
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp

Friday, July 9, 2010

Kitty Pride-Chapter 6

*Months later...*

Tora: *he's reached the end of his pregnancy. is really REALLY huge and is about to pop at any moment* Oh man, my back

Jinbei: Tora, u should sit dwn. Dont move so much *was worried evr since it was almost near due date. His parents hv consented tht he continued to stay with Tora at his own home, n hv helped with the pregnancy often, bt Tateno still remains indifferent to them*

Tora: Damn it. *takes deep breathes, trying to manage through his heavy weight, his aching ankles, and his constant back pain*

Jinbei: Maybe u should lie dwn *guides Tora to the bedroom to lie dwn*

Tora: *lays up against the pillows on the bed, feeling a bit of relieved. As he did, he felt a sharp pain* Ooow

Jinbei: Tora? Koi, talk to me. Wht's wrong?

Tora: *Winces again, one hand on his stomach, soon a small puddle of water apppeared on his bed'

Jinbei: *gasped* Ur going into labour. I better call the midwife *made the call*

Tora: *Roars in pain, starting his lamaze breathing*

Jinbei: *takes Tora's hand* Its OK. I'm here, koi. Just breathe. The midwife will be here soon

Tora: I...*starts to cry* I can't hold them back...AAAH!! *Screams and roars8

Tora: Wht? Bt...Bt the midwife... *looks a little lost n panicked*

Tora: *Grabs him by his shirt* The twins are coming NOW!!!

Jinbei: O_O'''' O...OK...OK, koi. Calm dwn. I'll help u... *quickly went to remove Tora's pants n spread his legs* Umm...I guess u hv to push wen there's a contraction?

Tora: Of course I have to. Didn't you take med classes as electives? *moans as he pushes with a contraction*

Jinbei: I flunked out n took it out of electives. Cant blame me~! *sees him push n encouraged him* Tht's vry good, koi. Keep it coming

Tora: *grabs onto the bed, tears streaming down his face, screaming in pain as he pushed*

Jinbei: Ur doing vry good, koi. Ur doing good. Push harder! Push!

Tora: *Feels more pain as he feels the head of the first twin going down his birth canal*

Jinbei: *looks dwn* Our kitten is almost crowning now! C'mon, u can do it, koi. Ur almost there! * helps to pry the birth canal for the head to come out easier without tearing the canal*

Tora: AAAAH!!!! *screams in pain*

Jinbei: Easy, koi, easy. Almost...almost out *the head soon popped out of the canal* There ya go! The head is out! Keep pushing!

Tora: *takes deep breaths, trying not to overdo it*

Jinbei: *took the head* Nice n easy, koi. Ur doing reli good. Just a couple more pushes

Tora: *Starts push again, feeling the baby work further down and then...*

Jinbei: * pulled the rest of the baby out* There ya go! *smacked the baby's bk a few times to make him breathe before a loud ring of mewls echoed the room* Tora! Koi, look! Its our first one! Its a boy!

Tora: A...*gasp deeply* A boy? He a tiger or a lion?

Jinbei: *chked him, he had features of a lion bt stripes like a tiger* Err...both?

Tora: Heh...a liger

Jinbei: *took off his shirt n wrapped the baby up nice n warm, then passed the baby to Tora* Here u go, koi

Tora: *reaches out for his son, but feels another pain*

Jinbei: I think our other kitten wants out, koi

Tora: I can do this one

Jinbei: OK, koi. Whenevr ur ready

Tora: *Feels a contraction and pushes

Jinbei: Tht's vry good, koi. Nice n strong. Ur doing great, c'mon!

Tora: *concentrates his breathing and continues pushing8

Jinbei: *looks dwn* Its crowning faster now. C'mon, koi. U can do it *ready to take the head*

Tora: *breathes for a minutes and continues*

Jinbei: Almost, almost *the head soon popped out* There ya go! Ur almost there, koi. Keep it coming. Its almost out now

Tora: Cmon, baby...*winces, tears fall some more as he pushes on more time

Jinbei: *a few more gentle tugs n he pulled out the other twin* There we go! We've got another liger, koi. Its...Its a girl!

Tora: *lays on his back, exhausted*

Jinbei: *smacked the bk of the baby again, n soon she was breathing n crying loud mewls*

*by then, the midwife has finally arrived, n she quickly came to chk the baby's health n to cleaned them*

Jinbei: U did so well, koi. Great job *kissed his forehead ovr n ovr*

Tora: Thank you, Jinbei. *kisses him back*

Jinbei: I love u so much *kissed him* Oh, look at our kittens. They're so beautiful

Tora: *Sees the twins sleeping peacefully* Aya...Keiichi

Jinbei: Mm, yes, vry beautiful names. I love it

Tora: You like 'em?

Jinbei: Yeah. They suit them just nice. They're so beautiful. U did it, my love

Tora: Thanks Jinbei

Jinbei: *nuzzled him* I love u so much

Tora: I love you too *purrs*

Jinbei: *leans close to kiss Tora on the lips*

Tora: *kisses him back* *passes out from exhaustion*

*The phone rings*

Jinbei: *tucked Tora in before answering the phone* Hello, Stripes-Andou residence?

Ari: Dude!

Jinbei: Hey, Ari! Wht a pleasant surprise! Wassup?

Ari: Pretty good. Just got out of the shower. How's Tora?

Jinbei: Well...He just gave birth. Quite suddenly I might add. Bt our kittens r fine

Ari: O_O He popped already? How's he? What are the genders?

Jinbei: Tht's a crude way to put it, bt yeah. He's fine. Tired, bt fine. Sleeping right now. We got a pair, n they're both ligers

Ari: A liger? That's new to me

Jinbei: Yeah, who would've thunk. Bt yeah, its a liger. N they're reli precious

Ari: I'll be over in a couple hours

Jinbei: Cool. Err, mind giving Tora's sisters a ring for me too? I dont feel like calling them. I just wanna be with Tora's side right now

Ari: No prob, bro. Cya

Jinbei: Cya *hangs up n curled against Tora, watching their kittens sleeping beside him*

Ari: *dials the number and hopes she picks up*

Mai: *was at Miho's house wen the call came* Hello?

Ari: Hello, Mai?

Mai: Hey, Ari, right? Wassup?

Ari: Let's say, you and your sister are officially aunts

Mai: O_O Reli?? OMG, OMG, OMG~!!! Miho~!!! Tora just had his kitten~!!! *squealed on the phone*

Miho: Reli?? OMG~!!! *squeals as well*

Ari: Yep He had the twins

Miho: I wanna go see~!

Mai: Me too~! Are u going??

Ari: Sure am. I'll pick you two up on the way

Miho: Yay~! Cya then~! 8hangs up n quickly got ready with her sister*

Ari: *gets himself dried off and dressed8

Mai&Miho: *already outside waiting for Ari to arrive*

Ari: *heads out of his apartment and meets up with the sisters*

Mai: *sees teh car coming* He's here!

Miho: *went ovr there quickly*

Ari: *stops the car* Cmon girls!

*the girls ran n hopped into the car*

Ari: *puts the pedal to the metal, trying to get to Jin and Tora's place*

Mai & Miho: *squealed excitedly*


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