The Fallen RP Refugee Camp
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 11
Toothless: *Flies to the Elder's house, folding his wings over Hiccup.*
Elder: *was folding her laundry while updating on the youngster's training with Stoick*
Hiccup: *groaning in pain, trying to hold bk tears as he gripped onto Toothless*
Toothless: *Roars at the elder.*
Elder: Wat in the...? *went n answer the door* Ah, young 'un, wat brings you here?
Hiccup: *groans again* E...Elder...I...I think its time...
Toothless: *Lays down to let Hiccup climb off.*
Elder: Stoick, your son is here, n looks like your grandchild is ready to come to the world too
Hiccup: *tries to climb off bt was in too much pain to move*
Stoick: *Helps his son off the dragon.*
Hiccup: *groaned as another contraction hit*
Elder: Bring him to the guestroom, Stoick. Toothless, you stay here
Hiccup: N-No, I want Toothless with me~!
Toothless: *Nudged Hiccup away and sat down.*
Hiccup: *cries as he was laid in bed, his pants taken off*
Elder: Alright, Stoick, I want to hold him up in kneeling position. Keep him there. The gravity would make the birth easier. Hiccup, your birth canal is abt dilated now. Push at the nxt contraction, OK?
Hiccup: *cries as he was laid in bed, his pants taken off* *nods, whimpering*
Toothless: *Sits and waits.*
Hiccup: *feels the contraction n started pushing dwn as hard as he could*
Elder: Vry good, Hiccup, vry good. Keep pushing
Toothless: ...
*almost half an hour has passed, Hiccup was still pushing for the umpteenth time bt there wasnt much progress*
Hiccup: I cant...I cant do it anymore... *sobs* I...I want Toothless...!! Pls...!!
Elder: Alright, I'll let u rest a bit *peeks her head out n called for Toothless* Young 'un, your mate needs you. Come in
Toothless: *Walks in.* ~Little Viking?~
Hiccup: *sees Toothless* T-Toothless...!! *reached out for him, crying freely*
Toothless: *Nuzzles Hiccup.*
Hiccup: It hurts...! It hurts so much...!! Our...Our baby's not coming out...Something must be wrong...!!
Toothless: ~Its not a human baby, Little Viking. Its an egg.~
Hiccup: I knw tht! Bt its still our baby! It hurts so much~ *sobs hard* Pls...Pls stay with me...I didnt mean all the bad things I say to you...I...I love you, Toothless...P-Pls...Pls stay with me...Pls...I love you... *had finally said the words the dragon had longed to hear*
Toothless: ~Really?~
Hiccup: *nods* Evr since...Evr since last mth...wen...wen you made love to me...I...I finally gave in to my true feelings...tht I've always had loved you more than just master n pet...Pls...Pls forgive me...Dont leave me alone...I want you to stay... *sobs*
Toothless: ~You said I raped you.~
Hiccup: *shook his head* I meant last mth, not last few mths...Anyway, wat does tht matter...? I love you...I love you...Pls... *hugs him tight*
Toothless: ~I need air~
Hiccup: Sorry *lets him go*
Elder: R you ready now, young one?
Hiccup: *nods* Bt I want Toothless to stay...
Elder: He can stay. Just push wen you're ready
Toothless: ~I'll watch.~
Hiccup: *waited for a contraction n pushed dwn as hard as he could, hugging one of Toothless' front legs* Nnnngghhh~!
Elder: Tht's it, tht's vry good, the tip is coming out nicely
Toothless: ~Come on Egglet...~
*somehow with Toothless present, the egg seem to be more willing to come out as Hiccup pushed dwn with evry contraction*
Hiccup: Nnngghh!! Aaagghh!! T-Toothless~!!
Elder: Ur doing great, lad, keep going!
Toothless: ~I can see you Egglet.~
Hiccup: *could feel the widest part of the egg coming dwn n started wailing in agony*
Elder: Keep going, you're doing great. Dont stop now. Just a few more pushes
Hiccup: Aaaagghhh!! Ooww!! It hurts, it hurts~!!
Toothless: *Licks the egg, his saliva making it slippery.*
Elder: Tht's it, young 'un, help your mate along there. Come on, Hiccup, just a bit more
Hiccup: *pushed dwn as hard as he could with the contraction, the egg inching out more*
Elder: *held onto the egg* Just one last push, lad, one last push!
Hiccup: TOOTHLESS, AAAAAGGHHH!*screamed as he pushed dwn one last time with all his might, the egg soon slipped out of his canal n into the Elder's arms*
Toothless: ~Little Viking better?~
Hiccup: *pants as the pain was no more as he leaned against Toothless, crying out in relief*
Elder: *patted Hiccup* There, there, its ovr now, lad. Look wat you gave birth to *washed the egg clean n handed it to Hiccup*
Toothless: ~Little egg.~
Hiccup: *took the egg in his arms, stared at it for a while before instincts took ovr n he curled ard the egg, as if trying to give it warmth to hatch*
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11:12 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 10
*a few more mths hv passed dwn the road, n Hiccup has gotten less awkward with Toothless, n Toothless was being the vry caring mate to both Hiccup n the baby. Soon it was Hiccup's due date*
Hiccup: *sighing in relief as he had his swollen feet cooled in a pail of spring water*
Toothless: ~I told you to stay in the nest.~
Hiccup: *pouts* I'm not a hen, Toothless. N my feet r swollen. I just feel like cooling it off with some cold water, is all
Toothless: *Poked Hiccup's belly.*
Hiccup: *giggled* Stop tht, tht's ticklish
Toothless: ~Oh?~ *licks it.*
Hiccup: *giggled n moaned a little* Nnhh~ Stop tht~ *hugged Toothless' head*
Toothles: ~Oh you like that?~
Hiccup: *blushed n looked away, not wanting to admit it*
Toothless: ~Aww, Little Viking likes tongue baths.~
Hiccup: No, I dont! *blushed evn harder, despite his arms hv not let Toothless go*
Toothless: *Licks the belly again.*
Hiccup: *moaned again at the lick* S-Stop it~!
Toothless: *Doesn't stop.*
Hiccup: *starts panting at his licking, holding him evn tighter* Nnhh...Aahhnn...
Toothless: *chuckles.*
Hiccup: *pouts* M-Meanie... *suddenly felt something pop inside him n started wetting himself* Wat the...?
Toothless: ~Oh My.~
Hiccup: T...Toothless, w...wat does this... *suddenly feels a strong contraction* Oh gods...!! *doubled ovr in pain*
Toothless: ~I'll get the elder.~
Hiccup: Nnnoooo...!! Dont leave me alone...!! Pls...!! *breathes hard at the pain*
Toothless: ~I don't know how to do this!~
Hiccup: *pants hard, then climbs shakily onto Toothless* T-T-Take me there...I-I-I dont can wait till u get ovr here...
Toothless: ~Okay.~
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11:09 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 9
Shadow Spear: *Flies off and hunts a feast.*
Hiccup: *was still curled up in his blankets n covers, being kept warm by Toothless as he slept on*
Shadow Spear: *Snuggles Hiccup after his hunt is over*
Hiccup: *woke up half an hour later in Toothless' embrace* Mmmhh...? T...Toothless...?
Toothless: ~Morning.~
Hiccup: T...Toothless...? How long was I out?
Toothless: ~Not too long.~
Hiccup: *realized he was in his embrace n slowly got up* Umm...Sorry...I... *was blushing hella red*
Toothless: ~Lay back down. I got some meals for you.~
Hiccup: Umm...Thanks. Wat r we hving?
Toothless: ~Boar.~
Hiccup: Umm, can we hv fish too? I'm...suddenly craving for fish
Toothless: ~I can't catch fish. Want me to go to Berk and steal?~
Hiccup: Steal? Well, OK, bt we hv to be quiet abt it
Toothless: ~You're staying in the nest.~
Hiccup: Wat? Bt I want to come with you
Toothless: ~You're pregnant~
Hiccup: Doesnt mean I cant fly with you *pouts*
Toothless: ~You stay there.~
Hiccup: *sighs* Fine. Just be careful, OK? Dont let Astrid see you. She's gonna find out abt us
Toothless: *Flies out and glides through the forest.*
Hiccup: *was still curled up in his blankets n covers, being kept warm by Toothless as he slept on*
Shadow Spear: *Snuggles Hiccup after his hunt is over*
Hiccup: *woke up half an hour later in Toothless' embrace* Mmmhh...? T...Toothless...?
Toothless: ~Morning.~
Hiccup: T...Toothless...? How long was I out?
Toothless: ~Not too long.~
Hiccup: *realized he was in his embrace n slowly got up* Umm...Sorry...I... *was blushing hella red*
Toothless: ~Lay back down. I got some meals for you.~
Hiccup: Umm...Thanks. Wat r we hving?
Toothless: ~Boar.~
Hiccup: Umm, can we hv fish too? I'm...suddenly craving for fish
Toothless: ~I can't catch fish. Want me to go to Berk and steal?~
Hiccup: Steal? Well, OK, bt we hv to be quiet abt it
Toothless: ~You're staying in the nest.~
Hiccup: Wat? Bt I want to come with you
Toothless: ~You're pregnant~
Hiccup: Doesnt mean I cant fly with you *pouts*
Toothless: ~You stay there.~
Hiccup: *sighs* Fine. Just be careful, OK? Dont let Astrid see you. She's gonna find out abt us
Toothless: *Flies out and glides through the forest.*
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11:07 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 8
Hiccup: *sees him headed their way* T...Toothless...?
Toothles: ~Little Viking! Little viking!~
Hiccup: Wat the...T-Toothless, ur flying!!
Elder: My, my, isnt tht a new development?
Toothless: *Lands near Hiccup and waits for the crow.* ~Little Viking my name is Shadow Spear.~
Hiccup: Tht' interesting name. I didnt knw tht you had a real name
Crow: *flew ovr to the Elder at her calling*
Shadow Spear: ~Everything has a name.~
Hiccup: Well, since you can fly, why don't you send the Elder home?
Shadow Spear: ~No I have to feed Little Viking and make nest proper.~
Hiccup: *sighed* Well stop calling me Little Viking. I'm...not little. I hv a name, you knw
Elder: *sent the crow on its way to send the msg*
Toothless: ~That is your name.~
Hiccup: No, my name is Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous the Third. Not Little Viking *mood swings was setting in as he stomped off*
Toothless: ~But Hiccup means Little Viking!~
Hiccup: *heard him bt ignored him, going inside the cave to sulk*
Elder: Dont mind him, he's just hving mood swings, it'll go away, just him calm dwn on his own
Shadow Spear: ~Little Viking isn't happy with my eggs, is he?~
Elder: Not reli. He just needs time to adjust a little with the fact tht he is now carrying dragon eggs. I suppose you didnt let the mating go smoothly, did you?
Shadow Spear: ~I didn't do anything wrong, he thinks I was doing it for revenge.~
Elder: Well, I can tell tht you pretty much just jumped in n raped him without giving him a fair warning, did u? Then you will hv to explain to him the truth
Shadow Spear: ~But it wasn't rape! I was telling him for months that I loved him!~
Elder: Bt he didnt understand, did he? Now tht he can understand Dragonese, you can talk to him now
Shadow Spear: ~He won't listen.~
Elder: Just try *ushered him to Hiccup*
Shadow Spear: ~Little Viking!~
Hiccup: *looks up at him* Wat...?
Shadow Spear: ~Hiccup is a name that means Little Viking.~
Hiccup: I heard you the first time
Shadow Spear: ~I love Little Viking.~
Hiccup: *twitched a little n replied* Yeah I love you too *meaning friendly or brotherly love, he didnt knw he meant lovers love*
Shadow Spear: ~I want Little Viking as mate.~
Hiccup: *twitched again n looked up at him* You...You wat...?
Shadow Spear: ~Little Viking as mate.~
Hiccup: Is...Is this a joke...? You just wanna add insult to injury, right? You raped me n made me carry your child, n now you want me as your mate...?
Shadow Spear: ~Little Viking IS mate.~
Hiccup: So you "love" me love me?
