought you for went sexual urges in favor of being so stern."
"Not alwaya, Draco. This is my lover, Kiaran Feathersworth."
Harry: *nodded n held out his hand to shake* How do u do, Mr Malfoy? Congratulations on your engagement
Remus: *silently watched them inteact, tho he still kept his guard a little bit. He didn't recognize the young man aftr all, n Voldemort did tell him to keep an eye out for any potential threats*
"Draco, please. Mr. Malfoy is either my father ir my grandfather. Soon I will not have that last name anyway. Thank you. Do bad I can't agree with you."
Harry: I'm sure everything will work out fine. After all, not all marriages end badly *flashed his trained smile again*
"In my family marriages don't end." Draco, smiling back his own trained smile. His had more superiority in it than Harry's did.
Severus put a hand on Draco's arm. "Everything will work out for the best. He will be a good husband to you."
"I know Uncle Severus." He said, with a bit of a sadder smile. "Let's eat. I am famished." Back was the fake smile.
Harry: *nodded* It was nice meeting u *left with Severus to their seat* He's not happy abt his marriage, is he? *could tell a trained smile wen he saw one, thanks to his own experience as well as his Auror training*
Remus: *made sure evryone sat at their tables before taking his leave to sit along with the other hired help n bodyguards at another table, tho he still kept his eyes trained on Draco frm time to time*
"Not, he is not. But the Malfoy's believe in arranged marriages. Draco knew this would happen to him." They were seated at a table next to the head table where the Malfoy's and the Dark Lord was. "He may not like it, but he is resigned to what is chosen for him." But it would it be fore much longer if Severus could help.
Harry: That's too bad. I do feel sorry for him a little. He seems like someone who deserves much more than that evil snake there
"Hush." He said, not wanting anyone to over hear then. "He does deserve what he wants."
*the party so far went without a hitch. It started off slow at first, then wen the drinking came in, ppl started getting rowdy n the dining hall suddenly became quite noisy like a marketplc*
Draco was bored beyond belief. The talk was stale and all his parents did was suck up to his soon to be husband. It made him sick that everyone, including his uncle Severus would be so quick to tell him that the Dark Lord would be a fine husband. Halfway through the dinner he just could not take it. He excused himself to go use the restroom. Maybe some time alone would help him.
Fenrir: Leaving so soon there? Ur future wife should give u a goodbye kiss first before excusing himself
Voldemort: Ur quite right. Come here, my love *takes Draco's hand n pulled him in for a deep kiss, everyone cheering him on*
Draco was going to say something smart mouthed to the prick. He could choose when he would kiss, but then the choice was taken out of his hands as Voldimort pulled him close for kiss. One that Draco did not want. He didn't fight it. That would be embarrassing to his family, bit feeling he got make him sick. When he thought he could he pulled back. "May I now be excuse, my Lord?"
Voldemort: Of course my darling *stroke his chin* Don't be gone too long *waited till he had a headstart before he made eye contact with Remus*
Remus: *nodded n followed after him*
"Must you act like that. This is meant to be my engagemet party." Draco asked of the werewolf, that was suppose to be protecting him how." I know you are to protect me but no one is going to do anything here." But when he show his godfather his eyes lit up.
Remus: *turned to the direction he was looking at n saw Severus. He knew who he is, so he just nodded in respect, tho he was just as surprised as most ppl wen he saw Severus coming in with this young boy holding his arm, muttering to himself* Huh, didn't expect him to hv a thing for young boys
Draco was up out of his seat. "Uncle Severus." Draco knew how he was suppose to act in front of people. Like he was better then them or bored or something like that. But underneath he really was a sweet boy.
"Draco, you look wonderful." Severus saw, showing a slight smile as the boy hugged him. "I am glad you came. There will be at least one sane person in his room besides me. And how is this young thing. I thought you for went sexual urges in favor of being so stern."
"Not alwaya, Draco. This is my lover, Kiaran Feathersworth."
Harry: *nodded n held out his hand to shake* How do u do, Mr Malfoy? Congratulations on your engagement
Remus: *silently watched them inteact, tho he still kept his guard a little bit. He didn't recognize the young man aftr all, n Voldemort did tell him to keep an eye out for any potential threats*
"Draco, please. Mr. Malfoy is either my father ir my grandfather. Soon I will not have that last name anyway. Thank you. Do bad I can't agree with you."
