Illust: *sends out a memo to all the admins to gather in the conference room*
Akari: *heaves himself up and head on over the conference room
*all the admins were gathered*
Illust: Hey guys! Guess wat? I got us a new staff for the med bay! State of the art in fact~!
Akari: is this what I think it is?
Illust: Yup! Totally! Just got it on loan frm San Fransokyo Academy *looks ard for something n found duct tape n used it to stick n tear on her bro's arm*
Akari: Go ahead. I'm ready *he seemed pretty excited too*
Illust: Alright *tears off the tape to make her bro call out in pain*
Akari: OOW!!
*a red chest placed on the presentation stage activated n a white figure inflated n popped out, then stepped out of the chest*
Baymax: Hello, I'm Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I detected a distress call *sees Akari's hand n scanned* My sensors show tht u hv a mild inflammation. Shall I recommend an antiseptic spray?
Watson: *whistled* Wow~ Tht is impressive~
Akari: Yes please. *holds out his arm*
Ragor: I gotta say, he's quite an interesting looking robot.
Baymax: *pointed his finger at Akari's sore spot n sprayed a cold antiseptic*
Illust: I knw, right? Isnt he just delightful?? *jumped with glee*
Baymax: On the scale of 1-10, how do u rate ur pain now?
Akari: It was about a 6. Think that tape took some of my arm hairs out
Baymax: *used a gauze to wrap the sore* How does ur pain rate now, Akari?
Watson: He knws his name?
Illust: Its in his program. He scans ppl's profile n gets everything in return
Akari: he knows over 800 medical proedures. *looks to Baymax* It's a 1 now. Thanks Baymax. *looks to Watson* watch this *steps back* Baymax, Scan me
Ragor: I'm curious who the donor is, cause Akari is quite large for his pregnancy and he's only 6 months!
Illust: I'm sure Baymax can figure tht out. We dunno either coz Akari randomly took a donor seed frm the fertilization nursery
Baymax: *does so, scanning frm head to toe* I detect tht u r now with child. Twins. One male, one female. Estimated due date: 3 mths frm now. Father of the child: Toriko, the head chef of this institution. N ur showing signs of the expansion of the lactational glands. May I suggest u start wearing training bras?
Akari: O_O Toriko?! Toriko is the donor?!
Ragor: *whispers to Illust* Isn't that big buff guy with the matching blue hair of your brother?
Illust: Yeah, it is. Akari has a serious crush on him evr since he served him one of his signature pork noodle soup dishes. OMG, I totally didnt knw he donated his seed to this institution
Watson: All staff r eligible to donate, evn the hired help. La Nouche's decree n all
Baymax: I detect elevated levels of endorphins and serotonins, as well as an increase in adrenaline. R u feeling happy?
Akari: Yes, yes I am. But....I don't know how to approach him. I mean, I like both sexes
Baymax: I cannot give you relationship advices, but I'll be glad to provide u with Toriko's personal profile to see if u can find out ur means of approach
Illust: Do it, Baymax
Baymax: *went to the nearest laptop n put his hand on the monitor, then speed-searched until he found Toriko's profile, bkgrd, resume, etc* There. I hv completed my task. I cannot deactivate until you say you r happy with your care *turns to Akari* R u happy with ur care?
Ragor: *reads over the fields* Jeez, he's that big of a guy? And a very hungry at that
Akari: Oh you have no idea. :) He could eat out an entire fancy restaurant and only be 10% full! He's like me! *looks to Baymax* One more thing....are the babies...bigger than normal?
Baymax: *scanned a bit* They r quite big, slightly bigger than an average twin fetuses. It is due to Toriko's genetics. He is quite a giant, rivaling the best of basketball players' height. I cannot deactivate until u say u r happy with ur care. R u happy with ur care?
Akari: Yes I am. Thank you Baymax
Ragor: Hey Dr Watson? Isn't Akari like that also? I mean, even science or medical whatever can tell if that Whtie tiger has a black hole in his stomach or not
Watson: Beats me *shrugs* I've long since stopped questioning their bottomless appetite
Baymax: *the moment he hears Akari say, he returns to the red kit n deflates, shrinking himself into the kit n closed up*
Illust: Isn't he just adorable?? *squeeing like a schoolgirl*
Ragor: *facepalms* her and her affinity for robotics.
Akari: How to approach Toriko *heads out to ponder*
Illust: *noticed her brother leave n told some random Minions to bring Baymax's case to the med bay n followed behind him* Hey, ottoto-chan. U OK?
Akari: Yeah, Im fine ^^ Just found out how to approach this whole thing
Illust: Bt hey, its Toriko. U had a crush on him since forever. Tht's good, right? How r u gonna approach him?
Akari: My usual way
Illust: *raised a brow* Which is?
Akari: Ask him out to dinner :)
Illust: Dinner? 8giggled8 Tht's so u, ottoto-Chan. U think he'll be cool with finding out ur having his babies?
Akari: I'd be honored. ^^ Plus, I also play with his pet wolf, Terry
Illust: I remember tht guy. Didn't he just chased after a bunch of Minions who tries to steal the bananas meant for the corporate dinner last yr? Tht was a riot
Akari: I think so, but that was only the bananas were ingredients to banana bread
Illust: 8chuckles8 So u gonna approach him soon?
Akari: *straightens my hoodie and gets ready* Sure am
Illust: Good luck, ottoto-chan
Akari: Thanks nee-san :D *heads off
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