8Jinbei slept well to the evening. later tht evening, Jinbei's nap was interrupted by his cell phone ringing8
Jinbei: 8groaned as he got up n answered the phone8 Hello...? Nnnhh...yeah, speaking... 8tries to rub the sleep off his eyes8
Akari: hey Jin! How's it going
Jinbei: Nnnhh... Yeah... Tho u kinda just woke me frm my nap... 8yawned8
Akari: oops! Sorry to bother you then. I just woke up not long Ago
Jinbei: It's fine. I should be up to continue my work anyways. Anything I can help u with? 8made his way to his work table, nodding at Tora who is lounging watching TV while snacking8
Akari: Actually, I just got done coloring those pages you've sent me of your comic.
Jinbei: Oh, cool. Send them ovr, would u? Ur a life-saver... 8his phone beeped on the other line8 Sorry, I gotta take this call, just drop by with the pages, OK?
Akari: I'll be on my way. *hangs up and gets the folder put together well and heads on out*
Jinbei: 8hung up n answered the other line8 Hello? Yeah, hey boss... 8it was the editor8 Yeah, I knw... No, not yet... It's been a slow week, I can't reli concentrate... I knw we're almost close to the deadline bt... Well, its not tht easy as u think, OK? U try being in my shoes! 8was starting to argue with the editor on the other line8
Tora: Sweetie, are you okay? *goes up to him and hugs him from behind*
Jinbei: 8held his hand up to stop him as he was still on the line8 Oh yeah, well fuck u!! I can go to other companies to sell my comics! It doesnt hv to be u!! Shut up!! U need ME! U will wait for my story as long as it takes!! Fuck!! 8hung up n threw his cell phone, breaking it8
Tora: Jin, calm down. Take it easy, you don't wanna stress yourself out and go into labor
Jinbei: That bastard! Who the fuck does he think he is?! I'm the one with the story! I'm the one who brought his failing company with the breakthrough story I gave him! How dare he...!! 8suddenly fall to his knees as he felt a strong contraction8 Aaahhh...!! 8started bleeding btwn his legs8
Tora: Jinbei! *calls Dr Watson* Doc, it's Tora. Jin's gone into premature labor! And he's bleeding!
Watson: Uh-oh. I'll be right there. Baymax, wheel in the incubator n follow me. We hv a Code Red
Baymax: Code Red: Premature birth. Understood, doctor 8went to grab the incubator n wheeled it as he trotted behind Watson as fast as he can8
Jinbei: 8breathes hard as he hugged his belly8 Oh god... Oh god... Pls... Not our baby...!!
Tora: *got him up right onto the bed and got some towels to help* Hold on, Jin. Watson and Baymax are on the way
Jinbei: 8whimpered as he clung onto Tora8 Pls... Pls let our baby be OK... I'm sorry...
Watson: 8comes in8 I'm here! Baymax, park that incubator as close as possible, n scan him if he needs surgery
Baymax: 8does so n scans him8 There is no need for an emergency c-sec, bt the child must be delivered immediately. Mortality rate is 50%
Watson: 8helps take off Jinbei's pants8 Well, u heard him. Time for u to push
Tora: Can you give him something to numb the pain away?
Watson: Not with drugs, it'll be too risky
Baymax: I can give some electromagnetic waves on his bk. It will not completely numb the pain, bt it will reduce it by 20%
Watson: Do it, Baymax. C'mon, Jinbei. Gimme a good push
Baymax: 8went behind Jinbei n let him lie against his big plush belly while he placed his hands to Jinbei's bk n sent the waves thru8
Jinbei: 8felt the pain subsided as he started pushing8
Tora: *held onto his boyfriend's hand* I won't let go, you can do this Jin. :)
Baymax: 8plays a recording of breathing patterns during pushing8 Pls copy this breathing patterns while u push
Jinbei: Ooh goooddd... 8tries to copy the breathing as he pushed8
Watson: Ur almost there, buddy. Almost there. Keep going
Jinbei: 8whimpered8 T-Tora...!! It hurts...!! Our baby...Our baby is gonna die...!! 8was riddled with worry8
Tora: Shhh *kisses him on the ear* Don't worry, the baby will be fine :) You can do this
Baymax: Pls continue to push for approximately 3 mins
Watson: Ur almost there, reli. Just give it a few more pushes
Jinbei: 8whimpered as he followed thru, pushing dwn hard with his contractions, feeling the baby's head popping out8
Watson: I got the head! Just one last push. Make it a big one!
Tora: Cmon Jin. :) You can do this. *kisses him again* alright, give it your best!
Baymax: 8helped him by manipulating the wave to give him a slightly stronger contraction so tht he could push better8
Jinbei: 8felt the contraction n his body made him push dwn hard8 Gggaaaaahhhh!!!
Watson: 8catches the baby8 There we go! It's a girl!
Jinbei: I...I don't hear her cry... 8was worried as he sobbed8
Watson: 8went quickly to work to help the baby breathe8
Tora: *walks on over to Dr Watson and prays that she's okay* how is she, Doc?
Watson: Sorry, lemme concentrate. U go tend to Jinbei right now 8continues8
Jinbei: I...I don't feel so good... 8going pale8
Watson: Oh no, he's hemorrhaging. Baymax, get to it!
Baymax: Understood 8worked on stopping Jinbei's bleeding8
Tora: *Tries his best no to panic as he runs to Jinbei's side* Cmon Jin, don't you dare do this to me!
Jinbei: 8was unconscious8
Baymax: 8tried his best, using his database in his brain to apply to stop the bleeding. Aftr 10mins, he succeeded8 Done
Watson: 8also just got the baby to breathe n cry, bt wasn't much of a loud cry8 Done here too 8puts the baby in the incubator8 Baymax, carry Jinbei to the ICU division of the infirmary. He will need to be monitored. I need yo bring the baby too
Baymax: Understood 8carries Jinbei in his arms n carefully speed walk with Watson to the infirmary8
Tora: *tries his best not to cry, not wanting to lose both his boyfriend and his daughter*
8on the way to the infirmary, they came across Illust n Akari, who was bringing the pages as promised8
Illust: Woah, wat happened?
Watson: Sorry, can't stay n chat. Walk n talk with us
Illust: 8follows him side by side8 Wat's the situation?
Watson: Premature birth, due to stress. N Jinbei was hemorraghing just now. The bleeding has stopped bt we r bringing both of them to the ICU division just to be safe
Illust: Oh my...
Tora: Oh Akari *hugs onto his friend, literally bawling his eyes out*
Akari: Oh Tora..We're here for you. It'll be okay
Illust: 8fell bk n held Tora too8 There, there 8rubbed his bk8 We're here for u. Jinbei n ur baby are strong, they'll pull thru
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