
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp51)

*around 4:30 am they can hear some whimpers form the baby monitor, ozzy apparently needing a new diaper*

Thrax; 8slipped away from his wife to tend to their son8

Ozzy: *crying softly and wide awake* Daddy...

Thrax; 8picks him up, rubbing his back8

Sapphire: *nods and kisses him on the cheek and goes upstairs to get their son, c hanging his diaper befor ebringing him downstairs* Northstar's still asleep*

Ozzy: *is sniffling sleepily and latched onto his mother's breast*

Thrax; Let her rest, love. 8he saw the other females coming down8

Sapphire: *nods and rocks ozzy* Breakfast time little one.

8her sisters sat at the table some of the 'kids' already nursing8

Sapphire: *smiles* Such a good boy

Ozzy: *smiles sleepily at his mum and cuddles*

Thrax; 8sets some food down for his wife and son8

Sapphire: *gently pulls her breast from his mouth and begins to feed him breakfast)

Thrax; *sat beside her8

Sapphire: *rocks ozzy and pats his bottom while he eats*

ozzy: *coos contently after breakfast*

Thrax; 8tickles him under the chin8

Ozzy: *lets out a giggle and playfully chompso n his hand* Nomnom!

Thrax; 8chuckles8

Sapphire: Ozzy... Let go of daddy's hand.. 8taking ozzy into his arms8

Thrax; It's ok Sapphire, let him be.

Ozzy: *growls playfully*

Thrax; 8chuckled8

Ozzy: I got oo daddy! *talking funny around his hand*

Thrax; Oh you have. 8tickles his side8

Ozzy *squeals and starts to laugh*

Thrax; 8blew a raspberry into ozzy's stomach8

Ozzy: *laughs loudly and squirms, playfully*

8the other adults chuckle8

Ozzy: again again daddy!

Thrax; 8smirked and blew a long one on ozzy's stomach8

Ozzy: *squeals a LOT and laughs*

Sapphire: *chuckles soflty*

Thrax; 8tummy kisses ozzy8

Ozzy: *lets out another laugh ad hugs him*

Sapphire: *cuckles at them* Alright you two rowdy rough housers.

Ozzy: *starts to look teary again and whimpers as he once more fills his diaper* dadddy....

Thrax; 8rubs his back and carries him upstairs8

Ozzy: *sniffles*I had an accident...

Thrax; It's okay baby. 8checks his diaper8

Ozzy: *has more than wet in there*

Thrax; 8turns on the hot water and lays him on the mat8

Ozzy: *rubshis eyes, letting his daddy take care of him*

Thrax; 8tossed the soilt thing in the trash then set ozzy in the warm water8

Ozzy: *looks up at him* *lets out a sfot coo, feeling better as he feels the warm water sooth him*

Thrax; 8strokes his hair and starts to bath him8

Ozzy: *after a couple minutes is all happy again and playing in the tub*

Thrax; 8chuckles heartily8

Ozzy: puts some bubbles on thrax's nose and giggles*

Thrax; 8shakes them off and washes ozzy's body8

Ozzy: *giggles softly, liking the bath*

Thrax; 8chuckles and starts washing his hair8

Ozzy: *lets out a soft laugh and reaches fo rhim*

Thrax; 8rinsed out his hair and lifted him into his arms8

ozzy: 8hugs him and giggles*

Thrax; 8wraps a towel round him and hugs him8

Ozzy: 8*smiles, happy now that he's clean and dry*

Thrax; 8carries him into the nursery and dresses him8

Ozzy: *coos contentedly as he's dressed*

NS: *is on the bed still, whikmpering*

Thrax; 8sat on the bed and stroked her hair8

NS: 8nuzzles agains this hand, feeling hotter than the previous night*

Thrax; 8gently dabbed her face with a cold cloth8

Ozzy: *crawls over and tugs on Tharx's arm* Is she better yet?

Thrax; Her fever hasn't gone away.

Ozzy: 8frowns and sucks his thumb* Drix has medicine.

Thrax; 8lifts ozzy onto his lap8

Ozzy: *looks up at him*

Thrax; She'll be alright baby.

NS: *whimpers a littl ein her sleep*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

NS: *continues tow himper in her sleep*

Thrax; 8bit his lip then picked up the phone8

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp50)

NS: *rests her head on sapphire's shoulder as Sapphire strokes her hair* 8looks over at eliza while they talk*

Eliza; 8smiles softly at her8

NS: *timidly* Hi..

Sapphire: It's ok little one.. Auntie Eliza won't hurt you.

Eliza; 8strokes NS's cheek8

NS: 8nods al ittle and lays her hea don her shoulder*

Sapphire: *strokes her cheek* I wonder if itwould help her any if I tried to get her to nurse...

Eliza; 8cocked her brow8

Sapphire: Well she is my child as well too..

Eliza; You can try sister.

Sapphire: *sighs softly* They both need to eat.. *strokes her hair*

Eliza; You've got plenty to spare8

Sapphire: *nods* that I do... more than enough for two children.

Eliza; 8nods as Thrax comes bck in8

Thrax; 8gave Sapphire the medchine8

Sapphire: Alright littl eone. *measures the dosage* Open up.

NS: *looksu pat her*

Thrax; It'll help sweetie.

NS: *opens her mouth a little

Sapphire: *puts th emedicine in her mouth*

NS: *pulls a face but swallows it*

Thrax; Good girl.

NS: Uchy.. *rubsh er eyes a little8

Thrax; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: *nuzzles his hand a little*

Sapphire: Want to get the taste out of your mouth little one

NS: *nods*

Thrax; Water, juice or milk/

Sapphire: *softly* I've had a thought love

Thrax; 8cocked a brow8

Sapphire: I have more than enough to spare... I Think I should nurse her too.

Thrax: :s

Sapphire: They both need to be fed and it will help strengthen her immune system hopefully.

Thrax; 8sighs then nods8

Sapphire: Thrax you're in on this decison too

Thrax; Will she even go for it is my question.

Sapphire: She might.

Thrax; Give it a try.

Sapphire: *opens her blouse and strokes NS' cheek*

NS: *looks up at her*

Sapphire; 8stroked her cheek8

NS: 8looks at her breast as she opens her blouse and looks up questioningly ather*

Sapphire; It's ok sweetie.

NS: *looks at her breast then up at her again, she's actually at an age where she would begin to once more need her mother's milk, she is not yet fully mature though humans would think so looking at her, of course her biological mother has not been alive for some time*

Sapphire; 8nuzzles her8

NS: 8looks unsure8

Sapphire; Go ahead sweetie.

NS: *rubsher eyes a little , looking up aganthen at Thrax*

Thrax; It'll help angel.

NS: *sniffs a little and looks again at Sapphire's breast*

Ozzy: *looks up at her* it's ok... it means mama loves you.

Sapphire; But if you feel unsure.

NS: *lays her head down again*

Sapphire; 8began rebuttoning her blouse8

NS: *before she does, timidly nuzzles into her chest and begins to nurse*

Sapphire; 8smiles8 Good girl.

NS: 8looks up at her timidly though the fact that she's nursing means she has come to mentally fully consider her her mother*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

NS: *nurses only a little bit but seems to be very much soothed when shes tops*

Ozzy: 8crawls up into her lap, wanting to nurse stoo*

Sapphire; 8opened her blouse abit more8

Ozzy: *smiles and nurses happily, cuddling with them b oth*

Sapphire; 8pats their backs8

NS: *closes her eyes, feeling very tired* *softly* S-sleepy mama... why'm I so sleepy?

