Leah: *was putting on her ear-rings n applying lipstick. She was wearing red alright, almost like a Moulin Rouge theme, n had her mask on*
Ozzy soon got to her home, slipping the mask on before knocking on the door, shifting around. He just wanted to get this over with... maybe a few drinks to forget.
Leah: *hears the doorbell n answered the door* Hey, Jones. My, my, you look amazing *checking out his costume*
Ozzy grinned and showed himself off. "Heh, well, you don't look half bad yourself. We should get going..."
Leah: Yeah, sure. Dont wanna be late *locks the door n got into the car with Oz* I was afraid you werent gonna show up
Ozzy blnked and shook his head, driving off. "I couldn't deny you. Plus, I would hate to upset you..."
Leah: *chuckles* I guess I can reli count on u to deliver ur words. Well then, lemme show u where exactly does Agent Roja live *led him to the Heart District n gave him directions where to turn*
Ozzy smiled at her before blinking, grumbling as he drived around. "He's almost hidden away..." he said as they drove around. "So... which one is it?"
Leah: *after leading him ard, finally sees the plc* Ah! Right there!
*they've reached into probably one of the richest areas in the suburbs, where the home looked like almost a mansion, probably a home equivalent to a Count*
Ozzy's eyes widened as he pulled up to the place, his mouth hanging open. "Wha... how did he get THIS place?!" he called out. It was the biggest place he'd ever seen!
Leah: Agent Roja said Mayor Phlegmming offered it to him somehow. When he was injected into this body, he claims tht he called the mayor telling his arrival n the mayor said to wait for him to fetch him n all accomodations are ready for him for his stay as a vaccine-shot ambassador, so to speak. Tht was a day before he died n left poor Agent Roja stranded in the stomach port. Agent Roja told me abt the mayor's plans for his accomodation n I looked thru the mayor's files n saw there, marked in red, this address. I must admit, I was shocked at first, bt if the mayor ordered it, then it must be it
Ozzy blinked and frowned a little, getting out of the car before moving around the car and helping Leah out of the car before locking it up. "Come on, lets get inside..." he said, linking arms with her and heading inside the large building.
Leah: *takes his arm n was escorted into the building*
Ozzy blinked and looked around, already seeing so many people there.
*there were a lot of ppl, mostly the high-ups especially the PD force n the city council, present n also including some of the press*
Ozzy blinked and shifted around. "Uh... so... would you like a drink?" he asked Leah, but before she could answer, he was making his way to get a couple of drinks.
Leah: *barely noticed he left because Colonic had approached her and they were talking abt the party n the re-election campaign; straight dwn to business*
Ozzy sighed as he found the drinks, looking them over. He needed something strong. Ordering the strongest drink they had, he downed it, not realising it was a bad idea.
Thrax: *everyone cheered as he made an appearance, dressed in black and red along with a cloak n donning a red skeletal mask. Again, he suavely charmed them with his gentleman ways, n shook hands with Colonic. Aftr a few chats n finger food, he saw at the corner of his eye Oz at the bar counter dwning a strong drink n excused himself towards him*
Ozzy hiccuped and sighed, sitting at the bar, having forgotten about Leah, starting on his third drink.
Thrax: *came up to his side and ordered wht he ordered, then smiled in his usual facade* Wht is a handsome young cell like u doing here all alone, hmm?
Ozzy blinked and hiccuped lightly before scowling up as he saw Thrax, huffing at him. "Get lost you stupid-hic-Virus." he grumbled, shuffling around as he adjusted the mask on his face, sipping more of his drink, cheeks already flushed from the alcohol.
Thrax: My, my, aren't we a little tipsy here there? U shouldn't drink too much. U might lose urself in it. Being in a party is not all abt drinks, u knw. Although *takes Oz's chin* It does give ur pretty cheeks a good colour*
Ozzy huffed at him. "I'm not a kid, you can't tell me what to do!" he snapped at him, pushing the hand away and rolling his eyes, hicupping again before ordering another drink as he sipped his third.
Thrax: I wouldn't be so childish if I were u. I am the ambassador here aftr all *made sure tht no one was looking before he took Oz's chin again n kissed him deeply*
Ozzy's eyes widened as he felt the other's lips against his. "Mmph!" he gasped in surprise before his hand came up, slapping the other's face as hard as he could, which wasn't so much as hard as he could since he was tipsy.