Shadow Spear: *Nods.*
Hiccup: *stared at him in shock at first, trying to digest all this in, then soon evrything started to make sense as he bit his lip n slapped Toothless, then went to him n hit at his chest, sobbing along the way*
Shadow Spear: *pinns Hiccup to the ground.* ~WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!~
Hiccup: You idiot!! You stupid STUPID IDIOT!! If you reli loved me, you shouldn't hv done tht!! You shouldnt hv just jumped me like tht!! You could've just eased in slowly n let me adjust n figure it out instead of raping me like tht!! I would've...I would've been OK with it!! You still dont knw anything abt humans, do you?! You idiot!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!! *struggled until he just let loose n wailed, crying for Toothless*
Shadow Spear: ~I've been telling you and courting you for MONTHS!~
Hiccup: How am I supposed to knw?! I dont speak Dragonese!! I wouldnt knw!! You IDIOT!! *smacked him on the chest one more time before burying his face on the dragon's chest, sobbing n wailing hard*
Shadow Spear: *Cirls his tail around Hiccup.*
Hiccup: *whimpered n sobbed, cried in the dragon's arms until he passed out frm exhaustion*
Elder: *had been giving them some time alone n hv returned* Evrything alright now, lad?
Shadow Spear: ~will be~
Elder: *nods, then hears a sound of dragon wing flaps frm a distant* Ah, looks like my ride is here
Shadow Spear: ~Who?~
Elder: *squinted her eyes to see tht it was Gobber*
Shadow Spear: He can't take my Little Viking...~
Elder: *stepped aside for Gobber to land with his Bone Crusher*
Gobber: *gets off the dragon n quickly hobbled to Hiccup* Is it true? The lad is carrying the devil's wee ones?
Elder: Yes, he is, n they're both safe n sound
Shadow Spear: ~Struts past Gobber~
Gobber: You, Toothless, of all dragons. To harm ye master like this, ye'll pay for that
Elder: Now, now, I'll explain the situation on the way. I would vry much like to go home
Toothless: ~Licks the sleeping Hiccup.~
Gobber: Fine. If I see the lad harmed in anyway, I'll make sure you'll nvr fly again, evn with the lad's help. Ya hear me, devil?
Toothless: *shoots at Gobber's feet.*
Gobber: *jumped n yelped, glared at him*
Elder: Alright, alright, lets just go n leave the lovebirds alone. Help me on the dragon
Gobber: *does so*
Elder: Good luck with your mate, lad *flew off with Gobber*
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11:00 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 7
*abt a couple of mths hv passed, n soon Hiccup was starting to show. The Elder met his evry whim n fancy n educated him on how to handle the pregnancy, n Toothless hv been nothing bt servitude to Hiccup*
Hiccup: *caressed his baby bump, surprised tht he managed to last this far*
Elder: Another slice of watermelon, lad?
Toothless: ~Little Viking must eat.~
Hiccup: Yeah, well I dont wanna end up putting too much... *blinked for a moment, then turned to Toothless* W...Wat did you say?
Toothless: ~Oh so NOW you hear me.~
Hiccup: Wat the...? How is tht...?
Elder: Oh! You're understanding Dragonese now?
Hiccup: Dragonese?
Elder: Dragon language. You're understand his language now
Hiccup: H...How is tht possible...?
Toothless: ~Because you have my child.~
Elder: Wat did he say?
Hiccup: He said...He said its bcoz I hv his child
Elder: Ah, it must be bcoz ur body has fully accepted the child n now in synchronized with the dragon nature. Well, I suppose I'm no longer needed now, since u two can communicate. I think I'd like to go home now
Toothless: ~I can not take her.~
Hiccup: *sighed* Guess we'll hv to take her then *brought out the saddle n leash*
Toothless: ~No, Little Viking must stay in Nest!~
Hiccup: No one else can send her home! She said she wants to go home, tht she'd done her job. We hv to respect her wishes
Elder: If u dont mind, maybe we can use messenger birds. I am quite the Bird Tamer myself, I think I can train a bird to send a msg to ur father to pick me up. Toothless, would u be so kind as to find a crow nearby here? Alive, if u pls?
Toothless: *Spreads his wings and dives off the cliff, without Hiccup.*
Hiccup: T-Toothless...??
Elder: Dont worry, he'll be fine
Toothless: *Looked through the trees.*
*a black crow nestled nicely on a low tree tht Toothless could reach*
Toothless: ~Come here bird, someone wants to meet you.~
Crow: *looks dwn at him* ~Meet? No meet. Dragon lie. Dragon wanna eat me~
Toothless: ~Why would I want to eat you? Boars are so much more filling. And they have smaller brains than humans.~
Crow: ~Dragon reli no eat me? No make toothpick of crow?~
Toothless: ~I have bones of boar for toothpicks.~
Crow: ~OK, crow believe you~ *flew dwn n landed on Toothless' head*
Toothless: ~Crow Fly with me?~
Crow: ~OK~
Toothless: *Looks at his tail* ~Crow help me fix 'tailfeathers'?~
Crow: *sees his tail* ~Dragon lost 'tail feathers? Crow knw plc to heal~
Toothless: ~Lead way.~
Crow: *gave him directions to the ancient pool which is deep inside the boughs of the forests* ~Ovr here. Stick tail feathers here n follow my singing~ *started singing*
Toothless: *follows the bird and puts his tail in the pool.*
*a few moments later a sort of tingle ran thru the dragon's tail, the river working its magic*
Toothless: *Turns to look at his tail.*
*the magic of the river was slowly healing up his tail, regrowing his missing parts*
Toothless: *Watches in awe.* ~Maybe little Viking like this...~
Crow: ~So we meet this little Viking you speak?~
Toothless: ~Oh yes! Little Viking has my egg!~
Crow: ~You let human carry egg? Human will die~
Toothless: ~Little Viking will not! Viking is strong!~
Crow: *looks at him skeptically n shrugs* ~We will meet with human, you said, yes? Bring crow to human~
Toothless: *Flies into the air with his healed tail.*
Hiccup: *caressed his baby bump, surprised tht he managed to last this far*
Elder: Another slice of watermelon, lad?
Toothless: ~Little Viking must eat.~
Hiccup: Yeah, well I dont wanna end up putting too much... *blinked for a moment, then turned to Toothless* W...Wat did you say?
Toothless: ~Oh so NOW you hear me.~
Hiccup: Wat the...? How is tht...?
Elder: Oh! You're understanding Dragonese now?
Hiccup: Dragonese?
Elder: Dragon language. You're understand his language now
Hiccup: H...How is tht possible...?
Toothless: ~Because you have my child.~
Elder: Wat did he say?
Hiccup: He said...He said its bcoz I hv his child
Elder: Ah, it must be bcoz ur body has fully accepted the child n now in synchronized with the dragon nature. Well, I suppose I'm no longer needed now, since u two can communicate. I think I'd like to go home now
Toothless: ~I can not take her.~
Hiccup: *sighed* Guess we'll hv to take her then *brought out the saddle n leash*
Toothless: ~No, Little Viking must stay in Nest!~
Hiccup: No one else can send her home! She said she wants to go home, tht she'd done her job. We hv to respect her wishes
Elder: If u dont mind, maybe we can use messenger birds. I am quite the Bird Tamer myself, I think I can train a bird to send a msg to ur father to pick me up. Toothless, would u be so kind as to find a crow nearby here? Alive, if u pls?
Toothless: *Spreads his wings and dives off the cliff, without Hiccup.*
Hiccup: T-Toothless...??
Elder: Dont worry, he'll be fine
Toothless: *Looked through the trees.*
*a black crow nestled nicely on a low tree tht Toothless could reach*
Toothless: ~Come here bird, someone wants to meet you.~
Crow: *looks dwn at him* ~Meet? No meet. Dragon lie. Dragon wanna eat me~
Toothless: ~Why would I want to eat you? Boars are so much more filling. And they have smaller brains than humans.~
Crow: ~Dragon reli no eat me? No make toothpick of crow?~
Toothless: ~I have bones of boar for toothpicks.~
Crow: ~OK, crow believe you~ *flew dwn n landed on Toothless' head*
Toothless: ~Crow Fly with me?~
Crow: ~OK~
Toothless: *Looks at his tail* ~Crow help me fix 'tailfeathers'?~
Crow: *sees his tail* ~Dragon lost 'tail feathers? Crow knw plc to heal~
Toothless: ~Lead way.~
Crow: *gave him directions to the ancient pool which is deep inside the boughs of the forests* ~Ovr here. Stick tail feathers here n follow my singing~ *started singing*
Toothless: *follows the bird and puts his tail in the pool.*
*a few moments later a sort of tingle ran thru the dragon's tail, the river working its magic*
Toothless: *Turns to look at his tail.*
*the magic of the river was slowly healing up his tail, regrowing his missing parts*
Toothless: *Watches in awe.* ~Maybe little Viking like this...~
Crow: ~So we meet this little Viking you speak?~
Toothless: ~Oh yes! Little Viking has my egg!~
Crow: ~You let human carry egg? Human will die~
Toothless: ~Little Viking will not! Viking is strong!~
Crow: *looks at him skeptically n shrugs* ~We will meet with human, you said, yes? Bring crow to human~
Toothless: *Flies into the air with his healed tail.*
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10:58 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 6
*once they hv evrything ready n gathered, they prepared to leave at dawn, n Hiccup waited for Stoick to bring the Elder ovr*
Stoick: *Leads the Elder over.*
Elder: *gave Hiccup n Toothless a toothy smile* Well, fine morning we hv, dont we?
Hiccup: *nods* Good morning, Elder
Toothless: ~Little viking won't eat what I bring him...~
Elder: *seem to understand his tone, evn tho she doesnt understand his language* Hv you been eating right, young lad? Seems you've been rejecting your dragon's efforts to feed you
Hiccup: *looks away* I can feed myself perfectly fine, thank you. Can we go now?
Toothless: *Leads the way,.*~Viking must eat more to raise strong dragons.~
Elder: *got on Toothless with Stoick's help*
Hiccup: *hugged Stoick* I'll keep in touch, 'kay? *climbs up on Toothless* Let's fly, Toothless
Toothless: *Takes off!*
*the group flew into the air, enjoying the breeze, letting Toothless guide them to their destination*
Toothless: *Lands at a very warm and cozy nest in the cliffside. Looking down and keening sadly.*
Hiccup: *gets off n noticed his expression* Wat is it, boy? You seem sad
Elder: Phew! I havent had such fun flight in yrs! *sees him too n had a feeling* This was your clan's nest, wasnt it?
Toothless: *Nods.*
Hiccup: *helped the Elder dwn* Oh, this was your clan's nest, huh? It looks quite pretty, if not lonely
Toothless: *Spreads his wings, wanting to hunt alone for food for his visitors.*
Hiccup: You sure you're gonna be OK alone?
Elder: I think he'll be fine since he's in familiar surroundings. We can set up our quarters while we wait
Hiccup: OK *took off his saddle n leash*
Toothless: *Flaps his wings.* ~I have to feed the little Viking...~
Hiccup: Go along, hunt, bt dont go too far, ya hear? *followed behind the Elder to help her set up their quarters within the cave nest*
Toothless: *looks back before leaping and glidding/falling toward the ground.*
Hiccup: *sees him n rushed to him wiht the saddle n leash* Toothless! Sorry, Elder, I gotta…
Elder: Dont mind me. I'll make this plc like home in no time
Hiccup: *went to Toothless n refit the saddle* Sorry, I forgot, I thought since its your home, it'll be different *climbs onto him* C'mon, lets hunt
Toothless: *Snorts, flies down into the forest.*
Hiccup: *rode Toothless, helping him fly as the dragon went abt catching wat they needed*
Toothless: *Flew back to the nest with his caught boars.*
Elder: *had arranged the plc well to look almost like home* Welcome home, boys
Hiccup: Woah, you did all this yourself?
Elder: Experience, my boy, experience. Now wat do we hv?
