[the whole Roja family dozed off till late in the morning, n the nxt day, at the dining area, Thrax told the family his plan of moving to the Appendix]
Rodeo: Ehh? Honto deska? (Really) Honki desu ne? (Are u guys reli serious)
Thrax: Does it look like I'm joking to u guys? [gives them a deadpan look]
Edison ate his food silently, yawning to himself, still looking tired after Klepta had fucked him into a coma last night, barely paying attention to what was going on.
"Thrax said it'd be a good idea to lay low, so the spawns and... myself, can be safe, I still have a while to go and Thrax won't let me fight while I'm impregnated." Ozzy said, looking to Thrax with a slight pout.
Rouge: Sa, wakara masen desu ne (I understand), ur officially carrying a life inside u now, there's no telling if Big Mama would send ur pill friend to hurt u n the baby
Rodeo: Hai hai, u don't wanna end up like wat happened to Eddie-chan desho?
Klepta: [glared at the younger twin n threw a bread crumb at him, giving him a "Too soon, u idiot" look]
Edison unfortunately zoned back in at that moment and gave a saddened look, lowering his gaze to his food, remembering the pain he felt for his own stupidity of not telling someone he had a spawn inside him.
Ozzy sighed and reached out, rubbing Edison's back, looking over at him. "It's okay, Eddie, it's not your fault it happened." he told him, trying to sooth him.
Klepta: [glared at Rouge again] See wat u did? [threw a spoon at his head]
Rouge: Itaii~! Naniyate yo! (wat the hell)
Thrax: [massaged his temples, feeling a headache coming in frm their bickering] Guys, can we just focus for one second n come up with a plan on how to move out to the Appendix without being seen?
Rodeo: Ne, ur idea of traveling in the cover of darkness seems legit enough desu ne
"I'm sure Eddie here can do some research for us on the best route, maybe he can hack into the survellance to keep us from view?" Ozzy suggested as he looked to the others around the table, glancing to Edison who was prodding at his food.
Klepta: [fumed a bit at the younger twin, then turned to Edison, putting a hand on his comfortingly] Wat do u say, Eddie? U OK with doing tht?
Thrax: [quietly gazed at Edison, hoping he would give them a favourable answer; his mate n his spawn's life was at stake here]
Edison shifted, not looking up at them as he poked his food some more. "Hy guess... ist not too hard." he mumbled, worried about getting involved again, not wanting to get someone else killed.
Klepta: I'll help u out as well, OK? We can do this together [patted his hand gently]
Thrax: Then its settled then. We better get started with packing the trailer van with whatevr essentials we need
Rouge: Hai~ I'll help desho. U stay n watch Amber-chan and our futago-chan ne, Rodeo-chan?
Rodeo: Hai hai, u guys do ur thing then. The sooner we pack up, the less time we waste on figuring out wat we've forgotten desho
Edison sighed, pushing his plate away, not feeling very hungry anymore as he pushed his chair back and got up, deciding to go get his laptop so he could get started on playing around with his hacks.
Ozzy watched Edison leave, a worried look on his face before he looked to Klepta. "Is he going to be okay?"
Klepta: [sighed in frustration] Idiot Rouge had to hit a sore spot there. He's still sorta beating himself up abt it, n also abt Majah, bt he'll be fine with me ard. Excuse me [excused himself frm the table to go follow aftr Edison, n with Thrax n Rouge off to pack up the trailer van, only Rodeo, who is nursing the twins at the table, n Amber who is sitting on the high chair nomming her oatmeal, and Ozzy was left]
Rodeo: Ahh~ Tht was awkward desu ne...
Ozzy sighed and looked to Rodeo, shaking his head a little. "I think Rouge needs to learn what not to say." he mumbled and rubbed at his face, hoping that Edison would be okay, knowing that he would be still shaken up, hell, even he was still shook up from the vision that he saw from Edison's mind.
Rodeo: Ahaha, sa, tht's one of his biggest flaws. He's too outspoken for his own good. Got into a number of troubles during our travels to find Thrax ottoto-chan coz of his mouth desu ne~ [sees the twins done with nursing n hands one of them to Oz] Watashi o tasukete ne? (help me out) Burp Hikari for me?
Ozzy blinked a few times as he took the baby virus, biting his lip, unsure as he pulled them against his shoulder and began rubbing their back awkwardly. "Like this?" he asked, looking over at Rodeo.
Rodeo: Hai hai, just like tht, and rub and pat gently in intervals, sa, like this [demonstrated it to him, carrying Hikaru n resting her gently against his shoulder n patted her bk gently, rubbing it in btwn n made some gentle rocking up n dwn until the baby let out a loud burp]
Ozzy watched him for a moment, flushing awkwardly as he copied Rodeo, rubbing and patting the spawn's back before he jumped when it let out a huge burp. "Jeez..."
Rodeo: [giggled as he heard the burp] Sa, ur a natural, Oz to-chan. Ur gonna be a great oka-san (mom) wen ur little kodomo-chan (baby) is born [takes Hikari frm Oz n cradled them close, rocking them]
"A-ahah, I don't think I'm that good, just a stroke of luck." Ozzy said, grinning sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Rodeo: U'll nvr knw ne~ U might just be the perfect oka-san, or at least a much better one than the one we grew up with [sighed sadly, couldnt help it as his thought drifted bk to the dark times wen he n his twin/lover was with Big Mama]
"I won't ever be like her." Ozzy said, frowning as he reached out to rub Rodeo's shoulder. "You guys are safe now, with your real family."
Rodeo: Hai hai, n the sooner we get rid of her, the better off we will be, n we will hv real peace desu ne... [turned to Oz] U'll nvr leave our Thrax ottoto-chan, will u?
Ozzy blinked in surprise at the question, his cheeks warming up more as he looked away from the virus. "I... I haven't planned on it." he said, shifting in his seat.
Rodeo: Yokatta... I can't imagine how Thrax ottoto-chan would be if u left him. He can't hv another heartbreak again, not after that thing with his late ex desho...
"Ah, yeah..." Ozzy mumbled, lowering his head and sighing softly, playing with his hands in his lap.
Rodeo: [rocked till the babies r asleep, then tucks them in the baby cot tht they moved downstairs, then went to Ozzy n took his hands] Oz to-chan, I can't help but thinking u still got something on ur mind. U wanna talk abt it desu ne?
"Huh? Ah, nah, I'm fine. Just a little stressed from all this going on, you know?" Ozzy told him softly, sighing a little as he glanced up at him.
Rodeo: R u sure? Ur not having second thoughts about this baby, are u, Oz to-chan? [looked at him in concern]
"W-what? No, I..." Ozzy bit his lower lip, shifting under his gaze before he sighed and gave in. "I guess I might be a little nervous about it."
Rodeo: [leaned his forehead against the cell's, stroking his hands gently in a comforting manner] Sa, lay it on me, Oz to-chan. Wat r u nervous abt? U can vent it out, I knw u want to, desho
"I... I... I just never had thoughts about this, I never looked into being pregnant, I don't know what's going to happen to me. I thought I'd be the one impregnating some female cell, you know? Funny how things change. It's so weird, I never saw myself like this." Ozzy blurted out, unable to keep holdig it back.
Rodeo: Mmhmm, go on... [just lend a helping ear, not commenting on anything, just focusing on holding his hand to keep him calm n let him vent]
"Like, we had a rocky start, but... I guess I do love him, like for real and not just cause he kidnapped me... but being with spawn, it's just... so weird, like I'm not going to back out, I couldn't do that, not to Thrax, and not to the spawn, but... I don't know, I guess you could say... I'm anxious?" Ozzy admitted softly, biting hard on his own lip.
Rodeo: [smiled] Wakata yo, Oz to-chan. I knw exactly how u feel. Its perfectly normal to feel tht way. I felt the same wen we discovered I'm pregnant with Hikari n Hikaru. Worried tht it might not belong to Rouge-chan bcoz of the orgy, worried tht we might give birth to stillborns or deformed kodomo-chan bcoz of our genetics... Hai, I was anxious like u too...
"I... I still don't know how that happened, it's all such a blur and confusing, but... you seem so happy with being able to have your own children, I... I do worry for Eddie though, he might not be able to natural have another child again, because there was something... something I did that caused all this." Ozzy sighed and closed his eyes.
Rodeo: [takes Ozzy's cheeks n cradled them as he leaned his forehead against his again] Oz to-chan, no matter wat u did that made us this way, it's not ur fault, ne. U were still developing as a T-4 cell, ur DNA is bound to flake off sometimes n rub off on someone else while ur body adjusts to the changes. I don't blame u, ne, coz it's a blessing for both of us, having our own child. Eddie-chan will be fine, I'm sure whatever u rubbed off on us will stay on him as well, n he will hv his own kodomo-chan in no time. Why would u think he can't hv another desho?
Ozzy opened his eyes, looking up at the virus, reaching his hands up to rest over the top of Rodeo's, a weak smile on his face. "I... I thought it was like a one time thing, you know? Like happening in the heat of the moment?" he did his best to explain, sighing softly.
Rodeo: Honto da, it does sound like in the heat of the moment, [giggled at the pun] but still it happened. I'm sure any other time or place or situation, it would've happened either way, n think about it, if it was a one time thing, whatever u rubbed off on us n Eddie-chan would've been gone a long time, n yet Eddie-chan got knocked up during his heat, way after our orgy thing. Doesn't that mean something to u, Oz to-chan?
"I... I guess in a way... I infected you guys?" Ozzy said softly, looking to Rodeo, grinning sheepishly at him. "I guess I really am a virus after all."
Rodeo: [grinned bk at him] Half desu ne, half. T-4 cell is the best of both worlds. Ne, u think ur kodomo-chan is gonna be born a virus or a cell desu ne~? [his hand reached to stroke Oz's baby bump]
Ozzy hitched in surprise, not used ot anyone but Thrax touching his stomach, a bit defencive. "Maybe... maybe they'll look like a cell but have virus capabilities?" he suggested, smiling some as he looked down at his stomach.
Rodeo: Maybe, sa ne~? [nuzzled the baby bump] Who's gonna be the cutest lil kodomo-chan? Yes, u are, yes, u are...! But not as cute as MY futago-chan desu ne...! [giggled]
"Psh, my spawn will be way cuter." Ozzy teased back as he flushed, feeling the nuzzle against his stomach.
Rodeo: Yada! (nope) My futago-chan is THE most kawaii of all, nya ha ha~~ [laughed proudly, sticking his tongue out at Oz]
Ozzy stuck his tongue back out at him, huffing. "No way, you watch, my spawn will be the cutest little one out of all the spawns." he told him as a matter of fact, grinning at him.
Rodeo: [grinned bk at him] Sa, we shall hv to see then, don't we, ne, Oz to-chan~? [giggled as he pinched Oz's nose teasingly before he made his way to the kitchen to make himself a warm drink]
Ozzy gasped and huffed, rubbing his nose and pouting a little, before he slumped back and rubbed at his stomach, biting his lip a little. "I feel hungry..." he muttered, slowly getting up to head to the kitchen after Rodeo.
Rodeo: [was mixing his drink wen he saw Ozzy coming aftr him slowly] Oz to-chan? Daijobu? U look kinda... I dunno, sluggish desho?
"Huh? I'm okay, I'm just... hungry?" Ozzy said, sounding a little confused as he moved over to the fridge, routing through it, trying to find something that he could eat.
Rodeo: [felt like this scene was almost familiar, then saw the pot sitting on the bottom shelf of the fridge] Ah, tht is last night's miso soup for our udon dinner. U wanna hv tht, Oz to-chan?
Before Rodeo could even ask him, he was on his knees and devouring the soup, lifting the pot and downing the soup almost animalistically.
Rodeo: Ahh! Dame da, Oz to-chan, soup no samui ne~ (its cold soup) [was too late as he already started downing the soup] Arara... [had a bad feeling abt this]
Thrax: [heard the commotion n came to the kitchen] Wats wrong, Rodeo? Is Oz OK?
Rodeo: Define OK na no daa... [sweatdropped as he pointed at Oz kneeling in front of the fridge, wolfing dwn the soup like an animal]
Rouge: [peeks in to see as well n saw tht familiar sight] Ara iyada... (oh no)
Ozzy grunted and gulped down the fluids, growling at Rodeo when he tried to stop him, the look in his eyes changed to something different. It seemed the virus side of him was taking over and the hungry was increasing rapidly. When more people entered, he growled louder and clung to the pot, trying to swallow faster, ending up spilling some down himself.
Thrax: We need to leave, now
Rouge: De-Demo, Oz to-chan wa...
Thrax: His hunger is starting to settle in, n our place is compromised. And we are WAY out here in the boonies where the nxt food supply is forever away. We hv to leave now if we wanna make it to the Appendix n to a place where we can keep him secure n not eat us
Rodeo: H-Hai, ur right, ottoto-chan
Thrax: [called out to upstairs] Eddie! Klepta! Stop moping ard! We hv to go, NOW!!
It took a moment but Edison came down, laptop in hand, looking confused at the sudden urgency. "Vat is going on? Vhy da panic?" he asked before he jumped at the sound of the pot hitting the floor, looking over at the fridge where the feral Ozzy stood, growling, looking like a starved animal. "Uh... vat is wrong wit Ozzy?" he asked softly, stepping back, looking worried.
Klepta: [was right behind Edison n saw the same thing] Oh no... Here we go again. We'll hv to cancel the hacking n get moving, Eddie. Oz is now at his hunger phase, just like Rodeo did wen he was pregnant
Thrax: [sighed] I was hoping he would lean more towards cell gestation than this. U guys pack up whatever is left n get the trailer van ready. I'll handle this [comes slowly towards Oz, his hands slightly outstretched] Oz? Baby? It's me, Thrax, ur mate. Stay calm, OK? U hv to come with me
"Oh no, oh no oh no..." Edison said, shuffling to hide behind Klepta, his eyes widening as he peered around his brother, seeing how angry Ozzy looked before he shut his laptop and bolted for it.
Ozzy growled as Thrax came towards him, though his brows knitted together as he was spoken to, looking like he was calming down, though when Edison bolted out the kitchen, he growled, his insincts kicking in as he shot towards the virus.
Thrax: [gasped as he tried to grab Oz but missed] Rodeo! Rouge! Get him!!
Rouge&Rodeo: Hai~~!! [both of them pretty much tackled Oz, with Rodeo catching him from the bottom to cushion his fall lest he hit his belly on the hard cold floor n Rouge tackling his legs, holding him dwn] Shizuka ni shiro, Oz to-chan (quiet dwn)
Klepta: [captured Edison before he gone too far n hugged him tightly, keeping him from running] Nein, Nein, mein bruder, stop! Don't run! U will activate his fight or flight response! He'll see u as prey to catch. Calm dwn!
Ozzy gasped as he was suddenly knocked down, hissing and growling, struggling against the twins, his intinct to protect his spawn kicking in as he tried to claw at them, snapping his teeth at them to bite.
Edison panted hard, trembling in his brother's arms, his eyes widen exactly like the prey Ozzy saw him as. "H-Hy don't vant to get eaten!" came his panicked voice, remembering how Rodeo had been.
Klepta: Ur not going to get eaten. I won't let him. Its OK, I'm right here [held Edison close] Come, let them handle it. We better pack up the trailer van n get it ready
Rodeo&Rouge: Thrax ottoto-chan!! Hayaku~!! (hurry up) [both of them tried to keep their weight on Oz so as not to let him go, but also struggling to not get bitten n scratched by the now feral cell] He needs ur scent!!
Thrax: [moves slowly close to Oz, then reaches his hand tht had the killer claw towards Oz, stroking his cheek] Easy does it, mi bebe, easy does it. I'm right here. Its me, ur mate, ur Thrax, calm dwn... [flared up the killer claw just enough to let the cell feel the familiar heat, to make him remember his scent n his heat]
Edison shivered and looked up at Klepta, still looking worried, biting his lip. "V-Vat if Hy end up like dat?" he asked as he clung to the bigger virus' arm.
Ozzy's thrashing slowed down as that virus came closer, growling calming to a low rumble as he felt that claw, before he purred at the heat against his cheek, looking up at Thrax with a bit of a dazed look, though that hunger tried to push through.
Thrax: Its OK... Its OK, I'm right here [gestured the twins to let him go, n wen they did, he cradled the cell close to his chest] There, there... I'm right here... [uses eye contact to tell the twins to get something, anything, for Oz to munch on]
Klepta: Dont worry, if tht happens I won't let u hurt anyone. I'll be right here to keep an eye on u. Come on, lets not waste time [started to pack the last of things into the trailer van, bringing the pets n the children in as well n secured them in the nursery room inside the van to keep them occupied]
Ozzy almost cooed as Thrax took him into his arms, clinging onto him as he pressed closer, sniffing at him and purring, wanting to bite down on him but that cell side fought with the virus side.
Edison quickly got to work packing the van with Klepta, making sure he had all his equipment back in the van, dumping it on his bed for now before he came back out to check on Klepta. "Hy think ve got everything..."
Rodeo: [managed to dig out a few cereal boxes tht still had enough cereal in them n tossed it to Oz] Sa, I'll go chk on the kodomo-chan [went to the trailer van]
Rouge: I'll chk for any last min stuff, u gonna be OK, ottoto-chan?
Thrax: Yeah, I'll be fine as long as I keep him close to me [carries Oz to the trailer n chose the room at the vry end of the trailer van, holding Oz close so he wouldnt lash out at anyone n settled him dwn] U be good n eat ur cereal, alright? I'll get u some more food later [backed away slowly before getting out of the room n locked the door] Phew...
Klepta: [had just started the van] Is he gonna be OK in there?
Thrax: Yeah. I'll just hv to bunk here near the door n keep watch. Evrything ready?
Edison peered from the front of the van where he was sat with Klepta, laptop back on again, researching as he nervously looked at Thrax then the door. "Vont he get out of dere?" he asked, his spikes sticking out from various body parts with how anxious he was getting.
Thrax: Don't worry. I'll be here to keep an eye on him. His sense of smell should be slightly heightened, so he'll be able to recognize my scent n keep his compulsion at bay. Just hand me a futon n an extra blanket so I can camp out here
Rouge: [just jumped in] Haii~~ Everything all packed n accounted for! Ikimasho? (We going)
Klepta: Yup, we're going [took the wheel n started driving]
Edison set his laptop in his seat as he got up, moving around it before he moved to the cupboard and pulled things out for Thrax, handing them over almost nervously as he watched the door carefully and quickly shuffled back away from it. "Vat if he gets out?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the door.
Thrax: I'll be here to catch him, we'll all be here. Don't be such a scaredy cat, Eddie [rolled his eyes a little at Edison's fretting]
Klepta: He's right, u knw, Eddie, abt being there. We'll nvr let any harm come to either of us. Oz is not in his right mind now coz of the spawn, be kind to him. N it'll only be for a mth
Rouge: Hai hai, we can tough this out, ne~ Time will fly by super fast
Edison looked around at them all, but he didn't look convinced, making a face of displeasure as he moved back to the front of the van and climbed back in his seat. "Nein..."