Sapphire; 8chuckles8 My milk's warm honey.

NS: 8nuzzles into her chest*

Ozzy: 8continues to nurse, one hand lightly clutching her blouse*

NS: *closes her eyes, not bothering to fight sleep*

Ozzy; *finishes nursing and yawns, snuggling*

Sapphire; 8smiles doWn at him8

NS: 8nuzzles as well, not bothering to figh tsleep*

Sapphire; 8pats her side8

NS: *nuzzles into her chest, falling asleep*

Ozzy: *also goes to sleep, letting out a quiet coo*

Thrax; 8smiles softly8

Sapphire: *chuckles* That's our babies...

Thrax; 8chuckled as well, kissing her8

Sapphire *kisses him back, smiling* They're out like lights... we should tuck them in.

Eliza; We all should. 8saw her own daughter curled up asleep8

Sapphire: 8nods* Thrax love can you take one of them?

Thrax; 8nods, taking ozzy8

Sapphire: *stands, cradling NS*

8the others carry their children to the nursery and bedroom8

Ozzy: *yawns al ittle, snuggling into his chest*

Sapphire: *lays NS down on the bed8

Thrax; 8lays Ozzy beside her8

NS: *snuggles instingtively to Ozzy as he's lain next to her*

Ozzy: 8cuddles back, still asleep and sucking his thumb*

Thrax; 8smiles, tucking them in8

Sapphire: *kisses their foreheads* Sweet dreams little ones.

Thrax; 8led his mate out8

Sapphire: They're so sweet. *smiles*

Thrax; 8smiles8 They are.

Sapphire; *kisses him, smiling*

Thrax; 8kisses her back8

Sapphire: They both had dry bottoms when we put them down... *Chuckles8 How much do you want to bet that it wont' sta y that way.

Thrax; 8smirks8

Sapphire: *sighs softly* I'm worried though Thrax.

Thrax; Oh. . .

Sapphire: What if her condition doesn't improve.

Thrax; 8bit his lip8

Sapphire: What will we do?

Thrax; That's the question.

Sapphire*sighs softly and looks up at him*

Thrax; holds her close8

Sapphire *wraps her amsa round him holdingh im back*

Thrax; 8kisses her softly8

Sapphire: *kisses him back* come on love... let's get ready to bed down too.

Thrax; Let's.

Sapphire: *kisses him on the cheek an dndos*

Thrax; 8led her back downstairs8

Sapphire; *gets erady for bed* *streatches a bit, yawning*

8everyone gets comfortable the best they could9

Sappyire: 8lays next to THrax*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

Sapphire: 8closes her eyes* Goodnight ove. *kisses him*

Thrax; 8kisses her back8 Goodnight my love.

Sapphire: *smiles* goodnight*

Thrax; 8held her close and closed his eyes8

Sapphire: *cuddles up to him closing her eyes*

8the night was peaceful with a couple of the women getting up to nurse their children8

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp49)

8the kids happily enjoy their play8

Ozzy: *smiles, playing with them happily.*

Angela; 8giggles as she plays with ozzy8

OZzy: *smiles, playing nicely with her*

Thrax; 8smiles at his wife8

Sapphrie: *chuckles soflty. also smiling as she watches the children play*

Ozzy: *after a little while starts to cry and looks at his parents with that "I need a dry bottom" expression*

Sapphire: *scoops him up and kisses his forehead as she carries him up to the bathroom to change him*

Angela; 8frowns8

Sapphire: *brings a much calmer and cleaner ozzy downstairs adn smiles, patting his bottom*

Thrax; 8chuckles8

Ozzy: 8kisses Sapphire on the cheek and goes to go play.

Lily; 8offers him some blocks8

Ozzy: *smiles sheepishly and plays.

Thrax; 8nuzzles his mate8

Sapphire: *smiles, nuzzling back as she watches them play*

NS: 8looks up at the two of them though is somewhat sad, her biological parents were never so loving to one another*

Thrax; 8kisses her forehead8

NS: *closes her eyes a little and then nuzzles him* *softly* M-mum? Daddy?

Sapphire: *softly* yes little one?

Thrax; What is it angel/

NS: 8softly* th... Thank you... *timid, as if afraid to say it* I love you...

Thrax; 8smiles8 We love you to sweetie.

Sapphire: *smiles gently* Little one don't ever be afraid to tell us you love us.

NS: *nods a little*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her8

NS: *Nuzzles back, still hot with fever*

Thrax; 8dabs a cold cloth on her forehead and face8

NS: 8closes her eyes but, perhaps for the first time ever, does not shrink or flinch from his touch. *seems to have learned that his hand on her face brings comfort not pain or fear*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her softly smiling8

NS: *lets out a soft coo, cuddling*

Sapphire; *softly* I think she's learning my love..

Thrax; 8nodded8

NS: 8sucks her thumb, snuggling into Thrax's chest*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

NS; clings to his coat, her fingertips toying with a wrinkle in the fabric, a habbit she's always had.

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *rests against him, soothed* *seemst obe feeling better too, responding positively to the love they give*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her then smiles at his ife8

Sapphire: *smiles back*

NS: *closes her eyes, dozing*

Sapphire: Do we have any medicine?

Aoura; Not much. Only enough to get her by.

NS: *upon hearing that there isn't much medicine* Dun need it... s'ok..

Thrax; Sweetie we want ou to get well.

NS: *soflty* Dun need it.. I'll be ok... Can use herbs... mama taught me... *referring to her biological mother at this point... of course... her medicinal herbs are in her bag... which she does not have*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Sapphire: Sweetie we need to bring down your fever...

Thrax; And to make you well.

NS: 8shakes her head* not got much...

Thrax; 8looked up at his wife8

Sapphire: *Soflty* I know little one... but you need it.

NS: What if someone else needs it and it's not there cause I took it.

Thrax; We'll try and get more.

NS: *shakes her head8

Thrax; 8rubbed her back8

Sapphire: Little one... it isn't your job ot be selfless right now. *strokes her cheek*

Thrax; She's right.

NS: *looks down a little*

Sapphrie: Right now little one the priority with you is getting you better.

NS: *lets out as tartled yip as she feeles a poke in her leg and loks at an annoyed looking Ozzy*

Ozzy: Mommy and daddy are trying to make you better... Let em do it!

Thrax; 8hands NS to Sapphire and goes to get the medichine8

Sapphire: *gently* Ozzy your daddy and i have the matte rin hand alright?

Ozzy: But mama...

Sapphire: I know little one... but it's alright ok? She's going to be just fine.

Ozzy: Yes mama..

Angela; 8gently tugged his arm8

ozzy: *loks at angela*

Angela; She'll be ok.

Ozzy: *turns around and hugs her real big8

Angela; 8hugs him back8

Ozzy: *softly* I just want everyone to be ok.. *rubs his eyes*

Angela; 8holds him close8

Ozzy: *sniffles softly* *sniffles, cuddling her*

Sapphire: 8smiles gently at the two of them then smiles at Angela's mother*

Eliza; 8smiled back8 They'll have a great futire.

Sappihre: *nodsand smiles back* Angela has such a gentle heart

Eliza; 8smiles8 She always has.