Toothless: *Drops the caught boars and chirps sadly at his worn nest.*
Elder: Dont worry, boy. We'll hv plenty of time to spruce up the nest, wont we, lad?
Hiccup: *looks away awkwardly, rubbing his other arm unconsciously*
Elder: Well, lets make us some nice dinner, shall we?
Hiccup: Y...Yeah... *tries to carry the boars*
Toothless: *Does it for him.*
Elder: Let the dragon do his duty. You just relax. Aftr all, you're carrying his young *patted Hiccup's still-flat belly*
Hiccup: Am I...reli...concieved already...?
Elder: Of course. Their seed r strong. You're pregnant the moment he laid his seed on you
Toothless: *Wants to use the boar's hide to line the nest.*
Elder: I'll skin the boar for ya, lad. Then u can take the meat n store it howevr u want, OK, Hiccup?
Hiccup: *nods n followed her instructions to handle the meat n the skin*
Toothless: *Lays down near them.*
*later tht night, aftr dinner, Hiccup tucked the Elder in first, watched Toothless sleeping outside, then went to drape a big blanket ovr him to keep him warm before sleeping on his own cushion rags*
Toothless: *Lifts his head and looks over.*
Hiccup: *was curled up on his makeshift bed of cushions n rags n goatskins, curled in his sheepskin blanket*
Toothless: *Walks over and moves Hiccup into the nest.*
Hiccup: *stirred a little bt didnt wake, somehow unconsciously snuggled against Toothless*
Toothless: *Sleeps next to his little viking.*
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10:38 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 5
Hiccup: *soon went abt to gather supplies frm evrywhere, including the mess hall, n his friends soon heard word of his departure*
Fishlegs: Hey, Hiccup. I heard you're going on a trip or something. I s it true?
Snoutlout: N it involves the Elder as well? Wat's going on here?
Hiccup: *groaned inwardly* It's personal, guys. Dont get your horns in a bunch
Toothless: *Wanders in and takes Snoutlout's boar leg.*
Snoutlout: Hey! Give tht bk! Didnt I tell you to not allow him in the mess hall? He's got his own feeding post outside with the dragons
Hiccup: He doesnt reli get along wtih other dragons, remember? Geez *turns to Toothless* Put the boar leg dwn, boy
Toothles: *Shoves the meat at Hiccup.*
Hiccup: *takes the meat n puts it dwn, didnt get wat he was trying to do* Now, boy, behave *sees Astrid coming with the twins n quickly turned to leave with his supplies* C'mon, Toothless, lets go
Toothless: *Quickly follows Hiccup.*
Hiccup: *went out of the mess hall, not knwing tht he was being followed*
Ruff: Hey, Hiccup! Wat's the hurry!
Tuff: Yeah! We all heard you're going off! Is it true?
Astrid: Come out with it Hiccup, where are you running to?
Hiccup: I'm not running anywhere, Astrid. I just need to...go away with Toothless for a while, its all
Ruff: Bt ur going off with the Elder as well, it sounds serious
Astrid: it must be. She never leaves the village.
Tuff: Yeah, unless you n the Elder are... *grimace at the thought*
Hiccup: Eeww! Gross, Tuff! There's nothing going on!
Astrid: Maybe she wants his Dragon.
Hiccup: No, she doesnt. She just wants to accompany me on...well, this trip I'm hving, since she's more experienced in this
Twins: Yeah right
Astrid: I WILL find out what you are doing.
Hiccup: *bit his lip, looking at her guiltily before walking away* C'mon, Toothless. We've got a journey ahead of us
Toothless: *Walks beside Hiccup.*
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10:37 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 4
Hiccup: *finally reach the canyon to see Toothless still there, naturally* Hey, boy. C'mon, lets go home
Toothless: *Coos and nuzzles Hiccup.*
Hiccup: *his body still twitched n flinched at his touches, bt he didnt want to let the Elder knw wat reli happened. He put on the saddle n the leash on the dragon, then led him out by the leash out of the canyon n bk to Berk* Thanks for accompanying me, n the story you told *nodding at the Elder*
Elder: You can keep that dragon in the roost with the others, you need some time.
Hiccup: Its OK, I'll manage. I need to talk to him a bit, maybe give him a bath *bowed as he sent the Elder off, then turned bk to Toothless* Toothless, we hv to talk. Lets go give u a bath, n I wont take "No" for an answer this time
Toothless: *Flattens his earflaps.*
Hiccup: *took off the saddle and the leash, then led him to the bathing pond for him to be washed, all with a serious face, choosing his words carefully* I heard frm the Elder, abt wat we've done to your clan in the past. Tht's the reason why raped me, didnt you? Bcoz you hate me as a human who destroyed your clan
Toothless: *shakes his head.*
Hiccup: Dont lie to me. *scrubs at some grime off Toothless' bk* I knw you did this so you can reclaim your clan bk. Its your way of getting bk at me as a human, isnt it? You want me to give you bk your clan. The perfect revenge
Toothless: *Licks Hiccup's cheek and looks appologetic.*
Hiccup: *flinched at his lick* I dont care wat your motives are. I'll take this as penance, as punishment for doing your clan wrong. I'll do it. I'll carry as many children as you want. Bt knw this *looks up at him seriously* Aftr I'm done with my duty as the mother of your're on your own
Toothless: *Keens.*
Hiccup: *looks at him seriously for a moment before looking bk to washing him* First off, we cant stay here anymore. No one can find out abt this, especially Astrid. She would definitely kill me for this
Toothless: *Shakes his head.* ~I will protect Hiccup.~
Hiccup: My father will probably deserves to knw this, so I'm only going to tell him. Howevr he is going to take the news is up to him. Then I will request to move somewhere further frm Berk so we can carry on with this deal of ours. Maybe tht old hive the monster dragon used to live. Tht would be a good plc *rinses off the soap off Toothless' body*
Toothless: *Grunts his disapproval.* ~That place is nowhere to bear young!~
Hiccup: Shut up. You want me to hv your kids or not? Unless you hv somewhere else in mind. I'm definitely not staying here n be the laughing stock of Berk n hv Astrid lop off my head
Toothless: *Spreads his wings as if to fly.* ~I know where we go.~
Hiccup: *sighed* Fine, u take the lead. Bt Dad has to knw first abt this *his hand moved to his middle again, his face showing a bit of doubt*
Toothless: *Licks Hiccup.*
Hiccup: *flinches again, then finished rinsing n led Toothless out of the pond n near the fire to dry* Stay here, I will talk to my Dad *went in the house just in time to see Stoick sharpening his sword* Hey, Dad. Got a minute?
Toothless: *rolls in the water.*
Stoick: Hm? what is it?
Hiccup: Umm...well...its a bit hard to say bt... *takes a deep breath* Here goes... *told him wht the Elder told him n wat Toothless had done to him*
Stoick: WHAAAT?!
Hiccup: *flinched* Now, Dad, I knw this sounds crazy, bt tht's wat the Elder said. You dont believe me, go ask her. Bt anyway, Toothless n I r gonna go away a while till this whole thing...well, blows ovr
Stoick: Oh no ye don't!
Hiccup: Huh? Wat? Why? I hv to, or I'll be the laughing stock of Berk, not to mention Astrid would kill me! N kill Toothless!
Stoick: Take the elder with you.
Hiccup: Wat? Why should I bring HER along? Dont you guys need her ard in Berk??
Stoick: She knows the most about your condition.
Hiccup: I... *looks away* I dont want some old hag tagging along. Its just btwn me n Toothless
Stoick: You take her or you don't leave.
Hiccup: *bit his lip n groaned* Fine. I will. Pls help me tell her abt it. Toothless n I r gonna start packing
Stoick: She already knows.
Hiccup: *flinched a little* How would you knw if she knws?
Stoick: she said you'd wanted to talk to me and that she was coming alonmg with you wether or not you wanted her to.
Hiccup: *groans* Guess tht's wat makes her The Elder, huh? Alright, fine. She's coming, bt only for the first child. Aftr tht, she's off
Stoick: *Nods.*
Hiccup: I'm gonna go pack up now, prepare some supplies for ourselves. Sorry, Dad...n thanks for evrything
Stoick: Be good.
Toothless: ?
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10:33 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 3
Hiccup: *ran all the way to the bathing pond near Berk n jumped into it, scrubbing himself profusely off the smell of sex, sobbing n crying as he did, not realizing someone was approaching him*
Toothless: *continues his screaming.*
The Head elder: *Stands behind Hiccup.* And where is your faithful dragon, boy?
Hiccup: *shocked by the elder's presence n hastily wiped his tears so she wouldnt see* Uh...Uh...Umm...He wanted to be alone so...he's at the canyon *burying himself in water until only his head was showing* Do you mind...? I'm...kinda cleaning up here
Elder: A flightless dragon wanting to be alone at the canyon where he can't get food? How has your dragon wronged you, boy? SPEAK BOY. *Narrows her eyes at him.*
Hiccup: You...You wont understand...Just...send someone to pick him up then. My dad or whoevr. *looks away, not wanting to talk abt it anymore*
Elder: You will tell me or WE will go and get him togeather.
Hiccup: *deciding on whether to tell or whether to go n get Toothless together with the Elder. Aftr a bit of thinking, he chose the latter. There is no WAY he was going to tell her this sort of embarrassing moment; she might just bring it to his father n hv Toothless castrated, or worse, killed. Regardless, Toothless was still his friend...somehow* Fine. WE'LL go get him *comes out of the pond n dried n got dressed, following the elder*
Elder: *Begins walking out.* You know, that dragon is the last of his kind.
Hiccup: *rolled his eyes in a "As if I don't knw" manner as he walked quietly beside her*
Elder: So he'd be inclined to have sex with a human to keep his species true.
Hiccup: *wondered to himself* ~Is tht why he...? But why me...?~ *spoke out* Why? Can't they find other dragons to do it? I'm sure other dragons would be begging to carry his lineage
Elder: *Looks to Hiccup.* But the resulting dragon would not be pure to its species. These 'Night Furies' only give the 'honor' of bearing their eggs to the ones they truely care about most. And it can't be another dragon or their whole species is put in danger.
Hiccup: Oh...OK...Well, how'd YOU knw so much, since no one has evr seen a real Night Fury until now. You guys cant evn finish the dragon guidebook on Toothless
Elder: *Laughs.* A long time ago, before the war against the dragons started, we had a peace much like this. And I had a dragon called a Shadow Spear, or in these times, Night Fury. What resulted started the war. The Shadow Spears at that time were the most common dragons.
Hiccup: Huh...? I thought the war was started bcoz of tht big-ass dragon monster tht we had to defeat mths ago, bcoz they were forced to be her minions in her hive
Elder: Sit, it is a long story.
Hiccup: I thought we're going to get... *sighed* Alright *sat dwn at a random rock n listened* Well? Wat abt the story?
Elder: Long ago, when vikings first came to Berk, we lived with the dragons, they were our friends. Shadow Spears roamed freely about the village, causing no damage because we fed them fish. One day things changed, it was when the great monster dragon moved in. suddenly our friends were panicked and stealing from us, such began the great war, we killed most of the Shadow spears we could find but some went into hidding, enough to make yours the last decendant.
Hiccup: So...the reason why the Night Furies were the last of its kind was...bcoz of us?
Elder: *Nods.* When you said thousands, you spoke wrong, we killed over millions.
Hiccup: Then...Then its our fault to begin with...Its... *bit bk as he thought to himself* ~Tht's why Toothless raped me. He hated me. He blames me for the loss of his clan n now he wants me to give it bk to him...Oh gods...~ *spoke again* W...Wat if...Wat if the person he mates with is a male human, would it still be possible to concieve?
Elder: Yes, if the dragon cares that much to give a male viking a chance at bringing life into the world.
