Harry: *looks down at Severus* Well I'm not sure how long you're going to be like this. Why don't we go and get you some proper clothing, hmm?
Severus: OK *smiled happily as he waved his long sleeves about that dangled off him like bat wings*
Harry: For now, let's resize what you've got on. *shrinks the clothes to better fit Severus* First we've got to get permission to leave the castle, though. *floos Dumbledore*
Severus: *clung onto Harry, really attached to him*
Dumbledore: *sees Harry floo-ing in* Ah, Harry. To what may I owe the pleasure?
Harry: *holding up Severus with one arm* Well since we don't know how long Severus is going to be like this, I'd like permission to take him into Hogsmeade, and perhaps London for some essentials.
Dumbledore: Of course, of course. Its understandable. Here *accio-ed a parchment and wrote and signed it* A clearance letter for you to go out. I wrote that you are to run an errand for me. Show this to McGonagall and Filch before you leave
Harry: *nod* Thank you, Headmaster. *small smile* *leaves and grins at Severus*
Severus: *grins back at him, imitating him*
Harry: *had set him down as soon as they left the office* Now we just need to find McGonagall and Filch.... Filch first. Get it out of the way.
Filch: *was bringing for Mrs Norris from the kitchen*
Harry: *looks at Severus* Now Sev, I'm going to need you to be brave for this. Mr. Filch is not exactly a very nice man, and he dislikes me. So when he go to see him, he'll probably be very rude and say mean things to me, and to you. Do you think you can be brave for this?
Severus: *nods* I'll be brave. I have you *gripped on Harry's hand*
Harry: *smiles* That's right, you do. And you always will. *goes to find Filch, and then does* *manages to see him* Mr. Filch? May I speak with you, sir?
Filch: *frowned at him* Whaddaya want, Potter? More trouble, I see?
Harry: I wanted to inform you that I will be leaving for the day with my friend here. *hands him the note from Dumbledore*
Filch: *snatches the parchment and read it* Hah, special treatment for the special boy, I see. "Errand running", a likely story. *sees Severus* And who's that little munchkin over there? Not yours, I hope? *looked at him sneeringly*
Harry: This is my very good friend Severus Snape.
Filch: *raised a brow* Now you dont be fibbin' there. Ol' Snape dont look like that. Are you trying to play a trick on an old fool? Dont be smart with me!
Harry: There was a potions accident, sir.
Filch: Bah! I know what you're playing at! But I'm not in the mood to entertain your jokes. I've got Mrs Norris to feed. Get outta here! *shoved him away*
Severus: *throughout that conversation, even though he put a brave front, his hand that gripped Harry's was shaking*
Harry: *manages to find a place away from Filch* *kneels down to Severus and smiles* You alright there, buddy?
Severus: *nodded but was slightly visibly shaking, whispered* He's scary...
Harry: I know, big guy. But you know what? You stood up the entire time, tall and sure. I'm so proud of you.
Severus: *smiled* Its thanks to you *wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed his cheek*
Harry: *gets a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest* Ready to go see Professor McGonagall now?
Severus: Is she scary like that old caretaker?
Harry: *chuckles* Sometimes, but she has a huge soft spot for me. And especially for you. And I can't wait to see what happens when she sees you.
Severus: *nodded and took his hand* Lets go. I wanna go Hogsmeade with you quickly
Harry: *nods* Let's go see Professor McGonagall then. *smiles and walks with him to her office* *knocks on the door*
McGonagall: Enter
Severus: *held Harry's hand again, not taking any chances*
Harry: *walks in, giving Severus' hand a squeeze just before they go* Professor, I need to speak with you please.
McGonagall: Yes, what can I do for you, Mr. Potter? *noticed Severus* And who is this child here?
Harry: Well I thought first I should introduce you to my new friend.
McGonagall: Really now? *went to the boy and knelt to Severus* Hello there. The name's Prof. Minerva McGonagall. What is your name?
Severus: Severus Snape
McGonagall: *blinked* What...?
Harry: There was a potions accident in class, Professor.
McGonagall: Oh *got the picture* Well, that explains it. So how long will the effects last?
Harry: We're not sure. But I also wanted to give you this. *hands her the note*
McGonagall: *took the note and read it* Mm, yes, I understand. Well, you may go. But don't stay out too long. Filch will close the gates around dinnertime
Harry: *nods* Thank you, ma'am.
Severus: Do we get to go, Harry?
Harry: *smiles* We sure do, kiddo. Hogsmeade awaits.
Severus: Yayy~! *pumped his arms up in the air, he looked almost too cute to be the Severus everyone knew*
Harry: *grins* Want a piggy back ride?
Severus: Yes, please! *blushed as he remembered his manners and toned down* If...that's OK with you
Harry: *blinked* Of course its alright, hon. I offered, didn't I? *kneels down so Severus can hop on*
Severus: *smiled and happily hopped onto Harry's back, carefully not to hug Harry's neck too tight*
Harry: *starts running towards the front gates, keeping a tight grip on Severus*
Severus: *held onto him, giggling as he felt the wind against his face*
Harry: *eventually stops* We're going to take a carriage, alright? *opens the door and helps him in*
Severus: *gets in but didnt sit down straightaway*
Harry: Is there something wrong? *asks as the carriage starts moving*
Severus: *blushed as he looked down at his feet* I...I...I wanna...sit on your lap *said those last words sheepishly and quietly*
Harry: Sure thing. *smiles and pulls him into his lap* C'mere you silly boy. *kisses the top of his head* Severus, I want you to listen to me. You can always ask me anything you want. Any where, any time, any thing. I will never be upset with you for asking, alright? *notices how Severus seems to be really shy about asking questions*
Severus: You...You promise? You won't yell at me and scold me for asking things that I shouldn't be asking or ask me to go away and dont waste your time and all...? *seeming to hint that this was what he had been through during his time with his parents*
Harry: *shakes his head* Never. And you are not now, nor ever a waste of anyone's time.
Severus: *smiled with a bit of tears in his eyes* I love you, Harry *hugs him*
Harry: *smiles* I love you too, Severus.
Severus: *gave him another kiss on his cheek and settled nicely on his lap all the way to Hogsmeade*
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