Sapphire; She's a good girl

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp48)

NS: *cuddles Thrax in her sleep, leting out a soft whimper and it soon becomes apparent from the wet spot on Thrax's leg that a diaper probably isn't a bad idea*

Thrax; 8sighs then carries her into the nursery8

NS: *remains asleep as she's carried8

Thrax; 8lay her on the table and began cleaning her up8

NS: *shifts a little,s tarting to wake up*

Thrax; 8finishes her up8

NS: 8shifts a little waking* mm

Thrax; 8lifts her into his ar,s8

NS: *looks up at him then down at the diaper she's wearing then up at him again, confused*

Thrax; Can't let you have anymore accidents can we/

NS: *sfotly* A... a diaper?

Thrax; 8nods8 Trust me I'm not fond of the tdea either.

NS: *looks up at him again*

Thrax; 8pats her back then carries her downstairs8

NS: *softly* What's it for

Thrax; It's protection in case of accidents.

NS: *blushes a little* ... *opens her mouth and for a moment seems to protest but then looks up into his eyes, as gentle, loving and protective as they are golden and then rests her head on his shoulder, voice soft as she speaks agian* Yes daddy...

Thrax; 8smiles soft;y and kisses her forehead8

NS: *closes her eyes a little*

Thrax; 8sits back down beside his wife8

NS: *closes her eyes*

Sapphire: *chuckles softly* all better?

Thrax; 8nods8

Sapphire: *smiles soflty*

NS: *blushes a little, wondering if any of the other grownups or kids knows she's wearing a diaper*

Thrax; 8patted her back8

Sappire: *gently pats her arm*

NS: *looks over toward Aoura* *rests her head on Thrax's shoulder*

Thrax; 8pats her back9

NS: *lookso ver toward Aoura*

8she had her nose in a book8

NS: 8clsoes her eyes and rests on thrax again*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *rests on him, not sleepy nut not feeling liked oing much else other than cuddle either.

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Ozzy: *offers one fo htis toys to her*

Thrax; I don't think she'll be able to play baby.

Ozzy: *frowns a little*

Thrax; She's not well at the minute.

Ozzy: But you and mama can make her better right?

Thrax; Of course baby. 8ruffles his hair8

NS: *looks over at the other viral children, her head resting on Thrax's shoulder, she's qutie weak at th emoment and doesn't want to stray from her foster parents*

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp47)

Sapphire: *comes in once lunch is ready*

8everyone gathers in the kitchen8

Ozzy: *is put in his high chair by his mother*

8the other adults either set their kids in high chairs or feed them on their laps8

Ozzy: *eagerly eats lunch*

Thrax; 8makes sure ozzy has enouggh8

NS: *doesn't wake up*

8the adults make sure the kids have enough8

Sapphire: *eats after she makes sure ozzy has had plenty, putting NS' leftover milk in a bottle after handing ozzy his bottle* Here see if she'll drink this. *hands it to Thrax.

Thrax; 8looked skeptical but gave it to NS8

NS: 8squirms a little but thenas the nipple is slippedinto her mouth she starts to suck on it, having been sucking on her thumb earlier*

Thrax; 8rubs her side8

Sapphire: *chuckles8 I thought that might work.

Thrax; 8didn't under a word8

NS: 8has more of it while she's asleep than awake but when it's abot ut a quarterfull she stops and shifts position, sleeping*

Thrax; 8takes it away from her8

Sapphire: smiles gently and gently wipes ozy's mouth as he finisheshis lunch* Good boy.

Ozzy: *smiles, thriving under the praise*

8the children were all finished8

Sapphire: *picks ozzy up and smiles* Are you ready to play som emore?

Ozzy: *smiling brightly* Yes mama!

Thrax; 8chuckled8

Ozzy: 8smiels and lets out a soft laugh as he's picked up by sapphire and carried back to play*

8the other females fallowed her8

Ozzy: *smiels and lets out a soft laugh, as usual openly sharing his toys with the other kids, he'd never been very social when he was a lad before and he'sl oving this*

Demona; 8tosseed a ball over to him8

Ozzy: *catches it and tosses it back, smiling*

Demona; 8giggles8

Angela; 8crawled over to ozzy8

Ozzy: *smiles and makes room for her to play too*

Angela; I hope Antonio got llllooonnnggg timeout.

Ozzy: me too... *softly* His daddy gave him a spanking too.

Lily; I heard auntie Aoura say that she and Uncy Carwos try their best but he never wearns.

Ozzy: I wish he would. *soflty* It's not fair that he's such a meanie..

Samson; Fat chance of him listening, he very thick skulled.

Ozzy: *nods* Uh huh. Wow he's not down yet? His daddy must have given him a really really big time out!

Demona; Serves him right, he never learns.

Ozzy: It sounded like he got a big spanking too... *softly* I don't know why he'd wanna risk another one of those... Mommy doesn't spank as hard as daddy even for her little spankings and they still hurt a lot

Angela; 8nuzzled him8 Least you learn.

Ozzy: I don't like to be mean anyway.. *soflty* If I make someone sad it makes me wanna cry too...

Angela; 8hugs him8

Ozzy: *hugs her back and starts to purr*

Angela; 8cuddles him8

Ozzy: *smiles rather happily cuddling with angela*

Thrax; 8smiles at the two8

Ozzy: *gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Angela; 8blushes8

Ozzy: *purrs softly* Don't worry Angela.. I won't let him be mean to you.

Angela; 8smiles8 Thank you ozzy.

Ozzy:* smiles and hugs her somemore*

8the others giggled, knowing there was something going on between them8

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp46)

Sapphire: Thrax?

Thrax; Hmmm/

Sapphire: How's her wound?

Thrax; 8looked at it8

*the infection doesn't seem to be spreading but it still looks red and painful and there is pus forming*

Sapphire: *rocks ozzy*

NS: *nuzzles a little in her sleep, her fever having spiked*

Thrax; 8takes a wet facecloth and dbs her face8

NS: *nuzzles a little and remains asleep*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

Sapphrie: *looks over at NS* How is her fever? Has it come dodwn any?

Thrax; It's still pretty high.

Sapphire: *frowns* Has it reduced at all?

Thrax; 8checks Northstar's tempreture8

*her temp is 101.8*

Thrax; Doesn't look like it.

Sapphire: *softly* It can't stay upfor too long...

Thrax; 8nods8

Sapphire: *looks worried*

Ozzy: *softly* mama is it almost time for lunch?

Thrax; 8looked up at the clock8

*Getting there*

Thrax; Almost.

Ozzy: I'm hungry

Aoura; 8jumped to her feet and headed to the kitchen with a few of the others8

Sapphire: *pats his bottom * Lunch is soon little one...

Carlos; 8soon came down, tossing some asprin into his mouth while Antonio's crying could be heard coming from the nursery8

Ozzy: hides his face in his mama's chest, not liking to hear the other child's cries... even if he is a meanie*

Carlos; Hopefully he'll learn his lesson.

Ozzy: Did he get a pankin?

Carlos; 8nodded8 Though he's gotten them before and still hasn't learned.

Ozzy: Oh...

Carlos; 8sighed8 He'll be sending Aoura and me to an early grave.

Ozzy: *sucsk his thumb*

Thrax; 8looked at his brother in worry8

NS: 8nuzzles into Thrax's chest a little as she sleeps*

Sapphire *sighs softly* Perhasp we should ahve lunch a little early.