Klepta: [sighed n shook his head weakly as he continued on driving to their destination]
Rouge: I'll go rummage the trailer van fridge to see if we got enough food, ne, Thrax ottoto-chan. U just stay put [went to the said fridge n started hunting]
Thrax: [just nodded n kept guard of the door, leaning his head against it, then noticed Nessie coming towards him] Hey, mutt. U shouldn't be here, u know? It's dangerous
The dog sniffed at Thrax before he looked to the door, sniffing around it, seeming to be able to smell the change of scent from Ozzy though there was suddenly a thud against the door, making Nessie go on guard and growl a little as Ozzy clawed from behind the door, trying to get out. "Nnn... Thrax..."
Thrax: [shushed Nessie n held him bk before leaning against the door] Baby? Baby, I'm here
Rouge: [just got bk with an armful of food, mouthed the words "Sa, meshi, dozo" n put it dwn quietly on Thrax's lap before leaving]
When that food was placed in Thrax's lap, Ozzy snarled from behind the door, banging against it, as if trying to break through it.
Edison jumped, peering back from around his chair, his eyes widening as he saw the door move with how hard Ozzy was banging against it.
Klepta: [turns at Edison's jump] Easy, easy, Eddie. Just ignore it. Thrax can deal with him. Just keep ur eyes on the road or on ur laptop. Pretend u didn't hear it
Thrax: Baby, baby, calm dwn. I'm going to open the door a little bit, OK? U stay put [waited till there was no sound frm inside before he manages to slowly open a crack on the door just enough to fit his hand with the food thru it n dump them all in one by one as quick as a flash before slamming it shut again, bolting it tight]
Edison whimpered before he looked back to his laptop, curling up as he did his work researching.
Ozzy was soon snarling again, eating the food right behind the door, the noises sounding grotesque.
Klepta: [reached dwn next to Edison's seat n fished out his headphones] Here, maybe this'll help u concentrate
Thrax: [cringed a little at the sound, but it was to be expected anyways, despite feeling a pang of sympathy pains in his heart for him] Easy does it, baby, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere
Edison blinked and looked over at him, slowly taking the headphones from him. He plugged them into his laptop and put them on his head, finding some music to listen to.
"Thrax..." came the gugled sound of the cell, before more chomping came from him.
Thrax: It's OK, baby. I'm still here. U won't go thru this alone, I promise [leaned his head against the door as he listened in to the chomping, knowing that at least he's OK n is eating]
Rouge: [peeked at them] Moh, I hope he doesn't become like Rodeo-chan na no daa. We're gonna attract a lot of attention in a countryside like the Appendix if he decides to hv an appetite for flesh desu ne...
Klepta: He's half a cell, I'm sure he'd stick to normal food. We'll just hv to try our best to provide his food anyway we can
Ozzy growled from behind the door as he heard Thrax before he whimpered and pawed at the door while trying to stuff his face at the same time, wanting the virus but his need to feed grew.
Thrax: Shh... I'm here, I'm here... [stroking the door as if he was stroking the cell himself in his attempt to comfort him]
The Fallen RP Refugee Camp
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Saturday, September 21, 2019
I Almost Said I Love You-Chapter 225
[meanwhile Thrax had just finished washing up n getting changed aftr tht impromptu burial of Majah, n he n Ozzy were now all cuddled together again in their blanket fort in front of the fire]
Thrax: [his arms ard Ozzy, his hands placed onto Oz's belly protectively as he stared into the fire in deep thought]
Ozzy rest against him, his hoodie pulled up from his belly, letting the heat of the fire warm the slight bulge in his belly, his own hand stroking over That's before he glanced up at him. "... You okay?" he asked softly, a worried look on his face.
Thrax: [doesnt reply for a moment, just staring at the fire as he held Ozzy closer. Then wat seemed like forevr he finally replied] Lets move outta here
"W-what?" Ozzy shifted to look at him properly, looking confused. "Where would we go?" he asked, reaching up to touch his face, stroking his cheek.
Thrax: [takes Oz's hand tht touched him n stroke it in turn] I'm not saying we're leaving the body. We still hv a war to fight, bt ur with child now, n I dont want to risk anything. Remember I said we can hv a temporary retreat? We can make our way to the appendix. We leave at the cover of darkness, before she can send in another spy to hunt us dwn. Rest by day n move by night until we reach there. Hide out there just until our spawn is born, then we can resume training to fight
"But..." Ozzy began, looking up at him before he glanced off to the rooms where everyone were in the cabin, biting his lip. "What about your family? Our family?" he would feel bad to just up and leave them now, since they had bonded and been through so much.
Thrax: [chuckled a little] Of course I'm not going to leave them behind, mi loco bebe. I meant all of us, Klepta, Eddie, the twins, the kids, Nessie, Chico, all of them. Eddie is still a little vulnerable frm the attack today as well as his miscarriage, n Rodeo n Rouge r prolly still hving their hands full trying to cope with a toddler n two tiny spawns, so a little dwntime retreat would do them good. Wat? U think aftr being separated for all these yrs, I'm gonna just up n leave them? [chuckled again]
Ozzy sighed in relief when he explained himself, slumping back against him and closed his eyes, moving his hand back down to his warm stomach, stroking the little bulge. "You had me worrying then..." he mumbled, opening his eyes to look to the fire. "So... we would put our fight on hold? Until I've given... birth." it still sounded weird for him to say, he never thought in his life he would get pregnant, he always thought he'd be impregnating.
Thrax: [nodded n cradled him close] Si, mi bebe. Until our little bebe is born [stroking the baby bump on Oz's middle] Then with a bit of recuperation, we can get things bk on track. I plan to tell evryone tomorrow, I just thought u'd need to knw first [kissed his forehead affectionately, purring, already starting to be protective n nurturing as his viral instinct as a parent taking ovr]
Ozzy sighed and shifted in his arms, looking down at their hands on his stomach, still so small but getting more obvious, he definitely didn't look skinny anymore. "Do you think we can make it?" he asked, stroking his hand over Thrax's arm, looking up at him, biting his lip as he leaned in, breathing in deeply. He didn't know why but Thrax had been smelling so much nicer recently.
Thrax: Make it? For wat? Make it to the appendix or make it as a parent? [noticed that Oz was breathing him in but doesn't say anything, just allowing him to do whatever he wanted]
"To the Appendix... she seems to have spies everywhere." Ozzy mumbled, shifting in his arms to roll over slowly, pressing his face into his chest and breathing in his scent, a slight purr leaving him as a little flush crossed his nose and cheeks. He had to keep calm, they were out in the open and he was pregnant, he couldn't just molest the virus.
Thrax: I'm sure her reach wouldn't be as far as the Appendix. It's out in the boonies n no one would go there unless u fancy the country life. If she does hv spies, we'll just hv to deal with it wen they come, but I hv a strong feeling that for now, Drix is her only spy at the moment [felt Oz being rather handsy n clingy with him] Well someone looks like he's feeling a little hot n bothered there?
"Mmm... hopefully... nnn... too bad I'm pregnant... or I would find him and find out what the hell he's playing at..." Ozzy mumbled, his eyes lidding as he breathed in more of his mate's scent, a hand sliding up to grope at his chest, flushing more as he soon peeked up at him. "H-huh?" he mumbled before his face grew hotter, pulling back a little. "I... sorry, you just smell so good..."
Thrax: Hmm, must be ur hormones acting up. I heard that pregnant ppl usually became extra sensitive on all aspects, as such extra horny [smirked deviously] Would u like to test out tht theory? [his hands reached to stroke Ozzy's hips, sensually running his fingers up n dwn the cell's thigh]
Ozzy hitched softly, feeling the fingers travel up his thigh, making him shiver and arch a little, though pressed closer to his hand. "Nnn... but someone might come out and see us..."
Thrax: So? Let them see, its not like they havent seen us nude before. Remember our orgy bk then? [chuckled at the cell's flushed face] I'm just teasing u. We're underneath the blanket, no one is gonna see. All we need is to just stop moving if someone shows up n they'll think we're asleep, easy peasy [his claws ghosting ard the cell's groin, his mouth busy leaving lovebites on his tender neck]
Ozzy gasped out as he jerked, flushing more as he felt the those lips at his neck, clinging to the virus as he could't help but groan when those claws teased him through his comfortable sweatpants. "Nnn... Thrax..." he breathed out, starting to harden against the teasing.
Thrax: Mmm... Mi bebe... [his hands slowly roamed underneath Oz's shirt to feel the cell's membrane in his hands, his fingers brushing against the baby bump tht made him purr, carrying on laying lovebites on Oz's neck, going lower to his shoulders n on his bk] Te quiero, mi bebe... [whispered those sweet nothings as one of his hands went lower to rub Oz's groin]
Ozzy hitched, arching into his hand, feeling it slide up his body, making him shiver and moan softly, his sweatpants starting to tent with his arousal, his face heating up more, "Nnn... I-I love you..." he groaned out to him, before he gasped and bucked, feeling the hand brush his length more fully.
Thrax: [kept on kissing ard Oz's neck n shoulders as he slowly pulled Oz's pants dwn to break the cell's hard on free, then his hand snaked towards it n slowly stroke it up n dwn, tho frm the outside, with those two wrapped up in their blanket fort, no one would suspect they're doing more than just making out]
Ozzy moaned softly as those kisses continued, making him shudder and arch before he gasped, flushing as he felt his sweats being tugged down, flushing as he could feel his cock spring out, making him groan before his hand tightened on Thrax's strong arm, whimpering softly as he was stroked, making him buck slightly, trying not to draw attention to them.
Thrax: [leans in to kiss Ozzy on the lips to try n help him muffle his voice as he continued to stroke him nice n long n slow, his claw occasionally teasing his balls n his thumb rubbing against the head of his cock, his other arm holding the cell in embrace close to his chest, doing the tongue dance they both were so familiar at]
Ozzy whimpered against his lips, bucking again into the teasing strokes, his tongue slowly rubbing back against the virus's with a moan, his scent driving him wild as he slipped his free hand down, groping the impressive virus though his pants, eyes lidding before closing as he let out a muffled moan.
Thrax: [his breath hitched a bit at the grope on his groin, then smirked n whispered into the cell's ear in tht familiar dangerous tone he knew he'd go crazy ovr] Go ahead, take it out. Show me how much u want me [releases his hold on Oz so he has more room to move]
Ozzy shuddered against him at that dark voice, his cheeks warming more, whimpering when he let go of him, shivering before he reached both hands down, slowly tugging down the virus' pants, glancing down with a hitch. God he still couldn't get over how big he was. Reaching down with both hands, curling them around his length as he began to stroke him, feeling him, biting his lip as he gave a longing look.
Thrax: [noticed that look n grinned] U wanna hv a taste of that man meat, ain't ya, mi bebe? Go ahead [lowered his voice to that "tone" at his ear] U know u want to [his hand increasing the pace of his strokes on the cell's own manhood]
Ozzy gasps and shivered, throbbing against his hand when he spoke in that voice, a whine escaping him, his face heating up even more before he couldn't help himself and slid his way down his body, whimpering as that strong, musky scent filled his nose. He nuzzled at the length, peeking up at Thrax with an adorable submissive look as he stroked his tongue up the underside of his length.
Thrax: [hissed in pleasure as he felt Ozzy's tongue on his cock, his hand gently gripped at the cell's hair, stroking it. He almost blushed seeing Ozzy in tht submissive look, feeling like he could just orgasm from tht alone, but maintained a bit of his composure as his free hands leaned forward to rub n squeeze Ozzy's ass]
Ozzy flushed before he gasped as he felt the hand on his ass, making him squirm, lifting his hips up into the hand. He continued to lick around the virus' cock before he opened his mouth and pressed his head down onto his length, moaning around him as his mouth was filled, feeling the ridges against his tongue, hands clinging to the virus, looking so adorable with his mouth stretched around him.
Thrax: [hummed at the feeling of Oz's wet mouth ard his cock] Mmhh... Yes, mi bebe, take me as much as u can, taste my man meat, u know u love it [one hand reached to stroke the cell's hair while his other hand continued to squeeze his ass]
Ozzy whimpered around him, aroused by his scent and taste, hands kneading at his hips as he took him deeper into his mouth, gagging softly as he felt the tip push into his throat, making him swallow hard around him. Groaning, he squirmed his hips, raising on his knees as he began to bob his head over his length, suckling long and hard as he moved over him, drooling around him, watching him with need and want.
Thrax: [hissed as the cell started bobbing up n dwn his length, almost thrusting a bit wen he felt the tip of his cock hit the cell's throat, his fingers continue to run dwn his hair as he purred in tht "tone"] Looks like someone here is eager. U want my cock inside u, don't u, mi bebe? U want more than just having it in ur mouth, dontcha?
Ozzy slowly pulled off him after bobbing a bit, panting and drooling, looking up at the virus with need, lips swollen, his growing chest visible as the collar of his hoodie sagged down. "A-ah, Thrax... B-breed me..." he moaned out at him, leaning down, watching him as he suckled at his wet tip.
Thrax: [blushed a bit more than he should at tht sight, pulling Oz to a close embrace, his claws ghosting at the baby bump, the little miracle they both created n smiled with his lips close to the cell's] Ur technically already bred, bt if tht is wat u want [captured Oz's lips into his as he had his hands guiding the cell's hips until Oz was straddling him, then gently moved his ass until it was aimed at his cock] Brace urself, mi bebe [slowly lowered Oz dwn his cock, letting him feel evry ridge as it filled the cell's wanton ass, plucking at his insides]
Ozzy gasped as he was lifted up his body so easily, whining as he's body rubbed against him, cock twitching at the friction. He easily straddled him, flushing as that hand brushed the little bump, moaning when lips pressed against his own before a loud whine escaped him, feeling the thick, long cock push into his ass, making him stretch and clench around him. "Mmmgh! D-don't be gentle..." he hitched out, clinging onto his shirt.
Thrax: [purred in his kisses as he felt Oz's inner walls surrounding his cock, loving the tight feel of it, tho it still amazes him how tight the cell is despite the fact tht he had ravaged him on a daily basis before all this fiasco happened] Mmm... Sorry, mi bebe, no can do... I hv to be careful for this [stroke Oz's baby bump] Bt dont worry, I'll go as hard as I'm allowed to without hurting our little bebe here, but first u want me, ur gonna hv to work for it [placed his hands on Oz's hips, squeezing them gently to get him moving]
Ozzy whimpered when he was told off, wanting him to ravage him, take control and have his way with him. Ugh, he was so needy. "P-please..." he whimpered cutely at him before he hitched, flushing as he was told to work for it. Clinging onto him, he began to move his hips, rocking them back and forth slowly, even though he was needy as all hell it still embarrassed him to ride the virus, especially when he could see everything of him. Though he tried to take control and reached down, pulling up the front of his hoodie to expose that bump and his cute little breasts, his nipples rock hard and leaking slightly.
Thrax: [mildly surprised to see Ozzy already sporting breasts. They weren't big, not even as big as an A-sized cups since he was probably still developing them, but he was definitely showing signs of lactating] Well, well, well, wat do we hv here? Ur body seems to be working fast to accommodate our little bebe [licked his lips n leaned forward to taste the leaking nubs] Mmm, an acquired taste there [started sucking at it gently while his hands roamed ard the baby bump, gently stroking it as he purred, feeling Oz's inner walls tightened ard his cock n his ass bobbing up n dwn his length so needily]
Ozzy panted and shivered, flushing deeply as Thrax took in his body, rocking Moreton his hips, feeling that thick cock slide in and out of his ass, moaning loudly. "D-do you still like my body?" he asked softly before he gasped out, feeling Thrax suckling at his teat, making him mewl out loud and bounce down on him harder, the suckling making him clench tighter around him.
Thrax: [barely heard tht question as he was savouring the taste of his lover while the cell rode him, but he heard him nonetheless] Mmm yes, I will always love ur body, no matter how much u change... [captured Ozzy's nipples again as he spoke btwn sucking] Te quiero, mi bebe... Te quiero... [gently, without releasing his oral hold on Ozzy's nipples, pushed Oz dwn onto the carpet floor of the living room n started thrusting in n out of him, slowly n steadily, expertly finding the cell's prostate n hitting it]
Ozzy whined out as he clung to the virus, feeling him suckling more at his tit, making him ride hard. Though, when Thrax pushed forward he gasped out, jerking under him as he lay on his back, moaning out loud before he reached up to cover his mouth to keep quiet. "Nnn... M-more!"
Thrax: [smirked at him n was abt to pick up the pace wen he heard a loud yawn n footsteps coming dwn the stairs, n he froze for a moment before he lay dwn, trying not to put his whole weight on Oz as he hushed the cell, telling him to stay still]
Ozzy hitched and trembled under Thrax, clinging to him, his breathing heavy, trying to calm his racing heart. Crap, he knew this was a bad idea, but Thrax smelled so good, and now he was pressed against him, that dark, musky scent over powered him, causing him to bite down at his chest, muffling a whimper.
[the owner of those noises were none other than Rodeo, yawning as he went dwn to the fridge to get the pumped milk tht was kept there]
Rodeo: Yokatta ne~ (Thank goodness) [takes out a couple of bottles to warm it up] Mada ikutsu ka no miruku ga nokotte imasu. Ehh? Karera wa nemutte imasu ka? (We still hv some milk left. Ehh? Are they asleep?) [turned to look at Thrax and Oz in their blanket fort]
Thrax: [stayed still, closing his eyes, pretending to be asleep, but secretly stole a few thrusts into Oz just to tease him, the head of his cock barely touching his prostate]
Ozzy tried his best to keep still when he heard Rodeo across the way in the kitchen, panting around the bite of Thrax he had in his mouth, hands fisted in his shirt. Though, when the virus began to thrust into him, he hitched and arched under him, Thrax's larger body hiding any movement as he bit harder, walls clenching so tight around him, the cell's body trembling under his as he drooled heavily on him, stifling whimpers against his chest.
Thrax: [winced at the bite, bt he was pretty used to pain at this point as he carried on sneaking a few thrusts, still keeping his eyes closed as he waited for Rodeo to be done with his thing]
Rodeo: [hears the beep of the milk warmer machine n took the bottles] Eddie-chan no tame ni yokatta. Kare ga junyū-chūdenakereba, watashi wa 2-ri no ueta sanran to mazushī yōji ni kyūji suru koto o nanimoshinai (Thank goodness for Eddie. If he wasn't lactating, I dunno what I'd do with feeding two hungry spawns and a needy toddler) [walked past them, stealing a look at the couple] Mataku, Karera wa soko o nemutte iru karera no shi o kyatchi suru tsumorida (Geez, they're gonna catch their death sleeping over there) [shrugged n went bk upstairs, his footsteps further n further until a silent slam of the door reassured them he was gone]
Ozzy shook and withered under the male virus, clawing at him as he felt those thrusts, making him clench tighter, straining to keep quiet, his mind going numb, his body so hot, his teats starting to leak more as the rubbed against Thrax, the pleasure making him lactate more. He couldn't hold it anymore, as the door slammed shut, Ozzy whimpered and whined loudly against the virus, bucking against him hard, unable to take much more as he tried to ride on him.