Thrax: *barely felt the slap as being a virus he was so accustomed to pain, let go of his oral hold* Well, baby, so feisty evn though ur totally drunk, eh? *sees the hired band coming up to stage n donned on his mask n helped Oz adjusted his before dragging him into the middle of the dance floor*
Ozzy hiccuped and blinked, gasping as he was dragged to the dance floor. "H-hey, what are you doing!?" he snapped at him, stumbling against the other's body, thankful for the mask so no one could see it was him.
Thrax: *ignoring the surprised looks on everyone's face (mostly the women, looking on a little jealously at this Frank's most eligible bachelor) n took his hand in a dance stance, speaking in his gentleman voice* Just a dance for the lovely cell I'm with *waits till they play a slow song before starting to dance*
Ozzy blinked in surprise, shaking his head as he wriggled against him, trying to get away from him. "I-I don't dance with guys!" he hissed up at him. "Nor slow dance!" he huffed, hiccuping before gasping, feeling his body being moved.
Thrax: *he was surprisingly light on his feet, dancing very well n into the beat, guiding Oz effortlessly. He brought himself close in a way tht Oz was leaning against his chest* Just enjoy the dance, baby, go with the flow. U dont want ur nice little lady to find out who his little boyfriend is dancing with now, do u?
Ozzy's eyes widened as he bit his lip, hesitating before hiding himself against Thrax's body, cursing him to the bowels of Frank as he allowed him to lead him in the dance.
Thrax: Good boy. Feeling much better frm the booze there, baby? *carries on leading the dance effortlessly*
Ozzy hiccuped and scowled behind the mask. "Just shut up and get this over with... I want to go sit down." he grumbled to him, stumbling a few times.
Thrax: Oh, I assure u, baby, soon I will have u all to myself aftr this party *the song ended n he stopped dancing, clapping along with the crowd at the band performance*
Ozzy stumbled as he was finally let go of, looking confused by his words before huffing and quickly getting off the dancefloor to go sit down again.
Thrax: *smirked as he went off to chat with everyone else*
Leah: *sees Oz sitting there n approached him* There u are! I was wondering where u disappeared off to
Ozzy blinked, looking up before, gasping. "Ah... sorry... seems I got-hic-distracted."
Leah: *smelt the alcohol on him* Ah, being a little greedy on the booze, eh? Dont go stoned ovr me now, Jones *chuckles, then looked towards Thrax's direction* Isn't he such a gentleman, Jones? If only all men are as charming as he is
Ozzy hiccuped and blinked, scowling a little. "He's not THAT good you know..." he grumbled some, downing his drink before collecting his forth. He paused half way through his drink though. "Damn..." he mumbled, shifting around. He needed to use the bathroom, but had no idea where it is and really didn't want to go ask the host.
Leah: *shook her head helplessly at Oz being skeptical and drunk, then looks at him again wen she realized tht he was shifting ard* Something wrong, Jones?
Ozzy shook his head, chewing on his lip before asking. "Do you happen to know where the bathroom is?"
Leah: Oh yeah. I just came frm the bathroom. Just go upstairs n take a left. It's the 2nd door to ur right *made hand gestures to emphasize her point*
Ozzy hiccuped and nodded, getting to his feet and stumbling off. "Upstairs... left... second door..." he mumbled to himself as he headed up the stairs and took a left, searching for the bathroom.
*unfortunately, usually in mansions, every room look almost the same, even the bathroom, n Oz being tipsy was not helping matters*
Ozzy groaned and stumbled to a door, attempting to open it. "This is... hic... stupid!" he grumbled to himself, squirming around as he moved to another door. "This is a freaking huge place, where's the damned bathroom!"
*Due to the fact tht he was tipsy, he forgot tht it was the 2nd door to his right, n he had just past it, making him enter a guest room by mistake*
Ozzy hiccuped and looked around through the dark room, feeling around for a light. "Nnn... ow, damn it... where's the light?" he grumbled, having stumbled over.
*someone approached him frm behind n grabbed him, pressing a cloth filled with chloroform onto his mouth n nose*
Ozzy groaned out, struggling weakly and clawing at the hand. "MNnngh!" he groaned, though his eyes began to flutter closed as his body became limp.