Thrax; 8nodded8

Sapphire; *gently sets Ozzy down and kisses hsif orehead then goes to help make lunch

Angela; 8opened her eyes and looked down at ozzy8

Ozzy: *ls leaning on his daddy*

Angela; 8slides beside him8

Ozzy: *opens his eyes, sees her and promptly cuddles her*

Angela; 8nuzzles into his chest8

Ozzy: *starts to purr*

Thrax; 8smiles at them8

NS: *seems soothed by the nearby purring adn inhales deeply, cuddling close*

8the rest of their family smile at the scene8

Ozzy: *purrs softly, nuzzling angela affectionately*

Angela; 8cooed happily8

Ozzy: *smiles, purring still*

NS: 8seems to feel better, though she can't see the scene, the love comming from the two of them seems to ease her discomfort*

Thrax; 8nuzzles all three of them8

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp45)

Thrax; 8carries her back downstairs and sits next to his wife8

NS: *won't look anybody in the face*

Sapphire: what's wrong?

Thrax; 8whispers8 She had an accident.

Sapphire: Ahhh... *smiles gently and strokes the younger one's hair and mouths to Thrax "does she have a diaper on?"*

Thrax; 8shook his head8

sapphire: *nods, though thinks they may need to8

NS: *cuddles Thrax, closing her eyes*

Angela; 8looked at her mother in worry8

Sapphire: Angela honey come here.

Angela; 8crawled over to her8

Sapphire: *picks her up in her lap* Listen little one.. your mama is going to be just fine ok?

Angela; 8nodded8 What 'appened to mommy/

Sapphire: She had an accident today... but she's going to be just fine. *kisses her forehead*

Angela; 8nodded but still looked worried8

Sapphire: *kises her forehead gently bouncing her*

Angela; 8lay against her8

Sapphire: Shhh... good girl now.. *rocks her*

Angela; 8slipped her thumb into her mouth8

Sapphire: *rocks her from side to side*

Thrax; 8smiled at his wife8

Sapphire: *smiles back and gently pats Angela on the bottom*

Angela; 8sighed in content8

Sapphire: Good girl.

NS: *falls asleep in thrax's arms, her face flushed with fever*

Thrax; 8smiled softly then saw Antonio glaring at Angela8 What's with that boy/

Sapphire: I don't know... But he's going to get his bottom another big time out if he isn't careful.

Aoura; 8saw this and sighed, massaging her temples8

NS: *groans softly in her sleep, clinging to THrax*

Thrax; 8patted her back8

Antonio; 8crawled over to Will and started yanking her pig-tails8

Ozzy: *before one fo the grownups can respond he frowns and goes and shoves him* Stop it Antonio!

Antonio; 8glares and dodges past ozzy, slamming Demona8

Aoura; 8got up and went after her son but he dodges her, tripping her causing her to slam into the walll8

Sapphire: *gently places Angela in Thrax's arms with NS and walks over, taking hold of Antonio and picking him right up* THat is not acceptable behavior young man.

Antonio; 8tried to kick her8

Aoura; 8struggled to her feet8

Sapphire: *restrains him firmly* What's gotten into you

Carlos; He's always like that no matter how hard Aoura and I try.

Sapphire: *sighs* I wish we had some advice for you Carlos...

Antonio; 8thrashed in her grip until his father took him from her8

Ozzy: *moves to try to comfort will till her mother picks her up thenhe goes to his mum, who picks him up as well and carries him over to Thrax*

Carlos; 8walked out with Antonio with Aoura sat next to Sapphire8

Sapphre: *sighs softly*

Ozzy: *soflty* auntie Aoura?

Aoura; Yes sweetie/

Ozzy: *softly* How come antonio likes tobe mean?

Aoura; Gives him domanence.

Ozzy: S'mean... *nuzzles into Sapphire's chest*

Aoura; 8sighs and flops back8

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp44)

8a few of them went to check on the kids8

Ozzy: *is awake adn playing quietly in the crib*

Aoura; 8smiled down at him8

Ozzy: *looks up at aurora and smiles, reaching up toward her*

Aoura; 8lifts him up and pats his back8

Ozzy: Hi aunt auoura.

Aoura; Have a good sleep nenyo.

Ozzy: *nods*Uh huh.

Aoura; 8smiles and pts his butt8

Ozzy: *is a bit squishy*

Aoura; 8chuckles and carries him to the bathroom8

Ozzy: *blushes a little, upset now that he realises that he's wet*

Aoura; 8lays him on the floor and changes him8

Ozzy: *is a littel teary by the time she's done*

Aoura; 8lifts him up and cuddles him8

Ozzy: *sniffles *didn't mean to wet...

Aoura; Not your fault ninyo, you're very young.

Ozzy: *nods a little but still sniffles*

Aoura; 8kissed his forehead8

Ozzy: Where's mama and daddy?

Aoura; Your mama's getting your sister something and your papa's with Northstar.

Ozzy: Do you think she can play with us today? *not knowing thatshe's taken ill from her wound*

Aoura; I'm afraid she's sick.

Ozzy: Sick? How did she get sick? *looks up at Aoura*

Aoura; He wound became infected.

Ozzy: *frowns a little then smiles innocent and sweet* Mama and daddy will make her better* *Softly* mommy and daddy fix everything..

Aoura; 8smiles8 They will little one.

Ozzy: *starts to suck his thumb content now that he's clean and dry and he knows mum and dad will fix everything*

Aoura; 8carried him downstairs to the others8

Ozzy: THank you aunt Aurora. *goes to play with the other kids*

Angela; 8was playing with her doll8

Ozzy: *comes over with one of his favorite toys8 Can I play too?

Angela; 8nodded, blushing8

Sapphire: *brings NS some milk and a few crackers*

Thrax; Are you able to eat honey.

NS: *shrugs a little*

Sapphrie: *gently* Try for us little one.

Thrax; Please sweetie.

NS: *opens her mouth a little and nibbles on the crackers*

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Sapphire: *feeds her a few crackers but when she refuses a fourth doesn't press the issue* Here honey... *puts the glass of milk to her lips to get her to drink*

Thrax; 8ubbed her back8

NS: *stops after only af ew swallows and turns away*

Thrax; You did well honey.

Sapphire: I'm going to help watch the kids. Do you have her thrax?

Thrax; 8cuddled their daughter8 I've got her.

Sapphire: *nods and kissesh im then kisses her forehead and heads downstairs*

NS: 8clings to thrax shivering*

Thrax; 8weaps the blanket round her and holds her close8

NS: 8clings to him* Daddy... I'm scared...

Thrax; There's no need to be sweetie.

NS: *tenses, squirming a little*

Thrax; What's wrong honey/

NS: *sauirms alittle more and then whimpers, blusing and oping that he doesn't notice that she's wet*

Thrax; 8smiles softly and carries her into the bathroom8

NS: *hides her face in her hands as he carries her*

Thrax; 8turns on the water8

NS: *keeps her face covered*

Thrax; 8helped her get her wet clothes off8

NS: *whimpers soflty and looks up at him*

Thrax; 8smiles at her and sets her in the tub8

NS: *looks down, ashamed*

Thrax; 8gently baths her88

NS: *has a bit of a rash forming on topo f the pinkness from the spanking sapphire gave her*

Thrax; 8strokes her hair8

NS: 8sniffles soflty, rubbing her eyes*

Thrax; 8finishes bathing her and wraps her in a warm towel8

NS: *quietly* Sorry.

Thrax; For what honey/ it was an accident.

NS: *sniffles* was bad... *softly* didn't mean to be bad...

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *sniffles softly, embarassed*

Thrax; 8rubs her back8

NS: *shivers and leans on him*

Thrax; 8brings her to the bedroom and dresses her in clean clothes8

NS: 8sniffles softly* Coudln't hold it... tried to..

Thrax; 8kisses her forehead8 It's ok honey, you're not feeling well.

NS: 8sniffles soflty and clings to him*

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp43)

Sapphire: *finds her* Oh thank goodness... are you ok?