Hiccup: *bit his lip n gets up* Lets go. Toothless might be in a frenzy right now *walks ahead of the Elder, his hand unconsciously went to his middle*
Elder: *Follows him.*
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10:30 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 2
*once they were there, Hiccup removed the leash and the gear on Toothless to let him free a little*
Hiccup: Alright, boy. There ya go. Run along now n hv fun *sat at a corner near the rocks n did some sketching*
Toothless: *Sat behind Hiccup, somewhat looming.*
Hiccup: Hmm, all this training seems to hv work me up a sweat *tested the water in the lake* I guess its not too cold to take a bath *was clueless at Toothless looming at him as he started stripping*
Toothless: *Twitches his tail as he curiously watches the viking.*
Hiccup: *took off the last of his clothing n slowly stepped into the water, getting used to it in his feet first before slowly lowering himself in the water, shivering a little*
Toothless: *A little aggravated at the fact that he couldn't swim, so he couldn't get his prize right away... so he curls up on Hiccup's clothing, imersing himself in the smell of the viking, his dragon prick peeking out of the vent of scales that usually hid it from view.*
Hiccup: *was still clueless as he continued his bath, he only saw Toothless curling up there n chuckled* Dont get it soiled now, boy. I still need it *washed himself, swimming abt, his pale wet skin glistened under the sunlight frm the water*
Toothless: *Narrows his eyes as he watches his human, yes, his little viking. He had to lay his claim before another did. Like that wretch of a viking woman who tried to threaten him with an axe.*
Hiccup: *finally finished his bath 15 mins later n came out sopping wet. He remembered he didnt hv a towel to wipe himself dwn, so he settled to lying dwn on the grass n let nature dry him off* Ahh, tht was a good bath
Toothless: *Slinks over and rolls the viking over with a few nudges.*
Hiccup: *was surprised at the nudge* Hey, wat r you doing, boy? *chuckles, thought he wanted to play*
Toothless: *Places one front foot onto Hiccup's shoulders, pressing with only enough force to keep him still, and crouching down to rub his hard hybrid dragon dick between Hiccup's buttcheeks.*
Hiccup: *shocked at the feeling of his buttcheeks being rubbed* T-T-Toothless, w-wat r you doing?? S-Stop!
Toothless: *Licks Hiccup's hair idly, dismissing the Vikings commands as the head of his cock touches the human's hole with a growl of approval before thrusting in in one swift, sharp movement.* [THERE IT IS!]
Hiccup: *gasped out loud at the sudden entrance as his bk arched, trying to get away frm the pain* T-Toothless!! No, Toothless, dwn, boy!! No!! Wat r you doing?!! Aaagh!! *struggles against him*
Toothless: *Starts thrusting in and out with complete disregard off the viking's struggles. This Viking was born to be claimed by 'Toothless' -his name was Shadow Scales- and so the viking WOULD BE CLAIMED! He should be honoured for being the consort to a practically extinct species of dragon!* [Hush human and let me screw you.]
Hiccup: *screamed in pain at his intrusion, the hard fast thrusts stabbing into him like it was going to split him in two. He tried to move bt Toothless' hold was stronger n he could barely breathe frm being pinned dwn like this. All he could do was scream his protests* No, no, no, pls, T-Toothless, wat's gotten into you!! Pls...Pls stop!! Stop, you're hurting me!! Pls~!! Aaagghh!!
Toothless: *Lifts his hold on the viking as a knot on the base of his cock swells inside Hiccup and locks them togeather. He would seed this viking, willing or not.* [Stop screaming and you'll get more air into your lungs!]
Hiccup: *felt tht knot n tore a little. He knew wht this meant--he had accidentally seen other dragons mating n saw this phenomenon--he was going to come inside him* No! No, not inside!! No, pls, Toothless, I beg you! Dont~!!
Toothless: *Licks Hiccup's face.*
Hiccup: *twitched at his licks, trying to get away frm him bt the knot locked them together n he couldnt move without feeling like he was gotten split into half*
Toothless: *Growls happily, swinging his tail as he began his very long climax.*
Hiccup: *felt as if the come was coming out of his mouth by the way he was being filled ovr n ovr again, n by the time he was done, he was literally bathed in Toothless' seed*
Toothless: *Slowly pulls out and curls around Hiccup, growling any time the Viking began to move.*
Hiccup: *was sobbing n crying as he was put in the dragon's embrace. He couldnt believe wat just happened. He was being raped...raped by his own pet...his own best friend tht he trusted more than his life, n right now he was behaving like a possessive animal, growling at him evrytime he wanted to move or run or reach for his clothes* This...This isnt like you, Toothless...W...Wat's wrong with u...? Why...? Why r u doing this...?
Toothless: ~Little Viking stay mine now. Not go to horrible female.~ *He licks Hiccup's cheeks.*
Hiccup: *couldnt understand his growls n purrs, n he flinched at his licks, still sobbing hard*
Toothless: *coos at Hiccup, trying to comfort the viking.*
Hiccup: *want nothing of it. All he wanted was to get clean n get the hell outta there. He felt so dirty n used*
Toothless: *Thought Hiccup would be happy. Is very confused at Hiccup, but lets go of the little viking and backs off as soon as his his need to snuggle was sated.*
Hiccup: *felt Toothless leave him n quickly got up, grabbed his clothes n hastily dressed up before running out of the canyon, leaving Toothless there as he ran all the way bk to Berk*
Toothless: *Screams as he's left behind.*
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10:26 AM
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how to train your dragon
Dragon Kisses: A HTTYD RP-Chp 1
*it had been mths since the Vikings had made peace with the dragons, n Hiccup was vry well known among Berk as the pioneer of dragon-riding. He was now at the ring training new kids how to ride their dragons*
Hiccup: Alright, guys. You're doing great. We'll wrap it up for today. Great job, everyone
*Toothless nudged the viking in the back. It was lunch time and he wanted his fish. He DEMANDED fish from his viking every day and he got what he wanted. Making all the other dragons jealous.*
Hiccup: Alright, alright, Toothless. I'll get you your fish. C'mon, off to the fishing docks *climbed up onto Toothless n they flew dwn to the docks*
*Toothless lands at the dock and stares into the water at the fish.*
Hiccup: *chuckles at his antics n turned to one of the fishing Vikings* Hey, Moss! Got anything for Toothless here, fresh frm the batch?
Moss: *Nods and the rather 'large' woman tossed an equally large fish to Hiccup, it was a big enough fish to smother the lanky viking.* Ther you go Hiccup!
Hiccup: *was trying to catch the fish bt ended up burying him* Ack!! Ooff!! *looks up at Toothless* A little help here plz?
Toothless: *Opens his gaws and takes the head of the fish in his mouth, sitting up and taking most of the fish off of Hiccup.*
Hiccup: *groaned in relief as the weight of the fish got off him n sat up* Man, you're such a glutton, Toothless, you knw tht? *chuckles*
Toothless: *Gives Hiccup a look, if the viking fed him more, he would eat more, he'd eat ANY food his favorite Viking gave him. He swallows the fish whole and lets a firey belch loose into the sky.*
Hiccup: N lack table manners too *rolled his eyes* So watcha wanna do today, boy? *scratched his neck*
Toothless: *leans into the scratching of his scales. He wanted to go out to their little canyon lake where they became friends.*
Hiccup: Wanna hv a little timeout? Lets go to the canyon. You want tht, boy? *smiled at him*
Toothless: *Nods with great enthusiasm.*
Hiccup: Great. Lets walk there. I need to exercise my prosthetic leg more often to get used to it *took Toothless by the leash n led him to the canyon*
Toothless: *Walks right along beside Hiccup.*
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10:08 AM
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how to train your dragon
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 18)
Ricky: *was asleep after a night of heavy forcefeeding
Judy: *was doing the dishes, cleaning up the plates n stuff frm their forcefeeding session*
Ricky: *his belly had a tint of red and pink
Judy: *finished the dishes n lay dwn beside him, watching his belly*
Ricky: *moaned softly in his sleep*
Judy: *caressed the belly gently*
Ricky: *moaned softly*
Judy: *chuckled quietly as she carried on caressing it*
Ricky: *his stomach was big and grand, as if he was carrying twins inside him
Judy: *giggled at tht thought, then leans dwn to kiss the belly*
Ricky: *started to wake up
Judy: Hey there, sleepyhead *smiled*
Ricky: Hey...sup?
Judy: Slept well, love?
Ricky: Much so..what happened
Judy: Nothing much, fed the twins, bathed n changed them n just did the dishes
Ricky: I mean with me last night
Judy: Well, u ate quite a lot of stuff n u just literally konked out aftr I gave u a blowjob
Ricky: I drank again, didn't I
Judy: Yeah, part of the session was beer-drinking. U guzzled dwn quite a lot
Ricky: *heaved himself up* Oooh man...
Judy: There goes ur work-out out of the window
Ricky: Work-out?
Judy: Werent u working out bk then to lose a little weight n stuff? I hv it in record for u, u knw
Ricky: Yeah. Wait, really?
Judy: U were the one who requested me to record them *showed him her journal*
Ricky: How did it look
Judy: Well, u were going steady, actually losing to the point where ur almost going dwn to 300 pounds, then now ur bk to ur old weight wen u were with us in the succubus clan
Ricky: And how much was it again
Judy: I dunno, 350? or higher than tht
Ricky: *waddles over to the scale
Judy: How much is it?
Ricky: I can't read it! My stomach's blocking it
Judy: *went to read it for him* Ooh, ur shy of 400lb
Ricky: How shy
Judy: 10 shy
Ricky: But I look more...muscle like
Judy: Tht's thanks to the training
Ricky: That's true. *flexed*
Judy: *squeezed his muscles* Mm, my hunky man
Ricky: You're big hungry, hunky man
Judy: *giggled* STILL hungry?
Ricky: I'm just describing myself
Judy: *nuzzled him* U'll always be my hunky tiger
Ricky :Thanks, my lovely succubus
Judy: Bt u might wanna ease off the eating for a while, just until u feel less bloated
Ricky: Okay
Judy: We should reli consider giving our babies their first bday party. THey'll be 1 by the nxt couple of mths
Ricky: I already put that into thought
Judy: Cool, n I've made some plans too for our wedding n all
Ricky: *nuzzled her* *starts to pump some iron
Judy: *watching him as she changed the twins*
Ricky: *earlier, he ran around the yard with the kids and had fun*
Leo: *giggled n as soon as he was done changed, he grabbed onto Ricky's arm like a monkey bar*
Ricky: Hey son ^_^ Hanging around?
Leo: *giggled*
Judy: Careful, Leo *finished changing his sister*
Ricky: Cmon now, Daddy's gotta work out
Leo: No! *laughed as he hung some more*
Ricky: *finished and got up, holding onto Leo* Cmon Leo
Judy: Uh-oh, careful, Leah's gonna pounce on u too
Leah: Whee! *jumped on him*
Leo: *laughed*
Judy: *giggled too*
Ricky: What's with everyone jumping me
Judy: Maybe bcoz ur nice n squishy
Leo: *went on his daddy's belly n jumped on him wiht his sister like a trampoline*
Leah: *started to jump up and down also*
Ricky: Oof! Oof! >.< Oof!
Judy: *laughs* Alright, alright, kids, ur gonna squeeze ur dad's innards out *caught them in the midair n puts them dwn the floor*
Leah: *walks to the playroom with Leo*
Judy: Cant believe they've grown so much now
Ricky: I know. *put his hand on her shoulder*
Judy: Ricky...? I...I think I'm pregnant again
Ricky: How can you be sure
Judy: Well, we hv been hving sex nonstop for the past 2 mths during ur heat phase, n my...period was late. Bt we can chk it if u want
Ricky: Okay. Cmon,
Judy: *nodded n went to the bathroom to get the pregnancy test kit*
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12:12 PM
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Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 17)
Ricky: *is in the shower, washing up*
Judy: *just helped changed the twins' nappy*
Ricky: *comes out of the room, fully dry*
Judy: Ack! Leon! Dont piss on Mommy. Dont make me cut it off~ *tweaked the boy's nose n grins as she finished changing them*
Ricky: *was staying up with Judy, watching a horror movie*
Judy: *curled up against him, watching it with him, tho squealed or cowered to him whenevr there's something spooky*
Ricky: Cmon, it's just Freddy
Judy: *pouts* Still. Its been a long centuries-while tht I've seen creepy creatures. Cant blame me for being jumpy
Ricky: *held her closer*
Judy: *hears the babies crying* Sounds liek the twins r hungry
Ricky: But you just fed them
Judy: *looked at the clock* U lost track of time. Its been 4 hours since their last feeding
Ricky: Really?
