*it was the annual masquerade ball at the Midnight Manor, where the King n Queen of the manor set up evry yr to try n matchmake their son to the potential suitors. Little did they knw tht their son was not interested in women, bt he played along with it anyway as he watched scores n scores of guests dancing abt with the beautiful music*
Prince: *sighed in boredom*
Mystery guest: *Sneaks in from a window and enters the ballroom.*
*evryone turns to see the mystery guest*
Prince: *looked up to see too*
Mystery guest: *Looks around and walks to the buffet table. He's 'dressed as' very sleek and well muscled, lean, jet black werewolf.*
*evryone whispered to each other at how impressed they were at the guest's get up*
Prince: *was intrigued n decided to chk him out a while*
Mystery Guest: *Waggs his tail as he starts to fill a plate with meats and fruits, and various mushrooms.*
Prince: *thinks* ~Hmm, a rather big appetite he has~
Mystery Guest: *Leans back against the wall and enjoys the plate of food, starting with the fruit.*
Prince: *couldnt stop watching him, ignoring all the women who were looking forward to be courted by him*
Mystery Guest: *Laid back his ears in a rather diciplined manner.*[repost]
Prince: *couldnt hold bk anymore n went to approach the mystery guest* Umm, hey, I've nvr seen you ard before
Mystery Guest: I'm not very social...
Prince: I noticed. Wat made you come ovr? I dont remember sending an invite to you
Mystery Guest: This is a Masquerade, yes?
Prince: Yes, it is, courtesy of my family. I'm just playing along
Mystery Guest: Well I do appreceate the spread. Wonderful food by the way.
Prince: Thank you. We hv the best chefs in town to make these
Mystery Guest: Are you hungry? *He offered a mushroom.*
Prince: *shook his head* Bt I am thirsty
Mystery Guest: *Bites into the mushroom.* Don't drink anything on the table.
Prince: Wat? Why? *reaches for a drinking frm the tray of a passing servant anyways*
Mystery Guest: I can smell the alcohol in it from here.
Prince: Is tht a bad thing? U dont like alcohol? *sipped his drink, which was a champagne*
Mystery Guest: I'm allergic to it.
Prince: Oh, tht's too bad. *sighs* To be honest, this masquerade is not my idea. Its my parents. They want me to hurry up n get married n give them grandchildren
Mystery Guest: What's the rush?
Prince: I'm 25, n they think its a ripe age for a man to be married, n they keep saying "I'm not getting any younger"
Mystery Guest: Indeed, but you're not going to grow up as fast as they want, either.
Prince: No, I'm not *chuckles* Bt tht's not the main reason why I dont want to settle dwn
Mystery Guest: What is? *His costume looked so real... it even included the canine genitals...*
Prince: *blushed wen he noticed the details n almost could hear himself swallow as he looked away* Well...I'm not interested in women...if you get my drift
Mystery Guest: Oh? *His balls were quite big...*
Prince: *couldnt help oogling at it for a second there* Y-Yeah...My folks dont knw it tho. If they did, they'd kill themselves. No wait, they'll prolly kill me first, then themselves
Mystery Guest: Want to hear something?
Prince: Um, yeah sure *smiling curtly at a woman who was winking at him, bt not reli interested at her*
Mystery Guest: I'm not interested in females that way either.
Prince: *blushed* R...Reli...? Well, isnt tht a coincidence? You're in luck then. Which one here has caught your fancy?
Mystery Guest: You.
Prince: *blushed evn harder* M...Me...?! Woah, seriously...me?? Why me?
Mystery Guest: That is my secret.
Prince: Umm...OK...Would you like to...go somewhere private...? The servants can entertain our guests anyway
Mystery Guest: *Nods and offers a paw.*
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