Eliza; 8coughs and collapses into her rms8

Sapphire; *holds her* I've bgvot to get you home....

8the others came up behind her8

Sapphire: *carries her back*

Aoura; 8makes sure then aren't fallowed8

Sapphire: *hurries to get her inside*

Magus; 8ran over to his wife8

Sapphire: *lays her down gently*

Magus; 8saw the wound8 What happened to her/

Sapphire: I don't know yet

Magus; 8stroked her hair8

Sapphire: *starst to have a look at her injury*

8there was a very deep wound in her side8

Sapphrie; *frowna snd begins to clean it up*

Aoura; 8handed her the medical supplies8

Sapphrie; *begins to clean the wound.

Magus; 8clutched his fist, cursing under his breath8

Aurora: *bandages her and strokes her hair*

Eliza; 8moaned softly*

Sapphire: All we can do now is keep her comfortable*

Thrax; Hopefully no one saw her.

Sapphire; *nods* I hope so too

*they managed to patch up Eliza while Thrax tended to Northstar*

NS: *has had a spike in her fever and is currently being very compliant with her new father's wishes*

Thrax; *stroked her cheek*

NS: *opens her eyes blearily and looks up at him*

Thrax; *smiles softly*

NS: *softly* D-daddy?

Thrax; Yes angel.

NS: 8trembling* I.. I don't feel well...

Thrax; *stroked her hair* You'll be ok honey.

NS: *clings to him, sniffling softly*

Thrax; 8rubbed her back8

NS: I feel sick daddy...

Thrax; You'll get better honey.

NS: *clings to him and sniffles oftly*

Thrax; 8held her close8

NS: *clings to him and looks up*

Thrax; 8kissed her forehead8

NS: *snuggles him, her stomache growling, she hasn't eaten since breakfast and her body demands fuel to heal itself, but she doesn't complain*

Thrax; 8hears her growling stomach and looks at his wife8

Sapphire: *gently* do you need a snack little one?

NS: 8softly* M'fine... 'll sleep...

Thrax; 8patted her back8

Sapphire: *looks ather husband, concerend*

Thrax; Do we have anything/

sapphire: I'll bring her some milk if nothing else.

Thrax; 8nodded8

Sapphire *Heads downstairs*

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp41)

Thrax; 8was sitting with the others8

Sapphire: Thrax.

Thrax; 8looked up8

Sapphire: Eliza is missing.

Magus; what/

Sapphire: Eliza... shes' missing!

Thrax; When did you last see her/

Sapphire: Before we split for supplies*

Carlos; Any idea where she is/

Sapphire: We last knew of her headiong toward an area where the lymph nodes are

Thrax; 8paled8

Carlos; Isn't that where-/

Sapphire: *nods*

Magus; I just hope she hasn't been caught.

Sapphire: as do i...

Thrax; 8nodded8

Sapphire: *frowns*

Thrax; Some of us will stay here to look after the kids, the rest will search for her.

Sapphire: *nods* I want to go find her.

8a couple of the women chorused 'We're staying'8

Thrax; Alright but be careful.

Sapphire *nods and heads out*

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp42)

Eliza; 8meanwhile was staggering near the precinked after being jumped by turtosterone cells8

Drix: *is out on patrol answering the call of some suspicious activity in the area*

Eliza; 8kept hid8

drix: Hmm.. *looks around* *starts to head twoard her position*

Eliza; 8backed away8

Drix: 8has his weapon trained on her and then notes sometihng familiar* You... You're part of Thrax's pack arn't yoU?

Eliza; 8scooted back into the wall8

Drix: Arn't you?

Eliza; 8she tried to run but fell toher knees holding her side8

Drix: *lowers his weapon* You're injured... your part of Thrax's pack arn't you?

Eliza; 8didn't answer8

Drix: 8appproches her*

Eliza; 8bcked away8

Drix: Calm down... let me look at you

Eliza; Get away.

Drix: You shouldn't be here... I'll take you home.

Eliza; 8swiped at him8

Drix: *catches her hand* Do you want to die?

Eliza; 8struggled8

Drix: You're very close to the fpd... they will shoot to kill if they find you.

Eliza; 8snarled8

Drix: are you one of those with a chidl?

Eliza; 8looked up at him andnodded8

Drix: Then it woudl be advisable to let me tend whatever injury you seem to have and escort you back to that child.

Eliza; 8snatched her arm away and slowly got to her feet8

Drix: Well?

Voice; Drix what's going on/

Drix: Everything's under control.

Eliza; 8took off8

Drix: *sighs but lets her go8

8a few officers came up behind him8

Officer; What's going on/

Drix: nothing.

8the others looked at him suspicously8

Drix: Let's head back... there's no threat out here.

8they all headed back8

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp36

Ragor: Hehe That tickles, Poison *Poison was feeling his master's body for the first time with human hands

Poison: Sorry, Master. I just wanna knw how it feels to actually touch u

Ragor: *blushed a bit when Poison reached his big belly*

Poison: *touches the belly n ran his fingers along it*

Ragor: Poison...*blushed red, getting abit hard* Ruff..

Poison: *blinked in surprise* W...Wats wrong? Did I hurt u?

Ragor: Hold on a sec. *goes to Ruffnut* Mind if we have some alone time, dear?

Ruffnut: *raised a brow n grinned* Alright. Ragnar needs his feeding anyways *carries their baby to the kitchen to make milk*

Poison: I'm surprised Master Snotlout is willing to let u keep the baby for him while he goes off getting married to another tribe

Ragor: True. you want to, Poison?

Poison: I...I dunno...C-Can I...?

Ragor: Ruff says you got share. Now c'mere you. ^^ *undid his belt*

Poison: *smiled n came to him, kissing him as he continued running his hands along Ragor*

Ragor: You feel do I feel to you *kissed him back*

Poison: U feel smooth too, a bit hairy in certain plcs, bt smooth all round. Its...interesting...

Ragor: *slowly slipped off his shirt*

Poison: *slid his off too* How r we gonna explain to the others tho, abt me?

Ragor: We'll convince them. *the heavyset viking took off his pants*

Poison: *sees his dick n tentatively leans dwn to lick it*

Ragor: *shivers from Poison's action, moaning slightly*

Poison: *emboldened, he wrapped his mouth on the dick n started sucking hard*

Ragor: Oh Poison....I want you in me now

Poison: Nnhh, suck me first, Master. I dont wanna hurt u

Ragor: *got up and went down on Poison's huge length*

Poison: Nnhh...Ooh, Master...!! *gripped onto the rug*

Ragor: *keeps on going until Poison is ready. He got onto his back and lifted his legs*

Poison: *groans as he pushed himself into Ragor* Ooh~ Master~ So tight~!

Ragor: Oh Poison! *pulled him closer to him, feeling his length go all the way inside him*

Poison: Oh, Master, its been forevr since I felt this...!! Ooh, so tight~

Ragor: And it's been a while since I've been another guy like this >.< *moans*

Poison: C-Can I move, Master...? I-I cant hold bk anymore...

Ragor: Go ahead

Poison: *groaned as he started thrusting in n out of him, his long dick hit his prostate hard*

Ragor: Oh Odin...harder!

Poison: *does so, hitting it mercilessly, pinning Ragor's hands dwn n biting dwn on his neck, his dragon instinct to subdue a mate*

Ragor: *winces, feeling Poison going all out...knowing he might get pregnant again....*

Poison: *was lost in the mating, letting his dragon instinct take ovr, growling n moaning in a pitch tht shows he was going to come*

Ragor: *while still connected to Poison, he was turned on all fours* Fill me up!