Harry: I'm sure everything will work out fine. After all, not all marriages end badly *flashed his trained smile again*
"In my family marriages don't end." Draco, smiling back his own trained smile. His had more superiority in it than Harry's did.
Severus put a hand on Draco's arm. "Everything will work out for the best. He will be a good husband to you."
"I know Uncle Severus." He said, with a bit of a sadder smile. "Let's eat. I am famished." Back was the fake smile.
Harry: *nodded* It was nice meeting u *left with Severus to their seat* He's not happy abt his marriage, is he? *could tell a trained smile wen he saw one, thanks to his own experience as well as his Auror training*
Remus: *made sure evryone sat at their tables before taking his leave to sit along with the other hired help n bodyguards at another table, tho he still kept his eyes trained on Draco frm time to time*
"Not, he is not. But the Malfoy's believe in arranged marriages. Draco knew this would happen to him." They were seated at a table next to the head table where the Malfoy's and the Dark Lord was. "He may not like it, but he is resigned to what is chosen for him." But it would it be fore much longer if Severus could help.
Harry: That's too bad. I do feel sorry for him a little. He seems like someone who deserves much more than that evil snake there
"Hush." He said, not wanting anyone to over hear then. "He does deserve what he wants."
*the party so far went without a hitch. It started off slow at first, then wen the drinking came in, ppl started getting rowdy n the dining hall suddenly became quite noisy like a marketplc*
Draco was bored beyond belief. The talk was stale and all his parents did was suck up to his soon to be husband. It made him sick that everyone, including his uncle Severus would be so quick to tell him that the Dark Lord would be a fine husband. Halfway through the dinner he just could not take it. He excused himself to go use the restroom. Maybe some time alone would help him.
Fenrir: Leaving so soon there? Ur future wife should give u a goodbye kiss first before excusing himself
Voldemort: Ur quite right. Come here, my love *takes Draco's hand n pulled him in for a deep kiss, everyone cheering him on*
Draco was going to say something smart mouthed to the prick. He could choose when he would kiss, but then the choice was taken out of his hands as Voldimort pulled him close for kiss. One that Draco did not want. He didn't fight it. That would be embarrassing to his family, bit feeling he got make him sick. When he thought he could he pulled back. "May I now be excuse, my Lord?"
Voldemort: Of course my darling *stroke his chin* Don't be gone too long *waited till he had a headstart before he made eye contact with Remus*
Remus: *nodded n followed after him*
Undercover Romance-Chp4
They joint apperated to the outside of the Malfoy Manor. The gates opened for them and he walked on through.
Harry: *tries to keep a cool face as he scanned the area. Every known criminal frm every criminal organization was there, it was almost like an Auror's gold mine, n he was right smack in the middle of it*
"Calm down, Kai or you are going to ruin everthing. Try to be unassoming, like your cover." He said low enough to the boy.
Harry: *whispered* Sorry. It's kinda our jackpot right now. All these criminals for the taking. *takes a deep breath n went into his cover mode as his hand wrapped ard Snape's arm, assuming his role of Snape's lover*
He wanted to role his eyes at the boy, but didnt. Inside there was some more people. Severus hated parties because of the amount of people and how they threw around their money. He greater a few people before he saw Draco and his parents up ahead. Draco looked board already. "There is Draco, my godson. Next to him is his father, Lucius and his mother, Narsissa."
Harry: *looked at the direction to see Draco sitting at his family side of the table, in his mind he realized the description of most ppl abt him paled in comparison with wat he reli looked like. Despite his bored look, he had a reli princely air abt him, n he was made to be able to get anyone he wants, man or woman. Then he noticed a man with brown hair n a few scares on his neck n face, dressed modestly, standing right behind him* Who is tht?
"That..." He looked to see Lupin next to the boy. "That would Draco's bodygaurd. The Dark Lord just assigned him to keep Draco safe."
Harry: Oh, OK *sees the tattoo he had tht was just below his adam's apple* Woah, if I didnt knw any better, tht's the canine mark. He's a werewolf?
"Yes. The Dark Lord keeps them on hand for their stragnth and ferceness."
Harry: Man, tht guy doesnt cut corners, tht's for sure
Voldemort: *shows up aftr greeting his share of guests* Severus! My favourite family member! So glad u could come
"My Lord." Severus said, bowing. "It seems the Malfoy's spared no expence. Might I introduce my love, Kiaran Feathersworth."