Judy: Yup *gets up* Gotta give them their meal now *went to the nursery, carried the twins out n let them suckle at her breasts*
Ricky: *paused the movie where it was and went to the bathroom
Judy: *hummed a lullaby as she rocked the twins while they were feeding frm her, tho they had their father's appetite*
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12:07 PM
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Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 16)
*Over the course of a few hours, he introduced his fiance to a bunch of music*
Judy: *found a few tht she liked, mostly the modern songs*
Ricky: So, who did you enjoy the most?
Judy: I think I like these *pointed at Epica, Apocalyptica, Evanescence n Within Temptation*
Ricky: The new stuff? *Ricky was into all kinds of music, but more into the classics
Judy: *nods* They sound nice, hauntingly beautiful
Ricky: True. I'm a sucker for stuff that contain orchestra arrangements and sounds
Judy: Our music is more or less in tht sort of sense, actually, tht's why it appeals to me
Ricky: You want a good one. *plays Nightwish*
Judy: *hears it* Hm, tht sounds nice
Ricky: Now that's Symphonic metal at its best
Judy: *nods her head to the beats*
Ricky: What now? *finished the song*
Judy: *shrugs* Wat do u wanna do?
Ricky: How about one of your famous massages?
Judy: *chuckles* Dont mind if I do
Ricky: *took his shirt off and laid on his stomach*
Judy: *got out the massage oil, poured it on his bk n started massaging him*
Ricky: *started to murr softly from her hands*
Judy: *ran her fingers up n dwn, gently pressing at his kinks*
Ricky: Oh yeah
Judy: Feels good?
Ricky: Sure does. *then turns around when told*
Judy: *massaged off more of the kinks, relaxing his tenseness*
Ricky: That feels great
Judy: *purred* I'm glad I can make u feel tht way
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11:40 AM
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Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 15)
*A couple weeks starts to show. Judy is tracking Ricky's progress via camera and notebook*
Judy: Wow, u reli hv lost weight
Ricky: Thanks. ^^ I'm down to 320
Judy: *smiles*
Ricky: So how do I look
Judy: Nice *smiled*
Ricky: Wanna watch me benchpress weights?
Judy: *giggles* OK, hang on, our twins need their milk *went to get them*
Leo: *wanted his bottle*
Judy: Alright, Mommy's here
Leah: Num num *wants milk too*
Leo: *started to whine*
Ricky: *leaned against the door*
Judy: Here, here, Mommy's here *fed them their milk*
Leo: *held onto his bottle, drinking it*
Leah: *held onto hers too suckling it*
Ricky: Aren't they adorable?
Judy: Yeah, they r. They look almost like u
Ricky: How can you tell?
Judy: For one, they look tiger-ish, n two, they got ur eyes
Ricky: The eyes, I figured. But how can I see the tiger-ish features?
Judy: *shrugs* I dunno, its the aura I guess. Its something I can see
Ricky: Oh okay.
Judy: Well, how's abt tht benches?
Ricky: *took his shirt off and got his tanktop on*
Judy: Mmm, nice~
Ricky: *he was looking better than before, but the lower half of his belly could still be seen hanging from the bottom of his tanktop*
Judy: U might wanna trim up on tht
Ricky: On what? *he started his benchpressing*
Judy: Tht lower half is hanging out. Evr consider wat u humans call? Lypo?
Ricky: *patted his ball belly*
Judy: *giggled n poked at it*
Ricky: ^^ Hehe, what?
Judy: Its just nice to poke it or something
Ricky: I think this should be my steady weight
Judy: Yeah I think so too
Ricky: *finishes his reps* There we go. *looks at his physique as he took his tanktop off
Judy: Mm *wraps her arms ard him n squeezed*
Ricky: *his once soft chest started to firm up with muscle, along with his arms and legs, but his big belly remained the same*
Judy: *giggled n jiggled his belly a bit*
Ricky: Like how it feels?
Judy: Yups *giggled n jiggled some more*
Ricky: *blushed red*
Judy: Getting turned on, arent we?
Ricky: Actually, not really. I naturally blush'
Judy: *chuckles* Hey, chk it out
Ricky: What?
Judy: *lifted her shirt n showed him the baby fat tht hasnt gone dwn much aftr her birth
Ricky: We're almost match ^^
Judy: *blush* U think so? I'm not too fat?
Ricky: Naw, you're beautiful
Judy: *smiled*
Ricky: C'mere you
Judy: *giggled n came ovr, hugging him*
Ricky: *hugged her back*
Judy: *giggled* Oh, u
Ricky: *kissed over and walked to his drum set*
Judy: Practicing again?
Ricky: Sure do. *starts to play flawlessly*
Judy: *nods n taps her feet to the beat*
Ricky: *Starts doing some MJ stuff...first doing the infamous drumline of Billie Jean*
Judy: *doesnt recognize tht song*
Ricky: Do you know any songs?
Judy: *shook her head* Not in ur world, I dont
Ricky: *puts his drumsticks down and leads her to his music collection in vinyl, cassette and CD form
Judy: *looks at them cluelessly*
Ricky: *He had a lot of music to choose from. From the Beatles to Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson to John Lennon, and Rush to Dream theater*
Judy: *scratched her head* I dont knw any of them
Ricky: Here. Let me show you. *picked out his vinyl of Thriller and put it on his record player*
Judy: *watched him do his thing*
Ricky: *music started to play*
Judy: *listened to it n somehow hummed along wiht it, getting into it*
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11:38 AM
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Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 14)
Ricky: *goes to see his kids* Hey kids O_O incubus and succubus kids grow quick?
Judy: They accelerate growth abt twice as fast as humans. Why?
Ricky: They look like three year olds
Judy: Oh, they've grown already? *chks them* Aww, tht is so great. Who's a big baby? Yes u r, yes, u r~! *kissed the twins*
Leo: *hugged onto his mom*
Leah: *purred n reached for her daddy*
Ricky: *smiled and picked up his daughter* Hey Leah ^^
Leo: Mama! Daddy!
Judy: Oh, would u look at tht! His first words!
Leah: Mama! Daddy! *copies her brother*
Ricky: LEah too!
Leo: Papa big!
Judy: Aww, so cute *nuzzled him*
Ricky: I got an idea. 8he laid down and had the two kids put on his middle*
Judy: *chuckles* Wat r u doing?
Leah: *giggled n bounced on her daddy's belly*
Leo: *started joining in*
Ricky: This...Oof!
Judy: Careful, dont hurt ur Daddy
Leah: Nya~!
Leo: Daddy jiggly!
Ricky: Im what?
Judy: Hehe, he means ur jiggly belly
Leah: *giggled as she gripped her daddy's belly*
Leo: *joins in the hugging*
Ricky: Okay, kids, Daddy needs to get up
Leo: Awww
Leah: No! No get up! *giggled n sprawled ovr his belly*
Ricky: One fault of being too comfortable
Judy: Tht's not much of a fault. I find u comfy too *nuzzled whtevr space was left on his belly*
Ricky: *blushed bright red*
Judy: Alright, let ur daddy get up now *picks the twins up*
Leo: Awww okay
Leah: *pouts bt lets her*
Ricky: *got up and stretched* What shall we do today?
Judy: Not sure. Any ideas?
Ricky: What haven't we done since you came here
Judy: Hmm... *shrugs* Dunno, I've pretty much done evrything a modern woman should
Ricky: We shopped, we cooked, etc
Judy: Had sex, went on vacations...yup, we pretty much covered everythign
Ricky: I was curious...were there any...overweight guys in your village? *on the walls are various posters of Ricky's favorite artists, mostly Dream Theater, The Beatles and Michael Jackson*
Judy: A minor few, bt the rest r quite good-looking with 6-packs n all tht
Ricky: Minor few, huh?
*The twins fell asleep in their beds*
Judy: Yeah, just few, n mostly the old timers, so u reli surprised me with ur physique wen u came in
Ricky: Surprised you? That's a first. Why is that
Judy: Well, our ovrweights r not...THAT overweight, lets just say
Ricky: They're not? I'm a mix of muscle and this
Judy: Yeah, they're mostly tubbies
Ricky: Then what would you say about me?
Judy: *smiled* Well, a tubby with muscles
Ricky: *gave out a big grin and flexed his arms*
Judy: *giggled n squeezed his muscles* Mm, wat a rugged man u r
Ricky: Rugged? *checked his face* OH yeah, 5 o'clock shadow
Judy: Want me to help u shave it off?
Ricky: No ^^ It's common
Judy: I'd like to help u tho. I'll hv u knw I used to a pretty good shaver for the men bk then
Ricky: Well, okay, this once
Judy: *brings him to the bathroom n sat him on the toilet bowl* Just leave it to me
Ricky: *took a deep breath
Judy: *prepares the shaving cream n all tht n lathered it on Ricky's chin n took out the shaving razor n started shaving him*
Ricky: *sat still the best he could*
Judy: *continues to work on him until she was done, wipes the remaining cream off him* There u go
Ricky: *put his glasses back on and looked in the mirror* Wow, you did really good
Judy: *smiles* Thanks. I'm glad I didnt lose my touch
Ricky: *got his biggest shirt on*
Judy: *huggles him* Mm, nice, comfy n squishy
Ricky: Squishy? That's a term I never heard used on me before
Judy: There's always a first
Ricky: Thanks Judy *kissed her
Judy: *kissed him bk* I love u
Ricky: *kissed her back* I love you too
Judy: Dont u think we should get married?
Ricky: *knelt before her and held out a ring*
Judy: *gasped* U...U had it all along?
Ricky: Sure have ^^
Judy: *pouts* U should've done it sooner *bt still smile n blush*
Ricky: *slips the ring on her finger
Judy: *blushed, almost crying happy tears*
Ricky: *Got up and hugged her close*
Judy: *hugged him bk happily*
Ricky: Wanna get busy?
Judy: *giggled* Oh u horny toad
Ricky: Hey, a tiger's gotta have some. I wish you could top me...if you know what I mean
Judy: *confused* I ride u all the time
Ricky: *the big tiger took his pants off and bent over to show his big butt
Judy: *blushed* Oh, u want me to do u
Ricky: Yep. Well??
Judy: Well...OK, I'll do it, bt only if u hv the toy for it
Ricky: Well, I kinda do. It's in the closet. *heads to the bed with her*
Judy: *followed him n waited*
Ricky: *found a strap on vibrator*
Judy: *blushed*
Ricky: There ya go
Judy: *takes it* Wow, I didnt knw u were bi
Ricky: Meh, I'm more experimental. Besides, this was my fiance's
Judy: R u sure u OK with me using it?
Ricky: I am sure
Judy: OK *takes the toy* Bt maybe tonight
Ricky: Hey Judy...I wanna lose weight.
Judy: Huh? Why the sudden gesture?
Ricky: ^^ It'll be a game. I'll lose weight...then I'll gain it back
Judy: *chuckles* Bt wouldnt tht be bad for health?
Ricky: Nope. I eat healthy and all.
Judy: *nods* Just be careful
Ricky: I will.
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11:33 AM
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Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 13)
*The Next morning....*
Ricky: *started to wake up*
Judy: *curled up beside him, snoring silently*
Ricky: *started to stretch*
Judy: *yawned n stirred* Hmm...Good morning...
Ricky: morning ^^
Judy: Slept well?
Ricky: Like a rock. *looked at his new weight* A big rock
Judy: *sees it n giggled* U'll be alright, just dont get too fat tht I cant hug u
Ricky: I won't ^^
Judy: *sees her womb tht had gone dwn size frm last night* Man, ur so gonna knock me up again
Ricky: How so? Our twins are only a few months
Judy: *shrugs* I just hv a feeling, coz u came inside me last night, remember?