Poison: *still biting dwn on Ragor's bk of neck, he thrusts evn harder n faster until he came hard n deep inside Ragor, letting out a dragon-like roar*

Ragor: *moaned loudly, releasing seed himself all over the floor*

Poison: *filling him up till Ragor was leaking out his ass n dwn his thighs before he groaned n collapsed onto the rug beside Ragor*

Ragor: *looked over the damage, his stomach was huge and swollen*

Poison: *pants* Oh dear, did I do u too hard, Master?

Ragor: No You did great, Poison

Poison: *smiled n leaned in to kiss him*

Ragor: *kisses back*

Ruffnut: *peeked in* Enjoyed urselves, boys?

Ragor: *heaves himself up, patting his paunch* Take a look ^ ^

Ruffnut: Wow, looks like we're gonna hv another addition in the family

Ragor: We don't know yet. And this baby might be human

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp35

Toothless: *lays by the fireplace with the hatchlings*

Hiccup: *smiles n cuddled close, sitting with him* U seem to be thinking abt something, Toothless. Did something happen?

Toothless: *to the best he could, he tells what he and Poison found, plus what also happened to him*

Hiccup: Oh, wow, tht is interesting. Why didnt u try it?

Toothless: *hung his head* [I wasn't sure]

Hiccup: Not sure? Abt wat?

Toothless: [If you'd want me to be human]

Hiccup: Why would u want to be human?

Toothless: [Well...I thought you wouldn't love me anymore]

Hiccup: *chuckles* Why would I not love u anymore? I'm worried for u evryday, thinking tht ppl will find out tht we're together in ur dragon state, tht they would execute us both. If ur human, we wont hv to worry

Toothless: ^^ [Well, come with me and I'll show you the pool]

Hiccup: OK *followed him*

Toothless: *flew Hiccup to the exact location of where the magic pool is*

Hiccup: Is tht the pool?

Toothless: [Sure is] *lets Hiccup get off before he dove in*

Hiccup: *watched patiently to see wat happens nxt*

Toothless: *surfaces from the water as a raven-haired, green-eyed young man with a trim physique*

Hiccup: *blushed hard at the sight of him* W...Wow...

Toothless: *stepped out of the water and looks at himself in the water* O_O Whoa. Hey! I can talk now!

Hiccup: Wow, is tht how u sound like? U got a deep rich voice

Toothless: Thanks, Hiccup ^^ *he had the same pendant as Poison. He took it off and turned back into a dragon, giving it to Hiccup

Hiccup: Oh, so tht's how it works *holds onto it* Alright, lets go home n surprise Astrid n the hatchlings

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp34

Ragor: *is by the fireplace with Ruffnut, getting his stomach rubbed after a big meal*

Ragor: *plays with his two hatchlings.* Hey you two

*Elas and Kedon play with their papa*

Poison: *walks in quietly* Umm...Hey, Master...

Ragor: *Turned around* Who are you?

Poison: Umm, its me, Master. Poison

RAgor: Sorry, pal...Poison is a dragon. Now get out before

*the hatchlings sniff Poison's feet and fly onto his shoulder, recognizing his scent*

Poison: *smiled n purred at them, cuddling them close* Hey Elas, Kedon, my little hatchlings. U recognize Daddy, dontcha?

Ragor: *goes to Poison* It is you!?

Poison: Yes it is *smiled n looked up at him, his eyes a dead giveaway to who he is*

Ragor: I know those eyes...RUFF!!

Ruffnut: *came out frm washing the dishes* Wat is it?? *sees Poison* Wh...Who r u??

Ragor:'s Poison

Poison: Yes, Mistress. Its me

Ruffnut: *looks abt n saw his eyes* Oh my gods, ur right. Poison!! Bt how?

Poison: *told them abt their adventure n the lake, n the necklace*

Ragor: Wow...that's amazing!

Poison: Now...Now I can officially be with u, Master, n we wont hv to worry abt being executed

Ragor: *hugs him and Ruff together, n gives Poison his old clothes from when he was skinnier*

Poison: *got dressed* Wow, I'm surprised it fits

Ragor: That's when I was a twig.

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp33

Toothless: *is out in the forest, finishing up a fish*

Poison: *was rolling ard the ground trying to keep dry*

Toothless: [What are you doing?]

Poison: ~Just drying up, I just caught a few fishes n I'm full. Mistress Ruffnut doesnt like me wetting the rugs~

Toothless: [Isn't she picky.] *he saw a glowing in the distance*

Poison: *looks up* ~Huh? Woah, lets go chk it out~

Toothless: *ran towards it and stopped in his tracks*

Poison: ~Hm, interesting. Nvr seen this ard before~

Toothless: *sniffs it* [I think this is a wishing lake. Those who dip into it will have their wish come true]

Poison: ~Wow, tht is awesome! Bt how can u tell?~

Toothless: [I saw it in a book that Ragor was reading]

Poison: u wanna try it first?~

Toothless: [I dunno. I would love to be with Hiccup as a human...but I don't wanna take a chance]

Poison: ~Well, I want to be with Ragor as human. I want to hv children with him without hving to hide abt. I'm going in~ *slides into the lake*

Toothless: [Poison!] *ran to the lake and looks in, wondering if he's okay*

*a few moments later, a human hand popped out of the lake, n soon Poison came out as a redhead, sun-tanned tall n slightly lanky man*

Poison: *gasped n pants, coughing out the water*

Toothless: *he helps him out of the water* [You okay?]

Poison: *tries to speak* I... *cough cough* I'm...O...K...Woah...My voice...?

Toothless: [Whoa, you can still understand me?]

Poison: *blink* Umm...I guess...Maybe coz I'm still dragon

Toothless: [Hey, there's a pendant around your neck]

Poison: *sees the pendant* Huh? Wat does it do? *takes it off n looks at it*

Toothless: *looks as his buddy turns dragon again*

Poison: ~Cool.~ *uses his head to wrap the necklace ovr his head n transformed into human again* This is reli cool

Toothless: [Go see Ragor] ^^ [I think he'll love it]

Poison: *smiled n went*

Astrid: *rubbed her stomach, feeling the baby kick around

Poison: *smiled n went*

Hiccup: *comes to her* How's little Jr doing in there? *rubs her belly*

Astrid: He's acting up

Toothless: *poked his head through the door and slowly made his way in*

Hiccup: Hey Toothless *kissed his forehead* Wat hv u been up to? *grins* Wanna calm ur little godson a little? *caresses Astrid's belly*

Toothless: [Sure!] *he peeks closer and murrs softly at Astrid's gravid belly*

Astrid: *she felt the baby inside calm down and slowly fall asleep* Amazing

Hiccup: *smiled* Looks like Jr knws his godfather's here

*all the little baby dragons came out frm under the table to purr at Astrid's belly, they were all looking forward to their god-sibling's birth*

Astrid: Aww thank you everyone

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp32

Ragor: *was out by the beach, fishing with Hiccup*

Hiccup: *was getting a pretty good catch so far* So, how's married life with Ruff?

Ragor: It's excellent. We have fun flying, fishing, love making...and I swear, all her food is going straight to my gut

Hiccup: *laughs* Yup its pretty obvious. I think I'm gaining a bit of weight too frm my pregnancy. Astrid is almost due too any day now

Ragor: That's good. I think Im gonna stop with the pregnancy thing with Poison. He said it might endanger my health

Hiccup: Eh? Bt u guys only had twins together. N I'm doing just fine. He worries too much

Ragor: Well...Yeah I know. Hey Hic, do you remember the first time we did?