Voldemort: Nothing is too good for my future wife after all. Ah, Severus, u sneaky bat. U nvr told me u hv a lover. Tom Riddle, bt everyone calls me Voldemort. It's family title *held out his hand to shake*
Harry: *maintained his facade, altho his heart was slightly pounding as he was there, right there, ripe for the taking. He held bk the urge n shook the hand* Kiaran Featherworth, pleasure to meet u
"I value my privacy, my Lord. Can't have Lucius trying to steal everyone away."
Voldemort: *laughs* True tht. He n Cissy always hv been vry promiscuous even tho they're married to each other. Well, it keeps a marriage fresh, I suppose. So where do u work, Kiaran? How did u meet our old bat here?
Harry: I work at Hogwarts as a librarian. We met there wen he comes by to do his research n our relationship just got started frm there *flashes him his best smile, a smile he had long practiced wen he was a child under the abusive Durselys so tht ppl wouldnt knw wat reli goes on behind closed doors*
Even Severus was surprised to see the small on Harry's face. It was bright, but slightly dead. "It was a change meeting." Severus agreeded.
Voldemort: Well, u must tell me more abt u guys later. For now, lets move on to dinner, shall we? *gestured the ushers to send the guests to the dining room*
Harry: Of course, let's *his hand returned to hold Snape's arm as he n the older man followed the guests to the dining hall*
Harry: *tries to keep a cool face as he scanned the area. Every known criminal frm every criminal organization was there, it was almost like an Auror's gold mine, n he was right smack in the middle of it*
"Calm down, Kai or you are going to ruin everthing. Try to be unassoming, like your cover." He said low enough to the boy.
Harry: *whispered* Sorry. It's kinda our jackpot right now. All these criminals for the taking. *takes a deep breath n went into his cover mode as his hand wrapped ard Snape's arm, assuming his role of Snape's lover*
He wanted to role his eyes at the boy, but didnt. Inside there was some more people. Severus hated parties because of the amount of people and how they threw around their money. He greater a few people before he saw Draco and his parents up ahead. Draco looked board already. "There is Draco, my godson. Next to him is his father, Lucius and his mother, Narsissa."
Harry: *looked at the direction to see Draco sitting at his family side of the table, in his mind he realized the description of most ppl abt him paled in comparison with wat he reli looked like. Despite his bored look, he had a reli princely air abt him, n he was made to be able to get anyone he wants, man or woman. Then he noticed a man with brown hair n a few scares on his neck n face, dressed modestly, standing right behind him* Who is tht?
"That..." He looked to see Lupin next to the boy. "That would Draco's bodygaurd. The Dark Lord just assigned him to keep Draco safe."
Harry: Oh, OK *sees the tattoo he had tht was just below his adam's apple* Woah, if I didnt knw any better, tht's the canine mark. He's a werewolf?
"Yes. The Dark Lord keeps them on hand for their stragnth and ferceness."
Harry: Man, tht guy doesnt cut corners, tht's for sure
Voldemort: *shows up aftr greeting his share of guests* Severus! My favourite family member! So glad u could come
"My Lord." Severus said, bowing. "It seems the Malfoy's spared no expence. Might I introduce my love, Kiaran Feathersworth."
Voldemort: Nothing is too good for my future wife after all. Ah, Severus, u sneaky bat. U nvr told me u hv a lover. Tom Riddle, bt everyone calls me Voldemort. It's family title *held out his hand to shake*
Harry: *maintained his facade, altho his heart was slightly pounding as he was there, right there, ripe for the taking. He held bk the urge n shook the hand* Kiaran Featherworth, pleasure to meet u
"I value my privacy, my Lord. Can't have Lucius trying to steal everyone away."
Voldemort: *laughs* True tht. He n Cissy always hv been vry promiscuous even tho they're married to each other. Well, it keeps a marriage fresh, I suppose. So where do u work, Kiaran? How did u meet our old bat here?
Harry: I work at Hogwarts as a librarian. We met there wen he comes by to do his research n our relationship just got started frm there *flashes him his best smile, a smile he had long practiced wen he was a child under the abusive Durselys so tht ppl wouldnt knw wat reli goes on behind closed doors*
Even Severus was surprised to see the small on Harry's face. It was bright, but slightly dead. "It was a change meeting." Severus agreeded.
Voldemort: Well, u must tell me more abt u guys later. For now, lets move on to dinner, shall we? *gestured the ushers to send the guests to the dining room*
Harry: Of course, let's *his hand returned to hold Snape's arm as he n the older man followed the guests to the dining hall*