Thrax: [opened his eyes once the door slammed shut, then chuckled darkly at Oz's reaction, feeling his inner walls clenching tight ard him n his hips bucking against him] Well, someone is RELI needy, ain't it? Those hormones are definitely working ovrtime on ur body, eh, mi bebe? [doesnt move anymore, bt doesnt stop the cell frm bucking against him either]
"A-ahnnn!" Ozzy full on mewled at him, looking up at him with lidded eyes, once blue face now tinged red and purple with his deeply flush, his mouth open in heavy pants, legs bending up as he fucked himself on his mate's cock, hands falling beside is head, looking insatiable.
Thrax: [chuckled darkly again as he placed his hands on Ozzy's hips to stop him frm moving] My needy, needy little bebe, here I come... [leans dwn to start kissing Oz's neck again, leaving more lovebites as he finally started moving, slightly faster n harder than he did previously, jabbing the prostate accurately]
Ozzy whimpered out as his hips were stopped, making him tremble hard under him, looking up at him pleadingly. When he began to move his hips, he whined out loud and arched, milky chest and baby belly pressing up against him as he mewled, clawing at the floor, wishing so much he'd be rough with him, craving the big bad virus.
Thrax: [hissed at the tightness ard him, he so wish to plow the cell to the ground, take him mercilessly like he always does, bt he had to remind himself tht his little cell's is carrying his spawn now, n he didnt want to hurt it, so he only increased his pace just a bit as he continued to leave lovebites ard the cell's body, evn some on the cell's leaking chest, licking up his milk at the same time] Mmm... Definitely an acquired taste. Our little bebe will be so fat n well fed frm this
Ozzy sobbed and mewled, desperate for the virus to take him roughly and slam Jim into the floor. He gasped and arched, feeling the love bites over his body, making him mewl out loud, clawing at the virus, his body withering under his, tensing every so often. "A-ah~ D-do you like my milk, does it taste good?" he whined at him, arching up into him, the sucking bringing more milk out.
Thrax: [hummed his approval as he sucked on them, running circles ard the nipples to turn him on more as he kept at tht pace, occasionally switching sides n has his fingers teasing the free nipple wen he's sucking on the other as his cock, while not as hard as the cell hoped, hit his prostate dead on]
Ozzy whimpered and mewled out at him, shuddering at the attention to his sensitive nipples, arching up more into him, shuddering as his flush spread over his body, his cock throbbing and leaking onto his baby belly, unable to catch his breath. "Th-Thrax!" he cried out as the virus hit that delicious spot dead on, making him clench and wither, clawing more as his head spun and eyes rolled back.
Thrax: [increased his pace as much as he dared, pretty much abusing tht spot as he carried on paying a lot of attention to the cell's tiny breasts, tasting him n licking him, leaving lovebites everywhere, evn biting dwn onto his membrane mostly ard his shoulder, leaving a bruised bitemark without drawing blood, the familiar tightening in his own groin started coming in, bt tries to hold bk to let his lovely mate enjoy him more]
Ozzy cried out at eat bite and slam, his head falling back, his voice cracking, becoming high as Thrax abused his hole and body, not able to take much more. With a few more of those slams into his body, he arched sharply and cried out, clawing at the floor as he jerked up, spilling his seed between the two of them.
Thrax: [hissed at the tight clench ard his cock n quickly pulled out, coming all ovr Ozzy's baby bump, mixing his essence with the cell's in a hot mess, panting hard as he groaned out in pleasure at the last of his orgasms, then slowly leaning dwn to take a few last licks on the leaking nipples before laying nxt to him, cradling Oz's head against his arm in the crook of his neck] Mmhh... Tht was amazing, mi bebe. U were amazing... [kissed his forehead]
Ozzy gasped and panted heavily, shuddering and groaning softly, slumping against Thrax as he was pulled into his arms, his eyes fluttering closed, trembling against him. "Nnn... Thrax..." he groaned out at him, nuzzling into him, his body feeling so hot and jittery.
Thrax: [nuzzled him n purred against his ears to lull him] U rest, mi bebe. I'll clean us both up [gives another kiss on his forehead before gently picking Oz up bridal style, the blanket still wrapped up snugly ard them n made his way upstairs into their room. Once inside, he lit the fire of their indoor fireplace, prepared a basin of warm water n slowly gave Oz a spit bath]
Ozzy flushed as he was lifted up, snuggling deep into his warm body and breathing in his scent, giving a little purr, closing his eyes and letting Thrax move him around, shivering as he felt himself being washed up. "Mmm..." he sighed and cracked an eye open to watch him.
Thrax: [sees him stirring n smiled as he did the last of the spit bath] Hey there, u feeling alright, baby? [continues to dry him n helped him with his jammies]
"I think I'm done..." Ozzy mumbled as he looked up at his mate, giving a soft yawn, his sudden burst of energy now drained after their romp, letting the virus dry him and dress him, snuggling into him again.
Thrax: [chuckles] Aww, n I was having so much fun with u being the needy one for once [cleaned himself up n got dressed in his own jammies, then crawled into bed n cuddled up against him] Ur hormones must be reli acting up. Maybe I should knock u up more often [chuckled mischievously at his joke]
"Mmm... maybe later... it's been a long day." Ozzy mumbled as he was put into bed, instantly snuggling up to Thrax, hooking his leg over him to get comfortable, feeling better with something between his legs before he peeked up at the cheeky virus and huffed. "I haven't even had one kid yet, now you're thinking of more?" he mumbled and nuzzled into his chest, purring at his smell.
Thrax: Well, a virus can dream, can't he? [chuckled at how cutely the cell nuzzled n purred against his chest, then gently stroke his hair] So... U hoping our spawn will be a boy or a girl?
"Mmm, I think I would like a boy... much easier to handle." Ozzy mumbled to him, nuzzling his chest, kissing at him even though he had a shirt on now, stroking his hand over his side, just feeling so affectionate now.
Thrax: Well that is a surprise. I thought with all the sausage fest going on here in this family, u would want to hv a girl [kept stroke his hair, combing his claw gently thru the silky yet squishy strands as he breathed in the cell's scent as well, enjoying the double scent frm both his mate n his spawn inside him]
"Nice, Thrax..." Ozzy scoffed at his choice of words, rolling his eyes at him as he snuggled closer, enjoying the warmth of the room and his mate, feeling so much more comfortable now that they were in bed.
Thrax: Well, regardless of wat our spawn is, as long as it's healthy, I'm OK with it. I'll be right by ur side wen the due date comes, don't u worry... [purred as he slowly drifted off to sleep, the afterglow starting to lull him]
"Yeah..." Ozzy mumbled to him and buried deeper in his arms, snuggling the blankets tighter around him, craving the warmth as he found himself drifting off to sleep in Thrax's arms soundlessly.
Thrax: [his arms ard Ozzy, his hands placed onto Oz's belly protectively as he stared into the fire in deep thought]
Ozzy rest against him, his hoodie pulled up from his belly, letting the heat of the fire warm the slight bulge in his belly, his own hand stroking over That's before he glanced up at him. "... You okay?" he asked softly, a worried look on his face.
Thrax: [doesnt reply for a moment, just staring at the fire as he held Ozzy closer. Then wat seemed like forevr he finally replied] Lets move outta here
"W-what?" Ozzy shifted to look at him properly, looking confused. "Where would we go?" he asked, reaching up to touch his face, stroking his cheek.
Thrax: [takes Oz's hand tht touched him n stroke it in turn] I'm not saying we're leaving the body. We still hv a war to fight, bt ur with child now, n I dont want to risk anything. Remember I said we can hv a temporary retreat? We can make our way to the appendix. We leave at the cover of darkness, before she can send in another spy to hunt us dwn. Rest by day n move by night until we reach there. Hide out there just until our spawn is born, then we can resume training to fight
"But..." Ozzy began, looking up at him before he glanced off to the rooms where everyone were in the cabin, biting his lip. "What about your family? Our family?" he would feel bad to just up and leave them now, since they had bonded and been through so much.
Thrax: [chuckled a little] Of course I'm not going to leave them behind, mi loco bebe. I meant all of us, Klepta, Eddie, the twins, the kids, Nessie, Chico, all of them. Eddie is still a little vulnerable frm the attack today as well as his miscarriage, n Rodeo n Rouge r prolly still hving their hands full trying to cope with a toddler n two tiny spawns, so a little dwntime retreat would do them good. Wat? U think aftr being separated for all these yrs, I'm gonna just up n leave them? [chuckled again]
Ozzy sighed in relief when he explained himself, slumping back against him and closed his eyes, moving his hand back down to his warm stomach, stroking the little bulge. "You had me worrying then..." he mumbled, opening his eyes to look to the fire. "So... we would put our fight on hold? Until I've given... birth." it still sounded weird for him to say, he never thought in his life he would get pregnant, he always thought he'd be impregnating.
Thrax: [nodded n cradled him close] Si, mi bebe. Until our little bebe is born [stroking the baby bump on Oz's middle] Then with a bit of recuperation, we can get things bk on track. I plan to tell evryone tomorrow, I just thought u'd need to knw first [kissed his forehead affectionately, purring, already starting to be protective n nurturing as his viral instinct as a parent taking ovr]
Ozzy sighed and shifted in his arms, looking down at their hands on his stomach, still so small but getting more obvious, he definitely didn't look skinny anymore. "Do you think we can make it?" he asked, stroking his hand over Thrax's arm, looking up at him, biting his lip as he leaned in, breathing in deeply. He didn't know why but Thrax had been smelling so much nicer recently.
Thrax: Make it? For wat? Make it to the appendix or make it as a parent? [noticed that Oz was breathing him in but doesn't say anything, just allowing him to do whatever he wanted]
"To the Appendix... she seems to have spies everywhere." Ozzy mumbled, shifting in his arms to roll over slowly, pressing his face into his chest and breathing in his scent, a slight purr leaving him as a little flush crossed his nose and cheeks. He had to keep calm, they were out in the open and he was pregnant, he couldn't just molest the virus.
Thrax: I'm sure her reach wouldn't be as far as the Appendix. It's out in the boonies n no one would go there unless u fancy the country life. If she does hv spies, we'll just hv to deal with it wen they come, but I hv a strong feeling that for now, Drix is her only spy at the moment [felt Oz being rather handsy n clingy with him] Well someone looks like he's feeling a little hot n bothered there?
"Mmm... hopefully... nnn... too bad I'm pregnant... or I would find him and find out what the hell he's playing at..." Ozzy mumbled, his eyes lidding as he breathed in more of his mate's scent, a hand sliding up to grope at his chest, flushing more as he soon peeked up at him. "H-huh?" he mumbled before his face grew hotter, pulling back a little. "I... sorry, you just smell so good..."
Thrax: Hmm, must be ur hormones acting up. I heard that pregnant ppl usually became extra sensitive on all aspects, as such extra horny [smirked deviously] Would u like to test out tht theory? [his hands reached to stroke Ozzy's hips, sensually running his fingers up n dwn the cell's thigh]
Ozzy hitched softly, feeling the fingers travel up his thigh, making him shiver and arch a little, though pressed closer to his hand. "Nnn... but someone might come out and see us..."
Thrax: So? Let them see, its not like they havent seen us nude before. Remember our orgy bk then? [chuckled at the cell's flushed face] I'm just teasing u. We're underneath the blanket, no one is gonna see. All we need is to just stop moving if someone shows up n they'll think we're asleep, easy peasy [his claws ghosting ard the cell's groin, his mouth busy leaving lovebites on his tender neck]
Ozzy gasped out as he jerked, flushing more as he felt the those lips at his neck, clinging to the virus as he could't help but groan when those claws teased him through his comfortable sweatpants. "Nnn... Thrax..." he breathed out, starting to harden against the teasing.
Thrax: Mmm... Mi bebe... [his hands slowly roamed underneath Oz's shirt to feel the cell's membrane in his hands, his fingers brushing against the baby bump tht made him purr, carrying on laying lovebites on Oz's neck, going lower to his shoulders n on his bk] Te quiero, mi bebe... [whispered those sweet nothings as one of his hands went lower to rub Oz's groin]
Ozzy hitched, arching into his hand, feeling it slide up his body, making him shiver and moan softly, his sweatpants starting to tent with his arousal, his face heating up more, "Nnn... I-I love you..." he groaned out to him, before he gasped and bucked, feeling the hand brush his length more fully.
Thrax: [kept on kissing ard Oz's neck n shoulders as he slowly pulled Oz's pants dwn to break the cell's hard on free, then his hand snaked towards it n slowly stroke it up n dwn, tho frm the outside, with those two wrapped up in their blanket fort, no one would suspect they're doing more than just making out]
Ozzy moaned softly as those kisses continued, making him shudder and arch before he gasped, flushing as he felt his sweats being tugged down, flushing as he could feel his cock spring out, making him groan before his hand tightened on Thrax's strong arm, whimpering softly as he was stroked, making him buck slightly, trying not to draw attention to them.
Thrax: [leans in to kiss Ozzy on the lips to try n help him muffle his voice as he continued to stroke him nice n long n slow, his claw occasionally teasing his balls n his thumb rubbing against the head of his cock, his other arm holding the cell in embrace close to his chest, doing the tongue dance they both were so familiar at]
Ozzy whimpered against his lips, bucking again into the teasing strokes, his tongue slowly rubbing back against the virus's with a moan, his scent driving him wild as he slipped his free hand down, groping the impressive virus though his pants, eyes lidding before closing as he let out a muffled moan.
Thrax: [his breath hitched a bit at the grope on his groin, then smirked n whispered into the cell's ear in tht familiar dangerous tone he knew he'd go crazy ovr] Go ahead, take it out. Show me how much u want me [releases his hold on Oz so he has more room to move]
Ozzy shuddered against him at that dark voice, his cheeks warming more, whimpering when he let go of him, shivering before he reached both hands down, slowly tugging down the virus' pants, glancing down with a hitch. God he still couldn't get over how big he was. Reaching down with both hands, curling them around his length as he began to stroke him, feeling him, biting his lip as he gave a longing look.
Thrax: [noticed that look n grinned] U wanna hv a taste of that man meat, ain't ya, mi bebe? Go ahead [lowered his voice to that "tone" at his ear] U know u want to [his hand increasing the pace of his strokes on the cell's own manhood]
Ozzy gasps and shivered, throbbing against his hand when he spoke in that voice, a whine escaping him, his face heating up even more before he couldn't help himself and slid his way down his body, whimpering as that strong, musky scent filled his nose. He nuzzled at the length, peeking up at Thrax with an adorable submissive look as he stroked his tongue up the underside of his length.
Thrax: [hissed in pleasure as he felt Ozzy's tongue on his cock, his hand gently gripped at the cell's hair, stroking it. He almost blushed seeing Ozzy in tht submissive look, feeling like he could just orgasm from tht alone, but maintained a bit of his composure as his free hands leaned forward to rub n squeeze Ozzy's ass]
Ozzy flushed before he gasped as he felt the hand on his ass, making him squirm, lifting his hips up into the hand. He continued to lick around the virus' cock before he opened his mouth and pressed his head down onto his length, moaning around him as his mouth was filled, feeling the ridges against his tongue, hands clinging to the virus, looking so adorable with his mouth stretched around him.
Thrax: [hummed at the feeling of Oz's wet mouth ard his cock] Mmhh... Yes, mi bebe, take me as much as u can, taste my man meat, u know u love it [one hand reached to stroke the cell's hair while his other hand continued to squeeze his ass]
Ozzy whimpered around him, aroused by his scent and taste, hands kneading at his hips as he took him deeper into his mouth, gagging softly as he felt the tip push into his throat, making him swallow hard around him. Groaning, he squirmed his hips, raising on his knees as he began to bob his head over his length, suckling long and hard as he moved over him, drooling around him, watching him with need and want.
Thrax: [hissed as the cell started bobbing up n dwn his length, almost thrusting a bit wen he felt the tip of his cock hit the cell's throat, his fingers continue to run dwn his hair as he purred in tht "tone"] Looks like someone here is eager. U want my cock inside u, don't u, mi bebe? U want more than just having it in ur mouth, dontcha?
Ozzy slowly pulled off him after bobbing a bit, panting and drooling, looking up at the virus with need, lips swollen, his growing chest visible as the collar of his hoodie sagged down. "A-ah, Thrax... B-breed me..." he moaned out at him, leaning down, watching him as he suckled at his wet tip.
Thrax: [blushed a bit more than he should at tht sight, pulling Oz to a close embrace, his claws ghosting at the baby bump, the little miracle they both created n smiled with his lips close to the cell's] Ur technically already bred, bt if tht is wat u want [captured Oz's lips into his as he had his hands guiding the cell's hips until Oz was straddling him, then gently moved his ass until it was aimed at his cock] Brace urself, mi bebe [slowly lowered Oz dwn his cock, letting him feel evry ridge as it filled the cell's wanton ass, plucking at his insides]
Ozzy gasped as he was lifted up his body so easily, whining as he's body rubbed against him, cock twitching at the friction. He easily straddled him, flushing as that hand brushed the little bump, moaning when lips pressed against his own before a loud whine escaped him, feeling the thick, long cock push into his ass, making him stretch and clench around him. "Mmmgh! D-don't be gentle..." he hitched out, clinging onto his shirt.
Thrax: [purred in his kisses as he felt Oz's inner walls surrounding his cock, loving the tight feel of it, tho it still amazes him how tight the cell is despite the fact tht he had ravaged him on a daily basis before all this fiasco happened] Mmm... Sorry, mi bebe, no can do... I hv to be careful for this [stroke Oz's baby bump] Bt dont worry, I'll go as hard as I'm allowed to without hurting our little bebe here, but first u want me, ur gonna hv to work for it [placed his hands on Oz's hips, squeezing them gently to get him moving]
Ozzy whimpered when he was told off, wanting him to ravage him, take control and have his way with him. Ugh, he was so needy. "P-please..." he whimpered cutely at him before he hitched, flushing as he was told to work for it. Clinging onto him, he began to move his hips, rocking them back and forth slowly, even though he was needy as all hell it still embarrassed him to ride the virus, especially when he could see everything of him. Though he tried to take control and reached down, pulling up the front of his hoodie to expose that bump and his cute little breasts, his nipples rock hard and leaking slightly.
Thrax: [mildly surprised to see Ozzy already sporting breasts. They weren't big, not even as big as an A-sized cups since he was probably still developing them, but he was definitely showing signs of lactating] Well, well, well, wat do we hv here? Ur body seems to be working fast to accommodate our little bebe [licked his lips n leaned forward to taste the leaking nubs] Mmm, an acquired taste there [started sucking at it gently while his hands roamed ard the baby bump, gently stroking it as he purred, feeling Oz's inner walls tightened ard his cock n his ass bobbing up n dwn his length so needily]
Ozzy panted and shivered, flushing deeply as Thrax took in his body, rocking Moreton his hips, feeling that thick cock slide in and out of his ass, moaning loudly. "D-do you still like my body?" he asked softly before he gasped out, feeling Thrax suckling at his teat, making him mewl out loud and bounce down on him harder, the suckling making him clench tighter around him.