Hiccup: *blushed a little* Uuhh...No...? *clearly trying to avoid it*

Ragor: I barely do. Man, we were curious boys back then

Hiccup: Ahaha, yeah *blushed some more* Boys will be boys, I suppose the saying goes

Ragor: I remember as it was yesterday....

*Flash back to 3 years ago*

Stoick: Im going on a voyage now. You two be good till I get back, understand?

Ragor: Yes Uncle Stoick ^^

Hiccup: Scouts honor, dad

Stoick: *smiles and heads off*

Ragor: So whacha wanna do, Hiccup?

Hiccup: I dunno, maybe go hunting for trolls?

Ragor: Sure ^^ Im game

*the duo went hunting for trolls bt there was no sign of them, n they were dead tired*

Hiccup: Aww, man~! I was sure its there this time

Ragor: Me too. *his stomach growls* And Im hungry

Hiccup: Ur always hungry *laughs* I think I need a bath. Lets go to the Wild Zone, the beaches r clearer there. I need a swim

Ragor: Okay. Let's go!

Hiccup: *led Ragor to the Wild Zone n got to the beach, then he took off all his clothes n went skinny dipping*

Ragor: *blushed a bit and took all his clothes off as well and followed suit*

Hiccup: *swam about, then saw some fish* Here's lunch! *grabbed the fishes in vain* Aww~

Ragor: *tries to help him and missed his opportunity* DAmn it! *Blushes as he saw Hiccup*

Hiccup: *noticed the blush a little n blinked* Umm, u hving a fever?

Ragor: Well..uh...*hid his face halfway underwater*

Hiccup: *swam closer to him* Wat's wrong? R u...? *accidentally felt his boner* ...Oh... *blushed*

Ragor: *blushes and swam away in embarassment*

Hiccup: Do...Do u need help for tht?

Ragor: *he stopped and turned around* What did you say?

Hiccup: *blushed harder* U...U heard me...

Ragor: How can you help me?

Hiccup: I've been trying something Tuffnut been teaching me... *comes close to him n slowly rubbed the tip of Ragor's cock*

Ragor: *blushes and moans lightly*

Hiccup: *blushed more as he tentatively started stroking the cock*

Ragor: Ooh Hiccup..I...I >///<

Hiccup: *was getting a little excited n stroke harder*

Ragor: I want to you

Hiccup: W...Wat...? I...I dunno...

Ragor: *laid on his side and got Hiccup on his side too, lifting his leg up*

Hiccup: *was a little nervous, tho not sure whether to stop him or let him do it, since part of him was curious too* B...Be gentle...

Ragor: *slightly pushes into him*

Hiccup: *hissed as it stung a little, bt the water made him slide in easier* Aahhnn...

Ragor: *moaned slightly, his belly brushing Hiccup's back

Hiccup: *whimpered, holding onto Ragor as he felt it going in n out of him*

Ragor: Oooh Hiccup. *He was into girls, but he suddenly felt that boys were just as fun as well*

Hiccup: *didnt think tht it would actually feel quite good, evn tho he was technically still crushing ovr Astrid*

Ragor: Oh Hiccup. *they go into stationary position and he continued to make out with Hiccup*

Hiccup: Nnhh...Ragor... *kissed him bk as his hips met Ragor's thrusts*

Ragor: Brace yourself...*kisses back* Im gonna unleash AAH!!! *he came inside Hiccup big time*

Hiccup: *gasped as he felt himself being filled to the point of ovrflowing* Oh gods!! *came also himself, tho not as much as Ragor*

Ragor: *finished after a few minutes*

Hiccup: *pants, trembling frm calming dwn frm his high* Oh gods...Tht...Tht was...

Ragor: Amazing

Hiccup: *blushed hard n looked away* Damn, wat does tht mean? Am I gay? Does tht mean I shouldnt crush ovr Astrid anymore?

Ragor: Naw, this was just a boy thing.

Hiccup: *pouts* I dont remember a boy thing being like this

Ragor: Well..I've seen other boy vikings do it before they found girls

Hiccup: Reli? I dont remember seeing the boys here doing tht *grins as he gently pulls out frm Ragor*

Ragor: It's true!

Hiccup: We're not speaking abt this to anyone evr tho, especially not my dad, promise? *took out his pinky*

Ragor: *did the pinkie promise* Promise.

*bk to present*

Ragor: *sighs heavily

Hiccup: Haha, yeah, those were the times

Ragor: Where are the Dragons at?

Hiccup: I heard tht they're out fishing for themselves

Ragor: Hope they don't get into trouble

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp31

Poison: *was on the feeding post chomping on fish wen he sees Toothless* ~Hey, Toothless~

Toothless: *lands* [Hey Poison. How's it]

Poison: ~Hey, I saw ur new hatchlings. They're quite cute~ *tossed a few fish for him*

Toothless: *caught a couple of 'em, gulping them down. [Thanks, Poison. Ya thinking having more with Ragor?]

Poison: ~Maybe, bt he has a mate now, I was hoping Ruffnut would be taking care of tht~

Toothless: [I meant hatchlings]

Poison: ~Well, I dont mind if Master wants it, tho I've been trying to keep a low profile so tht ppl wouldnt knw~

Toothless: [That makes sense]

Poison: ~Bt to be honest, Kedon n Elas has been asking if they were going to hv any hatchling siblings~

Toothless: [So only if Ragor is up to it]

Poison: *nods* ~I'm a little worried for Ragor's mate tho. She seems to want to breed bt is afraid of losing her figure~

Toothless: [Ruff? Don't worry, she'll get over it soon. Besides, Ragor wouldn't mind carrying]

Poison: ~Yeah, I hope so too, bt I dont want to get Ragor in trouble~

Toothless: [Don't worry about him. He's a strong guy. Besides, you got hatchlings to look over.]

Poison: *smiled* ~Wat abt u? U seem to be breeding vry well. Any chance tht would not be ur last hatchling?~

Toothless: [Im not sure yet. I want Hiccup to spend more time with AStrid now]

Poison: ~Agreed~ *ate some more fish n handed some for Toothless*

Ragor: *starts to wolf down dinner*

Hiccup: *ate his too, giving a big portion for Astrid who's eating for two*

Astrid: MMMm this is great!~

Ruffnut: Thanks, I was worried it wasnt

Ragor: *patted his big belly*

Hiccup: I'm surprised ur able to cook so well

Ruffnut: I had training. My mom died early, so I had to cook for my dad n my stupid brother. N then I cook for my husband as well

Forbidden Friendship (A HTTYD RP) - Chp30

Ragor: I can't wait to tell Astrid and Hiccup

Ruffnut: *hears the little dragons' commotion outside n looked* Dont need to, they're here *opened the door* Hey, guys~! We've been expecting u

Hiccup: Reli? Wow, wat's the occasion?

Ragor: *is holding his new boy* Meet our new son

Hiccup: *gasped* Snotlout gave birth? Wow, this is amazing! He looks just like u! Wat's his name?

Ruffnut: *went to Astrid to help her dwn Toothless* How's the baby coming, girl?

Astrid: Ooof she's developing quite well. *rubbed her stomach*

Ragor: Ragnar.

Ruffnut: She? Ur hving a girl?

Hiccup: Ah, got ur flair of name in it too. Is Snotlout OK?

Snotlout: *has already passed out frm the birth. Aftr being cleaned, he went straight to the land of nod*

Ragor: He's recovering right now.