*the stranger held him until he went limp before placing the cell onto the bed, closed the door n left to join the party*
Leah: *was looking ard wondering why is Oz taking so long to go to the bathroom*
Colonic soon came to Leah, handing her a drink with a smile. "What's wrong? You look worried. Are you not having fun?"
Leah: Oh, I am. It's just tht...well, my friend is taking too long in the bathroom. I'm kinda worried *looked upstairs*
Thrax: *approaches them* Ah, Colonic. Just the man I want to thank for holding such a nice party for me. U shouldn't have
Colonic sipped at his drink. "Ah, well. I'm sure he's fine. He probably just got lost." he said, before looking up and smiling. "Ah! Agent Roja, nothing's too good for our new guest." he said, patting his back.
Thrax: I thank u again, sir. I wish u lots of luck on the campaign. I heard tht besides u, someone frm the Love Handles is also trying to run for candidacy. I've got my money on u
Colonic blinked before laughing softly, patting his arm. "You see this guy, Leah. He really is an amazing guy. He's probably the kind of guy for you needs." he said, grinning a little with a wink at her.
Leah: *grins, having a feeling tht Colonic was actually trying to hit on her. Not tht she mind. She was slightly drawn to his charisma wen she was still under Phlegmming* Sorry, Colonic, but I'm more into cells. Speaking of cells, where IS Jones...?
Thrax: U mean the white blood cell, dressed in domino theme? The one who used to work with the PD bt fired by the late Phlegmming?
Colonic chuckled. "Aw, poor Agent Roja... put down by the most beautiful woman here." he said, shaking his head before blinking. "Jones? That boy is here? I hope he's behaving himself.
Leah: Colonic, pls, he's just...fiesty for his age. U saw him?
Thrax: *chuckles at Colonic's statement before answering her* Yeah. I did. He just took off without a word. Car and all. Said he's not into fancy parties and just pfft! Vanished
Colonic blinked, frowning a little before shaking his head. "Such an uncooth boy. He can't even say goodbye to the man of the hour, or his friend." he said, sipping his drink.
Leah: Colonic, pls... *although part of her agreed tht Oz shouldn't have dumped her off like tht*
Thrax: *waved it away casually* He must've had some reason. It's perfectly alright. You guys have fun now *smiles n left to chat up with other ppl*
Colonic turned to Leah, frowning a little. "I'm sorry, but he doesn't seem like a good friend to just leave you like this. Anyway, would you like to dance?"
Leah: Well, I'd be honoured to, future mayor of Downtown Frank *offered her hand n smiled*
Colonic gave a charming smile before taking her hand and moving to the dance floor before pulling her close and began to dance to the unbeat music.
Thrax: *sees Colonic n Leah dancing n smirked, being this part of his plan*
Colonic smiled to Leah, chuckling softly. "You're a very good dancer, Ms. Leah." he said, his arm wrapping around her waist.
Leah: Well, ur not too bad urself there, Colonic *smiles a little seductively* U might just make a new caption to ur banner "Candidate Twinkletoes"
Colonic chuckled softly, before dipping her, grinning seducively at her. "Mmm... and maybe give yourself a new position... 'Mrs. Twinkletoes'." he said before giving her a soft kiss right beside her lips before allowing her up again.
Leah: *surprised, bt not against it, in fact, she laughed gingerly before being brought up, suddenly find herself facing rather close, her lips almost touching his*
Colonic blinked in surprise as he found her so close before his eyes became half lidded. Cupping her cheek, he stroked his thumb against her cheek before kissing her softly on the lips.
Leah: *was caught by surprise again when she felt Colonic captured her lips, it somehow felt so right, even though she had been personally working under him for less than a week. Although in all reality she had been drawn to him since the first time she saw him during the start of the re-election campaign. By the time they needed air to breathe, her face was sporting a healthy tint of pink* Wow...
Colonic smiled down at her, holding her close. "You have very soft lips... Ms. Leah." he said softly, running a hand through her hair before kissing her cheek softly once again.
Leah: *smiled gently as she leaned her face against the hand before Colonic kissed her* And so do you...Tom. *finally calling him by his first name* Well...it seems like I've missed my ride home later on
Colonic smiled softly, gently nuzzling her nose. "Mmm... well, I can give you a lift home if you would like?" he suggested, starting to slow dance with her as a new song came on.
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