Thrax: [barely heard tht question as he was savouring the taste of his lover while the cell rode him, but he heard him nonetheless] Mmm yes, I will always love ur body, no matter how much u change... [captured Ozzy's nipples again as he spoke btwn sucking] Te quiero, mi bebe... Te quiero... [gently, without releasing his oral hold on Ozzy's nipples, pushed Oz dwn onto the carpet floor of the living room n started thrusting in n out of him, slowly n steadily, expertly finding the cell's prostate n hitting it]
Ozzy whined out as he clung to the virus, feeling him suckling more at his tit, making him ride hard. Though, when Thrax pushed forward he gasped out, jerking under him as he lay on his back, moaning out loud before he reached up to cover his mouth to keep quiet. "Nnn... M-more!"
Thrax: [smirked at him n was abt to pick up the pace wen he heard a loud yawn n footsteps coming dwn the stairs, n he froze for a moment before he lay dwn, trying not to put his whole weight on Oz as he hushed the cell, telling him to stay still]
Ozzy hitched and trembled under Thrax, clinging to him, his breathing heavy, trying to calm his racing heart. Crap, he knew this was a bad idea, but Thrax smelled so good, and now he was pressed against him, that dark, musky scent over powered him, causing him to bite down at his chest, muffling a whimper.
[the owner of those noises were none other than Rodeo, yawning as he went dwn to the fridge to get the pumped milk tht was kept there]
Rodeo: Yokatta ne~ (Thank goodness) [takes out a couple of bottles to warm it up] Mada ikutsu ka no miruku ga nokotte imasu. Ehh? Karera wa nemutte imasu ka? (We still hv some milk left. Ehh? Are they asleep?) [turned to look at Thrax and Oz in their blanket fort]
Thrax: [stayed still, closing his eyes, pretending to be asleep, but secretly stole a few thrusts into Oz just to tease him, the head of his cock barely touching his prostate]
Ozzy tried his best to keep still when he heard Rodeo across the way in the kitchen, panting around the bite of Thrax he had in his mouth, hands fisted in his shirt. Though, when the virus began to thrust into him, he hitched and arched under him, Thrax's larger body hiding any movement as he bit harder, walls clenching so tight around him, the cell's body trembling under his as he drooled heavily on him, stifling whimpers against his chest.
Thrax: [winced at the bite, bt he was pretty used to pain at this point as he carried on sneaking a few thrusts, still keeping his eyes closed as he waited for Rodeo to be done with his thing]
Rodeo: [hears the beep of the milk warmer machine n took the bottles] Eddie-chan no tame ni yokatta. Kare ga junyū-chūdenakereba, watashi wa 2-ri no ueta sanran to mazushī yōji ni kyūji suru koto o nanimoshinai (Thank goodness for Eddie. If he wasn't lactating, I dunno what I'd do with feeding two hungry spawns and a needy toddler) [walked past them, stealing a look at the couple] Mataku, Karera wa soko o nemutte iru karera no shi o kyatchi suru tsumorida (Geez, they're gonna catch their death sleeping over there) [shrugged n went bk upstairs, his footsteps further n further until a silent slam of the door reassured them he was gone]
Ozzy shook and withered under the male virus, clawing at him as he felt those thrusts, making him clench tighter, straining to keep quiet, his mind going numb, his body so hot, his teats starting to leak more as the rubbed against Thrax, the pleasure making him lactate more. He couldn't hold it anymore, as the door slammed shut, Ozzy whimpered and whined loudly against the virus, bucking against him hard, unable to take much more as he tried to ride on him.
Thrax: [opened his eyes once the door slammed shut, then chuckled darkly at Oz's reaction, feeling his inner walls clenching tight ard him n his hips bucking against him] Well, someone is RELI needy, ain't it? Those hormones are definitely working ovrtime on ur body, eh, mi bebe? [doesnt move anymore, bt doesnt stop the cell frm bucking against him either]
"A-ahnnn!" Ozzy full on mewled at him, looking up at him with lidded eyes, once blue face now tinged red and purple with his deeply flush, his mouth open in heavy pants, legs bending up as he fucked himself on his mate's cock, hands falling beside is head, looking insatiable.
Thrax: [chuckled darkly again as he placed his hands on Ozzy's hips to stop him frm moving] My needy, needy little bebe, here I come... [leans dwn to start kissing Oz's neck again, leaving more lovebites as he finally started moving, slightly faster n harder than he did previously, jabbing the prostate accurately]
Ozzy whimpered out as his hips were stopped, making him tremble hard under him, looking up at him pleadingly. When he began to move his hips, he whined out loud and arched, milky chest and baby belly pressing up against him as he mewled, clawing at the floor, wishing so much he'd be rough with him, craving the big bad virus.
Thrax: [hissed at the tightness ard him, he so wish to plow the cell to the ground, take him mercilessly like he always does, bt he had to remind himself tht his little cell's is carrying his spawn now, n he didnt want to hurt it, so he only increased his pace just a bit as he continued to leave lovebites ard the cell's body, evn some on the cell's leaking chest, licking up his milk at the same time] Mmm... Definitely an acquired taste. Our little bebe will be so fat n well fed frm this
Ozzy sobbed and mewled, desperate for the virus to take him roughly and slam Jim into the floor. He gasped and arched, feeling the love bites over his body, making him mewl out loud, clawing at the virus, his body withering under his, tensing every so often. "A-ah~ D-do you like my milk, does it taste good?" he whined at him, arching up into him, the sucking bringing more milk out.
Thrax: [hummed his approval as he sucked on them, running circles ard the nipples to turn him on more as he kept at tht pace, occasionally switching sides n has his fingers teasing the free nipple wen he's sucking on the other as his cock, while not as hard as the cell hoped, hit his prostate dead on]
Ozzy whimpered and mewled out at him, shuddering at the attention to his sensitive nipples, arching up more into him, shuddering as his flush spread over his body, his cock throbbing and leaking onto his baby belly, unable to catch his breath. "Th-Thrax!" he cried out as the virus hit that delicious spot dead on, making him clench and wither, clawing more as his head spun and eyes rolled back.
Thrax: [increased his pace as much as he dared, pretty much abusing tht spot as he carried on paying a lot of attention to the cell's tiny breasts, tasting him n licking him, leaving lovebites everywhere, evn biting dwn onto his membrane mostly ard his shoulder, leaving a bruised bitemark without drawing blood, the familiar tightening in his own groin started coming in, bt tries to hold bk to let his lovely mate enjoy him more]
Ozzy cried out at eat bite and slam, his head falling back, his voice cracking, becoming high as Thrax abused his hole and body, not able to take much more. With a few more of those slams into his body, he arched sharply and cried out, clawing at the floor as he jerked up, spilling his seed between the two of them.
Thrax: [hissed at the tight clench ard his cock n quickly pulled out, coming all ovr Ozzy's baby bump, mixing his essence with the cell's in a hot mess, panting hard as he groaned out in pleasure at the last of his orgasms, then slowly leaning dwn to take a few last licks on the leaking nipples before laying nxt to him, cradling Oz's head against his arm in the crook of his neck] Mmhh... Tht was amazing, mi bebe. U were amazing... [kissed his forehead]
Ozzy gasped and panted heavily, shuddering and groaning softly, slumping against Thrax as he was pulled into his arms, his eyes fluttering closed, trembling against him. "Nnn... Thrax..." he groaned out at him, nuzzling into him, his body feeling so hot and jittery.
Thrax: [nuzzled him n purred against his ears to lull him] U rest, mi bebe. I'll clean us both up [gives another kiss on his forehead before gently picking Oz up bridal style, the blanket still wrapped up snugly ard them n made his way upstairs into their room. Once inside, he lit the fire of their indoor fireplace, prepared a basin of warm water n slowly gave Oz a spit bath]
Ozzy flushed as he was lifted up, snuggling deep into his warm body and breathing in his scent, giving a little purr, closing his eyes and letting Thrax move him around, shivering as he felt himself being washed up. "Mmm..." he sighed and cracked an eye open to watch him.
Thrax: [sees him stirring n smiled as he did the last of the spit bath] Hey there, u feeling alright, baby? [continues to dry him n helped him with his jammies]
"I think I'm done..." Ozzy mumbled as he looked up at his mate, giving a soft yawn, his sudden burst of energy now drained after their romp, letting the virus dry him and dress him, snuggling into him again.
Thrax: [chuckles] Aww, n I was having so much fun with u being the needy one for once [cleaned himself up n got dressed in his own jammies, then crawled into bed n cuddled up against him] Ur hormones must be reli acting up. Maybe I should knock u up more often [chuckled mischievously at his joke]
"Mmm... maybe later... it's been a long day." Ozzy mumbled as he was put into bed, instantly snuggling up to Thrax, hooking his leg over him to get comfortable, feeling better with something between his legs before he peeked up at the cheeky virus and huffed. "I haven't even had one kid yet, now you're thinking of more?" he mumbled and nuzzled into his chest, purring at his smell.
Thrax: Well, a virus can dream, can't he? [chuckled at how cutely the cell nuzzled n purred against his chest, then gently stroke his hair] So... U hoping our spawn will be a boy or a girl?
"Mmm, I think I would like a boy... much easier to handle." Ozzy mumbled to him, nuzzling his chest, kissing at him even though he had a shirt on now, stroking his hand over his side, just feeling so affectionate now.
Thrax: Well that is a surprise. I thought with all the sausage fest going on here in this family, u would want to hv a girl [kept stroke his hair, combing his claw gently thru the silky yet squishy strands as he breathed in the cell's scent as well, enjoying the double scent frm both his mate n his spawn inside him]
"Nice, Thrax..." Ozzy scoffed at his choice of words, rolling his eyes at him as he snuggled closer, enjoying the warmth of the room and his mate, feeling so much more comfortable now that they were in bed.
Thrax: Well, regardless of wat our spawn is, as long as it's healthy, I'm OK with it. I'll be right by ur side wen the due date comes, don't u worry... [purred as he slowly drifted off to sleep, the afterglow starting to lull him]
"Yeah..." Ozzy mumbled to him and buried deeper in his arms, snuggling the blankets tighter around him, craving the warmth as he found himself drifting off to sleep in Thrax's arms soundlessly.
osmosis jones
Friday, September 20, 2019
I Almost Said I Love You-Chapter 224
[meanwhile Klepta was lying down in bed, holding Edison in his embrace, all the while he had been trying to calm the younger virus's nerves n ease his tensions since he got bk]
Edison clung to the older virus, face buried against his strong chest as he trembled, eyes still wide. He had never witness such a violent death up close before, it still played over and over in his mind, the way that cold pill just took him out, and he couldn't help but blame himself.
Klepta: Shhh... It's OK, mein bruder. I'm right here. Just let it all out. I'm all ears if u wanna talk abt it. Speak in German if u hv to, u know I can understand u [one hand hugging Edison close n the other stroking his hair]
"Er ... er hat ihn getötet ... warum ... warum kalt eine kalte Pille für sie? Sollte nicht ... sollte er nicht versuchen, sie rauszuholen?" [He... he killed him... why... why is a cold pill working for her? Shouldn't... shouldn't he be trying to get her out?] Edison's voice shook as he clung to his brother, pressing his body against him. He wasn't as strong as him, as any of his brothers, and this had been so close to his own traumatic attack that the small virus still wasn't over.
Klepta: I don't know, Eddie, only Ozzy knows who he is, n he's just as surprised as we are. Big Mama must've done something to him, I'm sure of it. Cold pills are all abt the code, helping ppl, saving lives, they would never aligned themselves with a virus [held him close, rubbing his bk] Shh... We'll get thru this. We'll figure this out one way or another n we'll bring the fight to her, I promise
Edison slowly looked up to his brother, the first time since he got back that he looked at someone, trembling before he leaned up and pressed a shaky kiss to his lips, whimpering against his as he clung to his shirt. "Mein Bruder ... ich ... ich habe ihn getötet ... wenn ich nur besser recherchierte ..." [My brother... I... I got him killed... if only I researched better...]
Klepta: [was a little surprised at the kiss, bt wasnt complaining as he cupped Edison's cheeks gently] No, u've done ur best. U've researched it vry thoroughly, the best u could've evr done with wat's in ur hand. U did vry well. Don't doubt urself. U didnt kill him. The cold pill did, or Big Mama made him do it. She will pay for it tenfolds. I promise. For both Majah n our unborn child we lost...
Edison whimpered against his lips as he spoke against them, feeling the comfort from those hands as he clung to him, pecking his lips over and over between sentences, almost desperate to get rid of the memories and pain. "Bruder ... macht es aufhören ..." [Brother... make it stop...]
Klepta: U want me to do it? Make u forget? [his hands already started to roam ard Edison's waist n hips; to be honest he had been thinking abt it as a way of helping him out, bt he didnt want to scare Edison off in case he wasnt in a mood]
Edison whimpered at him, but nodded slowly, shivering as he felt those hands at his waist and hips. Normally he wouldn't be one to initiate, but they hadn't been together for a while with him being too scared and fragile, but he trusted him. "Bruder..."
Klepta: [smiled gently at him n leaned in to kiss him again, doing a slow tongue dance btwn them as his hands continued to roam ard Edison's lower regions, taking care to caress his ass, speaking btwn kisses] Its been a while since we actually did it, havent we, mein bruder? We've only been satisfying each other with our hands while u were recovering. U sure ur OK with this tho? Ur body is ready?
Edison hitched against his lips as those hands wandered, heat pooling across his face as he felt hands against his ass, making him squirm and shiver, pulling back from the kiss, strings of saliva connected their mouths. "A-ah... ja... ja..." he breathed out, nodding shyly at him, looking as bashful as ever.
Klepta: [smiled again] Good, coz I missed u, mein bruder [kissed him again as his hands snaked underneath Edison's pants n boxers to remove them, his fingers ghosting ard Edison's cock which was already semi-hard] Mmm, looks like someone's happy to see me there
Edison hitched as he felt the hand brush against his cock, making his hips twitch against it and tremble as he looked away, embarrassed about it, pressing closer to him to try and hide himself so his brother couldn't see.
Klepta: Heh, r u still shy, aftr all the lewd things we've done together? [chuckled as he reached dwn n gently took Edison's hard on into his hand, gently stroking it, his thumb fiddling expertly at the tip while he tilted Edison's head to face him n kissed him deeply]
"H-halt den rand..." [Shut up] Edison whimpered at him, hitching as he bucked into his teasing hand, whining against his lips as he was kissed, slowly moving his lips against his brother's, pre leaking from his tip against his thumb.
Klepta: [hummed btwn kisses, feeling the pre-cum on his thumb n slowly spreading it ard the rest of the head of the cock, the rest of his fingers slowly squeezing n running along the rest of the cock]
"A-ah!" Edison gasped against his lips, feeling the squeezing around his cock, making him buck into his hand, clinging to his shirt, his flush growing darker across his cheeks, spikes pushing out slightly from his body from his excitement.
Klepta: [pulls off, licking his lips as he see the string of saliva clinging on btwn them] Lemme prepare u, mein bruder. This is ur first time after so long [slowly lays Edison bk, then crawled backwards till he was facing the younger virus's rock hard cock, slowly licking up n dwn n ard it, running his tongue along his balls]
Edison hitched as he was moved onto his back, shivering as hands clung to the hem of his sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing. "B-bruder..." he breathed out, whimpering as he felt the tongue against his cock, making it throb, doing his best to not let spikes come out as he looked down at his brother with a deeper flush, panting hard. It was so good, his head was already fuzzy. "S-sei rauh mit mir..." [be rough with me] he whimpered shyly, covering his face with his sleeve.
Klepta: [blushed at how cute his brother is right now, smiling deviously at him] Someone is definitely being raunchy [leans in n took Edison's cock whole, sucking n bobbing hard, his fingers got busy as one hand massaged his balls gently n the other hand lubed up with his drool n started teasing Edison's pucker hole]
"A-ah!" Edison cried out softly, spreading his thighs as his knees bent up, his free hand reaching down to grip at his brother's hair while his other stayed at his face, biting into his sleeve. Mewling, he bucked into his mouth, squirming his hips as he felt the wet finger rub against his tight,little hole, his body quivering under Klepta.
Klepta: [kept on bobbing, occasionally nibbling n licking the head of the cock as he slowly pushed a finger into Edison's ass, turning n wriggling it ard slowly, pressing against the inner walls, trying to locate his sweet spot, chuckling inwardly whenever he felt the inner walls clenched ard his finger]
"Nnn! A-ah!" Edison whined out, trying to muffle himself with his sleeve as that mouth moved over him, toes curling into the bed sheets as his thighs trembled, wanting to close but wanting to open at the same time. "A-ah! Bruder!" he called softly, feeling the finger push into his hole, making him arch as his walls squeezed around the wiggling finger, making him whine and mewl out loud, already panting hard.
Klepta: Patience, mein bruder, still a bit ways to go [continued sucking as he entered another finger into him, gently twisting n scissoring to stretch him out, pushing them in deeper until they brushed against something that made the younger virus see stars]
Edison whined and whimpered, trembling under the man, panting hard as he was already close from the teasing, pre squirting out of his tip into Klepta's mouth, his cock throbbing, aching. Suddenly he cried out, bucking into his brother's mouth, walls squeezing around his fingers. "B-bruder, k-kant... K-klose!"
Klepta: [pulls off his cock with a pop] U want to come inside my mouth, or do u wanna come by my cock, eh? [teased the sweet spot a little with a grin, occasionally flicking his tongue on the tip of Edison's cock]
Edison whimpered and panted, arching up again as his legs shook, rocking against those fingers, trembling hard and looking down at him over his sleeve. "A-ah! B-both!" he whined out at him, desperate for more and more, pre pooling at his tip and leaking down his length.
Klepta: [grinned deviously as he took Edison's cock bk into his mouth, inserting a third finger into Edison's ass n started finger-fucking him while he sucked hard, bobbing his head in time with his hand thrusts, his tongue nvr stopped flicking at the tip of the cock, tasting his leaking pre hungrily]
Edison cried out as he was suddenly filled, whimpering and mewling for him, grinding on those fingers as the moved inside of him, hitting that amazing spot so perfectly. He couldn't hold back anymore, he tugged at Klepta's hair, bucking into his mouth with a loud cry into his wet sleeve, cumming hard in his brother's mouth.
Klepta: [was taken by surprise a little, bt doesn't flinch as he drank in all of Edison's essence, savouring the bittersweet taste as he kept bobbing n sucking, his fingers still thrusting into him to try n milk him of his last drop]
"A-ah! Ah!" Edison cried out for him, clinging tightly to his hair as he rocked against those fingers. "Bruder! Fick ... fick mich!" [Fuck me] he whined out at him, tossing his head, biting at his sleeve as he coaxed him to stay hard.