Ricky: Right. We have sex every day
Judy: *blushed hard* Now tht's just crude
Ricky: I'm serious! Besides, I can only impregnate you on a certain time of the month
Judy: Well, I'm not in heat yet, so I guess its safe
Ricky: *got up and showed off his new physique*
Judy: *watched him flex his muscles n puffed his chest to show off his gut, n giggled*
Ricky: Man, I feel stronger every day. What's going on? It's like every time we make love, I get stronger
Judy: I guess its bcoz of me. Instead of me sucking ur power, I'm transferring it to u
Ricky: What?
Judy: U knw tht I'm a succubus, right? My power is to suck the life force of a person during sex. Maybe coz I'm not sucking ur life force, it has the reverse effect
Ricky: Is it affecting you somehow?
Judy: *shook her head* Bt now tht I think abt it, I do feel a little tired these days
Ricky: How do I give some of it back?
Judy: U hv to allow me to suck it bt...I'm scared I might end up killing u
Ricky: Let's do you gain energy? Besides from sex?
Judy: *taps chin* Hmm...Not sure. Tht's abt it
Ricky: I think I know an alternative. *starts to cook*
Judy: *blinked n waited*
Ricky: *cooked her bacon, eggs and toast with OJ*
Judy: *smelled the food n licked her lips*
Ricky: Help yourself
Judy: *sat dwn n started eating her food. Unlike Ricky, she doesnt wolf her food dwn*
Ricky: *thinks*This should work
Judy: *feels a bit rejuvenated as she ate*
Ricky: That's good. How do you feel
Judy: I feel much better now, still a bit tired, bt I'm slowly recovering. Slower than it should tho
Ricky: LEt's do one day of no sex. And see what happens.
Judy: *nods*
Ricky: *started to wake up*
Judy: *curled up beside him, snoring silently*
Ricky: *started to stretch*
Judy: *yawned n stirred* Hmm...Good morning...
Ricky: morning ^^
Judy: Slept well?
Ricky: Like a rock. *looked at his new weight* A big rock
Judy: *sees it n giggled* U'll be alright, just dont get too fat tht I cant hug u
Ricky: I won't ^^
Judy: *sees her womb tht had gone dwn size frm last night* Man, ur so gonna knock me up again
Ricky: How so? Our twins are only a few months
Judy: *shrugs* I just hv a feeling, coz u came inside me last night, remember?
Ricky: Right. We have sex every day
Judy: *blushed hard* Now tht's just crude
Ricky: I'm serious! Besides, I can only impregnate you on a certain time of the month
Judy: Well, I'm not in heat yet, so I guess its safe
Ricky: *got up and showed off his new physique*
Judy: *watched him flex his muscles n puffed his chest to show off his gut, n giggled*
Ricky: Man, I feel stronger every day. What's going on? It's like every time we make love, I get stronger
Judy: I guess its bcoz of me. Instead of me sucking ur power, I'm transferring it to u
Ricky: What?
Judy: U knw tht I'm a succubus, right? My power is to suck the life force of a person during sex. Maybe coz I'm not sucking ur life force, it has the reverse effect
Ricky: Is it affecting you somehow?
Judy: *shook her head* Bt now tht I think abt it, I do feel a little tired these days
Ricky: How do I give some of it back?
Judy: U hv to allow me to suck it bt...I'm scared I might end up killing u
Ricky: Let's do you gain energy? Besides from sex?
Judy: *taps chin* Hmm...Not sure. Tht's abt it
Ricky: I think I know an alternative. *starts to cook*
Judy: *blinked n waited*
Ricky: *cooked her bacon, eggs and toast with OJ*
Judy: *smelled the food n licked her lips*
Ricky: Help yourself
Judy: *sat dwn n started eating her food. Unlike Ricky, she doesnt wolf her food dwn*
Ricky: *thinks*
Judy: *feels a bit rejuvenated as she ate*
Ricky: That's good. How do you feel
Judy: I feel much better now, still a bit tired, bt I'm slowly recovering. Slower than it should tho
Ricky: LEt's do one day of no sex. And see what happens.
Judy: *nods*
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11:28 AM
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Inflated Love-Ricky/Judy RP (Part 12)
*Back to the present...*
Ricky: *was in the shower, washing up*
Judy: *breastfeeding the twins*
Ricky: *got out of the shower and stepped onto the scale*
Judy: How much r u now?
Ricky: 350
Judy: Cool, no change of weight there
Ricky: *was naked before her, he started to get a tone of muscles, and his big belly was more defined
Judy: *blushed at the sight of him* Wow...
Ricky: What?
Judy: *blushed* Nothing... *look away shyly, burping the twins aftr feeding them*
Ricky: Hehe ^^ *got his boxers on and went to her
Judy: *was putting the twins in the crib*
Ricky: They sleeping now? *hugged her from behind*
Judy: Yeah, just dozed off, so dont be too noisy
Ricky: Okay. *his stomach rumbled softly* >.<
Judy: Hungry again?
Ricky; I can't help it. Darn this curse
Judy: Wat do u want for ur meal?
Ricky: How about...the usual special? Your own homemade pizza?
Judy: *nods* Alright. I'll go make it *goes to the kitchen*
Ricky: *still shirtless, he waddles after her to the kitchen
Judy: *going abt fixing the pizza*
Ricky: Hey Judy?
Judy: *looks up* Yeah?
Ricky: Am I too big?
Judy: *shook his head* Not too big. Big, yes, bt not so much
Ricky: A good big?
Judy: *nods* A good big *the oven dinged* Ah, its done *takes the pizza out*
Ricky: That was quick
Judy: I had a few frozen beforehand *serves it* There ya go
Ricky: *sniffs it and cuts the pizza* *ate one slice slowly*
Judy: Is it nice?
Ricky :Very ^^ I love it. *patted his stomach*
Judy: Shall I feed u?
Ricky: You wanna?
Judy: Sure *sits on his lap n fed him slice by slice*
Ricky: *laid back, his belly swelled up from each slice of pizza*
Judy: *sees the pizza finishing* Want some more?
Ricky: ^^ Sure thing...*nosed his fiance, feeling her hands on his favorite spots*
Judy: *giggled at his touches n fed him the last few pieces*
Ricky: *finally, his pants button popped*
Judy: Oops! Looks like someone had their fill *rubbed his belly*
Ricky: OOof. Can we go to the couch and continue there?
Judy: Sure, why not. I'll make some more first
Ricky: *sat down on the couch, feeling his half full stomach, patting it with both hands*
Judy: *came bk with more pizza, then sat beside him n started feeding him*
Ricky: *ate each and every slice*
Judy: *kept feeding, helping him to wash it dwn with coke*
Ricky: Mmm? Got any root beer?
Judy: I think so *went to the fridge to get it*
Ricky: OOof
Judy: Here u go *fed him straight frm the bottle*
Ricky: *gulped in the carbonated goodness, feeling his stomach bloated from the contents inside* OH man
Judy: U sure ur OK to carry on?
Ricky: One more
Judy: *fed him another pizza*
Ricky: *his belly started to turn a shade of pink*
Judy: I think u hv enough. I dont want u to burst or something
Ricky: *not to mention, he was horny*
Judy: *grins* Someone seems to be pretty 'full' dwn there too
Ricky: The weight of my belly is making me hard
Judy: Lemme help u with tht *takes her panties off n slowly lowered herself dwn his cock* Oooohh
Ricky: *moaned, leaning back as he felt his fiance push onto his dick* *Can barely move due to his expanded size*
Judy: *started bobbing up n dwn the cock, pushing it deeper n deeper inside her*
Ricky: *moaned loudly, feeling his balls swell up and his dick getting harder* *roars loudly as he came inside of her*
Judy: *gasped as she came as well, feeling herself being filled up*
Ricky: *he kept coming*
Judy: *whine as her womb swelled*
Ricky: *this kept going for 5 minutes and then finally he stopped
Judy: *pants n patted her swollen belly* Ur so gonna knock me up again *giggled*
Ricky: *purred at her and passed out*
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11:21 AM
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The Crying Traveller (Part 35)
Rai: *followed behind the twins as they were led to the apple trees*
Kita: *checked them* My thoughts exactly. There isn't anything wrong. They were...blessed with fairy water
Rai: Fairy water? How so? Wen did tht happen?
Kito: It could be from the water that the farmers brought up
Rai: Bt wouldnt it be a little dangerous? I thought fairy water was forbidden to be taken. U need a treaty for tht. Those water r privy to their kind
Kita: Unless, it's from the fairies we know
Rai: *blinked a little confused*
Kita: It's the fairies that helped me
Rai: Oh, u mean the ones tht Kal n Nakh brought u to give birth to the twins
Kita: That's right ^^
Rai: Interesting. I hope it's safe to eat tho
Kita: They should be. *took a bite* Mmmm!!
Rai: *took one n bit into it* Wow, tastes like butterscotch
Kita: Mine was like Strawberry!
Nakh: *came with Melly* Hey guys. Wow! Wht happened to the apple orchard?
Kita: Our fairy friends blessed them with their water
Nakh: Wow, tht is interesting
Melly: Is it safe to eat?
Kito: *ate one* They seem so
Melly: *grins* Feed me one
Raito: Catch! *tries to toss one into Melly's mouth*
Melly: *opened his mouth to catch it* Mmm, tastes like cotton candy
Kito: Mine was like...*gulps it* watermelon
Melly: *chuckles*
Nakh: *takes one n ate* I got peach taste here
Kita: Kalana! Catch! *underhands him one*
Kalana: *caught it n took a bite* Wow, this tastes like honeydew. I wonder wht's the occasion, blessing the apple orchard like this
Kita: Which was the one who checked on my progress and was the one who helped the most
Nakh: *chuckles* I bet we're gonna hv a nice feast of apples on this
Kita: OH yes. *heard a familiar ringing*
Melly: Woah, wassat?
Kita: Onole!!
Onole: Hey there, how's it hanging?
Kita: Long time, no see. *hugs him* How did this
Onole: Oh, I blessed one of ur reserved wells with fairy water. Its our way of thanks
Nakh: Thanks? For wht? We should be thanking u
Kita: Same here.
Onole: Oh u hv no idea how much help u give us. By letting us come here to perform deliveries, u ensure us a staple supply of food for our own newborns.
Kalana: We do?
Kita: Aww, shucks. Even if ya didn't, we still give 'em to you
Onole: *shook his head* U dont understand. Our newborns' diet is different. For the first yr of their lives, they can only eat rare meat tht r high in nutritional values. N the best of meat is the placenta
Melly: O_O U mean they eat aftrbirths?
Kita: O_O Wow
Twins: O_O Dude
Onole: Yup. Their stomachs can't take anything else. Our aftrbirths r not enough, since we hv a low birth rate, so by u guys, with u giving birth with multiples, n hving giant aftrbirths, we're well stocked up. They eat a lot, trust me
Kita: Surprising
Kita: *checked them* My thoughts exactly. There isn't anything wrong. They were...blessed with fairy water
Rai: Fairy water? How so? Wen did tht happen?
Kito: It could be from the water that the farmers brought up
Rai: Bt wouldnt it be a little dangerous? I thought fairy water was forbidden to be taken. U need a treaty for tht. Those water r privy to their kind
Kita: Unless, it's from the fairies we know
Rai: *blinked a little confused*
Kita: It's the fairies that helped me
Rai: Oh, u mean the ones tht Kal n Nakh brought u to give birth to the twins
Kita: That's right ^^
Rai: Interesting. I hope it's safe to eat tho
Kita: They should be. *took a bite* Mmmm!!
Rai: *took one n bit into it* Wow, tastes like butterscotch
Kita: Mine was like Strawberry!
Nakh: *came with Melly* Hey guys. Wow! Wht happened to the apple orchard?
Kita: Our fairy friends blessed them with their water
Nakh: Wow, tht is interesting
Melly: Is it safe to eat?
