
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Daddy Thrax-An OJ RP (Chp 214)

Talic: *returns with something that wil lbe easy on the virus' stomache*

Thrax; 8smiled8 Thanks8

Talic: You're welcome. *places a handon his arm* I'm glad to see you eating my brother.

Thrax; 8smiled taking a bite8 Delicous.

Talic: *smiles* It should be easy on your stomache too. It's been a while since you've had something solid... since you've had anything.

Thrax; 8blushed8

Talic: *chuckles softly and pats his arm*

Thrax; 8wolfed the food down8

Talic: *smiles*

Thrax; *finishes every bite8

Talic: *offers a glass of milk *

Thrax; Thanks. 8takes it and drinks it down8

Talic; Feel better?

Thrax; 8nodded8 Alot.

Talic: *nods, smiling at both children*

8both were dosing on the couch8

Talic: *softly* They're glad to have you back Thrax.

Thrax; 8blushed8

Talic; *smiles*

Thrax; 8stroked his children's hair8

*in their sleep both nuzzle up against his hand, resting peacefully*

Thrax; 8smiled softly8

Talic: *softly* They've grown close to one another as well

Thrax; 8chuckles8 Yeah.

Kain; 8was watching from the door, smiling8

Talic: *smiles as well *


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