Klepta: [swallowed his last drop n slowly pulled off frm his cock, licking his lips] Such a needy bruder I got there. Maybe I should just keep fucking u with my fingers, eh? Would u like tht rather than my cock? [grinned deviously as he pressed against the sweet spot, wriggling his fingers on it to tease him some more]
Edison whined out loud, trembling and rocking against those fingers, sobbing with pleasure as he ground on the fingers that rubbed that spot, making him arch and his tongue hang out from his mouth. "Bruder! Schwanz! Brauchen Sie Hahn!" [Cock! Need cock!] he sobbed as he humped the air.
Klepta: [chuckled almost evilly as he pulled his fingers out] Like I said, mein bruder, patience [leans ovr to grab the lube frm the bedside table, then poured some generously on his own cock, lubing it up] Here I come, Eddie. Brace urself [held Edison's thighs up, spreading it a little before slowly pushing his whole manmeat in to the hilt, hissing at the tight feeling ard him]
Edison whimpered when he lost the fingers, trembling on the bed, his hoodie raised over his little belly, cock throbbing against his tummy. "A-ahnnn... B-bruder..." he whimpered at him, watching him, hand curled against his face. He hitched when his legs were lifted, flushing as he was exposed to him before he cried out and arched as that thick length pushed inside of him, spreading him wide, walls clamping around his dick. "A-ahnnn!" he whined out, submissively resting his arms beside his head, fave twisting in pleasure.
Klepta: Nnnmmhh.... So tight, mein bruder... So fucking tight... I miss u so much [started moving at a steady pace first so tht Edison could get used to his size, since he knew its been a while since he had anything bigger than his fingers inside him, holding onto Edison's hips for leverage, leaning dwn to unzip Edison's hoodie, seeing the tiny tent made by his erected nipples as he licked his lips] Time for another kind of milk [captures one nipple hidden underneath the fabric, sucking at it along with the shirt inside he was still wearing]
Edison gasped and whined, feeling.g his body rock with each strong thrust, bending his knees up for him. "A-ah! N-not mein tits!" he whined at him before he gasped and arch up, his face twisting into an ahegao expression as he felt his tit being sucked on, the milk churning and leaking out of his teat.
Klepta: Too... much... clothing... [let go of Edison's thighs for a bit to take off Edison's hoodie, then literally tear thru the shirt underneath with his claws to reveal the tasty nubs within, then puts his hands on both Edison's inner thighs to spread him a bit, continuing to thrust into him deep as he lowered to fully capture the nipple he was sucking bk into his lips. sucking n licking it greedily]
Edison whined out loud, struggling to keep his eyes focused, gasping when claws suddenly tore through his baggy shirt, exposing his cute, milk filled breasts. "A-ahnnn!" he whined louder, clinging to the pillows under his head, gasping and panting hard as that thick cock thrust into him over and over, milk squirting from his nubs as Klepta stimulated them, making him arch up into his mouth, his eyes rolling back. "S-s-sensitive!"
Klepta: [ignored him in favour of savouring the sweet tangy taste of Edison's milk, almost jealous tht the twin babies were getting it good. One hand tweaking at Edison's free leaking nipple, he continued to suck on him, his thrust nvr stopping as he got closer n closer towards Edison's sweet spot]
Edison withered and whimpered, drooling on himself as he whined and arched, his own cock throbbing between them, leaking pre onto his stomach. "B-bruder!" he called for him, walls squeezing him as he panted hard, milk flowing freely from his chest against his hand and into his mouth. He was growing fond of having tits, they felt so good to be played with and the milking felt even better.
Klepta: [licked his hand tht was covered with Edison's milk n switched sides, sucking the other nipple as he kept on thrusting, finally finding the sweet spot inside him n could tell frm the tightening of the inner walls tht he hit the jackpot, increasing his pace as he rammed it hard]
Edison couldn't help but cry out when that special spot inside his hole was pounded against, making him cling tighter to the pillow as his face twisted into a blissful ahegao, his toes curling tightly as he slurred and gasped, loving how rough he was being. "H-harder! Hng! A-ahnnn!" he couldn't keep quiet, it felt too good, his head spinning with pleasure as his breasts couldn't stop leaking.
Klepta: [hummed a reply, his voice vibrating onto the nipple he was sucking as he sped up his thrusts, hitting the spot dead on, occasionally switching nipples to suck, loving the taste, loving the feel of the wet leaking nipples in his fingers as it felt slick n warm, their sensitivity increased wen he pinched n rubbing it btwn his fingers, loving the feeling of his brother's ass tightening ard him, squeezing him frm the bliss of the spot being hit n his nipples being manhandled. He felt like he was in heaven, like he nvr wanted to take out, bt the tightening of his own groin reminded him tht he had to pull off at some point, lest he knock his brother up again]
Edison cried out loud again, tossing his head back and forth, knuckles paling as he clawed at then pillows, eyes rolled far back, his tongue hanging from his mouth as the virus above him fucked him into the bed, teasing his sensitive nipples, earning another cry when they were pinched at, causing more milk to squirm out as his whole body shook and trembled. "A-ah! Bruder! H-harder!" he called out, loving the rough feeling, so into it, his mind turned into mush, not longer worrying about anything, only able to think about his brother's cock. "M-more!"
Klepta: [made his brother hold up his own thighs so that he could use both hands to hold onto Edison's A-sized cups, squeezing them n flicking at them with his thumbs, increasing his pace some more to hit him harder n deeper, leaning dwn to claim his brother's lips, those sinful lips that made him lust for his own flesh n blood, those amazing lips that he would die for n kill anyone for, kissing him deeply, doing French like his were the last lips in the world]
Edison gasped and flushed deeply, holding his thighs up for him, spreading them for his brother as he pounded into him over and over, mewling and moaning out loud as those strong hands played with his sensitive tits, making him arch into them as his cock throbbed and leaked pre onto his stomach again. "B-brud-nnn!" he tried but was silenced by the kiss, working his mouth with him, rolling his tongue against his sloppily.
Klepta: [felt the familiar tightness within himself n he knew he was going to blow, but he tries hard to hold bk in favour of letting his brother/lover release first as he whispered btwn kisses] Ich liebe dich, mein bruder... Ich liebe dich... (I love u, my brother... I love u...) [going faster, harder n deeper than he had ever did before]
Edison near screamed out against his lips, jerking under him as those hips slammed into him over and over. He couldn't take much more as his walls squeezed and tightened around his brother's dick, milking him as he arched up and cried out, thick ropes of cum spilling up his chest, mixing with his milky tits.
Klepta: [groaned at the tightening, almost couldn't pull out but he did as he roared out his release, coming all over Edison's thighs n belly, a bit of it mixed into Edison's own cum all ovr his body, panting hard n groaning in ecstasy as he pumped out his last drops]
Edison hitched, looking up at his brother as he panted hard, flushing, eyes unfocused as he lay there, covered in cum and trembling, milk still leaking from his tits. "B-b-bruder..." he stuttered softly, drooling a little on himself as his messy hair stuck to his face.
Klepta: [groaned one last time as he lay nxt to Edison, not caring whether he was a mess or not as he wrapped an arm ard his waist, catching his breath as he panted hard frm the aftrglow] Eddie... U were amazing... Did... Did it feel good for u...? U feel much better now...?
Edison slumped on the bed, trembling and panting, shivering as the cool air teased over his heated body. "Nnn..." he groaned, feeling the arm around him as his eyes fluttered closed, still panting hard. "F-feel good..." he breathed out to him.
Klepta: [chuckled as he brought him close, nuzzling against his messy dark brown hair, hugging him close to his own chest] I missed u... So much... I was worried tht... tht I've lost u... Not physically bt... u knw...
"I..." Edison began,feeling the virus practically spoon him ashe curled up some. "Hy know am still... Fragile..." he was doing his best to explain, not going with his thoughts and feelings.
Klepta: [turned him ard gently n leaned his forehead against Edison's] Its OK, Eddie. Like I said many times, u can speak in ur native tongue. I can understand perfectly. N be honest, u knw u can tell me anything
"Hy chust... Need time to... Heal?" Edison wasn't sure, now he was calming down the worry of being attacked came back, the feeling of losing his child, the pain, witnessing Majah's death. Making a small noise, he pressed deeper against his brother, not caring about the mess.
Klepta: [held him close, hushing him as he stroke his hair] Its OK, I knw u need to heal. Take ur time. I'll talk to Thrax n see wat we can come up with, maybe he has an idea, now tht he has an upcoming baby of his own to take care of. In the meantime, do u still need my help in forgetting? [smirking a little]
Edison blinked a few times before he looked up at his big brother, a deep flush making its way across his cheeks as he saw that perverted smirk appear across his lips. "Nnn!" he whined at him before burying his face into his chest, still so shy and embarrassed after all they had done.
Klepta: [chuckled as he slowly got up, carried Edison bridal style n made their way to the bathroom] Time for a change of venue, n at least in there, we can clean ourselves easier. Dont wanna stain the bed too much with all our essence n ur boob juices now, do we? [grinned at him cheekily, jerking his head at the bed to show tht it was pretty much wet n sticky frm their love-making]
Edison hitched as he saw the mess on the bed, flushing darkly as he covered himself, trying to hide himself as he was carried to the bathroom. "Nnn... My chest still feels so full..." he mumbled to him, peeking up at his brother, cheeks flushing even more, looking so bashful as he covered himself.
Klepta: [chuckled again] Don't worry, I can help u out with tht, n if ur still full, I'll clean u up thoroughly so u can pump the milk out n I'll pass it to the twins [carrying Edison with one hand as he leaned dwn to turn on the water to fill the tub]
"Nnn... You chust vant milk for you'self." Edison huffed at him, glancing down at himself, seeing milk leaking from his swollen nipples, making him whine softly. Though, he couldn't help but notice how cute he looked with the little breasts, not sure how long they would last but he was going to miss them.
Klepta: Heh, well u can't prove tht, can u? [lowers Edison dwn into the tub as he took a wash cloth to clean the leak trickling dwn his middle] I bet u dont want these to go away, do u? U seem to enjoy sex more with them on u, n ur evn more needy than u used to with these babies ard [flicked his tongue at the hard nubs]
Edison flushed and scowled at his teasing brother, shivering as he was lowered into the warm water, letting him wash his body before his whole face turned red at his words, glancing away from him."Hy... Hy..." he stuttered softly, wanting to deny it but it was true. Every brush against his chest made him rock hard in an instant and when he was pumped he felt so much pleasure and need. "A-ah! B-bruder~" he mewled as that tongue found a hard nipple, making milk leak from it more.
Klepta: [looked at the A-sized breasts n gently kneaded them] If I were to knock u up again, u'll be able to keep these for quite a while... [looked dwn sadly as he released them, his hands clenched slightly as he set them dwn to his sides] ...but I can't. Not with Big Mama ard... I hv to be patient n wait...
Edison gasped as those hands groped his chest, making him arch before he whimpered when he let go. "H-huh? Hy... Hy might be bad vit kids..." he mumbled, reaching to hold his hand, cheeks still brightly flushed as he tugged his hand to rest on his stomach. "Vat... If Hy'm bad... Vat if I kant look after it..."
Klepta: Then u hv me to help u out. I dont expect u to do it all on ur own, n being a parent is a evr-learning curve, there is no right or perfect way to be a parent, its all abt raising the child right with the best of ur abilities... [stroke his stomach] Bt if u dont want it now... or dont want it evr, I understand...
"Hy didn't say dot... I... I vould love a child vit hyu... Hy... Hy vish to be closer to hyu... P-plus..." Edison bit his lip, pushing that larger hand up from his stomach to his chest, hitching as he made his brother squeeze him. "H-hy like mein chest like this..."
Klepta: [blinked a little wen he was made by the younger virus to squeeze his tit, then smiled] Heh, if I didnt knw any better, I think u actually enjoy being a she-virus [leans in to kiss Edison's neck tenderly]
"Sh-shut up..." Edison huffed at him before he shivered and tilted his head, feeling those lips against his neck, making him groan and arch, his cheeks flushing darker. He clung to his brother's hand, panting softly, milk leaking against his brother's hand.
Klepta: Nnhh, mein bruder... Mein needy, needy bruder... [licked Edison's neck, leaving lovebites evrywhere as his hands got busy roaming ard the younger viruses' body, n needless to say, the two ended up going round aftr round in the tub, fucking like rabbits till they lost track of time]
Edison clung to the older virus, face buried against his strong chest as he trembled, eyes still wide. He had never witness such a violent death up close before, it still played over and over in his mind, the way that cold pill just took him out, and he couldn't help but blame himself.
Klepta: Shhh... It's OK, mein bruder. I'm right here. Just let it all out. I'm all ears if u wanna talk abt it. Speak in German if u hv to, u know I can understand u [one hand hugging Edison close n the other stroking his hair]
"Er ... er hat ihn getötet ... warum ... warum kalt eine kalte Pille für sie? Sollte nicht ... sollte er nicht versuchen, sie rauszuholen?" [He... he killed him... why... why is a cold pill working for her? Shouldn't... shouldn't he be trying to get her out?] Edison's voice shook as he clung to his brother, pressing his body against him. He wasn't as strong as him, as any of his brothers, and this had been so close to his own traumatic attack that the small virus still wasn't over.
Klepta: I don't know, Eddie, only Ozzy knows who he is, n he's just as surprised as we are. Big Mama must've done something to him, I'm sure of it. Cold pills are all abt the code, helping ppl, saving lives, they would never aligned themselves with a virus [held him close, rubbing his bk] Shh... We'll get thru this. We'll figure this out one way or another n we'll bring the fight to her, I promise
Edison slowly looked up to his brother, the first time since he got back that he looked at someone, trembling before he leaned up and pressed a shaky kiss to his lips, whimpering against his as he clung to his shirt. "Mein Bruder ... ich ... ich habe ihn getötet ... wenn ich nur besser recherchierte ..." [My brother... I... I got him killed... if only I researched better...]
Klepta: [was a little surprised at the kiss, bt wasnt complaining as he cupped Edison's cheeks gently] No, u've done ur best. U've researched it vry thoroughly, the best u could've evr done with wat's in ur hand. U did vry well. Don't doubt urself. U didnt kill him. The cold pill did, or Big Mama made him do it. She will pay for it tenfolds. I promise. For both Majah n our unborn child we lost...
Edison whimpered against his lips as he spoke against them, feeling the comfort from those hands as he clung to him, pecking his lips over and over between sentences, almost desperate to get rid of the memories and pain. "Bruder ... macht es aufhören ..." [Brother... make it stop...]
Klepta: U want me to do it? Make u forget? [his hands already started to roam ard Edison's waist n hips; to be honest he had been thinking abt it as a way of helping him out, bt he didnt want to scare Edison off in case he wasnt in a mood]
Edison whimpered at him, but nodded slowly, shivering as he felt those hands at his waist and hips. Normally he wouldn't be one to initiate, but they hadn't been together for a while with him being too scared and fragile, but he trusted him. "Bruder..."
Klepta: [smiled gently at him n leaned in to kiss him again, doing a slow tongue dance btwn them as his hands continued to roam ard Edison's lower regions, taking care to caress his ass, speaking btwn kisses] Its been a while since we actually did it, havent we, mein bruder? We've only been satisfying each other with our hands while u were recovering. U sure ur OK with this tho? Ur body is ready?
Edison hitched against his lips as those hands wandered, heat pooling across his face as he felt hands against his ass, making him squirm and shiver, pulling back from the kiss, strings of saliva connected their mouths. "A-ah... ja... ja..." he breathed out, nodding shyly at him, looking as bashful as ever.
Klepta: [smiled again] Good, coz I missed u, mein bruder [kissed him again as his hands snaked underneath Edison's pants n boxers to remove them, his fingers ghosting ard Edison's cock which was already semi-hard] Mmm, looks like someone's happy to see me there
Edison hitched as he felt the hand brush against his cock, making his hips twitch against it and tremble as he looked away, embarrassed about it, pressing closer to him to try and hide himself so his brother couldn't see.
Klepta: Heh, r u still shy, aftr all the lewd things we've done together? [chuckled as he reached dwn n gently took Edison's hard on into his hand, gently stroking it, his thumb fiddling expertly at the tip while he tilted Edison's head to face him n kissed him deeply]
"H-halt den rand..." [Shut up] Edison whimpered at him, hitching as he bucked into his teasing hand, whining against his lips as he was kissed, slowly moving his lips against his brother's, pre leaking from his tip against his thumb.
Klepta: [hummed btwn kisses, feeling the pre-cum on his thumb n slowly spreading it ard the rest of the head of the cock, the rest of his fingers slowly squeezing n running along the rest of the cock]
"A-ah!" Edison gasped against his lips, feeling the squeezing around his cock, making him buck into his hand, clinging to his shirt, his flush growing darker across his cheeks, spikes pushing out slightly from his body from his excitement.
Klepta: [pulls off, licking his lips as he see the string of saliva clinging on btwn them] Lemme prepare u, mein bruder. This is ur first time after so long [slowly lays Edison bk, then crawled backwards till he was facing the younger virus's rock hard cock, slowly licking up n dwn n ard it, running his tongue along his balls]
Edison hitched as he was moved onto his back, shivering as hands clung to the hem of his sleeves of the hoodie he was wearing. "B-bruder..." he breathed out, whimpering as he felt the tongue against his cock, making it throb, doing his best to not let spikes come out as he looked down at his brother with a deeper flush, panting hard. It was so good, his head was already fuzzy. "S-sei rauh mit mir..." [be rough with me] he whimpered shyly, covering his face with his sleeve.
Klepta: [blushed at how cute his brother is right now, smiling deviously at him] Someone is definitely being raunchy [leans in n took Edison's cock whole, sucking n bobbing hard, his fingers got busy as one hand massaged his balls gently n the other hand lubed up with his drool n started teasing Edison's pucker hole]
"A-ah!" Edison cried out softly, spreading his thighs as his knees bent up, his free hand reaching down to grip at his brother's hair while his other stayed at his face, biting into his sleeve. Mewling, he bucked into his mouth, squirming his hips as he felt the wet finger rub against his tight,little hole, his body quivering under Klepta.
Klepta: [kept on bobbing, occasionally nibbling n licking the head of the cock as he slowly pushed a finger into Edison's ass, turning n wriggling it ard slowly, pressing against the inner walls, trying to locate his sweet spot, chuckling inwardly whenever he felt the inner walls clenched ard his finger]
"Nnn! A-ah!" Edison whined out, trying to muffle himself with his sleeve as that mouth moved over him, toes curling into the bed sheets as his thighs trembled, wanting to close but wanting to open at the same time. "A-ah! Bruder!" he called softly, feeling the finger push into his hole, making him arch as his walls squeezed around the wiggling finger, making him whine and mewl out loud, already panting hard.