Kito: *ate one* They seem so
Melly: *grins* Feed me one
Raito: Catch! *tries to toss one into Melly's mouth*
Melly: *opened his mouth to catch it* Mmm, tastes like cotton candy
Kito: Mine was like...*gulps it* watermelon
Melly: *chuckles*
Nakh: *takes one n ate* I got peach taste here
Kita: Kalana! Catch! *underhands him one*
Kalana: *caught it n took a bite* Wow, this tastes like honeydew. I wonder wht's the occasion, blessing the apple orchard like this
Kita: Which was the one who checked on my progress and was the one who helped the most
Nakh: *chuckles* I bet we're gonna hv a nice feast of apples on this
Kita: OH yes. *heard a familiar ringing*
Melly: Woah, wassat?
Kita: Onole!!
Onole: Hey there, how's it hanging?
Kita: Long time, no see. *hugs him* How did this
Onole: Oh, I blessed one of ur reserved wells with fairy water. Its our way of thanks
Nakh: Thanks? For wht? We should be thanking u
Kita: Same here.
Onole: Oh u hv no idea how much help u give us. By letting us come here to perform deliveries, u ensure us a staple supply of food for our own newborns.
Kalana: We do?
Kita: Aww, shucks. Even if ya didn't, we still give 'em to you
Onole: *shook his head* U dont understand. Our newborns' diet is different. For the first yr of their lives, they can only eat rare meat tht r high in nutritional values. N the best of meat is the placenta
Melly: O_O U mean they eat aftrbirths?
Kita: O_O Wow
Twins: O_O Dude
Onole: Yup. Their stomachs can't take anything else. Our aftrbirths r not enough, since we hv a low birth rate, so by u guys, with u giving birth with multiples, n hving giant aftrbirths, we're well stocked up. They eat a lot, trust me
Kita: Surprising
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11:14 AM
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The Crying Traveller
The Crying Traveller (Part 34)
Jerry: DAddy!
Elly: *smiled* Yes, sweetie? *picks him up n cuddles him*
Jerry: *hugged onto him*
Elly: *chuckles* Lets go see Mommy, shall we?
Jerry: LEt's go see him! ^_^ I wanna see my new aunties!
Elly: Alright, alright. Lets go *was reminded of how articulate he was himself wen he was Jerry's age, credited to his giant genes*
Kita: *was swimming the lake*
Rai: *sees him n creeps up to the lake, stripping quietly before sliding into the lake, swimming up to him n cupped his ass frm behind to surprise him*
Kita: *blushed brightly and grabbed him playfully*
Rai: *laughs* Mm, I see ur skinny dipping there
Kita: I'm not the only one here
Rai: *chuckles n kissed him deeply*
Kita: *returned the kiss, stroking his side*
Rai: *while kissing, reaches dwn to stroke his cock*
Kita: *moaned softly*
Kito: Papa! Dad!
Kita: Damn it
Raito: *followed his brother
Rai: Argh...!! *groans in frustration*
Twins: Papa! Dad! There's something wrong with the apple trees!!
Rai: Huh? Apple trees? Wht abt it?
Twins: They're all
Rai: Blue? *turns to look at Kita oddly*
Kita: Oh no. *dived out and got dressed*
Rai: *followed behind him* Wht's wrong, Ki-Ki?
Kita: I know what's going on.
Elly: *smiled* Yes, sweetie? *picks him up n cuddles him*
Jerry: *hugged onto him*
Elly: *chuckles* Lets go see Mommy, shall we?
Jerry: LEt's go see him! ^_^ I wanna see my new aunties!
Elly: Alright, alright. Lets go *was reminded of how articulate he was himself wen he was Jerry's age, credited to his giant genes*
Kita: *was swimming the lake*
Rai: *sees him n creeps up to the lake, stripping quietly before sliding into the lake, swimming up to him n cupped his ass frm behind to surprise him*
Kita: *blushed brightly and grabbed him playfully*
Rai: *laughs* Mm, I see ur skinny dipping there
Kita: I'm not the only one here
Rai: *chuckles n kissed him deeply*
Kita: *returned the kiss, stroking his side*
Rai: *while kissing, reaches dwn to stroke his cock*
Kita: *moaned softly*
Kito: Papa! Dad!
Kita: Damn it
Raito: *followed his brother
Rai: Argh...!! *groans in frustration*
Twins: Papa! Dad! There's something wrong with the apple trees!!
Rai: Huh? Apple trees? Wht abt it?
Twins: They're all
Rai: Blue? *turns to look at Kita oddly*
Kita: Oh no. *dived out and got dressed*
Rai: *followed behind him* Wht's wrong, Ki-Ki?
Kita: I know what's going on.
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11:12 AM
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The Crying Traveller
The Crying Traveller (Part 33)
*A day later...*
Kiba: *is taking care of his little siblings
Haruka: *resting in bed, recovering frm birth as she watched her son looking aftr them n smiled* Ur such a great brother to ur sibs
Kiba: I never thought I would be.
Haruka: I guess u being a mother contributes to tht
Kiba: *blushed* Mom.
Haruka: *chuckles* Its the truth
Kiba: I'm only 18.
Haruka: I knw, n yet u now hv a one-yr-old Estopian son. Tht's pretty good by far
Kiba: ^///^ *Blushed from his mother's remark*
Haruka: Any plans to hv more kids?
Kiba: I'm not sure yet. We'll wait a while for it
Haruka: Yeah, best if Jerry is older
Kiba: My thoughts exactly
Haruka: Speaking of which, where is Jerry?
Kiba: With his dad ^^
Haruka: Tht's nice
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The Crying Traveller
The Crying Traveller (Part 32)
Haruka: *was lazing abt with Kal at the porch, enjoying some green tea*
Kal: Wht a nice breeze today, eh?
Kyou: *put his arm around Haruka* ^^ Sure is!
Haruka: *smiled n kissed him, then winced a bit* Mmh...
Kyou: something wrong?
Haruka: I...I think...I think its time... *feels another again n winced*
Kyou: *felt her stomach. He sent a messenger to Kita8
Rai: *was trying to flirt with Kita asking for sex wen the messenger came in*
Kita: What's this? *saw the bird and got the message* Oh no
Rai: Wht is it?
Kita: Haruka's in labor
Rai: Oh dear. U better go right now. I'll go look for Kiba
Kita: *dashed on over to where Haruka is*
Haruka: *was breathing in n out along with the contractions, holding onto Kyou for support*
Kal: Oh, thank goodness ur here, I think she's almost ready now last time I chked
Kita: Sis! Nii-san!
Kyou: I'm here, Love
Haruka: *breathed long n deep, trying to control the pain*
Rai: *went n look for Kiba at the riverside bathing wtih Elly*
Kiba: Uncle Rai! What's wrong?
Rai: U might wanna go to ur parents. Ur mother is in labour
Kiba: *jumped out of the water and got his clothes back on*
Elly: *followed behind as well*
Haruka: *meanwhile was starting to pant* Ooh...I think I'm gonna push
Kita: Go ahead. You're ready
Haruka: *took a deep breath n pushed dwn as hard as she could, gripping onto Kyou's pelt*
Kyou: *kissed her forehead*
Kiba: Mom!!
Haruka: *looks up* Hey, Kiba-chan *winced n continued pushing*
Kal: *got ready with the towels*
Kiba: *The young wolf went to hold his mother's hand* I'm here now
Haruka: *whimpered as she felt the baby going dwn her canal n crowning*
Kita: You're doing great, nee-san! The baby is crowning!
Kal: U can do it, just a few more push
Haruka: *pushed a few more times before taking a deep breath n pushed one last time as hard as she could* Mmnnggghhh!!!
Kita: I got her! *cut the cord, cleaned her up* There's baby #1.
Kyou: *smiled as his younger brother handed him his first daughter*
Haruka: *pants as she looked up at the baby, smiling thru her happy tears* Oh she's so beautiful, look, Kiba-chan
Kiba: Hey little sis ^^ *nosed her*
Kita: Ya still got one more
Haruka: *nods n tries to breathe thru the contractions*
Kal: Whenevr ur ready, Haruka
Haruka: *pushes dwn along with the contractions*
Kyou: *held her hand with his free one*
Kiba: You can do it, mom
Haruka: *pants n pushed as hard as she could, whimpering a bit wen she feels it coming dwn*
Kita: Take it easy, now. She's coming down
Haruka: *nods n pushed some more, whimpered some more as the baby started crowning*
Kita: She's out! You did it! *did the same for this baby and handed her to Haruka* ^^ Congrats to all three of you
Haruka: *takes the second-born n cradled her* Oh, they're so beautiful *cried happy tears* They look just like u, bt with my hair *smiling up to her husband*
Kyou: They do, don't they ^^
Kiba: *smiled at his new siblings* Awww. Elly, look!
Elly: *looked in thru the window* R they born? How r they?
Kiba: They're great! ^^ They're healthy
Elly: *looks in to see* Hey, they look like Kyou, just with Haruka's hair
Haruka: Exactly my point
Kyou: *Smiled from the comment*
Kita: ^^ I'm an uncle again
Elly: So am I
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The Crying Traveller
The Crying Traveller (Part 31)
Kita: *is doing a sparing session with Nakh*
Nakh: *parried him n sparred accordingly*
Kita: *jumped up and did a spin kick*
Nakh: *blocked it n sent strong punch wave at him*
Kita: *crossed his arms to form a block*
Nakh: *sent him a flying kick*
Kita: *got hit and rebounded off a tree
Nakh: *called out* U OK?
Kita: Yeah, Im good.
Nakh: I think we should take a break. We;ve been sparring for almost 2 hours
Kita: We should. We gotta plan your son's birthday
Nakh: Ah yes, I still feel kinda bad tht I nvr reli celebrated his bday properly
Kita: Hey...*leapt onto his shoulders* You had your reasons, but we're gonna make it grand!
Nakh: Most definitely. Hey, heard abt the good news. Ur expecting 2 nieces
Kita: Yep. ^^ Kiba should be leaping for joy
Nakh: He sure would be
Kita: *wiped the sweat from his brow*
Nakh: Wanna get something to drink?
Kita: Sure thing. *heads to the town with his giant friend*
Nakh: *went dwn town to purchase some cool drinks for both of them, tho he drinks it in a barrel*
Kita: *buys his in a mug*
Nakh: *dwned it bottoms-up then burped* Aah~ tht hits the spot right there
Kita: *refilled and chugged it down* BURRP!
Nakh: *laughed* Good one
Kita: Thanks ^^
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The Crying Traveller
The Crying Traveller (Part 30)
Elly: *sees the bird while he was helping Kiba making new pelts* Hey, its a messenger bird
Kiba: *saw the bird and took the note from it* O_O WOW!!
Elly: Wht is it?
Kiba: *does a few flips and jumps with happiness* Im gonna have twin sisters!!
Elly: Oh wow! Tht is awesome! Congrats!
Kiba: WHOO!!
Elly: *chuckles* Settle dwn, u'll wake Jerry
Kiba: Oops, sorry ^^;
Elly: *looks at Jarokh who is still sleeping* He's good
Kiba: He's a heavy sleeper like you
Elly: Hey~ I dont sleep tht heavily
Kiba: Is that' so?
Elly: *pouts* Hmph
Kiba: Aw cmon. *noogies him* You know Im kidding
Elly: I knw. I love u *kissed him* I love u so much *kiss him again(
Kiba: *patted his head* Your birthday is soon
Elly: Yeah, I knw. Tho I dont get to celebrate it much bk then bcoz of...well, u knw
Kiba: Cause of the search for your mom and your sister
Elly: *nods*
Kiba: Well, ^^ We're gonna do it when it is your birthday
Elly: *smiled* Thanks a bunch
Kiba: *pinches his cheek*
Elly: *giggled n noogied him with his finger*
Kiba: Whacha wanna do now?
