
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, February 14, 2014

The OC Mansion (An OC RP) - Chp2

*as the two siblings walked through the halls, a distant sound is heard from the distance, a grinding kind of sound. Akari picked up on this, his face lighting up with glee as he ran at full speed

Illust: *blinked, the grinding sound was familiar, bt seeing her brother rush off like tht perked her interest. She extended her wings n flew aftr him to catch up*

Ragor: *stripped down to his boxers

Akari: *arrived in the hallway and there, in the middle of it all, was a big, blue police call box.* He's here!!

Doctor: *opened the door and peeked his head out, getting a good look before walking out fully. He look like a man in his early 30s, brown hair that's a bit spiked up. He wore a blue pinstripe suit with a long brown trenchcoat

Doctor: Hello. Is this the OC Mansion? Place known for having staff and participants of YAOI *He also had a Northern English accent*}

Akari: Yes,  This is

Doctor: Amazing. I'm the Doctor

Akari: I'm akari and this is my older sister, Illust

Illust: *descended n shrunk her wings, nodded* Hello. Ah, the famous Doctor. I've heard tales abt u, no thanks to this guy here who looks like he's gonna fangasm anytime soon

Akari: Oh shaddup. I can't help if I'm a huge fan of the guy. He's known throughout the entire galaxies!!

Doctor: *rolled his eyes* oh boy. Well, I'm just give this place a looksie. I've been getting readings

Illust: Readings? How so?

Doctor: Strong readings. Something is emitting strong rays of energy from here

Illust: *raised a brow* Well, we don't feel anything as of late, bt knock urself out *allowed him to do his thing*

Doctor: Thank you *started to petrol around the mansion*

Akari: *jumped up and down with such glee*

Ragor: *took a deep breath as Watson feeled over his figure*

Illust: *rolled her eyes* Oh u go ahead n follow him if u want. I'm gonna chk on Ragor n Ricky

Watson: Hmm, evrything seems to be in order. Ur turn, Ricky

Ricky: *came forth to be examined*

Akari: *follows after the Doctor*

Ragor: Whew. That's good  *flexes his biceps

Watson: *chked on Ricky, then noticed the extra shine on his fur* Huh, interesting

Ricky: Huh? What? Wat is it, doc? Something wrong?

Ragor: something wrong with Ricky

Watson: No, not reli. More like a bit of a good news. Ur showing signs of going into heat. See th shine on ur fur? I'll wager it'll be a day or two before u start attracting ppl left n right

Ragor: Oh boy. Better warn the people@

Ricky: Crap. Its tht time again? So...r there any prospectives for me?

Watson: I wouldnt knw tht. I just do the examinations. The match-ups r done by Illust n Akari

Ragor: OH Doctor Watson. ^^ How's your husband doing

Watson: *blushed a little* Ah, Sherlock's doing fine. He's almost due in 2 mths

Ricky: Ooh, tht sounds awesome. Whaddaya think it'll be? Boy? Girl? Both?

Watson: Just one, Ricky, n we wanna keep the gender a surprise

Ragor: That's good ^^ *hears Akari talking with the Doctor* What in the blazes *opens the door* O_O Whoa!

Akari: Any readings yet, Doctor??

Doctor: No, not yet. *Looks up and sees Sherlock* Oy!

Akari: O_O

Ricky: *finished with the exam n joined Ragor* Wassup, Rag?

Sherlock: *looks to him* Yes, what is it?

Doctor: I just wanting to ask if you've noticed anything different from the past few days? Any power flucuations, etc etc

Sherlock: *carefully looks over the Doctor and deducts his characteristics*

Ragor: Look! That guy who's talking to Sherlock!

Ricky: Huh? Whodat?

Watson: *looked too* Why, isnt tht Doctor Who? Wat's he doing here?

Ragor: You mean THE Doctor?

Sherlock: Judging from your get-up and your eagerness that you're not from around here at all. The slight blackness on your coat's shoulder shows you were in a scuffle, probably someone with a firearm

Doctor: OH you're good. :) I'm the Doctor

Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes

Akari: *passes out*

Ricky: Ack! Akari! *grabbed him before he fell* Dont faint on me! I'm going into heat soon! I need to knw who is my prospective for this yr!! Wake up! *fanned him*

Illust: *shows up* Huh, he's officially fangasmed, hasnt he?

Ragor: You do that a lot too, don't you, Illust? Didn't Akari say that Doctor Who and Sherlock are his two fav shows from England and that he wishes they would meet

Illust: Well~ *blushed a little* I DID fangasmed wen I first met Starscream n heard he's a candidate *rolled her eyes* Dont remind me. He tells me abt it evry waking moment of his life

Doctor: *raised his eyebrow at the sight* Does he do this a lot

Sherlock: Are you kidding, it's a daily routine for that young man

Illust: *sighed* Got any smelling salts, doc?

Watson: *hands her some*

Illust: *waved it ard Akari's nose*

Akari: *started to wake up* Whoa, Epicness!!

Doctor: *turned back to Sherlock and looked him over* How far along are you?

Sherlock: 7 months to the day, awaiting two more. You don't seem surprised

Doctor: Well, I've been here and there. Not really shocked

Ricky: Ah, thank God ur awake. Watson says I'm going into heat soon. Who's my prospective for this yr?

Illust: Better start doing ur job, ottoto-chan

Akari: *whips out his iPhone and puts on his list* Let's see here....*checks down the list* It looks like it's....Ooo! :)

Illust: *looked* Who is it? Ooh, looks promising

Ricky: Wat? Wat? Who is it?

Akari: Looks like you have Tora :)

Ricky: *blushed* T-Tora...??

Watson: Well, isnt the tiger u've been hving a crush with since---MMFHH!! *his mouth was covered by him*

RIcky: Shut up~!

Ragor: Besides, Ricky swings both ways

*Sherlock and the Doctor head out to investigate*

Akari: ^_^ Good luck!!

Watson: *released himself frm Ricky n called out* Be careful, Sherlock. U knw u got our baby in there

Ricky: *blushed as he made his way bk to his room, a little excited for his heat to come soon*

Illust: I suppose I better go find Tora n inform him

Sherlock: *waved his hand back, showing Watson not to worry about it*

Doctor: That your man? Nice lookin guy


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