Klepta: Patience, mein bruder, still a bit ways to go [continued sucking as he entered another finger into him, gently twisting n scissoring to stretch him out, pushing them in deeper until they brushed against something that made the younger virus see stars]
Edison whined and whimpered, trembling under the man, panting hard as he was already close from the teasing, pre squirting out of his tip into Klepta's mouth, his cock throbbing, aching. Suddenly he cried out, bucking into his brother's mouth, walls squeezing around his fingers. "B-bruder, k-kant... K-klose!"
Klepta: [pulls off his cock with a pop] U want to come inside my mouth, or do u wanna come by my cock, eh? [teased the sweet spot a little with a grin, occasionally flicking his tongue on the tip of Edison's cock]
Edison whimpered and panted, arching up again as his legs shook, rocking against those fingers, trembling hard and looking down at him over his sleeve. "A-ah! B-both!" he whined out at him, desperate for more and more, pre pooling at his tip and leaking down his length.
Klepta: [grinned deviously as he took Edison's cock bk into his mouth, inserting a third finger into Edison's ass n started finger-fucking him while he sucked hard, bobbing his head in time with his hand thrusts, his tongue nvr stopped flicking at the tip of the cock, tasting his leaking pre hungrily]
Edison cried out as he was suddenly filled, whimpering and mewling for him, grinding on those fingers as the moved inside of him, hitting that amazing spot so perfectly. He couldn't hold back anymore, he tugged at Klepta's hair, bucking into his mouth with a loud cry into his wet sleeve, cumming hard in his brother's mouth.
Klepta: [was taken by surprise a little, bt doesn't flinch as he drank in all of Edison's essence, savouring the bittersweet taste as he kept bobbing n sucking, his fingers still thrusting into him to try n milk him of his last drop]
"A-ah! Ah!" Edison cried out for him, clinging tightly to his hair as he rocked against those fingers. "Bruder! Fick ... fick mich!" [Fuck me] he whined out at him, tossing his head, biting at his sleeve as he coaxed him to stay hard.
Klepta: [swallowed his last drop n slowly pulled off frm his cock, licking his lips] Such a needy bruder I got there. Maybe I should just keep fucking u with my fingers, eh? Would u like tht rather than my cock? [grinned deviously as he pressed against the sweet spot, wriggling his fingers on it to tease him some more]
Edison whined out loud, trembling and rocking against those fingers, sobbing with pleasure as he ground on the fingers that rubbed that spot, making him arch and his tongue hang out from his mouth. "Bruder! Schwanz! Brauchen Sie Hahn!" [Cock! Need cock!] he sobbed as he humped the air.
Klepta: [chuckled almost evilly as he pulled his fingers out] Like I said, mein bruder, patience [leans ovr to grab the lube frm the bedside table, then poured some generously on his own cock, lubing it up] Here I come, Eddie. Brace urself [held Edison's thighs up, spreading it a little before slowly pushing his whole manmeat in to the hilt, hissing at the tight feeling ard him]
Edison whimpered when he lost the fingers, trembling on the bed, his hoodie raised over his little belly, cock throbbing against his tummy. "A-ahnnn... B-bruder..." he whimpered at him, watching him, hand curled against his face. He hitched when his legs were lifted, flushing as he was exposed to him before he cried out and arched as that thick length pushed inside of him, spreading him wide, walls clamping around his dick. "A-ahnnn!" he whined out, submissively resting his arms beside his head, fave twisting in pleasure.
Klepta: Nnnmmhh.... So tight, mein bruder... So fucking tight... I miss u so much [started moving at a steady pace first so tht Edison could get used to his size, since he knew its been a while since he had anything bigger than his fingers inside him, holding onto Edison's hips for leverage, leaning dwn to unzip Edison's hoodie, seeing the tiny tent made by his erected nipples as he licked his lips] Time for another kind of milk [captures one nipple hidden underneath the fabric, sucking at it along with the shirt inside he was still wearing]
Edison gasped and whined, feeling.g his body rock with each strong thrust, bending his knees up for him. "A-ah! N-not mein tits!" he whined at him before he gasped and arch up, his face twisting into an ahegao expression as he felt his tit being sucked on, the milk churning and leaking out of his teat.
Klepta: Too... much... clothing... [let go of Edison's thighs for a bit to take off Edison's hoodie, then literally tear thru the shirt underneath with his claws to reveal the tasty nubs within, then puts his hands on both Edison's inner thighs to spread him a bit, continuing to thrust into him deep as he lowered to fully capture the nipple he was sucking bk into his lips. sucking n licking it greedily]
Edison whined out loud, struggling to keep his eyes focused, gasping when claws suddenly tore through his baggy shirt, exposing his cute, milk filled breasts. "A-ahnnn!" he whined louder, clinging to the pillows under his head, gasping and panting hard as that thick cock thrust into him over and over, milk squirting from his nubs as Klepta stimulated them, making him arch up into his mouth, his eyes rolling back. "S-s-sensitive!"
Klepta: [ignored him in favour of savouring the sweet tangy taste of Edison's milk, almost jealous tht the twin babies were getting it good. One hand tweaking at Edison's free leaking nipple, he continued to suck on him, his thrust nvr stopping as he got closer n closer towards Edison's sweet spot]
Edison withered and whimpered, drooling on himself as he whined and arched, his own cock throbbing between them, leaking pre onto his stomach. "B-bruder!" he called for him, walls squeezing him as he panted hard, milk flowing freely from his chest against his hand and into his mouth. He was growing fond of having tits, they felt so good to be played with and the milking felt even better.
Klepta: [licked his hand tht was covered with Edison's milk n switched sides, sucking the other nipple as he kept on thrusting, finally finding the sweet spot inside him n could tell frm the tightening of the inner walls tht he hit the jackpot, increasing his pace as he rammed it hard]
Edison couldn't help but cry out when that special spot inside his hole was pounded against, making him cling tighter to the pillow as his face twisted into a blissful ahegao, his toes curling tightly as he slurred and gasped, loving how rough he was being. "H-harder! Hng! A-ahnnn!" he couldn't keep quiet, it felt too good, his head spinning with pleasure as his breasts couldn't stop leaking.
Klepta: [hummed a reply, his voice vibrating onto the nipple he was sucking as he sped up his thrusts, hitting the spot dead on, occasionally switching nipples to suck, loving the taste, loving the feel of the wet leaking nipples in his fingers as it felt slick n warm, their sensitivity increased wen he pinched n rubbing it btwn his fingers, loving the feeling of his brother's ass tightening ard him, squeezing him frm the bliss of the spot being hit n his nipples being manhandled. He felt like he was in heaven, like he nvr wanted to take out, bt the tightening of his own groin reminded him tht he had to pull off at some point, lest he knock his brother up again]
Edison cried out loud again, tossing his head back and forth, knuckles paling as he clawed at then pillows, eyes rolled far back, his tongue hanging from his mouth as the virus above him fucked him into the bed, teasing his sensitive nipples, earning another cry when they were pinched at, causing more milk to squirm out as his whole body shook and trembled. "A-ah! Bruder! H-harder!" he called out, loving the rough feeling, so into it, his mind turned into mush, not longer worrying about anything, only able to think about his brother's cock. "M-more!"
Klepta: [made his brother hold up his own thighs so that he could use both hands to hold onto Edison's A-sized cups, squeezing them n flicking at them with his thumbs, increasing his pace some more to hit him harder n deeper, leaning dwn to claim his brother's lips, those sinful lips that made him lust for his own flesh n blood, those amazing lips that he would die for n kill anyone for, kissing him deeply, doing French like his were the last lips in the world]
Edison gasped and flushed deeply, holding his thighs up for him, spreading them for his brother as he pounded into him over and over, mewling and moaning out loud as those strong hands played with his sensitive tits, making him arch into them as his cock throbbed and leaked pre onto his stomach again. "B-brud-nnn!" he tried but was silenced by the kiss, working his mouth with him, rolling his tongue against his sloppily.
Klepta: [felt the familiar tightness within himself n he knew he was going to blow, but he tries hard to hold bk in favour of letting his brother/lover release first as he whispered btwn kisses] Ich liebe dich, mein bruder... Ich liebe dich... (I love u, my brother... I love u...) [going faster, harder n deeper than he had ever did before]
Edison near screamed out against his lips, jerking under him as those hips slammed into him over and over. He couldn't take much more as his walls squeezed and tightened around his brother's dick, milking him as he arched up and cried out, thick ropes of cum spilling up his chest, mixing with his milky tits.
Klepta: [groaned at the tightening, almost couldn't pull out but he did as he roared out his release, coming all over Edison's thighs n belly, a bit of it mixed into Edison's own cum all ovr his body, panting hard n groaning in ecstasy as he pumped out his last drops]
Edison hitched, looking up at his brother as he panted hard, flushing, eyes unfocused as he lay there, covered in cum and trembling, milk still leaking from his tits. "B-b-bruder..." he stuttered softly, drooling a little on himself as his messy hair stuck to his face.
Klepta: [groaned one last time as he lay nxt to Edison, not caring whether he was a mess or not as he wrapped an arm ard his waist, catching his breath as he panted hard frm the aftrglow] Eddie... U were amazing... Did... Did it feel good for u...? U feel much better now...?
Edison slumped on the bed, trembling and panting, shivering as the cool air teased over his heated body. "Nnn..." he groaned, feeling the arm around him as his eyes fluttered closed, still panting hard. "F-feel good..." he breathed out to him.
Klepta: [chuckled as he brought him close, nuzzling against his messy dark brown hair, hugging him close to his own chest] I missed u... So much... I was worried tht... tht I've lost u... Not physically bt... u knw...
"I..." Edison began,feeling the virus practically spoon him ashe curled up some. "Hy know am still... Fragile..." he was doing his best to explain, not going with his thoughts and feelings.
Klepta: [turned him ard gently n leaned his forehead against Edison's] Its OK, Eddie. Like I said many times, u can speak in ur native tongue. I can understand perfectly. N be honest, u knw u can tell me anything
"Hy chust... Need time to... Heal?" Edison wasn't sure, now he was calming down the worry of being attacked came back, the feeling of losing his child, the pain, witnessing Majah's death. Making a small noise, he pressed deeper against his brother, not caring about the mess.
Klepta: [held him close, hushing him as he stroke his hair] Its OK, I knw u need to heal. Take ur time. I'll talk to Thrax n see wat we can come up with, maybe he has an idea, now tht he has an upcoming baby of his own to take care of. In the meantime, do u still need my help in forgetting? [smirking a little]
Edison blinked a few times before he looked up at his big brother, a deep flush making its way across his cheeks as he saw that perverted smirk appear across his lips. "Nnn!" he whined at him before burying his face into his chest, still so shy and embarrassed after all they had done.
Klepta: [chuckled as he slowly got up, carried Edison bridal style n made their way to the bathroom] Time for a change of venue, n at least in there, we can clean ourselves easier. Dont wanna stain the bed too much with all our essence n ur boob juices now, do we? [grinned at him cheekily, jerking his head at the bed to show tht it was pretty much wet n sticky frm their love-making]
Edison hitched as he saw the mess on the bed, flushing darkly as he covered himself, trying to hide himself as he was carried to the bathroom. "Nnn... My chest still feels so full..." he mumbled to him, peeking up at his brother, cheeks flushing even more, looking so bashful as he covered himself.
Klepta: [chuckled again] Don't worry, I can help u out with tht, n if ur still full, I'll clean u up thoroughly so u can pump the milk out n I'll pass it to the twins [carrying Edison with one hand as he leaned dwn to turn on the water to fill the tub]
"Nnn... You chust vant milk for you'self." Edison huffed at him, glancing down at himself, seeing milk leaking from his swollen nipples, making him whine softly. Though, he couldn't help but notice how cute he looked with the little breasts, not sure how long they would last but he was going to miss them.
Klepta: Heh, well u can't prove tht, can u? [lowers Edison dwn into the tub as he took a wash cloth to clean the leak trickling dwn his middle] I bet u dont want these to go away, do u? U seem to enjoy sex more with them on u, n ur evn more needy than u used to with these babies ard [flicked his tongue at the hard nubs]
Edison flushed and scowled at his teasing brother, shivering as he was lowered into the warm water, letting him wash his body before his whole face turned red at his words, glancing away from him."Hy... Hy..." he stuttered softly, wanting to deny it but it was true. Every brush against his chest made him rock hard in an instant and when he was pumped he felt so much pleasure and need. "A-ah! B-bruder~" he mewled as that tongue found a hard nipple, making milk leak from it more.
Klepta: [looked at the A-sized breasts n gently kneaded them] If I were to knock u up again, u'll be able to keep these for quite a while... [looked dwn sadly as he released them, his hands clenched slightly as he set them dwn to his sides] ...but I can't. Not with Big Mama ard... I hv to be patient n wait...
Edison gasped as those hands groped his chest, making him arch before he whimpered when he let go. "H-huh? Hy... Hy might be bad vit kids..." he mumbled, reaching to hold his hand, cheeks still brightly flushed as he tugged his hand to rest on his stomach. "Vat... If Hy'm bad... Vat if I kant look after it..."
Klepta: Then u hv me to help u out. I dont expect u to do it all on ur own, n being a parent is a evr-learning curve, there is no right or perfect way to be a parent, its all abt raising the child right with the best of ur abilities... [stroke his stomach] Bt if u dont want it now... or dont want it evr, I understand...
"Hy didn't say dot... I... I vould love a child vit hyu... Hy... Hy vish to be closer to hyu... P-plus..." Edison bit his lip, pushing that larger hand up from his stomach to his chest, hitching as he made his brother squeeze him. "H-hy like mein chest like this..."
Klepta: [blinked a little wen he was made by the younger virus to squeeze his tit, then smiled] Heh, if I didnt knw any better, I think u actually enjoy being a she-virus [leans in to kiss Edison's neck tenderly]
"Sh-shut up..." Edison huffed at him before he shivered and tilted his head, feeling those lips against his neck, making him groan and arch, his cheeks flushing darker. He clung to his brother's hand, panting softly, milk leaking against his brother's hand.
Klepta: Nnhh, mein bruder... Mein needy, needy bruder... [licked Edison's neck, leaving lovebites evrywhere as his hands got busy roaming ard the younger viruses' body, n needless to say, the two ended up going round aftr round in the tub, fucking like rabbits till they lost track of time]
osmosis jones
Thursday, September 19, 2019
I Almost Said I Love You-Chapter 223
Ozzy sighed, watching them leave, shaking his head. "Poor Majah..."
Rouge: Sa, he did say he was going to die, bt to go out like tht... Not so cool ne...
"He didn't deserve that... And for Drix to do that, too... What's going on?" Ozzy mumbled, sighing as he rubbed his temples.
Rouge: This Drix-san...He's like ur tomodachi (friend) desho?
"... He was. But because he was no longer needed, he was flushed out." Ozzy explained to the other.
Rouge: Ah, cold pill, yeah, it happens. Ne, I got a feeling he was brought in to deal with Thrax ottoto-chan ne? He seems to knw this Drix-san too
"Yeah, originally he was brought into our body to sort out Thrax, too..." Ozzy said, sitting himself down with a frown. "But for him to work for a virus..."
Rouge: Sa, I would bet my life tht Big Mama is behind this. She can be vry manipulative, she can almost brainwash evrybody
Ozzy nodded at Rouge's words, though his frown just deepened. He didn't think Drix would be foolish enough to go along with a virus, especially listening to someone so clearly evil. "What are we supposed to do now?"
Rouge: Wakaranai desho (I dunno), bt we'll wait for Rodeo-chan n Thrax ottoto-chan to come bk n then we can decide our nxt course of action desu ne [leaned bk helplessly]
Ozzy sighed and nodded, rubbing his face more, out of the window. "I... I hope Eddie is okay, too... he's not really a fighter..."
Rouge: Bt at least he managed to get here in one piece desu-ne. I'd say he could hold his own. I can't say for sure abt his mental state, desho...
"Yeah, he... he might be traumatised after that." Ozzy sighed and closed his eyes, rubbing at his face again. "Damn it, everything was going so well..."
Rouge: [sighed as well as he patted Oz's bk] Shikatanaiwa ne (it can't be helped) We can only plan so much, the rest is up to fate [hears the door opening] Ah, okairinasai (welcome home) [turns to see Thrax n Rodeo coming in with a wrapped bundle carried ovr both their shoulders]
Thrax: [had a serious look on his face] One of u get the shovel. We'll be at the backyard [made his way to the backyard with Rodeo]
Ozzy bit his lip as he saw the bundle, feeling like there was a large stone in his stomach, before he nodded to Thrax and got up, moving to the store cupboard to get the shovel, heading back out where Thrax and Rodeo had gone.
Thrax: [shivered a little at the weather] Damn, still freezing as hell. Lets get this ovr with [sees Oz n Rouge coming out, the former holding the shovels, n took it frm him] Thanks, baby [tossed one shovel to Rodeo n started digging with his]
Rodeo: Stand bk, minna. Its gonna get dirty [started digging as well along with Thrax]
Ozzy slowly stood back, though he looked to the bundle on the floor and bit his lip, unable to stop himself as he moved over to it and knelt down in the snow, ignoring the cold as he lifted the sheet to see the virus' face. "Oh Majah..."
Rouge: [sees his face too n his breath hitched a little] Kowai so... (Poor guy)
Rodeo: Not a pretty way to go, but at least he died a hero desu ne...
Thrax: [doesn't say anything, just kept on digging]
Ozzy leaned down and kissed his forehead, before he pressed his hands together and prayed for him.
Rouge: [knelt dwn nxt to Ozzy n does the same, praying with his hands clasped Japanese style]
[soon the hole was dug wide n deep enough to fit Majah in]
Thrax: Ready to put him in, guys?
Ozzy opened his eyes, looking up to Thrax before he nodded slowly and stood up, helping Rouge up. "Can I help put him in?"
Thrax: [shrugged] Sure, the more hands the better
Rodeo: Sa, I'll be dwn there in the hole taking him, u three lower him dwn to me [climbs into the grave n waited]
Rouge: Ah, boku mo (me too) [joined him in the hole]
Thrax: I'll take the feet, u take the shoulders, baby
Ozzy moved to help Thrax lift the body up to hand him down to Rouge and Rodeo. "You got him?"
Rouge: Hai hai, we got him [reaches up to grab Majah's feet frm below]
Rodeo: Slowly desu ne [grab Majah's shoulder n he n Rouge both lowered him dwn into the hole, then using his hair-elongating powers, picked Rouge up n carried him out of the hole]
Thrax: [waited till Rouge was out of the hole before leaning dwn to take Rodeo's hand to pull him out]
Ozzy moved to help Rodeo as well, tugging him out of the hole with Thrax, looking down at the lifeless body and sighed.
Thrax: Any last parting words before we bury him?