Elly: Oh now tht Jerry's asleep, we;ve got quite the catching up to do *growled sexily n tore off Kiba's loincloth, taking his cock n pussy in his mouth*
Kiba: *moaned softly, feeling Elly's warm mouth around him
Elly: Mmh, delicious *licked n sucked him expertly*
Kiba: Elly, I want you in me
Elly: Mmh, I'm gonna enter u good *licked his lips as he made him straddle him, sitting him dwn onto his cock*
Kiba: So big and hard...*pushed as far as he could onto Elly*
Elly: Mmh, ur still tight aftr Jerry. So good
Kiba: *moaned softly, trying not to wake Jerry*
Elly: *kissed him deeply to muffle his moans as he thrust upwards against his bobbing*
Kiba: Oh Yes Elly...damn
Elly: *pants n kissed him deeply, continued to thrust him*
Kiba: *starts to stroke his own hardness, feeling himself reaching climax soon
Elly: Ooh, so tight, so tight...I'm gonna come soon...!!
Kiba: *he gritted his teeth as he came finally*
Elly: *gritted his teeth n came deep inside Kiba*
Kiba; *felt his stomach bloat up a bit
Elly: *came till the last drop n let out a silent groan* Mmmhh...So good...
Kiba: Oooh Elly..*rubbed his bloatedness
Elly: Mmm, u feel so good. I love u *kissed him*
Kiba: *kissed him back* I love you too
The Crying Traveller
The Crying Traveller (Part 29)

Kita: Nakh! Rai!
Nakh: Hey, guys! How was fish...Holy cow! Wht is tht??
Elly: Dinner! *laughs*
Rai: O_O That's frickin' huge!!
Kita: Isn't it? It took Elly and me combined to pull it out
Elly: Yeah, we think it may hv gotten lost frm the sea n ended up in the lake. The Water Nymphs were almost attacked by it
Nakh: Woah, lucky u guys showed up to catch it
Kita: ^^ Aren't we. I got to thank Elly. If he wasn't there, I would have been pulled in
Elly: Haha, I just so happen to be with Uncle Kita, is all
Nakh: Right time, right plc, eh?
Kita: So correct
Elly: *grins* Come lets put this fish in the cold storage. This is so gonna last us for at least a mth
Kita: *lifts it up and headed towards the cold storage*
Elly: *helps out as well*
Rai: ^^ awww
Nakh: Isnt tht sweet? Uncle n nephew helping each other out
Rai: Sure is.
Kita: There, put away!
Elly: I better go home n chk on Kiba now *went home*
Kiba: *was up and active*
Elly: *sees him* Hey, Kiba. U look fine
Kiba: ^^ Thanks Elly. *jumped up and hugged him* I'm a quick healer
Elly: *hugged him bk n chuckles* I guess u got ur dad's genes
Kyou: *bounded off the trees and headed back to his cave* Haruka!
Haruka: *looks up frm her knitting, a beautiful pregnancy glow ard her* Hey, anata
Kyou: Hey love. *knelt down and kissed her on the forehead* What are your knitting?
Haruka: Just making a big blanket for our upcoming baby
Kyou: *places his hand on her growing stomach* It should be soon
Haruka: *smiled* Yeah, its been kicking a lot
Kyou: *lift up his wife's top a bit and listened to the life within her*
*a bit of wriggling n gentle kicks happened*
Kyou: Awww ^^
Haruka: *smiled* I hv a feeling we're gonna hv more than one baby here
Kyou: twins?
Haruka: Maybe. Maybe its a little bit more. We'll see. I havent had midwives sniff me out yet
Kyou: Shall I got fetch one>
Haruka: If u like
Kyou: *goes to get one of the midwifes*
Haruka: *waited for him*
Kita: Hey, Kyou!! Cmon! What's this about?
Kyou: I know you have the best ears. We need to check if we're having multiples
Haruka: *heard them n looked out* Hey, I thought u were supposed to get a midwife
Kyou: Kita has the best hearing due what happened to him
Kita: True. *knelt down and listened in*
Haruka: *rubbed her belly, letting him listen*
Kita: Yep, it's twins for sure. ^^ Two girls
Haruka: *chuckles* Tht's great. Kiba always wanted sisters
Kita: Yep yep. Ever since he was little
Kyou: He's gonna be happy. *sends a messenger bird to Elly and Kiba*
The Crying Traveller
Ebony&Ivory-Chapter 34
Luke: *sat the piano, trying to think of music of a song he's had in his head*
Anita: *tuned her guitar, while Illust continued to chat with Leo at her room*
Luke: *got a call from Tom* Hello?
Tom: Hey, Luke. Hv u seen the news?
Luke: No. Why?
Tom: Go on, its something to do with Mike. Better yet, go to the internet, its all out there
Luke: *heads to his laptop and went on a MJ forum he visits and saw about a new Michael Jackson album* Wow.
Anita: *looked too* Wow indeed!
Tom: Isnt tht awesome? Bt I thought Mike's mom gave u all his albums already?
Luke: She gave me half of 'em, actually. The others are with the Estate
Tom: Ah, OK. Wow, evn one with Akon, sweet
Luke: I've met him. Wonderful guy. *sparked an idea in his head* I wanna do a song with a rapper
Anita: Interesting, bt who?
Luke: I have one on my mind...even though he did a joke or two on michael
Anita: Aww, c'mon, not Eminem. I thought u hated him
Luke: I did when I was younger...not now. I just got his recent album *shows the Recovery album* And I had a change of heart
Anita: Well, I guess. I've heard of this album, aside frm the swearing, the songs were pretty good
Luke: I should get his other material.
Anita: I guess. I wonder wht's Illust doing there
Leo: *shows some of the new music he got on his ipod*
Anita: *listened into it*
Leo: Ya like it?
Anita: Sounds pretty good
Luke: *to help himself think...he started to play a Disney song he loved as a kid*
Anita: *didnt recognize the tune at first* Watcha playing?
Luke: *Plays it's Something There from beauty and the Beast*
Anita: Oh wow, tht. This brings memories
Luke: It was my favorite as a kid.
Anita: Same here. I used to watch it ovr n ovr again until I can memorize evry line *chuckles* Those were the days
Luke: If they ever did a live musical, I wanna be in it
Illust: *meanwhile was still chatting with Leo, bt at the same time was chatting wtih this new friend called MJFan4Eva*
MJFan4Eva: How ya doing?
Illust: All good. Chatting with my boyfriend at the same time
MJFan4Eva: Boyfriend? Cool. Wish we could meet
Illust: LOL, we only chatted for 3 days. We cant meet tht soon. I dont evn knw u tht well
MJFan4Fan: Aww okay
Illust: Hey, Leo. This MJFan4Eva sounds like an interesting person. He said he wants to meet. I told him we cant tho LOL
Leo: I brother said to be careful with people online
Illust: Yeah I knw. I told him we couldnt meet anyway, so we're good
Leo: *sighed with relief*
Illust: I can take care of myself, dont worry
Luke: *makes a call for a pizza special* Time for a break. *makes the order*
Anita: I'll go chk on Illust *enters the room* Illust. Break time. Luke's ordering pizza
Illust: OK! *types to both Leo n MJFan4Eva* ~Gtg. Break time. Chat nxt time?~
MJFan4Eva: Ok. Cya! *logs off*
Leo: Cmon, let's go!
Luke: Thank you! *hung up*
Illust: *bounded towards Luke* Wht's for pizza~?
Luke: Two pepperonis, two cheese, and two dozen breadsticks with sauce
Illust: Sounds delicious~!
Anita: I'll bring in the drinks *left for the kitchen*
Leo: I'll help *Follows Anita*
Luke: Whatcha been doing, Illust?
Illust: I was chatting online wiht Leo, n also a new friend
Luke: Oh okay. Cmon, we're gonna go eat
Illust: Yay~! *took one slice of pizza*
Leo: *grabbed a couple and ate 'em, turns on the TV* Look! Ellen Degeneres!
Illust: *misheard him* Wht? Ellen Degenerate?
Leo: Degeneres. She's a TV Host. Way better than Oprah. She's dancing right now!
Luke: What? *headed over to the flatscreen* Wait, they're promoting one of the new songs!
Luke: I've always been a fan of Ellen ^^ And look at her dance!
Illust: *looked n was pretty impressed*
Anita: *came in* Hey, wasnt it official tht she made public of her sexual orientation?
Luke: Yeah. She said she wants me on the show
Anita: Why dont u go for it then?
Luke: Already did. Booked for next week
Illust: Awesome
Luke: ^^ I'm anxious to meet her.
Luke: *finishes up and heads to the dance room*
Illust: *followed aftr him*
Luke: Time for some dancing
Illust: Yay! I love watching u dance
Luke: Let's see. *Goes to his stereo and picks a cd. Rhythm Nation by Janet plays*
Illust: *sat at a corner n watched*
Luke: *starts doing some major dancing of his own, doing some of Michael's too*
Anita: *watches as well as she sipped her drink*
Luke: *does mime-like movements along to the beat*U
Anita: His dances still amazes me
Illust; Me too
*The song finally ends and Luke bows*
Anita&Illust: *clapped their hands*
Luke: Thank you ^^
Anita: U were amazing as usual, honey
Luke: thanks Anita. *kissed her and hugged his niece*
Illust: *hugged him bk*
Anita: *kissed him deeply*
Luke: When do you think we'll have a kid?
Anita: *grins* Ah, I see someone's impatient. We havent evn tied the knot yet
Luke: I know...but im anxious *pulled out a ring*
Anita: Oh...Luke... *cried happy tears*
Illust: Wow~! *her eyes sparkled at the ring*
Luke: Will you be my wife?
Anita: Oh, oh yes, yes, I will! *hugs Luke*
Illust: Aww~! I better go online n tell Leo right now~! *makes a dash to her PC*
Luke: *hugs her and kissed her* Wanna?
Anita: *chuckles* Well, ur gonna hv to go a little easy coz...well, lets just say u dont hv to wait to hv kids much longer *stretched her shirt bk to show him a tiny baby bump*
Luke: What? Since when did this happen? *placed his hand on her stomach*
Anita: *blushed* I...I threw out the pills since a few mths ago wen we were getting it on. I cant wait either. I want to hv ur children
Luke: Oh Anita. *kissed her again* Cmon, let's have some privacy.
Anita: *giggled n led him to their room*
Luke: *locked the door behind him and smiled at Anita, taking off his shirt*
Anita: *took off her clothes as well, revealing her F-sized boobs under tht thin bra*
Luke: *walked to her, stroking her hair with one hand and placing his hand on her belly* how far
Anita: I think abt coming 3 mths *sighed at the feeling of his touch*
Luke: *kissed her*
Anita: *kissed him bk, stroking Luke's broad chest*
Luke: *kissed her back, rubbing her back
Anita: Mm, I love ur touches
Luke: and I love yours too, *laid on the bed*
Anita: *went on her knees n started sucking him*
Luke: *still had his pants on*
Anita: *unzipped him n took him out before gently licking the tip*
Luke: *moaned softly, gripping onto the bed*
Anita: *licked n licked until its full length before starting to suck him*
Luke: Oooooh!! Oh Anita
Anita: Mmh...Mmh... *sucked him hard*
Luke: I wanna be in you
Anita: *pulls out* B...Be gentle. Dont wanna hurt the baby
Luke: Don't worry. I read you can have sex till the 3rd trimester
Anita: OK...Mmh..I feel so sensitive, guess its true wen they say sex is best wen ur pregnant *lowers herself onto Luke's cock* Mmmh...!!
Luke: Oh man!! *grabbed her hips*
Anita: Mmh, yes~! I love ur cock. Yeah~! *started moving up n dwn*
Luke: *switches where he's on top and pushes in and out of her*
Anita: *moans n whines in pleasure, gripping at the sheets*
Luke: Oh Yea Anita...
Anita: *clenched her pussy hard ard Luke to stimulate him*
Luke: Oh man....*goes faster*
Anita: Mmh...!! Yes...yes...yes...I'm gonna cum...!!
Luke: Me too!
Anita: Mmmhh...D-Dont come inside...Oh god, oh god...!! *screams as she came, her pussy juice leaking out*
Luke: *tried to pull out but it was too late as he came inside her
Anita: *trembled at the feeling of being filled*
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