
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, March 6, 2015

The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp 44

8meanwhile Acacia was getting close as she was breathing thru her contractions8

Baymax: Would u like to be in the tub? We can do a water birth so tht it'll be easier on ur egg-laying

Acacia: I dunno. Should I?

Ricky: 8held her hand tightly* Up to you hon

Acacia: 8thought abt it n nodded8

Baymax: 8carried her n brought her to the water birth room n set her n the tub, filling it with warm water n scented salts8

Acacia: 8groaned as another contraction hit8

Ricky: Feel any better?

Acacia: 8nodded8 Yeah... A bit better... 8breathed thru the contraction8 Bt it still hurts...

Baymax: Hang in there, u hv 2 more cm to go

Ricky: kisses her on the cheek

8aftr half an hour, it was finally time8

Acacia: Nnnhh... I feel... I feel something coming...

Baymax: 8felt her8 Yes, the tip is starting to come. U can start pushing now

Ricky: Nice and easy, hon ^_^ you can do it

Acacia: 8nodded n waited for a contraction before bearing dwn8

Baymax: Doing vry good, Acacia. Keep it coming

Acacia: 8whimpered as she can feel the tip crowning8

Ricky: *held onto her hand, comforting her the best he could*

Baymax: 8reached dwn to help stretch out Acacia's vagina to help her with the birth8

Acacia: 8groaned as another contraction came, pushing dwn hard8

Ricky: It's almost here! :D You can do it!!

Acacia: 8breathed hard n pushed8 Nnnnggghhh!!

Baymax: 8caught the egg8 Here we go. One dwn, three to go

Ricky: Oh boy

8the birth carried on for almost 2 hrs before she finally reached her last egg8

Acacia: 8was starting to sob n cry8 I can't do it... I can't do it anymore... Make it stop~~!!

Baymax: Ur almost there, Acacia. Just a bit more. Ur already crowning

Ricky: Yes you can, you can do it!

Acacia: 8cried8 I'm gonna die~~

Baymax: U will not die. Ur body is at optimum health. The likeliness of ur death is...


Ricky: *gives her a kiss that gives her a bit more confidence*

Baymax: 8not offended at all8 Calm dwn, Acacia. Its just the pain talking. Come on, u can do it.

Acacia: 8whimpered as she kissed him bk, then finally gave in to the pushing8

Baymax: Vry good, vry good. Its coming now. Keep it going

Ricky: You can do it, Acacia! Our last baby is almost here

Baymax: Just one more push, Acacia. U got this

Acacia: 8breathed raggedly before pushing dwn one last time, screaming Ricky's name8

Baymax: Here we go, all 4 eggs out 8scoops the last one out of the water to put it together with the rest of the batch in a clothed basket8

Ricky: You did a great job:D *gives her a kiss on the cheek and then looks at the eggs*

8all the eggs were just as Baymax predicted, the size of a real tiger cub, n they were all grey with patches of blue in colour8

Acacia: Eggs... 8pants tiredly8 W-Where r our eggs...?

Ricky: They're in a basket together :)

Acacia: Thank goodness 8slowly passes out in the tub8

Baymax: 8cleans her up, dries her n carries her to the bed8

Ricky: *stays by her side and cares for the eggs*


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