Astrid: ^_^

Hiccup: Oh, u've been busy with Snotlout, I nvr had a chance to show u *held up the hatched dragons* Meet Jade, Ruby n Odin. They hatched 2 days aftr the birth as usual bt I nvr got the chance to invite u ovr

Ragor: Awww. they're adorable

Toothless: [I did good ^^]

Hiccup: Heh, yeah, did good alright, bt I had to do most of the work *bonked Toothless' head playfully*

*both Meteora n Valiant made happy growling noises, standing on their hind legs, wanting to see the baby*

Ragor: *smiled and knelt down to let them see*

*the twins growled happily at the sight of the baby*

Hiccup: Careful now, sweeties. Human babies r not as tough as dragon babies, u knw

Ruffnut: *led Astrid to see Ragnar* Meet Ragnar our newborn son

Astrid: MY goodness. He's huge

Ruffnut: Snotlout's been stuffing himself while he was pregnant, n Ragor himself is a big guy, so yeah

Astrid: Genetics

Ruffnut: Yup, put Snotlout thru hell, bt it was worth it

Ragor: And this all started with a drunk sex session

Hiccup: Well, we all knw ur pretty wild, evn for a married man

Astrid: Is that so?

Ragor: Yep ^_^

Ruffnut: Since u knw its a girl, got any names for her?

Astrid: Wanna tell 'em?

Hiccup: *nods* U tell 'em, ur the one who named her

Astrid: Cornera

Ruffnut: Tht sounds like a nice name, doesnt it, dear?

Ragor: Sure does.

Hiccup: Hey, I heard abt Snotlout's engagement with the other tribe. Is he gonna be OK leaving Ragnar with u guys?

Ragor: He said to take good care of him.

Hiccup: So he gave his blessing to let u hv Ragnar, huh?

Ruffnut: Yup, I'm vry grateful for him

Ragor: Well, since I am the one that got him knocked up

Astrid: You are a stud

Hiccup: *chuckled* Tht goes without saying

*the triplets looked dwn to see the new baby n one of them licked him*

*the baby giggled*

Hiccup: Odin, behave~

Ruffnut: Its OK, Odin's just being nice

Ragor: Oooof. Im hungry again

Hiccup: *rolled his eyes* Hungry again

Ruffnut: *laughs* I'm used to it. Wanna stay for dinner?

Astrid: Sure. I need to give my feet a rest

Hiccup: Of course, Toothless, we're staying for dinner. U can hang out with Poison if u want

Toothless: [Okay] *flies off to find Poison

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp40)

Ozzy: *sleeps on*

NS: *starts to stirr a little, not sleeping well with a fever*

8the males watch over their children8

8the females soon returned but one was missing8

Aoura; 8looked round8 Anyone seen Eliza/

Sapphire: *Frowns* I havnt no.

Mariagold; Where is she/

Saphire: We have to find her

Aoura; Easier said than done.

Sapphire : *nods* When did we last see her?

Nefertina; Just after we left, we all seperated then.

Sapphire: Does anyone know where she went?

Aoura; Downtown Frank. 8relised8 Oh no. . .

sapphie: What?

Aoura; That's near the FPD.

Sapphire: *frowns* YOu don't think...

Nefertina; She couldn't be.

Sapphire: We've got tof idn her..

Aoura; Easier said than done.

Sapphire: still.. weh ave to try.

Mariegold; We should let our husbands know.

Sapphire: *nods and goes to find Thrax*

My Enemy, My Son-An OJ RP (Chp39)

NS: 8that morning begins to stirr*

8everyone was still asleep8

NS: *whimpers softly, nuzzling agaisnt her foste rparents*

Thrax; 8slowly opens his eyes8

NS: *has her legs crossed a bit*

Thrax; Bathroom/

NS: *nods shakily*

Thrax; 8gently picked her up and carried her to the bathroom8

*on the way feels very much warm*

Thrax; 8looked down at her8

NS: face is flushed but from more than embarassment*

Thrax; 8sighed and turned on the warm water8

NS: *looks up at him*

Thrax; 8set her down and undressed her8

NS: *bluehes but doesn't fight him on it*

Thrax; 8tossed her clothes in the laundry then set her in the bath8

NS: *feels very warm to the touch and it looks as if the infection in her shoulder has gotten no better*

Thrax; 8swallowed8

NS: *looks up at him helplessly*

Thrax; 8gently bathed her8

NS: *leans on him a bit and lets him, not feeling at all well*

Thrax; 8lifted her out and wrapped her in a fluffy towel8

NS: *curls up in it , shivering*

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: *softly* C-cold...

Thrax; 8wrapped his coat round her8

NS: *clings to him, shivering*

Thrax; 8closes her close8

*the wound on he rshoulder is much redder than it used to be and the infection seems worse*

Thrax; 8carries her downstairs8

Sapphire: *is up* * looks over , having just changed the still sleeping ozzy and frowns in concern* Whats' wrong?

Thrax; Her wound is badly infecyed.

Sapphire: *frowns and walks over to look* What should we do?

Thrax; Try and nurse her back to health.

Sapphire: What made the wound in the first place?

Thrax; That's the question.

NS *soflty* a...arrow..

Thrax; 8looked at her8 What/

NS: An... an arrow...

Thrax; What kind/

NS: Wood...

Thrax; 8nods8 We should get it sterilised.

NS: *sofltky* I took it out...

Sapphire: By yourself?

NS: Had to...Too late... infection's set in already..

Thrax; 8stroked her hair8

Sapphire: How did you get it out yourself little one?

NS: *voice still soft* Leaneda gains tsomething and forced it through.. then pulled it out...

Thrax; 8wince8

NS: *softly* I had to... noone else around...

Thrax; 8sat next to his wife8

Sapphire: Why didn't you tell us little one?

NS: 8looks down.

Thrax; Sweetie/

NS: *soflty* Afraid...

Thrax; 8kissed her cheek softly8

NS: *starts to cry suddenlyI

Thrax; 8holds her close8

NS: I'msorry.... I'm sorry...

Sapphire: *confused8 Sorry for what little one?

NS: S-sorry I didn't tell... don't spank me please!

Thrax; We won't honey.

NS: W.. won't? *sniffles*

Sapphire; Of course not.. *gently* You've done nothing wrong.

Thrax; She's right.

NS: *sniffs soflty, looking toward the other 's in the room*

8the all smiled at her sweetly8

NS: 8rubs her eyes a little*

Thrax; 8rubs her back8

NS: *leans on him, not trembling so much now*

Thrax; 8nuzzles her8

NS: 8nuzzles back ands tarts to drift to sleep, still wrapped warmly in the towel, not seemign to care that other htan that she's still naked from th ebath*

Thrax; 8smiles softly and carries her upstairs to dress her8

NS: *sleeps on the way*

Thrax; 8selects clean pjs and dresses her before carrying her back downstairs8

NS: *snuggles into the pillow*

Thrax; 8smiles softly8

Sapphire: We should get some first aid suppliies today... see what we can do for that shoulder

Thrax; 8nodded8

Sapphire: Perhaps one of us should go ou twhile the kids are down for a nap*

Thrax; Go ahead my love.

Sapphire: *nods and kisses himon the cheek before heading out*

8the other females fallow her8

Aoura; We're running low on food and supplies for the kids.

Sapphire: *nods* We'll make sure to get plenty of what we need.

Eliza; Hopefully.

Sapphire: *nods with a slight sigh*

Titania; C'mon we must hurry.

Sapphire: *goes hurry*

8the women head off8