
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dance with the Devil-An OJ RP (Part 5)

*soon they reach the office*

tiffany-*waiting by the door*

sparta-! *runs over and jumps on her*

tiffany-! Sparta! *hugs him*

sparta-*licking her face*



Drix: Isnt tht the sweetest thing, Jones?

Dander: *panted happily at the sight*

ozzy-ya ya...

tiffany-thank u so much! how much do i owe u?...

sparta-*wagging his tail*

Drix: Oh no worries, since he found us, we'll charge u half *gave her the price*

tiffany-...i insist of paying for the full price...


sparta- ^^ *wagging his tail*

Drix: *turns to Oz* Wht do u think, Jones?

ozzy-*shrugs* watever u want to do Drix...

tiffany-here.... *gives them 300 carbs*

Drix: Well, if u insist... *accepts the money* Come bk anytime if u need our help. Door's always open


Sparta-*plays with Dander again*

tiffany-? heh it seems Sparta likes ur pooch Drix


Drix: Dander is vry freindly to everyone. U can bring him ovr to play with if u want. He looks like he needs company

tiffany-heh well i am takeing the day off so i guess i can hang here for awhile

Sparta-*sits on Dander* *wagging his tail*

tiffany-! sparta off...dont sit on the poor thing..

sparta-*gets up*

Dander: *doesnt mind being sit on. he just bounce himself bk to shape n pounced on Sparta*

Drix: *leans close to Oz, whispering* Wht's up with u, seriously? Yesterday u were all ovr Ms Tiffany, now u look like u just got a cat got ur tongue

ozzy-im fine...just didnt sleep well thats all....

tiffany-*sits on the floor* here poochy *calling for Dander*

sparta-*tugging Dander's ears*

Dander: *yapped n pulled off frm Sparta, tottering towards her*

tiffany-wats ur name cutie *petting Dander*

sparta-*lays next to her lays his head on her lap*

ozzy-the dumb mutts name is Dander...

Drix: Hey~! He's not dumb!

Dander: *wagging his tail, liking being pet*

ozzy-ya he is...hes useless

tiffany-doubt it...dogs r very smart...wat tricks do u know Dander? *rubs his chin*

Drix: I'll show u useless! Dander, roll ovr

Dander: *does so*

Drix: Play dead!

Dander: *does so*

Drix: Stand back!

Dander: *does so on his hind legs*

Drix: Stand front!

Dander: *does so with front legs*

Drix: Headstand!

Dander: *does so, yapping happily, having fun*

tiffany-*giggles* smaller dogs can do more tricks then bigger dogs like Sparta ^^

ozzy-....hes still useless....thats all for show....Sparta is a real dog...

sparta-*wags his tail*

Drix: *glared at him* Dont u insult Dander~! So wht can ur pooch do, Ms Tiffany?

tiffany-heh hes the best police dog in Hector *smiles* trained him my self *pets Sparta* he can rip off a cell's membrane in 5 seconds


Drix: Oi vey, thank goodness we didnt try to touch him or anything. Is tht why u named him Sparta?

Dander: *got off frm his headstand n continued to playfight with Sparta*

tiffany-heh u bet Dirxy hes 1 tough dog

sparta-*playing with Dander*

ozzy-..*reads a magazine*

Drix: *chatted reli well with Tiffany*

*a msg came into Oz's cell phone*

tiffany-*chatting with Drix*

ozzy-? *looks at his cell*

Msg: ~Meet me at the plc we first met. Come alone. THRAX~

ozzy-....hey uh Drix i forget i had todo sumthing i will be back later *walks out and heads for the place*

tiffany-? anyway...

Drix: *shrugged n continued the conversation with Tiffany*


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