Rodeo: Sa... Well... Majah-san, u can be such a pain in the ass sometimes, bt... u pulled thru. U saved our Eddie-chan n u helped us the best u can. Yasuraka ni nemuru (rest in peace), Majah-san
Rouge: I... I'm sorry u couldnt get to knw Amber-chan more or bond with her more, bt at least u died knwing tht u were a oto-san, n tht u did ur best to be the oto-san Amber needed. Sayonara, Majah-san...
"Majah... I... I'm sorry this had to happen, I'm glad you could of been there to help us, to help Eddie... I hope that you are able to find peace." Ozzy said softly, giving a saddened look down at the mass, a hand reaching to grip at Thrax's coat for comfort, feeling like he really had lost a friend.
Thrax: [felt the grip n wrapped his arm ard Oz, squeezing his shoulder gently, then sighed] Majah, ur still pretty annoying, evn to the final moments, bt I suppose I should thank u for all ur help. We will avenge u, n make Big Mama pay for this. This I can promise u
Ozzy pressed in to Thrax's side, brows knitting together, sighing softly. "I really hope we can beat her..."
Thrax: Here's to hoping [squeezed it again before letting him go n picked up the shovel again] Right, lets bury him now [starts shoveling the dirt bk into the hole, covering Majah's body up]
Rodeo: [followed suite, shoveling it bk alongside with Thrax]
Ozzy sighed and stood back, though without even realising, a tear trickled down his cheek.
Rouge: [noticed it n held him close] Daijobu ka, Oz to-chan? U wanna go inside? This cold is not good for ur kodomo-chan ne [patted Ozzy's middle gently, reminding him of his condition]
"Huh?" Ozzy blinked, feeling the tear drop down, causing him to reach up and rub his eye, looking to the wetness on his hand. "I... I'm okay, really." he said softly, but that's when the flood gates opened and tears just spilled from his eyes silently, his lip trembling.
Rouge: [sees the tears n held him close, hushing him as he comforted him with rubbings on his bk] Daijobu, daijobu, Rouge ni-san is right here...
Thrax: [finally done with burying him n sees the waterworks on Oz, bit his lip n did the finishing touches on the grave before approaching the cell, gently taking his chin] U OK there, mi bebe?
Ozzy sniffed softly as he felt the claws under his chin, making him look up at the bigger virus, thick tears sliding down his flushed cheeks. "H-hormones..." he tried, not wanting to seem weak in front of all the viruses.
Thrax: Come, let's go bk inside. It's getting colder, n it's not good for the both of us
Rodeo: Hai hai, samui desho (it is cold), ikimasho (let's go) [takes Rouge's hand]
Rouge: Hai... [takes one last look at the grave before following Rodeo's lead]
Ozzy looked around Thrax to the grave, sniffling as he rubbed his face dry and nodded, turning and heading back inside, tugging his virus lover with him, giving the faintest of a shiver.
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osmosis jones
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
I Almost Said I Love You-Chapter 222
Klepta: [had been worried n took to waiting outside the cabin all day at the porch just so he could be there wen Majah n Edison come bk, n despite the cold weather outside n the snow starting to fall, he still waited, n his breath hitched wen he heard Nessie's small yap at a distance] N-Nessie? Eddie?
Edison looked terrible when he came into view. Majah's blood on his coat and smeared across his face, looking pale and shaking.
Klepta: [gasped as he approached him worriedly] Eddie! Eddie, r u hurt?? R u OK?? [checked him for wounds, which there weren't any] Eddie...? Where's Majah?
Edison began to shake harder, biting his lip as he dropped the lead. "... D-Dead..."
Klepta: [saw the snow getting more] Come inside, Eddie. We'll talk later [led him upstairs, ignoring all the surprised stares they got frm the gang as he brought him to the bathroom to give him a hot shower]
"Hy, Hy need to go back!" Edison insisted as he was lead through the cabin, feeling so cold to the touch from being out so long. "I kan't chust leave his body dere..."
Klepta: U let the others worry abt it. Let's get u cleaned first, then we'll talk n decide wat to do [ran the showerhead n put the water to mildly hot before undressing Edison n started rinsing his body off the blood]
Edison still couldn't stop shaking, he looked terrified, panic clear on his face. He couldn't believe someone died in his arms, he couldn't believe it all went wrong. His calculations were perfect, how could they go this wrong?
Klepta: [was visibly worried wen he tried to scrub him clean of the blood. He wished he could read Edison's mind like Oz did...Oz, he would knw wat to see n wat had happened. He rinsed off the soap n dried him before letting get dressed wtih some warm clothes] Come, we'll need Oz [took his hand n led him dwnstairs] Oz, doll, I'm gonna need ur help
Nessie: [was frolicking ard Oz's feet, glad to be home n wtih his mommy]
Edison was still a mess, worrying over himself, over his calculations. He had never been wrong before and now it'd gotten someone killed.
Ozzy looked up from petting and playing with Nessie, looking confused until he saw the scared Virus. "What's wrong?"
Rodeo: Daijobu ka, Klepta nii-san?
Rouge: Ne, ne, hv u heard? Oz to-chan wa...
Klepta: Not now. Oz, I need ur mind-reading. Help me see wat Eddie has seen, n help him project it to us. I need to knw wat happened
Thrax: Woah, slow dwn there, Klept. Oz is not in a condition to do anything. He's with child, my child
Ozzy was about to answer, though froze, his mouth closing as his eyes widened, his cheeks heating up with embarrassment as Thrax spilt the beans. "Thrax! I told you!"
Rouge: Moh~ U stole my line, Thrax ottoto-chan!
Thrax: [blinked at Oz] Wat? We've already told the twins, so far only Klept n Eddie doesnt knw. Wat's the big deal? N its true, I'm not abt to let u exhaust urself with ur powers in ur condition
"Yeah, but! Not to just spring it on them... plus it's not important right now... Edison needs help." Ozzy said, frowning a little as he stepped closer to Edison. "It might be better if he sits down, it can exhaust him too."
Thrax: [frowned bt he knew better than to get in Oz's way wen he set his mind to it, bt sat close to Oz just in case]
Klepta: Uh, well, congrats, btw... [sat Edison dwn on the cushion at the floor] Just relax, OK, Eddie?
Edison blinked, finally snapping out of it as Ozzy knelt in front of him, looking confused.
"It's okay Eddie, it won't hurt, just close your eyes and relax." Ozzy said, though worried, Edison did as he was told. Reaching out, Ozzy placed both his hands on Edison's face, cupping his cheeks as he closed his own eyes.
[the scene soon played out like a video recording, n with Oz's projection powers, evryone else could see it too as the scene unfold: Majah parking the car, Majah leading Edison to the said entrance, Majah watching as Edison cracked the code, then Majah leading the way to the control panel, then the voice of the figure as he blasted a hole into Majah's gut...all tht had happened was played out for the gang, with only one thing tht was familiar to both Oz n Thrax; they couldnt see the owner of the voice as he was in the shadows, bt they recognize it all too well...It was Drix's voice]
As that voice played out, Ozzy jerked his hands back with a gasp, like he had been hurt. He looked to his hands, before looking at a confused Edison's face, then up to Thrax, his eyes widening. "It can't be..."
Thrax: [looked at him in disbelief n confusion too] D-Didnt tht guy left aftr u were fired frm the squad...?
Klepta: W-Wat r u guys talking abt? U knw the owner of tht voice?
"I thought he did, I saw him off myself..." Ozzy said, his brows knitting together in confusion. "What's he doing here... and helping /her/..." he mumbled, as Edison looked somewhat shaken by having to re live the day.
Klepta: [held Edison close, rubbing his bk to calm him dwn] Es ist in Ordnung, es ist OK, es ist vorbei. Ich bin hier, meine Liebe (It's OK, it's OK, it's over. I'm here, my love)
Rodeo: Sono otoko wa daredesu ka? (Who is that guy) Anyone gonna tell us, desu ne?
"Ich nicht ... meinen Berechnungen ... das sollte nicht passieren." [I failed... my calculations... this wasn't supposed to happen.] Edison whimpered, burying his head in his hands.
Ozzy sighed softly, rubbing his head before he looked to his family. "He... He's a cold pill, from my orginal body. But I have no idea why or how he's here."
Klepta: [shook his head] It wasn't... Bt it was definitely Big Mama... I dont knw why bt I knw it has to do with her [held Edison close] Its alright. Its ovr. I'm here
Thrax: We'll discuss this later. I'll go get Majah's body. U guys hang tight. Rodeo, ur coming with me
Rodeo: Ah, h-hai... [followed behind him, making sure they both got dressed in extra layer clothing before they braved the snowstorm]
"Be careful... They'll be on alert now... It won't be safe..." Ozzy said, glancing over at Edison.
Edison buried himself against Klepta, whimpering softly. He still couldn't get over it.
Thrax: [nodded n kissed Ozzy's forehead n left with Rodeo]
Klepta: [helped Edison up n led him bk to their room]
Edison followed after Klepta, mumbling to him in broken English and German.
Edison looked terrible when he came into view. Majah's blood on his coat and smeared across his face, looking pale and shaking.
Klepta: [gasped as he approached him worriedly] Eddie! Eddie, r u hurt?? R u OK?? [checked him for wounds, which there weren't any] Eddie...? Where's Majah?
Edison began to shake harder, biting his lip as he dropped the lead. "... D-Dead..."
Klepta: [saw the snow getting more] Come inside, Eddie. We'll talk later [led him upstairs, ignoring all the surprised stares they got frm the gang as he brought him to the bathroom to give him a hot shower]
"Hy, Hy need to go back!" Edison insisted as he was lead through the cabin, feeling so cold to the touch from being out so long. "I kan't chust leave his body dere..."
Klepta: U let the others worry abt it. Let's get u cleaned first, then we'll talk n decide wat to do [ran the showerhead n put the water to mildly hot before undressing Edison n started rinsing his body off the blood]
Edison still couldn't stop shaking, he looked terrified, panic clear on his face. He couldn't believe someone died in his arms, he couldn't believe it all went wrong. His calculations were perfect, how could they go this wrong?
Klepta: [was visibly worried wen he tried to scrub him clean of the blood. He wished he could read Edison's mind like Oz did...Oz, he would knw wat to see n wat had happened. He rinsed off the soap n dried him before letting get dressed wtih some warm clothes] Come, we'll need Oz [took his hand n led him dwnstairs] Oz, doll, I'm gonna need ur help
Nessie: [was frolicking ard Oz's feet, glad to be home n wtih his mommy]
Edison was still a mess, worrying over himself, over his calculations. He had never been wrong before and now it'd gotten someone killed.
Ozzy looked up from petting and playing with Nessie, looking confused until he saw the scared Virus. "What's wrong?"
Rodeo: Daijobu ka, Klepta nii-san?
Rouge: Ne, ne, hv u heard? Oz to-chan wa...
Klepta: Not now. Oz, I need ur mind-reading. Help me see wat Eddie has seen, n help him project it to us. I need to knw wat happened
Thrax: Woah, slow dwn there, Klept. Oz is not in a condition to do anything. He's with child, my child
Ozzy was about to answer, though froze, his mouth closing as his eyes widened, his cheeks heating up with embarrassment as Thrax spilt the beans. "Thrax! I told you!"
Rouge: Moh~ U stole my line, Thrax ottoto-chan!
Thrax: [blinked at Oz] Wat? We've already told the twins, so far only Klept n Eddie doesnt knw. Wat's the big deal? N its true, I'm not abt to let u exhaust urself with ur powers in ur condition
"Yeah, but! Not to just spring it on them... plus it's not important right now... Edison needs help." Ozzy said, frowning a little as he stepped closer to Edison. "It might be better if he sits down, it can exhaust him too."
Thrax: [frowned bt he knew better than to get in Oz's way wen he set his mind to it, bt sat close to Oz just in case]
Klepta: Uh, well, congrats, btw... [sat Edison dwn on the cushion at the floor] Just relax, OK, Eddie?
Edison blinked, finally snapping out of it as Ozzy knelt in front of him, looking confused.
"It's okay Eddie, it won't hurt, just close your eyes and relax." Ozzy said, though worried, Edison did as he was told. Reaching out, Ozzy placed both his hands on Edison's face, cupping his cheeks as he closed his own eyes.
[the scene soon played out like a video recording, n with Oz's projection powers, evryone else could see it too as the scene unfold: Majah parking the car, Majah leading Edison to the said entrance, Majah watching as Edison cracked the code, then Majah leading the way to the control panel, then the voice of the figure as he blasted a hole into Majah's gut...all tht had happened was played out for the gang, with only one thing tht was familiar to both Oz n Thrax; they couldnt see the owner of the voice as he was in the shadows, bt they recognize it all too well...It was Drix's voice]
As that voice played out, Ozzy jerked his hands back with a gasp, like he had been hurt. He looked to his hands, before looking at a confused Edison's face, then up to Thrax, his eyes widening. "It can't be..."
Thrax: [looked at him in disbelief n confusion too] D-Didnt tht guy left aftr u were fired frm the squad...?
Klepta: W-Wat r u guys talking abt? U knw the owner of tht voice?
"I thought he did, I saw him off myself..." Ozzy said, his brows knitting together in confusion. "What's he doing here... and helping /her/..." he mumbled, as Edison looked somewhat shaken by having to re live the day.
Klepta: [held Edison close, rubbing his bk to calm him dwn] Es ist in Ordnung, es ist OK, es ist vorbei. Ich bin hier, meine Liebe (It's OK, it's OK, it's over. I'm here, my love)
Rodeo: Sono otoko wa daredesu ka? (Who is that guy) Anyone gonna tell us, desu ne?
"Ich nicht ... meinen Berechnungen ... das sollte nicht passieren." [I failed... my calculations... this wasn't supposed to happen.] Edison whimpered, burying his head in his hands.
Ozzy sighed softly, rubbing his head before he looked to his family. "He... He's a cold pill, from my orginal body. But I have no idea why or how he's here."
Klepta: [shook his head] It wasn't... Bt it was definitely Big Mama... I dont knw why bt I knw it has to do with her [held Edison close] Its alright. Its ovr. I'm here
Thrax: We'll discuss this later. I'll go get Majah's body. U guys hang tight. Rodeo, ur coming with me
Rodeo: Ah, h-hai... [followed behind him, making sure they both got dressed in extra layer clothing before they braved the snowstorm]
"Be careful... They'll be on alert now... It won't be safe..." Ozzy said, glancing over at Edison.
Edison buried himself against Klepta, whimpering softly. He still couldn't get over it.
Thrax: [nodded n kissed Ozzy's forehead n left with Rodeo]
Klepta: [helped Edison up n led him bk to their room]
Edison followed after Klepta, mumbling to him in broken English and German.
osmosis jones
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
I Almost Said I Love You-Chapter 221
Edison typed away on his laptop with one hand, the other sliding into his pocket to pull out what seemed to be a lollipop, popping it into his mouth as he stared at his screen. He soon looked up though with a loud suck, looking out the window. "Are ve here?"
Majah: Yes, bt we need to find a plc to park so tht we won't be conspicious abt it [looked ard to chk any availble secluded parking areas]
Edison nodded and glanced around, before he gestured to one nearby that seemed about half full, so the car wouldn't really stand out. "Vat about dere?"
Majah: [looked at where he was pointing, n nodded] Yeah, tht could be a good spot [drove the car right into that spot n parked in] Nice. Good eyes, kiddo [ruffled his hair affectionately]
Edison blinked before he flushed slightly, grumbling and trying to fix his messy hair. "Ja, vatever..." he mumbled before he packed up his laptop and got out of the car.
Majah: [opened his door to block his passage] Ah ah ah, dont go barging in like tht, kiddo. Lemme take the lead [led the way as he scout the area for any hidden cameras n blind spots, then slowly did a run-cover-run-cover motion till they got to the security door]
Edison grumbled, but followed his lead, having pulled his hood over his head to keep his face hidden. Once at the security door, he glanced around before moving to the security system, checking it over before he got out his laptop again and connected it up to the system. Typing away, he hummed to himself, looking over the screen. "Dis ist... surprisingly easy..."
Majah: Reli? Well, lets just hope it's not too easy. Easy usually means there's trouble up ahead [kept a lookout, making sure no one was coming their way]
Edison nodded slowly as he soon had the door unlocked, frowning a little. He wasn't that knowledgable on real life events, but usually an easy lock meant trouble behind the door.
Majah: [stood ahead of Edison, keeping him at arm's length for anything tht might ambush them, whispered] U wanna go in n chk it out, scope out some more to see anything tht can be breached?
Edison nodded, pulling the wires free and following Majah inside the darkened hallway, looking around for anything that would be of use.
Majah: [whispered] I remember u telling me tht there is a control panel somewhere tht shuts dwn the power. Tell me the directions n I'll lead u there. Bt don't shut off the power just yet. Ur here to observe n collect data. It'll be useful for u later for the upcoming war
Edison nodded, going back to his laptop and searching before trying to explain where to go.
Majah: [followed the directions n soon found themselves at the control panel, the thing tht powered the entire electrical synapes system of the entire brain, whistled] Woah, u could pretty much just turn this off n ur done with this body, it'll be dead within seconds. Easy peasy. Alright, go n do watevr observation u need, kiddo [made way for Edison]
Edison gave a little grin and moved over to the main power. He got his cables and connected his gear to the brain system. With that, his fingers sped up, going haywire on the keyboard, his eyes scanning the screen with all the information he was taking in.
Majah: [kept his eye out for any ambushes, bt was reli impressed at how lightning speed Edison was with his laptop, typing away like a boss, like it ain't no thing] Wow, I can't evn see ur fingers there, kiddo. Ur fast. No wonder ur brother Klept loves u so much
"Huh?" Edison made a confused noise as the other spoke, but he didn't look away from the screen and his fingers didn't stop their typing.
Majah: [chuckled at how concentrated Edison was n shook his head] Nvm, carry on [tho he had looked away for a moment before he approached by a dark bulky figure frm behind, a weapon aimed onto his bk] Wha...?
Figure: U are charged with treason, Majah. Big Mama says ur services r no longer needed
[a blast was soon heard as watevr the figure was firing onto Majah punctured his abdomen thru n thru, splattering his blood all ovr Edison, causing Majah to cough out more blood]
Majah: K-Kiddo... R-Run... [collapsed to the floor]
As the new voice rang through, Edison looked up, just in time to have Majah's blood splatter all over his face. His eyes widened, a look of horror on his face. "M-majah?" his voice broke, looking up to the culprit of the shooting. This wasn't in his calculation, this wasn't supposed to happen. He yanked out the leads and quickly put the laptop away. Without warning, two thick spikes shot out towards him. There was no way he could run, he had to think strategically.
Figure: [aimed his weapon at Edison, keeping in the shadows] U are coming with me, Edison Roja
Majah: [coughed as he struggled to get up, then threw himself onto the figure, keeping him frm stopping Edison escaping] Go, kiddo... RUN!!
Edison panicked, watching, hesitating before he made a break for it. "Hym sorry!" he called out as he remembered the route back to the exit.
[so far, on the way bk out, there were no obstacles or ppl ambushing Edison, n once out, the car was right where they left it, n thankfully Majah had left the keys in the car]
Edison didn't stop running until he got to the car. Stopping, he panted, trembling a little. He was terrified, he'd never been in a serious fight before, and he was a defence fighter when he sparred with his brothers.
[it was almost 15 mins of eternity tht Majah was slowly seen at a distance, hobbling ovr towards the car with a gushing wound on his belly, bleeding profusely]
Majah: [coughed a bit n fell onto the boot of the car before slumping to the ground]
"Majah!" Edison called out, rushing over and kneeling down. He rolled him over onto his back and removed his coat before he pulled his hoodie off, using it to stem the bleeding. "Crap, crap, crap... Dis vasn't supposed to happen, this vasn't in my calculations! "
Majah: [cough] Its...Its OK...No p-plan is...p-perfect... [cough] I...managed to hold him...at bay... N...N then I played dead... [cough cough] He was...gonna go aftr u...wen he got a call...n gave up the chase...I was so worried [cough] He would've caught u... [pukes out more blood]
"Majah! Majah, stay vit me!" Edison called out to him, pressing down on the wound. "Please, Hyu kant die!"
Majah: [chuckled thru the blood] Its too late... I dont feel my link with my dog... I think she's officially dead, prolly... [cough] Big Mama did her in... aftr wat just happened... [cough cough] N u already knw this would happen either way... I am already a dead man walking frm the beginning... [coughed, then reached his hand up to stroke Edison's cheek] Such a shame... Tht we all first met...under such hostile circumstances...Me hurting Oz and all... Or...Or I would've... [cough] made u mine instead of...ur brother...
"Majah, don't be stupid! Hyu... Hyu kan get though this! P-please!" Edison sobbed as he tried to stop the blood. "Please!" he whimpered, his eyes widening at his words. "M-majah...!"
Majah: [smiled despite the blood n pain] At least...At least I did something for u...Something real nice for u...before I go... [cough cough] Tell Oz...Thanks for...granting my last request...and...u...being here...in my last moments... Thank u... [leans upwards the best he could n captured Edison's lips, kissing him gently before he let out a last exhale, his life slipped away as he fell limp in Edison's arms]
"M-Majah? O-oi, Majah! Majah, vake up!" Edison called out, shaking the virus as he fell limp in his arms, his eyes widening, feeling his eyes starting to burn with tears. He whimpered and looked around, not able to see anyone. He didn't know how to get back, he couldn't even drive, and he couldn't just leave Majah's body here.
Nessie: [was left behind in the car n yapped, pawing the door, wanting to get out, poking his nose out the slightly opened window]
Edison looked up, his eyes still wide before he reached out, opening the door for the pup to get out. "Nessie, Hy... Hy don know vat to do..."
Nessie: [sees the dead Majah n whined a bit, then duck bk into the car to get out the leash n held it up for Edison, as if telling him to put it on him so he could lead him home]
"But... but ve kan't chust... leave him here." Edison said, biting his lip before he got an idea. He got up, moving the virus' dead body into the back of the car, laying him down there with his bloodied hoodie covering him before he closed the door. "Ve... have to kome back... ve get other's first, okay?"
Nessie: [yapped, then wagged his tail, waiting for Edison to fit the leash on him so they can go home]
Edison nodded, grabbing the leash with shaky hands. It took him a moment to attach the leash but he soon had hold of the lead, ready for Nessie to lead him back.
Nessie: [homing instincts kicking in, he led Edison dwn the road at a steady pace, back-tracking the scent of Majah's car n sniffing abt to find the way home. It took longer to get bk on foot than by car, bt they managed to reach home just right before nightfall]
Majah: Yes, bt we need to find a plc to park so tht we won't be conspicious abt it [looked ard to chk any availble secluded parking areas]
Edison nodded and glanced around, before he gestured to one nearby that seemed about half full, so the car wouldn't really stand out. "Vat about dere?"
Majah: [looked at where he was pointing, n nodded] Yeah, tht could be a good spot [drove the car right into that spot n parked in] Nice. Good eyes, kiddo [ruffled his hair affectionately]
Edison blinked before he flushed slightly, grumbling and trying to fix his messy hair. "Ja, vatever..." he mumbled before he packed up his laptop and got out of the car.
Majah: [opened his door to block his passage] Ah ah ah, dont go barging in like tht, kiddo. Lemme take the lead [led the way as he scout the area for any hidden cameras n blind spots, then slowly did a run-cover-run-cover motion till they got to the security door]
Edison grumbled, but followed his lead, having pulled his hood over his head to keep his face hidden. Once at the security door, he glanced around before moving to the security system, checking it over before he got out his laptop again and connected it up to the system. Typing away, he hummed to himself, looking over the screen. "Dis ist... surprisingly easy..."
Majah: Reli? Well, lets just hope it's not too easy. Easy usually means there's trouble up ahead [kept a lookout, making sure no one was coming their way]
Edison nodded slowly as he soon had the door unlocked, frowning a little. He wasn't that knowledgable on real life events, but usually an easy lock meant trouble behind the door.
Majah: [stood ahead of Edison, keeping him at arm's length for anything tht might ambush them, whispered] U wanna go in n chk it out, scope out some more to see anything tht can be breached?
Edison nodded, pulling the wires free and following Majah inside the darkened hallway, looking around for anything that would be of use.
Majah: [whispered] I remember u telling me tht there is a control panel somewhere tht shuts dwn the power. Tell me the directions n I'll lead u there. Bt don't shut off the power just yet. Ur here to observe n collect data. It'll be useful for u later for the upcoming war
Edison nodded, going back to his laptop and searching before trying to explain where to go.
Majah: [followed the directions n soon found themselves at the control panel, the thing tht powered the entire electrical synapes system of the entire brain, whistled] Woah, u could pretty much just turn this off n ur done with this body, it'll be dead within seconds. Easy peasy. Alright, go n do watevr observation u need, kiddo [made way for Edison]
Edison gave a little grin and moved over to the main power. He got his cables and connected his gear to the brain system. With that, his fingers sped up, going haywire on the keyboard, his eyes scanning the screen with all the information he was taking in.
Majah: [kept his eye out for any ambushes, bt was reli impressed at how lightning speed Edison was with his laptop, typing away like a boss, like it ain't no thing] Wow, I can't evn see ur fingers there, kiddo. Ur fast. No wonder ur brother Klept loves u so much
"Huh?" Edison made a confused noise as the other spoke, but he didn't look away from the screen and his fingers didn't stop their typing.
Majah: [chuckled at how concentrated Edison was n shook his head] Nvm, carry on [tho he had looked away for a moment before he approached by a dark bulky figure frm behind, a weapon aimed onto his bk] Wha...?
Figure: U are charged with treason, Majah. Big Mama says ur services r no longer needed
[a blast was soon heard as watevr the figure was firing onto Majah punctured his abdomen thru n thru, splattering his blood all ovr Edison, causing Majah to cough out more blood]
Majah: K-Kiddo... R-Run... [collapsed to the floor]
As the new voice rang through, Edison looked up, just in time to have Majah's blood splatter all over his face. His eyes widened, a look of horror on his face. "M-majah?" his voice broke, looking up to the culprit of the shooting. This wasn't in his calculation, this wasn't supposed to happen. He yanked out the leads and quickly put the laptop away. Without warning, two thick spikes shot out towards him. There was no way he could run, he had to think strategically.
Figure: [aimed his weapon at Edison, keeping in the shadows] U are coming with me, Edison Roja
Majah: [coughed as he struggled to get up, then threw himself onto the figure, keeping him frm stopping Edison escaping] Go, kiddo... RUN!!
Edison panicked, watching, hesitating before he made a break for it. "Hym sorry!" he called out as he remembered the route back to the exit.
[so far, on the way bk out, there were no obstacles or ppl ambushing Edison, n once out, the car was right where they left it, n thankfully Majah had left the keys in the car]
Edison didn't stop running until he got to the car. Stopping, he panted, trembling a little. He was terrified, he'd never been in a serious fight before, and he was a defence fighter when he sparred with his brothers.
[it was almost 15 mins of eternity tht Majah was slowly seen at a distance, hobbling ovr towards the car with a gushing wound on his belly, bleeding profusely]
Majah: [coughed a bit n fell onto the boot of the car before slumping to the ground]
"Majah!" Edison called out, rushing over and kneeling down. He rolled him over onto his back and removed his coat before he pulled his hoodie off, using it to stem the bleeding. "Crap, crap, crap... Dis vasn't supposed to happen, this vasn't in my calculations! "
Majah: [cough] Its...Its OK...No p-plan is...p-perfect... [cough] I...managed to hold him...at bay... N...N then I played dead... [cough cough] He was...gonna go aftr u...wen he got a call...n gave up the chase...I was so worried [cough] He would've caught u... [pukes out more blood]
"Majah! Majah, stay vit me!" Edison called out to him, pressing down on the wound. "Please, Hyu kant die!"
Majah: [chuckled thru the blood] Its too late... I dont feel my link with my dog... I think she's officially dead, prolly... [cough] Big Mama did her in... aftr wat just happened... [cough cough] N u already knw this would happen either way... I am already a dead man walking frm the beginning... [coughed, then reached his hand up to stroke Edison's cheek] Such a shame... Tht we all first met...under such hostile circumstances...Me hurting Oz and all... Or...Or I would've... [cough] made u mine instead of...ur brother...
"Majah, don't be stupid! Hyu... Hyu kan get though this! P-please!" Edison sobbed as he tried to stop the blood. "Please!" he whimpered, his eyes widening at his words. "M-majah...!"
Majah: [smiled despite the blood n pain] At least...At least I did something for u...Something real nice for u...before I go... [cough cough] Tell Oz...Thanks for...granting my last request...and...u...being here...in my last moments... Thank u... [leans upwards the best he could n captured Edison's lips, kissing him gently before he let out a last exhale, his life slipped away as he fell limp in Edison's arms]
"M-Majah? O-oi, Majah! Majah, vake up!" Edison called out, shaking the virus as he fell limp in his arms, his eyes widening, feeling his eyes starting to burn with tears. He whimpered and looked around, not able to see anyone. He didn't know how to get back, he couldn't even drive, and he couldn't just leave Majah's body here.
Nessie: [was left behind in the car n yapped, pawing the door, wanting to get out, poking his nose out the slightly opened window]
Edison looked up, his eyes still wide before he reached out, opening the door for the pup to get out. "Nessie, Hy... Hy don know vat to do..."
Nessie: [sees the dead Majah n whined a bit, then duck bk into the car to get out the leash n held it up for Edison, as if telling him to put it on him so he could lead him home]
"But... but ve kan't chust... leave him here." Edison said, biting his lip before he got an idea. He got up, moving the virus' dead body into the back of the car, laying him down there with his bloodied hoodie covering him before he closed the door. "Ve... have to kome back... ve get other's first, okay?"
Nessie: [yapped, then wagged his tail, waiting for Edison to fit the leash on him so they can go home]
Edison nodded, grabbing the leash with shaky hands. It took him a moment to attach the leash but he soon had hold of the lead, ready for Nessie to lead him back.
Nessie: [homing instincts kicking in, he led Edison dwn the road at a steady pace, back-tracking the scent of Majah's car n sniffing abt to find the way home. It took longer to get bk on foot than by car, bt they managed to reach home just right before nightfall]
osmosis jones
Monday, September 16, 2019
I Almost Said I Love You-Chapter 220
[the nxt day, as per the dart tht Edison had stuck outside his window sill, Majah had arrived, bt realized no one has awoken, he helped himself to the stew tht Oz cooked tht was still simmering on the stove]
It wasn't long before Edison awoke, his stomach waking him up. He headed for the kitchen, wrapped up in baggy clothes to hide himself and keep warm.
Majah: [was sipping his stew slowly wen Edison came dwn. As soon as he heard footsteps n smelled his scent, he smiled n voiced out] Hey there. I got ur msg
Edison blinked sleepily, rubbing at his eye before he nodded at him. "Vould of never of guessed..." he teased in a tired tone, moving to find something small to eat.
Majah: [chuckled as he continued eating] So I take it frm the dart u put outside ur window sill tht ur ready?
Edison yawned, getting his snack before he nodded, glancing back at the virus. "Looks dat vay... Need to get on vit it..."
Majah: So it'll be surveillance for now, scouting the area [looked abt the floor] Where's Nessie? Ur brother promised me tht Nessie can come along for our scouting mission
"Hy need to get... Close as possible. Need to check security." Edison said slowly, English was hard when he was tired. "Don't know... Haven't seen him in while..."
Majah: I'll go find him. U take ur time to get ready [finished his stew n got up to look for the pup, whistling for him]
Edison nodded and got himself a drink, gulping it down. He soon headed off to get dressed, he hoped he had something warm to wear.
Klepta: [was slowly stirring wen he heard Edison walked abt to get dressed] Nnhh..? Mein bruder? Eddie? U awake?
Edison blinked, pulling on a hoodie as Klepta awoke, turning to face him. "Ja, Majah here, Hy go surveillance..." he said, pulling on his long jacket.
Klepta: [got up n held him close] U sure ur gonna be OK? I can't help worrying abt u. I lost our baby, I can't bear to lose u too
"Hy have to, Hy only one can do... Hy get into system, weaken them." Edison said, biting his lip as he felt him holding him close.
Klepta: OK, be careful. Is Nessie going with u as promised?
Edison nodded, pulling away from him before collecting his equipment that he needed. "Majah finding him."
Klepta: [nodded] Alright. Take care [leaned in close n kissed him on the cheek] For luck
Edison blinked and flushed, flailing at him. He was trying to be the bad ass hacker right now, he didn't need cute smooches! Grumbling, he turned and headed out with his stuff, looking around for Majah.
Majah: [had found Nessie lingering abt in the hallway playing with Chico near Thrax n Ozzy's room n grabbed the scruff of his neck gently] Hey there, mutt. Mission time. Time to get cracking
Edison waited by the door, checking through his stuff to make sure he had everything he needed. Well, he needed more, but he couldn't really bring all his equipment with him.
Majah: [led Nessie dwnstairs, n sees Edison waiting] Oh we're going out bk. I got my ride parked ovr there a few blocks dwn [gestured him to come with him]
Edison blinked before he nodded, lifting his bag and heading off with the bigger virus. "Vy so far avay?"
Majah: Well, I'm supposed to be spying on u guys, so it wouldnt be wise for a spy to park so near their target, right? I gotta at least look the part [led him dwn the few blocks to his ride, which is a Beetle-ish car tht had been infected to look viral, just like how Thrax does to hot wire a ride] Here we are. Get in there, boy [let Nessie climbed into the backseat]
Edison looked over the car, making a face at it. Sure it was viral, but it was so... dorky. He moved to the passanger seat and climbed in, setting his bag on his lap. He was... excited, finally getting to do something he was good at.
Majah: [chuckled] Dont look at me. Big Mama gave me this car to use. Shall we, evryone? [started the car]
"Hyu could of... modded it." Edison mumbled as he got out his laptop and began to work already, stuff that he had been planning, information he had already been able to obtain, layouts of everything but the main issue. "Hy have to get in..." he mumbled to himself.
Majah: This is the best I can mod by far. Beggars cant be choosers [drove the car dwn to the said location where Edison had researched n planned his thing for tht security area]
It wasn't long before Edison awoke, his stomach waking him up. He headed for the kitchen, wrapped up in baggy clothes to hide himself and keep warm.
Majah: [was sipping his stew slowly wen Edison came dwn. As soon as he heard footsteps n smelled his scent, he smiled n voiced out] Hey there. I got ur msg
Edison blinked sleepily, rubbing at his eye before he nodded at him. "Vould of never of guessed..." he teased in a tired tone, moving to find something small to eat.
Majah: [chuckled as he continued eating] So I take it frm the dart u put outside ur window sill tht ur ready?
Edison yawned, getting his snack before he nodded, glancing back at the virus. "Looks dat vay... Need to get on vit it..."
Majah: So it'll be surveillance for now, scouting the area [looked abt the floor] Where's Nessie? Ur brother promised me tht Nessie can come along for our scouting mission
"Hy need to get... Close as possible. Need to check security." Edison said slowly, English was hard when he was tired. "Don't know... Haven't seen him in while..."
Majah: I'll go find him. U take ur time to get ready [finished his stew n got up to look for the pup, whistling for him]
Edison nodded and got himself a drink, gulping it down. He soon headed off to get dressed, he hoped he had something warm to wear.
Klepta: [was slowly stirring wen he heard Edison walked abt to get dressed] Nnhh..? Mein bruder? Eddie? U awake?
Edison blinked, pulling on a hoodie as Klepta awoke, turning to face him. "Ja, Majah here, Hy go surveillance..." he said, pulling on his long jacket.
Klepta: [got up n held him close] U sure ur gonna be OK? I can't help worrying abt u. I lost our baby, I can't bear to lose u too
"Hy have to, Hy only one can do... Hy get into system, weaken them." Edison said, biting his lip as he felt him holding him close.
Klepta: OK, be careful. Is Nessie going with u as promised?
Edison nodded, pulling away from him before collecting his equipment that he needed. "Majah finding him."
Klepta: [nodded] Alright. Take care [leaned in close n kissed him on the cheek] For luck
Edison blinked and flushed, flailing at him. He was trying to be the bad ass hacker right now, he didn't need cute smooches! Grumbling, he turned and headed out with his stuff, looking around for Majah.
Majah: [had found Nessie lingering abt in the hallway playing with Chico near Thrax n Ozzy's room n grabbed the scruff of his neck gently] Hey there, mutt. Mission time. Time to get cracking
Edison waited by the door, checking through his stuff to make sure he had everything he needed. Well, he needed more, but he couldn't really bring all his equipment with him.
Majah: [led Nessie dwnstairs, n sees Edison waiting] Oh we're going out bk. I got my ride parked ovr there a few blocks dwn [gestured him to come with him]
Edison blinked before he nodded, lifting his bag and heading off with the bigger virus. "Vy so far avay?"
Majah: Well, I'm supposed to be spying on u guys, so it wouldnt be wise for a spy to park so near their target, right? I gotta at least look the part [led him dwn the few blocks to his ride, which is a Beetle-ish car tht had been infected to look viral, just like how Thrax does to hot wire a ride] Here we are. Get in there, boy [let Nessie climbed into the backseat]
Edison looked over the car, making a face at it. Sure it was viral, but it was so... dorky. He moved to the passanger seat and climbed in, setting his bag on his lap. He was... excited, finally getting to do something he was good at.
Majah: [chuckled] Dont look at me. Big Mama gave me this car to use. Shall we, evryone? [started the car]
"Hyu could of... modded it." Edison mumbled as he got out his laptop and began to work already, stuff that he had been planning, information he had already been able to obtain, layouts of everything but the main issue. "Hy have to get in..." he mumbled to himself.
Majah: This is the best I can mod by far. Beggars cant be choosers [drove the car dwn to the said location where Edison had researched n planned his thing for tht security area]
osmosis jones